2022 12 24 08 23

The American Neocons are setting the world up for global confrontation

Christmas weekend, and strange things inside of China. We are all on the Coronavirus mend, and a bunch of things moving into place by a crazy insane United States madness. I am going to move the MM site towards new formats, and move away from the “New Beginnings” style, and things are going to be slightly different in the coming year.

Have a great week!

He has such a great handle on the big social issues. Education. Science. Race. That vaccine bit. “Fuck you we aren’t taking it.” Oh my God! Brilliant!

Hungary says NO to decoupling from China

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said initiatives in Brussels backing a “decoupling” with China are “a huge mistake”, fielding questions at a year-end international press conference on Wednesday, according to a report by news agency MTI.

“We must do everything in the interest of ensuring that economic ties between China and Europe and China and Hungary function as well as possible,” Orbán said, adding that Hungary “firmly backs” cooperation with countries in the East as well as in the West.

He said that China is a producer of “the world’s most modern technologies” and has “know-how that is fresher than what we have”. “Hungary needs that technological knowledge for capabilities and production chains,” he added.

Orbán noted that China and South Korea have alternated as the top foreign investors in Hungary in recent years.

“We not only want [China] to create jobs and value in Hungary, we also want to go to China and invest there,” he said.

Asked if a local campus for China’s Fudan University is still on the agenda, Orbán said Asia is on the rise, and if Hungarians don’t understand the Asian concept of economy, the country won’t be able to cooperate with economies in Asia.

Student Shares Pics From Art Book In Christian College, The Censorship Is Beyond Ridiculous

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Art students at Pensacola Christian College are, according to the college’s website, “equipped to share Christ through the visual arts, music, or dramatic performance.” Fair enough. A rather niche area of study, but each to their own, right?

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Art history features prominently in the curriculum, as students are encouraged to gain a biblically supported understanding of the arts. What a wondrous world awaits the student! Feasting on the fruits of human imagination since the dawn of time, they will learn all about the life and times of some true icons of mankind, from Michelangelo and Da Vinci to Van Gogh, Picasso and Dali. Talk about putting the fun back into fundamentalist Christian schooling!

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However, not is all as it seems. Denial of history is a common tactic among the more hardcore religiously-minded, and while it’s not exactly the Taliban blowing up ancient statues of Buddha in Afghanistan, feeling the need to censor the slightest hint of cleavage on the Mona Lisa is sensitivity bordering on the extreme.

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How are students supposed to learn the history of art when the realities of the times are fastidiously covered up? Someone, somewhere, had the onerous task of ‘clothing’ an entire textbook’s worth of iconic figures deemed too ‘risque’ by the prudish art department, with classical genitals, boobs and bums crudely drawn over in black marker.

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The results are sad for the students, whose worldview is tragically limited by the religious police, but quite hilarious for us, as we see the lengths that some Christians will go to maintain their ideological ‘purity.’

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Pensacola Christian College is located in Pensacola, Florida and was founded in 1974. Their goal is to “train young men and women in higher education for a life of service to Jesus Christ,” and to “promote the cause of Christ by providing a distinctively Christian-traditional, liberal arts education that develops students spiritually, intellectually, morally, culturally, and socially.”

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The school is free to teach as it chooses, but what do you think about this kind of censorship? What do you think that sheltering students from reality like this, hopes to achieve? Let us know what you think in the comments!

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Macaroni Tomato Soup

“Cheesy Goodness!!! Oh My, is this good! The cheese topping makes this soup! The ingredients make a winning combination for a hearty meal. As a side use crusty bread, ritz crackers or saltine crackers.”

