2023 07 09 16 21ye

The Black Knight and some video out of China

In this article / post we will chat a little bit about extraterrestrials, and mysteries. Mainly by posting a few videos up, and some associated articles. The idea behind this post is to show some of what it “out there” in internet land, and to state that they tangentially touch on things that I have so painfully explained. Often they are just blind people in the dark trying to figure things out through disinformation…

So enjoy the videos and the articles. Do not get too caught up.

Now, at the end of the article is the “The Black Knight” mystery spacecraft. And the “reports” all take a few NASA images and “run with them”.

Totally oblivious to the fact that China is in space, has a huge space presence, and has also been filming and videoing these various objects.

Yes. China has been very active in filming UFOs and other strange things.

And I will be putting some of this stuff on MM in the future.

At the very end of this article / post, is my Chinese video taken of what The Black Knight” seemingly is. I am convinced that you all will find it very interesting.

Not available on any American or English Speaking websites, eh?

Imagine that.

Just the same old regurgitated bullshit, endlessly discussed, and theories bantered about, but with no new information of value.

Except here on MM.

Have fun guys…

First a daily dose of geo-political, and some other stuff…

Who has been the strangest world leader of the last five decades?

Definitely this guy.

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His name is Duterte and he is the current president of the Philippines.

(A little background about the Philippines – The country of Philippines can be called ‘Mexico of Asia’. It is plagued by drug dealers. It is almost a normal occurrence in the Philippines for drug lords to kidnap citizens for ransom. Watch drugs in Philippines-2014 documentary Al Jezeera)

It is a normal custom for the president of the Philippines to issue Christmas greetings message to the citizens, every year. Duterte got elected in 2016. Following is his 2016 Christmas greetings message.

“I’m only human. So let me say ‘Merry Christmas’ to all the thieves, drug lords, drug pushers, corrupt and whoever made the life hard for Filipinos (People of Philippines). By the way, if you don’t cease and still continue your brutality, this will be your last Merry Christmas’

And this man ain’t kidding.

Within a few months of this message, two mayors who were caught in corruption were killed during the operation. 3600 drug lords were killed during the operation and 1.3 million drug addicts surrendered.

More than 1 million drug addicts surrender to gov’t

Duterte told his cops, ‘Go and hunt them. If possible arrest them. If he/she attacks you, just shoot him first.’

And all this happened in just 6 months after the message. In an interview with CNN, Duterte quoted, “We Filipinos are poor and our kids are our wealth. When we get old, we depend on our kids to pay for our medicine and even for burial. Drug lords and users, I warn you ‘Do not destroy the lives of young Filipinos with drugs. If you do so, I will surely kill you’.

The self-proclaimed moral consciences of the world (Read West) condemn Duterte for his ‘War on drugs’. President Obama condemned Duterte and Duterte had this following thing to say…

‘You bomb Syria and you kill thousands of innocent civilians, yet you have guts to call me? You bomb schools and hospitals and kill hundreds of innocent kids. You went to Iraq with an excuse of ‘Weapon of mass destruction’ and slaughtered thousands of innocent civilians, yet you found nothing. In your country, policeman shoots a handcuffed Black man for he is simply a Black. At least in my country, I shoot criminals. So Obama, _______ yourself

And by the way, Duterte’s approval rating as of 2019 is 87%

Duterte trust, approval ratings unchanged after Recto Bank incident

Personally I don’t like him using ‘Colorful’ languages in public, cause he is seen as an inspiration by many young people, so it is good if he stops using those words, but this man really introduces a new unconventional political style.

Note; For those commenting, ‘Duterte jokes about rape’ and other bunch of crazy stuff you better come up with video evidence. After Duterte refused to be the American puppet, Western media has been spreading this propaganda and sadly many fell for it. Any comment accusing Duterte with out video proof will be deleted.


Why has China been cracking down on private enterprises like Ant Group?

A Message had to be delivered

China is not USA or India or Russia. Try any tricks and we will castrate you

Ant Group has been playing with capitalism hard and fast

First is their following the US mode of creating monopolies and throttling smaller entities. Jack Ma had this bad habit of identifying any potential business and shackling it under Alibaba . Later suppliers and vendors were squeezed because Alibaba and Ant controlled their markets

Second is their brazen credit lending without actual substance or collateral. They would lend a lot of money belonging to banks with minimal compliance and without a tenth of the assets and collateral.

Third is their valuation models and their repeated ability to keep using investments to float value. The sort of thing Byjus does in India.

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China and the CPC in 2019 began to realize that if companies like Ant group were allowed to do things so rampantly ,China would be floating and bloating with paper values in a matter of years (Like India will be by 2025)

So they began squeezing on all the players including Ant Group

  • First they ended credit lending without a minimum 40% asset backing.
  • Next they ended the monopoly by providing a 120 day period to all suppliers and vendors to counter with their own price bid
  • Next they ensured that bloated valuations would have no role in China by linking valuation to technology development and profits

The Fine of $994 Million is just the culmination of all the excesses that Any Group has enjoyed all these years

China simply says “No Illusions and No fast bucks. You want to grow, grow the right way and benefit society and yourself. Develop Technology along the way”

The message is for all other Tech Companies and other companies in China

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Had this been 2017, Ant could have scoffed and shrugged and left China and gone to US or UK

Sadly this is 2023

Chinese Entities have no other way to go but into the Chinese economy and market which gives them more than two thirds of their revenues

So it’s a message at the end of the day

Do things right and we are always with you. Try to fool people and line your pockets at the expense of the Chinese people and we will destroy you

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Jack Ma for instance made the cardinal mistake of becoming too capitalist and putting his pocket above that of the people through ruthless monopolies and blind valuations

So he has been neutralized and the message has been very strong indeed

It’s why no other Tech CEO since 2020 violated the Tech Laws set in place by the Chinese Government

Always the message with the Chinese

They always deliver a message through such actions

The Moon Revealed: It’s a Hollow Spaceship, so who built it and why?

Ah, sort of.

But don’t get too caught up. I wrote about this earlier. Fun view, though. Enjoy.

“Today while at the gas station I overheard a lady in her late 20’s telling 2 other men to leave her alone

so I decided to walk over to them and I asked her ” how was the meeting today darlin? ” she looked at me and said ” it was good, I’ll tell you more about it when we get home in a few “. I replied with ” wonderful I’ll pick up your favorite for dinner”.

The two guys left in a hurry and she told me ” you have no idea how much that meant to me …. thank you.” I said “you’re very welcome ma’am …. you can never be too careful. “

I made sure the guys left before I walked back to my car and as I was walking back all I could do was think ” I hope a man does that for my future daughter one day”.”

~ Cody Bret

City School Pizza

2023 07 09 08 5fa6
2023 07 09 08 5fa6

Yield: 24 servings


French-Style Pizza Crust

  • 2 packages dry or cake yeast
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 3 1/2 cups lukewarm water
  • 9 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon salt


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 tablespoon instant minced onion
  • 1 (8 ounce) can tomatoes, drained and chopped
  • 1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 3/4 teaspoon oregano
  • Salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon dried sweet basil
  • 3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 3/4 pound ground or chopped luncheon meat
  • 1 1/2 cups grated Parmesan cheese


French-Style Pizza Crust

  1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in water.
  2. Add flour and salt. Knead until smooth.
  3. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk.
  4. Cut into 2portions. Let rest 15 minutes.
  5. Pat or roll to even thickness in 2 (15 1/2 x 10 1/2-inch) jellyroll pans. Set aside.


  1. Brown ground beef and onion in a large skillet.
  2. Add tomatoes, tomato paste, water, oregano, salt to taste, basil, garlic powder and luncheon meat. Sauté until mixture comes to a boil. Simmer for a few minutes.
  3. Spread sauce on prepared French-Style Pizza Crust in pans. Sprinkle each crust with cheese.
  4. Bake at 400 degrees F for 30 to 35 minutes or until cheese layer is bubbly and browned.

Is corruption the only reason some countries in South Asia are stranded in “developing” status?

Do you think Corruption doesnt exist in China or Singapore or South Korea?

Of course it does. Corruption exists everywhere and wherever there is position of power.

It is when Corruption and Development become Mutually Exclusive that trouble starts.

Lets take the Chinese and Singaporean Example:-

The “Golden Rule” of Deng Xiaopeng (Later emanated by Lee Kuan Yew) was that Corruption is inevitable.

