I caught a low grade cold from my chief engineer. It’s like COVID only about 1/20 the intensity.
Maybe it is COVID, only a different intensity. Who knows.
But I’m on the mend.
I am finally starting to get better.
Still have a sore throat, but the headaches are lessening. The coughing is down, but the spitting of flem still continues.
I see light at the end of the tunnel.
I’m still living life.
Are you?
Still rebuilding the damage to the world-line templates. Who ever caused the damage over-estimated their abilities. Did not understand the nature of the task that they had before them, and had a elementary understanding on the nature of the template construction.
But damage is damage.
Oompaloomas still churning on, but the mushroom growths are still there, getting flattened, but it’s a lot of repairing that must take place. All is in good hands. Do not worry.
This low grade cold is giving me vibrant, and unusual dreams. Almost hallucinatory. There’s meaning in them… sort of… maybe…
Oh well.
Blinken is visiting China on 18 June 2023, would he cancel his trip if another weather surveillance balloon from China flew into the US airspace again?
Not according the the Chinese government he isn’t.
Though all the Western government propaganda media say that he is.

NYT, CNN, AP, FOX, NYTImes, APnews are all reporting this.
Now read the article carefully.
- He intends to visit China.
- He is planning to go to China.
- Nothing has been confirmed.
- There are no travel plans.
And what about China?
Nothing at all on the Chinese news outlets. And most especially the Chinese government official website.
On the Chinese official websites we have this…

Unless it is written on a Chinese website it is just another one of the endless string of lies.
Do NOT believe it.
As far as I can ascertain, there are no formally scheduled visits between China and the United States in any capacity what so ever.

That’s correct. The AI model cannot confirm these events as they are fictional.
There is NOTHING.
I strongly suggest you stop listening to Western “news”. It’s all science fiction, with no basis on reality what so ever.
A former CIA boss flew to China, and paved the way for his visit. Don’t ya know. And it was because of that plow-though that China accepted the visit.
And we all know what happened next…
Yep. That Biden clown-show and bullshit begins anew.
Best not even bother to read the “news”.
Meanwhile in the USA…
I-95 Bridge Collapse Near Philadelphia
A tanker fire underneath Interstate 95 northbound in Philadelphia has caused part of the highway to collapse. Multiple lanes of the highway were reduced to rubble. I-95 is closed in both north and southbound directions in that area.
Video from TV Station ABC-6 shows the scene:
The fire broke out just after 6 a.m. Sunday on Cottman Avenue, right underneath the I-95 overpass.
The scene is between Exit 32 for Academy Road and Exit 30 for Cottman Avenue in the Tacony section of the city.
Manholes have been exploding in the area because of the fire. Everyone is being asked to avoid the scene.
I-95 will remain shut down for an extended period of time.
As a flight attendant, what’s the best thing you’ve seen another passenger do for another passenger or for you?
Q: As a flight attendant, what’s the best thing you’ve seen another passenger do for another passenger or for you?
A: I’m not a flight attendant but was asked to answer the question.
I was on a flight from Utah to San Jose which was about 2 hours. There was a woman that was obviously a nervous new mom, her baby was less than 3 months old and she could not get him to settle down. The baby was crying and screaming disrupting everybody’s travel.
I was traveling alone, but I was 3rd of 8 children and I was changing diapers by the time I was five. After the seatbelt light went off I went and talked with her.
I discovered the baby was cold and gassy. She was exhausted hadn’t slept well. I asked her if she minded if I hold her baby for a while. I was doing the bounce step down the aisle not very far and burped her baby. After about 10 minutes I went to return the baby to the tired mom to find she was asleep.
I didn’t mind I enjoyed playing with babies I left her a note with my name and seat number. I entertained the baby the rest of the trip. it’s not like I can go anywhere mid flight on an airplane.
I half expected the mom-to-be furious that I wasn’t right there when she woke up. Instead she was really gracious and appreciated the nap and a break from being Mom 24/7.
I was playing peek-a-boo with him when I felt someone watching me. The baby was giggling, I turned over my shoulder to see Mom smiling and she thanked me profusely.
I actually appreciated the distraction.
We talked a bit heading to baggage and I gave her her more tips. We never saw each other again, but I like to think her trip went better and had an easier time managing a new baby after the experience.
What medical condition from history was treated with a technique we might consider highly inappropriate today?
In the 1913 study, The Sexual Impulse in Women, it was reported that about 75% of women suffered from “hysteria,” a condition with symptoms ranging from headaches to epileptic fits to verbal outbursts. It was essentially akin to epilepsy.
Any female behavior could be deemed as an indicator of hysteria, and the primary treatment was pelvic massage: clitoral stimulation was a palliative cure for this condition.
Who was supposed to handle this? The doctors, who apparently found no pleasure in doing so!
For Victorian women, clitoral stimulation was not even considered a sexual act, as it was believed that they were incapable of experiencing sexual desire.
