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We are indeed, catching on we ARE catching on

When I was young, my mother stayed at home and would take care of the house. We called it “domestic chores”. My father would work all day, and then when he was paid, he would give all of his pay to my mother to budget for. She in turn, would give him a small stipend for his wallet and spend the rest on our family needs.

All in all it worked out pretty good.

Then came 1974, and the “Woman’s Lib” movement (which my mother was a great advocate of – burning her bra and all the rest), as well as the advent of high inflation and credit cards forever changed the traditional household to something “better”; a more progressive family unit.

While I often miss the simplicity of those days, the things that I love about China is how “traditional” it is in regards to friends, family and relationships. You’re never going to starve or want in China.

Today’s installment…

No Need

No need to hear from you intelligence!

Just looking at the U.S. evil intentions will make the world certain that the U.S. will sabotage it no different from how they destroyed the Nordstream 2 pipelines. The U.S. never wanted peace. It never wanted a better world. It design a messy world so that it can jumped in and take advantage of the chaos. And stir up a war do that Ot can sell weapons to both parties.

The only difference today in 2023 is that the world knows now! And this is not good for the west and the U.S. Their only game in town is up. Nation by nation will stay as far away as possible from the U.S. No different from a strange bed fellow that no one wants to get near.

Very soon, the U.S. needs to steal from their fellow colonials and fellow native slaughterers. Let’s see how U.S. cons the UK!

I’ve often wished I could pick up my kids and take them back to the 60s for a day, just so they could see what it was like.

  • We dressed up on Saturdays to go shopping. There was always a G-rated movie to see.
  • Store clerks were grown-up professionals who actually made enough to live on and really knew their products. Big department stores had elevator men with wearing uniforms with big gold braid who cheerfully did their job of getting you where you wanted to go.
  • You could go out in public all day and never hear a cuss word.
  • Ladies wore hats and gloves to church. Ladies even dressed up to come over to play cards with my grandmother.
  • Men wore hats and knew when it was proper to take them off, when to touch them, etc.
  • It was quite common to have homes and cars unlocked all day.
  • Moms were home in the daytime. Neighborhoods were not deserted during the day as they are now. Big groups of children in my neighborhood played outside together every day. There was no air conditioning, so it was unthinkable to play in the house on a sunny day.
  • It was rare for women to drive and it was very common to see older ladies rolling their groceries home in a cart. Lots of men didn’t drive, either, as we lived on a bus route.
  • Parents in the neighborhood watched out for everyone’s kids. If one of the kids misbehaved his or her mother knew all about before he or she even got home.
  • Dogs and cats roamed the neighborhood. It was common to see several dogs sitting outside the grocery store waiting on their owners.
  • People were friendly and polite. Always. At least in public.
  • On Saturdays everyone in the neighborhood ran errands and did their yard work. Ladies went to the beauty shop to have their hair done for church the next day. Men went to a barbershop and they most certainly never set foot in a beauty parlor. You had to make sure you had everything you needed for Sunday because all the stores would close by Saturday afternoon.
  • On Sundays most people went to church. Even if they didn’t, the neighborhood was completely quiet. Sunday was a day of rest and stores were closed. There was never a lawn mower running or any activity going on outside. Most people visited with family and had a big family dinner.
  • It was normal for people to have big front porches and go from house to house visiting.
  • There were only three TV channels and they all signed off at 11 p.m. with the national anthem.
  • It was common for neighbors to listen in on your telephone conversations because everyone was on a party line.
  • You couldn’t wash clothes last minute because nobody had a dryer. If it were raining it took forever for your clothes to dry in the house. Clothes also had to be ironed, so you really had to plan ahead.

I was surprised by some of the comments. I was born in 1963, so I am writing from the perspective of a little girl and focusing on what was most different from today. I grew up in a lower middle class neighborhood in a small southern city. It was definitely not Mayberry and I most certainly did not have an idyllic childhood.

  • My parents were divorced and I lived with my mom, my grandmother, and an uncle. I had a babysitter with two grown daughters. My father was in prison.
  • My house was just down the street from the Catholic church and there were dozens of big Catholic families on our street. I never met another child with divorced parents until 1974.
  • I heard about Vietnam and body bags in hushed tones but I didn’t understand what was going on. I did have an uncle there, so I did recognize the fear that gripped my mother and grandmother every time they watched the news.
  • I vaguely understood there was racial unrest but I didn’t understand why. I attended the Catholic school through the fourth grade and was told Jesus loves everyone equally. From what I remember, grown-ups would agree with that thought, but believed there would be no trouble between races if they simply didn’t interact. It wasn’t until the 70s when things got violent. It became common to hear gunshots at night and we moved to a “better” neighborhood in 1974. In the 70s We endured forced busing for a few years, which was a huge waste of time and money and caused more racial upheaval. For the first time, there were fights every day in school.
  • I never realized we were poor until we moved to the “better” neighborhood and all the girls in my class had pierced ears, wore designer clothes, and had long ago given up playing with toys, in the fifth grade.

While there are things I remember fondly from the 1960s, I certainly wouldn’t want to live there. I do, however, really miss beautiful manners and beautiful clothes.

This is Uyinene Mrwetyana:

South African girl.


She disappeared on the 24th of August 2019. After her disappearance, her friends went and stood outside the Post Office and handed out missing person fliers.

She had gone to the Post Office to collect a parcel. When she got there, the man who attended to her said she should return later, as the lights were out. He told her to return at 2pm. The Post Office closes at 1pm. When she came back later, he raped and killed her.

When the friends were giving out fliers, this man apparently watched them and even took some and said he’d distribute them to people that visited the Post Office.

You know what he told the police when they caught him?

“This one really put up a fight. It took so long for her to die.”

At her funeral, her mom said “ I’m sorry I warned you about everything except the Post Office.”

