I want to start this new year off softly.
It is, by most accounts, going to be rather rough if you live in the West.
The key, as always is to be the Rufus. Do your affirmation campaigns, and do not panic by reading the “news”.
There are massive global Geo-political realignments going on, and the evil psychopaths in the United States are going to get desperate. But, the ‘adults int he room” won’t allow them to “toss the entire game board in the air”. So don’t worry.
Be frosty and alert.
What Is Doctor Assisted Death Like?
An immediate family member last year was diagnosed with bronchiolitis obliterans (popcorn lungs) with an unknown cause to it. It is something that is not curable. As someone who was a daily part of my life it was hard to watch the condition progress.
His condition progressively got worse and he was transferred to a palativcare physicality a couple of weeks ago. He wasn’t happy living the way he was living and slowly dying. The doctors discussed with him the option of assisted death… something he did not know about, and myself I thought was still not finalized in Canada yet, so it was a surprise to hear this.
After a long discussion with the family and doctors, he signed the papers a week ago to start the process. He wanted to end his life and do away with the suffering and the suffering to come.
So yesterday (Saturday) afternoon was the scheduled day for this to happen. The day started like any other for him… he was very upbeat, laughing, and smiling. All of his close love ones we’re around that morning. We spent hours talking, playing crib, and going through some old memories.
Around 2PM the doctors came into the room, I almost fainted once it dawned on me that it was time – I felt dizzy but I stuck through it. It was even harder to see my kids go through the emotions of it.
What I’m about to describe from here-on-out is very surreal… the doctors sat down next to him in the chair and asked if he was ready to begin the process. He instantly said he was. The doctors then put two ports into his veins, gave him a relaxant and made his recliner comfortable. She explained the first needle he would get would be a heavy anesthesia, which would take him under within seconds, a second needle to numb any pain because the rest of the needles would be nerve-killing, and without it, he would feel a burning sensation. She explained to him it would be just like falling asleep. They then left the room and told us we had as much time as we needed before they would begin.
We all said our goodbyes and shared some final moments through his tears and ours. We agreed we didn’t want to prolong the process and make it any harder, so he had the doctors come back in about 2:30PM.
They carried in roughly 8 needles and laid them on the table next to him. We all stood around him and held his hands. The doctor sat next to him again and put the first needle into the port and asked him if he was sure he still wanted to go ahead with this process.
He said “Yes my love, do it” – my mind was racing when he said this, a rollercoaster of emotions came over me as he grabbed our hands tight and the doctor pushed the needle in. Within seconds you could see his expression change to a relaxing state, he started to mumble some stuff about where he lived… the doctor told us this is the needle kicking in. She then pushed in the second needle right after and he was still grabbing our hands. She then pumped in the remaining milk-looking needles (which I assume was for the nerves). His grip got a little loose, he closed his eyes, and his breathing slowed down. I can’t fathom the time this took… it was like everything was a standstill, but it seemed about 30 seconds, and his breathing and heart then stopped and it was over.
It tears me up writing this out today but I wanted to share my experience going through it and get awareness out there for this option, if any of your family members are terminally-ill, this is an option for them. I have so much respect for the bravery it takes for someone to go through this process – to sit there and have your life taken away, it takes a special kind of person.
I want to thank this great above-and-beyond civilized country for having this option available to him yesterday and I hope my story can help ease some minds about what the process involves. Its truly peaceful for the patient to go through.
Chicken Etouffee

- 1/2 cup butter*
- 2 cups chopped onions
- 1 1/2 cups chopped bell pepper
- 1 1/2 cups celery, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
- 1 (14 ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained
- 1 cup chicken broth
- 2 (10 3/4 ounce) cans condensed cream of chicken soup, undiluted
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 1 1/2 teaspoons black pepper
- 1 1/2 teaspoons white pepper
- 2 pounds boneless chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces
- 1 cup finely chopped parsley
- Cooked rice (optional)
* To reduce fat, butter may be reduced by half.
- Melt butter in a large skillet over low heat. Add onions, bell pepper, celery, garlic and sauté until vegetables soften and begin to release their juices, about 6 minutes.
- Add tomatoes with their liquid and chicken broth. Simmer for 5 minutes.
- Add cream of chicken soup and stir until smooth.
- Stir in salt, black and white peppers and chicken pieces. Cover and simmer over low heat for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.
- Stir in parsley and serve over rice if desired.
Women And Cats: Contemporary Bijinga Paintings By Kazuho Imaoka

The tradition of bijinga (美人画, “beautiful person picture”) is said to have originated in Kyoto around the mid-Edo period as an art form that portrayed not only external beauty, but inner beauty. The style continued to evolve through the Meiji and Taisho periods of Japanese modernity but now, a group of young Kyoto-based painters are taking the genre and adding a fresh coat of paint. One of those is Kazuho Imaoka.