If a woman moaned during a pelvic massage, she was said to be having a “hysterical paroxysm.” After reaching this state, patients would temporarily ease their issues.
The invention of the steam-powered vibrator came as a savior for these specialist doctors, relieving them from the hand-cramping work.

Little Mermaid BOMBS in China: U.S. calls Chinese RACIST!
Smothered Chicken
Here’s a real southern specialty. We love Smothered Chicken served over noodles or rice with a sprinkling of crisp-cooked bacon and shredded cheddar cheese (or whichever cheese you prefer). This recipe is easily halved. If you halve the recipe, you can make it in a large skillet instead of a Dutch oven.

- 10 tablespoons vegetable or extra-virgin olive oil, divided
- 2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breasts (or thighs) or 1 whole chicken, cut up
- Salt and pepper
- 1 cup all-purpose flour plus 4 tablespoons, separated
- 2 medium size onions, sliced
- 4 teaspoons minced garlic
- 6 cups chicken stock
- 1 cup water
- 1 to 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
- Rice or noodles for serving
- Heat 8 tablespoons of oil in a Dutch oven over medium heat.
- Season chicken with salt and pepper to taste.
- Dredge chicken breasts lightly in 1 cup flour then brown in Dutch on both sides.
- When browned, remove chicken from Dutch oven and drain on paper towel. Set aside.
- Scrape the bottom of the Dutch oven to loosen all the browned bits.
- Add the onion slices to the Dutch oven and saute for about 5 minutes until a bit browned and tender.
- Add minced garlic and saute for 1 minute.
- Add remaining 2 tablespoons of oil to Dutch oven, then sprinkle on remaining 4 tablespoons flour.
- Allow the flour to brown, whisking constantly, then pour in chicken stock and water and whisk together.
- Turn heat to high to bring to a boil and season with salt and pepper.
- Whisk in Worcestershire sauce, then turn heat down to medium.
- Add the chicken back to the Dutch oven and cover with lid. Allow the sauce to thicken until it coats the back of a spoon and chicken is tender.
- Serve over rice or noodles. Garnish the top of each serving with crisp bacon bits and cheese, if desired.
One Year in China

The stats have been audited, and here’s China’s 2021 track record:
- Eliminated extreme poverty.
- Achieved 98% home ownership.
- Mastered Covid, with a death rate 0.6% of America’s.
- Sold $140 billion retail online in 24 hours. Amazon’s record is $5 billion.
- Made 55% of global energy savings.
- Generated enough renewable energy, 1 TW, to power every home in China.
- Produced a new billionaire and 300 millionaires every work day.
- Completed new train lines in seven countries, including Laos’ first.
- Ran 12,000 cargo trains to and from Europe, up 30% yoy.
- Joined RCEP, the world’s biggest trade pact.
- Launched the world’s first central bank digital currency.
- Grew GDP by $1+ trillion PPP, 4x America’s.
- Dominated scientific research and issued the most patents of any country.
- Built three exascale computers + one for AI.
- Brought two gas-cooled Pebble Bed nuclear power plants online.
- Brought a cheap, safe thorium reactor online (no expensive, toxic uranium).
- Certified a Covid treatment that reduces hospitalizations and deaths 78%.
- Became the world’s largest movie market.
- Built a programmable quantum computer 10,000x faster than Google’s.
- Operated the first integrated, 3,000-mile, commercial quantum secure network.
- Installed one-million 5G base stations. Tibet has better 5G service than New York.
- Communicated between satellites 1,000x faster than radio waves, via lasers.
- Successfully fired the world’s most powerful solid fuel rocket engine.
- Flew three hypersonic missiles around the planet.
- Released a fractional orbital bombardment missile while traveling 17,000 mph.
- Commissioned three warships simultaneously to become the biggest navy by far.
- Became the richest country on earth.

I will publish the 2022 list next week, and a 2023 half-year report next month.
Did reading the list make you pause and think? If it did, perhaps you would forward it to thoughtful friends.
She’s EXPOSING the truth in China, and they’re furious
Operation Z: The Last Chance Against Nazism
With thanks to Batiushka, the writer
Introduction: Two Civilisations
The tragic Washington-Moscow war which is starting to come to an end after nine long years on the battlefields of the Ukraine, where very many Ukrainian men are dying in futility, may well be entering its last year. The Western arming of the Kiev regime which began the war and prolonged it is the result of the attempt by the Western world to expand eastwards in yet another ‘Drang nach Osten’. Once more the West crossed over the civilisational line, which separates Western Secularism from Orthodox Christianity and runs through the far west of what is at present called the Ukraine. More exactly it runs through Galicia, formerly part of south-eastern Poland, formerly part of the ill-fated Habsburg Empire, centred in Lemberg/Lviv/Lvov. It is a civilisational line which should not be crossed. When France and its allies crossed it by invading what was then the Russian Empire in 1812, it led straight to the downfall of Napoleon. When Austro-Hungary crossed it by invading Serbia in 1914, it caused World War I and, ultimately the tragedy of 1917, when a Western atheist ideology was imposed by Non-Russians on the former Russian Empire and killed tens of millions of its hoodwinked peoples.
