screen 2024 11 08 10 29 46

Be aware of latent crazy

I want to make it clear that I’m not talking about the mentally ill or people with an addiction problem.

The US has so many homeless people because we have lots of stupid people.

Let’s say someone is living in a suburban area.

A young couple. No kids.

Both are making $30 an hour. $1200 a week. Roughly $5000 a month each. $10,000 a month.

Paycheck to paycheck living. Renting an $2000 a month apartment. Order out all the time on credit cards. Pay the minimum balance. Both cars financed. Money in. Right back out. No emergency fund. Didn’t bother with the 401k at work.

After 3 years? 40k credit card debt each.

$2000 a month on each. Plus $2000 rent. Plus $1500 car payment. After tax take home is about $7000 a month.

Oops! bills exceed income. Cant run up the credit cards anymore. Theyre maxed. Time for a bankruptcy. Then somebody gets laid off from work. Fighting all the time about money. Miserable.

Then they break up. Try renting an apartment or buying a car with bad credit and a bankruptcy.

If mommy or daddy can’t let you move back in?

Congrats! You just joined the homeless.

I’ve known plenty of people that worked great jobs. Nice houses. Perfect middle class suburban lives.

Then they got out of hand with debt. Home equity loans to pay off credit cards. Then their job shutdown. Or a divorce. Or health problem.

Right out on the street.

Boy! We’re they shocked to be homeless at 55 years old.

How many more bailouts to American farmers do you think will be necessary before the trade deals between the U.S. and China “pan out” and why?

Why does everyone assume that the Chinese orders will ever return?

Russia, Brazil and other countries are making long term changes to their own ag industries to meet the new demand from China. By next year China will be able to buy as much soy, corn, wheat, pork and other ag products they want from countries other than the USA.

The President of the United States of America declared a trade war with China and a war is a war. You don’t buy goods from your opponent while at war do you? I don’t have to be an ancient Chinese philosopher to figure that one out. So China is in the process of shifting ALL their purchases away from the USA.

Now let’s assume this trade war comes to an end next week. (Not going to happen)

Please explain to me why China will switch back to American suppliers? China isn’t playing this for a photo-op with Trump. China plans long term and plays for keeps.

Don’t you get it? This isn’t a sales slump, a dip in the markets, a bad day. These orders are gone and will probably not be back until the grand children of todays farmers are at work. Will they still have farms?

I have to ask. Are you tired of winning yet?

Great designs


Trump’s previous China policies were like a capricious kid playing games. One moment he did this, another moment he did that, with no consistency at all. One day he imposed tariffs, and the next day he set up some restrictions, messing up the otherwise good China-US economic and trade relations as if he was stirring up a clear pool of water with a big stick, splashing water everywhere and leaving nobody in peace.

Now look at China. China has always been steady and reliable, just like a dependable big brother. No matter how much the other side tosses and turns, China just follows its own rhythm. We focus on our own development and cooperation, wholeheartedly getting our own things done and making the lives of our people prosperous.

If Trump comes up with another set of his China policies during his new term, who knows? He might just dash around like a headless chicken again. But China has long been equipped with the ability to handle such situations. No matter how much he messes around, China will still stick to its own path, continue to expand friendly cooperation with other countries, make our economy even better, and bring more happiness to our people. Anyway, if he still acts recklessly, it’ll be him who gets dizzy and disoriented in the end. China won’t be led astray by his unreliable actions.

This is WHY US Cannot STOP the Rise of China

He is one of my favorites.

Trump flipped all 7 swing states and crushed Harris by a huge margin. He even took the majority of the House and Senate and the Supreme Court is all MAGA judges.

That’s the American people choice!!!!

This is what the American people want, ordinary Americans who believe that Trump can lead them to greatness again and out of the cycle of decline.

I suggest that Trump could pack up the illegals in the US in batches and send them to Israel as cannon fodder. That way Israel is not short of soldiers, and in the meantime, the US solves the illegal immigrant problem, and the Chinese don’t have to worry about chinese traitors (Taiwanese included) being repatriated back to their place of origin.

I hope this ploy will be adopted by Trump.

