A new joke circulating on a forum (Tieba): The first message sent by the Chang'e-1 satellite to Chinese control center is: Without the natives, it is real that the U.S. landed on the moon.
Phew! I am busier than five armed lumberjack at a waffle bake-off. I’ll tell you what. We are getting ready for CNY, and things are shutting down here in China and a festive mood is fogging inward.
The United States continues in it’s insanity.
The difference in tone between 'west' and 'east' is remarkable. The West is a hysterical drama queen posing as Lady Liberty and the East; methodical, plodding, with a fixed mindset to get out from under for-profit Empire; aka The Great Satan. Posted by: gottlieb | Jan 10 2023 15:57 utc | 5
Here’s a selection of thoughts and articles reflective of these times.
China now publishes more high-quality science than any other nation – should the US be worried?
By at least one measure, China now leads the world in producing high-quality science. My research shows that Chinese scholars now publish a larger fraction of the top 1% most cited scientific papers globally than scientists from any other country.
I am a policy expert and analyst who studies how governmental investment in science, technology and innovation improves social welfare. While a country’s scientific prowess is somewhat difficult to quantify, I’d argue that the amount of money spent on scientific research, the number of scholarly papers published and the quality of those papers are good stand-in measures.
China is not the only nation to drastically improve its science capacity in recent years, but China’s rise has been particularly dramatic. This has left U.S. policy experts and government officials worried about how China’s scientific supremacy will shift the global balance of power. China’s recent ascendancy results from years of governmental policy aiming to be tops in science and technology. The country has taken explicit steps to get where it is today, and the U.S. now has a choice to make about how to respond to a scientifically competitive China.
Growth across decades
In 1977, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping introduced the Four Modernizations, one of which was strengthening China’s science sector and technological progress. As recently as 2000, the U.S. produced many times the number of scientific papers as China annually. However, over the past three decades or so, China has invested funds to grow domestic research capabilities, to send students and researchers abroad to study, and to encourage Chinese businesses to shift to manufacturing high-tech products.
Since 2000, China has sent an estimated 5.2 million students and scholars to study abroad. The majority of them studied science or engineering. Many of these students remained where they studied, but an increasing number return to China to work in well-resourced laboratories and high-tech companies.
Today, China is second only to the U.S. in how much it spends on science and technology. Chinese universities now produce the largest number of engineering Ph.D.s in the world, and the quality of Chinese universities has dramatically improved in recent years.
Al Copeland’s Basic Cajun Jambalaya

Yield: 8 servings
- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 2 medium onions, chopped
- 1 pound pickled pork, diced
- 1 pound smoked ham, diced
- 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
- 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
- 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
- 1 pound smoked sausage, sliced
- 4 cups beef or chicken stock or hot water
- 2 cups rice
- 2 bay leaves
- 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper or to taste
- In large saucepan with lid, melt butter with oil.
- Add onions and pork and sauté until onions are soft.
- Add ham, garlic, thyme and parsley and sauté for 5 minutes.
- Add sausage and cook until browned. Stir in stock and bring to boil.
- Add rice, bay leaf and cayenne. Return to boil and cover. Simmer over very low heat for 30 to 45 minutes, checking after 30 minutes to see if all liquid has been absorbed and rice is tender. If necessary, add 1/4 to 1/2 cup more water if liquid boils away before rice is cooked.
Joint Statement Between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of the Philippines
The United States is active in trying to turn the Philippines away from China, as with this current visit. But the pro China and Philippines agreements are clear and say otherwise.
13. The two heads of state had an in-depth and candid exchange of views on the situation in the South China Sea, emphasizing that disputes in the South China Sea are not the whole of bilateral relations, and agreed to properly manage differences. The two sides reaffirmed the importance of maintaining and promoting regional peace and stability, freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, and agreed to resolve disputes peacefully on the basis of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, the Charter of the United Nations and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. 14. The two heads of state agreed that confidence-building measures are conducive to enhancing mutual trust, and affirmed the important role of China-Philippines diplomatic consultations and the China-Philippines bilateral consultation mechanism on the South China Sea issue. The two sides decided to establish a direct communication mechanism between the Department of Border and Ocean Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Ocean Affairs of the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
You Will Be Amazed When You See These Artworks By Caroline Gariba

Set of amazing digital artworks by Caroline Gariba, an artist from Brazil.

War game instigates US intervention in possible Taiwan Straits conflict
Confessions Of A Man Who Had His Limbs Lengthened
How did you find out that limb lengthening was even an option?
I was hanging out with friends getting lunch and one of them jokingly brought up the surgery not directed at me but just that there are people who actually would do it. I hadn’t heard of Leg lengthening and researched the hell out of it that night. I was already wearing lifts in public and felt better about my appearance from that. I joined the make me taller forum and just read a bunch of diaries from former patients from different doctors where they share their procedure and for the most part it just seemed like a few months of pain. Most of the patients were walking after 6 months which I know sounds like a long time but the mental space I was in, 6 months seemed like nothing if it meant I wouldn’t be short anymore.
I researched for about a month negotiated with my doctor and bought my flight.
How, exactly, do they do it?
Tibias are broken in half with a surgical saw. You get frames put on your legs on both sides of the broken tibias. Every day you lengthen about 1mm and your muscles and skin stretch with the gap of the bone.
Do you then just always have a gap in your bone?
No, your body is truly amazing. The gap gets replaces with new bone. Once the bone is fully recovered it’s called bone consolidation. That’s what I’m waiting for to happen for my legs. It’s taking it’s sweet time though.
How much did the procedure cost?