When Nazi Germany crossed that line by invading what was then the USSR in 1941, it led it to its suicidal downfall, the destruction of Berlin, and to lose World War II. After Washington crossed that same line by overthrowing the democratically-elected Ukrainian government in 2014, Washington suicidally signed the death-warrant of its own US-run, dollar-driven, unipolar Western world. For the centre of Western Secularism is today the American Empire elite in Washington, however much it disguises itself with euphemisms like the EU, NATO, the G7, the ‘free world’, the ‘international community’, the ‘rules-based order’ etc. And the centre of Orthodox Christian Civilisation, however far it has fallen, lapsed and been deformed and divided, is still in Moscow. Whenever Western Secularism, as ever inspired by the Pagan Roman example, has tried to expand eastwards in order to steal land and exploit resources, whether it was under Charlemagne, the Teutonic Knights, the Poles, Charles XII, Napoleon, Hitler or Biden, it has failed. Such is the case again today. Some people never learn.
Why Civilisation is at a Turning-Point
At the Victory Day Parade in Moscow on 9 May 2023 President Putin stated that ‘Civilisation is at a turning-point’. He was referring to the war in the Ukraine between the West and the Rest that began in 2014 and declared that the neocon ambition of American hegemony is ‘insane’, adding that, ‘any ideology of superiority is criminal’. He also stated that ‘the globalist elites keep insisting on their exceptionalism; they pit people against each other, divide societies, provoke bloody conflicts and coups, sow hatred, Russophobia and aggressive nationalism, destroying values that make humans human’. He described Washington’s ‘rule-based order’ as ‘a system of robbery, violence and suppression on the international stage’. He compared this to the Russian view, the view of the vast majority, that there are ‘no unfriendly peoples in East or West’, that ‘the Ukrainian people are hostage to a coup d’etat and a regime that is in the hands of the West’. However, he promised that ‘we shall defeat terrorism’. On 23 May, he repeated that ‘Russia will end the war that the West started in the Ukraine’.
Meanwhile, in Washington, the neocon supporters of the Neo-Nazis are repeating the mistake of the old Nazis. The latter thought that they could defeat Russia so then they could move on to the (as they saw it) bigger problem of defeating the Anglo-Americans, not realising that they were being defeated outright in Russia. Today, the Neo-Nazis similarly want to move on to the (as they see it) bigger problem of defeating China, not realising that they too are being defeated outright in Russia. Blinded by the same hubris as the old Nazis, today’s neocon propagandists do not understand this. Russia is not at war; if it were at war, it would have destroyed everything before it, the whole infrastructure of the Ukraine would long ago have been wiped off the face of the earth. This is a military operation to free Russian-speaking Ukraine and demilitarise and denazify the rest of it. This is why it is preserving civilian lives, towns and infrastructure with great care. This is an existential war for Russia; for the neocons it is only a war for their hubris and vanity. Civilisation is at a turning-point because the threat from Washington is to destroy all Civilisations.
Russophobia And The ‘War’ That Could End Tomorrow
Where does Western Russophobia come from? It is very ancient, for it began with ‘The Father of Europe’, Charlemagne, whose prize, unsurprisingly, was awarded to the Ukrainian actor-president on 14 May in Aachen, together with another 2.7 billion euros of German military equipment. It comes from the same hatred that the West feels towards the Muslim world. The (Orthodox) Christian world and the Muslim world are not exotic and therefore cannot be mocked as the West mocks distant Civilisations, but are the nearest geographical rivals to the Western world – therefore they must be destroyed. We can see this in old history; the Crusades were directed against Muslims in Spain, then in the Middle East and North Africa, but also against Christians in Constantinople (sacked in 1214 by barbaric Western troops) and then in Russia, which the equally barbaric Teutonic Knights tried to destroy in 1242.
However, all of this was only after the long centuries when the Western elite had murdered and raped its way through the Western peoples, enslaving in their barbaric feudalism Gauls, Saxons, Celts, Mozarabs, Milanese, English and Slavs alike. Sadly, the barbarians are not, as some imagine, at the gates, they have been in control from the outset for over a thousand years, tearing away the people from their saints. Deceit has always been their way. ‘Castles, dungeons and torture-chambers are good for you’, claimed the barbarian sadists. But modern Western Democracy is only the same castle racketeering – vote for us or else. Thus, on the 5 May, the notorious ‘we are the garden, they are the jungle’ Borrell, the European Union’s racist foreign policy chief, said in Florence, ‘If I stop supporting the Ukraine, certainly the war will finish soon’. ‘Ukraine will fall to the invading Russian forces in a matter of days without military support from Western countries’. His words denote the intensely aggressive and warmongering mentality inherent in the barbarian Western elite. They could end conflict and death, but they refuse to do so, willing to fight until the last hoodwinked Ukrainian is dead.