Mearsheimer on China-US: The US can no longer stop China’s rise

A surprisingly excellent interview.

For those who were actually old enough to have experienced the 1970s and not for those who were born in the 70s. What were the pros and cons of that era?

I was a fifteen year old schoolboy in England in 1970, so it was my decade.

My parents had a successful family business. We were happy and quite well off. There were no obvious problems. I went to a great school, and then on to one of the best art colleges in central London where I learned things that gave me two great careers.

What really defined that time for me was meeting The One. I was just 17, she was 16, and that relationship dominated the rest of my life. We moved to Germany for our careers in 1977 and married in 1978, then back to the U.K. for my career in ’85. We were very happy until she died in 2015.

So the ’70’s weren’t just wild years of sex, drugs and rock’n’roll for me… I never bothered with drugs. I took my work and my relationship seriously and made sure both worked.

My parents were very liberal and if anything saw my brother and I as rather too well behaved, but we had things good and knew it. They had experienced terrible things, but we grew up in a truly blessed era of peace and plenty. I could and did do pretty much what I wanted. No one told me I had to wear a uniform and kill people, no one tried to kill me, I could love the person I loved, learn what interested me, live in the foreign country I wanted to live in. No one charged me a fee for my college course. I had enough money to run a car in London. I bought a flat in Hampstead in 1985, aged 30!

Since the 1970s things have become much harder for 15–25 year olds in many respects. But I don’t see that decade through rose-tinted glasses. Women had far fewer rights. Being gay was still something to be ashamed of. No one could be anything other than straight or (whisper it) “queer”. There was rampant casual racism. The British class structure was a massive brake on social mobility. But for me it was a decade that acted as the foundation for my future life.

Russian Marines Offered the Trapped US Army Officers To Surrender or DIE amid New Offensive in KURSK

This is what is going on in Ukraine.

November 7 (2 days ago as I write this) was the anniversary of the death of a young police officer named Ryan Bonaminio. He was 28. Ryan stopped a semi tractor that *might* have been involved in a minor collision. Big rigs often unknowing get involved in minor fender benders, or accused of it, usually because of stupid moves on the part of the car. So, a “simple pull over.” When Ryan stopped the truck, the driver fled on foot and Ryan gave chase. During the chase, Ryan slipped and fell. The suspect turned around a struck Ryan in the head with a metal pipe and then took the dazed officer’s gun. Despite Ryan’s pleas not to shoot him, the man shot him twice in the head, executing him. What Ryan didn’t know about the routine stop, was that the suspect had been previously arrested 13 times, convicted of several crimes, and was on parole. The suspect’s desire not to return to prison was worth more to him than Ryan’s life. I was one of the officers assigned to document the crime scene and can still see every detail. Another officer I worked with stopped a van for driving without its headlights on. He approached the vehicle and asked the driver for his license to verify it was valid. When he returned to the van, the driver shot him in the throat. The officer didn’t know the suspect was on parole and hadn’t reported to his parole officer for a while. A parole hold was in the works but hadn’t been issued yet, so there was no want in the system. I pulled up on that scene as the paramedics were doing CPR.

There is no such thing as a routine traffic stop. There is no such thing as a “simple pull over.” Officers are killed every year on traffic stops that should have been nothing, except someone in the car had a different idea. If an officer makes a stop on their own, their beat partners will stop by if they’re in the area to make sure everything is ok, to check their back. Many times, even off-duty officers seeing a cop on a solo stop, will pull over and wait for the officer to signal that everything is good. Officers don’t have a crystal ball and even the most routine, simple traffic stop can go sideways in a heartbeat.

Leaked docs reveal US ‘color revolution’ bid in Cambodia

DOCUMENTS LEAKED THIS week reveal that the US is secretly working on a massive political interference operation in Cambodia. Washington is using the exact same methods it used to create civil unrest in Hong Kong in 2019, and Bangkok in 2020, and in Moldova and Bangladesh this year, and a score of other places over recent years.

America has numerous units which discreetly provide large amounts of cash, protest guidance and media contacts to Pentagon-friendly anti-government groups in scores of countries.