It broke my heart.

She was 19 years old.

I would like to nominate the following interesting group of guys.

In the city of Charleroi, Belgium, a group of men walk into an e-cigarette store around 3 p.m. They demand money from the owner of the shop, a man called Didier.

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Didier knows he can’t fight off six men at once, so he came up with a plan. He told the wannabe robbers that 3 p.m. was a terrible time to rob his place. If only they would leave and come back around 6 p.m, when there would be more money in the cash register. The men talked with Didier for roughly 15 minutes and then left.

Didier picks up his phone and calls the cops on the gang, telling them what happened and that they would be back in a few hours.

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The police listened to Didier and thought: “Nobody would be so dumb. They aren’t actually going to come back after this, right?”

False. Around 6 p.m., as instructed, the guys return to the store to rob it. The plainclothes officers who showed up just in case were there waiting for them in a back room.

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I have to give it to them, they do like to believe in their fellow man.

This post is mostly a response to Sean Landy’s answer.

The idea that Japanese children are somehow better-behaved, or simply “cuter” than their Asian counterparts, is a widely accepted stereotype that fits into the whole mythos of “Japanese superiority”. The problem with that idea, however, is that as with all forms of superiority complexes, it’s based on half-truths and even untruths.

Lemme give you an example of what I mean.

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Back in 2021, this picture of a cute little 2–3 year old girl went viral on Chinese social media. It was claimed that this was a Japanese kindergartner walking alone to school, and that Japanese people raise their kids to be independent and self-reliant at a very early age. Others claimed she was standing because she’d given up her seat to someone in need – being this cute, brave, and well-mannered, is surely a testament to the superiority of Japanese society, culture, and genetics.

Internet commenters simply couldn’t stop talking about the greatness of Japan, and the sheer inferiority of China. Due to oppressive politics, a subpar culture, and hopelessly flawed genetics, Chinese children will never look as cute and confident as this!

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Except if you looked at the posters on the train, you can see the photos of her were clearly taken in mainland China. Specifically, Hangzhou.

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↑ The girl’s (very Chinese and very patriotic) mother was furious about people stealing and mislabeling photos of her daughter, just to further an anti-Chinese narrative.

But people still couldn’t (or wouldn’t) believe such a cute child could possibly be Chinese. So her mother dressed her up like this, which shut everyone up for good:

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So there you go. Children everywhere are all the same. They’re snotty, stinking, screaming balls of flesh who are only occasionally adorable. Anything to do with “cuteness” and such is mostly a reflection of a family’s level of wealth and care, as well as a society’s level of development. The same way house-cats in a rich household tend to look better than strays on the street.

And as China continues to grow its GDP (PPP)

, children are probably only going to look even cuter than before.

There are already enough double standards out there, with the specific aim of keeping the Chinese down. It is important not to let them affect children, and how adults perceive of them.

We all know the unavoidable Karens, but there’s also the Ritas, and they are much worse and definitely more dangerous. Unfortunately we all trust them, due to a simple but simultaneously very sophisticated psychological trap.

And that trap is called trauma.

We all know those women who once had an eating disorder (think anorexia), and then later became “professional” diet coaches. Without any medical degree whatsoever. The Goop herself is a dangerous example.

She is the basic Rita with a capital “R.”

Given people diet tips while she barely eats anything.

Just weeks ago I read about this woman who is famous in The Netherlands, who proudly stopped drinking alcohol, and suddenly is a self-proclaimed anti-alcohol advocate. How convenient when the advocacy begins after you stopped using.

She also declared that she had had an alcohol problem for many years — although she never said a word about any problem before she quit. And nobody else did.

In hindsight, our problems always become much worse, since then our heroism (of quitting) becomes much greater. In my opinion, she might have had a problem, but that does not mean other people do.

Again: Rita with a capital “R.”

I even know a professional stillbirth coach. The woman in question has three healthy kids, but a fourth died at birth, and suddenly she became an expert — and not much later a paid professional — coaching couples who end up in the same situation. Without any psychological expertise.

But still, we believe such people, as if trauma makes us wiser, which it does not.

Having experienced trauma does not mean you can professionally help other people suffering from similar trauma.

Suffering from psychosis does not make you a psychologist. Suffering from anorexia in your childhood does not make you a diet coach in later life (while you still suffer from anorexia, by the way). Being a victim does not make you suited to be a professional guide.

Being a patient does not make you a doctor.

Expertise requires a much greater effort, much wider and deeper knowledge, much more theory and much more experience. It takes years and years and years of guided study. And Ritas can and will hurt vulnerable people even more (even if they think they are doing the right thing).

So please stop following Ritas, stop consulting them and stop paying them. Stop watching them, and stop reading them. They are using trauma for their own benefit, and they have no expertise whatsoever, whatever they say or believe.

You are not helped by Ritas such as Gwyneth Paltrow — you are abused.

“Rita” stands for Rather Ill-suited Trauma Adviser, by the way.

And although I coined the term myself, you do not have to pay.

This is Natasha Conabeer:

Another South African girl.

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She went missing on the 18th of August.

About 2 days ago, she was found outside her house. Her kidnappers drugged her, raped her and beat her. They broke every bone in her body, and they apparently scooped out her one eye. Then when they were done, they went and left her at home. She died on the 9th of September at the hospital.

This isn’t even all of them. Another woman was apparently dumped by a car in her neighborhood last week after being raped and killed. A 17 year old girl was shot dead by her boyfriend, who then killed himself afterwards. Another woman, just like Natasha, left for work in the morning and disappeared. When she was found, she was drugged and beaten. She died in the hospital. A man also killed 3 of his kids and his stepdaughter because their mother wanted to divorce him.

A 20-year-old boy called Nicholas Ninow raped a 7-year-old at a restaurant last year and they want to say he needs psychological help.