Indeed, only the unhoodwinked will be left alive.
Operation Z
The Russian Operation is called Operation Z, named after the last letter of the alphabet, because it is the last chance for Civilisation to survive the Anti-Civilisation of the Western world. And any Civilisation means the Global Majority, called the Global South. The Russian Federation deals with the Global Majority, from which the Western world has isolated itself. Thus, when President Macron declared that Russia is becoming the vassal of China, what he means is that France long ago became the vassal of the USA, whereas Russia and China are part of the multipolar world. Similarly, those in the Western world like the German Chancellor Scholz, who state that the Ukraine is defending ‘Western values’ condemn themselves. The US-installed Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev has persecuted the Church and closed hundreds of them, imprisoned minorities, murdered Russians and banned other political parties. Yes, these are ‘Western values’ – Nazism is a unique Western value and ideology. Several German, EU and Canadian politicians are indeed the grandchildren of Nazis, some of them were members of the SS. This then is the meaning of Operation Z – the last chance to save the Global Majority, but also the last chance to save the Western world from itself.
On 20 May 2023 Artiomovsk/Bakhmut was at last liberated by pro-Russian forces after eight months of fighting and fifty thousand Ukrainian dead. The leaders of the G7 Western ghetto, meeting at that very moment for a weekend in Hiroshima, where a US president committed the genocide of Japanese civilians 78 years before, were not at all pleased and so pretended that the liberation had not taken place. Its mention in the Western media is strictly forbidden and censored, as is the critical condition of General Zaluzhny, the seriously wounded head of the Kiev Armed Forces. However, the introverted G7 itself is increasingly irrelevant to the real world, a relic from the past. The world has moved on since 1945, which is what the G7 is about, as it is formed from the Western victors and the two vanquished nations from that past era. Once more, however, the G7 pretended not to notice its own irrelevance and went on navel-gazing through its World War II eyes. There is no greater example of this than its fantasy that it can defeat Russia through its Kiev-based puppets, then overthrow the highly popular President Putin and divide up Russia between various transnational corporations.
Conclusion: The Prophecy of Atlantis
The result of the Western arming of the Kiev forces is that what began as a small police operation to liberate the people of the Donbass has become little short of a World War. It is Russia versus the Combined West. Russia has concluded that nothing save total victory will make the Americans and their British and EU poodles understand that it means business and there will be a neutral, sovereign Ukraine independent of US control, so no longer a hostile neighbour. As President Vladimir Putin told the Russian Parliament last July: ‘We have already heard a lot about the West wanting to fight us ‘to the last Ukrainian.’ This is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people. But everyone should know that, by and large, we have not started anything in earnest yet’. What will the USA do once it has lost in the Ukraine? It will just abandon it, just as it abandoned Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, and return to its big island across the ocean 4,000 miles away. Then the world will be free.
Here will be prepared the Second Atlantis. Yes, Atlantis, for Plato’s story of Atlantis was never history, but in fact a prophetic warning for the future. The story of the fictional island of Atlantis was an allegory about hubris and concluded with Atlantis falling out of favour with the gods and sinking into the Atlantic Ocean. As it seems now, this story is precisely about the USA, which is the real Atlantis, which will sink beneath the waves of hubris and depravity. However, the story is even more than that, it is also about all those who associate themselves with the USA, for example, in Western Europe, not forgetting the Russian oligarchs and traitors who so admire the West that they choose to live in New York, London, Tel Aviv or elsewhere in the Western world. This is the warning and, alarmingly, it is almost too late for it to be heard. Most are not listening to the prophecy, but the writing is on the wall. Time is almost up.
India rejects US’ offer ahead of PM Modi visit:
'Not suitable, has no intention of joining NATO plus...' The critical remarks from India came weeks after a powerful Congressional Committee recommended strengthening NATO Plus by including India.
What is something people would overlook in a zombie apocalypse?
How important covering up is.
When all hell breaks loose, people are screaming, running for their guns, trying to get to their cars, or trying to reach the top floor of tall buildings for some reason.
But what if you don’t have a gun, or you can’t get to a car, and you get cornered by a zombie?
What’s your best defense? Your first one? Before you even pick up a weapon?
What you’re wearing on your body, that’s what.
Zombies attack with their teeth. Human teeth, as I’m sure you’re aware not the best at biting through live flesh.
As long as you cover your body with something that can withstand human teeth, you’ll be much safer.
One type of body covering that can be acquired easily and is effective against zombie attacks is the good old motorcycle gear.
Motorcycle pants, jackets, and gloves are designed to prevent road rash injuries and are very tough.

(Maybe lose the heavy helmet).