So Deng developed his golden rule.

The Rule was called the “Bridge on the Village River” rule – where Deng would instruct his ministers

I want a Bridge on the Village River. It should be strong and it should be durable for 20 years and should not break or develop any problems or issues. I estimate the budget to be 100000 Yuan (Purely arbitary number) so i will sanction 120000 Yuan – so that 20000 Yuan can be used for miscellaneous purposes. I dont care how this money is going to be spend or who gets what portion. I will turn a blind eye to it BUT if the bridge collapses due to shoddy construction – i will personally crush any and all persons who were responsible for it.

That is the BOVR rule followed by China or Korea or Singapore.

End Results are all that matter. This way – the Nation gets the best product and the Nation develops and moves forward. People get enriched but Chinese or SIngaporeans regard this as a sort of Service Charge rather than Corruption or Bribes or Graft.

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The Hong Kong police consisted of Chinese Nationals upto the rank of Sergeant and Britishers from the ranks of Inspector and above.

Every Chinese National would get at least 100% of his salary amount from Graft (Bribes) from Nightclub owners, Businessmen etc etc.

The Result – Hong Kong was almost completely crime free. The Triads did not touch common man. Not a single pistol could be brought into HK without consequences.

A Contractor who can get a superb building made within budget – takes a 10000 yuan commission will not be penalized until the building collapses in which case he is finished as are the party officials who chose him in the first place.

In Singapore – to ensure corruption does not exist – Lee Kuan Yew established measures like Huge Salaries to Ministers and Bonuses to Officials. A $ 100 Million contract into Singapore – would mean a bonus of $ 200000 for the Officials at the concerned ministry. With such incentives – why would anyone turn to corruption????

Check out the Chinese Ministers – Each one wears a $ 12000 – $25000 Suit – tailored in London or New York or by Expats living in Shanghai. They have Rolls or Bentleys and the big ministries have exclusive helicopters.

They earn between 70% to 450% higher than the Median Base Pay for College Graduates.


A. Corruption Exists in China or Korea – but the Corruption is regarded as a Service Charge as long as the End Result is not harmful to the public or is not defective or of poor quality – NOBODY CARES. Imagine a Agent who is able to bring a 100 Helicopter Deal to China – he takes a kickback of $ 1 Million. As long as the Helicopters are top notch – nobody in China will care.

B. These countries pay commissions, incentives and higher salaries (Like Singapore) to ensure that Corruption is kept out or at least minimized completely. Imagine you get $ 10 Million a year as Minister – would you be stupid enough to accept or coordinate a bribe?

Gifts like Rolex Watches, Works of Art, Jewelry are commonplace and wont generate a huge public controversy.

Now lets see India and Pakistan and Bangladesh

Thats where the Hypocrisy starts

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Our Leaders pretend to be simple people. They Wear Khadi in the peak of summer, the Gandhian Caps, They balk at gifts which exceed over Rs. 5000/- and our Newspapers go on and on about a Chief Minister who accepted a $ 10000 Watch (Siddaramaiah) as a gift and he has to prove that he gifted the watch to a museum.

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Yet 60% of the Politicians Ministers all have assets exceeding Rs. 50 Crores with allegations of exceeding Rs. 1000 or even Rs. 5000 Crores.

The Simplicity is a Deception on the People of India (Some people like Lal Bahadur Shastri were born simple but most of them are deceiving the people).

Poor Christian Michel gets thrown in Jail for bribery whereas the people on both sides are scot free.

CBI pursue a small time Havildar who took Rs. 1000/- bribe on Diwali

And we claim to be Tough on Corruption

And in our case – since unlike China or Singapore or South Korea – Our Leadership is Illiterate or Semi Literate in most cases – the Corruption affects our Quality very badly

Roads that get Potholes with 2 days of rain , Bridges that Collapse regularly, Structures that are rarely steady and would not receive certification by the blindest Quality Engineer anywhere outside India or Pakistan or Sri Lanka or Bangladesh, Poor Quality Manufactured goods etc.

The Gandhian Mentality is solely responsible for why our Leaders pretend to be simple yet why they become richer and richer while the country gets zero or near zero quality products or infrastructure.

Had we been China – we would have offered a 1.5% flat commission to the Officers who got us the Rafale Deal. This would have eliminated corruption since the bribe money would have come in the form of incentives and service charges.

Had we been Singapore or Korea – we would have ensured that Christian Michel would be regarded as nothing more than a Commission Agent and we would not have even glanced in his direction considering his “Payments” as nothing more than “Service Fees”

Instead our System is a Gigantic Hypocrisy – as is the case of Pakistan or Bangladesh or Sri Lanka.

Pretence, Pretence, Pretence

Punish the small fry and ignore the huge sharks and whales

Ensure that corruption has a direct and total impact on the quality of products

Ensure that Rhea Chakraborty is sent to jail with the whole nation clapping and cheering while Ministers who ordered Bridges to collapse or Contractors responsible for building roads which kill due to potholes – end up getting more contracts.

That is why – while the Asian Countries like China or SIngapore grow – India is doomed. It is the system that is corrupted completely and totally.

JRE: What Scientists Just Discovered At The Grand Canyon TERRIFIES The Whole World

Just a reminder that the “powers that be” control what you know and what you do not know.

This is a fun video.

However, why would Egyptians be in Arizona, or New Mexico without any Egyptian communities on the coasts for their ships to travel to? A lack of infrastructure is troubling.

So do not get too caught up.

The “missing pieces” might be trivial or alarming, but they are still MISSING.


What are the reasons behind China being the dominant producer of gallium and germanium?

Profitable Extraction!!!!!

China has the reserves and the procedure to extract the elements profitability and purify them profitably

China is able to deliver a processed product at lowest cost ($ 2400/PTK) and make a 17% Profit

It’s estimated the US can deliver the processed product at lowest cost of $ 8900/PTK and make a 35% Loss which needs subsidy

Thus instead of $ 2400/PTK with 17% profit , the raw material and base material now costs $ 8900/PTK and the US Govt or Taxpayer has to pay $ 3080/PTK as subsidy

That’s $2400 vs $11980

Unless US manages to import slaves again and manufacture the machinery on its own — US can’t lower costs



You have a Lithium mine?

Without China, you can’t extract a nano gram of Lithium because the machinery is theirs and they control the market

Plus Environment is a big big thing here

The Green party will hate any processing foundry or extraction mine for Gallium or Germanium or Lithium in US due to pollution that is almost guaranteed


Start making extraction machinery in India and Vietnam and ship them to US along with 100,000 migrant workers

And maybe in 20 years , US can take up around 30–40% of the market share of Gallium or Germanium

It’s a headache but US are idiots and that’s exactly what those stubborn fools will do

“Stay single until someone actually complements your life in such a way that makes it better to not be single” What do you consider someone complementing your life to be?

I got divorced 12 years ago. After that, I stayed single for almost 7 years. Well, 1. I was too busy, and 2. I was hurt.

After that, I decided to start dating again. Man, it was so difficult. I had a few first dates, and either they escaped from me or I escaped from them.

Then I saw him.

The way he smiled was like this:

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You know what I mean? The smile that makes you want to smile. The smile that makes you feel all the stresses you are carrying get lighter a little bit. I knew I wanted to be around him.

He asked me out, I told him I was busy and didn’t have much time. He said then we could date the busy way: he showed up at my lunchtime to have a sandwich that I prepared; sometimes just a small walk before bedtime late at night. He understood my priorities and supported me.

Sometimes, I got a text from him saying, “I know you have an important meeting today, try not to kill anybody.” Sometimes, I “escaped” from the office to go to a coffee shop with him next to me. We both worked on our laptops, didn’t talk to each other the whole time; we just enjoyed the feeling we were together.

I smile more and live fuller with him in it. I truly feel that the pain I had in me, turned into the memory, it’s not hurt anymore. Is he complementing my life? I think so. Because he healed me.

12 ALIEN CRAFT In US Custody, Per Intel

From “The Hill” which is a MAJOR political organization in Washington DC.

OK. Whoop! Whoop!

Now what?

Stupid Jackasses. At the end of the day, nothing will change. The reality of what is going on is far too dangerous to expose.

Why do liberals think that sexually explicit books should be available in school libraries?