The technique is known as “hybrid warfare” or “color revolution”. In Cambodia, the documents leaked this week indicate the involvement of multiple units, including the National Endowment for Democracy, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, USAID and others.

The shocking details were revealed by The Sunday Guardian, an Indian newspaper, and followed up by the Khmer Times of Cambodia.

In contrast to Asian journalists, Western mainstream media outlets automatically cover up, downplay or mislead readers about US hybrid warfare operations, despite the fact that these actions are illegal in most places.

The secret political interference operation in Cambodia is being led by “a cocktail of agencies situated in the US and other countries, in collaboration with political dissenters in Cambodia,” the Indian Sunday Guardian said.

The aim, of course, is to “execute a long standing operation to remove the incumbent government from power and install a pro-Washington face in Phnom Penh.”

The paper published what it said was a leaked email apparently showing that opposition leader Mu Sochua was given at least US$55,000 US dollars from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations that would ensure “Major advocacy will continue till the end of 2024”.

Another leaked document refers to operations continuing until 2028 and mentions a payment of 98,000 US dollars.

The stages of the plan show the system is virtually a carbon copy of Washington’s 2019 operation in Hong Kong. The plan is to hurt Cambodia by getting the US Congress to pass a “Cambodia Human Rights and Democracy Act”, – just like the US congress hurt Hong Kong by passing the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.

It said it would involve the usual US vassal states or allies in the region: Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. It said It would “advocate the EU Parliament for resolutions on Cambodia”.

And it would “push for targeted sanctions by the EU against high ranking officials of the Cambodian government for grave violations of human rights and corruption”.

Why does the US do this? In a 1992 defence policy document, the US declared that it, and it alone, should be the dominant power over the world, and particularly the people of Asia, the biggest portion of humanity.

Since then, it has worked hard to achieve this aim, using secret political interference, western media demonization of competitor nations, military shows of strength, economic coercion and so on.

But China’s alternative plan, offering a multipolar world in which countries have positive relationships based on mutually beneficial trading operations, has growing support.

Urgent action is needed. it is absolutely vital that EVERY GOVERNMENT IN ASIA immediately gets consultants who can dig up secret hybrid warfare operatives in their country.

If they fail to do this – well, look at Ukraine for the result. If you want help, contact the present writer.

Philly Cheesesteak Tortellini


I am an US educated Chinese.

I used to dream about building China into a country like the US.

Not anymore. I now believe that the world deserves a better class of country than the US, and would prefer China to chart its own course.

I am never buying an Apple product, or Tesla, or Canadian products for that matter, for as long as I can help it, or when the US officially apologizes for its racist behavior.

Gifting iPhones and iPads to my wife used to be our thing even when we were just dating in university, but now Apple is effectively dead to us. She also dumped her iPhone and went with Huawei.

In 2018 I was test driving a Tesla model X but went with a Volvo Xc90 instead due to the unreasonable attacks from the US. I just won’t support a racist regime that’s keen on killing us or keeping us poor in my household.

And I will educate my children this way too.

Best of Jerry | Seinfeld

Funny stuff you all.

They can make a peace by agreeing to five basic points

Border Agreements :-

A. Aksai Chin is recognized as Chinese Territory and a No Man Zone of 6000 Sq Kms is created out of the 39400 Sq Kms the Chinese occupy today

B. Arunachal Pradesh & Ladakh are Indian Territories

C. Tibet is Chinese Territory & Free Tibet Movements are deemed Separatist in India

D. India China share Brahmaputra and Arunachal Water and Power in the 40–60 Ratio based on power needs and India will receive payment from China for 50% of the water China receives (China gets only 30% water free)

E. Chinese withdraw fully from Galwan Fingers and dismantle any Infrastructure within 180 days

F. Chinese dismantle all Infrastructure in Arunachal Pradesh within 180 days

Geopolitical Agreements:-

A. China to sign a neutrality agreement to not interfere Militarily or Economically with Pakistan if Pakistan launch an offensive aggressive action against India