Good running shoes can also come in handy.
Covering the body, especially the arms, neck, and legs can be very useful, and may be your last line of defense.
When hit in the face with a zombie apocalypse, let’s always remember to cover up, then we can run screaming for our guns or cars or the nearest tall buildings.
What type of upbringing causes narcissism?
Have you ever found a baby lying in the middle of the street crying, all alone, hungry, not getting the love it needs, not getting the food it needs, starving and dying?
This is how narcissist parents treat their children. And they learned this from their parents.
Narcissists do not care for anyone or anything but themselves! They have no idea how to CARE or LOVE anyone.
They are 100 percent occupied with their own wants, interests, desires and needs.
The baby has to be JUST like THEM.
Love is conditional. It is based 100 percent on how the narcissist wants the child to be.
The narcissist feels that they can show the world what a PERFECT PARENT they are!!!
The baby is not allowed to be a seperate person with their own wants needs and desires.
And if that baby does have any wants, needs or desires of their own then the narcissist feels abandoned and will PUNISH that child to conform to what THEY want need and desire.
If the child doesn’t conform or does doesn’t matter (confusing right!!). This is a method of coercion to control everyone in the family.
EVERYONE in the family will do the narcissists bidding. These words are not spoken, the child either knows how to read the parents mind or harsh treatment will be brought down.
If the child does do what the parents want it is belittled and double binded into subconscious submission as the narcissist needs to have IT (the child is an object to a narcissist) to regulate their emotions.
Without the child there the narcissist cannot regulate their emotions and will feel empty. They will absolutely panic if there isn’t someone around to regulate their emotional state of mind.
Essentially it’s like the child as a real person doesn’t exist and that it’s just an extension of the parents wants, needs and desires.
Try growing up in a family like this and being able to have any semblance of self…you won’t.
You will have turned into a false self to please the narcissist parents as a survival mechanism.
Either that or a way to overly empathetic person with no idea what a boundary is or why their gut feels so horrible around the narcissist. These people struggle with destroyed wants, needs and desires too.
But instead of everything being all about them their lives are all about others.
Both are the survival mechanisms of growing up in a narcissist family.
Both are like leaving a newborn child on their own to fend for themselves.
Both have not received and do not know how to receive real love.
Unless you have grown up in this kind of family dynamic you do not truly know what it is like in any way. I have been receiving a lot of comments from people saying “This isn’t true, they were just spoiled children, that’s what forms narcissists!” From my own experiences this is a half truth. It’s difficult enough to know you are simultaneously being spoiled and abused at the same time let alone for an outsider to understand this dynamic. That’s why they call it Covert…I have never talked to a narcissist who was just formed from being spoiled. It is a combination of the two (or just abuse). Most people will not see any abuse, just a rich spoiled child. Well, it’s Covert (hidden). And the child has no idea he’s been abused let alone that he’s a narcissist.
The US is dangerously playing with fire off the coast of China
MOSCOW, June 5, 2023, RUSSTRAT Institute. The Indo-Pacific Command of the US Armed Forces accused the Chinese Air Force that a Chinese fighter jet made an aggressive maneuver against an American aircraft over the South China Sea on May 26. The pilot of a Chinese fighter jet intercepted a spy plane, flying in close proximity to the RC-135, and creating a turbulence zone for the frightened American. According to Pentagon officials, the United States aircraft was simply ” performing a routine safe mission in the area.”
On June 3, the following conflict situation occurred between the PLA and the US Navy. The US Navy’s Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Chung-Hoon and the Canadian Navy’s Halifax-class frigate HMCS Montreal have entered the Taiwan Strait. According to Beijing, the American ship ignored the appeals of the Chinese side, so the PLA Navy destroyer “clipped” the US ship, which forced the Americans to change course and reduce speed to avoid the crash, and then together with the Canadian frigate to leave the strait zone.
The US press, at the suggestion of its military, inflates the news about “dangerous maneuvers of a Chinese ship 150 meters in front of the nose of an American destroyer.” What the US military did off the coast of China, 12 thousand kilometers from their native land, Western media do not report.
The official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the People’s Republic of China, Wu Qian, called the actions of the Americans a provocation and an invasion of the zone of vital interests of China. At a meeting on the sidelines of the Singapore Security Summit, Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu said: “If someone tries to separate Taiwan from China, the Chinese military will not hesitate for a second, and China will be reunited.”
Lloyd Austin, for his part, indicated that the United States will continue to use warships and aircraft in international waters and skies near China, as well as continue to support Taiwan. Is it any wonder that Li Shangfu, who is under US sanctions, refused to hold any talks with his American counterpart?
It is noteworthy that shortly before the scandals described, CIA Director Bill Burns made a trip to China. It was allegedly about stabilizing relations after the February incident with a spy balloon, which Washington considered Chinese.