Born in Osaka in 1991, Kazuho Imaoka studied at Seian University of Art and Design in Shiga prefecture. Her portraits feature woman, and in many cases, their cats, combined with an emphasis on fashion and textiles.

Imaoka has said that her subjects are often linked in someway to herself, and that she attempts to convey the unspoken emotions of women living in society. The young artist’s portraits are unmistakably contemporary, but she has a way of connecting the past to the present, perhaps through a successful transmission of inner beauty.

4 Guys Reveal What Its Like To Go Through A Nasty Divorce
1. I suspect everything would have worked a lot better for me had I not married a person with an extreme personality disorder. Sadly, people don’t come with those sort of markings, and she hid her nature pretty carefully before the marriage.
I got served on a Friday after 5pm when I came home to a nearly empty house. She cleaned out our joint accounts, I had nothing to hire a lawyer with even had there been one available on a weekend. If there are free resources for men facing divorce in my area, I could not find them.
She took the children, all of their clothes, toys, books, and furniture (excepting a bed for each child). I didn’t have any idea where my kids were until the following Tuesday. She left no note, she and her family would not answer the phone.
My ex refused to negotiate on anything. Because my kids are young and she was a “stay at home mom” I got very little consideration on custody issues. No one batted an eyelash when my ex withheld the kids from me, or when she cleaned out our joint accounts.
I paid for all of the lawyers involved, directly or indirectly. The way she took the money from our shared accounts made it nearly impossible to recover anything. Pretty soon I was a paycheck with support obligations and bills that kept me with negative cash flow for 6 months. I made too much to file for bankruptcy, but not enough to cover everything.
I never had an issue with paying child or spousal support. They way they calculated it wasn’t fair, but what can you do? I had lots of issues with getting access to the kids. After the divorce, she ignored most of the items in the final decree, I couldn’t call my kids and she kept me in the dark about school, medical, and after school activities. Had I failed to pay support, an organization would have come after me. When she refused to comply with the divorce decree, I had nothing. To get traction, I would have to go back to court, which I couldn’t afford.
It was brutal. I don’t remember long stretches of the last two years. I held myself together, stayed employed, and cared for my kids when I had them.
I don’t think men in a marriage with a stay at home mom understand how vulnerable they are. I would never consider such an arrangement again, under any circumstance.
2. My divorce was brutal. My ex cheated on me (7x) and when I filed, she instantly started crying that I beat her, playing the helpless blonde card at every turn, crying at the drop of a hat, how there was no way she could possibly support herself (with 2 multiple degrees and a job history). She pushed for 100% custody of the kids and made me pay through the nose for every moment I got to spend with them. She took most of my retirement and made me pay all her legal fees. Everytime I pushed back, she painted me as abusive and misogynist and the judge (a woman) gave her what she wanted.
I ended up with 45% custody of the kids (after a year-long fight), a year of my salary in legal fee debts, no house, and no retirement. She then proceeded to give the kids every single thing they wanted (let my 14 year old daughter sleep with her 19 year old boyfriend in her house) to try to woo them over to her, which backfired horribly and ended up alienating the kids to her completely. When that didn’t work, she took a fireplace iron to my son and ended up being committed, which was where her BPD (borderline personality disorder) was diagnosed.
Now, 10 years later, I’ve not spoken to her in 4 years, the boys despise her, and her daughter is realizing how crazy she was.
3. I was married to a verbally abusive women who broke me financially when I divorced her. I seriously believe that she didn’t even want all that she got, she just wanted to see me suffer.
I’m happy to hear you got away clean but I don’t know a single man personally who has. You said that the mother of your kids has been very reasonable. The mother of mine was awarded custody and I was allowed to visit at her home twice a week for one hour. I have no criminal record or violent history. When I would visit she would bitch at me from the time I rang the doorbell until the time I left. She also has had a vastly higher standard of living with the child support and alimony I was forced to give her for a marriage that was less than 2 years and would flaunt it incessantly.
She tricked a different guy into marrying her right after we divorced by faking a pregnancy. Then when she got married to him she did the same shit to him except with two more kids.
I was able to get the alimony stopped after she remarried but had to pay out the nose through the entire divorce process and until she remarried. I had to work two jobs to pay her off and had to live rent free with a friend until it stopped. She still makes a killing in child support which is only used marginally on the kids.
4. My ex-wife had an affair. While the court would not recognize it despite the testified evidence of numerous late night phone calls to his place of work, the suspicious “picnic lunches” at a location hours away from town, etc, an affair took place for almost a year.
Without knowing all of this at the time, she asked me for a divorce and then wanted full custody of our children, despite the devotion and involvement I was and am in their lives.
That being said, my ex-wife hired an unethical attorney, who believed in a scorched earth policy to ensure his client was awarded the bulk of the estate and the hours he billed were astronomical.
At trial, I was portrayed as a horrible husband and person, which is the farthest from the truth. The “spin” the attorney put on day-to-day aspects of life in order to make one out to be “the bad guy” was mind boggling and eye-opening to how the family court system is truly flawed.
