2023 05 08 11 36

When the bullshit is just too deep

In George Orwell's 1984, the totalitarian state would periodically rewrite the history books, making everything logical and correct. The old Soviet Union had a similar classical approach to propaganda. But modern western propaganda is more like avant-garde jazz: a whirlwind of noise and conflicting rubbish that drowns out all else. It's like using noise to jam a radar system. One can still find old books that are clearly written, there is no attempt to destroy the past, just bury it beneath a blizzard of garbage so that people don't even know it's there.

Posted by: TG | May 22 2023 15:37 utc | 17

China no longer talks with the US government. But it is in active and productive talks with United States industry and commerce folk.

There is obviously a serious disconnect in this matter, as it seems that the United States government does not represent the people, or the industry that it is supposed to.

China is recognizing that.

And dealing directly with the principals.

But if you live in the West, you will be oblivious to that fact, and the reaction to this reality is being of a hysterical nature.

Spewing forth of massive quantities of bullshit…

Everything in the West is bullshit.

It’s all lies. It’s all nonsense. It’s all so much garbage, that no one can possibly figure out what is real or a lie. Bills to restrict what you can say are named “freedom to speak law”, and taxes to pay for more  wars is titled “end the war tax”.

The food in the United States is GMO laden trash, filled with chemicals. The history books, if they are even read are filled with manufactured nonsense. The United States did not go to the moon, nor is Fort Knox filled with gold bars. There is no such thing as freedom in the Untied States, and the idea that Americans are well represented by “representatives” is laughable.

It’s lies after lies, and the “house of cards” is falling.



China warns the USA

Hit the brakes NOW, or face war.

They Cannot Hide It Anymore: China Refuses All Communication with U.S. – THREE Weeks Now!

Sullivan large
Sullivan large

Since the end of high level meetings between the U.S. and China which took place in Vienna around May 10, China has cut-off all communication with the United States.

Chinese officials refuse phone calls, meetings, and any dialogue with American representatives says one high ranking State Department official.

This has gone on since the meetings in Vienna around May 10, which means it has now been THREE WEEKS since the two governments spoke with each other.  Heck of thing for the two largest trading partners on the planet.

So . . .  Who was it from the US that went to Vienna, met with China and clearly did something that smashed relations?    None other than, Jake Sullivan.

The US national security adviser Jake Sullivan and top diplomat from China, Wang Yi, had two days of intense meetings in Vienna.


Now, I have long viewed Jake Sullivan as not only a pencil-neck geek, but, to be candid, I view the guy as having the intellect of a flea.

What he did is not yet known to me, but I expect to find out in short order.  When I do, I will report it.

In the meantime, the American people should know that relations between the U.S. and China are having a very large problem, and Beijing has cut off all contact.

When the talking stops . . . . well . . . .

…you know what generally comes next.

China still has some very sharp, unused arrows in the cabinets in the basement:

Imagine what will happen when tomorrow, someone will post a movie clip on TikTok with a Big Mac with a nail or an insect into it. The whole of McDonalds empire will implode. The same could happen with KFC, Subway, PizzaHut, Starbucks, Apple, Microsoft, … 

They’re all making more than half of their turnover in China. That could all be done and over with, in a mere couple of days.


Frans Vandenbosch  方腾波

US anti-China sentiment impedes resumption of high-level exchanges

Published: May 25, 2023 11:00 PM

As high-level communication between China and the US resumes, an anti-China vanguard groupuscule in the US House of Representatives is getting even more fidgety. By hyping some twice-told tales about the “big bad China,” they try to show their presence and sabotage the improvement of bilateral relations.

The US House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the US and the Chinese Communist Party on Wednesday approved two reports regarding China’s Xinjiang and the island of Taiwan as its first set of policy recommendations, hoping some of its recommendations will become law this year.

Formed in January, the bipartisan committee and its members have constantly made provocative moves on China-related issues, trying to prove its value to the US Congress.

For instance, it has held several hearings in a fanfare way to attack China on various topics, such as TikTok, Taiwan, economic and trade, and human rights.

In April, the panel engaged in a table-top simulated war game exercise over a possible conflict in the Taiwan Straits. On the surface, it concluded that “nobody wins when deterrence breaks down,” as the committee leader, Mike Gallagher, put it. But, in fact, it was a disguised attempt to encourage the US to strengthen its military intervention in the Straits.