That’s pretty cheap, where in the world was the operation performed?
In India. China and India currently have the lowest cost procedures. It’s about 90K in the US and UK.
Did you pay cash for this procedure? Does the 15k include everything, or are you also supposed to feed yourself too?
Wire transfers to the doctor. Some people make a large down payment and then make small payments over their time there. yes, 15K includes everything.
Three meals are provided every day but they’re not that good. You’ll eat them for the first couple months and then start eating fast food.
Is the facility/hospital clean by western standards?
The hospital is clean for sure. It’s more everything else that sucks. At the guest house that I’m at we eat pretty much the same stuff everyday. We only recently discovered Mcdonalds and as a person who hasn’t eaten fast food in years I’ve eaten probably over 200 Chicken Nuggets.
What did you do all day in the hospital while not in physical therapy?
Patients play poker, chess and watch way too much horrible television. It’s the most relaxed time of my life. Some people try and use the time to be really productive by learning a new language or taking on some new skill but the pain makes it pretty hard to concentrate for an extended time.
Why did you stop at 3 inches?
3 inches is about the most I could gain and stay under a 20% gain in my Tibia which is recommended for a faster recovery with less complications.
How painful was the lengthening?
Every day you try and lengthen about 1mm which isn’t too bad until you start getting toward your 5cm mark. Your body is kind of just taxed. Some patients slow down the lengthening and others just deal with the pain but take the pain medication and muscle relaxers. We get two physical therapy sessions a day and that’s where the real pain is. You spend probably 22 hours a day just laying down but for these sessions they are stretching out your legs and insuring that you maintain flexibility. I’m pretty flexible but have lost a lot of strength. I’m now 125 pounds from 145. and my legs look like real skinny.
Complications can really get you, I had a pin site where the metal goes through the the bone and comes out on the other side that was infected. I couldn’t really move my leg much for about 4-5 days until the infection went down. I’d say I got lucky overall in that I didn’t have too many complications. Another patient had to stop because of nerve damage around 2 inches. He’s 5’7 but wants to lengthen his femur’s now.
Are there potential long term health issues with this type of surgery?
Limited mobility, bones not forming properly.
What made you do it?
More or less I was just tired of feeling like I had to make up for my height. Like I had to be more charming more outgoing more qualified for the same things and i’ll admit mainly women. I have female friends who flat out in the past have told me the only reason they wouldn’t date me was because of my height.
Have you gotten rejected a lot because of your height before?
Many times except it’s typically not a direct rejection. For example in my teenage years and early twenties I would just be a girls friend with benefits. We’d have a good time together and as long as she knew that other people thought we were friends there was never a problem with us going out in public. You’re having a sexual relationship with a person who only wants others to think of you as friends. A couple times I’ve powered through it by being persistent and eventually gaining some form of a relationship but all that work and it’s built on an uneven foundation. I’m always the aggressor always the one expected to do more for my partner. It’s taxing.
I just find it depressing that height is such an issue in society that you were willing to put yourself through this.
I agree 100%. Wish it wasn’t this way but it IS. I want you to think about this though. I could have spent the rest of my life always being upset about my height and I think that would have been more painful. I just went through alot of pain but it’s already in the past. Now I just need to focus on walking and my bones healing properly.
Can you explain the two types of people you’ve met there?
Some people such as myself feel like this was the only piece missing in their life. They had the looks, the personality but just lacked the height. When you talk to these guys you see that they’re really confident and just want to go back to their routine with a better outlook.
Then you meet some folks here who leg lengthening is just one of the many things they “need” to fix about themselves almost like career patients. They want to do leg lengthening then penis enlargement and more plastic surgery. I feel that these guys won’t really be happy with any results they get.
Can you do sports after this surgery? Does it affect you physical condition?
After about six months I’ll be lucky if I can play basketball again. I won’t do serious weights on my legs for at least a year or so just to play it safe. Also age comes into play. Older patients have a harder time recovering. So far my recovery time has been pretty good but my bone consolidation is taking what feels like forever.
So was it worth it?
Yeah, I’d say so. Now that I’m back I’m slowly starting to hang out with old friends and most of them comment on how I look taller but I always just say it’s because of the crutches. I’m walking around at about 5’9 without shoes and with at 5’10. I’m now taller than the majority of women I meet and it feels good. When I hug somebody even in my fragile state right now I still feel more manly because I’m hugging down now. My bone is pretty solid now and just struggling with my muscle. My leg’s are still really weak but I’m now starting on lifting legs at the gym but really low weight. I’m still excited about the thought of me walking around like a normal person at this height.
Say in 20-25 years your own kid comes up to you and says they want to get the surgery what would you tell them?
Go for it. In 25 years I imagine this procedure could possibly be even safer and hopefully less invasive. We can all sit here and say that we should all be happy with who we are and we can make it sound like I’m insecure for getting this procedure but I’m pretty sure I convey more confidence than my peers and co-workers. I would never want a person to miss out on something as important as a loving relationship because of something they have no control over such as height.
The Shooting Seems to Have Begun; America Heading to Civil War. Democrat Homes Being Shot-At in New Mexico

New Mexico Police confirm that the homes of at least SIX (6) Democrat elected officials in the state of New Mexico, have been shot-up over the past month or so. While no one has been injured, it seems America is now rapidly descending into the Civil War that so many have warned is coming.
Albuquerque police announced they were investigating whether shots fired into the homes of some Democrat elected officials and near the offices of others are connected to one another, Police Chief Harold Medina said.