I am angry because the women in my country of South Africa are dying, but the only thing people are putting their energy on is being Xenophobic.

The other day, I had to work in a different shop. A man there that I don’t know and have never met, came and put his arms around my waist to hug me. I pushed him off. He asked me why. I told him I didn’t want him touching me. He flat out said “I have the right to touch you however I want to.” I’m not even exaggerating. Those were his words.

Gobble It Up Pot Pie

Yield: 4 to 6 servings

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  • 2 (15 ounce) cans mixed vegetables, drained
  • 1 pound (2 cup) cooked turkey, shredded
  • 1 (12 ounce) jar turkey gravy


  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/3 cup chopped onion
  • 1/3 cup chopped celery
  • 1 (6 ounce) package instant turkey stuffing mix
  • 1 2/3 cups water
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Filling: In large mixing bowl, combine vegetables, turkey and gravy; mix well.
  3. Pour into a greased 2-quart casserole.
  4. Topping: In skillet, melt butter.
  5. Add onion and celery and cook until tender.
  6. Add seasoning packet from stuffing mix and water. Bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
  7. Remove from heat; stir in stuffing. Cover and let stand for 5 minutes.
  8. Stir in dried cranberries.
  9. Spread stuffing evenly over vegetable mixture.
  10. Bake for 30 to 45 minutes, or until heated through.

Deeper Down The Western Elites’ Rabbit Hole

The US Trump Fever Dream

Matching the external fever dream of the US establishment is their internal Trump Fever Dream. Just as in the international area, every move the establishment takes seems to make their enemy, Trump, stronger. The completely unneeded raid on Trump’s Mar-el-Lago estate supposedly to go after “secret” papers ended up shining a light on the breaches of security by Biden with respect to “secret” papers and the partisan nature of the state; with no “gotcha” to discredit or imprison Trump. Now we have a New York district attorney who seems to have spent the last few years trying not to prosecute people while working overtime to find something, anything, on Trump to prosecute. As Elon Musk stated quite correctly, an indictment of Trump on this flimsy case that stretches the bounds of the law could bring Trump a landslide in 2024.

This inter-elite war, between the internationalist bourgeoisie who give little thought to a true reinvigoration of US manufacturing (that would significantly reduce their profits) or the US population (their response to the East Palestine eco-disaster displays this lack of caring, reminding us of Obama’s show of disdain with respect to the Flint water crisis of 2014 – watch the video, below, did he even sip that water?) and the domestic bourgeoisie who rely on domestic real estate, domestic extractive industries and what’s left of domestic manufacturing has ripped the mask of the US elite. The capitalist-controlled state and media which previously only aimed their wrath at the workers and economically leftist politicians, is now being used in an attempt to crush a capitalist domestic competitor. But after seven plus years of “Russia, Russia, Russia”, “Trump soft on Russia”, and “Trump is corrupt” and more generally “Trump Bad”, The Donald is the front-runner for the Republican nomination to run against Biden(?) in 2024.

Expect the US internationalist establishment to get more and more desperate as time goes on, Trump should stay away from open topped cars in any large spaces ending in “Plaza”. Their desperate acts may only expose them more and strengthen Trump more. If the establishment can awake from its Trump fever dream, we may see an “arrangement” where some senior Democrats are thrown to the wolves to protect the whole. Perhaps the Biden Crime Family plus a few others get thrown under the bus, with Biden himself conveniently non compos mentis. A Hunter show trial may serve to feed the retributive thirsts of the Trump supporters, while the lurid details of “Chinese interference and bribery” will serve to vilify China. The details of Ukrainian corruption could also be used as a smokescreen to exit the Ukrainian stupidity. The timing would also be good for the establishment to move on from their failure in Ukraine and focus fully on China; something that Trump would be happy to do. Let’s remember though, Trump is a billionaire capitalist who mimics a populist politician while really not giving a damn about the US people, what he really cares about is his domestic assets; and going after China.

A Ray of Light: Taiwan Now Only Recognized By 0.49% of the Global Population

El Salvador has now removed its recognition of Taiwan and accepted China as the true representative of all of China, including the province of Formosa. Only 12 of the tiniest of the 193 nations of the world now recognize Taiwan as an independent nation, with pretty much all of them being in the Caribbean (Guatemala, Haiti, Belize etc.), South America (Paraguay) or are Western-dominated tiny Pacific island nations (Marshall Islands, Palau, Tuvalu, Naura). Of course, this will do nothing to stop the US trying to stir up trouble with China over Taiwan, but it does help remove even more of the diplomatic cover, now if only Guatemala and Paraguay could do the same …


Xi Jinping Visit to Moscow

The ongoing tightening of the relationship between China and Russia continues onwards, driven by the Western elites’ rising fever dream. The formal visit of Xi to Moscow and the contents of the public announcements and press conferences show that China understands that its support for Russia is existential to both nations. The West cannot be allowed to divide and conquer, with an example of Chinese support being Russia’s move to #1 oil supplier to China ousting Saudi Arabia; so much for the Western attempts to control Russia’s oil exports. China (and India) will be the beneficiaries of Russian hydrocarbons rather than Europe; with ongoing work to expand Russia gas supplies to China through pipelines and LNG tankers.

It does seem that the Western elites thought that the ICC indictment of Putin would stop Xi travelling to Russia, perhaps that was even the main reason for the sudden indictment? The utterly delusional nature of this is evident to anyone outside the fever dream. They really thought that a China which is seeing increasing hostility from the West is going to undermine its biggest ally because of an indictment by the Western kangaroo court in The Hague? The Chinese snub of the ICC will play very well in Africa, with the West delivering a propaganda win for China outside the West. The utter delusions and hypocrisy of the Western elites is shown in their pathetic denunciations of Xi’s visit, while all their crimes are conveniently not investigated by the ICC. Russia will also have won in the non-West as it stands up to the ICC and moves to indict the ICC sock puppets involved in constructing this fact-challenged indictment. In his recent statement.