I remember this quote, I think from Neil Gaiman, about fairy tales and stories. It goes something like this. Fairy tales didn’t tell children there were dragons. We already knew dragons existed. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be defeated.

Books don’t tell children sex or violence or gay people exist in the world. They already know. Books tell them how to deal with these complicated things. Books and stories allow them to explore uncomfortable ideas and situations in a safe environment. It helps them process their emotions.

My family didn’t believe in “age-appropriate” books. As long as I could read it, every book on the bookshelves was open for grabs. The community library right next to our house did not have special library cards for children. Everyone has the same type of cards and has access to the same collections of books. I was reading The Decameron in middle school. In case you didn’t know, it’s a collection of stories, including some pretty graphic sex scenes and gore.

You know what my grandma did? We talked.

I remember telling her about this story I read from Decameron, about this priest and bread and oven. It’s a sex joke. It took me quite some time to figure it out, and I talked to my grandma about it. We all laughed, not because of the sex innuendo but rather because of the hypocrisy of the whole situation. And that’s the whole point of the story, the hypocrisy of the catholic priests during the 14th century. I got that in middle school. Children aren’t stupid. They understand things if you take the time and help them figure it out.

I talked to her about the books I read, the parts I don’t understand, and/or make me uncomfortable. Whatever dysfunctions my family had, we could always get together and talk about books.

That’s what being a parent is about.

I always suspect parents who want to ban books don’t really want to “protect” their children, but rather, they don’t want to or don’t know how to have difficult conversations with their children about the books they read. Either they themselves do not read books and don’t understand how to discuss literature and narrative. They don’t know how to apply lessons learned in books to real life. They don’t understand the importance of stories. Or they simply don’t give a shit. They would rather put off these conversations and wait until the kids are old enough and have them figure it out themselves.

There’s no such thing as a dangerous book. Ideas do not “corrupt” children. Not if they have good parents to talk to. When children are “corrupted” by the internet or social media, or books, it’s not because the materials are dangerous. It is because they are isolated, they’re confused, and there are no adults in their lives they can rely on to guide them.

Banning books is never about “protecting children.” It is always about shitty parents who couldn’t be bothered to be proper parents.

I started to get conservative comments that defended the book ban, and I got a common theme from these comments that they seemed to believe that there are books in school libraries or public libraries that contain graphic depictions of extreme pornographic/fetish content.

One comment talks about how they don’t want their children to learn about sex fetishes that involve human feces from books in school libraries. Another comment says they don’t want their children to learn about blow jobs from books containing young boys giving each other blow jobs, other comments talk about “government teaching my son how to give a hand job.”

… like… I’m so confused. Like… have you been to a library?! What kind of books do you think they have?!

Seriously people, stop watching Fox News, and go visit a public library.

Also, I got this gem today.

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What is proof for you that karma exists?

The suicide bomber who died alone.

In 2016, Abdullahi Abdisalam Borleh was a suicide bomber with a laptop full of explosives who boarded a plane from Somalia, Daallo Airlines.

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He had embarked as a disabled person and claimed to be on a trip for a medical check-up.

Twenty minutes after takeoff from Mogadishu, Somalia at an altitude of 14,000 feet, an explosion occurred inside the aircraft. There were 74 passengers and 7 crew members on board.

The explosion created this opening.

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He was the only one to be sucked into the opening.

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His intention was to kill all the passengers of the plane but according to fate, he had to be the only one to die.

The plane’s controls were not affected by the explosion, allowing the pilot to return the plane to Mogadishu safely.

Karma sometimes works… as if by magic.

The evidence we are living in a Simulation is everywhere. All you have to do is look.

No problem with this.

What do engineers no longer think about today?

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To the little things that make life easier for people.

The designer of the castle of this medieval door probably liked to drink a little too much.

And when it got late, it was pitch black.

So it was a great thing if the design made it a little easier to find the keyhole to finally get some well-deserved sleep.

This designer was a real humanitarian.

Why do Indians have so many problems against a Sino-Indian trade alliance?

As on date China doesn’t see value in a Sino Indian Trade Alliance

China isn’t like US or UK , a nation that makes decisions in a hurry

China is evaluating India and has decided that as on date India is not valuable enough for China to seriously offer a trade alliance and make some serious concessions

China is more impressed with Vietnam which follows China’s own building strong bases, building a workforce and then slowly layering to the top

China isn’t impressed with India’s hotch potch ‘Cant manufacture a Ball point pen fully but sure let’s build 2 nm chips’ method

Today India’s entire manufacturing is because of the fact that Indian government says unless you manufacture in India, we won’t buy your product (or assemble)

That was never the Chinese model

The Chinese were always about “Manufacture in China, we will give you land and labor and you give us jobs and development”

So as on date this Make in India is a gimmick meant for elections and to impress gullible people into making them think India is heading to becoming a superpower

China knows too well the real state of India manufacturing

The real state of regressive taxation

The horrible political system

The atrocious labor laws

The greedy and inefficient manufacturing environment

China knows India hasn’t made 0.0001% effort to improve any of them

So China knows all this Indian manufacturing is just a gimmick like everything else for headlines and some random numbers

Simple example is Vietnam makes 11% of all Smartphones on earth and India makes around 17%

Yet scale and size wise India is around 6.65 times the trade scale of Vietnam

India needs to be making around 77% of its smartphones by now to be equivalent to Vietnam in manufacturing

Plus India assembles smartphones on a 69:31 basis

Vietnam does so on a 38:62 basis

It shows how much superior Vietnam is to India

And if Vietnam is like M.Sc first year then China is like five years post Doctorate

So frankly China isn’t impressed much with India

Sure it will make noise here and there but there is no serious view of India managing anything remotely significant in the next few years without serious reforms and serious changes in national policy towards manufacturing

The Day India is serious about manufacturing and we see laws changing and tax laws changing and separate jurisdictions and liberal policies and judicial reforms

Then China definitely will make offers to India including potential concessions on Arunachal or Ladakh

Until then it’s not worth it

A Sino Indian Trade Alliance with Today’s India in exchange for giving up claims on Ladakh or Arunachal is a bad bad deal for China

Today’s India is 90% Talk and 10% Actual Progress

When it’s 60% Talk and 40% Actual Progress, China will handle the issue differently

What are some examples of scientists who had brilliant ideas and became millionaires? 😶‍🌫️💡

One recent example is a 34-year-old Japanese mathematics professor who decided to host his lectures on… Pornhub.

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His earnings of €250,000 per year stem from the fact that even though many may not be interested in the subject, they are nonetheless curious about his presence and attempt to watch the video, generating views.

What is your biggest “only in China” moment?


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A Buddhist monk seeking religious advice from a Taoist.

If it’s hard to understand how unusual this is, imagine a Catholic priest seeking religious teachings from an Islamic cleric or vise versa.

Chinese religions (Buddhism was localized after settled in China) are very tolerant to each other. It’s pretty hard for Chinese to understand why there could be centuries of hatred and violence just because of different beliefs.

Michio Kaku JUST LEAKED China’s SHOCKING Discovery On The Moon!

This is a fun and interesting video.

Keep in mind a date of 11,000 – 13,000 years ago. Notice that this date disagrees with my own beliefs, but please pay attention to their argument. Have a good time. Enjoy.

Cafeteria Cole Slaw

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2023 07 09 08 56


  • 1 head cabbage, chopped fine
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 or 3 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing


  1. Mix all ingredients well until cabbage is completely coated.
  2. Salt and pepper to taste.

China plans to perform a crewed lunar landing before 2030. What do you think of this goal?

China is 99% possible to keep its words.

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2023 07 09 08 52

This is a photo of 2 newspapers in 2004.

Let one is about China’s moon project. China Lunar Exploration Project was announced in Feb 2004, and it was already in implementation stage. China was planning to have a moon orbiting satellite within 3 years, a soft-landing on the moon in 6 years, and have moon dirt sample taken back by a robot before 2020.

By the end of 2020, in December, Chang-e 5 returned with 1731 gram of moon dirt. China barely kept its words, due to delays caused by rocket making.

On the right, it was moon projects announced by the US, Russia, Japan, and India.

The US was going to land on the moon again in 2015, and establish an international moon base no later than 2020.

Russia was going to have a test launch of its latest moon landing ship.

India was going to launch its first unmanned moon ship Chandrayaan-1 in 2008.