The unethical tactics and manipulation my ex-wife allowed her attorney to do in court was unconscionable, all to achieve money.
The judge in my trial clearly did not understand the concept of pre-tax and after-tax assets and awarded my ex-wife approximately 85+% of the assets acquired during the marriage, in addition to enormous amounts of alimony and child support for 16 years although I was not married that long.
Given this huge amount of money she was receiving, I was still ordered to pay for everything for the children (private schools, clothes, sports/extra cirricular, trips, supplies, etc….everything!). I was also ordered to secure a life insurance policy for millions and name her as beneficiary.
This “alimony sentence” I was given through my early 60’s, has prohibited me to save for retirement and continue to live the life I would like with my new wife, yet the judge ordered me to keep her in the life to which SHE was “accustomed”. Despite the fact she is an educated woman capable of working and supporting herself in the lifestyle she desires.
Even worse, is that the ex-wife has been living with another man for 5+ years. Despite the emotional toll and unsettling environment my ex’s living arrangement has taken on the children, she continues to fight for alimony even though the divorce decree states it ends when living with a man that is not her husband.
Yet the flawed CT cohabitation law is written that the domestic partner must also provide financial support to her household. Why would the live-in provide financial support when the ex-wife has substantial amounts of money? Therefore, the alimony now becomes support of BOTH of them!
10 People Reveal What They Love About Fishing
1. Fishing is a way of being in symbiosis with nature. Not all the materials are “natural” but I feel while i am fishing, the life around you accepts you as part of that environment.
Your body slows and your mind focuses enough to be aware of all that is happening around you. You get to experience things you can’t plan to happen; an eagle swooping for a fish, a dolphin chasing mullet, sharks free swimming; observing intimate interactions between multiple species. I love it
2. I like bass fishing and my fishing buddy likes ocean fishing, both are cool. With bass fishing, you don’t cast and wait a few hours, you cast continually. You get good at recognizing spots and putting your lure right where you think the fish is.
Really though, two things are nice. One, is all you care about is fishing. No phones, no job, no outside world. It is just you and the fish. How often are you really able to escape into your own mind like that. Before I learned how to meditate, fishing and golf were the closest I came.
Second, is fishing buddies. Do not underestimate how important it is to have activities with friends. For you and your boys to go out their and spend the day distraction free is great. Funny things will happen, stories will be made, and no one is going to get hurt. All around good time to spend
3. Fly fishing actually gets me because its not about the actual fishing, its the stalking the waiting, the nature, the escapism, the spotting, the zen of it all. (I either eat or catch and release – mainly on the rare occasions of success). It surprised me when I tried it, so I guess i can simply say, there is fishing and there is fishing
4. I live in Land Locked Canada and to me fishing has always been about connecting with the land.
I particularly have fished a lot in Kootenay lake in British Columbia. Learning your fishing spot is learning how our world works. This lake in particular was formed millions of years ago and the mountains to the east used to make up what used to be the pacific coastline. This helps inform why the fish that live in the lake exist where they do.
It can be a sobering experience knowing the native people, for thousands of years fished the same fish and how the lake has changed over the years in both the longterm and over the decades as damming in the 50s has raised the water level.
And that’s just one lake. Every lake, stream and river has its own story.
My point is when I fish I’m on a boat going up the shoreline, seeing the rock formations and cliff faces. In the Fall, seeing snowflakes in the mountains turn to rain.
Then there’s the fishing itself. Again your on a boat on a nice day seeing the beauty of the lake, and then you get to fight the fish when you get a bite.
Knowing how to tire a big fish out is really fun on its own and once you have the fish you have a delicious dinner.
5. I fish because it allows me to interact with, and have a relationship with the natural world and all of its inhabitants. The birds, waterfowl, fish, land animals, etc all going about their day searching for food while I do the same is a peaceful experience for me.
Also, it will always remind me of my grandfather and the lessons and stories he told while we were fishing together. He’s still with us, but when he’s not I will always be able to connect with him out on the water wetting a line.
6. I call it hydrotherapy. Exploring mother nature does wonders for the soul. I usually do more observing than fishing ,there’s always more to learn.
Fishing teaches patience, which is sorely lacking in today’s society.
It has taught me to be a good steward of my waters as I pick up bag after bag of trash left by selfish cretins.
My motivation is to catch a bigger fish,of course, but I’ve learned that putting the big ones back to breed feels better than eating them.
7. Just peace. Its the only way I can put work, life, stress, etc out of my mind without excessive substance abuse. Feels like I’m my whole self when I’m on the water, my instincts kick in and everything else goes away.
Granted, landing a piggie smallmouth is a fckin thrill. But it’s more about peace than anything.
8. For me getting out on the water provides peace of mind.
I like to fly fish so my lure selection is a little more nuanced and particular, but when I get out there and I’m focused on picking the right fly to convince the big brown trout holding in a pool 20 ft away from me to eat.