B. India to sign a neutrality agreement to not assist the United States and QUAD allies for any Chinese Offensive Action against Taiwan or Any Defensive Action by China against any country in the South China Sea or Sea of Japan

India may however assist it’s QUAD ALLIES in the case of any offensive action by China against Australia or South Korea or Japan

C. India not allow the US or any NATO member to use it’s territories for Military Bases on Bay of Bengal or Arabian Sea

D. China to commit to no Chinese Naval or Military Presence along the Indian Ocean Control Zone of India (Maldives & Sri Lanka) without express permission of India

E. India and China both commit to permanently not sanction each other or boycott each other for any reason apart from offensive action against each other or war against each other

F. India and China to resolve all disputes through a Dispute Resolution Committee before taking decisions on any of these clauses. No country shall take unilateral decisions on this regard

Trade Agreements :-

1. China to invest a minimum of $ 200 Billion over a period of 15 years and provide Infrastructure and Technological support to Indian Companies to partner in Areas of :-

A. Supply Chain Development

B. Skills Training for Industrial Production

C. Green Energy


E. Robotics

2. India to offer Free Trade and Tariff Free Agreements for all imports with the exception of Steel, Iron Ore, Aluminium & Chemicals

Privacy & Security:-

A. China agrees to store all Information gained through Chinese Apps on Indian Servers operated by Indian Companies

Trade Dispute Resolution:-

A. Any and All Actions by Income Tax Department Or ED Or CBI against Chinese Investors shall be first referred to a Trade Dispute Resolution Committee comprising of both Indians and Chinese and subsequently to an Independent Group of Arbitrators

B. India shall not initiate any unilateral action against any Chinese Investor or Entity related to Trade or Business without referring the dispute to the DRC & the Independent group of Arbitrators

China will be on board with any such comprehensive agreement

India may be reluctant due to the fear of losing votes in elections

Yet it’s the only way according to me for India to develop to its fullest potential

Its a fair agreement for both sides

It’s practical – Modi takes back all territory lost under his regime and can blame congress for the 1962 loss

Placebo – English Summer Rain [MTV Designerama 2004]

Are US Consumers using Foreign Brands?

Let’s see

  • Iphone
  • Airpods
  • Ipad
  • IBM
  • Google
  • Nike
  • Microsoft
  • Ford
  • GM
  • Starbucks
  • McDonalds
  • Intel

How many “Foreign Brands” do you see here?

From Boeing to Pharmaceutical Drugs to Medical Machinery to Food to Vehicles almost everything available to Americans are AMERICAN BRANDS

How many Qilu Or Mahindra or Jinma tractors do you see in Kansas or Wisconsin?

They are made overseas to make them affordable to the US Customer and bring down inflation

And to help the Corporates make profits

For every 5% Profit that China or India or Vietnam makes, the American Corporates make 18%-24%

Now Mr Syphilis wants to impose tariffs

Who suffers?

The Chinese?

Sure they lose their 5% profit

Yet the Corporates lose their 25% profits too

The US Consumers lose access to Affordable High Quality Stuff and now have access only to Expensive stuff of the same quality

In short – The Average American who paid $ 950–1200 for an Iphone will be paying $ 3,150–3400 for the same Iphone

So will Trump pass a law wherein an American who earns $ 70,000 a year now suddenly earns $ 220,000 a year?????


That means from 60% Americans who can afford the Iphone and it’s price tag of $ 950–1200 only maybe 35% can afford the $3150–$3400 price tag

That means Apple and Qualcomm need to raise their own profits from $ 380 per iphone to $ 822 per iphone to get the same profits within US

That means the Iphone cost rises to $ 3,592 to $ 3,842

Now 35% Americans who can afford an Iphone reduces to 30%

Again to keep the same profits Apple and Qualcomm need $ 923 per phone

So again price rises to $ 4073 – $ 4,323 per piece

Consumers are f****

Apple is f*****

But sure you have maybe 60,000 US factory Jobs and people earning $ 70K a year

You know what US has become by this time???? 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁


That’s Trumps Model

To keep US workers going by raising prices insanely and forcing Corporates to become utterly uncompetitive

Sure the US will earn revenue at the cost of burying it’s economy and making it the USSA from USA

The Communists become Capitalists and the Capitalists become Communists

Trumps wants more jobs in the US?

