We start with everyday stuff in the United States…
Walmart in Pennsylvania -Lipstick Aisle — for MEN
I was shopping in a Walmart in northeast Pennsylvania last week, and had to walk past the lipstick aisle to get elsewhere in the store. As I’m walking, I notice an Ad for the lipstick . . . photos of lips . . . when I noticed the photo on the bottom right: a Man!
Men don’t wear lipstick; or at least NORMAL men don’t.
This is how our society is being perverted with degenerate crap; subtle degeneracy. We’re bombarded by it at every level of life.
From ads like this in Walmart, to TV commercials showing interracial couples, and even men kissing each other on TV. The whole thing is disgusting to me.
Is it any wonder our society has become so screwed up?
Retailers like Walmart and advertisers ought to be ashamed for pushing this crap into society.
Is the United States bat-shit crazy?
Yes. Apparently.

Check this out!
Some thoughts on the latest…
The world has long suffered over the past centuries under the violence, Bullying, and looting of the crusader 's DNA nations. China belts and roads, plus the values of win - win, and the mutual desire to send off the crusaders, particularly the USA will become the driving force in the coming decades. From what the US regimes did against China and Russia in the past few years, and the boomerang effects to itself and Europe, most part of the world finally see the weakness of the previously almighty crusader nations. At the same time, the resilience of China and Russia against the crusader's nations all out aggression, allow the world to see the light from the other end of a tunnel approaching at high speed, and so, nations are willing to listen to China analysis and put aside any previous differences with each other to unite against the ongoing crusaders' aggression and threats. Belts and roads project and the win-win values will eventually create a more peaceful world order and removed the crusader controlled "me-only" killing-bullying - looting", socalled international "rule - based" order. The dollar will be crushed sooner than we can imagine. That will change the world order from non-stop crusader initiated conflicts to mutual destiny and win - win. But, before that, the US establishment may work on a preemptive strike against China. If that happen, China already fully prepared. We all shall witness that quite soon. Cheers <redacted>
Confessions Of An Chinese Buffet Owner
What is the largest amount of food you have seen/heard about someone eating at one sitting?
Personally I had seen one man pile 9 plates of Chinese food (mostly cheap noodles and chicken). When they eat by themselves, I think they eat a lot more. When they are with friends, the social pressure keeps them from gorging too much. My waiters had said a larger number, but they might be overestimating. No one can really eat more than 2 pounds.
If people constantly get multiple plates of the most expensive foods, do you lose money?
Fortunately that does not happen often, but when it does, we lost at most the price of the buffet. They will not cover the cost of labor, rent, and utilities, but I’m pretty sure no one will pack several pounds of heavy-protein food, so it’s less than the buffet price. They also bring their friends along, so if there is one glutton in the group, they convince the rest of them to go to our place, while we make money on the glutton’s friends.
Is your restaurant menu fairly standard, or do you try new menu items regularly to mix things up?
I would say about half of them are rotated regularly, but on a fixed schedule. Some things we just try because the ingredients are cheap. Right now tomatoes are at $57/cs while they were $11/cs 4 months ago. However the price of cabbage and potatoes dropped, as well as bass. That influences the new dishes we make.
How much is prepared by your kitchen vs how much is prepared outside of your kitchen?
The meat dishes are made from scratch, but the base for the sauces are from the supplier. Most of these dishes are made with ingredients common to each other, such as General Tso’s Chicken, Sesame Chicken, and other American Chinese dishes. Some things like the pizza, fries, sesame balls, desserts, are all from the supplier and come frozen. The microwave is not used that frequently, but the fryers are.
How long does it take to prep and cook everything before the store opens?
2-3 hours before we open is how long it takes, with a complete team. Most prep work is done the night before, so it isn’t that unreasonable.
What is the exact number of shrimp that you would cut someone off at?
Depends, what size. I have the ability to buy shrimps from 200 to a pound size to jumbo 4 ounce shrimps.
But really, we just would change out the type of shrimp for another type of shrimp with a different sauce/cooking method. The customer won’t come again, but if they are losing us money, we cannot let them take advantage of us. They are already getting their meal at a fraction of a la carte price, but the abuse cannot happen, as it is unsustainable. Before you know it we have to raise prices because of a group of people who become too greedy and just want to make us lose the most.
Do you ever have to ban someone from returning because they ate too much or wasted too much food?
Regulars do not eat too much, as they are there just because we provide a comfort to them. Most are very picky eaters who love the idea of getting anything whenever they want. Fortunately we make a lot of money on these people. The heavy eaters do not come very often. I still don’t know why that is the case.
We have never banned anyone because they ate too much food.
Some children however, I would love to ban, throwing food all over the place, and wasting whole plates of deserts they cannot finish, and their parents not giving a shit.
What is one item you would advise people to stay away from at an all you can eat buffet?
Crab legs. I’m being serious. I have seen Chinese buffets at the fish market going and buying bottom of the barrel seafood including crab legs past their prime. And then they don’t steam them properly either to save on volume.
The sushi on the other hand, a common misconception, is relatively safe to eat IN A BUSY PLACE, as the health code standards in the region of raw food is very strict, and you cannot skimp out on prices of salmon and tuna fillet.
Isn’t getting the crab legs past their prime dangerous? Wouldn’t it make people sick?
It does, unfortunately. Very often. But it is very hard to sue with the little amount of evidence people have. We do not even risk giving cheap crab legs for that reason
The oysters always sketched me out. You say the crab legs you should avoid and the sushi is fine. But what about the oysters?
Oysters are also to be avoided as they source them, especially in the midwest, from groceries and fisheries past their prime. Sometimes on the coasts they are imported from China and South America, but are decent quality while they are fresh.
Are sushi made from a factory? Or made in-house? The’re usually pretty bland
Sushi are not made from a factory. They are made in house, but not from the finest fisheries or filling. They are made with pretty safe treated fish, but we have to tone down the flavor since it’s a wide crowd we are appealing to.
Why are you always running out of chicken wings?
Chicken wings are hard to make in a busy kitchen. Each wing has to be spun and dipped by hand in sauce, which increases time. Chicken wings also come in smaller cases from restaurant wholesalers now for some reason, and the price increased.
Hot and Sour Soup…my absolute favorite but it is never the same place to place. Some it is ok, some it is amazing, never had one I hated, what is the story on it?
Egg composition. Hot and sour soup contains a lot of egg, and some places put less in the soup base when egg prices swing too high. It is made in a wok on high heat, so a high egg content makes it thicker.
Why do the deserts always look so delicious but taste like stale cardboard covered in colored sugar?
That’s what they are. They all come from the same factory in one of the major cities for Chinese immigrants in the US. The ingredients used are not half bad, but they lack preservatives to help it taste fresh. Some customers do say they get hard after some time on the trays. But I doubt these factories hire any food scientist to prevent them from turning into cardboard.
What measure do you have in place to prevent ‘water drinkers’ from drinking the soda?
Our waiters serve the soda, so that is not a problem.
There’s a buffet near me that charges people for any food left on their plate. What do you think about that kind of policy? Do you think it’s sensible, or risks driving customers away? Is wasted food a serious enough problem to necessitate such strict measures?
I would imagine if we implemented that policy we would lose some of our new customers. In practice, it is sensible, as running this place is very low margin, and any food wasted lowers that. But driving customers away ultimately results in fewer customers, which is more devastating than a bit more wastage.
What do you do with the food which is left after end of service? Serve it up again the next day?
Half of the stuff at the end of the day is reprocessed much like other restaurants, even MCD and Panera Bread. You can turn so much stuff into soup, and will still taste fresh. We mark all our food to make sure that the day old soup, while it would normally last 2 days with fresh ingredients, we would only put out for a day. In almost all cases, the food is eaten and turned over within the next 12 hours by the morning. Stuff like fried food however and mushrooms, have to be thrown away.
What is the buffett crowd really like to deal with?
Some customers will bitch at you and purposely spoil the food in order to get their food for free. Some customers leave out their food at their table for 10 minutes and say it is cold, AFTER THEIR MEAL, and demanding it should be free.
What is your worst customer experience?
The worst experience was when a customer wanted a take out box from the buffet, which was by weight. He got two huge boxes, and the bill turned out to be higher than the price of the buffet. He argued and started yelling in the whole restaurant that it was a rip off that he took 5 pounds of food (verified on the scale) and should pay more than the buffet price. He said that he could eat more than the amount in the boxes, but it was 5 POUNDS of food! After arguing and initially lowering the price a bit, he threw a fit and wanted the whole 5 pounds of food for free. Regardless, we have a price policy in place, but some just don’t want to pay it. If you are going to take your food home, we cannot charge you the buffet price. This was well known before even walking in. Not to throw a fit and bother other customers.
I’m always interested to know how these all-you-can-eat for $15.00 joints manage to turn a profit. After paying salaries and operating expenses, how do you manage to stay in the green?
You only eat $6 worth of food in a $15 buffet. If my labor at $14 an hour including taxes can cook for 7 people, thats only $8 total. Add the drinks margin and you are profitable. A la carte restaurants are a rip off in this scenario, where you might only get $3 cost of food for $15.
How profitable are buffets in general?
Very low margins, but good if high volume. Low labor cost. Food cost is slightly higher.
Asado de Cerdo

- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 2 pounds thin, boneless pork chops or pork roast, cubed
- Salt
- Pepper
- 1 tablespoon garlic, minced
- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 3 cups water
- 1 tablespoon cumin
- 3 -5 tablespoons chili powder
- Heat oil in a heavy pot.
- Add pork, salt and pepper, stirring until well browned and most of the liquid is vaporated.
- Add garlic and saute 1 minute more.
- Add flour, stirring until thoroughly coated.
- Add water all at once.
- Add cumin and chili powder.
- Stir thoroughly until gravy is dark and velvety smooth.
- Add more chili powder to taste.
- Bring to boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until pork is tender.
- Serve with rice and tortillas.
It Is Done: Bakhmut is Encircled by Russian Troops

It took months of fierce and deadly fighting, but the city of Bakhmut, Ukraine is now, officially, tactically-encircled by the Russian Army. Upwards of seven thousand (7,000) Ukraine troops are now trapped and cannot get out.
This morning, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported to Ukraine President Zelensky about the tactical encirclement and the impossibility of evacuating the remaining Ukrainian units.
Video from Bakhmut today:
Dead Ukrainians in Bakhmut:

This is a massive victory for the Russian Army. By finally taking Bakhmut, Russia has now cut-off all supply lines for the Ukrainian Army to the south and southeast of Ukraine. Those areas will now fall, one at a time, to the never-ending Russian onslaught.
Ukraine is losing the war. As reported on this web site from the very beginning, once the Russian Army crossed their border, Ukraine stood no chance at all. Only the West thought otherwise, and provided aid to Ukraine. That aid only served to delay the inevitable, and cost tens-of-thousands of more Ukrainian deaths.
