Boyhood trauma

I became a mom at the tender age of 17. I was blessed with parents that supported me and a boyfriend that loved me and our son and stayed by my side until he passed away after we both graduated HS went on to college and married at age 22. He recently passed away after almost 28 years of marriage. But I digress

I had a sociology teacher in HS that was not the most pleasant of people. My son was very sick and ended up in the hospital with a severe double ear infraction high fever and a viral infection on his throat. I didn’t sleep well but needed to attend school the next day for a test.

is horrible teacher decided to target me and bring up statistics about teen moms being unfit, lazy, leeches on society. I started to cry. I was doing my best to be a good mom, a good student and learn the things I needed to graduate.

ahe want me to the principals office. As I gathered my things, I heard the entire class start to move around. As I exited tue room my fellow classmates walked with me to the office.

needless to say this teacher was told that she was not allowed to do this again and she never bothered me again.

China hits Canada with Anti-Dumping Probe in Retaliation

Three bulls heard the rancher was bringing another bull onto the ranch.

First Bull: “I’ve been here five years. I’m not giving this new bull any of my 100 cows.”

Second Bull: “I’ve been here three years and have earned my right to 50 cows. I’m keeping all my cows.”

Third Bull: “I’ve only been here a year, and so far, you guys have only let me have 10 cows. I may not be as big as you fellows, but I’m keeping all 10 of my cows.”

Just then an 18-wheeler pulls up in the pasture carrying the biggest bull they’ve ever seen.

At 4,700 pounds, each step he takes strains the steel ramp.

First Bull: “I think I can spare a few cows for our new friend.”

Second Bull: “I actually have too many cows to take care of. I can spare a few. I’m certainly not looking for an argument.”

They look over at the third bull and find him pawing the dirt, shaking his horns and snorting.

First Bull: “Son, don’t be foolish, let him have some of your cows and live to tell about it.”

Third Bull: “Hell, he can have all my cows. I’m just making sure he knows I’m a bull.”

Stuffed Peppers Casserole



  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 3 medium bell peppers, cut into strips
  • 3/4 cup instant rice
  • 1 teaspoon season salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon garlic salt
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon beef bouillon granules
  • 1 (15 ounce) can petite cut diced tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese


  1. Brown meat and onion in skillet; drain.
  2. Stir in rice, salt, garlic salt, bouillon, water, cheese and diced tomatoes; heat through.
  3. Spray a 9 x 13 inch baking dish with cooking spray and line with peppers.
  4. Pour meat mixture over peppers.
  5. Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees F for 45 minutes.
  6. Uncover and bake an additional 15 minutes.

AITA For Kicking Out My Wife And Stepdaughter After Discovering Lies About Work Trips?

Specialist ‘carbon nanotube’ AI chip built by Chinese scientists is 1st of its kind and ‘1,700 times more efficient’ than Google’s

By Owen Hughes

Scientists in China have developed a tensor processing unit (TPU) that uses carbon-based transistors instead of silicon – and they say it’s extremely energy efficient.

Unlike conventional TPUs, this new chip is the first to use carbon nanotubes — tiny, cylindrical structures made of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern — in place of traditional semiconductor materials like silicon. (Image credit: Getty Images/sankai)

Scientists in China have built a new type of tensor processing unit (TPU) — a special type of computer chip — using carbon nanotubes instead of a traditional silicon semiconductor. They say the new chip could open the door to more energy-efficient artificial intelligence (AI).

AI models are hugely data-intensive and require massive amounts of computational power to run. This presents a significant obstacle to training and scaling up machine learning models, particularly as the demand for AI applications grows. This is why scientists are working on making new components — from processors to computing memory — that are designed to consume orders of magnitude less energy while running the necessary computations.

Google scientists created the TPU in 2015 to address this challenge. These specialized chips act as dedicated hardware accelerators for tensor operations — complex mathematical calculations used to train and run AI models. By offloading these tasks from the central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processing unit (GPU), TPUs enable AI models to be trained faster and more efficiently.

Unlike conventional TPUs, however, this new chip is the first to use carbon nanotubes — tiny, cylindrical structures made of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern — in place of traditional semiconductor materials like silicon. This structure allows electrons (charged particles) to flow through them with minimal resistance, making carbon nanotubes excellent conductors of electricity. The scientists published their research on July 22 in the journal Nature Electronics.

“I Show You The Original World Map They Didn’t Want You to See” Graham Hancock

MM’s AI adventures

Today’s adventures. A lot of schmaltz, and some very strange stuff about statues.