Later that month, members of the committee also traveled to California with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to meet with Taiwan regional leader Tsai Ing-wen, disregarding strong opposition from the Chinese side.

In some way, the panel works as a policy incubator for Congress. Its members aim to form some consensus in their small circle and then propose and promote it in other bigger and more important committees. It is like delivering bullets to other panels and the leaders of the House that strive to shoot at China all the time.

Besides, all the 24 representatives in this committee share one similarity: They hold an extremely negative and hawkish attitude toward China, making the group a veritable anti-China vanguard in Congress. Working as a small group means their anti-China endeavors can become more well-planned and well-organized. As important sources for the Congress’s possible agenda against China, these US lawmakers actually live off by bashing China and use China-related issues to gain more exposure in US public opinion and climb up the political career ladder further.

The contrast between the provocative House panel and the White House’s desire to ease the tension with China shows that some US lawmakers and government officials do not entirely agree with each other on China-related issues. At the congressional level, more emphasis was placed on the saber-rattling geopolitical competition with China with strong ideological hues.

Thus, it is no surprise that some Members of Congress are unwilling to see the stabilization of China-US ties. Their sensationalist political posturing reveals the sinister intentions to destroy China-US relations or to push the two countries into a new cold war.

Yet, even within the US government, it’s hard to find a common understanding of how to deal with China. The announcement of Rick Waters, the State Department’s top China policy official, stepping down and Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman retiring underscore the divergences among officials in Washington over which path to take in relations with China.

Overall, it is rather challenging for US President Joe Biden to unify the administration’s opinion and approach to China. And even if he does, a Congress that advocates a tougher China policy will still hinder the implementation.

“The current situation also reflects the limitation of the Biden administration’s China policy; that is, pursuing dialogue and engagement with China while thinking about suppression and restriction is impossible. If Washington continues to adhere to these two contradictory mentalities, it will never achieve the result it wants, Zhang Tengjun, deputy director of the Department for Asia-Pacific Studies at the China Institute of International Studies, told the Global Times.

As extremism in US politics has long hijacked the country’s policy toward China, we should not expect Washington’s China strategy to return to a rational and normal track soon. And it is a shame that US diplomacy, all along, cannot get rid of the aggravated interference and intervention of the extreme China hawks.

Big Vessel

The Dalian shipyard delivered a 460,000-ton (displacement) ship. The ship is an oil&gas floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. It is the largest of its kind and one of the largest ships ever built.

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Sci-fi Movie in Reality: Beijing Subway Pilots Palm Scanning for ‘Empty-Handed’ Entry and Exit!

No need to swipe a card or scan a QR code. A Beijing subway line now allows passengers to enter and exit “empty-handed” by scanning the palms of their hands.

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A pilot program launched on Sunday to apply the new technology on the Daxing Airport Express, which links the Beijing Daxing International Airport, said the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport.

Passengers can show their palms to pass ticket gates at stops along the line after inputting their palm information at the station’s ticket machines and authorizing the use via WeChat, a popular messaging app in China. Fees are automatically deducted after exit.

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The ticket gates recognize the user’s palm print and veins without contact, said the commission. It can allow passengers to take subway trains if they do not have cash when their smartphones run out of battery.

The commission said data masking and encryption technologies have been applied to protect the user’s information.

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Half-Dead Senator Fully Propped Up By Democrats

Meanwhile back in the United States…

WTF! These are who is “running” the United States.

Describe Americans

2023 05 22 16 52
2023 05 22 16 52

Putin just ENTERED the most dangerous phase of the war

Two hours of what the fuck! The legislation originating out of the USA is frightening.

Media And Politicians Throw So Much Bullshit At Us That It Is Difficult To See Through It

Western media are feeding us bullshit. It is so strong that even western politicians, like the public, seem to believe in it. The reason is that it is increasingly difficult to detect the bullshit because there is just too much of it.

Gilbert Doctorow takes on the Western disinformation campaign especially with regards to the fall of Bakhmut:

[I]t is these censorious states and the mass media that carry their messages with stenographic precision into print and electronic dissemination who are the ones that day after day feed disinformation to the public. It is cynically composed and consists of a toxic blend of ‘spin,’ by which is meant misleading interpretation of events, and outright lies.The many months long battle for the provincial Donbas city of Bakhmut, or Artyomovsk as it is known in Russia, has been described variously from on high in Washington, London and Berlin. When the likely outcome was unclear, the defense of Bakhmut was called heroic and demonstrative of the brave fighting spirit of the Ukrainians.