Ukraine should surrender.
Confessions of a Former QAnon Conspiracy Theorist
How did you get in to Q in the first place?
I had been DEEP into conspiracy for about 8 years. Had very recently been down the ufo paranormal rabbit hole so when Q really took off midterm for trump I “did my research” and fell right into it.
Do you mind describing what you thought research was and how you’d go about doing it?
Oh research is just going down rabbit hole links and back alley corners of the net. Let’s not kid ourselves and think it’s anything fancy. Unfortunately an ignorance of the world and overconfidence in one’s own critical thinking leads to believing in stupid shit
Did being part of Q make you feel important? Like did you have a small group of other Q’s you talked to that you considered friends so you felt needed and that it was important to figure out “the truth” with your community, like you were apart of something
Oh absolutely! I totally got a massive ego boost out of it. Come to think of it, Q would often stroke our egos, saying in his posts that we were humanities last hope, his autistic cyber soldiers. What idiots.
Did you slowly decide that you didn’t believe it, or was it a quick process? What do you think helped you get out?
It was a gradual dawning after I realized many of my Qultist friends had no idea how computers operate. It’s NOT easy realizing you’ve been conned, been a rube, been taken in. I had recently been questioning lifelong fundamental Christianity, so I’d been in the mood to question my beliefs including my cherished conspiracy theories
What was your epiphany?
Honestly? It was a couple of posts made by Q on the chans that seemed highly suspicious because of how ignorant they were of technology. Q posts often had weird syntaxe as a kind of co
- Kind Of [writing like this] as if there was [a secret] in using brackets To Tell The Truth.
One morning Q claimed to have shut down 7 FBI super computers (named after the seven dwarves no less) via satellite hacking and all the rabid fans ate it up, claiming that “their internet was running a little bit faster)
FBI Super Computer ::SLEEPY::[[OFFLINE]]
alarm bells went off in my head because, come on, that’s not how any of this works. Using elementary school syntax form To SpeLl a [[Secret Code ]] felt fishy, and claiming your email in rural Montana loaded faster because seven super computers got shut down by remote hacking was a bridge too far for me. I realized that most of the Q believers I had seen were Boomers with no idea how technology works or people my age with no idea how computers operate. That day, I Googled Q Anon Debunked and got out.
You said you googled ‘qanon debunked’ to get out. did you do research on it before, or why didn’t you?
When I Googled that it was with a lens critical of my own beliefs. The reason I fell for pizzagate et all was because I was critical of other people’s beliefs. And I was a fucking idiot, ngl. I think most people in conspiracy theories have poor critical thinking skills. I’m a huge fan of skepticism post Conspiracy theory shit
Do Qanon believers believe everything that’s posted on there? What if some posts contradict each other?
Yeah seems like they swallow everything. See like a lot of cults, it’s a prophet complex. Once you Buy In to the overall idea, you’re less likely to question when two things don’t add up, or to cover for own belief you justify and defend the flaw.
Is it really that people are gullible or is it that technology has gone so crazy apeshit via social media and the internet that no one knows what to believe anymore
Oh it’s gullibility and lack of knowledge of how tech works. That’s why so many boomers fall for it.
Would mind explaining the need to constantly speak about your beliefs and bringing them up even when it’s destroying relationships?
When people are in a cult and convinced they have THE TRUTH about life the universe and everything they often feel the need to save others by spreading their ideas. So it can come from a sort of compassionate zeal, and yes that was me though I was pretty bad at it.
The phrase “I did/have done my research” is so frustrating to read from conspiracy theorists. Is this a phrase that’s echoed on message boards, encouraged for people in these communities to use? Do they actually believe that YouTube videos and random internet holes qualify as “research”? In your experience, what kind of critical thinking skills do people in these communities possess?
Yes they use the phrase unironically. Yes they are over confident. It stems from a distrust of authority as do sooo many cults and theories. In my experience, very little.
How does one end up taking an anonymous post that seriously in the first place?
I…. Don’t know.
It sounds like you dropped all the rabbit hole conspiracy theories at once. Did you realize something about your brain’s “wiring” that makes you vulnerable to conspiracy theories?
I did drop it all at once. Yeah. It was massively humbling to realize I’d been a sucker. I think a huge part of the problem was growing up fundamentalist Christian. Theories about evil evolution, science denial and The End of The world rapture return of Christ stuff is all pretty crazy too. There’s a strong link between the two
How did your fellow conspiracy theorists react to your change?
When I quit, about two years ago, I was so embarrassed I didn’t really make any public statements. My fellow conspiracy nuts were all online though, as thankfully nobody in my family believed it at the time.
Did anyone accuse you of treason, calling you a “government plant” or a “compromised asset” who was secretly sent to infiltrate and destroy their “movement?”
Haha no. If I’d been more vocal about leaving it might have happened. Everything must fit into the jigsaw worldview narrative
Do you think Qanon will become a global problem for democracies?
I have been ex Q for a couple years. When I found out how much crazier shit the theory has gotten I was blown away bc when I left I was certain it would be all over soon.
At this point the problem isn’t Q, it’s gullible people who lack critical thinking skills and gain a massive ego boost in thinking they have secret in that the sheeple don’t know. So who knows?
What do the rest of us get wrong about Qanon supporters? I think when people like you are open about this type of stuff we tend to ask questions that confirm or reaffirm our assumptions but what are the rest of us missing that enables Q to connect with so many people , anything you can think of?
Great Q. Pun intended. Uh, well I’m not anymore, but even when I was a Qtip and Trump supporter I personally was not a racist white supremacist, and not all Trumpers are. Although I also tend to think that maybe those people just left the movement.
How do you feel about these other conspiracies now that you’ve debunked Q? Still want to believe or sworn them all off?
I left it all behind when Q fell. Life is full of enough wonder and magic that I don’t need to entertain myself with aliens and ghosts
What steps are you taking to ensure you don’t fall for another conspiracy theory?
Having some fucking worldview humility. The problem with fundamentalist religions, cults, and conspiracy theories is they all demonize doubt and are all so absolutely certain that they have the total truth of reality figured out. I hold my beliefs much more humbly now, I acknowledge that I could be wrong.
I read more widely and expose myself to the ideas of others, so that I don’t end up in an echo chamber.
How can we, the family members taken advantage by this whole Q thing infiltrate them and steer them, away from the hella dangerous stuff?
Hmm. I’m honestly not sure I’m much help here, sadly. I had to rescue myself from the madness. I don’t think anyone at the time who tried to deconvert me would have succeeded. When into the conspiracy stuff I tried constantly to convince friends and family and it never worked. When I was out I couldn’t deconvert people. It is never easy to change someone’s mind.
Maybe start by asking them if they have any doubts about Q or if anything in the movement doesn’t make sense? Or better, ask them what conspiracy theories they don’t buy. Love Q but think flat earths are flat heads? Explore with them how their reviled conspiracy theory is obviously fake and maybe that will flex the critical thinking part of their brain that has atrophied.
How has your life improved or devolved since then just based on Q beliefs or lack thereof alone?
People don’t realize how Fucking Scary life is when you think about the world is being run by a cabal of evil demon possessed overlords intent on destroying your way of life. I was always in a dark anxious mood. Now I’m so much happier.
I no longer think the world is run by evil mastermind villains. I realize it’s run by idiots. 😉
Did you have a significant other through any part of the eight years and now? Did they share any beliefs, if so?
I tried to convince my long suffering wife of this, pizzagate, aliens, big foot, Yada Yada. She mostly said that’s nice honey and went back to her crossword. God I don’t deserve her sticking with me.
Now that you’re out of it, what would you say to those still deep in baseless conspiracy, Q or otherwise?
Have the courage to Google “insert conspiracy debunked.” have the courage to take a long look at the evidence against your theory.
South Africa Has Collapsed; US Embassy Warning Americans “Prep” with Food, Water, Medicines . . .

South Africa has collapsed. The US embassy is now informing international travelers to stock up (prepper style) on food and water.
City electric power has an average turn around time of 2 to 3 days for grid repairs. They don’t have the manpower, supplies, nor funds. And they’ve already used this year’s budget.
Throughout the country, they are seeing an increase in coordinated attacks on water, power, and communications infrastructure as mobs descend upon gear and steal it to sell the copper and aluminum to junk yards as scrap.
Looting is no longer just a daily thing, but is also now becoming more structured with guerilla planning involved.
Most roads no longer exist. In fact, according to long time residents, anything that is state run is crumbling.
Police, fire, and hospital resources for most of the state, don’t exist. In the few places that still have such services, they are also slowly disintegrating.
ESKOM – South Africa’s only power producer – is averaging 50% or less power output. Plunging massive parts of our country into rolling blackouts.
One person, reporting from Ekhurhuleni, says “We are day 5 now no water.”
Another person from the same area reports “Our rail is dead. Almost the entirety of South Africa’s rail system is non operational.”
In every city and most suburbs, people confirm Sewage. Everywhere. In the streets. In the rivers and oceans; flowing through our fresh water dams too.. just everywhere.
Under “The Apartheid” (1948 to 1994) in South Africa was racial segregation under the all-white government of South Africa which dictated that non-white South Africans (a majority of the population) were required to live in separate areas from whites and use separate public facilities, and contact between the two groups was discouraged and severely limited.
Under Apartheid, South Africa thrived. When the world decided that the indigenous population should control the country, (instead of White people) it descended into this . . what we all see today.
Way to go world! You focused on a perfectly good country because, in your stupidity, you claimed “all people are equal, and Apartheid was “Racist” and had to be ended. You didn’t care that everyone there had food, water, healthcare, electricity, good roads, infrastructure . . .. NOPE. All you cared about was “one man, one vote.”
You pushed and pushed and pushed until you turned the country over to its indigenous people in 1994, who have now completely wrecked it. It took less than thirty years — about one generation – for the indigenous people to utterly wreck the whole country. But hey, at least you made sure they can vote!
Now that you see the actual, DISASTROUS results of ending Apartheid and putting the indigenous people in charge, tell us again how “all people are equal?”
What Was It Like To Be Gassed At A Nazi Concentration Camp
Filip Muller, is one of the rare survivors among those condemned to work in the Sonderkommando (The members of Sonderkommando, composed almost entirely of Jewish inmates, were forced under threat of death to do the most disturbing work for the SS: dispose of the countless corpses of the victims killed in the gas chambers.)
Born in 1922 in a small town (Sered) in Slovakia, Muller was only twenty years old when he was brought to Auschwitz in April 1942. After a short while, as punishment, he was assigned to dispose of the corpses of the victims. Many of them had wasted away to skin and bones in Auschwitz or in Polish ghettos; others had died of typhus and other diseases in the concentration camp; some had been brutally beaten and shot by the SS, others were hung to set an example for other prisoners, but by far most—hundreds of thousands of men, women, children and babies–were collectively massacred in the gas chambers.