Japan was going to eastablish its moon base in 2025, and send robots there.

Chinese newspaper reported moon projects from 5 countries in 2004.

So far, only China managed to keep on schedule.

So when China says that it’s people will land on the moon before 2030, it’s highly possible that it knows exactly where it is now, and how fast its moon project will go.

If universal healthcare is actually cheaper than our current system and covers everybody. Why not just do it?

I’m a retired US citizen who moved to Uruguay in 2015 after spending my entire working career in “Corporate America”.

It’s entertaining to read discussions about the possibility of implementing Universal Healthcare in the United States.

It will NEVER happen. It’s 1000% impossible. The reason? Health insurance companies.

The concept of Universal Healthcare does not involve insurance companies. There is no need for a bloated middleman.

There are 563,366 Health & Medical Insurance Employees in the US, costing approximately $50 billion annually.

These companies would have to be closed, freeing up all this cash for actual medical care, instead of bloat.

The main problems with the US Healthcare system are listed below. None of these problems exist with Universal Healthcare.

a. Greedy Health insurance companies run by highly-paid executives.

b. High-paid pharmaceutical & insurance company lobbyists.

c. Greedy congressmen who take millions of dollars in bribes annually.

d. Expensive TV commercials pushing expensive drugs.

e. Doctors who earn outrageous salaries to pay for outrageously expensive college educations with insane education loans.

f. Outrageous malpractice lawsuit settlements, requiring doctors to carry outrageous liability insurance.

g. People with no medical knowledge make decisions about whether a patient can have a medical procedure, overruling the attending physician.

Now, with the outsourcing of call centers, people with no medical knowledge in Jamaica, India, and Pakistan make those decisions.

Here are some typical costs in Uruguay:

Office visit: US $8.00

ER visit: US $ 10.00

House call: US $12.00.

Electrolyte blood analysis: US $7.11.

Cerebral CT Scan: US $23.29

If you call an ambulance, it arrives with a full-fledged MD, not an EMT.

Before I turned 70 years of age, I paid around US $55 per month for health coverage.

Now I pay around US $70 per month. For that, I get totally free hospital stays and all costs are free, including hospital stay, surgery, medications, doctor care, and nursing care. When you check out, regardless of what was done or how long you were hospitalized, you pay nothing.

The monthly cost for my cancer medication is around US $2.50. The same medication in the US is around $500.00.

Here are the main reasons everything is so cheap:

No claims to file


No Deductible

No Out-of-Pocket

No Coinsurance

No Allowed amount

No Benefit period

No Preauthorization

Why does communist China feel entitled to export cheap products to foreign countries and destroy their local manufacturing industries?

China just takes purchase orders and supplies, be it from a rich country or a poor one. You should rather ask this question to those countries, why they go to China to get cheaper things.

However, the point of “destroy” is interesting, indeed. Chinese cheap products have destroyed industries in the higher-income countries like Europe and America. And those developed countries deliberately did this to save cost, but eventually ended up at the cost of their own citizens’ unemployement. Surely they had a vision, though probably a wrong one. But they would know it better.

But China’s “cheap” products helped the poor countries a lot, particularly those who did not yet have industries. For example let’s talk about Bangladesh where the vast majority people are poor. They could not afford to buy Europe/Japan/America-made products even they were in a dire need. But they can manage to get the similar peoducts from China at their afforable price. Thus, life has become much easier and even safer when they got this products-support from China.

Take few essential products for example:

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2023 07 09 08 38

This mosquito killer racket helped save millions of lives from life-threatening Malaria and Dengue fever in Bangladesh.

energy-saving bulbs:

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2023 07 09 08 3af8

These bulbs from China lit up millions of households in Bangladesh where electricity cost is rocket-high.

Then this:

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2023 07 09 0ger8 38

Thousands of commuters have benefitted from this cheap motorbike in Bangladesh where public transports are rare and nightmare.

Now, let’s talk about the other, even life-changing benefits gotten from these imported products. Bangladeshis acquired the technical knowhows, bought cheap machineries and raw materials back from China and now have started making them in their own country. Means, now they have established their own industries, providing employment to their own people and altogether contributing to the national economy. And gradually this country is climbing the ladder of self-industrialization. I think such transformation is taking place in many other poor countries as well.

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2023 07 09 08 39

Bangladesh recently started making its own motorbikes

Then, how are you going to blame China? Or thanking China, instead?

Sunman-Dearborn School Chili

This very popular Sunman-Dearborn School Chili was always served with cornbread and butter on the side.

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2023 07 09 08 58


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 2/3 cup ketchup
  • 1/2 cup tomato paste (6 ounces)
  • 4 ounces spaghetti, broken into thirds
  • 3 tablespoons onion
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 2/3 cup tomato sauce (8 ounce can)
  • 2/3 cup pinto beans (15 ounce can)


  1. Brown ground beef and onion. Drain off extra fat.
  2. Add remaining ingredients, except spaghetti. Add one quart water. Bring chili to boil. Add spaghetti.
  3. Serve when spaghetti is soft.

How can greed harm someone?

50 Cent gave her son’s mother $500,000 a year (about $40,000 a month) as child support, and she said it wasn’t enough.

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main qimg 28b3959dea162bede13f019f1734e9ba

So, she turned to the family court to ask for an increase in maintenance. To his disappointment, the court said 50 cents would have to reduce the amount to just $6,700 a month.

Most of the money given before the court decision was used to maintain a lifestyle for the mother and not for the maintenance of the child.

Why are rural towns in America dying?

Let’s say you grew up in Lander, Wyoming — a decent-sized town at about 7,500 people.

Unless you’re Catholic, there are no colleges in your town. So when you graduate high school, you can either:

  • Go into a trade
  • Get a minimum-wage job
  • Move to another town

In this case, you want to go to college so you move.

Fortunately, Wyoming has about 6 community colleges to choose from. You choose the second-largest town in Wyoming at 55,000 people, Casper. You do your two years and when you’re done, you realize you’ll need a Bachelor’s to further your career.

Now you have 4 options:

  • Give up on your degree and move back home
  • Move to Laramie to attend the University of Wyoming — the state’s only 4-year public institution
  • Stay in Casper and finish through the UW/CC program
  • Move to another state

As many kids find, the program you want isn’t even offered at UW (or what they do offer is really, really poor).

If you give up on your degree, you won’t have many job prospects, so you relocate again to Colorado where you can choose from ~14 4-year schools — actually, those are just the public ones. There are ~14 more private 4-year schools you could attend, too.

After graduating, you have a bunch of new job connections down in Colorado. You look online and see jobs in Boulder, Denver, Fort Collins, Colorado Springs, and elsewhere — so you can live virtually anywhere in the state you want. And, most of those cities are near smaller towns, so you can feel like you’re back home while reaping the benefits of city living.

Or, you can go back to Lander — population, 7,500 — which is a 4-hour drive to the nearest cities (both Fort Collins and Salt Lake City).

So your options are:

  • Stay in Colorado, where you have tons of work options
  • Move back to Lander, where the few local businesses might have job openings that might be in your industry, and you have no option to commute to larger cities if opportunities open up

You stay in Colorado. Because that’s where the work is.

This is what a lot of kids who grew up in rural Wyoming end up doing. They move for school — often to Laramie, which is right on the WY/CO border — then when they need to find a job they migrate where the work is: cities.

Brain drain is a huge problem and it’s one Wyoming, in some ways, is trying to combat. You can go to college for free at any community college and get cheap tuition at UW if you’re a Wyoming resident. They very, very actively promote the community colleges and UW to Wyoming high schoolers, hoping that if they go to college here, they’ll stay after they graduate.

But a lot of people are still flocking out of the state for college because of the opportunities. Because Wyoming has no major cities, the opportunities you get in cities are inaccessible to Wyoming residents.

It’s why I left. Why my whole family left. Because we like having job options, and going to concerts, and eating new foods (have you ever had Ethiopian? WOW). And while Wyoming is wonderful in many ways… it doesn’t have that.

One reason rural life is dying is that people want to do things. They want options.

And you don’t get that in rural areas.

Ancient Craft Watching us From Orbit | The Black Knight Satellite

This is fun.

Spending a little bit more time on this that what I normally do with these kinds of you-tube videos. It is important and holds some clues.