Everything else washes away. It provides a strange level of hyper-focus and absent minded clarity at the same time.
Often I’ve gone out fishing to decompress and get away from work for a little while and when I get back to doing important things I often find that i’m refreshed and can approach problems with a new perspective.
Being out on the water also allows your mind to wander and sometimes this has produced great ideas that i wouldn’t have realized had I stayed at my desk trying to hammer out work.
Besides all of the mental aspects of the hobby when you hook into a fish that can actually fight back and pulls on your line there is a massive adrenaline rush, it almost touches something primal in your soul.
9. Sure, I find it relaxing. It’s one of the few activities in which my mind is totally blank. When I’m in the creek, there’s no thoughts of work, bills or other life stressors.
But, to be honest, I’m not a very religious person so I try to be somewhat ‘spiritual’ and fishing and being outdoors helps me achieve the spirituality I want.
To be closer with the Earth and enjoy the beautiful world around us. I know that sounds like a very hippy thing to say but, to answer your question, relaxation to be closer to Mother Nature.
10. It’s one of the few activities I’ve found where my mind can stay focused on a singular, low pressure objective for hours on end. My job requires a lot of me, in the sense that I have to be on top of 30 different, often higher pressure situations at any given time.
I’ve never been able to achieve relaxation while “vegging out” and fishing strikes that awesome balance of requiring focus while lacking any type of competition or pressure. I also just like being on or near the water.
Beyond that, it’s an awesome community. Since I started fishing I’ve struck up so many conversations with people who are excited to talk about catches, favorite spots, lures, etc.
Yesterday on the week in review thread I noted the Chinese FM’s visit to Africa.
Today, we have an excellent overview by Ekaterina Blinova about happenings there, “From Unipolar World to Multipolarity: Why US Attempts to Intimidate Africa Won’t Work,” that I highly suggest be read.
Here are several outtakes:
"China continues to be the leading source of FDIs in Africa and has a pipeline of projects, particularly in infrastructure," Kubayi told Sputnik. "Africa's relations with China continue to deepen. This relationship can yield great benefits to both parties in joint research and development, manufacturing in Africa, and an African market that is expected to reach 2.5 billion in population by 2050. African wealth in minerals such as rare earths and others are all thoroughly purposefully explored for practical action and development." "The recent G20 summit reiterated the importance of multilateralism and the United Nations in its declaration," Mikatekiso Kubayi underscored. "BRICS – which China and Russia are members of – emphasized the need to deepen and improve the practical experience of multilateralism with the United Nations at its center. The changing geopolitical landscape is changing precisely because of the realization that it does not benefit the majority of the world." "You have emerging multilateral platforms like BRICS, for instance, that have so much momentum, and seem to be more open to emerging powers, more focused on issues that are really important to the majority of the world," Ovigwe stressed. "One of the trends we might see going forward is countries tilting more towards these new and emerging multilateral platforms because they want it to be accessible to them. G7 is not going to be expanded – it has already contracted from G8 to G7."
The Colonial Age of Plunder is ending but the Outlaw US Empire persists in trying to keep it alive as it knows of no other method.
The result is obvious to foresee–the Empire will isolate itself and cease to be the sort of Empire it is today, which is great for RoW.
Confessions of a Prison Wife
How did you two meet?
I was with his brother at the time. Weird, I know, but his brother wanted me to start writing him so I did. I am a firm believer in “you can’t help who you fall in love with”, I just happened to fall in love with someone who is incarcerated! That is the way I see it, at least.
Why would you even marry that type of person?
Honestly, I was NOT looking for a husband at all. I have never been one to go out and look for a man, let alone one to marry. When I first wrote to him, it was just with the intention of making someone’s day because I know they get lonely in there, but it just blossomed into something more than that.
I think anyone who marries an inmate has their own reasons. I did not welcome him into my life with the intention of marrying him, at all. In fact, when I first was asked to write to him, I really did not want to. But when you finally meet an inmate, (a good one, at least. some belong right where they are) you come to this realization that they are human beings that make mistakes, some mistakes just have severe consequences. My husband always says, “ANYONE can go to prison” and as stupid as that sounds (like, duh) its true. My mom used to lecture me about being with a man in prison, and now her boyfriend is doing jail time for the first time, and now she gets it.
What did you see in him that made you fall in love with him so hard?
There was something about him that I did not see in other men that I’ve been with. For starters, the prison system humbled him a lot. I did not know him when he was free, but I have heard a lot of stories from his mom, his brother, and him. He used to be very cocky, too cocky, which is why he is where he is. He is also everything I have been looking for in a man, except the prison thing, of course. He is very sensitive, he would cry to me on numerous occasions during visit, telling me how much he wants to be out in freedom with me, and how he wishes he could do so much more to me because he feels that I deserve the best. I could see it in his eyes that he loves me more and more with every visit we would have, and trust me, there is no better feeling in life knowing that there is someone out there that you love that loves you back, incarcerated or not.