As Muller recalls, the sadism and brutality of the SS soldiers knew no bounds: “Shouting and wielding their truncheons, like beaters at a hunt, the remaining SS men chased the naked men, women and children into the large room inside the crematorium. All that was left in the yard were the pathetic heaps of clothing which we had to gather together to clear the yard for the second half of the transport”. Here he is describing a gassing:
As people reached the crematorium they saw everything – this horribly violent scene. The whole area was ringed with SS. Dogs barked – machine- guns. They all, mainly the Polish Jews, had misgivings.
They knew something was seriously amiss, but none of them had the faintest of notions that in three or four hours they’d be reduced to ashes.
When they reached the undressing room they saw that it looked like an International Information Centre. On the walls were hooks,and each hook had a number. Beneath the hooks were wooden benches. So people could undress more comfortably, it was said. alise his son lay beneath him”.
And on the numerous pillars that held up this underground undressing room, there were signs with slogans in several languages – “Clean is Good”,” Lice can kill”, “Wash Yourself”, “To the disinfection area”. All those signs were only there to lure people into the gas chambers already undressed – and to the left, at a right angle, was the gas chamber with its massive door.
In Crematoriums II and III, Zyklon B gas crystals were poured in by a so-called SS disinfection squad through the ceiling, and in Crematorium IV and V through side openings. With five or six canisters of gas they could kill around two thousand people.
This so-called disinfection squad arrived in a truck marked with a red cross and escorted people along to make them believe they were being led to take a bath. But the red cross was only a mask to hide the canisters of Zyklon B gas and the hammers to open them.
The gas took about fifteen minutes to kill. The most horrible thing was when the doors of the gas chambers were opened – the unbearable sight – people were packed together like basalt, like blocks of stone. How they tumbled out of the gas chamber.
I saw that several times- that was the toughest thing to take – you could never get used to that. It was impossible.
You see, once the gas was poured in, it worked like this: it rose from the ground upwards. And in the terrible struggle that followed – because it was a struggle – the lights were switched off in the gas chambers. It was dark, no one could see, so the strongest people tried to climb higher. Because they probably realised that the higher they got, the more air there was. They could breathe better. That caused the struggle.
Secondly, most people tried to push their way to the door. It was psychological – they knew where the door was, maybe they could force their way out. It was instinctive, a death struggle. Which is why children and weaker people, and the aged, always wound up at the bottom. The strongest were on top. Because in the death struggle, a father didn’t realise his son lay beneath him”.
And when the doors were opened?
“They fell out. People fell out like blocks of stone, like rocks falling out of a truck. But near the Zyklon B gas, there was a void. There was no one where the gas crystals went in – An empty space. Probably the victims realised that the gas worked strongest there. The people were battered – they struggled and fought in the darkness. They were covered in excrement, in blood, from ears and noses.”
“One also sometimes saw that the people lying on the ground, because of the pressure of the others, were unrecognizable. Children had their skulls crushed. It was awful, Vomit, Blood – from ears and noses, probably even menstrual fluid. I am sure of it.
There was everything in that struggle for life, that death struggle. It was terrible to see. That was the toughest part.”
“It was impossible to save people. One day in 1943 when I was already in Crematorium V, a train from Bialystok arrived. A prisoner on the Sonderkommando saw a woman in the undressing room, who was the wife of a friend of his.
He came right out and told her – “You are going to be exterminated. In three hours you’ll be ashes”. The woman believed him because she knew him. She ran all over and warned the other women – “ We’re going to be killed. We’re going to be gassed”.
Mothers carrying their children on their shoulders did not want to hear that.
Jeffery Sachs | First UKRAINE next TAIWAN
Jeffery Sachs is a voice of calm, objective reason and intelligence and TRUTH. Admittedly, the observations he makes are not what anyone WANTS to hear, but the realities of which he speaks are things we NEED to be aware of.
What It’s Like To Lose Your Child Unexpectedly?
My 18-year-old daughter died in a car accident on her way to school a few weeks ago. I’m going to try to convey what it’s like.
Police officer shows up at the door: This will haunt me for the rest of my life. My fiancee and I were sleeping, as we work 3rd shift. The beating on the door was loud… I’m not sure how long he was there before it woke me up. It did not wake my fiance up. I looked out the window and saw an unmarked SUV but I could tell it was the police. I answered the door and he said my name. I answered “yes”. He said my daughter’s name and I said “yes”. He said that she was in an accident (I knew what was coming next) and that she had expired. I went to my knees and made noises I’ve never heard myself make before. He got me inside to the couch and asked if anyone else was there. I told him my fiance’s name as I was crying uncontrollably. He yelled her name a number of times and she came out. He started talking to her and she started yelling “Oh my God” and came to hold me. She and my daughter were very close.
Telling family: About a half hour later I started making phone calls. This part is crucial. If this happens to you, make these calls as soon as possible or have someone go tell them quickly. Word spreads like wildfire… especially with social media. You do not want loved ones finding out this way. Someone posted about this on my wall only a few hours after this happened. I made the calls and cried as I listened to them wail. It is aweful.
Seeing her after the accident: At first I did not want to see her. I kept saying “That’s not her.” Later in the day I changed my mind. This was extremely surreal and heartbreaking. She was transported to the funeral home the same day. We all stood there in the hallway until a man asked if we were ready. He opened a door to a room, I walked in and saw her all by herself at the far end of the room in a casket. This was my daughter in front of me… my beautiful girl that was full of life that very morning. I kissed her forehead repeatedly and told her how much I love her.
People and planning: Besides the grief, I never realized how overwhelming something like this was. While I was still in shock, people were reaching out from everywhere… many of which I hadn’t heard from in years. I was on the phone for the majority of each day for over a week straight… not to mention all the people visiting. All of these people were sincerely caring and I appreciate them all, but I can’t exactly describe what it does to your emotional state other than saying it’s overwhelming and draining. The planning is another thing that I did not expect and it begins almost immediately. There are countless things that needed to be taken care of and I had to do all of these things while grieving. I’m still not done with everything, actually.
Her funeral: It was six days after her death and I thought I had no tears left. I was very wrong. I still could not completely wrap my mind around the fact that I was at my own daughter’s funeral. I’ve known other people who have lost children… but this had actually happened to mine.
Grieving: The first two days after her accident were filled with non-stop crying and disbelief. I’m a grown man who rarely cries. The third day was off and on crying all day and now it’s about 2 to 3 times a day. For the first week it hit me especially hard in the mornings when I woke up. I’m now in a state of constant sadness and still some disbelief that she is not coming home… but not as much crying. The most accurate and heartbreaking word I can use to describe this whole thing is “permanent”. It’s the most permanent thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. No matter how much my mind tries to find a way around it at times, she’s not coming back.
Guilt and Regret: I wish I had done things different. I wish I had spent more time with her than what I did. I wish I had protected her more than what I did from those who were unkind and even emotionally abusive to her. I wish I had been awake that morning to see her off to school… maybe I could have changed something and maybe she wouldn’t have wrecked. I wish I could have been there to hold her during her last minutes of life. I wish it would have been me instead. I feel guilty doing things… like going out to eat (haven’t felt like cooking) and taking my other two children to the movies last night.
Her accident: I’m still obsessing over it and still finding out details from those who were there. She knew she was dying and was asking those around her to pray with her. She always wore her seatbelt but she didn’t have it on this time. Did she drop something and take it off? She had food in the car that she got from the nearby gas station that morning. I checked her phone and my Verizon log and she wasn’t texting or talking to anyone. Why did she over-correct her steering? These are the questions I’m trying to answer. I know it won’t change anything but for some reason I need to know.
I’m only 2 weeks and 3 days in to this and I know I have a long way to go… but so far this is the best way I can describe what it’s like to lose your child. She was extremely smart, talented, beautiful and kind… she had an amazing life waiting on her. I love her to no end and I miss her every minute of the day.
I have to remain strong for those who need me… so I think telling my story and pouring my heart out here helps in a way.
Statement by Russian Ministry of Defense Regarding Ukraine Attacking-Transnistria
Statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the preparation by the Kiev regime of military provocation against the Russian enclave of Transnistria at the eastern border of Moldova with Ukraine:
“In connection with the significant accumulation of personnel and military equipment of Ukrainian units recorded by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation near the Ukrainian-Transnistrian border, the deployment of artillery at fire positions, as well as an unprecedented increase in flights of unmanned aircraft of the Armed Forces over the territory of Transnistria, we warn the United States, NATO member countries and their Ukrainian wards from the next adventurous steps.
We consistently advocate the solution of any issues in a political and diplomatic way. At the same time, no one should have doubts that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will adequately respond to the provocation of the Kiev regime, if one does follow, and will ensure the protection of our compatriots, the Russian peacekeeping contingent, military personnel of the Operational Group of Russian troops and military depots in the village. Any actions that pose a threat to their security will be considered in accordance with international law as an attack on the Russian Federation.”
Confessions of a Gay Man Who Married A Straight Woman
She was my best friend and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, regardless of whether I was sexually attracted to her. She’s the best human being I know.
We wanted to live together, we wanted to have kids together, we wanted to wake up next to each other every morning, and we wanted to grow old together. We wanted an exclusive relationship with each other even if sexual attraction was not a driving force in that relationship. I’m not saying that marriage is necessarily the right solution for anyone. For us, it’s just what made the most sense.
How long have you been married?
Six years.
Why did she marry you?
I guess she married me for the same reason I married her — we wanted to be married to each other. Kind of a boring answer, but it’s honestly that simple.
What did you do on your wedding night?
I’m sure this sounds ridiculous, but we ate popcorn and watched movies into the wee hours of the morning, and we both still remember it as being the perfect ending to one of the best days of our lives.
Do you have sex with her?
We do have sex maybe once a month, which she enjoys the usual way and which is more a curious fascination for me than an erotic experience.
How do you get it up for her?
Getting hard usually involves oral foreplay. Most straight guys like to imagine that they couldn’t possibly get hard if a guy was sucking their dick. The simple fact of the matter is that regardless of your sexual orientation, only the most stubborn (or broken) of cocks can ignore skilled fellatio, whether it’s a guy or a girl doing the sucking. You just wouldn’t know, because you’d never let a guy suck your dick in the first place.
The first year, staying hard long enough for her to climax was difficult, so I became a pro with my tongue. Now, I think my body’s just grown accustomed to the whole experience. I can usually stay hard until she’s reached her peak, and half the time I can stay on board until I orgasm myself.
Do you have sex with other men?
Had sex with other men prior to our relationship. Monogamous since we married.
What is your marriage like? Is there any physical connection between you two, or is it strictly emotional?
It’s definitely more emotional but the physical has evolved over the past six years. I accommodate her because I realize she is sexually attracted to me, so we have occasional sex. Sometimes we both climax, sometimes only she does. The first year, it was difficult for me to reach orgasm when we had sex, but it’s gradually become easier.