Secretary of State Blinken recently condemned the China visit to Russia, using the ICC ruling as flimsy support for his statements. He accused the Ethiopian government (the one that overthrew the Western puppet regime) of war crimes, reminding Africa of the games that the US plays in legitimizing its’ acts of aggression against those that will not say “uncle”; gold for the leaders who accept US dominance and lead for those that do not. The fact that the US State Department considers that it can judge the rest of the world on human rights, while being the biggest violator of them (Iraq, Rendition and Torture program, Occupation of Syria, mass imprisonment at home), shows utter hubris, hypocrisy, and mendacity.

With the tight alliance now including Iran and Belarus, and China and Russia’s influence spreading throughout the non-Western world (e.g. their negotiating of a peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia) and the Ukraine war going Russia’s way, time is on their side. The rumoured peace deal being negotiated by Russia between Turkey, Iran and Syria would underline the very significant loss of influence for the West in the MENA region.

In the area of foreign relations, the relative size of official foreign visits can tell us a lot. The Brazilian President’s visit to the US was spartan, while the upcoming trip to China is much bigger: with a very large business contingent. Brazil is open for business with China. Although Lula has to tread carefully it seems with respect to the Ukraine war belligerents (although short of implementing sanctions) he is carefully balancing between the West and non-West while understanding the inevitable decline of the former with respect to the latter.

The reception for Chinese and Russian visits to Africa has also been visibly warmer than that for Western delegations; with Macron being treated with relative disdain. Neocolonial bullies only apologize when they have been severely beaten, and Macron’s speech promising “profound humility” toward Africa (although perhaps just propaganda) is a statement of France’s much weakened position in that continent. Below are a couple of excellent presentations by Cyrus Janssen covering why the US is losing its’ position in Africa and Latin America; in two words – arrogance and hubris.


All fuel for the Western fever dream, which will only intensify the China, Russia, Belarus, Iran alliance, and force other nations to pick a side. They will tend to pick the side they see winning, and that is increasingly not the West.







This is Tshegofatso Pule.

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She was 8 months pregnant. She went missing on Thursday, 4 June. She was last seen on security footage being accompanied by her boyfriend to an unknown car that she left in. On June 8th, she was found killed.

South Africa is a very dangerous place.

The Grand Strategy: Kissinger & Rockefeller Scheme to Transfer Wealth & Industry to China

Written by Radix Verum
April 10, 2020 at 1:26 pm

April 10, 2020 – The Coronavirus has exposed the Globalist neo-liberal World Order for what it is: a system designed to transfer wealth from the many into the hands of a few in order to dominate the rest of the world and protect their monopolistic power.


Author Antony Sutton claims Wall Street funded not only the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, but the rise of Nazi Germany and Hitler as well as international Communism.

Here is a telling quote from Sutton’s book, “The Best Enemy Money Can Buy” (1986):

By using data of Russian origin it is possible to make an accurate analysis of the origins of this equipment. It was found that all the main diesel and steam-turbine propulsion systems of the ninety-six Soviet ships on the Haiphong supply run [to the North Vietnamese] that could be identified (i.e., eighty-four out of the ninety-six) originated in design or construction outside the USSR. We can conclude, therefore, that if the [U.S.] State and Commerce Departments, in the 1950s and 1960s, had consistently enforced the legislation passed by Congress in 1949, the Soviets would not have had the ability to supply the Vietnamese War – and 50,000 more Americans and countless Vietnamese would be alive today.

Who were the government officials responsible for this transfer of known military technology? The concept originally came from National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, who reportedly sold President Nixon on the idea that giving military technology to the Soviets would temper their global territorial ambitions. How Henry arrived at this gigantic non sequitur is not known. Sufficient to state that he aroused considerable concern over his motivations. Not least that Henry had been a paid family employee of the Rockefellers since 1958 and has served as International Advisory Committee Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, a Rockefeller concern. – Skull and Bones, Antony Sutton & Bankrolling the Enemy

It is a bizarre strategy indeed to engage in trading and doing business with an enemy, especially when that enemy is engaged in egregious human rights abuses.

Here is a conversation between President Richard Nixon and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger about Chairman Mao Zedong from February, 1972:

While discussing Nixon’s trip to China, Kissinger said, “Your trip [his upcoming historic trip to China] can change the whole future of the world.” Nixon and Kissinger then went on to speculate as to why Mao and the Chinese wanted to open relations with the Americans. What is most striking is the lack of critical thinking regarding the true intentions of China.

Dick Eastman of 21st Century Wire details this turn of events in an article entitled “US Middle Class Still Suffering from Rockefeller Kissinger Industrial Transfer Scheme to China“:

When Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller met with Zhou Enlai in China in 1973—just after President Richard Nixon had visited China establishing official relations—an understanding was reached whereby the U.S. would supply industrial capital and know-how to China.

In return Kissinger-connected corporations would gain the monopolistic advantage of low-cost labor production which could out-compete all U.S. domestic industry.

The comparative advantage gained was being able to hire Chinese laborers who were ready to work hard at exceedingly low cost—with no drugs, no alcohol, a strong work ethic, no unions, no paid benefits and weak environmental standards. And with such a large labor pool, burned out workers could simply be replaced. This gave the Rockefeller/Kissinger corporations a major edge over their domestic U.S. competitors who had to pay relatively high wages, high regulation costs, deal with union strikes and collective bargaining etc.

Of course, the American consumer did not see greatly lowered prices commensurate with such greatly lowered labor costs. The $19.99 plastic action-figure toy marketed with a Hollywood movie still cost $19.99 even though it cost $12 to $15 to produce in the U.S. but less than $2.00 per copy to produce in China and transport to America’s West Coast container ports for distribution throughout America.