Casualty figures issued by Kiev and then trumpeted from Washington suggested that the Russians were stupidly throwing away the lives of their fighting men by using WWI style human waves of attackers who were decimated by the defenders. Russian lives are cheap was the message. The fact that Russian artillery on site outnumbered and outperformed Ukrainian artillery by a factor of five or seven to one was freely admitted by the Western propagandists as they pleaded for increased supplies to Kiev. They, nonetheless, issued casualty reports for the Russians that inverted the force correlation. It was assumed, obviously with reason, that the public was too lazy or too uninterested to do the arithmetic.

I had earlier taken on the nonsensical casualty claims:

The Russian forces fire ten times the number of shells the Ukrainians can fire. In a modern war artillery fire causes 65+% of all casualties. It is thus impossible that Ukraine is losing less soldiers than the Russians.The total ratio may well be 7 to 1 but it will certainly be to the advantage of the Russian forces side.

The reporting on the alleged not-fall of Bakhmut in mainstream media is similar nonsensical:

The New York Times writes:

As Russia Claims Victory in Bakhmut, Ukraine Sees Opportunity Amid Ruins

Russia’s capture of Bakhmut would be a powerful symbolic success for Moscow. It would represent the first Ukrainian city it has seized since Lysychansk last summer, and be a setback for Kyiv, which expended precious ammunition and sent some of its most capable forces to try to thwart Russia’s devastating monthslong assault on the city. Thousands of troops from both sides are believed to have been killed in nearly a year of intense fighting there.

Bakhmut has fallen. Why then is the NYT writing in the subjunctive ‘would’? It does not make sense.

The Washington Post does likewise:

As hold on Bakhmut slips, Ukrainian forces push to encircle city

Ukrainian forces have been reduced to small footholds in the devastated eastern city of Bakhmut, which despite its limited strategic importance has emerged as the war’s bloodiest battlefield. But they have made gains on the Russian flanks, in a move to encircle the city and extend the fight there, according to Ukrainian officials and military personnel in the field.

Ukraine still holds slivers of the city, including the area around what has become a landmark of Ukraine’s last redoubt: a destroyed sculpture of a Soviet MiG fighter jet, according to multiple military personnel involved in defending the position, which Russian forces continue to contest.

No. Ukraine does not hold ‘slivers of the city’. Videos published yesterday evidently prove that:

Ukraine Control Map @UAControlMap – 10:50 UTC · May 22, 202346/48 Wagner flag raise in south west Bakhmut near the destroyed MiG statue
Coordinates: 48.57570907, 37.96475216
Map view: Google

‘Encircling the city’ is likewise a dream.

Situation in Bakhmut on May 8

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2023 05 23 12 14w

Situation in Bakhmut on May 22

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2023 05 23 12 14

The scale of the map is on the bottom right. From it we can tell that the Russian forces, under attack, have moved back some 1 or 2 kilometers from the difficult to defend fields towards better suited positions after Ukrainian forces wasted their lives to open a corridor for the troops fleeing from Bakhmut. That attack happened on May 11. On the following day the Russian Defense Ministry said that the Ukrainian side, during the last 24 hours, had lost 1,725 men, 9 tanks and 55 armored combat vehicles. That was so far the biggest reported daily loss in this war. The lines on the flanks of Bakhmut have since been stabilized.

So where please is the ‘encirclement’? The maps show no attempt of one.

Yves Smith points out that the disinformation allures have seemingly turned into the believes of those who issues them:

US Geopolitics: Believing Impossible Things

In corporate America, there’s a decent risk that fakery will get caught out by competitors, short sellers, whistleblowers, and just plain careful reading of audited financials.

By contrast, in politics, reality avoidance is routinely the key to a long and successful-looking career, witness Eurocrats’ fondness for “kick the can” strategies. And that propensity is particularly dangerous when leadership groups have become both selfish and short-termist. There really was once upon a time some people who went into government service for the service part, and not for the revolving door and networking.

But now, the well-honed effectiveness of propaganda has encouraged politicians and their media amplifiers/allies to go hog wild with selling Big Lies. And the worst is there are no consequences for the perps.

The wee problem with the war in Ukraine and the escalating US eye-poking of China is neither is going very well, to the degree that the propaganda started fizzling out very quickly in the Global South and is losing its potency in the West.