2022 12 23 20 49
2022 12 23 20 49



  • Sautee onions. Brown ground beef and drain.
  • Place onions and browned beef in a large stoup pot with lid. Add stewed tomatoes, tomato sauce, macaroni noodles, worcestershire sauce, Italian seasoning, brown sugar, salt and water.
  • Simmer on a low boil covered for 30 minutes until noodles are done.
  • Place in serving bowls and top with cheese. (Soup must be hot enough to melt cheese.).
  • Note: A can of diced tomatoes may be used, but the can with the label reading “stewed” is best. Also, noodles may be cooked, then added.
2022 12 23 20 51
2022 12 23 20 51

Wang Yi receives a call from Antony J. Blinken:


Secretary Blinken’s Call with People’s Republic of China (PRC) State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi – United States Department of State

Blinken Raises China’s Covid ‘Transparency’ in Call With Wang Yi

The US: “Yeah, it’s me. We made an appointment for this call. ”

China: “You should not point fingers and challenge our bottom line again and again. We can’t negotiate like this, you knew that’s not working. Our two countries met last time. At least try to make some progress or you’re wasting time here.”

The US: “I only follow the rules I set when I associate with you.”

China: “Huh, the whole world doesn’t want to see that. you had tried and you can’t win.”

The US: “How about this, I’ll keep my way on your Taiwan issue as always, and you’ll sell whatever I want to me as always.”

[China/The US: an embarrassed silence]

[American media: Pretend not to hear all above]

The US: “Oh. At least we should talk something that can be written on newspaper. Good job in environmental protection. We’ll do that too.”

China: “Thanks. We’ll keep it that way.”

The US: “Tell me about Ukraine. Russia is so evil, why don’t you do something with it?”

China: “We are trying to make both sides seek reconciliation in accordance with the United Nations Charter, and not in the mood to make it more troublesome.”

The US: “ We have exaggerated the death toll of China to the American people. We have said that you just had a mess and everyone against you. Cooperate with us so that we can sell you the vaccine.”

China: “sigh…” [hang up the phone]

The US: “Hello? Hello? Damn!”

Can’t understand why people are still uncertain about it.

China had to do these on its own – develop its nuclear power, its gps and its space program. How long would it take to catch up and produce its own EUV machine?

Will American sanctions “strangle” China? Consider this.

  • Global semiconductor demand – about 95% – can make do with the 14 nm plus chips. If ever, its a newer and fancier consumer product like a new IPhone delayed. So what? It would really save a lot of people money not to have to “upgrade”.
  • Semiconductor chips for AI and cloud technologies can actually be designed and produced using alternative technology – like photonics – that are more powerful and energy efficient. Who knows, experts have been claiming current semiconductor technology and Moore’s Law will be reaching its limit within this decade, China might just be able to develop the next generation semiconductor platform to replace silicon wafers. Several alternative materials – like graphene polymer composites – can be integrated into a range of photonic systems. They are exploring all these while also working on replicating a EUV machine.
  • Advanced chips denied to China military. So what? They’re not competing to overtake the U.S. military. The PLA can make do with the larger chips in the meantime and still be competitive. It’s the U.S. that is trying to catch up – in hypersonic missiles and satellite technology.

Consider this also. China denied the U.S. request to participate in its space program. They can do the same to all the U.S., Taiwanese, Japanese and Dutch companies who may want to be included when China has its own self sufficient semiconductor ecosystem. All these should be happening within this decade.

Who’s willing to bet against this?

China, Russia hold joint military drill in East China Sea


The naval forces of China and Russia have launched a one-week joint exercise off the coast of the Chinese Zhejiang Province in the East China Sea.

“This joint exercise is directed at demonstrating the determination and capability of the two sides to jointly respond to maritime security threats… and further deepen the China-Russia comprehensive new-era strategic partnership of coordination,” China’s Eastern Theater Command of the People’s Liberation Army said in a short statement posted on Monday.

The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement also posted on Monday that the warships involved in the joint naval exercise included the Varyag missile cruiser, the Marshal Shaposhnikov destroyer, and two corvette-class ships of Russia’s Pacific Fleet.

The ministry added that the Chinese side would deploy several of its surface warships, plus a submarine to take part in the joint naval exercise.