How was your dating life before this?
It was pretty normal, I have dated some assholes, but I have dated some really great guys, they just were not what I was looking for.
Why is he incarcerated?
9 counts of armed robbery.
Who did he rob?
He robbed a lot of businesses near where he lived, such as grocery stores, restaurants, Circle Ks, places like that.
Was anyone hurt?
No, no one was ever hurt, he never shot anyone, he only pulled a gun on people when he felt that he “had to”. I know that is pretty sick to say, but for example, he robbed a grocery store once and the manager was blocking the entrance with the carts so he could not get out, so he pulled a gun on him but never shot, he just had to leave. If he hadn’t, the manager wouldn’t have let him out and he would have been caught.
How long is his sentence?
We met while he was incarcerated for 4 years and he has about 10 left.
What kind of prison is he in?
He is in a medium security.
What made him turn to robbery?
Well, he has always had a job since he was legally allowed to, and he constantly moved his way up to full time jobs that paid really well. Not bad for someone who did not have a diploma/GED at the time, in my area it is at least. When he first started doing the robberies, he had his job in construction and was making very good money, but he got laid off and he had a lot of bills to pay, including rent, not to mention a girlfriend that he fully financially supported. To make a long story short, he was desperate for money for the bills, and after he did it the first or second time, he realized how easy it was, so he continued to do it. He was not caught for several months, so he felt, in his mind, that he could get away with it for a long time.
You said you’re a ‘wife’, how did you get married?
The prison conducted the wedding with a justice of peace.
How often do you get to visit him
I see him every weekend, 8 hours one day, 4 hours the other. My husband and I are quite different from other couples in there, we get away with quite a lot. We talk mostly, joke around with each other, kiss, eat food from the vending machines in there, and have sex every now and then.
How do you have sex? Do they allow conjugal visits?
No, there are no conjugal visits allowed.
There is an indoor and outdoor visitation area. The Correctional Officers will do walk arounds in both areas until about noon, I’ve noticed is when they stopped. We usually do it at that time in the outside area because the correctional officers go in the strip search room to check the inmates whose visits end at noon, which takes them awhile. My husband asks one of his friends to “keep point” or keep a look out for the cops and children too, and we just do it against this wall that is not visible to the inside area or cameras. Obviously it does not take long, so it is pretty easy to get away with. Its pretty sad how easy it is, honestly.
How supportive, in your eyes, is the prison system to spouses? Especially spouses that marry during sentences?
Not at all, really. Not only with spouses, but with families too. I talk to a lot of moms and other wives and siblings about how we are treated, and we are probably treated just as bad as the inmates at times. With spouses that marry during a sentence, they are pretty unsupportive from the moment your inmate submits a marriage request. You have to go through “counseling” where the prison chaplain pretty much tries to convince you not to get married, it is pretty sad.
Have you ever consider leaving him?
That is one of the things about him, I have NEVER lost interest. Being with an inmate definitely keeps things interesting, believe me! I have never considered leaving him, I am in for the long haul. I feel that I will be with him the whole time. I am not like other women, I am very dedicated to a man once I am with one. He did not think I would last as long as I have, but now he knows I will not leave, either, which is why he had decided to marry me. I would rather be with a man who is incarcerated and know for a fact that he loves me, than be with a man on the street where I have to question their love for me everyday.
How do your friends and family feel?
My friends absolutely love him and my parents weren’t keen on the idea at first, I feel like they thought it was a phase, but now its been a few years so they’re warming up, and they see how happy I am.
Where’s your father?
He lives like 20 minutes away from me. He loves him.
Where was he when you were growing up?
I lived with my dad full time from the age of 14 to 18, he is in the military, so he is a smart man and has never been one to hide his feelings about the guys I have dated, but he has told me he really does like him.
Do you worry since he is in jail that he might be violent or hurt you?
No, I really don’t. I know him pretty well despite the circumstances, and he is has not been violent or has shown signs of being violent with me, he is actually a big teddy bear.
Do you and your husband feel bad for the families’ lives you’ve possibly ruined? Or the PTSD the robberies may have given the victims?
As someone who is very passionate for the justice system, I do feel bad for them and I wish I knew who they were so I could reach out to them and apologize on his behalf, and I would be sure to let them know that he is definitely paying for it now. On the other hand, when he got his sentencing and whatnot, none of his witnesses showed up, and witnesses usually do that to provide closure for themselves, so I found that rather odd.
Do you think your husband belongs in jail?