Keep in mind of a date of 11,000 years ago.


by Duncan Lunan   (Analog, 1998;  revised August 2013).

In January 1974 Analog published my article ‘Space Probe from Epsilon Boötis?’1, which caused such a stir that I’m still asked about it every time I appear in the magazine.   It was based on the mystery of long-delayed radio ‘echoes’  (LDEs), first reported in the 1920s.

Actually, the ‘echoes’ were much too powerful to be simple reflections of signals from Earth.   Experimenters studying round-the-world propagation of radio waves found their outgoing pulses were being returned to them with a delay of three sec­onds, as if they were being amplified and returned by something at the distance of the Moon – but definitely not the Moon it­self.   In later experiments the delay times began to vary up­wards from three seconds, in increasingly complicated sequen­ces, but with no variation in intensity – still indicating a single source amplifying and returning the pulses.

Prof. Ron Bracewell of Stan­ford suggested in 1960 that the ‘echoes’ might have been re­broad­cast by an unmanned probe from another civilis­ation, trying to attract our attention, and in 1972 I worked out a ‘trans­lat­ion’ of the 1920’s echo patterns.    The variations of delay times appeared random;  but Prof. Brace­well himself had suggested the first signal from such a probe might be a star map, and the stars are spaced at random in the sky.   I tried plotting the delay times against the order in which the echoes were received  (fig. 1(A)), and at only the second attempt I found what looked like a star map – in which it appeared that the probe had come from the double star Epsi­lon Boötis, in the constell­ation Boötes, the Herdsman  (fig. 1(B)).   Arc­turus, the brightest star in the constell­ation, seemed to be out of place in the map;  but on checking, was shown at its place about 13,000 years ago.

Other parts of the supposed message seemed to give the scale of their planetary system, orbiting Epsilon Boötis A, and seemed at first to make sense.   Epsilon Boötis A is an orange giant star, and the translation indicated that the probe makers had evolved on its second planet, emigrating later to the sixth when their sun began to expand.   But there was a problem:  the com­panion star  (Epsi­lon B)  was bright blue, ap­par­ently a short-lived sun of spectral type A2.   It emerged that the dis­tance given for the star in most refer­ence books was too low, and at the true distance of 203 light-years, Epsilon B really was an A2 star and the orange giant Epsilon A had been an AO, like Sir­ius – too massive and with too high a radiation output to sustain habit­able planets, too short-lived for life to have evolved there.   At the same time, more accurate 1920s records were located, and most of the ‘star map’ trans­lations were ruled out – not the ‘Epsilon Boötis’ one, but it too had to be treated as suspect.   I with­drew the entire translation,2 but now it seems I may have gone too far.

Dropping it didn’t rule out the space probe sug­gest­ed by Prof. Bracewell  (though he himself has abandoned the idea).3   James Strong suggested that the probe could be located in either the ‘Lagrange 4’ or ‘L5’ point, also called ‘Trojan’ or ‘Equi­lateral’ points, equi­distant from the Earth and Moon.4   The dates and times of the 1920s LDEs showed that the L5 point was at least one source of the effect.5   Anthony Lawton of the British Int­er­planetary Society suggested that in ideal conditions the Trojan points could form tempor­ary, stable iono­spheres of their own which would generate LDE’s;6  it was reported that I accepted that, but scientists I consulted re­plied that such clouds would be dis­rupted by currents in the Earth’s mag­neto­sphere, or at other times of the month by the Solar Wind, the constant outflow of charged particles from the Sun.   In any case, as the Lagrange points have no gravitat­ional fields of their own, a cloud of charged particles would be sca­t­tered by their mutual electro­static repulsion – unless there was a powerful magnetic or electrostatic field to hold them in place.   If this was prod­uced by a space­craft, I sug­gested, Lawton might have hit upon the method by which the Brace­well probe generated LDE’s – by accident!

Many books and articles said that Lawton conducted an act­ive radio search for LDEs, but in reality he stopped after get­ting an initial ‘reply’, on the grounds that further trans­missions “would constitute a biassed experiment”.   Opti­cal searches of the Lagrange points failed to find anything as large as the Skylab space station, or, in a later search, as large as the Pioneer 10 space probe.7   Meanwhile, however, Epsilon Boötis just would not lie down.

There are several real or suggested Zodiacal star maps, laid out on the ground, which centre on Boötes.   That’s just because the constellation lies near the pole of the Ecliptic, perpendicular to the Earth’s orbital plane around the sun, so any Zodiacal map will be centred near it.   But also, we are in Boötes as viewed from Tau Ceti, one of the nearest stars like our Sun, and at relativistic speeds, Epsilon Boötis would be a prime navigational reference on the journey here.8   And there was an even stranger develop­ment.

After my book “Man and the Stars” came out,9 I was con­tacted by Alan Evans, who was then a British Army Captain.   He liked the analysis I’d made of Erich von Daniken’s claims, where I concluded that Earth had not been visited more than four times, at most.   Alan sug­ges­ted we jointly attempt some­thing still more systematic:  if the Earth had ever been visited, our aim would be to find proof.   He stressed that his was purely a personal interest, which had to remain confid­ential, but as he’s since left the Army that no longer applies.

We tightened up my approach into four categories of poss­ible evidence.   Category A would be our objective, an artifact of unquestionably extraterrestrial origin.   Category B would be optical or electromagnetic anomalies pinpointing such an object  (like the Tycho monolith in 2001);  Category D would be the ‘von Daniken material’ of legends, drawings etc. which were no use except in suggesting areas to search for other types of evidence.   But Alan pressed me to include a new category, C, which would be anomalous astronomical alignments in man-made structures – anomalous because they revealed knowledge which the builders should not have had.   For example, on high-reso­lution photographs of Stonehenge, he had identified markings which seemed to indicate galactic alignments.

I wasn’t impressed at first.   I had studied megalithic astro­nomy under a leading expert, Prof. Archie Roy, and seen nothing unusual;  there was no correlation even with Category D;  and when I did the calculations, the markings Alan had found didn’t seem to be galactic.   At the time when he put this to me, circa 1975, it was supposed that Stone­henge I was built in 1800 BC, near the end of the Stone Age in Britain  (not many people realise that Stonehenge was one of the last megaliths), with Stonehenge III, the inner circle, still later in the Bronze Age.   Soon afterwards, however, Archie Roy himself published an article from which we learned that the radio­carbon dating scale had been revised, pushing Stonehenge I back from 1800 BC to 2700 BC.   Further revision made it c.2840 BC, and that radically changed the whole position.

Archaeoastronomy at Stonehenge.

Fig. 2A shows the celestial sphere as viewed by an observer in the northern hemisphere.   The altitude of the pole above the northern horizon is equal to the observer’s latitude, and the heavenly bodies circle around it, parallel to the equator, with the daily rotation of the Earth.   The altitude of a body above the horizon, and its azimuth measured along the horizon from the north point, change constantly as the Earth turns.   Apart from the circumpolar stars, which are too near the pole to rise and set, everything else rises in the east and sets in the west at a position which is determined by the declination of the object, measured from the equator  (Fig. 2B).   Where the dec­lination equals the observer’s latitude, the star passes over­head once a day.

Horizon positional astronomy was all the Stonehenge build­ers could do  (Fig. 3).   Stonehenge I incorporated the ditch, bank, Avenue, Heelstone and Station Stones;  what most people think of as ‘Stonehenge’ are the great sarsen archways of the inner circle, Stonehenge III, erected in the early Bronze Age.   It’s universally agreed that the Stonehenge Avenue and the later structure both mark the midsummer sunrise.   But few arch­aeologists agree with Gerald S. Hawkins that the ‘Station Stones’ of Stonehenge I mark the extreme positions of the Moon’s 18.6 year cycle;10  and still fewer with Prof. Alexander Thom, that the megalith builders had a soph­isticated programme of lunar observatories, spread over the British Isles.11   Person­ally, I’m convinced;  I’ve even built a modern megalith, under the auspices of Glasgow Parks Dept., to compare its per­formance with the prehistoric sites, and demonstrated that high precision could have been achieved by naked-eye observations.12

When it comes to star alignments, the position is more complex.   Because the Earth’s equatorial plane doesn’t coin­cide with the Ecliptic, nor with the orbit of the Moon, the com­bined pulls of the Sun and Moon on Earth’s equatorial bulge cause the Earth’s axis to ‘wobble’ around the Ecliptic Pole with a period of 26,000 years  (Fig. 4).   13,000 years ago the north pole star was Vega in Lyra, and 5,000 years ago it was Thuban in Draco, at the time of Stonehenge I.   The pull makes the equator move around the Ecliptic, constantly changing the position of the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes  (Precession of the Equinoxes).   As a result a star’s declination is const­antly changing – like­wise its Right Ascension, which is mea­sured from the Vernal Equinox along the equator, in the same direction as the Sun’s motion on the Ecliptic shown by the arrows in Fig. 2(B).