However, he remained tight-lipped on all other details, except to say the suspect is a man under the age of 50. Police confirm they have someone in custody ON UNRELATED CHARGES. The Chief would not say what he is charged with, when he was arrested, if he was working with anyone else, or where he is being held.
At a news conference announcing the development Monday afternoon, Chief Medina said detectives are still executing search warrants and trying to determine whether the suspect is responsible for all the shootings, or just one.
He said all documents are sealed while investigators build the case.
Police revealed they were investigating gunshots fired at the homes of Bernalillo County Commissioners Debbie O’Malley and Adriann Barboa, and state Sen. Linda Lopez in December and January. It wasn’t long before shootings were also reported to have occurred near the offices of state Sen. Antonio “Moe” Maestas and Attorney General Raúl Torrez. The department also said investigators found evidence of shots fired at the home of Javier Martinez, the nominee for speaker in the New Mexico House of Representatives.
Medina said investigators “have some ideas as to a possible motive,” but it’s too early for them to disclose anything.
“We have got to solidify some information and we don’t want to compromise any part of the investigation,” he said.
On Dec. 4, Barboa’s Southeast Albuquerque, New Mexico, home was struck with eight rounds.
A week later, on Dec. 11, more than 12 bullets were shot into the walls of O’Malley’s North Valley home. O’Malley was in her final months as a commissioner and is no longer serving on the board.
Then, on Jan. 3, at least eight shots were fired into Lopez’s Southwest Albuquerque home. The bullets passed through her 10-year-old daughter’s bedroom.
Hours after police announced the investigation into the shootings, ShotSpotter gunshot detection technology picked up three shots near the Downtown building where Maestas has his office. There was no damage to the building.
Later that night, APD revealed that detectives were investigating whether gunfire outside Torrez’s campaign office on Dec. 10 was also connected. Torrez had already moved out of the office, which is Downtown on Park NW, after winning the race for attorney general.
Last week, after hearing about the other shootings, Martinez inspected his home in the Valley Area Command and saw that it had been shot up, as well, an APD spokesman said.
“He discovered damage presumably from gunfire heard in early December outside his Albuquerque home,” spokesman Gilbert Gallegos said. “APD detectives went to the home and located evidence of a shooting.”
Hal Turner Editorial Opinion
So who is it that is shooting-up the homes and offices of Democrats, and WHY? Of course, part of me __should__ think that this is bad conduct that __should__ be denounced. For various reasons, however, I won’t say what I think.
I will, however, talk in a general sense about matters political and the redress of political grievances through the use of force.
For a very long time, politicians in general, and Democrats in particular, have been taking actions that strip citizen’s liberty and meddle in citizen’s affairs.
They did these things, in my view, because they came to the erroneous conclusion “there are no consequences.”
Very high percentages of them continued to be re-elected no matter what they did, and it seems that some of them came to the conclusion that Americans were basically push-overs; that citizens didn’t have the guts to take up arms against government officials, and even if they did, they wouldn’t dare.
Looks to me as though they were wrong.
Now, I have no idea who did these things or why. I will not, however, condemn whoever did this because I think this has been a long time coming.
I also think it will not stop in Albuquerque. I personally think, and this is just my personal opinion, not advocacy, or solicitation to take action, and certainly not any threat by me to do anything because I absolutely will not be engaging in any violence or crime against anyone . . . . but I think . . . this may be just the beginning.
I wonder if Democrats will get a message from this?
I wonder if they’ll figure out that the spirit of resistance to tyranny is still alive in this country?
Are these the first shots of a second American Civil War? Maybe.
These Boys Went Through Hell: The Dozier School of Horrors
Some real history. Note about the fact that evil people get into positions of power.
My uncle was at that school in the 50's. He would not get into specifics as to what happened to him there, he said it was horrific. He cried when he told me he was there. It left an indelible mark on him for the rest of his life.
W.H.O. Meeting in Secret to convert themselves to Enforceable Law under EXISTING Treaty; FORCED VACCINES, OUTLAW GUNS “Public Health Issue”
The International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) is planning to meet in secret from Monday, January 9, 2023 to Friday January 13, 2023. The IHRRC will be working to finalize what is now a 46 page document that includes proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).
The proposed amendments would:
- Change the overall nature of the World Health Organization from an advisory organization that merely makes recommendations to a governing body whose proclamations would be legally-binding. (Article 1)
- Greatly expand the scope of the International Health Regulations to include scenarios that merely have a “potential to impact public health.”
- Seek to remove “respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people.” (Article 3)
- Give the Director General of the WHO control over the means of production through an “allocation plan for health products” to require developed states parties to supply pandemic response products as directed. (Article 13A)
- Give the WHO the authority to require medical examinations, proof of prophylaxis, proof of vaccine and to implement contact tracing, quarantine and TREATMENT. (Article 18)
- Institute a system of global health certificates in digital or paper format, including test certificates, vaccine certificates, prophylaxis certificates, recovery certificates, passenger locator forms and a traveller’s health declaration. (Articles 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 35, 36 and 44 and Annexes 6, 7 and 8)
- Redirect unspecified billions of dollars to the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex with no accountability. (Article 44A)
- Allow the disclosure of personal health data. (Article 45)
- Greatly expand the World Health Organization’s capacity to censor what they consider to be mis-information and dis-information. (Annex 1, page 36)
- Create an obligation to build, provide, and maintain, IHR infrastructure at points of entry TO ENABLE THE W.H.O. TO UNDERTAKE THIS CENSORSHIP (Annex 10)
The 76th World Health Assembly is scheduled to occur from Sunday May 21, 2023 to Tuesday May 30, 2023. In order for the proposed amendments to be considered during the 76th World Health Assembly, they must be submitted to the World Health Organization at least 4 months in advance.