On that note, let me quickly point out that I don’t think I’ve somehow changed my sexual orientation, and I’m absolutely not in any way trying to advocate ANY kind of ex-gay anything whatsoever. Whoever you are, that’s who you should be. As for me, my natural attraction (i.e. the sexual attraction toward men that I have always had) is the same as it always was. I just choose not to act upon it because I’m committed to the relationship I’m already in. I am highly skeptical of the idea that you can convert yourself from gay to straight, but I do think it’s entirely possible to learn to have a sexual relationship with someone you’re not sexually attracted to, and even to grow to enjoy it.
Do you carry on sexual relationships outside of your marriage? Does she?
No. We’re monogamous with each other, though it’s infrequent, i.e. about once a month (which seems about her ideal frequency). It’s more because I know she enjoys it and I like to do things for her that she enjoys.
What about the rest of the time? Do you, for example, kiss each other in the way a heterosexual couple would a lot?
Sure we kiss. I don’t know, kissing to me is one of those things that’s more an expression of the fact that I love her, not necessarily something meant to simply convey, “I want to fuck you.”
I suspect I would still think that if I were in a relationship with a guy. Kissing (for me, at least) is more an expression of love and intimacy, not just sexual attraction.
Has a threesome ever entered your minds?
We’ve discussed it with each other and mutually decided that it’s a dynamic that neither of us wants to add to our relationship. If other people want to give it a shot, more power to them, but it’s just not for us.
Do you think you are bisexual?
The reason that I don’t feel like that label fits me personally is that it seems to imply a sexual attraction to both men and women. I am not, and have never been, sexually attracted to women.
Do people outside your marriage (like family and friends) know about your “unconventional” marriage?
My parents and siblings know about my past relationships with guys, even though I never declared myself to be gay, and they asked before I got married whether my wife (then my fiancee) knew about this. I told them that she did, and they all left it at that. I figure they must think the relationship is a little unusual, but they’ve all just accepted it and don’t ask questions about the specifics. Most likely my parents figure that I went through a “gay phase” and turned out to be straight, but it really doesn’t matter to me whether they completely understand all the details.
Have you two talked about having children?
Yes. We have a three-year old son and a seven-month old daughter. We both agreed during this past pregnancy that we didn’t want more after these two.
When your kids are old enough to understand, how and when do you plan to explain the situation to them?
We plan to tell them plainly how our relationship works when they’re old enough to learn about sex and relationships. My hope is that they would find the courage to pursue relationships in their own way, whether they’re gay, straight, or something else. They need to follow their own paths, conventional or otherwise.
Was there pressure to live a “normal” life with a wife and kids?
Somewhat. My folks would have been troubled over having an openly gay son, but I suspect they would have gotten over it eventually. As for kids, I always wanted kids. I realize that there are other ways of going about this, but it’s worked out for me just fine in my present scenario.
Do you feel you needed to get married to have the relationship you currently have? Why is that?
I’ll admit that there was part of me that used to worry, in my own immaturity while we were dating, that if I didn’t marry her, someone else would. But that wasn’t the ultimate reason behind getting married. I don’t think it would have been fair to marry her JUST so I could keep my best friend.
So to answer your question, I don’t think that marriage was some necessary ingredient to keep our relationship from failing, but I would say that marriage has caused our relationship to become what it is.
I would also caution anyone in a similar scenario that I think this arrangement could have been a phenomenal disaster if we hadn’t been completely honest with each other about the way we each felt, or if we had been trying to convert me into being straight.
What if you met a man and developed a similar bond?
Couldn’t you have found a similar bond with a man
I just don’t see it happening. I have guy friends, both gay and straight, and they’re great friends, but I don’t have the bond with any of them that I have with my wife. Some of these male friends are quite attractive, but I simply wouldn’t consider having a sexual relationship with any of them because I’m already in a committed relationship.
Are you religious? How does that interact with your sexuality?
I would consider myself spiritual but haven’t really found a religion that I completely identify with. I believe in God, but I also believe that mankind has generally tried to project itself upon God to the point that God has become more of a convenient excuse for how one man wants to mistreat another.
As for how it affects my/our sexuality… If there is indeed a God who, by whatever means, has created mankind, God understands perhaps better than I do exactly what I am, and why I am the way that I am. I recognize that I find myself sexually attracted to other men, but also that the person with whom I fell in love so deeply happens to be a woman.
So regardless of what anyone else might insist that God says, I do my best to be true to who I am, and I figure that in so doing, the God who made me is perfectly capable of reconciling the details.
Are you happy with your choice to be committed to only her?
Yes, I’m happy with my choice and wouldn’t do a single thing differently if I had it to do all over again. I’m speaking for her here, but I’m confident in saying that she feels the same way I do.

Army columns of Gepards and HIMARS Multiple-Launch-Rocket-Systems (MLRS) are on the streets inside Romania, apparently headed towards the Moldova border.
Video below shows one such column:
This comes on the heels of an ORDER issued by government on January 31 informing Romanian men to ” Immediate Training for All Men Fit to Fight. ” They are required to report for mandatory training by March 31.

That Order, issued by the Ministry of National Defense, Brila County Military Center, shown below, is being referred to as a “CALL TO WAR.”
More . . .
The US military/NATO is deploying some reservists to Romania to train European soldiers. The reservists have been told that the war will escalate. They will be training the Europeans to fight against Russians for at least six months.
Russian President Signs Law SUSPENDING “START” Nuclear Treaty
This morning in Moscow, Russia, President Vladimir Putin signed a new law SUSPENDING the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). This means Russia can now deploy nuclear weapons anywhere, without reporting them to the USA, including re-deploying nukes into Cuba (Cuban Missile Crisis).
During the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1963, the then-Soviet Union deployed medium range and intermediate-range nuclear missiles onto Cuba. The medium range missiles had a five minute flight time to Washington, DC. Then-U.S.-President John F. Kennedy, “Quarantined” Cuba (Naval Blockade) and began massing troops into south Florida for an invasion.
The crisis lasted thirteen days between the time the nukes were discovered via US Spy Plane photos, and the time an agreement was made to remove them. What made the situation so volatile was that for a period of about 24 hours, before the US could invade, the Soviet Union was faced with this simple choice over their Cuban nukes: Use them or lose them.
If the then-Soviets had decided to use them, the US had no defense.
Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and then-Soviet Leader Nikita Kruschev agreed to remove those missiles, with a promise from the US that the United States would remove its “Jupiter” nuclear missiles from Turkey within 6 months
Today, with the Russia-Ukraine situation ongoing, relations between the US and Russia are almost non-existent.
It began in the year 2014 when The US and European Union (EU) financed and facilitated the forcible, violent overthrow of Ukraine’s government back in the year 2014, then installed a puppet government, intent on joining NATO and placing US missiles on Ukrainian soil. Those missiles would have had a five minute (or so) flight time to Moscow.
Russia objected over and over. The objections fell on deaf ears.
In February, 2024, Russia entered Ukraine to de-militarize and De-NAZIfy that country.
Relations between Russia, NATO and the collective West became all but destroyed.
The signing of this new law, by Russian President Putin, demonstrates how severely relations now stand.
By signing this law, Russia is now able to deploy its nuclear warheads wherever it wants, without reporting the locations to the US. That means they can put missiles back into Cuba if they want.
A small hint as to what its actually taking place, was seen today: Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev is a Russian politician, security officer and intelligence officer who has served as the secretary of the Security Council of Russia since 2008. He previously served as the director of the Federal Security Service from 1999 to 2008.
Today Platonovich arrived in Caracas, where he will hold Russian-Venezuelan consultations on “security issues.”
If Russia places nuclear missiles in Venezuela, they would be able to reach parts of the United States within about ten minutes.
What’s It Like To Be Anorexic
I remember the simultaneous high and pain of being hungry and light-headed. One can of diet Pepsi, one loaf of bread on my better days. Peruse obsessively through foodie magazines, as if looking was eating—without the calories. Whenever my mother left the house to go shop or run an errand, I ran to my closet, dug out my backpack, filled it with gallons of spring water, and—when the pack was full—grasped the handle of a gallon in each hand and ran or lifted. I biked. I took 2 hour aerobic classes and returned home for 2 more hours of surreptitious stair-climbing as my parents watched television downstairs. I got up in the middle of the night to pace the bedroom or stand on tiptoe. I sat on the edge of the seat—determined not to relax and let my fat recline and absorb into my body. Before I knew it, the only thing I was doing in my life was starving and exercising.
But what I remember most is the “voice” in my head. I found out later many eating disorder patients experience a halving of their mental state, a “voice” disassociated from the rest of them: an eating disorder “voice”—the friend, the aggressor, the doer, the one trying to help you be continually better—who later turns against you. The “voice” began nicely enough—with whispers of running just one more mile or shaving down just a few hundred more calories.
My starvation fed the “voice”: As I listened, it grew bigger and meaner. [ is absolutely right about the ‘constant pounding.’ In my case, the pounding came from this inside ] And there came a point when this whole thinness quest was no longer a “high” point or a gateway to control; it was simply controlling me. There came a point when I cringed against that “voice” because I was tired now. But I never thought once about resisting, the same way you wouldn’t resist to the demands of someone with a gun to your temple. I might have felt caged but it was better than saying no, letting go, and falling over a precipice to the unknown and to fat-dom. I could not imagine anything but death if I stopped listening. Death was being fat, obscure, and silenced again. Death was guilt so big I would end up killing myself. So, there was no other way, really.
I was seventy pounds at five feet three inches the first time I was hospitalized, and under sixty pounds the second time I was hospitalized. People cringe and shudder when they hear the numbers. The truth is, if you asked me how sickly and thin I must have looked back then, I couldn’t tell you.
Before I stepped into the shower, I would turn and peer back at two darkened grooves on the center of each buttock. In hindsight those grooves were probably the bruising of poorly cushioned bones, although a friend recently told me with utmost authority that we do not have butt bones. But that’s all I remember of how skinny I was. I looked in the reflection obsessively, but, in my eating-disorder mind, I always saw a normal-sized girl. And, obviously, normal was not okay.
Normal was mediocre; normal was just as bad as fat. Normal was not the best. Why bother being anything but the best especially if I was used to being the “best”? All-or-nothing. And, so, I actually wanted to look like a poster-child from the starving Middle East or Africa’s. I fantasized about dropping down to thirty pounds. But, if thirty pounds was possible, why not fifteen? I think my final weight-goal was to weigh fifteen pounds.