Astronomers can partly get round the problem of coordinate change by giving star positions in Ecliptic Latitude, which remains constant, and Ecliptic Longitude, which changes smooth­ly with time.   But for coordinates which are fixed over human time-spans, even the spans of civilisations, we have to use Galactic Latitude and Lon­g­itude, whose zero point is the Galactic Centre and whose pole lies on the perpendicular to the plane of the Milky Way  (Fig. 5).

On the high-resolution photographs of Stonehenge Alan Evans pointed out a curious horseshoe-shaped marking on the north­west, cutting the bank and overlying Station Stone 93  (Fig. 3).   It’s not on official plans and may not be sig­nif­icant:  the photos were taken in 1966, eight years after one of the fallen trilithon archways was re-erected, and the ‘horse­shoe’ coincides at least in part with the tracks of the heavy mach­inery used then.   We have located a smaller version of it in a prewar aerial photo, but it’s still historically suspect.   Still earlier photos, taken by balloon, show a similar but different pattern.10   But the relationship the horseshoe pointed out to us was real enough.

As Fig. 3 shows, the orientation of the horseshoe is to the rising point of the Galactic Centre, and of the Galactic Equator’s intersection with the Ecliptic, c.2840 BC.   Even more extraordinarily, it turns out that the declination of the North Galactic Pole was then equal to the latitude of Stone­henge.   Consequently, when the Galactic Centre was on the horizon, the Galactic Pole was in the zenith and the Galactic Equator coincided with the horizon  (Fig. 6).

It would be remarkable if that was a coincidence, but if it’s not coincidence, it’s an extraordinary finding.   The Galactic Centre is 27,000 light-years from us and hidden behind dense clouds of absorbing dust in the inner regions of the Milky Way, so its location cannot be pinpointed visually, only with a radiotelescope.   Until you know exactly where the Centre is, you can’t determine the true plane of the Galactic Equator and the true positions of the Galactic Poles.   At the Moscow General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in 1958, new values for the positions of the poles and the Centre were officially adopted, based on the distribution of neutral hydrogen in the inner Milky Way and study of the radio source Sagittarius A.   Prev­ious optical studies had suggested the Centre was in Scorpius, so it was a big change.   Maps using the old galactic coordin­ates were still on sale as late as 1963, with addenda giving corrections to the new system.13    Yet apparently the builders of Stonehenge knew exactly where the Galactic Centre was, or took their cue from something or somebody or who did.

In this context, why are galactic coordinates so import­ant?   Imagine a spacecraft travelling be­tween the stars.   Its attitude sensing platform might be orien­ted to its home world – its own Right Ascension and dec­lination – or its home planetary system, its own Ecliptic co­ord­inates.   But neither will be relevant when it enters our Solar System:  the only coordinate system common to its system and ours is the galactic one.   In any manoeuvres or landings it made here, you would expect it to navigate in galactic co­ord­inates;  and if it chose a landing site on the declination of the galactic pole, then once a day the azimuth and altitude of any star, measured from the rising point of the Galactic Centre, would correspond to its galactic coordinates, like B’s in Fig.6.   If the spacecraft’s attitude-sensing platform was fixed, built into its structure, it would still be correctly lined up with the sky once a day.

So if the horseshoe marking is modern, its ‘prehistoric’ align­ment might be a curious coincidence.   What looks more likely, on Fig. 3, is that there was something in the centre of Stone­henge I, which was gone by the building of Stone­henge II and III.   In fact, after Stonehenge I was built, around 2700 BC the site was abandoned for over 200 years while the same neolithic people built the much larger complex of Avebury and Silbury Hill, due north of Stonehenge itself.14

What would annoy archaeologists, who don’t even admit most ‘con­ventional’ archaeoastronomy, is the suggestion that the Stonehenge orientation is galactic at all.   I looked for an optical marker, something which would have let the builders create Stonehenge without knowing about galactic coordinates or even without a spacecraft necessarily being there.   And I found one, but it didn’t exactly make the alignments less con­tro­versial.   The star which had the same declination as the North Galactic Pole in 2840 BC, equal to the latitude of Stone­henge, was Epsilon Boötis itself.

It was so hard to believe, when I’d abandoned the Epsilon Boötis ‘translation’ of the radio patterns, that I arranged to see for myself, twice in the planetarium of the Jewel & Esk College in Musselburgh, then all over again at the much larger one in Armagh.   It feels extraordinary to see such findings, worked out with long pages of calculations, simulated on the planet­arium ‘sky’ overhead.   With the date set for 2840 BC, at the Stonehenge latitude, the Milky Way really does line up with the horizon once a day and Epsilon Boötis really does go through the zenith as well, earlier each day.

The Ecliptic and the Pyramids.

But Alan Evans has a strong intuitive grasp of spatial re­lat­ion­ships, and he had found another which he wanted me to verify.   Projected north, the alignment of Station Stones 94-91, and 93-92, meets the Arctic Circle at a tangent  (Fig. 7).   As the Earth turns, when the Ecliptic Pole comes overhead at that tan­gential point, those stones mark the Ecliptic Meridian passing through Stonehenge.   And when that line is projected south, it meets the equator due south of the Egyptian ‘Memphite Necropolis’, containing the great pyramids of Giza.   Putting it another way, the Ecliptic merid­ian through Stone­henge meets the prime meridian of Giza at the equator.   And Alan realised this created another extraordinary relation­ship:  at midsummer sunrise at Stone­henge, the one alignment there which even the sceptics recog­nise, the Vernal Equinox was on the prime meridian at Giza.

That one can’t be verified optically in a planetarium with the same certainty, because the tilt of the Earth’s axis to the equator is not constant, varying between 22 and 24 degrees.15   In 2840 BC it was near maximum, and has since declined by over half a degree.   None of the planetaria we’ve used could allow for that, but the relationship is extremely close, even today.  I had my calculations confirmed by Paul Benson, then curator of Airdrie Observatory;  and more recently Alan had it all done from scratch by Peter Tyler, (of the Posi­tional Services Dept. of GECO-PRAKLA, Oslo, a leading internat­ional seismic survey company), who confirmed that around 2700 BC the alignment was close.   In his calculations the margin of error was less than one-fifth of a degree;  my own put it even closer.

The oldest feat­ures of all at Stonehenge lie over the brow of the hill, northwest from the circle.  The ‘Car Park Post Holes’ held huge vertical tree trunks or totem poles, and radio­carbon dating has them as old as 8000 BC.16   Even that was a mystery:  it was believed that the first mesolithic settlers reached Britain long after the Ice Age, around 6000 BC,17  but now we know that people returned to Britain as soon as the glaciers retreated.    It’s possible that the weathering on the Bluestones of Stone­henge II, which were brought from the Prescelly Mountains in Wales, makes them older and perhaps once erected elsewhere;  that could have been any time after they were first exposed to the atmosphere around 12,000 BC.18   The ice sheets never covered Stonehenge and Pres­celly, even at their greatest extent in 20,000 BC.15

As Alan Evans pointed out, the Ecliptic Meridian passes through the line of Post Holes,19 on the line of stones 92-93  (fig. 3).   If there really was a space­craft, and its attitude sensing plat­form was relating our ecliptic and celestial co-ordinates to the gal­actic ones, then if galac­tic alignments determined the latitude of the touchdown site on Salisbury Plain, then the ecliptic ones show an intent­ion to go to Egypt afterwards, which determined the longitude and brought it down at the future site of Stone­henge I – which raises the interest­ing speculation, were the Posts still standing at that time, as if to mark the landing place?   Below, we’ll see some reason to think that might have been their intended purpose, at least.