It’s hard to keep up the pretense of a great inevitable Ukraine victory with Ukraine losing Bakhmut, after Zelensky made it the centerpiece of his Congressional love-fest last December. Oh, but Ukraine is still trying to deny it is lost, as they did for Mariupol and Soledar until well after the fact.

The believe into impossible things is not only with regards to the war in Ukraine but also with the bigger view towards China:

Similarly, US officials may have told themselves that much of the world regarded China with suspicion due to its often-overheated rhetoric and hypersensitivity to slights. But these self-comforting beliefs about China’s position on the world stage got a big wake up call with China brokering a normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and then Syria.

Now China is making more trouble by wandering into America’s back yard, as in Europe, and talking up its napkin-doodle Ukraine peace plan.

The extreme hostile G7 communique on China is simply another expression of western delusion:

According to the Financial Times, the G7 has issued its strongest condemnation of China, and most of the other international mainstream media also highlight that it “amps up pressure on China.” It seems that the only way for the G7 to catch people’s attention and show its sense of presence is to speculate on the issues related to China.As a “rich countries’ club” that once accounted for up to 70% of the global economy, the G7 has been facing a serious existential crisis in recent years as its economic weight has been declining, coupled with a decline in global population share and perceived attractiveness.

The louder the anti-China rhetoric from the G7, the smaller its actual impact will be, as this is a natural law. This is because it would mean that G7 serves the strategic interests of the US rather than the welfare of the international community, making it difficult to receive any “assistance” but more difficult to make progress. It is very likely that in the end, the G7 will find that it has expended a lot of effort, but the result is only spinning its wheels.

The Hiroshima summit seems to have given the G7 a sense of “shaping history,” but this illusion will soon be blown away by the winds of reality, since without internal prosperity and development, external displays of strength are only superficial.

Unfortunately many people in the west  believe the bullshit their politicians and media are throwing at them. As Caitlin Johnstone observes:

The problem that underpins most other problems in modern times is that human minds are highly hackable, and that the science of hacking them at mass scale has been advancing since Bernays over a century ago. This is what keeps people consenting to the destructive and exploitative agendas of the powerful against their own interests.

Many people, maybe even most people, are to some extent aware that our entire civilization is bullshit. Relatively few are able to describe exactly how and why it’s bullshit, though, because there’s so much bullshit it’s hard to get a clear view of how the bullshit is happening.It’s hard to understand how and why our civilization is bullshit exactly because our civilization is bullshit. It’s rife with lies, the teachers feed us lies, the algorithms feed us lies, and we’re trained to look for information in areas that will turn up lies.

In a civilization that’s made of bullshit, it’s rare to gain solid enough footing and high enough ground to be able to look around and clearly see how all the bullshit is happening. Everything here is geared toward preventing us from gaining that footing. It takes hard, diligent work, and more than a little luck.

Unfortunately her conclusion is right.

Posted by b on May 22, 2023 at 14:25 UTC | Permalink

How China Is Using Artificial Intelligence in Classrooms

Godfree points out…

2023 05 23 15 48
2023 05 23 15 48

Wagner Finds Antique Weapons In Ukraine’s Underground Weapons Cache

Why I refrain from social media…

Unfortunately, we need to suffer parrots who don’t understand a word of Mandarin or Hokkienese, who cannot place Taiwan on the map, who cannot tell Taiwan from Thailand, yet consider themselves the world authority on China/Taiwan issues simply because they can produce a Fox Cable News invoice. Pathetic!

My response below:

The US congress is loaded with chicken hawk draft dodgers, as is the US administration. All words and zero nerve. Whom are you kidding? Your backing by the US Congress is worth no more than human refuse. The Congress had better make sure it has enough money to tide over the end of May first before worrying about Taiwan. LOL.

You are showing total ignorance of history and international law. The fact that the US recognizes the One China Policy is due to the Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Proclamation from WWII. Never heard of them, right? Not surprised. It was not borne of some “good relationship” or US love of China, but international law that everyone must respect, or admit being a thug. Come on, let’s have some “Rule Based International Order”, OK?

You are welcome to come to fight and die for Taiwan independence. The Taiwanese would love you, as none of them wants to fight, and they are all betting on idiots like you to come fight and die for them, so they can keep making money. Put your acts where your words are and don’t be a chicken hawk.

Come to fight and die for Taiwan independence, so the DPP president Tsai Ing-wen and 2024 DPP candidate Lai Ching-teh can escape to the US to reunite with their huge families there. They will thank you.