Here’s some “schmaltz”…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(1)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(1)

And more…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(2)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(2)

And in the rain…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(3)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(3)

Enter the statues…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(4)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(4)


Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(5)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(5)


Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(6)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 0(6)

Here’s some “schmaltz”…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1

Mixed up sexes.

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(1)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(1)

Here’s some “schmaltz”… with the bigger boobs.

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(2)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(2)

Here’s some “schmaltz”…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(3)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(3)


Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(4)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(4)


Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(5)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(5)


Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(6)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 1(6)

Here’s some “schmaltz”…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2

Here’s some confused “schmaltz”…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(1)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(1)

Here’s some muscular “schmaltz”… plus a long necked guy in the background.

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(2)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(2)

Here’s some “schmaltz”…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(3)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(3)

Statue in the rain.

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(4)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(4)


Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(5)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 2(5)

Here’s some “schmaltz”…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3

Here’s some “schmaltz”…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(1)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(1)

Here’s some “schmaltz”…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(2)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(2)

Here’s some “schmaltz”…

Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(3)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(3)


Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(4)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(4)


Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(5)
Default Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Baroques 3(5)

Dishwalla – Counting Blue Cars – 7/31/2017 – Paste Studios, New York, NY

Perseus Patroclus

This story contains themes or mentions of LGBQ+ and mental health issues.
Stars. Twinkling bursts of light. Bloodshot, glassy eyes. He has given up.

He was supposed to save everyone. Save the world. Save it because the crops wilted. Save it because the water rose and flooded. Save it because the ice dissolved. He was supposed to save it because the earth was about to combust, like his aircraft did a few milliseconds ago.

The view would probably take his breath away if he could breathe. He knew what would happen. He was not holding his breath- if he did, his lungs would expand, turn into balloons, and eventually pop. Instead, he exhales slowly, every six seconds.

The media claims your life flashes before your eyes. To him, it isn’t his whole life. Snapshots. Short films. Clips. Memories. Ones that he loved, ones that he did not want to revisit. Some pictures were blurry, incomprehensible. The highs and lows of his life, captured in stubby snippets.




The sea tickles his ankles. He always loved the stars, and he can see them reflected in the waves now. He is small. A child. Three years old, maybe. He doesn’t know about reflection, or that it’s possible to drown. He tries to eat the little lights, as toddlers tend to do. He is greeted with a mouthful of saltwater.




He wishes he were still a child. Innocent, kind, oblivious, naive.

It’s been six seconds. Exhale. He is terrified.




They are coming for him. He does not know who they are. They say they are Child Protective Services. He does not think he needs them- why would he, at nine years old? His mothers don’t hurt him. Where are they, after all? Why are these men coming for him?

They say something bad happened. He does not know what this means. He does not know what anything means. A police officer tries to calm him down. Tell him they will help him. Tell him his mothers are gone now, but it’ll be okay. He does not think he will be okay. They tell him he’s confused. They call him the wrong name. He tries to correct them, but they do not listen. They never listen. No one ever listens. He pushes the man away and runs.

Arms flying, his chest rises too quickly, too rapidly. He is not supposed to run in a binder. The binder his mothers gave him because they were the only ones that listened. They are gone, he has been told. Gone where? He cannot start to imagine, he cannot go down that spiraling hole.

Sweaty, suffocating, squeezing. He runs because he feels alone. He runs because his parents are gone. He runs because he hates those men who think they know everything, with their pasty white skin and privileged lives. He is dizzy, he can barely breathe. The police officers run after him, but he knows where to go- he is clever. He is in front of the house. Stumbling, his vision blurs, and his world tilts into the concrete.




That picture isn’t blurry, he just doesn’t want to see it.

Ten seconds. His body’s water is vaporizing, and the underlining tissue is beginning to swell.




He is tired. So, so tired. He knows it’s unethical, but he is sleeping at his teacher’s house. The only teacher who understands. Maybe the only person left in the world who understands. He can’t get out of the bed in the guest room. The teacher, respecting personal and legal boundaries, doesn’t intrude. It has been a month since he ran from the men. He does not get up.

His family members float above him. They whisper in his ear. He cannot move. He does not shower. He eats once a week, and his flesh has thinned to the point that it hangs off his bones. He has not taken off his binder. His ribs have cracked and fluid has built up. He does not get up to go to the bathroom. His liver is on the brink of ceasing. He is as good as dead.




The clearest portrait, the most unwanted.

Twelve seconds. Exhale. He knows he will die.