The next question is, are any of the Stonehenge galactic align­ments repeated at the Old Kingdom Egyptian pyramids?   The Step Pyramid at Saq­qara, whose longitude is one-tenth of a degree east of Giza’s, was the first stone build­ing in the world, created around 2650 BC by the architect Imhotep for the pharaoh Djoser (Fig. 9).  Imho­tep changed the design several times during con­struct­ion, and some arch­aeologists suggest that he filled in the steps with rubble and faced them with lime­stone, to give the illusion of a true pyr­a­mid.27   (The next two, intended to be true pyramids, were par­tial failures before the Great Pyramid’s builders got it right.)

And if the Step Pyramid was originally faced in that way, then as nearly as we can measure it, a perpendicular line up the north face met the prime meridian at the declination of the southern intercept between the galactic equator and the eclip­tic, marked I2 in Fig. 3 – one of the same alignments we’d found at Stonehenge.   But, extraordinary as all this was, we were still a long way from our goal;  we knew what we wanted to do next, but it was beyond our financial means.   So we with­held public­ation, until April 1996, when a whole new situation developed.

The Pyramids and the Sphinx.

Archaeoastronomers are in some ways remarkably conservative.   Their own ideas about science in ancient society are rejected by many astronomers and most archaeologists;  in consequence, they refuse to entertain any more controversial notions, such as a previously unknown civilisation on Earth, or extraterrest­rial visitors.   I suggested to the 1996 Edinburgh Internat­ional Science Festival that we organise a seminar on ‘Heresies in Archaeoastronomy’, examining the ideas that were too contro­versial even for archaeoastronomers to consider.   Prof. Archie Roy gallantly agreed to introduce it, and not surprisingly it drew a capacity audience.   Naturally, Alan Evans was there to present his paper on the Ecliptic meridian.20

Another participant was Robert Bauval, whose book “The Orion Mystery”21 suggested that the three giant pyramids of Giza not only incorporated star alignments in their so-called ‘air-shafts’  (Fig. 8), but represented the stars of Orion’s Belt mapped on to the landscape.   When Alan Evans checked their findings, he found that the same shaft which marked the meridian transit of Alnitak, the left-hand star of Orion’s Belt, also marked the transit of the Galactic Centre.   So of the two galactic alignments marked at Stonehenge, one was incorporated into the Step Pyramid and the other into the Great one.

Robert had now collaborated with Graham Hancock on a new book, “Keeper of Genesis”, based on the possibly great age of the Sphinx.   The apparent evid­ence of water erosion sug­gests that the Sphinx and its flanking temples were built as long ago as 10,500 BC, when Egypt last had a wet climate towards the end of the Ice Age.22    The Vernal Equinox was then in the constellation Leo, and Robert and Graham suggest that the Sphinx was built to face its counterpart in the sky.   Furthermore, the orientation of the Belt stars to the Milky Way cor­responds to the Pyramids’ in rel­a­tion to the Nile – not when they themselves were built, but when the Sphinx was carved out 8000 years before.

In 10,500 BC, as far as we know, the Nile delta was inhab­ited only by hunter-gatherers, wholly lacking the techno­logy to carve out the Sphinx and build the temples in 200-ton blocks.   In a previous book Graham Hancock tried to get round this by sug­gest­ing a world-spanning civilisation, unknown to us, which lasted over 8000 years and was based on the coast of Antarc­tica.23   It used to be thought that the Antarctic coast was ice-free during the Ice Age in the northern hemisphere;  how­ever, that idea had been attacked by the early 1980’s15 and more recent Antarctic surveys continue to stack up evidence against it.   And it’s very hard to believe that such a world-spanning, long-lasting civilisation would leave so little evidence behind.

Graham couldn’t attend the Edinburgh seminar, but he and Robert were both in Glasgow three weeks later and I was able to arrange a continuation, in which we went to the planet­arium at the College of Nautical Studies.  First I showed them what Alan Evans and I had discovered, and when they saw the galactic align­ment at Stonehenge I, Robert Bauval made an extraordinary remark, which I’ll come back to in a moment.

Then, holding the date c.2700 BC, we shifted to the lati­tude of Giza, and verified Robert’s calculations for “The Orion Myst­ery”.   It had never occurred to him to do so in this way, and he was as moved as I had been at seeing the lay­out of the ancient skies for himself – especially since everything he had calculated was confirmed.   So too were the “Keeper” calculat­ions for 10,500 BC, Leo, Orion and the Sphinx, when we moved the setting back to that date.   When the Sun rose below Leo at the Vernal Equinox in 10,500 BC, Orion was on the meridian, and the orientation of the Belt stars to the Milky Way matched that of the Giza pyramids to the Nile 8,000 years later.   Whatever its significance, that claim is true:  we saw it with our own eyes, re-enacted.

But when I showed the galactic orientation of Stonehenge I, and explained what it might mean in terms of an ET landing, Rob­ert’s show-stopping remark was, “It’s the same at Giza in 10,500 BC, we just didn’t know what it meant.”   Now the time had come to verify that.   Once again, if it was true at all, it would be true once a day, every day, at that latitude and date.   So, just by let­ting the stars wheel on, we verified it at once.   At Giza, in 10,500 BC, due to the effect of pre­cession, the same gal­actic relationship existed as at Stone­henge c.2840.   Once a day, the sky took up the same Fig. 6 configuration, with the galactic pole in the zenith and the plane of the Milky Way coinciding with the horizon.   We saw it for ourselves:  like a galactic ‘compass rose’ at each location, but separated by eight millennia in time.

But in that case, what was happening then at Stonehenge?

We kept the date at 10,500 BC, and the custodian took the plan­et­arium ‘back up’ to the latitude of Stonehenge.   Having no idea what to look for, once again we just let the stars wheel freely around, through a normal day.   And Epsilon Boötis went through the zenith!   It was doing that daily in 10,500 BC, when the galactic alignments were in force at Giza, and the effect of precession on it, over the next 8000 years, was to bring it back to the Stonehenge zenith, as an optical marker for the same galactic alignments at Stonehenge itself when Stone­henge I was created.   Unless it’s all coincidence, it can only mean that the events of 2840-2500 BC represented a return to both sites.   And the first, 10,500 BC date goes along with the ‘approx­imately 13,000 years ago’ given by Arcturus’s posi­tion in that first map of my 1973 ‘trans­lation’, fig. 1(A).   If that map meant any­thing, it would have to be as a time marker, not a navigational reference as I thought.

It still isn’t Category A evidence, the artefact of indis­put­ably extra­terrestrial origin, nor the Category B anomaly that leads us to it.   In this context, Category C might stand for ‘circum­stantial’.   But I can’t believe that all those circumstances are coincid­ental;  these multiple high-tech astronomical alignments are, in my opinion, the best evid­ence for Past Contact ever put forward.   The syn­er­gistic com­bination of our research with Bauval and Hancock’s has con­vinced me that we’re on the track of something big.

It left two questions to answer:

1.  What about the Green Children?

In the September 1996 Analog I suggested Past Contact in 12th century England.  Is there a connection?   There’s one I pointed out in that article.   The latter half of the 12th cen­t­ury AD featured the most violent solar activity since the Bronze Age, indicated by aurorae, car­bon-14 ratios, tree-rings etc.24   And that previous peak was a triple one, between 2700 and 1800 BC, covering the building of Avebury, the Pyramids, Stone­henge II and Stonehenge III.   It may be coin­cid­ence;  but it’s interesting that it was the case in both hist­orical per­iods which I’d consider candidates for Contact events.

Even more remarkably, however, Alan Evans discovered that during the crucial years of the 12th century, between the Second Crusade and the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin, Jerusalem too had the same galactic alignment as Stonehenge I and Giza in 10,500 BC.   At that point, the three enquiries – in the three very different areas of ancient positional astronomy, mediaeval history and the 1920s radio echoes – are actually three aspects of the same enquiry.   It’s still circumstantial, all of it, but it looks as if it may add up to something very significant.