INSANE: Young Americans Don’t Know ANYTHING!

Monument To The Unknown Bureaucrat

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Several countries have monuments to the Unknown Soldier, but perhaps only Iceland has a sculpture honoring — and lightly satirizing — the thankless, anonymous job of the bureaucrat. The 1994 sculpture by Magnús Tómasson depicts a man in a suit holding a briefcase, with his head and shoulders subsumed in a slab of unsculpted stone.

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Raeisi: Iran, Indonesia agree to trade in local currencies to defuse dollar dominance – Pars Today

Article HERE

Did you know that Japan used to be a vassal of China?

The King of Na gold seal (Japanese: 漢委奴国王印) is a solid gold seal discovered in the year 1784 on Shikanoshima Island in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. The seal is designated as a National Treasure of Japan.[1]

The seal is believed to have been cast in China and bestowed by Emperor Guangwu of Han upon a diplomatic official (envoy) visiting from Japan in the year 57 AD.

The five Chinese characters appearing on the seal identify it as the seal of the King of Na state of Wa (Japan), vassal state of the Han Dynasty.[2]

The seal is currently in the collection of the Fukuoka City Museum in Fukuoka, Japan.

The seal is very well known in Japan, as its taught in Japanese history books to be a cultural asset which ascertains how Japan as a nation came into being. Its the first known textual record of Japan as a country.[3]

2023 05 28 08 31
2023 05 28 08 31

Richard Wolff: This Is the Worst Economic Period in My Lifetime

Deep-Fried Turkey

2023 05 22 16 47
2023 05 22 16 47


  • 1 (10 to 12 pound) turkey
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 2 teaspoons pepper
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 4 to 5 gallons peanut oil


  1. Rinse and dry turkey.
  2. Remove neck and giblet bag from small cavity in front and the large body cavity.
  3. Generously season inside cavity with salt and pepper. Use as much cayenne pepper as taste buds will allow.
  4. Heat oil in cooking pot large enough to submerse turkey in hot oil.
  5. Heat oil to 350 degrees F to 375 degrees F.
  6. When oil is hot, using a sling of strong twine or a lifter, lower turkey into hot oil.
  7. Cook about 5 minutes per pound or until meat thermometer inserted in thickest part of thigh reaches 180 degrees F.

Makes 10 to 12 servings.


America is sick, and needs therapy

It is getting more ludicrous by the day!

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The debt ceiling crisis looms over the US. But guess what? Its politicians are crying wolf, warning that this crisis is “playing into the hands of China”.

These days, in shambolic America, everything problematic has a China angle, including debt ceiling.

They blame Chinese imports for their industrial decline.

Soon, they will blame China for their constipation or erectile dysfunction.

It’s Sino-phobia gone mad!

Unfortunately for China, irrational fear of China is the only thing that unites a bitterly divided Congress and country. Politicians speak the same language only when attacking China. Senator Patty Murray, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, has gone so far as to declare: “The more we play with default….the more we prove that China and our competitors are right.”

Has US-China relations reached a point of no return?

Post-Trump, America is a hotbed for extremists.

So far, not a single official, elected or appointed, is brave enough to step forward to dilute the venom against a peaceful country whose only sin is outshining America.

China is busy supporting infrastructure projects in more than 150 countries, while the US has poured hundreds of billions into needless wars.

Insanely jealous, America finds in China its convenient bogeyman.

Then there is Republican Senator Susan Collins. She says: “The world faces an authoritarian government that seeks to regain its hegemonic past and dismantle the international order created by the United States and our allies following World War II.”

What a load of nonsense!

For two centuries, China was a humiliated, not a hegemonic, country. Where is this hegemonic past that Collins speaks of?

Her historical ignorance is alarming. As for “dismantling” the international order, look who’s talking? Who’s behind the military conflicts, big and small, in the last 75 years? China merely defended its territorial integrity. It has never disrupted the international order, whatever that is.

What then about the South China Sea?

Well, you are talking about China’s own backyard through which more than 50% of the world’s commerce flows.

It is a choke-point that China must either defend or be strangled by US encirclement.

Militarizing these islands is a must for self-survival.

Or else, China might as well sign its own death warrant.

What about Taiwan?

Under America’s one-China policy, it is a part of Chinese territory, and thus strictly a domestic issue, and in no way a slice of the global order. Ditto Hong Kong and Xinjiang. All internal affairs, all exclusively Chinese concerns.