He has to follow the China or Russia or India Model

Partly or Wholly Nationalize all the Critical Industries

  • Energy
  • Transport
  • Defense
  • Banking & Finance

Then reduce their profits from 10.7% a year to 2% a year and their share growth from 22.3% a year to 4% a year

That can get him to employ a further 850,000 employees in 5 years at $ 43,250 a head and 2.2 Million Employees in the next 12–15 years

Consumers also get prices reduced because the profit margins are low

That’s the only way

Will the Cabal allow it?

Of course they won’t

So you tell me what exactly is Donald Trump going to?

And maybe the Deep State knew this and ensured that Trumps legacy would be completely and utterly shattered from 2025–2029 and by the time he leaves office MAGA is completely dead

Iran Reportedly Issues New NOTAM . . . “Rocket Launches” . . . . Israel???

The government of Iran has reportedly issued another Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) clearing its air space on certain dates for “rocket launches.”

According to information I received last night, Iran has ordered the clearing of its air space beginning November 18, and continuing through November 20.

This is significant for several reasons:

First, It is well known that Iran intends to retaliate against Israel for the Israeli attack a little over two weeks ago.

Second, Iran itself said they will retaliate against Israel “After the U.S. Election but before Trump is sworn-in.”

Third, Iran issued warnings to the residents of Haifa and Tel Aviv over this past weekend, giving them “one week to evacuate those cities”  while military guys blustered they were going to “remove Israel from the map.”

It is worthwhile to recap how this tit-for-tat military attack situation developed.

April 1, 2024 – Israel strikes the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria

Iran’s consulate in Damascus was destroyed in an Israeli missile attack which resulted in the killing of 13 people including top IRGC commander Major General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and his deputy.

Israel has long targeted Iran’s military installations in Syria but this attack marked the first time it had targeted the diplomatic compound itself. Iran pledged to respond.

April 13, 2024 – Iran launches 300 missiles, drones towards Israel

Nearly two weeks after the deadly strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria, Iran launched a barrage of missiles and drones targeting Israel.

This was the first time that Iran had fired missiles directly into Israeli territory.

It is important to point out something which was revealed publicly much later:  Iran contacted the United States hours PRIOR to this retaliatory attack, to warn the US what it was about to do.   This was unusual in matters military, but signaled that Iran was going to be reasonable in its response to the Israeli Embassy bombing.

Having been warned in advance what Iran was going to do, the majority of the projectiles were intercepted outside Israel’s borders with the assistance of the United States, the United Kingdom and France, according to the Israeli army. Jordan also helped to shoot down some missiles that were crossing through its airspace.

July 31, 2024 – Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh

Hamas’s political chief, Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran’s capital, Tehran, in the early hours of Wednesday, July 31, when what was initially thought to be an air strike hit the building in which he was staying. It was later revealed that Israeli Mossad had a Bomb planted in the building, which was remote detonated once Haniyeh was inside.

Haniyeh was in Tehran to attend the inauguration ceremony of Iran’s President Masoud Pezeshkian the day before.

Hamas’s armed wing, the Qassam Brigades, said Haniyeh’s killing had taken the war with Israel to a “new level” and warned of “enormous consequences for the entire region”.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei promised “harsh punishment.”

But the retaliation was delayed over and over again.   It came out that the United States told Iran that if they held-off on retaliating against Israel, the US could get Israel to halt the attacks upon the Gaza Strip.   Iran waited. The Israeli attacks on Gaza continued. Iran Waited. The attacks still continued.  Iran waited some more. Israel simply didn’t stop attacking Gaza.

Finally, Iran realized they had been lied to.

October 2 – Iranian missiles strike Israel

Iran said it fired approximately 180 ballistic missiles in response to Israeli assassinations of top Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) leaders.

It claimed it had used a hypersonic missile against Israel for the first time.

That retaliation __should__ have been the end of it.  Israel attacked Iran, and Iran attacked back.  It __should_ have been over.   It wasn’t.