Like many of the other respondents here, I could go on and on. The condition ‘eating disorder’ understates so many things about the disorder. It takes over and takes away everything. So, I’ll leave it at snapshots:
Hospitalization– being watched in our big ‘glass bowl’ sitting room, monitored via camera feeds in our room– was heaven in a way I couldn’t outwardly admit. Physical prisons are the Maldives resort escape to your inner prisons. Your inside warden is still there but, at least, it’s not just you and that warden. It’s you, the warden, and the buffer– the army of nurses and hospital monitors and other watchful eyes that somewhat ‘absolve’ you of your guilt in not feeding the voice. I remember fearing the day I’d be released. I never wanted that day to come.
You can complain and wheedle about having to put that pat of butter on your toast, or downing that can of Ensure, but there’s a guilty thrill juxtaposed with horror knowing that you don’t have a choice.
My lips would turn blue with cold by mid morning on a summer’s day because of malnutrition.
My parents told me later they would creep into my room, lift up the covers to check if I was still breathing. (Various doctors had told them to prepare for the worse– projecting I wouldn’t survive past a year.)
The voice of an eating disordered mind is like that of an abusive boyfriend. You are that cowering shell of a person you once used to be– who believes he is everything to you and that he loves you and you need him in spite of everything he’s done, and you wouldn’t know how to go on or be ‘yourself’ without him.
Recovery from the eating disorder and recovery of your real self is painful, and it takes a long time to feel like you aren’t abjuring some pure, higher-order ideal, that you aren’t being traitorous; you aren’t selling out. You’ll feel all of those things for such a long while and you’ll feel like you are losing your identity. You’ll even feel empty. You’ll feel like it the whole world had it wrong and should have just let you be. You’ll feel like gold turning to rusted copper.
An eating disorder is a full-on assault on all battle-fields– the cognitive, the neural, the physical, the emotional, the social. It is so all-encompassing, nasty, and seductive. It’s not a neat war-front of parties on opposing sides like it is with you against cancer. When you are losing you feel like you are winning, and when you are winning you feel like you are losing.
US military plans for war on China, backing Taiwan separatists
Medvedev: “A collapse. Apocalypse . . . Until the rubble ceases to emit radiation”
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev reiterated Monday his country’s threat of nuclear war if the West’s supply of arms to Ukraine continues.
The warning in an op-ed piece in the state-run newspaper Izvestiya was the second time in three weeks the key aide to President Vladimir Putin has invoked the nuclear option in an effort to deter the U.S.-led NATO alliance from arming Ukraine.
Medvedev, who was president from 2008 to 2012 and currently serves as the deputy chairman of the powerful Security Council of Russia, dangled the prospect of talks while demanding shipments of arms to Ukraine be halted immediately.
Echoing comments by Putin yesterday Medvedev wrote that any existential threat to Russia would not be decided on the front in Ukraine, but would spiral into an existential threat to human civilization, repeating the refrain “we don’t need a world without Russia.”
“Of course, the pumping in of weapons can continue and prevent any possibility of reviving negotiations,” Medvedev said.
“Our enemies are doing just that, not wanting to understand that their goals obviously lead to a total fiasco. Everyone loses. A collapse. Apocalypse. When the former life will have to be forgotten for centuries, until the rubble ceases to emit radiation.”
Last week Putin ramped up nuclear tensions by announcing Russia was suspending its participation in the key 2010 New Start treaty — its last remaining arms control agreement with the United States — which limits each side’s arsenal of intercontinental nuclear weapons.
Russia has reserved the right to use nuclear weapons unilaterally in the face of “aggression” even if its opponents only employ conventional arms.
At the start of the month, Medvedev said any attempt to re-take Crimea would result in the “flaming” of all of Ukraine with all the forces at Russia’s disposal, including nuclear weapons “in accordance with our doctrinal documents, including the Fundamentals of Nuclear Deterrence.”
“All Ukraine that remains under the rule of Kyiv will burn,” Medvedev warned.
According to clause 19 of the Fundamentals of the State Policy on Nuclear Deterrence, Russia may use nuclear weapons “in the event of aggression against Russia with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is threatened.”
Earlier Monday, a Russian surveillance plane was damaged in a drone attack in neighboring Belarus mounted by a dissident group opposing the pro-Russian government of Alexander Lukashenko.
Aliksandr Azarov, leader of the anti-government group BYPOL, claimed responsibility for the attack on social media.
The Beriev A-50 early warning aircraft was hit by multiple blasts near the Machulishchy airbase near the capital Minsk.
“These were drones. The participants of the operation are Belarusian”, Azarov said.
The attack comes as Lukashenko prepares to travel to Beijing tomorrow at the invitation of President Xi Jinping for a three-day state visit.
Medvedev’s remarks come after Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday (last week), publicly accused the West of wanting to liquidate Russia, claiming that his people may not survive.
The Russian president said Western countries were seeking to dismantle Russia, and Moscow had no choice but to take Nato’s nuclear capabilities into account.
Putin told state television channel Rossiya 1: ‘When all the leading Nato countries have declared their main goal as inflicting a strategic defeat on us, so that our people suffer as they say, how can we ignore their nuclear capabilities?’
‘They have one goal: To disband the former Soviet Union and its fundamental part – the Russian Federation,’ Putin said in the interview recorded on Wednesday and broadcast yesterday.
Appealing to nationalist sentiments, Putin said if the West succeeds in destroying Russia, ‘such an ethnic group as the Russian people may not be able to survive in the form in which it exists today’.
‘There will be Muscovites, Uralians and others,’ he said of Russia’s possible fragmentation. He also claimed that the West was an indirect accomplice to the ‘crimes’ committed by Ukraine.
Putin made the remarks while justifying Russia’s suspension of its participation in the New START treaty, which seeks to cap the number of nuclear warheads possessed by the US and Russia.
He said the suspension stemmed from the need to ‘ensure security and stability’ for Russia.
What If “Not Of This Earth” Was A “Twilight Zone” episode?
The Context Of The New Anti-China Campaign
The reactions to yesterday’s Moon of Alabama post have demonstrated how easy it is for government propagandists to yank the leash of their subjects.
More than half of comments are about barely informed Covid conspiracies theories. Only few recognized the propaganda item for what it was. The starting point of a new China hate campaign that will divert the public from mass casualties in Ukraine and other issues.
After the Wall Street Journal launched its Sunday leak the New York Times and the Washington Post also jumped onto the train. The Times thankfully does better than the WSJ given the ‘low confidence’ expressed about the ‘intelligence’ a prominent position instead of hiding it deep down in its piece:
Lab Leak Most Likely Caused Pandemic, Energy Dept. Says
The conclusion, which was made with “low confidence,” came as America’s intelligence agencies remained divided over the origins of the coronavirus.
The Post is less cautious. It is putting the content into the context of some ‘storied team known as Z-Division’ without ever explaining what that entity is.
Little-known scientific team behind new assessment on covid-19 origins
Small shift in favor of ‘lab leak’ theory was prompted by new data and group of weapons-lab scientists
The stenographers of various main stream media outlets understood the propaganda hints given to them and were eager to offer their participation in it.
Laura Rozen @lrozen – 20:00 UTC · Feb 27, 2023(the number of questions at the WH press briefing about a low confidence assessment by two of 18 agencies, disputed by others, also with low confidence, on the origins of covid 19, …strikes me as bizarre. it seems there is so little there there, …)
would almost think it would not be worth reporting except as a footnote.
That is certainly correct if it were the real issue. But the context is much wider. The coming weeks will see a larger campaign of China bashing.
As the Post notes:
Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines is scheduled to testify at a Senate worldwide threats hearing next week and probably will be asked to address the matter. The House select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic was set to hold a roundtable exploring early covid-19 policy decisions on Tuesday.
There will be more Congress action as the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party, a new China bashing House panel, inaugurates today:
The 7 p.m. hearing will feature four witnesses, including former President Donald Trump’s national security adviser H.R. McMaster and Trump’s former deputy national security adviser and China expert Matthew Pottinger. Tong Yi, who was the secretary to a prominent Chinese dissident and jailed in China for more than two years, and Scott Paul, president of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, are also set to testify.Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher, the committee’s Republican chairman, told “Face the Nation” on Sunday that the panel plans to highlight the threats the Chinese Communist Party poses to U.S. interests.
“I think the Chinese spy balloon incident illustrates perfectly that this isn’t just an over-there problem,” the Republican said. “This isn’t just a matter of some obscure territorial claim in the East China Sea. This is a right-here-at-home problem.”
Mike Gallagher had promised strong action:
To win the new Cold War, we must respond to Chinese aggression with tough policies to strengthen our economy, rebuild our supply chains, speak out for human rights, stand against military aggression, and end the theft of Americans’ personal information, intellectual property, and jobs.We must recognize that China’s “peaceful rise” was pure fiction and finally confront the CCP with the urgency the threat demands. To do that, House Republicans will establish a Select Committee on China in the new Congress.
The committee itself can not do much about the issues and its attempts to go against China will mostly be diverted into deregulating U.S. environmental protection:
Meanwhile, in 2019, approximately 90% of the world’s rare earth metals, alloys, and permanent magnets were produced in China. The Select Committee will expose our dangerous dependence on China and advance policies to build secure sources for critical supply chains, either in the United States or in partnership with like-minded allies.
A WSJ Opinion piece details what that means:
The U.S. must challenge China’s dominance in producing the refined rare-earth minerals that go into both chips and green energy. But extracting, refining and using our domestic resources—such as the newly discovered 7-square-mile store of rare earths at Sheep Creek, Mont.—will require regulatory certainty and clarity, not the current morass that fosters litigation and deters development. As these pages noted last month, America suffers from a “green-energy mineral lockup.” To compete with China, Congress must unlock them.Reform is also necessary for less exotic yet no less essential commodities. As S&P Global urged last year in a report on copper and the green-energy transition, America’s “nexus between a politicized regulatory process and the ubiquity of litigation makes it unlikely that efforts to expand copper output in the United States would yield significant increases in domestic supply within the decade. The prospects for any expansions are higher on state and private lands.”
But domestic deregulation is not the only point of the agenda. The U.S. led conflict with China must also transfer into more spending for useless weapons. The further erosion of the U.S. One China policy, which puts China into a militarized zugzwang, will take care of that:
Despite its increasing reliance on military intimidation, Beijing’s calculus for the actual use of force remains heavily political, not military; it is centered on whether or not Washington entirely abrogates its One China Policy and opts for the permanent separation of Taiwan from China.Such a U.S. move would back Beijing into a corner and compel it to take the huge risk of using force, either to compel Washington to reverse course or to attempt to resolve the Taiwan problem once and for all.
It is not that China has not noticed any of this. The new super aggressive U.S. ambassador to Beijing, Nicholas Burns, has done his best to prepare the scene for more conflict:
On February 15, about 350 representatives from Chinese and US political and business sectors attended the AmCham China’s annual appreciation dinner where Burns delivered a speech. He criticized China’s trade, state-owned enterprises, industry subsidies, cybersecurity and regulation, anti-epidemic measures and human rights policies, and even mentioned the recent unmanned airship incident. His criticism of China caused dissatisfaction among the attendees.A source familiar with the matter told the Global Times on Thursday that a staff member from AmCham China said that while Burns was delivering the speech, “the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing.”