Whipping up anti-China hysteria is America’s biggest con job, thanks to Trump the pathological con artist.

Want to know a little secret? China owes its stupendous success in the last 40 years, largely, to one thing: national unity.

While America is paralyzed by partisanship, and India is torn apart by genocidal village-burning religious or ethnic hatred, China promotes ethnic harmony and shared prosperity, bestowing preferential benefits on its minorities.

Free from division and distractions, ethnic peace is in China’s vital national interest.

That’s why, there is zero hate crime in every street across every city in China. Minorities coexist peacefully.

I totally discount the possibility of persecution of innocent Uyghurs.

Why should Xinjiang be a singularity? It’s illogical.

It’s unChinese. It rings untrue.

China doesn’t have a history of mistreating minorities.

Its respect for ethnicity is miles ahead of racist America.

China, however, won’t tolerate foreign-fomented Muslim terrorism. Like any country targeted by Islamic terrorists, China acts forcefully to contain them. There are re-education centers, yes, but they exist to re-absorb indoctrinated trouble-makers into society.

Discrimination runs counter to China’s pacific approach to inter-ethnic relations. If anything, there is reverse discrimination in favor of ethnic minorities.

I trust my own eyes.

I distrust American disinformation.

Pre-Trump, America used to enjoy a rosy and cozy relationship with China. Now it seems like a distant memory.

Today’s America is a troubled nation, angry at itself, and angrier at others who know how to govern. It’s no longer fit to be in the world’s driver’s seat.

The US is deeply troubled by China paranoia. Uncle Sam, you’d better book an appointment with your therapist, and have your head examined.

Americans Don’t Know Anything About America

There Are Now 3D Printing Spurs That You Can Attach To The Back Of Your Crocs

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Even outlaws need to sip their whiskey with a comfortable pair of Crocs on their feet, which is why today’s post is bringing out the inner-cowboy in all of us. Transport your heels to the Wild West with these Crocs spurs, which fit perfectly on the back strap of your favorite pair of Crocs!

More: Etsy h/t: sadanduseless

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crocs spurs1

These spurs (or sprocs) currently fit the full size range of the regular Croc Clog. The All Terrain, Yukon Vista, and other wide strap Crocs models will not fit.

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crocs spurs3

They’re made out of plastic and come in 5 different colors: black, white, silver, copper, and marble. The shop’s description also says to reach out to them if you’re looking for custom-colored Crocs spurs, as they can do additional colors, though they also include that these orders take a little longer to fulfill.

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crocs spurs4

OMG – Exposed by CNN

  • Chinese hiding behind an American flag
  • apparently its name is ZPMC(振华 or 振華), literally meaning MAKE CHINA GREAT AGAIN in chinese – I have NOT been able to verify this
  • Apparently even the American flag is Chinese

If you are a despicable thief stealing from the rest of the world and when any country object to your thievery you bomb them and kill millions into smitten, you need to stage war after war after war.

And if you war monger and coerce either or both sides buys arms for you, war is very profitable.

If the side you picked wins you now have a slave vassal state and you can choose your puppet to run the nation for the benefit of US and UK, why won’t you trouble making and war mongering 24/7 and 365 days a year!


Any fool can see it benefits the US and UK to cause and create trouble all over the world.

The real question is that is it good for UK and the US in the long run.

I don’t think so.


The trouble with the US and UK U.S. that it expects the world will be stupid and don’t see through their evil intentions.

They do.

And by 2023 180/195 nations don’t want and don’t allow the US and UK to manipulate and interfere in their nations anymore.

Today the US is very very very weak politically.

The Global South and most of Asia, And Eastern Europe are aligned to de-dollarise and move its economy away from the U.S. and UK.

So the net effect of fucking up the world may seem good when nations are poor and disorganized from 1945–2000.

But as nations progressed, people become sensible and clever the evil scheme is so very evident.

You mentioned China unites them, the truth they all jointly see no way out but to stop the US and UK excesses.

The world won’t allow 12.5% of humanity to rule the 87.5%! History will be told years from now the starting point is the Ukraine war.

