2023 01 05 10 44

Bang, bang, bang it’s a new reality

It’s a new reality. Yes it is. One need not fear it. It’s change. And all change has good and bad aspects to it.

I remain optimistic. I believe that for most of us the changes will be on the up-tick.

However, the “news” can be more than a tad frightening, but you all should be ready for anything.

This is one of my more popular answers on Quora…

When I was a boy growing up in the ‘States back in the day, there were a couple of television shows that I used to watch. My favorites included Mayberry RFD, Pettycoat Junction, “Lassie”, “Green Acres” and a bunch of others. These shows depicted small town American life.

It was a life that so many of us could relate to.

Then, sometime in the 1970s the broadcast networks made a change in television programming, intending to adjust to changing demographics and decided to focus on urban programming and directed programs in that direction.

These new programs consisted of “Jula”, “The MOD Squad”, and “Welcome Back Potter”. And the old shows (and the life that they represented) was forgotten.

So imagine my pleasant surprise when I went to China and there saw all the old iconic symbology, and imagery that I grew up with as a boy!

  • A very relaxed Sloooooow pace of life.
  • Old ladies and “aunties” taking their time picking up vegetables and cuts of meats to take home for big family dinners.
  • Neighborhood clothing and shoe stores.
  • People playing sports in neighborhood lots.
  • Kids riding bicycles, and running and playing…

And so very much more.

Today, I want to talk about something NO ONE talks about.

I want to talk about Uncle Joe, and playing checkers.

2023 01 05 10 42
2023 01 05 10 42

You see, one of the iconic symbology used in such (former) American television shows (Green Acres, Mayberry RFD, Pettycoat Junction) is the “Uncle Joe”; a lazy old soul, who would sit in front of the local store either “cutting the breeze”, or playing checkers. And just being alike a big old lazy cat or hound dog in the community.

And yeah.

I’ve got a couple of “uncle Joes” right near my home.

2023 01 05 10 42c
2023 01 05 10 42c

And I don’t know about youse guys, but I enjoy saying a word or two to my local “Uncle Joe” as he sits outside the MeiYeJia, and walk by the kids playing (Chinese) checkers with the “Uncle Joe” near the “Rabbit Package Store”.

And that is one of the things that no one in the West knows about China.

Japan Launches Official Investigation Into Millions of COVID Vaccine Deaths


Japan has launched an official investigation into the unprecedented numbers of people dying after receiving the Covid-19 vaccination.

According to reports, Japanese researchers have been instructed to investgate the mechanisms by which experimental mRNA jabs could be causing deaths and severe adverse reactions.

Hiroshima University School of Medicine Prof. Masataka Nagao highlighted how the bodies of vaccinated persons he performed autopsies on were abnormally warm, with upwards of 100 degree F body temperatures.

Hiroshima University School of Medicine Prof. Masataka Nagao highlighted how the bodies of vaccinated persons he performed autopsies on were abnormally warm, with upwards of 100 degree F body temperatures.

“The first concern was that the body temperatures of the corpses were very high when the police performed the autopsy,” Nagao declared.

“The body temperatures were unusually high, such as 33 or 34 degrees celsius (91-93ºF).”

In other bodies, Nagao says “temperatures were very high at the time of death. Their body temperatures were above the normal temperature, more like over 40 degrees celsius (104ºF).”

Graphing the data, Nagao’s research team found there were significant changes to the genetic makeup of vaccinated autopsied patients’ immune systems.

The research has led Nagao to conclude the vaccine causes immune system abnormalities that prompt inflammation throughout the body, which is likely the cause of the high body temperatures at the time of autopsy.

“Based on the data and the circumstances alone, it is not possible to conclude that the vaccine was the cause of the deaths,” Prof. Nagao said, adding, “However, it is impossible to say that the vaccine was not the cause. We can only say that it is doubtful, but we believe that vaccination was sufficiently related to the immune abnormalities.”

In another report, dermatology expert Prof. Shigetoshi Sano of the Kochi University School of Medicine discussed discovering spike proteins at the site of skin lesions and other skin problems on patients who were vaccinated.

“The spike protein derived from the vaccine was found in the skin,” Sano explained, highlighting a slide showing a bright green region on a lesion made visible by a special dye.

Very Berry Sugar Cookie Cobbler

“A cobbler that is as easy as it gets, using frozen berries, canned apple pie filling and a topping of refrigerated sugar cookie dough. To make it the ultimate, serve with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.”