The IHRRC plans to submit these proposed amendments to the WHO by Sunday, January 15, 2023.
The International Health Regulations are existing, legally-binding international law. If the proposed amendments are presented to the 76th World Health Assembly, they could be adopted by a simple majority of the 194 member nations. According to the already agreed upon rules of the IHR, if the proposed amendments are adopted, the member nations would not need to take any additional actions.
The United States Senate would not be required to provide a two-thirds vote to give their “advice and consent.” No signatures by national leaders would be needed.
Hal Turner Editorial Opinion
This is precisely how all the elected politicians around the world intend to FORCE Vaccines on everyone, FORCE Vaccine Passports, and FORCE quarantines; by DELEGATING those powers to unelected people at the World Health Organization, then telling YOU “Our hands are tied, this is required by International Law and Treaty, we have no power to stop it.”
Worse, the WHO deems to decide for you and me, what constitutes “disinformation and misinformation, and they are giving themselves power to not only decide that, but to be able to actively CENSOR all of us, to prevent us from getting information out to the public when WHO and their pals are all wrong . . . as in the just recently proved “COVID-19” nonsense, and their phony “vaccines” that are causing people to drop dead in public.
Because they are making changes within an EXISTING TREATY, no vote by the US Senate is needed and nothing can be done (other than abrogate the Treaty and quit the WHO) to stop these FORCED changes.
You, your family, your children, could be FORCED to be vaccinated with God only knows what, simply because these unelected people in Geneva, Switzerland, say so! You or your children could be FORCIBLY QUARANTINED just because these unelected people in Geneva Switzerland say so.
This is the single most outrageous power grab in world history. It should be stopped. Now.
Because this is an existing Treaty, it, along with the US Constitution, is, by virtue of the Supremacy Claus of our Constitution, “the highest law of the land.” No state would be able to “opt-out.” There could be no redress of any of it via courts because it is a Treaty. All of us would find ourselves completely helpless.
It has never been decided by a US Court, as to whether or not a Treaty can usurp or over-rule provisions of the US Constitution. Are you willing to trust the present US Judiciary to protect our rights? I’m not. I’ve seen the federal courts in action up close and personal. They are now fabulously corrupt and completely unreliable.
If this secret meeting is allowed to put forth the changes outlined above, you and I would no longer have a right to speak the truth about things they do; they can censor it by law. You and I would not have the right to say “no” to their new, phony, and harmful, ‘vaccines.”
This is a usurpation of liberty taking place right before our eyes. We must step up right now to put a stop to it while we can still do so peacefully, and not by force of arms.
Oh, and “arms” . . . could be deemed a matter “potential to impact public health” and they could BAN the private ownership of firearms, and it would be legal because . . . a Treaty!
The Ordinary Life of Anubis, a God of Death, in Melancholic Illustrations by Joanna Karpowicz

There’s a mystery in each of these intriguing paintings, pulling you into their depths. The figure of Anubis seems to be an outsider waiting to participate in each painting’s story – like yourself as an observer of the image.
There’s an entire narrative waiting for the viewer in every picture, and the strangeness of each scene provokes questions in your mind as to what is (or could be) unfolding. You will want to step into each painting and discover its secrets.

Anubis is the Greek name of the god of death, mummification, embalming, the afterlife, cemeteries, tombs, and the Underworld, in ancient Egyptian religion, usually depicted as a canine or a man with a canine head. Archeologists have identified Anubis’s sacred animal as an Egyptian canid, the African golden wolf. The African wolf was formerly called the “African golden jackal”, until a 2015 genetic analysis updated the taxonomy and the common name for the species. As a result, Anubis is often referred to as having a “jackal” head, but this “jackal” is now more properly called a “wolf”.

A painter, creator of comic art and illustrator, Joanna Karpowicz is a graduate of the State Secondary School of Visual Arts in Kraków, as well as the Faculty of Painting at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts, where she received her diploma in the studio of Prof. Leszek Misiak in 2001. She lives and works in Kraków.

A change very soon?
The USA can not back down against the Russians. To do so would be a certain loss of the United States Dollar (USD) losing its world reserve currency status. So the USA and the West it controls will continue to escalate both with sanctions and the war in Ukraine. All talk about peaceful negotiations will prove to be in vain. Yes, this is the most logical thing for both sides. Yet, it would lead to a rapid loss of the special status that the USD enjoys. If the USA fails to destroy the current Russian presence, then it loses the value of the USD. A month after that, the USA will be in worse conditions than any of the existing 3rd world nations. So, the escalation continues in the hope of a breakthrough in destroying the Russians. The sanctions have obviously failed backfiring more upon the European Union and the NATO nations than upon Russia. The only hope that the USA now has is on the Ukrainian battlefield where the Russians are also winning. The only option left will eventually be the nuclear option. The USA will plan a first strike launch against the Russians. However, the Russians will beat the USA to a first launch. This will be the decisive end of the USA and NATO. The entire world is about to change drastically very soon. I estimate that the Russians will launch soon after they take and secure the Donbas. With Soledar about to go down, this could happen in the time frame of months, not years. Posted by: young | Jan 10 2023 16:25 utc | 14
What’s It Like To Be In An Airplane That Is Falling From The Sky?
I was in a commercial jet that fell from cruising altitude. It was a small jet flying on a now defunct airline.
We had just started the descent when the plane tilted and the dropped out of the sky. Nose was pointed nearly straight down.
