Short and not my videos. but please start off the new year properly! Remember that your actions define your quality of life. Not just now in this life, but in all subsequent lives. Make a difference. help others.
Be THAT Rufus!
Animals That Asked People for Help & Kindness | Best Moments Of 2022 !
This poor kitten was struggling for his life in his last moments on a cold morning!
Kitten Stuck In Net Fights For His Life
Man is ambushed by 13 homeless kittens
Best Inspiring Animal Rescues Of The Year
Bullied Cat Bursts Into Tears By A Man’s Love Who Became His First Friend
Paralyzed homeless cat makes an UNBELIEVABLE recovery! My mind was blown!
Homeless cat asks for help
Cat Abandoned When Owners Moved Jumps Into His Rescuer’s Arms
Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry !
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This is going to be a tough post to get through.
Do not worry. Every single one has a happy ending!
Hi OG, I do hope all is well with you man, yes I do. These vids give hope my friend and hope breeds courage, the courage to change and learn. Sometimes it’s the distasteful that makes others see and so make the necessary changes to their lives through these experiences. Big love to you man.
Thank you Tas my friend. That means a lot to me.