In addition, military aircraft from both sides will be taking part in the joint exercise from Wednesday until next Tuesday.

Meanwhile, China and Russia have stepped up joint military exercises as part of their aligning of foreign policies to oppose the US hegemony. Earlier this year, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow had placed its focus on developing relations with Beijing.

Amid the recent tensions between Beijing and Washington over the US’ political and military interference in Taipei, Russia strongly backed China.

Since Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, described the friendship between the two as having “no limits,” Washington has become more vigilant about the relations between Beijing and Moscow.

The Biden administration has been sending heavy weaponry to Ukraine and shared military intelligence with the embattled government in Kiev since war began in the country, despite warnings by Moscow against US interference.

Is it legal for American COVID vaccine companies to sell vaccines to mainland China? The Chinese vaccine looks ineffective.

The fact speaks the truth.

The covid death rate in Vietnam is 436 per million population while the covid death rate in Cambodia is 178 per million population.

Vietnam and Cambodia are located next to each other. Vietnam practically has used 100% American vaccines while Cambodia used practically 100% Sinovac.

As a side note, the US used American vaccines plus American freedom. And that’s why the covid death rate in the US is 3318. Awesome!

A Few days ago something happened in Beijing

Reporter Brett Sutton of Bloomberg wrote a News Article

“Beijing slowly goes back to Normal amidst Covid 19 concerns”

He mentioned clearly that Beijing was going back to normal, Malls were slowly filling up and the People were starting to have a feel of the Pre Pandemic days

  • The Article was uploaded at 10:43 PM IST (1:13 AM China)
  • Then BOOM at 4:53 AM IST (7:23 AM China) – the Article disappeared

I searched a lot but it vanished.

Then i realized the Article was still there but the Headline had changed

“Beijing stuck in Rut as Crematoriums and Hospitals flooded”

It was edited by some person sitting in USA (or in the West)

The body of the news was virtually the same but the English text was so subtly modified that a positive news article became a negative one.

Brett had said

The Head of Epidemiology said that they were optimistic about the lower severity of the disease and the far lower hospitalizations compared to the Shanghai outbreak that China managed to contan by breaking the chain of transmission

This was completely deleted

Brett had said

The Crematoriums were working at full capacity owing to a severe staff shortage. The Average waiting time was almost 6 hours compared to less than 90 minutes in the Pre Pandemic Days

Thus clearly demonstrating that the Crematoriums were full because of Staff Shortage and not due to extra deaths

This as modified to

The Crematoriums are working at full capacity and it now takes 6 Hours for a family to finish the formalities due to the place being overrun with families mourning their dead.

Now implying that there were lots of Bodies cleverly bypassing the staff shortage

Finally Brett spoke to someone who was identified by name who said

We were prepared for a wave of infections. We had been warned that it would rise to a peak before it would end and we are ready. We are satisfied with the response with the Government and the Fever Clinics have proved very useful. I am just glad we are going bakc to normal at last.

Instead this was deleted and an unknown Source that “did not wish to be named said”

We are scared and worried about the Efficacy of our Vaccines and that we may never go back to normal again. We dont know how many are dying everyday.

Now the Censors Office decided to Summon Brett to their offices and asked him for an explanation

How is it that an Article that you upload at 1 AM changes so dramatically by 7 AM?

The Reporter looked genuinely embarrassed and said –

The Editors are changing the news!!! They are modifying everything off site

Thus Brett who is on the ground and writes reality is being phased out and his article is openly being manipulated into lies by some people in US who want to shape the news as per their narrative

Their Excuse – China is a Authoritarian Nation and is intimidating everyone and hiding stats

Next Question

Who is this Unnamed Source? Produce the Sound Byte File please or the Video please

There was no Unnamed Source and no Sound Byte

That’s how bad things are

The Western Media is SO VICIOUS that they are ignoring whatever comes from their own reporters back in China

The Excuses they make is that the reporters in China are being intimidated or even worse – that anyone who says he is relieved that the lockdowns are ending – is subject to brutal CPC oppression

How can you fight against such an Enemy?