2023 01 01 22 27
2023 01 01 22 27


  • 2 (12 ounce) bags frozen mixed berries, thawed
  • 1 (21 ounce) can apple pie filling
  • 13 cup sugar
  • 1 12 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 (18 ounce) package prepared cookie dough


  • Preheat oven to 350°.
  • In large bowl, mix berries, pie filling, sugar and cinnamon.
  • Transfer fruit mixture to 9 x 13 baking dish.
  • Crumble cookie dough over fruit, covering thickly and completely.
  • Bake uncovered until cookie crust is golden and crisp and juices are bubbly, about 45 minutes.
2023 01 01 22 28
2023 01 01 22 28

A Situation That Every Guy Dreads


My wife didn’t come home last night. She went out with a couple of girlfriends, which is pretty normal for her. She’s normally back around 2AM on these nights, so I waited up. Around 2:30, I called to check in. She answered, and I could hear people in the background. She told me they went to a party but were leaving in a couple of minutes. She wasn’t home by 3 so I texted. It delivered, but no reply. Around 4AM I called again, it rang a couple of times before she sent me to voicemail.

My wife finally came stumbling through the door at 6:47AM this morning. I know the exact time because I was worried. She was wearing a dress she didn’t leave the house in, with mesh leggings I’ve never seen either. The leggings had clearly been torn, and her makeup was smudged.

My heart sank when I saw her. My immediate worry was that she had been assaulted. She only shook her head no when I asked her that. I asked her what she had been doing then. She only said that I knew what she had been doing, and that kind of confirmed what the voice in the back of my head had been screaming since she walked in. My wife cheated on me last night.

I asked her who it was, she shrugged almost casually and said it was somebody they met at the club. She went back to his house and hooked up with him, then Ubered home. She then said she didn’t want to fight and just wanted to sleep. So that’s what she did.

She’s still asleep now, and didn’t even take a shower before passing out. Suffice to say our relationship is over. We don’t have any kids, and we rent so it shouldn’t be an extremely complicated process. I keep trying to reason myself out of it, pretending there might be something to salvage here. I’ve always maintained that cheating would be a red line for me though. I think I need to stick to that now.

I am going to start a series of you-tube videos in my daily postings showing evil people, and people who have mental issues, when they are in police interrogations. The point of this is not for salacious reasons, but rather to “wake people” up to the reality that these people walk around us, and are in high concentrations in the West.

Highest concentration are in cities of power. Lower in other areas, but if you live in the United States you WILL encounter these people. If you live in Europe you MAY encounter these people.

You need to understand them.

These videos give you insight.

I hope you all benefit from them. I’ll be running them for about a two week period in the postings. It’s important to understand this now, because in about 6-9 months it will add clarity as to things that will transpire.

This woman is horrible. She’s an “evil stepmom”, and locked her step-daughter in a dog cage for around 4 years, until she starved to death. Then put the carcass in a storage locker…


This Is What Disney Princesses Would Look Like As Pin Up Girls

Now for something light.


What’s it like to be a man with a low libido?

I am a low libido male and I have struggled with dead bedrooms for about 15 years now.

I have taken loads and loads of abuse because of it over the past 15 years. I’ve had past girlfriends physical hit me because it made them feel so bad. I’ve had girls verbally abuse me. I had a girl cheat on me out of spite and another girl threaten me constantly that she will cheat as a way to get me to sleep with her. I had girls tell their entire family and friends that I’m a homosexual because of my lack of sex drive.

I’ve been called a pussy, not a man, pathetic etc.

Meanwhile, I have basically no guy friends I can talk to about it because most of them don’t understand it.

Every time I watch TV I get shown guy after guy being portrayed as the complete opposite of me and I constantly feel like I am not “man” enough.

I constantly fantasize about how if the situations were reversed and the girl was the one with the low libido it would be way more “accepted”.

The hardest part about all of it is the fact that it all feels so out of my control. Low libido is usually a symptom of something, it isn’t like I choose to have a below par sex life.

Unfortunately what happens is after years and years of verbal and rarely physical abuse in past relationships, sex has become the complete opposite of what it used to be for me.

Now there are all kinds of strings attached to it and I’ve completely lost touch with what I actually like about sex because for years I had sex because I HAD TO not because I wanted to.

Every time I have sex the only thing I am thinking about is how much the whole relationship is riding on this (no pun intended) and I better perform well or she might leave me. I don’t even get to sort through all of my personal demons enough to actually enjoy how good the sex feels, I’m too focused on the wrong things.

I also developed performance anxiety because tons of times I had sex when I wasn’t horny and didn’t perform and then took verbal abuse which just reinforced the performance anxiety. I get pissed thinking about how much easier it would be to be a low libido female because they can just fake it a lot easier than I can. It is hard to fake that I’m horny because she can PHYSICALLY SEE THAT I’M NOT DOWN THERE.