Yes, he does belong where he is. What makes him a “good” inmate is that he knows that. He has never once said, “I do not belong here”. In fact, he has made it clear that he belongs right where he is at. He just wants to do his time, and get the hell out of here. Also, at his sentencing, he did no say “I’m sorry for what I did”. He said, “I know what I did was wrong, and I apologize to all the victims and families that I have hurt during this process”. I know that sounds odd, and you may be wondering, how does that make a difference? But I have learned that usually when people say sorry, they do not really mean it. And rarely do criminals say, “I know what I did is wrong”. Aside from that, he has been in for about 5 years and has had no charges within there, and it is VERY easy to get charges in there with how rude the cops can be, and he managed to get his GED as well, he is also on very good terms with the Correctional Officers and the Deputy Warden, they all say he is a good person, they have told me themselves.
We Won’t Be Fooled Again – Inflation Is Most Definitely Not “Under Control”
Inflation is going down! Let’s all celebrate!
We all knew that when the Federal Reserve began aggressively hiking interest rates it would have an impact on inflation.
Higher rates have caused a new housing crash, they have crushed the tech industry, and they have sparked the biggest wave of layoffs that we have seen since the Great Recession.
We have entered a significant economic downturn, so it was inevitable that the annual rate of inflation would start to moderate. But as I will explain below, that doesn’t mean that inflation is now “under control”.
The real rate of inflation is much higher than we are being told, and people all over the country are being absolutely crushed by the rising cost of living.
Let’s start with the good news first. According to the Labor Department, the annual rate of inflation is rising at the slowest pace since October 2021…
Consumer prices increased 6.5% from a year earlier, down from 7.1% in November and a 40-year high of 9.1% in June, according to the Labor Department’s consumer price index, a measurement of what people pay for goods and services, which labor released on Thursday.
The rise last month marks the slowest annual gain since October 2021 and matches economists’ estimates.
Okay, but Fox Business has just reminded us that the annual rate of inflation “remains about three times higher than the pre-pandemic average”…
Still, inflation remains about three times higher than the pre-pandemic average, underscoring the persistent financial burden placed on millions of U.S. households by high prices.
So we are still definitely in a high inflation environment.
But let’s dig deeper.
Most Americans don’t realize that the way that the inflation rate is calculated has literally been changed more than two dozen times since 1980.
And every time it has been changed, the goal has been to make inflation appear to be lower than it actually is.
If the rate of inflation was still calculated the way that it was back in 1980, the real rate of inflation would be close to 15 percent right now.
That would be comparable to the peak inflation that we witnessed during the Jimmy Carter era.
So don’t let anyone try to convince you that inflation is “low” or “under control” or anything like that.
The main reason why the rate of inflation moderated somewhat during the month of December is because energy prices have been falling…
Americans saw some real reprieve last month in the form of lower energy costs, which fell 6.1% in December. Gas prices dropped 12.5% over the month, the biggest contributor to the overall headline decline in inflation in December.
That is great news, but it is already being projected that gas prices will rise significantly later this year.
And once war in the Middle East erupts, gas prices will go to heights that most people never even dreamed was possible.
Meanwhile, services inflation has just spiked to a level that we haven’t seen in decades.
The cost of living has become extremely oppressive, and the American people are becoming increasingly frustrated by this.
I would like to share a video with you that illustrates what I am talking about.
The woman in this video doesn’t understand all of the numbers that I have just shared in this article. All she knows is that when she goes to the grocery store, prices are way higher than they once were. This video contains some graphic language, and I apologize for that in advance. But I want you to see her anger, because this is how millions upon millions of Americans are feeling about inflation right now.
Would you like to be the one that tries to convince her that inflation is “under control” now?
Sadly, the truth is that over the past few years the cost of living has been rising faster than our paychecks have, and so U.S. families have steadily been getting poorer…
The average American family has lost the equivalent of more than a month’s salary in annual income since President Biden took office as high inflation and rising interest rates eat away at their finances, according to research by the Heritage Foundation.
Experts at the conservative think tank analyzed consumer prices and interest rates and found in their latest report released Thursday that the average American household has lost the equivalent of $7,400 in annual income since Biden’s inauguration Jan. 20, 2021. The income loss represents an increase of $200 from September, when the think tank’s research found a $7,200 decline in annual income for the average American household dating back to the start of Biden’s term.
Prior to the pandemic, we were in a low inflation and low interest rate environment.
Now that the Federal Reserve has dramatically hiked interest rates, we now find ourselves in a high inflation and high interest rate environment.
And higher interest rates are also hammering our standard of living…
While their elected representatives in D.C. struggle to pay the nation’s bills, Americans are facing a similar challenge as their household budgets are stretched thin due to inflation and higher borrowing costs. Those financial challenges led more than one-third of households to rely on credit cards or loans to buy necessities in December. Average credit card interest rates reached a new record high of 19.14% APR compared to a Bankrate.com database.
“Americans are increasingly relying on credit cards to make it from paycheck to paycheck, resulting in higher levels of indebtedness. Rising credit card balances in an era of rising interest rates is a path to insolvency,” Antoni told FOX Business. “The average interest rate on credit cards is now around 20 percent while half of Americans cannot pay off their credit cards each month, and balances are growing at a 16 percent annual rate.”
We are getting hit from both ends.