They will write whatever lies they want to and they will ignore all the truth citing some bogus excuse

So China decided to remove them in large numbers

In 12 Provinces – they have limited the Foreign Pasport Holding Reporters to only 20 maximum and have given a deadline to all Western Outlets and other Outlets to produce a list of these “reporters” by 30 December 2022.

Life in China is optimistic today but as cases rise , you don’t want liars who keep making up propaganda all the time

  • Whatever number China gives is a Lie
  • whatever positive a Chinese says is because of Intimidation
  • Negative news is cooked up without Accountability

So best option is to ensure cast iron censorship and expel the reporters completely and control real news

Its the only way to fight these people

Of course you have a better way – the Hebdo Charlie way but China is too dignified to go about the more efficient route that our Religious Fundamentalists follow.

Most people in the US have no idea what’s really going on here, other than what they see in the news — and depending on your political ideology and what your sources of news might be, for sure that’s going to be colored.


The US runs a continuous political game on its citizens in which the world is painted as zero sum, and there have to be winners and losers, and by god we’re going to win and anyone standing between us and victory is The Enemy. And this is completely side-of-aisle agnostic – D, R, X – doesn’t matter. It’s the game. It’s part of the giant distraction that keeps people from looking around and saying “hold on there… how did things get to this state??”

I digress. And yet, not.

China? They’ve got their own agenda. And it’s not completely inscrutable despite what other may say. It’s pretty easy to find the core thesis document — America Against America. You can find it in dead tree or e-book editions, and it’s required reading to understand China’s view on the US. The author, Wang Huang, really wanted to understand the US and man, did he do a deep dive. It’s slightly dated, as most of the footwork was done in the late 80s, but the core? Solid.

Don’t read this if you actually believe that America is the greatest country in the history of the world. And don’t read it if you are not amenable to taking on serious volumes of disconfirmatory information that will make you question well, everything.

What they’re doing with that? Well…. that’s not completely clear. But they are not playing the same game we are — I talk about this a lot, the US and EU and Russia play chess, proxy for “kill the king”, and China plays Go, which is “surround and absorb”. Different modalities, different timelines, and it looks like you’re losing until that final move when you drop one stone and turn the entire board.

Then we’ve got a classic case of “Law of Large Numbers”. If you think that the US has a lock on genius talent, think again. There are about 331M people in the US; there are about 1.4B people in China. If you want to believe that the statistical distribution of “genius” is uniform, which is a solid bet, then China will have 4x more of them than the US; if that terrifies you and you want to stand on “quality of education” then you’re even more fucked because China outperforms the US in math and science education, and is at even levels with reading and social sciences.

Summary: there are more really smart people in China and they’re better educated, and that’s just table stakes. China is objectively planning for the future; the US is objectively playing games to preserve the glories of the past.

Taxes and Greed and Policy, Oh My!

If you press rewind to the 1970s, China is mostly lower level manufacturing and a lot of agriculture, and the US is sending men to the moon. The difference is stark.

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Shenzhen 1970 vs 2020. My. That’s.. different. That’s approximately NYC 1870 to 2020. How?

Well… China has a planned economy, not pure communism. It’s fine for certain people to take ideas and run with them, with the support of the government, and even make a shit ton of money doing it — as long as you’re coloring inside the lines. (Look at Jack Ma, for example)

They also don’t have a governing body that’s perpetually trying to spend money in ways that makes money for the people that are paying the elected officials to be elected. So when someone says “we should have better houses and more cars” then levers get pushed and if you’re favored, you can get government backed loans to build apartment buildings and car factories and fly to Europe and hit partnership deals with major global manufacturers… Same with power systems, and improvements to agriculture and transportation…. if a need is recognized, the appropriate division of the government more or less points and grunts and says “make it so” and steps back, providing funding and encouragement to those who are successful and compliant and well… not that to those who are not.