China has learned well how U.S. propaganda works. Unlike some MoA commentators it immediately recognized the issue for what its is:
US hypes old ‘lab-leak’ theory in new information war operation against China
Three years into the COVID-19 pandemic, the US again gave the “lab-leak” theory a major boost, as its Energy Department, citing “new intelligence” but holding “low confidence” in it, joined the FBI in smearing China.Reported exclusively by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on Sunday, the claim immediately made headlines in major US news outlets. However, its timing and source “only show the low credibility” of the report, analysts said, adding that the new hyping of an old topic is part of the US’ political and information warfare with China.
One of the WSJ report’s authors is Michael R. Gordon, who was behind the “weapons of mass destruction” narrative the US fabricated to justify its invasion of Iraq 20 years ago.Lü Xiang, research fellow with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Monday that the timing of the hype is not a coincidence, and that the US will not leave COVID out of its “ammunition depot” against China.
Being ambiguous and non-official and using media rather than government departments to announce something demonstrated the US’ skill in fighting a political war, Lü said.Hysterical crusades against China have become a signature of the US in our time. To win the competition with China, the US will not let a single chance go by to smear China, whether it is a balloon that has gone astray, a carefully planned “lab-leak” theory, or unfounded weapon supply accusations regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the expert said.
Anti China rhetoric in ‘western’ media is indeed off the charts.
One reason that bashing China has intensified is the fear that its alliance with Russia will make a U.S. defeat in Ukraine inevitable. The recent accusations of China considering weapon deliveries to Russia, a thought crime, was a hint to that. Dima of the Military Summary channel, who is from Belarus, suggested that China could produces ammunition for Russia in his home country to avoid to be punished for it. Lukashenko’s current visit to Beijing may well include talks about such a scheme.
There are some delicate non-denials that let me think there is something to it :
Yesterday, when asked about US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s warning Sunday that there would be ‘real costs’ for China if it went forward with providing lethal aid to Russia, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning did not give a direct answer. “The US is in no position to point fingers at China-Russia relations. We do not accept coercion or pressure from the US,” she said.Interestingly, the Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also chose not to answer a related question as to whether Russia had asked China to provide any equipment for its special military operation.
The forthcoming visit by Xi Jinping to Moscow, likely to take place next month, will be a defining moment. There is a palpable sense of disquiet in the West, as China’s manufacturing capability exceeds that of the US and Europe combined. Russia is deferring the big offensive in Ukraine, pending Xi’s visit.
Posted by b on February 28, 2023 at 17:56 UTC | Permalink
Confessions of a Successful Real Estate Investor
I am currently 31M, married, no kids, living in San Diego and working as a senior front-end engineer + running a real estate startup on the side.
My portfolio consists of 35 total units, mostly 4-plexes, with a duplex and some SFRs sprinkled here and there. 3 units in San Diego, 1 in Atlanta, 3 in Birmingham, 28 in Kansas City.
My units cash flow between $250-$350/door and the total cash flow of the portfolio is about $10-11k/month (accounting for vacancies as well). My average COC return at purchase is about 15% and long-term IRR is usually 20%+.
All properties are financed. The only financing I have ever used was conventional loans (as many as they would let me) and later commercial financing on multi-family properties. Never had any partners (besides my wife), never did syndicate deals, no seller financing, no other creative financing.
How did I get here? I did a pretty long podcast not too long ago, where I share more details, so if you’re interested, have a listen .
Here are the important parts:
- Joined the US Navy out of high school, active duty (Fire Controlman). Served most of the time in Japan.
- Both parents passed away in 2008-2010. I was left with a single condo where they lived. At first, I was going to sell it, but decided to rent it out through a local property manager (I was in Japan at the time). Cash flow was terrible, so that didn’t really give me much encouragement to pursue real estate at the time..
- 2013: Left the Navy, moved back to San Diego, got a regular job (electronics technician at first). Decided to give real estate another shot. After about 6 months of searching, found a duplex that needed a good amount of work in a B- area. Moved in one of the units with my wife, rented out the other. She was not very happy, but this turned out a great investment over time and we eventually moved out.
- 2014 – 2015: Ready to buy more properties, but real estate in San Diego is too expensive and cash flow almost non-existent. Started looking out of state. Decided it was too risky to try to buy/rehab myself, so ended up buying 4 turnkey SFRs in Atlanta and Birmingham. Cash flow was good and prices started appreciating over the years, so still happy with these homes.
- 2016: Felt more confident with managing out of state rentals and owning properties in general, so decided that I could make more money by buying value-add properties off MLS or private sellers. After extensive research, decided on Kansas City, flew out there, built a local network, started looking at 2-4 unit properties. Ended up buying three 4-plexes in a private sale because the agent tipped me off.
- 2017: Feeling more comfortable in Kansas City, but was having a hard time finding new deals on the MLS (spent about 10 months looking). Decided to do a direct mail campaign to a very select group of multi-family property owners (about 100 total). Hand wrote the letters, added photos of their exact houses, sent out myself. Ended up landing 4 sales for more 4-plexes.
- 2018: Taking a little break for the first 6 months, focusing on doing rolling rehabs on all units I picked up in 2017, raising rents to market, improving general operations. Will start looking for more in the summer (already have some possible leads from the mail campaign).
Future Plans
My original goal was to get to 50 units before turning 40, so I’m quite a bit ahead of schedule. Barring anything crazy, I anticipate to get there within the next 1-2 years (15 more units to go).
This will put my passive income somewhere in the neighborhood of $15k/month or $180k/year. I’m not sure I want to retire quite yet, so I will most likely continue with the same strategy, buying more units up to 65-75 total.
I’m also planning to do a full review of my entire portfolio (now that there are a few years of operational history), sell the underperforming properties (and probably most SFRs) and re-invest into better performing multi-family buildings. I’m also considering focusing on larger apartment complexes, but we’ll see.
Key Takeaways
It’s hard to pin point a single thing that helped me the most. Some may say I was fortunate or “lucky” at several points in my life, but I think a steady, consistent growth strategy is what played the biggest role.
Here are some other things:
Maximizing my income
Since I didn’t rely on any “creative” financing strategies, all of the deals I’ve done required some cash from me to close. Now that I buy value-add properties, I also finance the rehabs myself.
What really helped is maximizing my income from my full-time job and side-business. I went from being active duty in the Navy (around $40k/year) to senior front-end engineer (around $150k/year) and running a profitable startup (another $150k/year) on the side in a few years.
Everybody’s situation is different, but I think most of us can do at least something to increase their income.
Having a ~70% savings rate
Throughout my adult life I have consistently maintained a savings rate of around 70%. Combined with the point above, this was really the key to saving money for the next property quickly. Especially in the last few years, as my income increased substantially, this really helped.
Along the same lines, I’ve never touched any of my income from rental properties or other investments. 100% of that is re-invested.
Again, I think this is something that can be done by anyone, regardless of their income level. I meet far too many people who make six figures and have almost no savings, because of their lifestyle choices.
Focusing on the right markets
There isn’t such a thing as “the best market”. Macro and micro economic conditions are also always changing, so the markets that may be “good” for rental properties today will not be the same a year from now.
I definitely would not consider myself an expert of picking rental markets, but I have talked to a lot of people who are a lot smarter than me and have developed a set of criteria that help me focus on where to invest next.
Since where I live is so expensive, and I originally had limited funds (and wanted higher cash flow), I primarily focused on larger metropolitan areas with good economic and population projections, but which have strong cash flow and average property prices around $55-100k per door (for multi-family properties).
Last time I did my “analysis” a few years ago, there were several promising candidates, including Atlanta, Dallas, Charlotte, Kansas City, Nashville. I ultimately settled on Kansas City and that’s where I’m planning to buy in the next few years.
Being very conservative with cash flow projections
I’m an analytical person by nature, so the whole process of analyzing potential cash flow from a rental property always appealed to me.
I’ve always been extremely conservative when estimating cash flow projections. This probably caused me to pass on some “ok-good” deals, but ultimately got me “great” deals, which is what you obviously want.
I never use rough estimates or the so-called “50% rule” (I think it’s actually extremely misleading). I look up exact rental comps to estimate rents, I look up what insurance, management, utilities, and property taxes (after sale, NOT current) will be for each property.
On top of that, I use high vacancy and maintenance estimates, basically accounting for the worst possible scenario. I’ve gotten into plenty of arguments with sellers over “my numbers”, but this strategy has only done wonders for my returns.
Running my rental portfolio like a business
I’ve figured out pretty early on that owning 1-2 properties isn’t going to make me rich or allow me to retire early. After I set a goal to get 50 units, my brain started thinking on what I need to start doing NOW to make this possible at the end.
And what I came up with is a realization, that I should treat this whole operation as a business, instead of just passive investments. So I focused on 2 things – building a network and a team of professionals to help me (property managers, agents, lenders, mortgage brokers, insurance guys, etc.); and training/teaching them to basically do most of the work for me.
The biggest challenge of owning this many units, especially all over the country is management. I never self-managed a single property. I have always used property managers and over time developed a set of criteria for picking them, and a system for keeping them accountable.
I don’t get into day-to-day operations, but I basically groom each of my property managers to do the job for me in a way where I’m satisfied. It takes some work up front, but overtime pays off big time, as mutual trust and understand develops.
Best Carne Asada
Flank steak is marinated in a glorious combination of onions, cilantro and spices, then grilled to perfection.

Cook: 12 min | Yield: 6 servings
- 2 (1 pound) flank steaks
- 1 lime, juiced
- 1 orange, juiced
- 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 2 teaspoons minced garlic
- 1 teaspoon onion powder
- 1 teaspoon Mexican oregano
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon California chile powder
- 2 teaspoons chile powder
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 1 tablespoon black pepper
- 1 large onion, cut into rings
- 1 bunch cilantro, chopped
- In a large glass bowl, mix Marinade ingredients through black pepper. Add cilantro and onion.
- Add meat. Let marinate for at least 4 hours or overnight, the longer the better.
- When ready to grill, mix the steaks and marinade one more time.
- Place flank steaks on grill for about 5 or 6 minutes on each side.
- Remove steaks and set in an 8 inch square pan. Cover with foil, and let steaks sit for about 10 minutes.
- Slice meat into strips against the grain.
- To plate, place a baked potato (with a chunk of butter), rice and slices of Carne Asada on a plate. Add 1/2 avocado in center, a couple tablespoons of salsa and a grilled jalapeno. Dinner is served!
Grilling the steaks for the time given in the recipe will produce medium rare beef.
Confessions of a Mass Shooting Survivor
This happened to me four years ago. It’s by far the most extreme and life threatening situation I’ve been in. The eyewitness account you are about to read is 100% true, and is mine.