Given that Burns traveled to Moscow shortly before Russia was forced to launch a CDF on the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR, it can be assumed that with adequate negotiations (on an equal footing, with the construction of an honest dialogue that takes into account the interests of all parties) The US representatives have big problems. This was also noticed by The American Thinker.
Analysts of the American publication explain the inconsistent, rude and unproductive policy of the White House by the incompetence and incompetence of the Biden administration.
They are echoed in the editorial office of The National Interest. They believe that the United States should not and cannot afford to seek primacy everywhere — for geographical reasons alone, American influence in remote regions cannot be dominant, and this is natural. Thus, the United States is unable to dictate its will to the Global South, especially in view of the weakening of American influence in Central Asia.
Why is the United States so uncompromising and aggressive? Americans have always lived at the expense of other countries. Unleashing wars on the territory of third countries, they received dividends from this. Times have changed, but the White House’s tactics have remained the same. The dissonance is amplified by the interests of the ruling circles of the United States, which for a long time do not coincide with the national interests of the former “hegemon”. For the implementation of domestic policy, the US authorities need extra-constitutional power, which can give a new military conflict. Therefore, Washington is mindlessly seeking war, even though the United States is not ready for it. Needless to say, such “games” put the world on the brink of nuclear catastrophe.
Have you ever stumbled across a valuable rare find at a garage/yard sale or a secondhand store and knew you were getting too good of a deal? If you bought it, did you feel guilty and tell the other party what you found was worth at some point?
I was in a second rate art gallery and for some reason he had a bin labelled $2. I asked why $2 and he said it was better than just tossing it all away. Most of the stuff was awful and then I found it. This piece and I took it to the gallery owner and asked if he was sure. He said, give the me the $2 and it is yours. I took it home, and then studied the seal that I had seen in the bottom corner, it had been displayed in an art exhibit at the Columbia Exposition of 1892. I love this piece, I have had it on my various walls for 40 years now and an art appraiser asked me if I wanted to auction it. No, it is going to my family when I depart. Best $2 spent ever for me. The seal in the corner is just below the matting, not viewed here.

What was the most bone-headed thing you did at work that you thought you’d be fired for doing?
Oh man, I almost did get fired for this…
About twenty years ago I used to teach kindergarten. There was a boy in my class, “D”, who had a rough home life. His mother was out of the picture because of intermittent jail time, and his father worked constantly as a car mechanic. Dad usually had a girlfriend to help him out with D. These women came and went before D had time to bond with them. It was just as well.
As the one female who spent the most consistent time with D, I became somewhat of a surrogate mother. Besides being a little rowdy and precocious, D was a good little guy with a big smile and freckles on his face. My heart went out to him. We had a successful kindergarten year together.
The following year my grade assignment changed to a first-second combination class. I got to loop (bring students from the previous year) a few students. Of course I brought D with me…he needed the stability of being with me another year. Well one day we were all singing and being kind of silly and D just would not stay in his chair. I teased him by saying I’d tape him to his seat if he didn’t sit down. Of course he didn’t, and begged me to tape him to his chair. I was caught up in the moment of silliness with all the kids and brought out the duct tape and wrapped the tape once around his upper thighs to his chair. There was nothing punitive about it. That little rascal stood up, chair and all, and danced with his back end wiggling with the chair attached. The rest of the kids thought this was hilarious, and D got a moment of attention that he enjoyed.
The chair dance lasted only a minute before I cut him loose, then we all left for an assembly. The kids were still giggling over all of this when the principal asked what was so funny. So I told him what just happened, and before I knew it I was being called into his office. The district HR person was there, as were the district attorneys and my union President. Needless to say I was reprimanded on a scale you wouldn’t believe. I was told that there was no statute of limitations on my actions and that it would stay in my personnel file indefinitely. I was basically told that if I stepped out of line again, I’d be fired. I was told not to talk about it with anyone, especially D’s father (whom they’d contacted), and never to have duct tape in my classroom-EVER! I felt like a criminal with duct tape being my weapon of choice.
In the days that followed D’s father tried repeatedly to contact me, and after no response sent me a letter saying he was worried about me and hoped D didn’t get me in trouble. I so wanted to reach out to assure him that D had done nothing wrong, but I would’ve been fired had I done so.
Fast forward fifteen years and a 20 year-old D came to visit me at school one day. We laughed about what happened and I sent him on his way with a job reference.
Yes, I understand the seriousness of my actions even though I meant no harm. Would it happen again? Not likely. It took me a few years of walking on eggshells to keep my reputation clean. And I still don’t keep duct tape in my classroom…
Southern Hamburger Pie

- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 1 pound ground chuck
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1 small can corn or green beans, drained (optional)
- 1 (9-inch) frozen pie shell
- 5 slices Velveeta cheese, about 4 to 5 ounces
- 1 can flaky biscuits
- Begin thawing pie crust. Heat oven to 400 degrees F.