Arms Stockpile in Ukrainian Salt Mine

China, US ‘candid’ trade talks in Washington pave way for addressing ‘core issues’ in ties

Exchange paves way for addressing ‘core issues’ in frayed ties
Published: May 26, 2023 09:39 PM Updated: May 26, 2023 11:11 PM

China’s commerce minister met with US commerce secretary and US trade representative in the US on Thursday and Friday respectively and held “candid” talks in a move that Chinese analysts said could be a prelude to further high-level engagement between the world’s two largest economies and could pave the way for China-US trade and economic ties to play more of a ballast role to help improve frayed bilateral relations.

However, the resumption of high-level interactions comes with Washington’s provocations and attempts to crack down on China in many fields, prompting calls for the US to adjust to a rational, realistic perception of China and to respect China’s stance and bottom line.

China’s Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao met with US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo in Washington on Thursday before attending the 2023 APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting in Detroit. The two sides had “candid, professional and constructive exchanges” of views on China-US economic and trade relations as well as issues of common concern, China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said in a statement on its website on Friday morning.

The Chinese side expressed key concerns on the US’ economic and trade policies toward China, on semiconductors and export controls, as well as its outbound investment reviews, according to MOFCOM.

Wang also met with US Trade Representative Katherine Tai on Friday and the two had “candid, pragmatic and in-depth exchanges” of views on China-US economic and trade relations as well as regional and multilateral issues of common concern, according to MOFCOM.

The Chinese side expressed concerns regarding key issues, including the US economic and trade policies toward China, Taiwan-related topics in the economic and trade domain, the Indo-Pacific economic framework and Section 301 tariffs. Both parties agreed to maintain communication.

The meetings between the Chinese commerce minister and US commerce secretary and trade representative, along with the recent resumption of high-level engagements between Beijing and Washington, are one of the most important meetings between the two countries after the US shot down an unmanned Chinese civilian airship and hyped the “China threat”, which drove China-US relations to a new low. It also happened after China’s top diplomat Wang Yi and US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met in Vienna and held “candid, in-depth, substantive and constructive” talks for more than 10 hours on May 10 and May 11.

“China and the US have been maintaining the necessary communication, but the key is that the US cannot engage in communication and cooperation with China while continuing to hurt China’s interests,” Mao Ning, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, said on Friday, noting that the US should meet China halfway to bring China-US relations back to the right track of sound and steady growth.

Significant meeting

Chinese experts said the Thursday meeting is of major importance, as it takes one step further the pledge by the leaders of the two countries from last year’s Bali meeting to manage differences and disagreements and prevent confrontation and conflict.

It is believed that the meeting could help create an environment to solve, mitigate and manage differences in areas linked to trade and economic issues, the ballast of China-US relations, analysts said, holding the belief that such engagement could be a barometer of how much the two sides are heading toward the further restoration of high-level exchanges after months of recrimination.

The US’ crackdown and containment of China in the field of advanced technology must stop and “The concerns raised by Minister Wang are clear, detailed and to the point,” He Weiwen, a senior fellow at the Center for China and Globalization, told the Global Times on Friday.

The fact that the two ministers met for the first time since the pandemic in person in Washington showed that the working-level communications between the two sides have borne fruit, Gao Lingyun, an expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, told the Global Times Friday.

According to MOFCOM, China and the US agreed to set up communication channels to maintain and strengthen exchanges on specific economic and trade issues in addition to areas of cooperation, meaning “some new channels could be set up for issues that cannot be solved by existing ones,” Gao anticipated.

A readout from the US Department of Commerce said the discussions were “candid and substantive” and that the meeting was “part of ongoing efforts to maintain open lines of communication and responsibly manage the relationship.”

Chinese experts said that the core issues hindering China-US trade and economic ties at the moment are tariffs and the US crackdown on Chinese companies.

The US side has come to realize that bilateral trade grew despite the trade war and that trade with China has win-win results, experts said, noting that the meetings between the Chinese commerce minister and Raimondo and US Trade Representative Katherine Tai could lead to trade ties playing an expanded ballast role in bilateral relations.

Experts said the Chinese side is making sincere efforts to improve bilateral ties.

China’s new ambassador to the US, Xie Feng, who arrived at his post this week, said on his Twitter account that his mission is to enhance China-US exchanges and cooperation, and he looks forward to working with his American colleagues in the future.

Chinese Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen on Friday met with Colm Rafferty, chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, and representatives from some American companies to exchange views on bilateral trade and economic relations, US companies’ operations in China and China’s business environment.

However, Chinese experts also warned against being overly optimistic about these meetings, despite the positive signals that came from them.

According to the US readout, Raimondo raised concerns about the recent spate of Chinese actions against US companies operating in China.