For some understanding, this happened in the United States. It was the summer of 2012. My longtime boyfriend and I had recently gotten married. Even though we were dirt poor college students and lived in a dinky apartment, we were having a blast. That particular summer we gathered with our friends at the local movie theater almost every weekend. There was one just down the street from our apartment that had really cheap movie tickets. A night out that was under $10 was certainly within our budget!
Anyway, one Thursday night I received a call from this group of friends inviting us to watch the midnight premiere of the newest Batman movie. I had just finished working a 12 hour shift and was pretty tired. I almost refused the invitation and thought of crashing in my apartment instead. However, I didn’t want to miss out on the fun, and it was a movie I’d wanted to see for a while anyway. Certainly it wouldn’t do any harm to stay up later than usual and miss a few hours of sleep, right?
At 10:30 PM we met at the theater. We passed large cardboard cut-outs of Catwoman and Batman as we walked inside, greeted by the smell of buttery popcorn and the chatter of excited movie goers. The ticket booth was to the right of the entrance, and just above that was an electronic list of movies being played. The 12:00 AM showing of the Dark Knight Rises was displayed up there in bright red letters. Being paranoid that the tickets would sell out quickly, one of my friends swung by earlier that day and purchased tickets for all of us. We bypassed the ticket line and went straight to the ticket taker. She smiled at us and kindly directed us to Theater 9, which was on the right side of the lobby.
If only I had known what I do now. That among the crowds a killer was lurking. That as I walked across that tacky red and purple carpet towards Theater 9, I could have been walking to my death. I think about it often now, what I would have done had I known. Pulled the fire alarm, called the police, screamed for people to run away….But, of course, I had no way of knowing what was about to happen. Oblivious to the peril I was putting myself in; I pushed open the doors for Theater 9 without giving it a second thought.
The hallway in this theater was shaped like a U and you could go either right or left. Theater 9 was the largest screening room in the building, perfect for accommodating the crowds that midnight premieres brought in. The screen was motionless and gray; not even the previews had started yet because there was still a good hour and a half to go until the movie actually started. We entered on the right side, so all of the seats were to our left. I remember being surprised at just how packed the theater already was. Just about every seat was filled, much to our dismay. At first it seemed like we wouldn’t find a spot to sit together. Now, the way this theater was set up, there was a section of seats right in front of the screen. This area was flat, and there were about five rows of seating in this section. A lot of seats in that section were empty, but sitting right in front of the movie screen sucks and none of us wanted to sit there. One of my friends then spotted a row with five empty seats all next to each other, perfect for the amount of people we had. These seats were about 3-4 rows up from where the seating rows start to elevate. We ran up the stairs before someone could take the seats and filed in. My husband, Brock, sat in the 5th seat. I sat next to him, and my friend Samantha sat next to me on my right side. Her boyfriend, Tommy, sat next to her, and another friend named Leo sat in the aisle seat.
We spent the next several minutes casually chatting, joking around, and laughing. After a while my three friends went to the lobby to buy drinks and that addicting movie theater popcorn. While they were gone, Brock and I passed the time by people watching. The theater was bright since the lights weren’t dimmed yet, and I could see everyone clearly. There were a lot of people dressed in Batman T-shirts and hoodies. One person even had a mask and one of those shirts with an attached cape. There were a lot of kids in attendance as well, which wasn’t surprising because, even though it was a Thursday night, it was summer vacation so that meant no school the next day. Of all the people I saw, the person I will never forget was the little girl sitting in our same row a few chairs away. She was really cute, blond with blue eyes, and passed us several times on her way to the lobby, each time coming back with various snacks and popcorn. Overall, people seemed very excited to see the movie, and the room was filled with energy and laughter.
After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the lights started to dim and the previews began. Just like every movie I’ve seen before, a quick animation flashed across the screen reminding us to get refreshments from the lobby (we were already devouring that popcorn like ravenous animals), to silence our cell phones, and to make sure we know where the emergency exits are. The animation had this ugly CGI cat in a tuxedo that was sitting in a movie theater. I casually glanced at the bright green emergency exit signs that were on the left and right sides of the movie screen. I didn’t think much of the reminder, like usual. After that, I only remember one preview for the Man of Steel, the others I’m not sure what they were about. When the movie started the theater erupted into cheering and clapping. The title of the movie, The Dark Knight Rises, exploded onto the screen. This was followed by the scene where Bane is hijacking a plane. I thought this scene was pretty cool and it caught my interest right away. Only when the movie started to get a little less interesting did I remember just how tired I was. I decided I would close my eyes at the more boring parts to get a little bit of rest. I had been awake for 20 hours at that point, so I was rightfully sleepy. My eyes were closed for most of the duration of Batman and Catwoman’s encounter. I don’t really remember what was going on in that part of the movie (perhaps some of you have seen it and know what I’m talking about.) Anyway, when I opened my eyes again Bruce Wayne was on his computer digging up information on Catwoman. This is the last scene I saw. I never got to watch the rest of the movie.
All of a sudden, a loud BANG erupted from the left side of the theater. I sort of screamed a little because it startled me. A strange smell started to fill the auditorium. It was like the smell of a firework, so I thought it was a cherry bomb or something similar. Had someone thrown fireworks into the crowd as a prank? Then, down near the right sight of the movie screen, the dark silhouette of a person caught my attention. They were just a black frame against the bright movie screen. A series of flashing lights was coming from this person. It was a weird moment where time literally slowed down and everything went strangely quiet. I was completely frozen, unable to move and really unable to think at all. It was like my brain had stopped working entirely.
Brock caught on immediately to what was happening and he grabbed me. He pulled me to the ground and lay on top of me, shielding me with his own body. At this point time and sound returned to me. I could hear the gunshots ringing out across the theater. People were screaming. The movie was still playing on top of it all, creating a chaotic explosion of sound. I realized the flashing lights I had seen were bullets flying out of a gun barrel. An instant sensation of adrenaline flooded my body. There was absolutely nothing I could do except lay there and hope to God that the bullets I heard ripping through seats and walls wouldn’t go through me, too. At one point shrapnel hit my head, cutting off a good chunk of my hair, and as I reached for the spot to make sure it wasn’t bleeding hot pieces of metal fell into my hand.
I was lying face up, so I could see everything that was happening. The lights from a still-playing movie danced across the ceiling and walls. My friends were on the floor with me. Our unfinished bucket of popcorn was spilled all across the floor. Leo had his legs sticking out into the aisle because there wasn’t enough room for him to hide completely behind the seats. At some point Samantha’s water bottle, which had been in the cup holder between our seats, exploded. Water splashed all over my face. The smell of gun smoke was overwhelming. Riot grade tear gas made me cry and caused me to cough uncontrollably. There was another smell, too; the horrible metallic smell of blood that I’ll never forget. I remember my lower body feeling wet all of a sudden. For some reason I thought this came from the leaking water bottle, but I soon realized this wasn’t the case.
All of a sudden things went strangely quiet. The bullets had stopped for some reason. Tommy shouted “LET’S GET OUT OF HERE!” We took advantage of the opportunity and made a run for it. We ran down the stairs, across the front of the screen towards a bright green EXIT sign. We crammed into a small, closet-like space where the door was. It was so dark we had a hard time finding it. We were screaming and slamming on the walls to find the door, blinded by the tear gas and dumbfounded by shock. Then, finally, my hands felt the metal door handle and I pushed against it with all my strength. The door flew open and the light of a nearby streetlight flooded our eyes. We pushed against the door so hard that we all fell over onto the concrete. Samantha lost her pink flip flops just outside this doorway.
As I scrambled to my feet and literally ran for my life, I realized my legs were red; absolutely soaked with blood. It was like I dipped my legs into a bath tub full of it. I checked my body all over and realized I wasn’t injured at all. Where had this blood come from? I looked behind me and realized that the blood was my husband’s. He had been shot in the leg. A massive, gaping hole had ripped through the lower half of Brock’s right leg. His foot was barely hanging on and dangled lifelessly. Leo and a young man I didn’t recognize were carrying Brock because, after falling outside the door, he lost all his strength and he couldn’t walk. I was completely shocked. I had no idea he had been injured, especially since he was right behind me the whole time and managed to escape the theater all by himself. How he did it on one foot, I’ll never know.
At this point I screamed. My scream was so loud that it alerted nearby construction workers. At the back of the theater there was a narrow parking lot, followed by a grassy lawn and then the street beyond that. The construction workers were doing road repair on this street, but as soon as they heard my scream and saw us running they stopped working and watched what was going on. I’m not sure why this is such a vivid part of my memory. Anyway, they carried Brock along the back sidewalk all the way to the end, where the corner of the building is. This was quite a distance, several dozen feet. My husband then collapsed from exhaustion and pain, saying he couldn’t move anymore. He lay down and a puddle of blood started to form beneath him. I looked back, and realized we had left a trail of blood leading from the door all the way to our current position.
I was trembling. I knelt beside Brock and glanced around to see who else was injured. Tommy had been shot in the knee and the hip, and was further away in the parking lot. The teenager who helped my husband was also injured. His dad and mom were with him; his mom was sitting against the wall and looked like she was going to pass out. She was bleeding from several places. That family escaped at the same time we did. I guess they heard the bullets stop and decided to make a run for it, too. We were all lucky, because the shooting was still going on inside.
I had to take off my shirt and use it to stop the bleeding. I’ll never forget how lifeless and limp his leg felt, and I imagined that’s what a dead body must feel like. I got blood all over my hands and arms. The police showed up really, really fast. I’d say we were only outside for a minute or two before the red and blue sirens filled the night and rushed to our location (we were literally a block away from the police station). A female officer stood by us the whole time until paramedics arrived, which took a very long time.
Brock was one of the last to be taken to a hospital. He was bleeding out for almost twenty minutes before an ambulance pulled up on the same street with the road work. At this point he had become almost unresponsive and was on the verge of unconsciousness. Several massive guys rushed across the grass with a stretcher, loaded him onto it, and then ran with him back to the waiting ambulance. I wasn’t able to go with him because there was another injured person in the ambulance, and it was too crowded. I wandered around to the front of the theater alone, unsure of where my friends had went. My blood stained shirt and a pool of blood were left behind on the corner of that sidewalk.
Walking through the crowds felt like a dream. I couldn’t believe what just happened. People were in hysterics and crying. A lot of people such as me were covered in blood. And, like me, I’m pretty sure the blood staining their skin and clothes wasn’t their own. A lot of people seemed to notice how lonely and dazed I looked, so they kept me company and even offered me a ride to different hospitals to find Brock, because I hadn’t been told what hospital he was taken to. I hung around these people for a while as police swarmed the area and asked us what we saw inside the theater. The whole parking lot was on lockdown, and we weren’t going to be allowed to leave any time soon. It was around 2:00 AM, so it was very dark outside still (and I was pretty cold, wearing only an undershirt and shorts). The flashing red and blue lights of what seemed like 100 police cars were blinding. I remember seeing a big police vehicle pull up that said something like “Crime Scene Investigation Unit” on it. I think that’s when it really sank in and hit me. I started to get sick to my stomach and wanted to vomit, but somehow I was able to hold it back.