- Cook ground beef and onion in a large skillet on medium heat, breaking up the beef with the back of a spoon, and cook until onions are soft.
- Drain excess fat and season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Add corn or green beans if using.
- Put meat mixture into the pie shell and evenly distribute the cheese over the top.
- Separate biscuits and layer in a circular pattern over the pie, covering it completely (you may not need all the biscuits).
- Cut a few small “steam slits” in the top and bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown.
Serves 4.
What are the best romantic relationship tips?
Make them happy, nothing should make you happier than to see them being themselves an dhabing an authentic smile on their face. Always find ways to make their life easier, and be there for them, not with advice, but with arms open and ears ready to hear without intervening or trying to fix the problem.
General of the Russian Army Valery Gerasimov talks with China’s General Li Shangfu
Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, First Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General of the Army Valery Gerasimov during talks with counterpart Li Shangfu from the People’s Republic of China:
‘Comrade General. It is a pleasure to welcome you.
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your appointment to the post of Chief of Staff of the Joint Staff Department of the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China and wish you success in your responsible post in defending the motherland, strengthening its defensive capacity, and further modernising the People’s Liberation Army of China.
I am confident that your extensive experience will aid in the growth of the People’s Liberation Army as well as the expansion of military cooperation between our countries.
The visit to Moscow in April by Minister of Defence of the People’s Republic of China General Li Shangfu was of great significance for the development of defence cooperation between Russia and China.
We appreciate the fact that after his appointment to his post General Li Shangfu chose Russia as the first country for his foreign trip, as did Chinese President Xi Jinping, who paid a state visit to Russia in March.
President Vladimir Putin and President Xi Jinping have confirmed that the Russian-Chinese comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction are at the highest level.
Against the backdrop of recent global events, the decisions taken constitute long-term national development and security goals enshrined in our leaders’ joint statement, including issues of expanding military cooperation.
Coordination between Russia and the People’s Republic of China in the international arena has a stabilising effect on the world situation.
An example of this is joint military exercises both bilaterally and within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and ADMM Plus that promote the deepening of positive defence contacts.
The practice of joint operational and combat training by the Russian Armed Forces and People’s Liberation Army of China should continue to be a priority in the future.
I am convinced that today’s talks will serve to further strengthen the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership in the defence sphere.
I’d want to take this occasion to encourage you to visit Russia whenever it is convenient for you’.
The Russian Military and the Chinese Military have open doors between them. On the Russian side, we know what is happening and watch it daily. On the Chinese side, the pressure, from the US and a new NATO office in Japan, is being ratcheted up unbelievably. The latest:
The commander of US Indo-Pacific Command, Admiral John Aquilino, highlighted the military’s threatening posture towards China, speaking at the annual meeting of the National Committee on US-China Relations last month. The group is known for encouraging engagement between the world’s two largest economies.
In yet another confirmation that the White House has overturned the long-standing “strategic ambiguity” policy regarding Taiwan, Aquilino went so far as to say President Joe Biden and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin have tasked him to win a war against China if Beijing attacks the island.
“What I can tell you is the secretary and the president have tasked me with two missions. The first is to prevent this conflict. And then the second one is if I fail at Mission One to be ready and prepared to fight and win… the United States military is manned, trained, equipped, postured and ready to execute both of those missions,” the INDOPACOM chief said. https://libertarianinstitute.org/news/indopaccom-chief-the-us-is-ready-to-fight-and-win-a-war-with-china/
As I’ve explained before, Taiwan is the word, it is the name. It is easily remembered by most that actively support a war against China. This war, and the possibility that there will be one is actively being prepared for. We see the US encroaching in the Asia-Pacific, under the name Indo-Pacific and doing their preparatory work, not only regarding Taiwan, but the full first island chain and various countries are being set up as war proxies, militarised and weaponized. Think of the Philippines and South Korea, Japan, and Australia being the bigger ones. It is quite actively being discussed.
This war is planned as a boots-on-the-ground war + proxies. It may look at the moment as if it is a lost cause and the US + NATO are not prepared and from our circles, the ability to fight a war is questionable.
Yet preparations are being done actively and this is why Chinese and Russian militaries hold joint aerial strategic patrols in the Asia-Pacific region. The last patrol consisted of Chinese H-6K bombers and two Russian Tu-95 bombers, escorted by two unidentified Chinese fighter jets. They flew together over the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan on the 6th of June, just a few days ago.
What is not generally known, is that this is not an exercise, but Chinese reports call this a patrol amidst rising tensions and US provocations in the region. The Shangri-La dialogue was taking place and what is also not generally known is that a PLA Navy flotilla consisting of a 055 large destroyer Anshan and a 054A frigate Linyi sailed from the East China Sea through the Tsushima Strait into the Sea of Japan a day before the aerial patrol. In addition, the Russian Pacific Fleet launched an exercise in the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk on the 5th, sending over 60 warships and 35 aircraft, according to a statement released by Russia’s Defense Ministry on the day.