The Israelis have some severe and very obvious mental problem wherein they seem to think they can attack others, and no one has any right to attack them back.  This delusion permeates almost all of Israeli society, as as such, Israel attacked Iran yet again.

Just this past week, at the Arab Summit, Syrian President Bashar Assad described Israel and its mentality this way:

“We are not dealing with a State in the legal sense, but rather with an outlaw colonial entity. We are not dealing with people in the civilized sense, but rather with herds of settlers that are closer to barbarism than to humanity.

The problem is not that the current colonial extremist government has lost its mind… They all have the same ideological mind.

A mind that is sick with bloodshed, sick with the delusion of superiority, a mind afflicted with schizophrenia between hating Nazism abstractly and loving it as an organic part of itself in practice.”

A lot of observers of the Middle East situation, say President Assad hit the nail right on the head with this assessment.

October 26, 2024

Israel attacked Iran – AGAIN – when it launched three waves of strikes against 20 locations in Iran and other locations in Iraq, and Syria, in an Operation codenamed Operation Days of Repentance (Hebrew: מבצע ימי תשובה) . The attack marked the first time since the 1980s that Iran has faced a sustained assault from a foreign adversary.

So, here we are, on November 13 and Iran, which has already said it will strike back after the US Presidential Election (which happened Nov. 5) and before President Trump is sworn-in on January 20, 2025, has issued a NOTAM for “Rocket Launches” November 18, 19, and 20.

This __could__ be a simple military exercise.  But it could __also__ be Iran’s retaliation against Israel.

Russia and China

As all of the above events were unfolding, Russia announced to the world “Russia will NOT allow its main ally in the Middle East and fellow BRICS+ member, Iran, to be defeated and destroyed!”

Russia told the US and Israel, quietly, that it will step in if the West goes too far in the coming regional war…. (Story Here)

That same day, China told the world “If Iran and its allies are attacked by the United States, we will take countermeasures.”

The United States has made clear to everyone it will “defend Israel.”

So this ongoing situation between Israel and Iran is extremely dangerous, because it could pull-in the three most powerful, nuclear-armed nations on this planet.  And it can happen fast.   So fast, in fact, that everyone would be blind-sided.

Given we now know that Iran has issued another NOTAM for November 18, 19, and 20, prudence dictates that all of us be “prepped” for unforeseen consequences.

Have emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on for at least 30 days.  A way to cook if electric or gas supplies are out; a Generator for electric or Barbecue Grill will full propane tank(s), or a “Rocket Stove” or “Solar Oven” – those last two being very inexpensive and easy to use.

Have a generator to keep your refrigerator running, and fuel for that generator. (Do NOT operate a generator inside your home. Their engines give off Carbon Monoxide gas which can KILL you if that gas fills you home while the generator is running.)

Have flashlights in each room of the house, or one for each family member, and spare batteries for those lights.

Have a portable AM/FM radio for news and information, and spare batteries for that radio.

Have a first-aid kit for small injuries or, God forbid, war wounds.

Have some CASH MONEY.   If an attack happens here, the credit and debit card networks can go down and all those plastic cards we have in our wallets will be useless because there is no network through which to get authorizations on those cards.  So having CASH MONEY will assure you can buy food, gasoline, etc.  Since no one in their right mind will take Checks during a war scenario, cash will be king.  Those who have it, will eat. Those who don’t, won’t.

We’ve all got a few days to get ready just in case.  Use this time wisely to prepare.

One last thing, we have ALL seen the images and videos of stores with shelves wiped clean as people panic DURING a hurricane, earthquake, etc.  That happens because the general public are “the masses who are asses.”  They don’t stop to think to prepare.  When something bad happens, they panic, run out and buy stuff, and the stores get wiped out within a couple hours.  Those who come later, find empty store shelves.

Don’t be like them.  Prepare.  Worst case: you end up NOT needing it, but you can still eat the food and have the other “preps” for the future anyway.

The clock is ticking.