I was sitting in the aisle. People were screaming, yelling out – but I can’t remember the words. All kinds of crap was flying through the cabin and the flight attendant was no where to be seen.
My brother and Dad were in the seats behind me. I remember thinking about how sad my mum was going to be. And then looking out at the window at the ground.
After what seemed like an eternity, the pilot was able to regain control and the plane started to right itself again…. for about 15-30 seconds, before starting another uncontrolled descent.
It was more terrifying the second time around – the ground was far closer. I was certain that I was going to die and looked over at a blonde woman about my age sitting next to me. We hadn’t spoken the entire flight, but I reached out in some impulsive desire for human contact at the end…and we held hands as the plane fell out of the sky. I can remember looking at her face briefly, she was crying.
As the ground started approaching and you could make out things like trees and houses, I felt a sense of peace fall about me.
Death seemed to be certain but I didn’t care. It seemed like it was going to be quick and painless – but I remember being surprised that it was going to all end this way.
Then we started to feel the pilot struggling with the plane and it started to right itself again…and for a second time the plane pulled out of the dive.
It was still incredibly bumpy and people were crying and screaming out at every round of turbulence – everyone was waiting for the next and final dive.
When we landed, the young woman and I were still holding hands. People were dead quiet.
What was surreal was that the flight attendant got on the microphone when we reached the gate and thanked us for flying on that shitty ass airline and ‘hoped we would fly again’.
They brought a bus out and one of the pilots came out with us. He didn’t say a word, but his knee was shaking uncontrollably.”
The Most MANIPULATIVE Narcissist Interrogation Ever
Good lord. My ex-wife destroyed my life after 20+ years of marriage and my kids are emotionally scarred because of her (as am I, I can finally admit) but at least I didn’t have to go through such a media circus. I still feel bad for Keith.
Sorry for all the you-tube videos about sick people. But we MUST really come to grasps at who is actually running the West, and why the threat of war is present. We need to understand the reality of what and who these “leaders” actually are.
Big Easy Gumbo
All that I can say is “yummy!”.

- 1 teaspoon canola oil
- 1/2 cup chopped celery
- 1/2 cup chopped white onion
- 1/4 cup chopped green pepper
- 1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cubed
- 1/2 pound turkey sausage links, sliced into 1/2-inch pieces
- 1 (15 ounce) can Veg·All Original Mixed Vegetables, drained
- 1 (14 1/2 ounce) can diced tomatoes
- Cooked white rice
- In medium fry pan, heat oil over medium high heat; sauté celery, onion, green pepper, cubed chicken and sausage for 5 minutes or until cooked.
- Stir in mixed vegetables and tomatoes; cook until heated through.
- Serve over cooked rice.
Yield: 8 servings
6 People Reveal Their Deep Secrets That Have Been Weighing On Them
1. I poked a hole in a condom and purposefully got a girl pregnant to prove I wasn’t gay
This was the late 80s and I was 14/15 and things weren’t a great time to be a gay teenager not that it excuses what I did. I was so afraid of being outed that I started a relationship with my then bestfriend’s sister. My friends were constantly messing with me about not having slept with her and calling me gay. They were just joking but I took it so seriously that I convinced her sex and I poked a hole in the condom hoping to get her pregnant so that I’d have proof…
She did end up pregnant and when I found out the reality of what I did really hit me.. She just thought the condom didn’t work and I never told her I did it on purpose… She was forced to go to an alternative school and eventually dropped out to have the baby. Her and her family moved away with the baby and I never kept in contact with them… I’ve always felt like a pos for ruining her life and abandoning my kid.
2. I don’t love my wife, and I resent that I have to care for her, but I will probably never leave her.
She was my high school sweetheart. The love of my life. My soulmate. When she suffered a brain injury and fell into a coma, I had no idea whether she would ever wake up again. When she did, she was severely disabled, and she was a different person.
I hoped her old personality would come back with time and therapy, but it’s been 5 years since she woke up, and I think this is just what she’s like now. She’s not a bad person, she’s just not the woman I fell in love with. I’m expected to be grateful that I got my wife back, but the truth is my wife died the day she was injured.
I hoped I would be able to fall in love with this new person, but you can’t just force yourself to fall in love with someone. So I resent her. I know it isn’t her fault, it’s not fair that I feel this way towards her, but I resent this new woman for taking my wife away, and for the fact that I have to take care of her.
I can’t leave her. She has no one else to care for her. And she still has my wife’s voice, her laugh, her smile. I couldn’t bear to lose those, they’re all I have left of the woman I love. So I pretend. I pretend I don’t notice that she’s a completely new person, I pretend I still love her, I pretend I don’t resent her. I care for her. I’ve accepted that this is my life now.
3. Six years ago, i swapped my then-girlfriend now-wife’s cat with a more well-behaved lookalike.
She had an all black cat that was extremely aggressive. It scratched everyone, hissed at everyone, and didn’t use its litterbox half the time. My wife insisted she could get it to behave better. One week she went out of town to visit her family and I was supposed to go to her apartment and feed it.
The first night I went over, it scratched the shit out of my arm. I joked to the cat that it’s not special and I’ll replace it if it scratches again. The joke stuck with me until I had thought about it enough that it wasn’t a joke. The next morning I went to the local animal shelter. Found an identical cat who was already litterbox trained and acclimated to people, but was a little skiddish (it’s old owner died of a heart attack and the animal shelter people said they think that’s why it was skiddish). But overall, it was a lot friendlier and better behaved, and the skiddishness would help it resemble the original cat.