The consumer paid pretty much the old prices but the corporations split the monopoly profit with China’s Princelings since it did not take much of a lowering of prices to drive high-wage, high-benefit, contracted-labor domestic corporations out of business (not to mention the environmental and workplace safety regulations with which domestic companies were saddled).  Then, Wal-Mart became a near-monopoly retailer that increased and reinforced the widespread selling of these off-shore manufactures.

Thus, America’s domestic producers were not simply being bested on one or another area of production; they were being bested across the entire spectrum of manufactured goods that American buy. It was anticipated that these domestic firms would fail, and their failure was hastened by the banks maintaining a deflationary domestic economy in the U.S. throughout the post Rockefeller-Kissinger-Zhou buildup of China and the degrading of American domestic manufacturing. – 21st Century Wire

Just as author Antony Sutton described, this was a way for the ruling class to gain a foothold and monopoly at the expense of the American middle class who saw all manufacturing sent overseas. The Coronavirus pandemic has exposed how damaging a policy this was, as America had become reliant on our adversaries like China. All while China is engaging in a military doctrine called “unrestricted warfare” that it is waging against us as part of their China 2050 grand strategy.

Take a look at some of Chairman Mao’s western handlers. Take for example, Israel Epstein and Sidney Shapiro, both of whom come from the west, with Shapiro having been trained by the US Army. Israel Epstein was Mao’s propagandist for the west, and we have to wonder if there is any familial relation to Jeffrey Epstein:

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Were these men working on behalf of the central bankers? Most likely. But that will be explored further in a separate article.

We see a similar pattern with the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia: it was planned, financed and instigated by a small group of men in New York, acting on behalf of the international bankers. As Antony Sutton described in Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution:


We can conclude that the rise of China was not so much organic, as it was engineered by the same people and their philosophical heirs who have orchestrated other “cultural revolutions” in the past and then enforced socialism/ communism on the people. The Asia Society has described this same thing on their website:


You can click on each box and read how China was shaped very much by western bankers. Transmissions Media has produced a thorough breakdown of some of the more recent instigated “changes” in regard to China.



This timeline describes a plan for the destruction of America and the takeover by China as the new superpower that will impose the will of the international banking community. According to the author, the World Trade Organization was key to this, while perhaps the UN was the distraction.

Researcher T. Jack Mulcaire has done an incredible job detailing the Rockefeller family introduction into China that began with John D. Rockefeller, Sr.:

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The Rockefellers made the United States of America dependent on China. That should send a chill down the spine of any reader, considering China’s horrific human rights abuses.

T. Jack Mulcaire claims:

The Rockefeller dynasty is more responsible for the creation of the twin-engined US-China financial system than any other group of people. The family saw China’s potential as a market early on. John D. Rockefeller Sr., the family’s patriarch and founder of the Standard Oil monopoly empire, sold his first kerosene to China in 1863 and made his first charitable donation to Christian missionary efforts in China that same year. Commerce and philanthropy would come to define the next several decades of Rockefeller engagement in China. The synergy between trade and charity was strong and definitely intentional.

Rockefeller philanthropic institutions and biographers have portrayed the family’s interest in China during the early 20th century as a hobby, driven by nothing more than an idle fascination with Chinese culture and history and a generic desire to ‘do good’. But when we look at the activities of their commercial empire in China during this time, it’s clear that they were investing, not just donating. You don’t get to be the richest man in the history of the world, with a family fortune equal to about 1.5% of total annual US economic output, unless you’re always looking for an angle. During the early decades of the 20th century, the United States was transitioning to a coal-generated electric power grid. But China was desperately poor and would not be electrified for decades. The country was a market of 400 million people who mostly relied on vegetable oil lamps to light their nights.

The Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil monopoly, which was the largest company in the world at that time, made large capital investments to capture that market and provide ‘Oil for the Lamps of China‘. The company gave away at least 8 million new kerosene lamps, branded with the ‘Mei Foo’ name under which Standard Oil sold kerosene in the Chinese market, and sold millions more at ultra low prices, to create a demand for Standard Oil kerosene.

The Standard Oil presence in East Asia was the largest American direct investment in the region prior to World War II. Although the company was broken up in 1911 due to anti-trust action, the family retained control of most of its constituent parts and operations in China were not affected.  Stanvac, the company’s main operating subsidiary in China, owned hundreds of river vessels to bring its products to market in China’s interior, including 13 large tankers. After 1932, Standard took a hit to its market share by entering into a voluntary market allocation agreement with Royal Dutch Shell, Texaco and the Soviet owned Kwang-Ha oil company, but China remained an important market for the Rockefeller petroleum empire.

Concurrently with this massive investment of capital and expansion of operations in China, the Rockefeller family’s philanthropic institutions were spending lavishly in the country. Rockefeller funded philanthropic institutions spent tens of millions of dollars in China between 1900 and the Second World War. Rockefeller money created the China Medical Board and Peking Union Medical College, which essentially introduced modern Western medicine to China, as an adjunct to a concurrent effort by Rockefeller-funded organizations to totally transform the American health system. The Foundation’s attempted a  total transformation of the lives of hundreds of millions of rural Chinese peasants, by introducing modern technological agriculture methods via the North China Council for Rural Reconstruction. The agricultural program was cut short by the Japanese invasion in 1937, but over the course of the 20th century, the Rockefeller Foundation would dedicate well over $1 billion to ‘change China’. – T. Jack Mulcaire

Could this be why we see China following the Rockefeller Foundation “Lockstep” playbook during this Coronavirus outbreak? There certainly is evidence that the bankers are still very much banking on the Chinese elites. CNN Money reported in 2016 for example, that JP Morgan Chase had been fined for hiring the children of China’s elites to gain access to deals. This is called pay-to-play.