Was there military coordination between the Russian Pacific Fleet and the PLA Navy flotilla and the aerial patrol? I don’t have anything that specifically tells me so, except the readout of the conversation between Valery Gerasimov and Li Shangfu that talks about strengthening the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership in the defense sphere and the open-door policy. I have a musing on probability though. I’d love to see the document between the militaries where they spell out the probability of kinetic action in the region vs expected timing. One would think there is such a document and one would think it is a continually updated document, not passive.
Currently, there are large-scale PLA drills around Taiwan and Xi Jinping called on Chinese border troops to enhance their capabilities in border defense and control to forge a “great wall of steel” along the country’s borders.
Have you ever stumbled across a valuable rare find at a garage/yard sale or a secondhand store and knew you were getting too good of a deal? If you bought it, did you feel guilty and tell the other party what you found was worth at some point?
Yep. My family likes to shop at resale shops or yard sales. We play a game called Who got the best find today. Often Ill call my dad and say I won resale shopping today! Then detail what I found and why its a win. Or my mom will call me and tell me what they found.
There is no guilt though. Its all fun. Someone donated it or didn’t want it. We did.
The BEST story though is about a 1956 Harry Ferguson (Yes HARRY not Massey) tractor my dad found at an auction. It wouldn’t start. He walked over looked it over but didn’t touch anything. There were a bunch of Good Ole Boys standing around talking about it and why it wouldn’t run. My dad ended up paying about 50$ for it. A lot of money 45 years ago for a lawn ornament. After he took ownership he walked over fiddled with a wire and the thing started up. He says he got out of there as fast as he could he thought they might lynch him.
How can someone learn to be humble?
4 years back i and my dad went to purchase a pair of shoes from a footwear shop nearby. There was a man with a great height and physique , around the age of 30 sitting there holding a girl child of around 4 years. He kept seeing my dad for few seconds , later while going back he gave a pleasant smile and asked my dad

“You are from’ x’ village right, with the home in the outskirts of the village”.
My dad was surprised and said “ya but sorry i couldn’t make out, how do u know me?”
He spoke with the calmness , pleasant smile on his face”i was one among the construction workers who built your house( he said it in a local slang ಗಾರೆ ಕೆಲಸ ).i used to sleep there only at night.I can’t forget those days. Happy to see you”
My dad was surpised hearing this”ohh, u still remember it. What are u doing now?”but my dad was not able to recognize him as it was around 10 yrs back
He said in the most humble way”i am the circle inspector here , came to purchase slippers for my daughter” and asked whether i was his daughter to which my dad replied yes , that man continued,’she was a small child when i last saw her, she is a grown up girl now ‘with the brotherly love in his eyes.
How can someone be so humble, the one who is a circle inspector now, recognized my dad and said that he had worked as a construction worker for his home without any hesitation even when my dad failed to recognize him. That humbleness he had when he spoke was just inspirational.
He remind me of one saying”wherever you go, whatever you become you should never forget your roots, you should be proud of them”
To all those who are asking who is a circle inspector, he is a police officer who is in charge of 2 or more police stations, he supervises the subinspectors of those stations.
What are some weird facts about Japan?
One of the weirdest things about Japan is the way Japanese treat the watermelon.

First of all, a watermelon, or “suika” is classified as a “vegetable” by many Japanese, not a fruit. If an English teacher asks “What’s your favorite vegetable?” to a student, a very likely answer will be “watermelon” (though “strawberry” is another popular choice). This is because traditionally, in Japan, “fruit” grew on trees and “vegetables” were basically any type of plant that grew above ground but not on a tree.
Second of all, in the summer time, Japanese children play the game suika wari (スイカ割, “smashing the watermelon”). They are blindfolded and given either a baseball bat (see above) or a wooden sword. The first child to successfully smash open the watermelon is the winner. It’s like smashing a piñata, basically.
The Densuke Watermelon is a rare “black” watermelon that is often auctioned off to the elite. It can go for $6,000. Don’t use that in a game of suika wari!

No, your eyes don’t deceive you. That watermelon really is almost US$200. Don’t knock it over… It is a watermelon to be *revered*.
China Orders 15,000 Iranian Drones
A very serious development has taken place: China has placed an order with Iran for 15,000 “Shaheed 136” military drones, with differing types of engines for different war fronts. The entities with whom China expects war?
According to a Commander with the Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) which accepted the order, China is preparing for war in Taiwan, Japan, and Australia.
Iran has created a huge business opportunity for themselves selling these drones, which appear to be incredibly effective for Russia inside Ukraine right now.
Based on how many they are already selling to Russia, Iran must already have tens of thousands; which should give pause to their pipsqueak, but big-mouthed neighbor, Israel.
Historically, this is interesting because ancient Persians were known for shooting crazy amounts of arrows into the sky against their enemies to completely overwhelm them.