2023 04 09 07 25

China formally declares war on the United States

I have discussed this previously. Both Russia and China have laid out their reasons for a hot war with the Unified West.

Here is a very good ten minute long (or so) video by Gonzalo Lira on what is going on.

I suggest you all watch it.

Nothing else needs to be said.

MM Comment

The Chinese argument is spot-on.

You will also notice that all communication between the Chinese government and the United States has ended since these latest Taiwan fuck-ups initiated by the USA. Xi Peng is refusing all calls from Blinkedin, and all “officials” from the USA are ignored.

What’s going on?


No. Serious shit is going down. Serious.

Both Russia and China are saying that the United States is a “rabid dog” and that something needs to be done. You cannot talk, negotiate or deal with a rabid dog. You can only “put him down”.

To euthanize an animal, typically to prevent its suffering in old age or illness, or because it poses a threat to humans or other animals. We decided to put our dog down last week. He was in so much pain from cancer that we felt it would be cruel to let him struggle on.

Put our dog down - Idiom
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Alexander Martis

I wonder when and who will put down the rabid dog? Paul Craig Roberts calls the USA population “insouciant” (french for unconcerned). I would call it oblivious (average Puertorrican included). I am not counting on such a spaced out populace to do something.
Now we have some meat producers confirming we will be forced to get mRNA thorough food.
I have never smoked nor done drugs, not even anabolic steroids (have been training with weights and running since I was 15 years old). I do not drink, and have always taken care of my body and mind. I have not been injected with the mRNA, DNA modifying trash. But, the powers that should not be want to poison us even further through the food chain.
I have stated before and again I do, that we are at war, and targeted for destruction. The ruling class will not stop until at least some of us are killed. Probably between 1 and 2 billion in the west. I wish and hope the Domain Commander lets us know I am wrong and will not be that bad. I would love and be honored to be proven wrong
Catherine Austin Fitts has stated that depopulation is a way that is very appeling to the ruling class in the west for dealing with the liabilities. I agree with her assessment.
However, my plans are not to perish, but to prosper. My plans are to frustrate the plans of the ruling class against myself.
If these insane, disgusting people can be so powerful and filthy rich, why cant I be healthy, happy, peaceful, prosperous, helpful, be a rufus 24/7? These are my goals, and achieving them will be my revenge.

Alexander Martis

I agree!!!
Somehow, I turned out never wanting to do everything the herd does. There has always been in me a need to be accepted, yet have always wanted to keep my distance. Always have had an inquisitive nature. This has helped me survive. Ability to gain knowledge and understanding improves when observation takes place from a distance, literally and figuratively.
Finding out about this site through http://www.nobulart.com has been a blessing.


It’s only a matter of time, now…