So I adopted it, took it to my wife’s apartment, settled it in, then drove her original cat to an animal shelter a town over (I was paranoid my wife would find out if I took it to a local one).
It’s been 6 years since then. We got married 4 years ago. We still have the swapped cat. It answers to the original cat’s name. My wife knows nothing. She loves this cat and brags about how much better behaved it is. Everytime I see it, I feel like a total piece of shit.
4. I know my 7yo son is not my biological child
My ex wife and I were having a rough time when our youngest was 6. We separated for a few months and then reconciled. A few months later she announced she was pregnant. We ended up divorcing three years later. Our sons are 7 and 13. My 13yo is a clone of me. My 7yo looks nothing like me, my other son or even his mom. He looks just like the guy my ex was fucking when we separated. For example, my ex and I have blue eyes and my 7yo has big brown eyes.
She thinks I’m a fucking fool and that I believe he’s mine but I’ve known for a few years now. It doesn’t really bother me. I love that boy more than life itself but I get a kick out of watching her having to live with a lie that eats her alive because she’s fearful it would destroy her family.
She’s damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t.
5. I ended my friendship with my BFF because her kid is ugly.
My bff of 3 years is a single mom. We would text every day and she would send me 15-20 pictures a day of her four year old son. I’ve seen photos of this childs EVERY move. I’d wake up to pics of him on my phone. I’d see them again on social media. Sometimes she would even send pics in the mail.
The thing is that the kids ugly and seeing his face that many times a day made me angry. There’s no nice way to put it.
If I was honest and asked her to stop sending me pictures it would crush her. In hopes that she would catch onto my energy I stopped replying to the pics calling him cute & saying aww. Instead I’d react to the pictures with a thumbs up or id comment on something in the background that was totally irrelevant.
Eventually it irked me so much that I stopped communicating entirely. We have spoke a few times and I apologized saying I’ve been busy with life.
Honestly I don’t miss the friendship. In fact, i’m relieved that I don’t have to be blown up with pictures of her ugly kid 24/7
6. My son has significant disabilities, and I hate that this is my life
Before I begin you should know that I love my child unconditionally. He is so smart in his own way, and has a generous heart. I know this.
But I also, sometimes… okay, a lot of the time, hate that this is my life.
I hate the looks we get. When someone asks him a question then awkwardly realizes he can’t respond. When he has a major, hysterical meltdown in a store and I have to sing and rock him on the floor until he calms down. When other kids realize he isn’t as “normal” as he looks…
I hate that he will probably never have a real friend. That I will have to fight for him to be included in everything. That his birthday parties will likely be adults/family only.
I hate not being able to go to church without making sure they have an adult with training to be with him. I hate how hard it is to find adults to be with him. And that I have to be the one to train them.
I hate that he will be my only child. I don’t know that I can handle a second child with disabilities… and it’s not fair to him if we bring a neurotypical child into the mix. It’s not fair to the other child either.
I hate that he has to be watched 24/7. I never get anything done because I am exhausted from keeping him safe while trying to give him room to grow and learn.
I hate the appointments, the juggling of specialists and primary care doctors and trying to remember who needs to be told what. I hate having to sign a kajillion disclosures to share information, and I hate that even my husband has to ask me what all kiddo has going on.
I hate that he hurts me. Yes, I understand the reasons: trauma and development and delayed attachment and frustration. But I hate that my baby boy, my darling child, regularly kicks and hits and bites and scratches me.
I hate saying, “Kind hands, please.”
I hate how much I rely on his tablet to occupy him.
I hate when people say it’s just a phase. Or all boys/kids do that. It’s not true, and they know it. But no one is comfortable enough to say, “that sounds like it sucks.” Which is what I really want.
I hate that being away from him takes so much planning and money. That we can’t hire just anyone to watch him. It has to be an adult with training, or a respite provider (which is impossible to get), or a rare, understanding friend. Or my husband.
Most of all, I hate that I hate any part of being his mommy. Because I always wanted to be a mom. And when we found out we couldn’t have biological children, I was so happy my husband agreed to adopt. I knew it would be hard. I knew it meant raising a child with disabilities and trauma. And I worked my ass off to prepare for it.
But here I am. On Reddit, telling however many strangers that I hate being a mom to a child with disabilities. Because there is nowhere else I can go and be this raw and open about it.
And I hate that our society is the kind of place where parents like me can’t be raw and open. Because I already know some of you are judging me, or calling me a snowflake, or passing by this post because this sliver of my reality is too much for you to bear on top of your own stuff.
But I had to say it. Had to let it out because it’s too hard to carry around on top of all the other shit I have to carry every single day.
Ukraine And Russia Agree – Russia Is Fighting NATO
Russia and Ukraine have publicly agreed on a fundamental and important issue.
The question is who Russia is fighting in Ukraine.
During an interview with a Ukrainian TV station the Oleksii Reznikov, the defense minister of Ukraine, answered that the Ukraine has “already become a de facto member of the NATO alliance.”

biggerThe interview, given four days ago, is available on Youtube. English language subtitles can be generated by autotranslate. The sentence pictured above comes at about 1:25 minutes in.
Sputnik, which seems to be the only international outlet that has picked up on this, has more (from ~11:05 min):
“At the NATO Summit in Madrid” in June 2022, “it was clearly delineated that over the coming decade, the main threat to the alliance would be the Russian Federation. Today Ukraine is eliminating this threat. We are carrying out NATO’s mission today. They aren’t shedding their blood. We’re shedding ours. That’s why they’re required to supply us with weapons,” Reznikov said …The official said Kiev was being constantly reminded by its “Western partners” that it, “like a real shield, is defending the entire civilized world, the entire West,” from the Russians, and said that he personally has recently received holiday greeting cards and text messages from Western defense ministers to that effect.