Here, if we determined that we were by god going to rectify the mistakes of the past and create safe nuclear power… for starters there would a giant “yes we are” / “no we aren’t” political fight, which means nothing could happen for a long time until enough “pork” was packaged to mollify the supporters of the objectors. And then we’d have un-ending lawsuits by others who objected. And then we’d have regulators changing the rules which increased the costs which would lead to massive budget over-runs at at about 2x original price and 5x the original timeline the annual appropriations bill would fail and that would be that.

Kind of a huge advantage, no? To China.


Do you remember these?

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circa 1960, super cheaply made, badly designed transistor radios from Japan were one of the hot ticket items for teens and young professionals – you could listen to the radio station you wanted, using an earpiece, rather than whatever was being played in the room you were in. Cheap injection molded plastic, shitty construction, the post-WW2 zeitgeist was “cheap Japanese junk”…. which, by the 1980s had turned into this

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That’s a Nakamichi Dragon, one of the most sophisticated and precise cassette tape units ever made. About a thousand bucks in 1982 money, there’s still and active market and pristine units are pushing $10k.

How did “Japenese electronics” to from $2 three transistor radios to THAT? (And if you don’t like that example, feel free to substitute say a Honda N600 for an Acura NSX, etc)

China was largely, from the US perspective, cheap manufacturing, once the market shifted in Japan. If you wanted to make high volume electronics, and you didn’t want to do that in a union shop in the US, with US EPA regulations and the like… you needed to find someplace else. China saw an opportunity – strategically – and said “How about we fund some factories to build things?”

By the mid-1980s, the path was set. However, there was still institutionalized distrust of China as a partner — and largely well founded. The trademark and patent protections that US companies could count on in most of the rest of the world were largely non-existent, and you “just knew” when you sent products for manufacture in China that they’d be copied and someone else would be making all the money from selling those copies besides you.

The US figured out that it was strategic to try to fix this, and by 2001 China had joined the WPO and it was at least theoretically possible to protect your IP in China, with appropriate levels of effort (and cash). Going to 2005 and the “Great Wall of Patents” position paper, the US policy shifted again, and we decided to openly license just a metric fuck ton of IP to China, or Chinese companies via the central government, as further inducement for them really get their shit together.

There’s a popular view that China “stole” a ton of IP – the reality is that most of it was a gift. Now, mind you — there remains a bunch of industrial (and possibly state) espionage for acquiring trade secrets, but frankly not disproportionate to that happening elsewhere (note: I’ve never had IP stolen by a Chinese company but I can’t say the same about Silicon Valley)

Anyway. As part of a free interchange of IP, and a ton of government support (which can look like “we need to build a 5nm fab” or “we need housing for 2.4M assembly line workers” or “it would be ever so spiffy if kids could do differential calculus by at 13”), China has progressed.

As of this writing, Chinese companies are right at the top in nearly all fields of endeavor in engineering and technology and manufacturing — and in some cases, we can’t catch them they’re so far ahead BECAUSE WE PAID THEM TO DO THAT.


Arguably, the best chips are from New Mexico and parts of Mexico where the zey mays blue corn is most easily grown. Oh. Damn. I’m thinking about food again. BRB.

Better. As I was saying, the tippy-top leading edge chip fabricatation is in the US and Taiwan. And the leading chip architectures and designs are in the US and the UK.

Apple: chip architecture is ARM (UK), the Mx and Ax chips are designed in California, and the TSMC fabs are in Taiwan. For now.

Samsung: ARM architecture, captive CPU design, captive fabs — but they may be in China as well as Korea.

Huawei: Let’s look at the P30, “phone of the year” in 2019 before the festivities started… ARM Cortex architecture, CPU Kirin 980 captive design, captive fab. And weirdly, the phone was mostly made in Japan(!)