This is all part of the Kissinger-Rockefeller Grand Strategy of building up China while systematically destroying America.

Bush was also connected to China according to an article entitled “Skull & Bones: The Bush China Connection” that also explains how Mao attended a Yale Divinity School were he was groomed.

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It is not a coincidence that people like Bush and Rockefeller have generational ties to China.

In fact, after the death of David Rockefeller, Jr., China Daily published a 10-page eulogy and memorial that detailed how “important” Rockefeller was in shaping modern China. The article entitled “Rockefeller Family’s Connections to China” reports some incredible things:

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Robert Blackwell, a Kissinger Fellow and member of the Council of Foreign Relations recently wrote a paper entitled “U.S. Grand Strategy Towards China” which illustrates that the same elites are trying to mold current policy.

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Henry Kissinger recently gave an interview to The Atlantic, which is a NATO think tank that attempts to re-form America into the image of the European Union. Take a look at the symbolism:

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The title of it “World Chaos and World Order” is a reference to those in the know, about the infamous Masonic “order out of chaos” motto. This centuries-long plan by these international bankers is not over at all. I believe that Kissinger deceived Nixon who did not understand what was intended in opening up relations with China. Nixon believed that the Chinese people would see the value in freedom and “free trade.”

It’s been speculated that this is why Kissinger and Rockefeller instigated the Watergate coup against Nixon—a frame-up with John Dean and Kissinger as the real “Deep Throats,” by my deductions from public information. Was this so that the Rockefeller/Kissinger plans for China’s industrialization and America’s de-industrialization could proceed unopposed? Exactly that certainly did occur after Nixon resigned to avoid a constitutional crisis that would hinder the proper working of government.

If so, what does that say about the current and still on-going coup attempts against President Trump? He clearly is not following their script. That is one thing for which we can be most grateful.

Pork Loin Cordon Bleu

2023 03 19 17 53
2023 03 19 17 53


  • 8 thinly sliced pork loins
  • 8 slices boiled ham
  • 8 slices Swiss cheese
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup chicken stock
  • 1 small shallot, diced
  • 1/2 cup Pere Magloire Calvados


  1. With a rolling pin, pound each pork loin 3 times. On 4 pieces of pork, place a slice of ham and a slice of cheese and top with another piece of pork. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  2. In a large pan, heat the olive oil over medium high heat. Reduce to a simmer and cook the pork for about 1 1/2 minutes on each side.
  3. Add the shallot and cook for another minute.
  4. Next, add the chicken stock and place in the oven for 6 minutes at 300 degrees F.
  5. Serve immediately.

This is Naledi Phangindawo.

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She was murdered by the father of her kids. He was apparently abusive, and she tried leaving him so he killed her. South Africa. Very dangerous place.

King Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor was one of the most powerful entities in Medieval Christian Europe. He fought against the Turks and founded “The Order of The Dragon”, a society committed to keeping Christian Europe free from Islamic rule. He was also a total hottie.

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Now my dude Sigismund was known for being a total, all-around badass. He was super intelligent, spoke like 7 languages, campaigned against Venetians, drank booze out of a giant gold and jewel encrusted horn, and all that other badass stuff. Nobody dared question his intellect… that was, of course, until the day.

Sigismund was holding a counsel to settle the Western Schism, which is just a fancy word for “there were 3 different dudes trying to convince everyone that they were The Real Pope™ and nobody knew who to believe”. Not good because The Pope had a lot of power in the Middle Ages and was basically a Super Holy King (A.K.A “The Mac Daddy”).

So during one of those counsel meetings my dude Sigismund was just up there killin’ it. Speakin’ Latin. All that Medieval shit. When all of a motherfucking sudden there was a cardinal, a representative of The Catholic Church, who decided to interrupt Sigismund and tell him that his Latin was weak af.

That’s right. They straight up Grammar Nazi’d The Holy Roman Emperor and oh ho ho boy — he did not like that shit. So he reached into the depths of his magical, fur capped head and pulled out this sick burn;

“I am The King of the Romans — I am above grammar.”


He needs some milk.

get wreck’d nerd

Indeed, we live within a power hierarchy where only a few dozen families control the world and do whatever they wish for themselves. It seems as if they have limitless abilities with their power, as they limit humanity from obtaining true information, acquiring certain medication, normal food and cheaper energy that we could have long used instead of oil. They act based on their egoistic pursuits and position.

We are powerless to create any different kind of order in our world unless we rise to a degree of connection where we start feeling the positive forces dwelling in nature, which are currently concealed from us. We will then exit this power structure we find ourselves in. These few families cannot stand in the way of nature’s governance and limit our world in its positive form of development.

The wisdom of Kabbalah calls these people in power “angels.” The Kabbalistic meaning of “angels” is completely different to the way most people think about that word. “Angels” means certain forces that are under the complete control of the upper force, and these ones in question function as a shadow of our flaws.

If we positively connect in a way that adapts us to the positive forces of nature—forces of love, bestowal and connection—we neutralize negative forms of control over us. For the time being, however, while we remain detached in our egoistic connections, each one pulling their own way, then it is as if we sustain those few families’ power. In other words, we ourselves are their power source, and we create the conditions for their existence.

Therefore, our progress to a harmonious and peaceful future depends on our transformation to positively connect. When we do so, we will feel the powers over us operating out of absolute love and care—an attitude that will grant everyone access to the most powerful, boundless and perfect form of fulfillment.

5 things a narcissistic pervert will never tell you!

What are the things that a narcissistic pervert will never tell me? What does the manipulator hide from me? How to understand a narcissistic pervert?

The manipulative narcissistic pervert hides all sorts of things from you, often to prevent you from escaping from his grip.