As silly as it sounds, I feel like as a guy I need to be horny for sex to happen because If I don’t get an erection then sex literally can’t happen so I feel like when I’m not horny all eyes are on me to get it up. Just one of the many screwed up thoughts that have developed over the years.

The other terrible part is the guilt.

I’ve had several relationships destroyed and I’ve seen 3 girls get their confidence torn to pieces all over something that I couldn’t really control (Or at least felt like I couldn’t control it).

The frustrating part is that I was attracted to all of them, just not in a horny way as often as they would like. Then after abuse I would stop being attracted to them all together and it had nothing to do with them physically, by that point I had lost attraction because of the way they treated me over my low libido.

The frustrating part is it took way too long to find what was wrong with me. I had very low testosterone levels when I got tested last year which contributed to my sex drive.

Now I have so many mental barriers that I need to break through that were created all of these years.

Every single time sex is initiated I completely freeze like an abused animal would when you go to pet them. Usually I catch myself doing it but by then it had been a couple minutes and the mood is ruined by then.

I’ve been to counseling many times and while it is nice that I am able to talk about my issues, it doesn’t really give me any direction as to how to solve the actual problem. I hate knowing that I am to blame for something being wrong with a relationship especially because I’m so thoughtful and confident in every other part of my life.

The hardest part is deep down I feel like I just want to be accepted for who I feel like I naturally am. Girls don’t accept who I am because it makes them insecure and guys don’t accept who I am because they don’t understand it. But at the same time I think is this who I am? or is this a defect and it actually isn’t ok for me to have a lower libido?

Deep down I know that it isn’t ok for me to want sex as infrequently as i do, especially when it makes my partners feel so bad. But at the same time I kind of get jealous because I feel like my partners are allowed to want sex as often as they want but because their libido just so happens to be on the high side, they are considered normal and I am basically the freak who needs to go seek therapy and change everything about myself.

To be fair, a lot of these thoughts are left over from before the testosterone discovery. My wife has been a little more understanding because she knows there is actually something physical going on and I can’t treat it because we are trying to have a baby (Testosterone Replacement Therapy makes you infertile). But these feeling don’t just go away just because things have been better recently, there is still some destruction left behind from the last 14 years.

“Vaxxident?” Pro Football Player Collapses in Cardiac Arrest During Televised Football Game


A player for the Buffalo Bills football team, Damar Hamlin, made a routine tackle during a game against the Cincinnati Bengals, got up, then collapsed in Cardiac Arrest on the field last night.  He was given CPR, his heartbeat was restored, and he was taken by ambulance to UC Medical Center where he is said to be in critical condition.

playergoesdown NFL game large
playergoesdown NFL game large

The game was being televised live to a national audience when the incident took place.  Fans in the stadium were shocked at what they were seeing on the field.  Here is video showing how the incident unfolded:



The Buffalo Bills issued a statement:

“Damar Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest following a hit in our game versus the Bengals. His heartbeat was restored on the field and he was transferred to the UC Medical Center for further testing and treatment,” the Bills said in a statement. “He is currently sedated and listed in critical condition.”

Medics at the game administered CPR for what is said to have been nine (9) minutes.  An ambulance was brought onto the field and took him to the local hospital where he was reportedly intubated to breathe.

The 24 year old player is in prime health condition and there seems to be no reason for this to have taken place. The tackle he engaged in was not particularly rough, and he got right back up after it.   As such, a LOT of people are wondering out loud, if this is yet another “vaxxident?”  Did the COVID-19 vaccine cause this young man to drop?

A very significant number of people around the world have been suffering “sudden death” after the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, which are not actual “vaccines’ but instead are experimental mRNA genetic manipulation.

Blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, and a variety of other incidents have spiked since the vaccines were rolled-out. Given the tyrannical effort to silence and punish anyone who questioned the new technology, Doctors have taken to saying they are “baffled” whenever a vax death takes place.

“Baffled” then converts to an obituary which says the person “died suddenly.”   In fact, it’s happening so often, people are even making memes about it:



No one ever points to the vaccine, when it seems clear as day it is actually the vaccines causing all this death and injury.

Of course the National Football League coerced players to get the brand new, experimental jabs, threatening to cut them out of professional football if they did not get the jabs.

Other employers did the same thing.

Thus, facing the loss of their jobs and their ability to earn a living, many of the coerced gave-in and took the shots.  Now, a LOT of them are dying.

It is a wonder if those who FORCED people to take these shots, ever stop to consider that they were wrong?  Did it ever occur to them that maybe they weren’t smarter than everyone else?  Or was their ego so inflated that they actually thought THEY knew better than everyone else?

At some point, the general public is going to start to realize that the COVID-19 jabs are what is killing so many.  When that day comes, the families of those killed may decide on their own, to stop-by and “thank” those who coerced their loved ones into doing something that killed them.