Reznikov expressed “absolute” certainty in Ukraine’s eventual entry into NATO, saying he was “convinced that this is an absolutely realistic possibility… Of course they won’t accept this political decision via consensus before our victory. This is clear. But after the victory, after all this ends and some kind of peace arrives, NATO countries, first and foremost, will be interested in the construction of this security architecture. They have seen their own weak spots, they have seen who is strong and powerful. Today they are teaching us but tomorrow our officers, sergeants and even privates will be teaching them how to fight the Russians. Russia remains one of the threats to NATO, and for Europe as a whole.”
Reuters reports today that the Russian government agrees with the core of Reznikov’s view:
Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev is seen by diplomats as one of the major hardline influences on Putin, who has promised victory in Ukraine despite a series of battlefield setbacks.”The events in Ukraine are not a clash between Moscow and Kyiv – this is a military confrontation between Russia and NATO, and above all the United States and Britain,” Patrushev told the Argumenti i Fakti newspaper in an interview.
“The Westerners’ plans are to continue to pull Russia apart, and eventually just erase it from the political map of the world,” Patrushev said.
Asked about Patrushev’s remarks, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said NATO and the United States were part of the Ukraine conflict.“De facto they have already become an indirect party to this conflict, pumping Ukraine with weapons, technologies, intelligence information and so on,” Peskov told a regular news briefing.
As both sides now seem to agree on the real participants of the conflict we can assume that they will later also come to an agreement about its outcome. That however will still take a while.
The heavily fortified Ukrainian strongholds in Bahkmut (Artyomovsk) and Soledar are about to fall. The long fight over these cities has come at a high price particularly for their defenders. All the reserves the Ukrainian command has thrown into them have been ground up by massive Russian artillery applications.
Other reserves the Ukrainian army is still training up are waiting for new supplies of ‘western’ weapons. But what has been newly promised, mostly infantry fighting vehicles (aluminum cans), will only become available in late spring. The most likely plan the Ukrainian command will want to pursue is a move south towards Mariupol (bottom right) to severe the Russian land connection to Crimea.

biggerThere is however only a small chance that such a move during spring could be successful. Until then Russia has the time to make its own moves.
Posted by b on January 10, 2023 at 15:30 UTC | Permalink
Why the CIA Attempted a ‘Maidan Uprising’ in Brazil
A former US intelligence official has confirmed that the shambolic Maidan remix staged in Brasilia on 8 January was a CIA operation, and linked it to the recent attempts at color revolution in Iran.
On Sunday, alleged supporters of former right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro stormed Brazil’s Congress, Supreme Court, and presidential palace, bypassing flimsy security barricades, climbing on roofs, smashing windows, destroying public property including precious paintings, while calling for a military coup as part of a regime change scheme targeting elected President Luis Inacio “Lula” da Silva.
According to the US source, the reason for staging the operation – which bears visible signs of hasty planning – now, is that Brazil is set to reassert itself in global geopolitics alongside fellow BRICS+ states Russia, India, and China.
That suggests CIA planners are avid readers of Credit Suisse strategist Zoltan Pozsar, formerly of the New York Fed. In his ground-breaking 27 December report titled War and Commodity Encumbrance, Pozsar states that “the multipolar world order is being built not by G7 heads of state but by the ‘G7 of the East’ (the BRICS heads of state), which is a G5 really but because of ‘BRICSpansion’, I took the liberty to round up.”
He refers here to reports that Algeria, Argentina, Iran have already applied to join the BRICS – or rather its expanded version “BRICS+” – with further interest expressed by Saudi Arabia, Turkiye, Egypt, Afghanistan, and Indonesia.
The US source drew a parallel between the CIA’s Maidan in Brazil and a series of recent street demonstrations in Iran instrumentalized by the agency as part of a new color revolution drive: “These CIA operations in Brazil and Iran parallel the operation in Venezuela in 2002 that was highly successful at the start as rioters managed to seize Hugo Chavez.”
Enter the “G7 of the East”
Straussian neo-cons placed at the top of the CIA, irrespective of their political affiliation, are livid that the “G7 of the East” – as in the BRICS+ configuration of the near future – are fast moving out of the US dollar orbit.
Straussian John Bolton – who has just publicized his interest in running for the US presidency – is now demanding the ouster of Turkey from NATO as the Global South realigns rapidly within new multipolar institutions.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his new Chinese counterpart Qin Gang have just announced the merging of the China-driven Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Russia-driven Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU). This means that the largest 21st century trade/connectivity/development project – the Chinese New Silk Roads – is now even more complex, and keeps expanding.
That sets the stage for the introduction, already being designed at various levels, of a new international trading currency aimed at supplanting then replacing the US dollar. Apart from an internal debate among the BRICS, one of the key vectors is the discussion team set up between the EAEU and China. When concluded, these deliberations will be presented to BRI-EAEU partner nations and of course the expanded BRICS+.
Lula at the helm in Brazil, in what is now his third non-successive presidential term, will offer a tremendous boost to BRICS+, In the 2000s, side by side with Russian President Putin and former Chinese President Hu Jintao, Lula was a key conceptualizer of a deeper role for BRICS, including trade in their own currencies.
BRICS as “the new G7 of the East,” as defined by Pozsar, is beyond anathema – as much for Straussian neo-cons as for neoliberal.
The US is being slowly but surely expelled from wider Eurasia by concerted actions of the Russia-China strategic partnership.