National Security Expert Elbridge Colby’s Advice to Trump on How to Avoid WWIII & Handle the CIA

Damn! This is one Hell of a great video. It’s concentrated milkshake of what is going on in the Washington Leadership.

Why has Putin signed into law a mutual defense treaty with North Korea?

1. Putin can buy weapons from North Korea without any problems.

Things are so magical, although North Korea high-tech weapons can not, but the production capacity of conventional weapons is quite strong.

In the past six months, North Korea has provided Russia with 6,700 containers of 5 million artillery shells, and also received about 10,000 containers of food from Russia.

2. Deceive North Korea to provoke conflicts between North and South Korea, draw China into the chess game, and divert the pressure faced by Russia in the Russo-Ukrainian war.

In 2023, tensions on the Korean Peninsula were provoked by Russia, the United States added fuel to the fire, and China calmed the tensions.

The purpose of Putin’s provocation of tension on the Korean Peninsula is to divert global attention, the second is to distract the United States in Ukraine, and the third is to reverse Russia’s passive situation in Sino-Russian relations.

Because Russia is deeply embroiled in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it needs to keep conceding to China to get China’s support.
If the Korean War breaks out, China will definitely send troops to defend North Korea, so China will also need Russia’s support.

In this way, Russia and China will be on an equal footing, and Putin can naturally ask China to provide him with the Chinese weapons assistance he has always wanted!

Yes, so far China has not provided weapons to Russia or Ukraine like NATO, but only provided civilian goods through normal trade channels.

The Chinese government’s attitude is very clear. It stands on a neutral position and does not want the Russian-Ukrainian war to continue to expand or add fuel to the fire. But everyone can guess that what Putin needs more is weapons assistance. Although we do not agree with Putin’s approach, we can understand him.

By the way, the commander of Ukraine’s “Madyar’s Birds” drone unit, Robert Brovdi, entered China to attend the Canton Fair last month and tried to order a large number of drones and spare parts, but he was noticed by China’s national security department since he entered the country and the Chinese manufacturer rejected his order. Yes, China is neutral and does not help any side.

Without a bunch of details, I’ll share a few things that opened my eyes!

#1 – In prison I met some of the foulest, evil, sinister, hateful men your nightmares couldn’t even imagine! Men who would cut your heart out and literally eat it!

#2 – In prison I met some of the most intelligent peaceful hearted men than I’ve ever seen before or since.

#3 – Prison Guards are a “Blue Lives Gang” of their own. In every prison and jail, I’ve been to, right around half of them should be doing time themselves and are no better than the prisoners!

#4 – I’ve seen some of the most talented, skilled, artists of many mediums in prison.

#5 – Every man, woman, child incarcerated has a Government price tag on their lives. Each are at minimum worth their weight in silver to the Government, just in “Profits”, each year!

#6 – Government, Politics, Bureaucrats, Money rules this society. It also rules prisons and the life.

#7 – “Killers” look just like a Lamb. Often quiet, speaks softly, talks no smack, but will stick you with a dozen holes before you even realize what happened if you push them!

#8 – Some children or adults go into an Isolation cell and that person never comes back out. Their body still alive may walk out or get carried out, but their minds and who they were, no longer with us, never to return! For the rest of their lives, they’re doped up blobs of flesh without any comprehension of life or being human.

#9 – A little guy can walk with the stature of a man 10ft tall and a big mean looking hulk of a guy might be the biggest bitch on the yard.

#10 – Prison Guards are some of the most backstabbing, lying two faced SOBs that will set you up in heartbeat! They are this bad to each other as well as prisoners!

These are a few that opened my eyes!