He especially does not want you to succeed in getting into his head in order to understand his real game. Indeed, it is totally possible to recognize the weaknesses of the narcissistic pervert.

Learn to detect the signs quickly and you will be able to destroy the narcissistic pervert.

  1. The narcissistic pervert is completely dependent on you.

He would feel a great inner emptiness without your presence and would go completely crazy, as if all of a sudden his precious treasure disappeared.

If this were to happen, he would be alone with himself and would even be very afraid of it. For the NP, you are his favorite prey!

  1. He would like to be like you and have your qualities.

The manipulator is extremely jealous of the extraordinary person that you are. He is jealous of your qualities that he will probably never have.

Often, they keep you in their grip to take away all the good in you since their jealousy is too intense. You must learn to protect your value from this toxic person.

  1. The Narcissistic Pervert Manipulator wants to own you and is desperate to control you.

He is constantly in need of controlling you. It is in his nature and if he were to lose control, he would fear being controlled by you.

  1. He has the mind of a very spoiled child.

A narcissistic pervert is not a responsible adult. The actions and mindset of this personality are exactly that of a child king.

  1. If they can’t keep you, they will easily replace you.

As you know, the NP doesn’t want to be alone and is desperate for a prey to fill an inner void. It’s as if he lives and breathes for the simple purpose of destroying others.


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On May 7th he requested for a 21 day Holiday to go to Hong Kong for Traditional Medicine Treatment for Epilepsy.

On May 13th 2014, Snowden wrote to the Ministry of State Security in China and the FSB in Russia requesting for Asylum.

He gave 10 IP addresses to each Country monitored by the NSA as an initial offer of Asylum

The US promptly decided to extradite him from Hong Kong

Enter Robert Libbo & Ong Boon Keong

US filed three immediate requests :-

  • Provisional Arrest Immediately
  • If not Provisional arrest, at least Confinement in his Hotel Room
  • Monitoring all his activities

Sadly for US, China had got the IP Addresses and were Furious!!!!

Two Chinese Big Shots from the CPC visited HK and left a day later

HK said – Sorry!!!! We cannot arrest him or monitor his activities!!! Send your Extradition request within 30 days

Chinese Officials from the Singapore Consulate met Snowden and Snowden gave them over 278 GB of Data across 4 80 GB Support Disks. It contained many many many monitored IP addresses and protocol routes.

A Pro West Judge was slated to hear the case but 1 hour before the first hearing – He was so terrified by someone who called him that he mysteriously took a 14 day recuperation and the case moved to a devout pro chinese Judge – a Lady who refused everything to the US and openly told HK authorities to arrest anyone who entered the Mira Hotel without permission- diplomacy be damned

By the time US used Political clout – Snowden vanished. He moved to Kowloon to some Refugee apartment and the Pro Chinese Judge exempted him from any appearance.

The Technicalities

The US sent a formal extradition request and Lackey HK politicians dutifully endorsed it to the court.

Our Pro Chinese Judge promptly rejected it on grounds of:-

—Error in listen name

-Social Security Document not a valid proof of ID in HK and Passport details are mismatched

This was true. The Request was so hurried that the Name and Passport were botched up.

However China of 2013 wasnt the China of 2022. The Mainland Authorities knew eventually they would have to kowtow to US and send Snowden to US unless they invaded HK.

So they tipped off Snowden who moved to the Russian Consulate in HK

Snowden throws a Brilliant Curveball

Snowden applied to 21 Nations for Asylum knowing fully well he would go only to China. Later he changed to Russia after advise from the Chinese.

Snowden used the NSA tracking against them by making 20 calls to the Bolivian consulate in HK and talking to the Bolivian Ministry.

Everyone believed he would make for the Bolivian consulate.

Unlike Assange, Snowden wasnt an Idiot who trusted the Western System knowing they were all prostitutes of USA long ago.

Nobody looked at Russia

It was China or Bolivia.

Meanwhile HK authorities passed an order forbidding Snowden to leave by Air if he presented his passport

China makes the last call

Again China made a call and the order was revoked on Human Rights grounds and was called for somewhere in Mid June 2014

Snowden left 2 hours after it was revoked and well before US State Department could respond.

By the time the US State Department responded, Snowden was Long Gone and was in Moscow where Asylum was granted in a record 40 minutes pending a hearing scheduled 11 months later.

So it was China who ensured that Snowden never got caught or extradited

They however knew that they could not bring Snowden to Beijing and risk so much Political Pressure, so they orchestrated his movement to Russia and subsequently demanded details from the US on their spying that US simply could not give.


Today Snowden is a Russian Citizen

What happened in China next

The Great Firewall was enhanced and every single Protocol was destroyed

China amended the law to exempt Personal Security to US Equipment Server Engineers – Two Engineers who were arrested on grounds of spying were beaten so badly in custody that the rest fled China in sheer terror.

Over 500 Equipment Contracts with US were decimated

China demanded newer Security Agreements and told a Facebook Engineer who was arrested how they would target their families

It was literally a Mafia Moment in China

US Security Experts in China were so frightened that they all fled China and their equipment was seized and destroyed.

US didnt protest because they were caught with their pants down

Israels entire Surveilance system was compromised in Iran and Five Iranians were executed and their families disappeared

Israel and US lost a Massive Surveillance Behemoth in the Region

Snowden was easily Chinas Greatest Patriot

Without him imagine?

China would never have set up counter surveillance on US and created their Great Firewall and protected itself from Malicious Western Impacts.

This is a white guy’s perspective. Please don’t beat me to death.

Mom stayed at home. Dad went to work.

There were more, and better paying jobs out there for men who came back from the wars because there was less competition (not from working women)

So the Dads brought home the bacon and Moms cooked it.