Chinese experts noted that legal action taken against some US consultancy firms and the cybersecurity review by relevant Chinese authorities on Micron’s products sold in China have been carried out in accordance with the law and are based on facts. They should not be confused with or compared to the US’ broad crackdown on Chinese companies under the pretext of national security.

The US has used national security as a pretext to put more than 1,200 Chinese companies and individuals on various lists and subjected them to all kinds of restrictions despite the lack of hard evidence of wrongdoing, spokesperson Mao Ning said at Wednesday’s routine press briefing, noting that such moves constitute economic coercion and are unacceptable.

Mao on Friday also called on all parties to jointly oppose the US’ economic coercion and bullying practices and safeguard the multilateral trading system following the US’ grouping of its allies to contain China.

No easy path

Despite the resumption of high-level interactions between China and the US in the economic and trade fields, Washington has not reined in its provocations and attempts to crack down on China in many fields.
The US played a major role in hyping China-related topics at the just concluded Group of Seven (G7) summit in Hiroshima. The communiqué and other documents adopted at the summit smeared China and brazenly interfered in China’s internal affairs.

Arms sales to the island of Taiwan continue as Taiwan media said the US $500 million sale through the Presidential Drawdown Authority had recently begun, and that FIM-92 Stinger missiles arrived at Taoyuan Airport on Thursday.

A bipartisan House committee on Wednesday adopted two reports recommending that Congress take action over China’s Taiwan island and the Xinjiang region. The committee will focus on human rights before shifting to military and economic concerns, media reported.

Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Friday that the US wanted to engage with China on economic and trade issues due to its own needs, but will not abandon containment in other fields.

The US still upholds the old method of dealing with China based on strength – ordering China to cooperate according to US needs and creating problems to maximize its bargaining chips, while not respecting China’s stance and bottom line, Li said.

The US’ hegemonic mentality and paradoxical behavioral pattern are the crux of the difficulties in China-US relations, said Li, who urged the US to adjust to a healthy, rational and realistic perception of China’s development, recognize that China’s growing influence will not constitute a “threat,” and handle China-US relations based on equality and mutual benefit, not hegemony and a new cold war.

Analysts acknowledge that due to the US’ imbalance in its mentality and policy, fierce competition and confrontation will not disappear and China-US relations will continue to be very complex with interests and conflicts intertwined.

As two major powers in the world, the most likely scenario would be to engage in certain areas of common interests while being cautious in managing differences and avoiding conflicts, Li said.

Dr Pepper Texas Chocolate Cake




  • 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup dark brown sugar
  • 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1 cup Dr Pepper
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract


  • 3/4 cup butter-flavored vegetable shortening
  • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
  • 4 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup Dr Pepper
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour two 9-inch round cake pans, tapping out any extra flour.
  2. Cake: Sift together flour, granulated sugar, brown sugar, cocoa and baking soda into a bowl and set aside.
  3. Pour the Dr Pepper into a saucepan and add the chocolate chips. Heat on low, stirring often, until the chips are just melted. Remove from heat and set aside.
  4. Combine eggs, buttermilk, oil and vanilla extract in a mixer bowl and mix on medium speed until combined, about 2 minutes.
  5. With the mixer running, slowly pour in the Dr Pepper-chocolate mixture and continue beating until combined, about 1 minute.
  6. With mixer on low, gradually add the dry ingredients. Increase speed to medium and beat 2 minutes more.
  7. Divide the batter between the twp pans.
  8. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  9. Cool the layers in the pan for 10 minutes, then run a knife around the edges and flip the pans over onto a cooling rack. Gently lift off the pans and let the cake layers cool completely.
  10. Frosting: Beat shortening and butter in a mixer bowl until soft and fluffy.
  11. Add the confectioners’ sugar and cocoa, and continue mixing until combined.
  12. Stir together the Dr Pepper and vanilla extract and very slowly pour it into the frosting, beating with mixer on high speed to thin it a bit. Continue beating until light and fluffy, about 1 minute.
  13. Set first layer, top down, on a flat plate. Spread 1 cup of the frosting on top.
  14. Top with the second cake layer and spread remaining frosting on the top and sides of the cake, making attractive swirls.

Yield: 12 servings


A free Patreon video for you all to enjoy

I posted this video up after repeated banning by you-tube.

It discusses the paper-trail of how COVID was developed, funded, patented, and used by the United States.

Five minutes.


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