Ukraine is a black hole – where NATO faces a humiliation that will make Afghanistan look like Alice in Wonderland. A feeble EU being forced by Washington to de-industrialize and buy US Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) at absurdly high cost has no essential resources for the Empire to plunder.
Geoeconomically, that leaves the US-denominated “Western Hemisphere,” especially immense energy-rich Venezuela as the key target. And geopolitically, the key regional actor is Brazil.
The Straussian neo-con play is to pull all stops to prevent Chinese and Russian trade expansion and political influence in Latin America, which Washington – irrespective of international law and the concept of sovereignty, continues to call “our backyard.” In times where neoliberalism is so “inclusive” that Zionists wear swastikas, the Monroe Doctrine is back, on steroids.
All about the ‘strategy of tension’
Clues for Maidan in Brazil can be obtained, for instance, at the US Army Cyber Command at Fort Gordon, where it’s no secret the CIA deployed hundreds of assets across Brazil ahead of the recent presidential election – faithful to the “strategy of tension” playbook.
CIA chatter was intercepted at Fort Gordon since mid-2022. The main theme then was the imposition of the widespread narrative that ‘Lula could only win by cheating.’
A key target of the CIA operation was to discredit by all means the Brazilian electoral process, paving the way for a prepackaged narrative that is now unraveling: a defeated Bolsonaro fleeing Brazil and seeking refuge at former US president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mansion. Bolsonaro, advised by Steve Bannon, did flee Brazil, skipping Lula’s inauguration, but because he’s terrified he may be facing the slammer sooner rather than later. And by the way, he is in Orlando, not Mar-a-Lago.
The icing on the stale Maidan cake was what happened this past Sunday: fabricating a 8 January in Brasilia mirroring the events of 6 January, 2021 in Washington, and of course imprinting the Bolsonaro-Trump link on people’s minds.
The amateurish nature of 8 January in Brasilia suggests CIA planners got lost in their own plot. The whole farce had to be anticipated because of Pozsar’s report, which everyone-who-matters has read across the New York-Beltway axis.
What is clear, is that for some factions of the powerful US establishment, getting rid of Trump at all costs is even more crucial than crippling Brazil’s role in BRICS+.
When it comes to the internal factors of Maidan in Brazil, borrowing from novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez, everything walks and talks like the Chronicle of a Coup Foretold. It is impossible that the security apparatus around Lula could not have foreseen these events, especially considering the tsunami of signs on social networks.
So there must have been a concerted effort to act softly – without any preventive big sticks – while just emitting the usual neoliberal babble.
After all, Lula’s cabinet is a mess, with ministers constantly clashing and some members supporting Bolsonaro even a few months ago. Lula calls it a “national unity government,” but it is more like a tawdry patchwork job.
Brazilian analyst Quantum Bird, a globally respected physics scholar who has returned home after a long stint in NATO lands, notes how there are “too many actors in play and too many antagonistic interests. Among Lula’s ministers, we find Bolsonarists, neoliberal-rentiers, climate interventionism converts, identity politics practitioners and a vast fauna of political neophytes and social climbers, all well aligned with Washington’s imperial interests.”
CIA-stoked ‘militants’ on the prowl
One plausible scenario is that powerful sectors of the Brazilian military – at the service of the usual Straussian neo-con think tanks, plus global finance capital – could not really pull off a real coup, considering massive popular rejection, and had to settle at best for a “soft” farce. That illustrates just how much this self-aggrandizing and highly corrupt military faction is isolated from Brazilian society.
What is deeply worrying, as Quantum Bird notes, is that the unanimity in condemning 8 January from all quarters, while no one took responsibility, “shows how Lula navigates virtually alone in a shallow sea infested by sharpened corals and hungry sharks.”
Lula’s position, he adds, “decreeing a federal intervention all by himself, without strong faces of his own government or relevant authorities, shows an improvised, disorganized and amateurish reaction.”
And all that, once again, after CIA-stoked “militants” had been organizing the “protests” openly on social media for days.
The same old CIA playbook though remains at work. It still boggles the mind how easy it is to subvert Brazil, one of the natural leaders of the Global South. Attempted old school coups cum regime change/color revolution scripts will keep being played – remember Kazakhstan in early 2021, and Iran only a few months ago.
As much as the self-aggrandizing faction of the Brazilian military may believe they control the nation, if Lula’s significant masses hit the streets in full force against the 8 January farce, the army’s impotence will be graphically imprinted. And since this is a CIA operation, the handlers will order their tropical military vassals to behave like ostriches.
The future, unfortunately, is ominous. The US establishment will not allow Brazil, the BRICS economy with the best potential after China, to be back in business with full force and in synch with the Russia-China strategic partnership.
Straussian neo-cons and neoliberals, certified geopolitical jackals and hyenas, will get even more ferocious as the “G7 of the East,” Brazil included, moves to end the suzerainty of the US dollar as imperial control of the world vanishes.
What A Homicidal 12 Year Old Looks Like
Please keep in mind that these are the kinds of people running the United States these days.
Those Slenderman killers are utter psychos with an even worse case of schizophrenia than me (and I’ve had very nasty hallucinations in the past). Amazing that the innocent victim was able to pull through after all that.
They stabbed their best friend because of shit they read from a creepypasta website; they actually believe that Slenderman is real.
But that ain’t too far off from how American Bigwigs justify their psychotic mistreatment of everyone. They believe that what they are doing is good, for the greater good, and if they believe in God, will appease God who had chosen them for their positions of power that they never really deserved.