He is fourteen. He lives with his teacher, who has officially adopted him. He is on hormones. He is starting to grow a beard. His voice has deepened. He has already had many surgeries to fix the damage from his depressive episode. Liver, ribs, bladder, uterus, lungs. In two years he will get top surgery. He is on anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. He wants to be an astronaut. He works as a cashier during the summer and uses the money the buy a telescope, astronomy books, and gummy bears.

His teacher, whom he now calls Nin, is supportive throughout the rest of his life. They never lay a hand on him.




Even with the mental illnesses, he envies that time of his life- he was free and loved.

Thirteen seconds. The moisture on his tongue has started to boil.




The surgery is finished. His chest hurts- although this time, it feels good. A warm hug. He can smell the faint whiff of blood coated with chemicals. The walls are a stark white, glaring at him. The bed is surprisingly comfortable, a mixture of squishy and soft. He is loaded, a useless corpse, into a car. The anesthesia makes everything seem hilarious and wavy. Nin is driving him home, where they spoon-feed him and prop him up in front of the television. After four weeks, he can take the wrapping off. The sight of his flat chest in the mirror, the raw yet stunning scars, triggers a waterfall of tears to spill down his cheeks. That’s him. That’s him in the mirror, staring back.

Nin, whose friend is a tattoo artist, brings him to get a design over the scars, per his request. He chooses The Creation of Adam, and requests it be outlined with stars and planets.




The sweetest memory despite the pain, a sensation of deep euphoria.

Fourteen seconds. His skin, along with expanding, has begun to burn.




He is an astronaut. He is being led onto the spaceship. He is twenty-two. His name has been legally changed, along with the gender marker on everything except his hospital profile. It is time to save the world. He is ready to save the world. He calls Nin before he takes off, says he loves them and everything will be okay soon. He says that the earth will be okay soon.




He is a liar.

Exhale. Exhale. Exhale.

He cannot breathe, he cannot inhale, he is suspended. Suspended, like the humans’ hearts in their masses. He cannot stop thinking about his heart. A conductor, a leader. Constantly prevailing and persevering despite its host’s resignation, purposely ingesting poison to numb their pain. If the heart gave up, everything would die. Nothing would exist for that person anymore. The head of the organization, the leader of the body’s community. His heart toils, unquestioning, in his favor. Everything must work and line up perfectly to keep existing- and here he was, and the earth was dying, because the idiot humans couldn’t do the bare minimum of staying alive. Because he couldn’t even take care of a million-dollar spaceship made specially for him.

A surge of gratitude interrupts the self-hate when he realizes he can see a star-forming region in the Eagle Nebula. The Pillars of Creation, it is named. Somehow, in a dying second, there is beauty. Art, glamorous, out-of-this-world grace. It’s burnt sienna, with an impossibly vibrant red peeking through every few thousand miles. A still photograph of powder being thrown, the region looks like something out of a fantasy novel, a dazzling blue background dotted with sparks of light. It appears to be glowing, even, the darker blue background illuminated slightly by the milky brown. Again, it feels breathtaking. He doesn’t mind this will be the last thing he sees. Even though the earth will die, even though he has failed.

It seems his body is sinking under his guilt. He’s bruised, burns striping his arms from the explosion. He most likely broke something. A rib, maybe. Yes, that is what it feels like- a broken rib piercing his heart. Stabbing the submissive slave. That’s what it feels like… though he cannot tell whether it is physically broken or if it is the feeling of his failure.

There must be a way to save the world. He will not give up, he is done giving up. He’s already submitted himself to death before, he won’t let it happen again. Think. He must think. This is why he went to college, this is why he got his job- he must think. It has been fourteen seconds, he will be unconscious in one if he’s lucky.

Something inside him screams. The trigger! A button on his left wrist that he got implanted for an emergency. His mission was to go to the one planet they found that had life on it, and beg for help. But the button could send out an electromagnetic pulse to the ship’s debris, make it buzz and show a message, no matter what piece… he was so close to the planet, it was likely some rubble reached it.

In a split second, he brings his arm to his head and jams the button. In the movies, there would probably be some cacophonous, dramatic noise, but sound cannot travel in space.

He has succeeded, hopefully. But there is no more air left to exhale. There is no more oxygen left to inhale. His lungs expand. He can feel it, pressing against his chest scars. Pressing against The Creation of Adam… He sends a quick mental apology to Michelangelo. The pain is pushing into the servant organ.

He cannot feel when his lungs burst, because he has already lost consciousness.