We have to pay more to buy the things that we need, and we have to pay higher interest rates when we borrow money to pay for those things.
The Federal Reserve has lost control, and we are careening toward the sort of historic economic crisis that I have been warning about for years.
But those that are under the spell of the corporate media will continue to assume that everything is fine and that our leaders have a plan to get us out of this mess.
I truly wish that was true.
Unfortunately, the short-term economic outlook is extremely dismal, and prominent voices all over Wall Street are warning that 2023 will be a really rough year.
Latin America Geo-Political situation
The majority indigenous people are in open rebellion. I’m surprised at the level of action– a general strike, many airports shut down, demands are being hardened. They want Boluarte out and Castillo back in.
Most of Castillo’s base was somewhat disillusioned with him when he was deposed and jailed— that has changed. Death toll rising. One police dead, his car stopped, burned including him, his partner in the hospital.
U.S. support and involvement is getting more press. Coup leaders don’t know what to do.
Here’s a liberal mainstream perspective on Peru: they’re worried that the wheels are coming off.
Black Agenda’s Margaret Kimberly interviews Brazilwire’s Brian Mier (text, not video), a good, brief summary of what’s going on regarding the coup attempt, Bolsonaro, Lula’s response and quick history lesson including Obama/Biden role.
Right now everyone loves Lula: Putin, Xi, Biden etc.
Biden is pushing hard to pull Lula into his team (I don’t think he will succeed).
Domestically Brazil is a mess as is Lula’s cabinet but I expect the next month will see many pushed out, including purge in military/police.
- HEREGlenn Greenwald has a summary on the coup, 8 minutes. Greenwald and Mier don’t like each other: Greenwald’s husband/congressman supported a Lula opponent in the first round.
Pepe Escobar thinks the CIA staged the Jan 5 coup attempt.
Very interesting. I read Escobar every chance I get and generally think he’s on target but he often seems to project beyond his facts, probably mostly accurate but sometimes he leaves me scratching my head.
He’s Brazilian, knows Lula personally but he has been in Eurasia a long time. Escobar is convinced Lula will supercharge BRICS which means Lula is “playing” Biden.
This is a “must view” that summarizes the U.S./West endgame, detailing what a country looks like at the end stage of imperial dominance. (1hr 24min)
Danny Haiphong and Margaret Kimberly interview Jemima Pierre– a native Haitian– and lay it out, pointing fingers and naming names.
Support for and solidarity with Haiti is huge in Latin America. Most in the West don’t get that.
The bottom line, U.S. is naked and exposed in Latin America and Caribbean.
Lots of confusing actions at elite and government levels but over time the “street” is heating things up.
Multipolarity is the only path that will benefit from it.
Not Uni-polarity; the American “rules based order”.
Bayou Beans and Rice
Serve Bayou Beans and Rice with hot fluffy rice and a tossed salad.

Yield: 6 servings
- 2 cups red beans
- 1 onion, diced
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 teaspoons seasoning salt
- Bay leaf
- Pinch of granulated sugar
- Cayenne pepper, to taste
- Smoked sausage, sliced
- Cooked rice
- Sliced green onion (garnish)
- Wash beans, soak overnight and drain.
- Cover beans and all ingredients except smoked sausage and rice with cold water. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer until done.
- Meanwhile, brown sausage in a skillet, then add to the beans the last half hour of cooking.
- Serve over rice.
(Ukraine) Soledar direction situation as of 13.00 January 13
In the Soledar sector, the assault detachments of the PMC “Wagner” are clearing the quarters and underground communications on the western outskirts of Soledar. Today, Wagner entered the territory of the urban-type settlement of Sol and established control over the depot of the railway station of the same name.
▪️In the north-west of Soledar, active battles are taking place on the southern outskirts of Krasnaya Gora and in Paraskovievka near the Bakhmutka River. After the liberation of the railway station Sol, the village of Blagodatnoye was actually cut off from the supply lines from Seversk and Artemovsk (Bakhmut).
▪️The surviving members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Soledar and its environs are spreading information about huge losses in manpower due to command errors. In one of the brigades in the company of the formation, only 30 people remained, and in the battalion of 24 OMBR out of 300, only 100 fighters survived.
Fighting continues in Artemovsk (Bakhmut) and its suburbs. After the liberation of Opytnoe by PMC Wagner, position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the city is deteriorating.
▪️In Minkovka, a reserve command post for the consolidated group has been equipped, and the forces of the 116th brigade of the territorial defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the Sumy region are expected to arrive.
▪️As a result of the active offensive of the RF Armed Forces, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost control over two company and two platoon strongholds in Artemovsk (Bakhmut), Kleshcheevka and Krasnaya Gora.
▪️Only on January 12, confirmed losses of Ukrainian formations in Artemovsk amounted to 100 people, and 39 were wounded. To strengthen positions, 600 mobilized servicemen without combat experience are expected to be transferred in the near future.