So when the Trump administration decided to “get tough” on China, and cut off key chips from Qualcomm and licenses for ARM chipsets and the like… what would you guess the Chinese response might be? “Ohhhse noooose, take pity upon us Mr Orange Man!” or…. “Fuck those guys”

Mmmm? Anyone? Bueller?

Yeah. So. With one single highly destabilizing move, designed to inflict maximum pressure on the most valuable ecosystem in both countries, a monster was awakened.

That sort of resource allocation I talked about earlier? The new directives are “we want to be independent of Android” and “we want to have all our electronics use CPU architectures that are not subject to licensure from foreign entities”.

Now, those are big wheels, and it’s going to take a while for them to turn… but they’re turning

China has the current 7th fastest supercomputer on the TOP500, the Sunway TaihuLight, and has been a regular in the top ten for a very long time.

They just demoed a 66-qbit quantum computer, the Zuchongchi 2.1 and a 113 detected photo optical quantum computer, the Jiuzhang 2.0. Assertions are that that Zuchongchi is the current fastest quantum computer in the world.

In late 2021, Huawei officially replaced Android with HarmonyOS, and is actively licensing that to other Chinese phone makers. Fully expect that to kill Android in China other than for export within a year or three.

And on chip front… the Loongson architecture, based on MIPS but in a way that didn’t require licenses. is chugging along. We don’t see too much about it, because they’ve mostly been in non-export items, but just in case — exports are now banned. This is not some upstart either, these chips have been around since 2010.

Summary: they’re going to make their own chips, because we cut them off from the easier, and more economically advantageous path of just buying our chips. That we did it once is proof positive that they can’t afford to rely on the US as a partner because we’re clearly not. We, on the other hand, throw everything overboard except “how cheap can it be made and how much can we jack profits up as a result”


At this point the ship has sailed. China will apply much more cash and infinitely more focus to solving the problem of educating the smart people they have (which will then be better educated as well as more numerous than our smart people) and it will be like the US sourced chips never existed by the second turn of the technology wheel.

There will be some Qualcomm and Intel kicking around until they die, but there will be no more ARM architecture chips made except to sell, and Android will be no more. They’ll still allow import and sale of iPhones, because those are luxury items.

But… note that most of the 5G telecom patents are owned by… wait for it… Huawei. And you can bet that they’re well, well into the 6G stuff too. And the “xG” designation only matters insofar as you dance the dance with the ITU… and China *might* just decide to tell those guys to go fuck themselves too and not include their patents in the Standard Essentials Patents package but still litigate for infringement (sidebar: right now if I had to litigate a patent for infringement my number one choice of venue would be Germany, and number two would be China — never would have guessed that 20 years ago!)


We have — by playing chest-beating glory-seeking no-one-ever-beats’-Murica heros over here have created this world in which China DOESN’T TRUST US and the rest of the world is increasingly willing to trust them.

If we’d played this differently and said “you guys pretty much own this precision manufacturing thing and we have a strong lead in innovation, how about we partner?” (sidebar: I was a GP in a fund set to do just that, nuked by the Trump administration rules) then odds are none of this would be happening.

For now? TSMC is going to do a massive, massive lift to start building fabs in Arizona. Foxconn has already made one abortive attempt do do precision manufacturing in the US, and maybe learned something and will be successful the second go-round. Apple is moving manufacturing to India (not a horrible idea in the main since it’s likely cheaper) which is also going to have unforeseen consequences. There’s a massive, massive shuffle – there will be continuing supply chain disruptions, there will be shortages, prices will increase, reliability will go down…

And inside China? The central planners will see all of that as the price of stability. And slowly, they’ll pull away from a US-centric tech world, and create their own, which will expand to their client states, and eventually to Europe which will be even more dependent on them for precision manufacturing.