Yummy  Food


China’s lunar research station initiative welcomes new global partners

China’s ambitious initiative to launch an international lunar research station has gained new global cooperation partners, as the country signed several agreements with global partners for the lunar research station initiative on Thursday, according to China’s space agency.

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main qimg 6cb41dd20a1c506b7effa5ffc26cf8ea

During the opening ceremony of a two-day space forum held in Tunxi, east China’s Anhui Province, China’s space agency and its counterpart in Senegal signed an agreement on International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) cooperation.

In addition, China’s Deep Space Exploration Lab has also inked memoranda of understanding with 10 organizations from countries including Serbia, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Pakistan, Panama and South Africa.

In 2017, China proposed the ILRS initiative, inviting global participation. This ambitious project has garnered widespread interest, with 17 countries and over 40 institutions signing on. The ILRS envisions a comprehensive lunar research facility, including a lunar surface base, orbital stations, and Earth-based components. Designed for long-term autonomous operation with potential for short-term human presence, the ILRS will be expandable and sustainable.

Scientists create record-breaking solar technology that could solve major problem in the industry: ‘Among the best reported to date’

Sam Westmoreland

Fri, September 6, 2024 at 6:15 AM CDT

Scientists create record-breaking solar technology that could solve major problem in the industry: 'Among the best reported to date'
It can easily be ramped up to industrial levels and can be affordably produced at that scale of production.

Scientists at the Hong Kong Institute of Science and Technology have developed a new treatment that prolongs the life and efficiency of solar cells.

According to Aman Tripathi of Interesting Engineering, the researchers have created a molecular treatment for perovskite solar cells that increases their power conversion efficiency by over 20%, and it has shown an operational stability of over 1,500 hours.

While solar cells are typically made of silicon, perovskite has been gaining popularity in recent years because it is cheaper and has a higher energy efficiency than silicon. The problem is the stability and tendency to degrade more quickly than silicon counterparts.

In an effort to solve the problem, the Hong Kong research team focused on a process known as passivation, in which a chemical compound is applied to the perovskite to “reduce defects and improve their overall performance.”

The project was a resounding success, according to assistant professor Lin Hen-Yuang.

“These devices reached high open-circuit voltages beyond 90% of the thermodynamic limit,” Lin said in a press release on the discovery, “Benchmarking against about 1,700 sets of data from existing literature showed that their result was among the best reported to date in terms of efficiency in energy conversion.”

On top of that, the passivation process is highly scalable, meaning it can easily be ramped up to industrial levels and can be affordably produced at that scale of production.

Solar energy is booming globally; in the U.S., solar power accounted for almost 80% of new energy production in 2024 on an industrial scale. On a smaller scale, rooftop solar panels are popping up everywhere from vodka distilleries to new-build homes. Finding a new way to improve solar panels’ affordability and efficiency could help meet growing demand.

If the perovskite treatment is as effective at scale as it has been in testing, we could see a boom in more affordable, efficient, and durable panels around the world.

Two young men walk into a bar and one of them sits next to a girl.

“Hello,” he says.

“Are you a lawyer?” asks the girl.

“What? No.”

“Then I’m not interested. You see, this is a lawyer bar, and the girls that come here either are lawyers or want to get with lawyers.”

And so the young man leaves, and his friend leaves with him, having encountered a similar situation.

The next day they say: “What the heck, we’re just going to return there and say that we’re lawyers. It’s not like we’ll have to give them a proof right away.”

And so they go to the bar and approach some girls, and they tell them they are lawyers.

Everything seems to be going fine, but then one of the young men looks around and sees that his friend is gone. He starts to search for him, and eventually finds him sitting in the bathroom, in a very low mood.

“What happened to you?” he asks.

“Oh, I just realized… I’ve only been a lawyer for half an hour, and already the only thing on my mind is how to screw someone.”

In 1990 I went to one of those Teppanyaki Grill restaurants where a chef cooks food on the grill in front of the customers. I was with 5 other friends. It was in quite a ritzy Sydney suburb. We had no idea what to order so when the waitress asked if we’d like prawns, chicken, steak, eggs and rice, we happily said yes.

The chef threw 6 prawns on the grill, tossing them around with a flourish and chopping them up. He then gave us 1 teaspoon of prawns each!

Next came the chicken. He took a half chicken breast and whooshed it around and chopped it into tiny pieces. We got two teaspoons of chicken each.

Same thing with the steak.

By now we were really starving so we were really happy when they asked if we were ready for the rice. In came the waitress with a fingerbowl of rice. I made a joke “wouldn’t it be funny if that was for us all?’

We all laughed but not for long! It was indeed rice for everyone. So we got around 10 grains of rice each.