There were Black and White TV’s in mid 50’s. No dishwashers (only Mom). We were ahead of the game and had a washer AND a dryer in the basement.

Got our first color TV in 64. Same year my mom, who was 46 got her driver’s license and first car. It was also the same year I was mugged as a 16 year old and hospitalized for a shattered nose and fractured skull (this was in a Good Neighborhood) on the S.W. side of Chicago.

This is the street corner where I was mugged.

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So it seemed to be simpler.

4 TV channels which went off about midnight.

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No internet, ping pong in the rec room, BBQ’s every weekend at a different house in the neighborhood.

Baseball in the park.

Good Humor Ice Cream trucks.

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Door to door salesman.

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The Milkman. Edit 10/5/2019 – They still exist! I met one today, didn’t look like this guy, but it seems that they have evolved, still delivering to retail outlets, BUT he does deliver milk and cream to people who are shut-in’s because of a disability.

That sort of surprised me. Enjoy.

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Friendly streets.

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That’s what I remember and why it seemed to be simpler. The homes on this street are at least 67 years old, the age of the red brick 1 story house where I grew up (photo from 2018).

Maybe life seemed simpler than it really was. 🙂

EDIT: I want to thank the thousands of you who feel the same, and understand what happened when you read this post, and upvoted me.

It also dawned on me that I did not reference a lecture I had seen about the evolution about our information OVERLOAD.

Simply, in the 1800’s we only made a few decisions a day, Plow the front 40 or the back 40. kill and dress a chicken or a pig for dinner, THIS WHITE SHIRT OR THAT WHITE SHIRT for Sunday Church.

Today we make THOUSANDS of decisions AN HOUR.

The process of typing this edit meant I had to think, phrase and actually perform thousand+ keystrokes, just for this message.

Yep, life was easier when we didn’t have computers, IPads, SMART watches and SMART PHONES or 1000 TV Channels with 999 different opinions.

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The volume of information and decisions that we need to make every day is outpacing the evolution capability of our 30 Million year old brains.

Thanks again for reading!

Edit Christmas Day 2019.

One thing I just remembered today was when I was little, we did not have a fireplace in the house that you can see in the picture above. So I would go to the front door, and not only unlock the door, but open it slightly. My parents tried to tell me that when Santa couldn’t find a chimney to come down, he had a master key and came in.

But I did not believe them. In my mind I was only slightly taller than the door knob. So I would open the door, and then go to bed. But in the middle of the night after my parents went to bed, I would check the front door. It was always closed, so I opened it again, maybe just 1/2 inch. I would leave the cookies and milk next to a chair right by the door. While there was a storm door, the house would get still get cold, most Christmases were snow free, but still cold in Chicago.

My parents figured it out, because the milk and cookies were always gone, and the door was always closed when I got up.

Deep Dish Hamburger Pie

2023 03 19 17 52
2023 03 19 17 52


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 can green beans
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Ketchup
  • 2 cups mashed potatoes
  • 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese


  1. Brown the meat and add your seasonings.
  2. Stir in enough ketchup to suit your taste.
  3. Add green beans and stir in well.
  4. Place this mixture in a casserole dish and top with the mashed taters and then top that with the cheese.
  5. Bake at 350 degrees F until heated through and cheese is browned.

China’s Governance Gap

‘First, enrich the people’ – Confucius

When I was 10, my parents signed me and my younger siblings up for the Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Kids Birthday Club. Basically, I gave Krispy Kreme my address and birth month and they would send me a coupon for a free dozen doughnuts every year on my birth month until I aged out of their Kids Club at age 12— ‘cause this is just for kids, OK?

Sweet deal.

But Krispy Kreme forgot to ask for the year in my birthday. They have no clue how old I am.

So I’m now almost 25, and I’ve been a member of the Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Kids Birthday Club for 15 years. That’s a 180 free doughnuts for me, plus another 180 for my sister and 180 for my brother.

540 free doughnuts.

They’ve since closed the loophole to new signups— first you had to list your full birthday down to the year to join the Krispy Kreme Kids club (which they temporarily and unfortunately called “KKK”

, no joke), and now they don’t even offer it. Adults can sign up to get one single donut on their birthday and some special days (tax day, Halloween, National Doughnut Day), but that’s it.

Will anyone at Krispy Kreme ever notice that I’ve been “under age 12” for 15 years? Tune in next year to find out.

Edit 2018: Nope, didn’t notice yet.

Edit 2019: More donuts.

Edit 2020: Happy donut day!

Edit 2021: Still more donuts.

Edit 2022: Congratulations to me, I’ve been “under 12” for 19 years! Can we get to an even 20?

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My husband has severe anxiety and panic attacks. He decided to get him an emotional support animal. My husband loves cats, so we decided to get a kitten. I called the local rescue and was put in touch with the kitten foster mom. When I talked to her, I told her that we were looking for a kitten that was calm and would tend to be a lap kitty. She said she had the perfect one. It was a kitten named Sadie.

We went to see the kittens. The foster mom had two large rooms with about 20 kittens. She brought a black and white kitten to my husband. This was Sadie. My husband petted her but soon she jumped down and was off playing with the others.

Then this lanky blond kitten crawled into my husband’s lap. He purred like crazy. My husband fell in love with this kitten. The foster mom said she wasn’t sure that this kitten would be a good match for us. He was always play fighting and getting in trouble. She had named him Scrappy because of his feisty personality.

My husband had made up his mind, so we took Scrappy home. We had thought of different names that we liked. The kitten became Marley before we even got home.

Our Marley has been an angel. He has helped my husband so much. Marley always knows when my husband needs him. He will cuddle up close to my husband and purr. Since Marley came to live with us about 8 months ago, my husband has not had a bad panic attack and his anxiety is better. We love our “Scrappy” kitten named Marley.

Marley petting my husband.

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