And I know how this ends. The US has a default state of war – we’ve fought in 12 major wars since 1776. We’ve been at war, major or minor, for 225 years of the 243 years we’ve existed as a country. At some point, some flagwaving asshole will take the G10 extending an offer to China as an act of aggression and then the shooting starts. Maybe it’s over Taiwan. Maybe it’s over oil – I mean Navy bases, yeah that’s it – in the South China Sea.

It’s irrational to expect that the US will not materially decline. We are well under median in almost all the measurable quality of life metrics, and every move the government makes leads to further separation between the haves and have nots, and that trend line leads to authoritarian governments, and well… hey, we’re there, aren’t we?

This chip embargo is just a symptom of a much much bigger issue, and due to not understanding the game that we’re playing, we’ve made it about a thousand times worse for the US than it might have been.

I don’t like giving news like this. And with stuff like this, I don’t like being right. But the track record says… don’t bet against it.

Good luck.

Oh don’t read too much into that

Those Agreements were signed long ago after constant tireless negotiations between the Saudis and Chinese, various private entities, consultants and public officials.

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There was no actual signing and there never is any actual signing of business documents between two Heads of State or Government.

The Two leaders formally ratify such agreements with a blanket boilerplate “Friendship and Economic Agreement” or any other name where both sides agree that they won’t interfere in the businesses and would support expansion of business in such areas

Here are a list of Ratified Agreements:-

  • Establishing a Revolving Fund of 75 Billion RMB in Saudi Arabia into three Chinese owned Banks
  • Signing a CNY 205 Billion ($ 29.3 Billion) contract to integrate the Huawei 5G Cloud with Saudi Public Infrastructure in Six Cities
  • Establishing the first Yuan (RMB) – Riyal exchange in Four Cities in China and in Saudi Arabia to the limit of all Imports
  • Agreeing to procurement of stakes between 1.3% to 8% in various Saudi entities by Chinese entities
  • Extending of the Railways contract by 5 years, now expiring in 2028 and agreeing to a new CNY 7.86 Billion ($ 1.15 Billion) in building two new Railway networks
  • Agreeing to China providing Cutting Edge Agriculture Technology to cultivate food in a 100 Sq Kilometre area using Laboratory cultivation , Saudi agreeing to invest CNY 4.2 Billion ($ 600 Million)
  • China guaranteeing a minimum procurement of 240 Million Barrels of Saudi Crude every 12 months , which is 65% of the output of the Jedaiyah Oilfields
  • China guaranteeing import of a minimum of $ 24 Billion of Petrochemicals from Saudi Arabia, which is around 60% of Chinas market – cutting off Germany & India by more than 25% each.

As I said, these agreements were inked and agreed to long ago (At least 6 months) and were only formally ratified.

Additionally China and Saudi leader each formally acknowledged offers made by the commerce entities in both nations which if agreed to in principle by both Governments could be ratified without another visit being required

These included

  • Saudi willing to price Oil in Yuan in exchange for a 30 Year Agreement valued at CNY 3 Trillion ($ 450 Billion)
  • China offering Saudi Arabia a direct export license for Missiles, Choppers and Air Defence which means Saudi simply has to place an order and doesnt need to get any approval from the Chinese Ministry of Defense

All in all – it was an excellent deal

This is hilarious.

The US threatening to go ‘full Tonto on the WTO that it set up to scalp the World but now threatens it for rejecting its Exceptional claims.

‘The US has become a saboteur of the multilateral trading system, a manipulator of double standards in industrial policies, a disruptor of global industrial and supply chains, and a master of unilateral bullying. It must pay for these mistakes. ‘

Article HERE

Today Global Times reports:

‘China on Thursday urged the US to respect a WTO panel ruling that rejected a US’ origin labelling requirement on products from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Admonishing the US against politicizing trade issues, China crystallized its stance on upholding a rules-based multilateral trade system.