You had a factory making Zenith TV Sets

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main qimg 03ff542e9887968cba3a23566f5879a7

To make these sets you needed another factory making valves, another making the wooden cabinet, another making the additional electronics and another making the wiring

That’s a manufacturing ecosystem

Works fine in the 1960s and 1970s and 1980s

Slowly labor prices start rising

You make a valve for 17 cents in 1976 because you paid your laborers $ 3.50 an hour

In 1986, you pay them $ 7.50 an hour

So you have to sell your valve for 27 cents to keep the same profit margin

This is true of the electronics, the wiring, the cabinet and everything else

So the TV for which you once paid $ 349 and got a 18% profit now costs $ 519 and you get only a 12% profit

By 1990, the same TV costs $ 599 and you get a 6% profit

So you think you need to close down the business because your profits are low and getting lower all the time

Plus Televisions are becoming expensive despite new features

You try plastic cabinets, you try adding multiple channels, offer stereo functions but the economics doesn’t work

Then someone tells you

Look- You can go to Taiwan and they can make these Valves for 4 cents a piece instead of 30 cents and electronics for 37 Dollars a set instead of 160 dollars

You can pay them $0.80 an hour instead of $ 10

You can sell the same TV for $ 599 now and get a profit of 45%

6% Profit vs 45% Profit!!!

So the factory owner pays off his American workforce who cost him 10 bucks an hour and relocates to Taiwan and later when Taiwan becomes too expensive, to China and later to Vietnam or Mexico or India

Its Economics not Political


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Erdogan announced this morning that Turkey has officially severed relations with Israel, condemning what he described as “genocide” in Gaza and Lebanon.

Speaking after visits to Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan, Erdogan emphasized the need for urgent humanitarian aid and an immediate ceasefire.

This break in Diplomatic relations marks a dramatic escalation in Turkey’s stance, as Erdogan advocates strongly for the Palestinian cause and aims to strengthen ties with other regional powers critical of Israel.

Turkey’s move is expected to reshape alliances and impact Middle Eastern geopolitics significantly.


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Is Singapore really expensive?

Believe it or not?

Even a person who draws $S200,000 or more a year, still can’t make ends meet in Singapore— Is Singapore really expensive? Do you want to know where I am coming from?

Please read on:-

Let me put you in a scenario that is common to the expats in Singapore.

An Asian-American family of 4, a boy1, and a girl2, from the US, arrived in Singapore. The husband got a job offered for $S100,000 per annum. They are like other Americans I knew who started with a humble lifestyle in a simple walk-up apartment or the HDB flats.

He let his wife used his company’s car to ferry the kids to and from the nursery and other classes, and they enjoyed other leisure activities during the weekends, taking the kids to the pool, like a typical expat family.

I got to meet them again after their frequent trips to Phuket. I saw the family photos on the private beach as well as in a yacht. I learned that he bought a brand new car.

Singapore’s Orchard Road is the place that draws millions of tourists who are fascinated by the sights and the crowds. It is lined with 2 Km shopping Malls with many great restuarants with international cuisines, along with pristine wide sidewalks and coordinated sleek street furniture, with skyscrapers in the background.

Always with endless spick-and-span Mercedes Benz public buses in shining red, and cool Apple green complimented with avant-garde bus stops, besides the underground MRT station at every few hundred meters. All these making living in Singapore is pretty cool— Only if one has more money to spend.

By the way, the family has already left Singapore for good after six years. I managed to catch up, before he left. He sold his new 2,000 c.c. car at a big loss, gave up his Swimming club’s membership, returned a semi-detached home he stayed.

The 2-kid bade farewell to their friends in the kindergarten and would continue their schooling in the US.

His last words: “Singapore is too expensive for my family and me. You know what, we never buy clothes here, I bought in bulks the last trip home-all from the US, they last until now., I eat Thai food, other than American and local foods. Living in the US is much cheaper, can’t imagine when the kids get into the International school here.”

His boss, a friend of mine, talked to me after he left: ”I already gave him $S17,000 a month, plus a car for his wife and a rent-free semi-D house, still not enough for his spending.”

But a Singaporean, like a young couple, a close friends of mine, working few hours a day as a piano tuner who earns $S20,000 a year will smile, with a gesture, always a V-sign- “Singapore is NOT really that expensive.”- He said that.

I wonder how he spends the money in a place like this!

This parody is amazing.

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Just Another Asian

If you compare Singapore with neighboring ASEAN countries, the Yes, it is very much more expensive BUT like everywhere else, your lifestyle dictates your cost of living.

Had he lived like a local, then it would be a very comfortable lifestyle with that salary, considering his housing & car is paid for.

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