I suspect it will be a very bad day for those holier-than-thou corporate executives if families start coming for them and maybe beating them to death for what they’ve done.


Reports now coming in saying the federal government has set up some sort of command post facility near the hospital “in case the football player dies.”   WTF?


Maybe they don’t want people reacting badly to another – but widely publicized – vax death?

One casual observer to the situation wrote “This will all get special attention because too many people can see plainly it’s the vaccine (I believe he just got jabbed 8 days ago, the jig is up).”

Another commenter on a social media forum opined “They have been able to keep the pilots dying in-flight, out of the news. It’s hard to keep it out when players are going down on live television.  They can’t take the chance of many more.”

Maybe they fear Black people will decide the vaccines targeted THEM for genocide?

Want proof of how widespread this is now becoming?   The four minute video below shows how many young, healthy, athletes have dropped DEAD in 2022 as of November.   THIS IS NOT NORMAL.

YOU MUST watch this. -MM

Now, many of you may be wondering “If this is so widespread, why isn’t the mass media reporting it?”   Here’s why:

Jesus Christ the next video is horrific! -MM


“Sponsored by . . . .” means big pharma is paying a ton of money to the mass media.   If the mass media reports on what the vaccines are actually doing, their sponsor money dries up.


Let’s take our hats off to the young man who was smart enough to have a tracker in his backpack! He just solved a lot of crimes.

The USA is completely bat-shit crazy.

In this video we see what a self-absorbed narcissist looks like. Do you all know anyone like her?

  • 10:29 her rights,
  • 11:20 outrage,
  • 14:01 fake distress,
  • 15:27 threatening violence,
  • 15:36 blameless,
  • 15:55 victim,
  • 16:01 virtue and goodness,
  • 16:39 tears,
  • 18:30 claims reasonableness,
  • 18:36 anger,
  • 18:40 innocence,
  • 18:49 injustice,
  • 18:55 rage and blame,
  • 19:06 hateful revenge,
  • 19:12 confidence in retribution,
  • 19:16 false legal belief,
  • 19:29 late concern over child tactic,
  • 19:35 accusation of police corruption,
  • 19:45 vague threat then discount statement and infer police malice,
  • 20: innocence of any threats (see 15:27),
  • 20:13 victimhood and false legal belief,
  • 20:25 martyrdom in the face of theoretical police violence,
  • 20:36 ulterior motive due to false legal belief,
  • 21:00 blame for situation and earlier possibility of better outcome,
  • 22:05 deny earlier threats (see 19:06),
  • 22:25 additional false legal belief,
  • 22:45 police conspiracy,
  • 23:00 virtue and plan to fight racism,
  • 23:33 victim alligator tears,

Cabbage Beef Bake

“Quick, easy, and inexpensive.”

2023 01 01 22 30
2023 01 01 22 30



  • Preheat oven to 350. Lightly grease/spray a deep 13 x 9 baking dish.
  • Place shredded cabbage in bottom of baking dish; set aside.
  • Brown and crumble ground beef (or turkey) with the onion and red bell pepper; drain and return to the skillet.
  • To the drained beef mixture, add the diced tomatoes (undrained), salt, pepper, sugar and caraway seeds. Stir together well and spread this mixture over the cabbage in the baking dish.
  • In a small bowl, stir together the tomato sauce and sour cream, blending well. Spread this mixture over the beef mixture in the baking dish.
  • Cover and bake for 1 hour.
  • Uncover, evenly sprinkle with the 1 cup of shredded swiss cheese and bake (uncovered) for an additional 15-20 minutes.
2023 01 01 22 31
2023 01 01 22 31

Finally, we enter a deeper mental illness. A Psychopath. The most dangerous of them all.

These people are in the positions of power in the United States.


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I turned that last vid off at 17.21. I could watch no more.


Yes, I have seen people like the ones you’ve shown in these videos.

In fact, I am among them, suffering from Narcissism.

The environments I have been on (NYC and RP sites much like RPC) conditions and propagandizes people to be antisocial, manipulative, and abusive, and especially in the aforementioned RP communities, you are rewarded for embracing these fucked up systems.

To not care for the whims and time of others, to always deflect blame and avoid taking accountability. To create a weird and ass-backwards morality that makes sense to nobody but yourself (and the few people you’ve manipulated into believing). Only cry or demand justice and equality when you are the one that is being punished or losing. All of these backwater ideologies are peddled and aggressively reinforced in the places I have been to, and even by my own adoptive family (stepmomma has head trauma that makes her a para-schizo narcissist and sociopath; and thus she has abused me and my stepbros throughout childhood).

At least I realize this and am using Prayer Affirmations to remedy this.