2.  So what about the Space Probe?

Optical searches of the Lagrange points in the late 1970s found nothing.   But in April 1995 Dr. Duncan Steel drew atten­tion to the dis­covery, at Kitt Peak in Arizona, of a most unusual ast­eroid de­s­ig­nated 1991 VG.   In December 1991 it passed Earth at a distance of only 485,000 miles.  Its diameter was est­im­ated at 9-19 metres, as­sum­ing that it was made of one of the more common ast­eroidal rocks.  However, observ­ations at clos­est approach suggested “strong, rapid bright­ness variations which can be interpreted as trans­ient specular reflections from the surfaces of a rotating spacecraft”.25

During the space age 1991 VG would have passed only twice be­fore, in February-March 1975 and in mid-1958 – possibly 1959, if the 1975 approach altered the orbit.   Nothing that big was launched in 1958-59, nor in 1975;  the European Helios 1 was launched in December 1974, but its carrier’s upper stage did not escape from the Earth into orbit round the Sun.   Per­haps, instead, 1991 VG was orbiting Earth then, until it was ‘dis­cov­ered’ and moved away before any­thing more ser­ious happened.

But when it comes backin 2017, let’s hope that a major attempt is made to look at it.   The solar-sailing ‘Comet-chaser’ Gordon Ross and I sug­gested here would be ideal,26 but it can be done by conventional means:  NEAR, the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous, is to orbit the asteroid Eros shortly, and Europe’s Rosetta probe is to do the same with a short-per­iod comet after 2000;  NASA’s Deep Space 4 will reach Comet Tempel in 2006, and a Japanese probe will reach asteroid Nereus the same year.   1991 VG should be next on the list.


1.  Duncan Lunan, ‘Space Probe from Epsilon Boötis?’, Analog XCII, 5, 66-84, January 1974.

2.  – , ‘Long-Delayed Echoes and the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis’, Journal of the Society of Electronic and Radio Technicians, 10, 8, 180-182, September 1976.

3.  Ronald N. Bracewell, ‘Manifestations of Advanced Civilis­ations’, in John Billingham, ed., “Life in the Universe”, MIT Press, 1981.

4.  James Strong, “Flight to the Stars”, Temple Press, 1965.

5.  George Sassoon, ‘A Correlation of Long-Delay Radio Echoes and the Moon’s Orbit’, Spaceflight, 16, 7, 258-265, July 1974.

6.  Anthony T. Lawton, Sydney J. Newton, ‘Long Delayed Echoes:  the Search for a Solution’, Spaceflight 16, 5, 181-187, May 1974.

7.  Robert A. Freitas, Jr., Francisco Valdes, ‘A Search for Natural or Artific­ial Objects Located at the Earth-Moon Libration Points’, Icarus 42, 442-447  (1980);  ‘A Search for Objects near the Earth-Moon Lagrangian Points’, Icarus 53, 453-457  (1983).

8.  James R. Wertz, ‘Interstellar Navigation’, Spaceflight, 14, 206-216, June 1972.

9.  Duncan Lunan, “Man and the Stars”, Souvenir Press 1974;  US editions “Interstellar Contact”, Henry Regnery Co., 1975, “The Mysterious Signals from Outer Space”, Bantam, 1977.

10.  Gerald S. Hawkins, “Stonehenge Decoded”, Souvenir Press, 1966.

11.  A.Thom, “Megalithic Sites in Britain”, Oxford University Press, 1967;  “Megalithic Lunar Observatories”, OUP, 1971;  (with A.S. Thom), “Megalithic Remains in Britain and Brittany”, OUP, 1978.

12.  Duncan Lunan, ‘Solar Events at Sighthill’, Griffith Observer, 50, 6, 2-11, 20, June 1986.

13.  J. Gall Inglis, Arthur P. Norton, “Star Atlas”, 14th edition, Gall & Inglis, 1959.

14.  Dates for the various construction phases at Stonehenge remain in some dispute;  Aubrey Burl, “Prehistoric Avebury”, Yale University Press, 1979, puts the earliest construction around 2800 BC, as do the Thoms  (ref.19), with no further work until c.2150 BC.   Some recent reports compress the building into one continuous process;  yet there seems to be clear evidence for an interruption, during which the Stonehenge I ditch silted up, although its discoverer put the event strangely far back, dating it at 3100 BC, well before the starting dates given elsewhere.   (Christopher Chippendale, ‘Life around Stonehenge’, New Scientist, 101, 1404, 12-17, 5 April 1984).

15.  Fred Hoyle, “Ice”, Hutchinson, 1981.

16.  Sean O’Neill, ‘Totem Poles Give Pointer to Siting of Stonehenge’, The Daily Telegraph, 28 June 1996.

17.  Robert Dawson Scott, ‘Silent Power from a Time of the Ancients’, The Daily Telegraph, 10th January 1997.

18.  Nigel Hawkes, ‘Stonehenge Dating Dispels Icesheet Theory’, The Times, 5 December 1994.

19.  A. Thom, A.S. Thom and A. Thom, ‘Stonehenge’, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 5, 13, 71-90  (June 1974).

20.  A.C. Evans, ‘The Three Dimensional Grid’, paper presented at ‘Heresies in Archaeoastronomy’, Edinburgh International Science Festival, 16th April 1995.

21.  Robert Bauval & Adrian Gilbert, “The Orion Mystery”, Heinemann, 1994.

22.  Robert Bauval & Graham Hancock, “Keeper of Genesis”, Heinemann, 1996.

23.  Graham Hancock, “Fingerprints of the Gods”, Heinemann, 1995.

24.  John A. Eddy, ‘The Case of the Missing Sunspots’, Scien­tific American, 236, 5, 80-88 & 92, May 1977;  ‘The Maunder Minimum’, Science, 192, 4245, 1189-1202  (18th June, 1976.)

25.  Duncan Steel, ‘SETA and 1991 VG’, The Observatory, April 1995;  ‘Of Asteroids and Aliens’, The Skeptic, 15, 1, 9-10  (1995).

26.  Duncan Lunan, ‘Keep Watching the Skies!’, Analog, CXIV, 12, 70-84, October 1994.

27.  I.E.S. Edwards, “The Pyramids of Egypt”, Penguin, 1947.

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2023 07 08 17 44e

Do you believe that love avoids problems?

In 2016, Kanye West had a $52 million debt and everyone turned their backs on him. His wife Kim created a game called Kimoji that generated 80 million dollars, with this transferred 52 million to her common account cleaning up her husband’s debts.

main qimg a957d3fd690e549d4e82b2aa397ac943 pjlq
main qimg a957d3fd690e549d4e82b2aa397ac943 pjlq

Today Kanye, thanks to the sales of his Yeezy product line, has a fortune of more than almost 2 billion dollars.

A man also needs an intelligent and strong woman who will stand by his side, regardless of the situation at the time. What would Kanye be without his wife’s support?

Raw Feed of the Dark Knight from China

This is RAW feed from a Chinese satellite used for land surveying. The image is NOT captured by camera. Only the background is captured by the camera. Instead, the “collision avoidance radar” captured the 3D object in the foreground and rendered it in this clip. Thus you have a rendered 3D object overlay over the satellite camera background.

The clip is a Chinese commentator discussing the object and its features.

It is part of a much larger video clip which also includes other anomalous objects captured by an array of Chinese satellites.

The Black Night is the conventional name for this object that is believed to be an extraterrestrial vehicle in orbit around the earth for the last 11,000 years.

There are clearer photographs of this object in great detail, but they only show one singular side. This clip is unique as the entire shape is rendered and we can observe how it travels in orbit around the earth, though without the photographic clarity that the NASA photo has.

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Alexander Martis

Man oh man…
Wish I had access to unedited photos and videos of so much cool stuff going on around us, in the sky.
At least, if I could clear up the mess in the videos and photos to see what is edited, erased, in whatever the space agencies on this planet have access to.
Oh, yeah, I know. It is just that folks like me are tooooooooooo primitive, toooooooooo stupid, tooooooooooooo dumb to understand, you know. Yeah sure, national security concerns, bla bla bla. Taxpayers money used to pay for the big toys with which the big boys have fun.
“These are not the droids we are looking for. Move along, move along.”
I would love to replace my video card just to be able to dig in these photos and videos, but that is not gonna work. Yeah, I know, I am too stupid, according to those in possession of the evidence.
The powers that should-not-be, instead, want me to pretend to be a black, lesbian transgender, into BDSM, hispanx …

Rod Cloutier

Good stuff about the dark knight satellite. It even looks like something that ‘Batman’ would have.


I am pretty sure that Kay (Tesla/ the IsBe that made me,) had designed the current moon and Black Knight.

She also made the Second Moon from the Atlantis civilization, which is now tucked away in a far off worldline after it was used to end that previous Earth Civilization.