▪️According to the radio interception from Artemovsk, over 800 people have been killed over the past five days, not counting missing and wounded.
In addition, individual units of Polish mercenaries, who were transferred to the direction a few weeks earlier, suffered huge losses.
The Poles spread information about the loss of communication and the complete disunity between the formations in Artemovsk (Bakhmut) and the surrounding area. The moral and psychological state of mercenaries is at a low level.
▪️The forces of the 3rd Battalion of the 28th Ombre of the Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted a counteroffensive on Russian positions southwest of Artemovsk (Bakhmust). The attack was repulsed, and separate detachments of the 28th brigade fled from the combat area.
The leadership of the Ukrainian operational-tactical group “Soledar” assesses the situation as critical and expects the intensification of the offensive of Russian troops at the Berestovoye-Spornoye line in order to reach the Seversk agglomeration, as well as in the south at the Ozaryanovka-Mayorsk line towards Druzhba and Dyleevka.
The release of Opytnoe allows the start of advancements on the southern outskirts of Artemovsk (Bakhmut), as well as attacking the fortified areas of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kleshcheevka from the east.
Posted by: Soledar | Jan 13 2023 14:53 utc | 1
Modern Manga Art By Ilya Kuvshinov.

Ilya Kuvshinov is an illustrator and storyboard artist originally from Moscow, Russia, but whom currently resides in Yokohama, Japan. Much of his personal work consists of pin-ups influenced by video games and film. Beautifully and sensitively rendered, Kuvshinov is able to paint alluring female characters without the need to sexualise them (for the most part).

Major Natural Gas Pipeline EXPLODES on Latvia-Lithuania Border
A major natural gas pipeline has exploded on the border of Latvia and Lithuania. Gee. What a shame.
Public broadcaster LRT reports that the entire town of Pasvalys, located in northern Lithuania, has evacuated due to the situation.
The map below shows the location of Pasvalys, near the border:

Maybe the pipe preferred Russian natural gas to the swill traveling through it now?
You know, Russia can help Latvia and Lithuania repair that pipeline . . . OOOOOPS . . . wait a minute, no they can’t. Those pesky economic sanctions prevent Russia from helping. Awww shucks.
Oh well, NATO. You built this tree house; now you sit in it.
Two can play your games . . .

Latin America
Regarding Lula flirting with Biden and the West Karlof is spot on in his comment quoting Arevalo: “he’s a sardine who’s learned how to swim with the sharks and survive.”
The leaders of Latin America know how the U.S. imperial mafia works.
They have the scars to remind them.
More than that, a huge percentage of normal people there know it too. When a leader like Lula or AMLO is shown smiling and shaking hands with Biden or his people it turns my stomach.
I don’t like when they condemn Russia’s “invasion” in Ukraine.
At that point I can’t tell if they are selling out or if they are making a tactical accomodation in order to survive the moment.
But their actions on the ground reveal their long term strategic direction which appears to be away from the U.S. empire and toward the sane, multipolar world.
Many current Latin American leaders have survived attacks, coups, imprisonment which usually included mortal threats on them and family members by the U.S. I’m sure their traumas are seared into their memories:
Lula–prison, by Obama/Biden
Evo Morales– couped, attempted to shoot down his plane, U.S. backed
Arce (Bolivia)– assasination plot foiled, U.S. Cia backed
Castillo– U.S. CIA/state dept backed coup
Colombia’s Petro: one assasination attempt, his vp, two assasination attempts
Honduras’s Xiomara Castro– husband Zelaya was couped by Hillary clinton’s people, 2009
Cuba– too many to list
Nicaragua– Ortega, long list as well
Venezuela’s Maduro, numerous coup and assasination attempts
Mexico’s AMLO, right wing oligarchs teamed up with U.S. support to run him out of office 2 years ago, they failed.
Argentina’s vp Cristina Fernandez given 6 year prison sentence backed by U.S.
Illya’s art is very familiar to me. I have seen many people use her art on the RP sites I frequented, and that includes RPC. Going through several of these pictures gives me a huge wave of nostalgia. It makes me wonder if Illya knows of everyone that’s using her artpieces as faceclaims for their (often sexual) characters in a variety of western chatsites.
Annnnd regarding the Canadian Med-assisted suicide. Legislation is being pushed right now to ensure that kids can be euthanized through this method. Any kid that’s disabled, mentally or physically, will be eligible to be euthanized: and it has nothing to do with being humane and more to do with saving tax money. Very inhumane and foreboding of what’s to come here in the West.
Your Canadian example smells much like the NSDAP in the 1930’s-40’s. That’s so sad Anti. How could a so called western democracy act in such a inhumane manner, yes mate you were correct $$$$$$$.
Thanks MM for the post. Manga 73 is awesome and there is just something about 70 that really appeals to me. I personally have been flipping cash for bullion for the last 3 months. Hedging mate for what is to come. Cheers mate and all the best to you and your family.