The ruling, the second in half a month in favor of the Chinese side, debunks a rule-breaking US that has indulged itself in the exploitation of national security claims to put its selfishness above universally adopted principles, experts said. ‘

‘since mid-November 2020, the US has required that all Hong Kong-origin items to be imported to the US may no longer be labelled as originating in “Hong Kong”, but must instead be relabelled to indicate “China”. ‘

‘The latest ruling showed that the WTO panel apparently doesn’t support the US argument that the relabelling was necessary to protect its essential security interests, and offered a good precedent to fend off US’ abuse of national security in other cases’


I love to see an Empire in the Fall phase of Decline, doubling down

The Grim Truth Behind The Massacre of 20,000 Roman Soldiers

Russia, China carry out joint air patrol in Asia-Pacific amid tensions with West


Russian and Chinese air forces have carried out joint military exercises in the Asia-Pacific region, according to Russian defense ministry, demonstrating closer defense ties in the face of increasingly hostile West.

In a statement on Wednesday, Russia’s defense ministry said warplanes of both countries conducted patrols over the Sea of Japan and East China Sea for eight hours in drills that kicked off earlier in the day.

“The Russian Air Force and the Air Force of the People’s Liberation Army of China conducted another joint air patrol in the Asia-Pacific region,” the statement read, saying Russian strategic missile carriers TU-95 and Chinese Xian H-6 strategic bomber jets participated in the drills.

The ministry also said the Russian and Chinese strategic bombers made cross landings at airfields of both countries for the first time in their joint aerial patrols.

“For the first time in the history of air patrols, Russian planes landed in the people’s Republic of China, and Chinese aircraft landed on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

According to the ministry, Russia’s Su-30SM and Su-35S fighter jets “provided fighter support for the air task force.”

It said the joint drills were conducted as part of the 2022 military cooperation plan and that they were not directed against any third country.

In a statement by China’s Defense Ministry, Wednesday’s patrols were described as a “routine” part of an annual cooperation plan between the two militaries.

Also on Wednesday, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said it had scrambled fighter jets as Chinese and Russian warplanes purportedly entered its air defense zone. The aircraft, however, did not violate South Korea’s airspace, the JCS said.

An air defense identification zone (ADIZ) is the airspace of a country plus an additional wider area over land and water in which a country tries to identify, locate, and control any civil aircraft in the interest of its national security. They are declared unilaterally by each country and are not recognized by any international treaty.

Russia and China have carried out several other drills in recent years, including naval exercises in the Sea of Japan and East China Sea. Last year, Russian troops deployed to Chinese territory for maneuvers for the first time.

Easy Shepherd’s Pie

“My wife had lunch over at a friend’s house the other day and she served this recipe. My wife is still raving about it. I guess now I have to make it. Supposedly it came from a magazine.”

2022 12 24 08 13
2022 12 24 08 13



  • Preheat over to 375°F Brown meat in skillet and drain.
  • Mix potatoes, cream cheese, 1/2 cup of the shredded cheese and the garlic until well blended.
  • Stir vegetables and gravy into meat.
  • Spoon into 9-inch square baking dish.
  • Cover with potato mixture. Don’t worry about it being perfectly even, the more rustic it looks, the better.
  • Sprinkle with remain 1/2 cup shredded cheese. Bake for 20 minutes or until heated through.
2022 12 24 08 16
2022 12 24 08 16

Russian military prepares for conflict with neocons and NATO

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Cheers for todays post mate. The classic Python skit you posted should be watched by all of todays school age persons as to have a “comparison” between what was once deemed ridiculous and humorous and what is now forced upon us in the west as the new norm. The Teutoburg Forest doco I have seen and it’s a ripper. A great snippet of a somewhat unknown piece European history there. I own a classic Sony 1970’s Skysensor ICF 5900 shortwave. It’s a great piece of kit still to this day. Thanks again MM.https://www.sony.com/en/SonyInfo/CorporateInfo/History/sonyhistory-b.html


Im not sure how China developed its Nuclear Power initially but the AP1000s they have built are George Westinghouse Inc. developed 100%. Not a complaint on my part just an observation my friend.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jake Featherston