Lastly he threw one egg on the grill, whooshed it around and we got two teaspoons of ‘omelet’ each.

The cost of this fiasco came to $180 for the 6 of us which was a lot of money for a restaurant meal back in 1990.

We were all so totally starving we went across the road to a hamburger joint and ordered a hamburger each!

I am a mathematics professor at a Research I University. My mother-in-law was a mean old bat who never liked me. While she was visiting one afternoon my ten year old daughter ran in with her latest math test grade. She had scored an “A” grade on some multiplication facts and we all praised her profusely. The mother-in-law pipes up with, “I bet she got her math skills from her mother. Renee (My wife, her daughter) was always good in math.” Considering what I do for a living and considering my wife majored in sociology, this snarky comment pissed me off. So my reply was, “Yes, she must have gotten her math skills from her mother, because I still have all of mine.” A dead silence settled over the table for the next ten minutes.

My line was actually unintentional!

I was on a business trip some years ago and ended up in a restaurant which sat me at a small table next to another small table with a smartly dressed woman sitting alone.

We exchanged pleasantries and I said “So how’s your business trip going?”

Her reply was “Oh, fine. What makes you think I am here on a business trip?”

I said “You wouldn’t be eating alone otherwise.”

I immediately thought “Damn, what did I just do..”

She was amused and said it was one of the more classy lines she had heard.

So I ended up with an impromptu dinner guest and fellow wine connoisseur for the evening.

Every day after I pick up my daughter from school, I get out and go into the house but she stays in the car and sits there for several minutes, sometimes up to half an hour.

Sometimes she uses her phone, sometimes she just sits there.

Should I be a little concerned? Should I go check on her? Confront her?

Nope. I’m not concerned at all. She’s doing what she needs to do to cope.

She’s enjoying a few minutes of peace and quiet, collecting herself and letting the social demands of school dissolve away, before facing the social demands of family.

As a teenager, she knows that as soon as she walks in the door, there will be questions, conversations, chores and homework to be done, and demands for her attention and mental presence, which can be draining after a long day at school. In the car, alone, she can collect herself, think and process a bit, and respond to her messages without pressure and without interruptions.

More than likely, your wife is doing what she needs to do to cope, to gather herself, to catch her breath after a long day at work, and to catch up on her messages before she comes inside and faces you and all your questions.

My advice? Enjoy the peace and quiet.

Two best friends graduated from medical school at the same time & decided that in spite of two different specialties, they would open a practice together to

share office space …

Dr.Smith was a *Psychiatrist* & Dr.Jones

was a *Proctologist* (Colon to Anus)

They put up a sign reading

*Dr.Smith & Dr.Jones*

*Hysterias & Posteriors*

The town council was livid and insisted they change it.

So, the docs changed

it to read

*Schizoids & Haemorrhoids*

This was also not acceptable, so they again changed the sign to

*Catatonics & High Colonics*

No go.

Next, they tried…

*Manic Depressives & Anal Retentives*

Thumbs down again.

Then came..

*Minds and Behinds*

Still no good.

Another attempt resulted in …

*Lost Souls & Butt Holes*

Unacceptable again!

So they tried

*Analysis & Anal Cysts*

No, not a chance

*Nuts and Butts*

No way

*Freaks and Cheeks*

Still no good

*Loons and Moons*

Just Forget it!

Almost at their wits end, the docs finally came up with…

*Dr.Smith & Dr.Jones…*

*Specializing in Odds & Ends.*

*_Everyone loved it._😊*

A Woman Impersonated As A Man And Got Depressed After 3 Days

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What happened to your sister? She had to experience some negative karma later on after being mean all those years?


Sometimes the words in the ‘narrative’ need to be precise, at least in terms of ‘calendar time’., or else confusion is self-generated and no healing takes place. From earlier sharing of your personal life, no doubt MM that there was boyhood trauma, from the same ‘source’, but this particular vignette is more of ‘late puberty’, ‘early manhood’ time, by ‘an overt malignant narcissist’ with a collaborator by the name Rita. And subsequent collaborators of the mutual parents.
Is there a famous max. security ‘correctional institution within the current geopolitical area of residence, with a similar message, and t-shirts , maybe you could start a new ‘fashion’ ? In the least of cases it would be an act of kindness from someone in the third cycle of biological age to this young fellow, a sort of ‘medicine’…. Self-empowering….
Cheerful Love, GrizzlyBear Hug


I want to buy one of your books but it is out of stock on Amazon. Is there a way I can get it?

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