Eventually, police started letting people leave. I jumped into my truck and booked it out of there. I was in such a panic that I didn’t even think to go back to my apartment, grab my cell phone (which I had forgotten) and call my parents or someone else to help me! I was angry, upset, scared, and most of all still in a state of shock. Was I really going to lose Brock only a month shy of our first wedding anniversary because of some psychopath with a gun? Thankfully, by the time dawn rolled around I found the hospital he was treated in. This was in the next city over, maybe 45 minutes from the theater if you’re going the speed limit. I was so happy to be there, and the hospital staff were all so welcoming and understanding. After making sure I wasn’t injured as well, they let me wait in the ICU room that Brock would be placed in when he was done recovering from surgery. I was so glad he was alive. Brock and Tommy both had survived, though many others weren’t so lucky.
I found out the following day (after some much needed sleep on a hospital couch) that 12 people were killed in this shooting and over 70 were injured (I remember they first thought 15 people were killed, but the real number was 12). The little blond girl sitting in my row did not survive. She died in the theater no more than a few feet from us. She had been shot multiple times. A heart broken police officer, who cried during his court testimony, tried unsuccessfully to save her by carrying her out of the theater and having her sent to a hospital. Tommy was rushed to a different hospital in the back of a police car. He underwent surgery and made a full recovery. The bullet missed his hip bone and narrowly missed his urinary tract and bladder. According to the surgeons, my husband lost almost half his blood. Brock made it to the hospital just in time; any later and he would have died. He underwent several blood transfusions and was in the hospital for 21 days. The wound to his leg was severe enough that they had to amputate it after trying unsuccessfully to save it.
It’s been so long since the shooting happened that my husband, friends, and I have been able to recover from it somewhat. The event was pretty horrifying and has left us scarred for sure. I wouldn’t consider that part of the story to be creepy, though. No, the creepy part is the shooter himself. I later learned much about him from the murder trial that would follow in the coming years. Though my encounter with this man was very brief, he has affected my life greatly. Just to know that people like this exist…is disturbing. He is certainly one twisted individual that I never want to see again.
I learned everything from watching the televised trial that took place in early 2015. This guy was going to school for neuroscience or something in California. I guess he was a pretty smart guy. However, for some reason he had an obsession with killing people and had a stalker mentality. After dropping out of his university, he moved to my state and chose my local theater to commit a mass shooting. Before that, he was planning on hiding along remote hiking trails up in the mountains, jumping people, pulling them into the woods and killing them there, though he never went through with that idea. He stalked my theater for months and had this shooting all planned out for the night of July 20th. Though I never saw him before this, its unnerving to think this guy could have been watching us every time we went to the theater, and we would have never known it. We were completely unaware of what he had planned against us. This completely ruined my sense of security, because who knows what the stranger next to you is planning on doing to you.
I came very close to the shooter, but I never actually saw his face in person until I was forced to testify in court. Of course I saw his mug shots on television, but while in the theater I only saw him as a dark silhouette in the shadows, like a demonic figure rendered from the darkest and most sinister nightmare. He was even in the hallway that we passed upon running for the emergency exit. The only thing stopping him from killing us there and then was his jammed assault rifle. To commit this crime, he ordered a few thousand rounds of ammunition, riot gear and armor, tear gas, an assault rifle, and a shotgun. He took pictures of himself, which were shown in court, wearing all of this gear like some sick trophy and holding up these weapons with a menacing smile. He dyed his hair orange and put in these creepy black contacts while making devilish faces into his camera, something that made me sick just looking at. Before driving to the theater with all of this gear in his car, he booby trapped his entire apartment and set it to explode if anyone opened the door. Then, once at the theater, he posed as a movie goer and even bought a ticket for the movie. I think his ticket had Theater 8 on it, which was next door, but Theater 9 had more people in it so he went into number 9 instead. He was in the few front rows. I must have passed him several times in the lobby while he was there. Maybe he had seen me, too. At some point during the movie, he got up and went through the side exit (which didn’t have an alarm for some reason), kept it propped open with something, then went to his car to put on all his armor and grabbed his weapons. Then, he came back inside and started shooting. When we escaped the theater, we ran past his white car which was parked right at the exit. We didn’t even notice it. At some point he came outside, and he would have seen us there on the concrete. I don’t know what stopped him from shooting people that were outside, too, but he could have easily ended us there and then if he wanted to.
I think the hardest part for me was facing this twisted individual in court. I’ll never forget rising as they called my name, walking down the center row past my family, other survivors, and crowds of news hungry media personnel. I sat right across from him, maybe only 10 feet away. While his orange hair was gone and he wasn’t wearing black contacts, being so close to him was a creepy and uncomfortable experience. My encounters with this man are certainly ones I will never forget. I can now say that I’ve come face to face with a true, deranged psychopath. He just had this blank stare in his eyes the whole time. If eyes truly are the windows to the soul, then his soul was filled with nothing but a cold indifference for those he had murdered and harmed. He wouldn’t even look at me. Sitting across from him in court was the second time I had knowingly been in the same room with this man. A man who had tried to take my life, but thankfully failed, a man who would end up spending forever behind bars when, at the end of it all, he was sentenced to 3,318 years in prison for his crimes.
This is to the man who tried to kill me. The man who has caused countless nightmares and fueled the fires of my paranoia. The man who hurt my friends and family, causing years of untold grief for my husband because he will never walk the same again. The man who stole the innocence and joy from a 6 year old child who went into that theater alive and came out dead. To the man who carried out the worst mass shooting in Colorado history, let’s not meet again. Ever. I hope you rot in prison.
Poor cat was living her last moments on the pagoda | but no one came to help her
Confessions of a Man Who Won A $40 Million Dollar Lottery
Can you describe your immediate thoughts and feelings upon winning?
Denial. I never thought I would win. I thought I was dreaming when I checked the numbers. I almost passed out during a conference call with the lottery officials and an estate lawyer when they told me I won the $40,000,000. I believed I was probably going to die before getting to spend it.
What did you do with the ticket immediately after finding out you had won? I would be so paranoid that I would lose it or something.
I hid it in a cereal box and contacted a lawyer.
Have you spent it all yet?
No, because I haven’t received it all.
How many of your friends and family know? Or did you keep it quiet? How did it change your life, for better or worse?
Everybody knows. My winnings were made public. It didn’t take much time for people to start asking for money. For example, my sister quit her job thinking I would just take care of her for life and people I hadn’t spoken to in years asked me to pay for their honeymoon.
The worst was the charities. I have always been private so that is something I lost.
I did change my name.
Well what caught me off-guard was that people actually thought I would just give them free money. They didn’t really try to hide their motivations. It was just “congrats. So can you shoot me some money because I’m getting married and we want to rent a yacht out Bali for two weeks.” To this day, I have no idea why they asked me.
Did you end up giving your sister the money?
She and her kids moved in with my mother after I bought (got ripped-off, actually) the house she was renting. I was going to pay her rent indefinitely but her landlords found out about my winnings and evicted her under the excuse that they were going to “sell” the house. The house was worth under a million (this is CA BTW) but they sold it directly to me for 1.8 million.
That was my one and only “gift” to my family. That too was also a mistake.
Why was that a mistake? Was it that it increased your sister’s expectations are that you were ripped off by the original home owners?
Neither my mom nor my sister knows how much I paid. The mistake is that my niece is becoming my sister 2.0. I feel like I am enabling it.
After all this do you still have a relationship with your family?
Not in particular. They were trying to turn me into a human Amazon/ATM machine and I saw the effect it was having on my niece and nephew thinking that everyone has a rich uncle who will take care of you so no need to do well in school or do anything.
It’s a shame. Like for my mother’s birthday, I was going to buy her a $10,000 Cartier bracelet but that would create drama so I just sent flowers.
Why do they make your name public?
They have to announce winners for transparency reasons. How do people know that the son of the guy who runs the lottery numbers didn’t win?
Are you upset you had to change your name? Or do you like the name you picked better so it’s not a big deal?
No, changing my name helped out a lot.
How much was personal security a concern? Do you feel you or your close family members are a kidnapping/extorsion/etc target?
None. I get monthly distributions into an estate so it’s not like I have cash lying around like in a rap video. I literally have $14 cash in my wallet.
What was your favorite thing you did after winning the lottery?
The honeymoon part of winning is my favorite. Looking at houses and cars that I could now buy.
So what did you buy?
A house (which was a mistake) and a new Audi.
Why was it a mistake?
I purchased a townhouse on Venice Beach.
I realized it was too big for one person. Also the homeless took over the area and I don’t even feel safe going to the beach at 4AM in the morning to mediate anymore.
Also, all my neighbors are well over 50 (I’m 38) so I have nothing in common with them.
Which Audi?
A3 premium
What sort of luxuries do you spend on now?
I shop at Whole Foods.
What was your job before lottery win?
Admin work.
How great was it quitting your job?
They fired me.
It was a week after I had won.
They requested to have a meeting with me on a Friday at 4PM. They asked me if I knew why I was there and I said I didn’t.
They said they were going to keep it short and sweet.
Congrats on the lotto win and they didn’t expect me to stick around so in the interest of the company, they wanted to start looking for a replacement. In order to do that, they needed my position vacant.
They handed me my walking papers.
Do u have a bucket list of adventures to do?
I would really like to be a parent before 40. That’s unlikely.
What’s some things you’d like but can’t buy with money?
What do you do now assuming you’re not working any more?
During the day, I manage my estate and do research for investments.
Do you do any philanthropic work?
I’m not interested in going through all that. I’ve donated here and there but the problem is that I don’t want to be harassed and bothered by charities to give more and more often. And then they sell your information to other charities. That gets annoying. I’d rather have a cold.
Any advice you’d give to future lotto winners?
My advice to winners is to consult with a lawyer who does estates. You cannot manage that much money on your own.
Are you happy?
I’m happier with money than without. Even with money, there are some things you cannot buy.
That Qanon article makes me think about how easily this very site could be misconstrued as another Conspiracy Theorist Cult.
But then I realize there’s a massive amount of differences both in structure and presentation of information that Q-conspirators would never be able to discern in Metallicman
You do a perfect job at showing how much of a massive cult the entire West is through their aggressively propagandized, Vault-7’d populace and utterly psychotic, scizhoid politicians and oligarchs. A bloodthirsty cult that’s forever at war with each other through constant debacle and crime AND the rest of the world through ruthless warmongering and pillaging of nations through weaponized sanctions and CIA-Color Revs.
I’m blushing. Thank you.