I trust that everyone is braced for the “onslaught”.
No one but a moron believes the US did not do this. The question is what comes next? What will Russia do? According to many essays from Paul Craig Roberts … nothing, which to his mind simply encourages the West to go further, until we reach the point of what? A nuclear attack on Russia, ending in Armageddon? I can’t really understand the insanity of the ‘neocon’ oligarchs … they will die too, or at best all their wealth will do them no good in a World of floating radioactive ash.
In the future, how will the history books describe the United States? What will they say about the great accomplishments and the great failures? How will they describe its end?
"America is the first country to have gone from barbarism to decadence without the usual intervening period of civilization." - Oscar Wilde
It became wealthy and powerful through violence and theft. Then it proclaimed itself The Greatest Country in the World and History.
Then it died of that hubris.
Putin’s Remarks On Europe
From Vladimir Putin’s speech held at the signing ceremony of treaties on accession of Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to Russia:
Western countries have been saying for centuries that they bring freedom and democracy to other nations. Nothing could be further from the truth. Instead of bringing democracy they suppressed and exploited, and instead of giving freedom they enslaved and oppressed. The unipolar world is inherently anti-democratic and unfree; it is false and hypocritical through and through. ... Recall that during WWII the United States and Britain reduced Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne and many other German cities to rubble, without the least military necessity. It was done ostentatiously and, to repeat, without any military necessity. They had only one goal, as with the nuclear bombing of Japanese cities: to intimidate our country and the rest of the world. The United States left a deep scar in the memory of the people of Korea and Vietnam with their carpet bombings and use of napalm and chemical weapons. It actually continues to occupy Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea and other countries, which they cynically refer to as equals and allies. Look now, what kind of alliance is that? The whole world knows that the top officials in these countries are being spied on and that their offices and homes are bugged. It is a disgrace, a disgrace for those who do this and for those who, like slaves, silently and meekly swallow this arrogant behaviour. They call the orders and threats they make to their vassals Euro-Atlantic solidarity, and the creation of biological weapons and the use of human test subjects, including in Ukraine, noble medical research. It is their destructive policies, wars and plunder that have unleashed today’s massive wave of migrants. Millions of people endure hardships and humiliation or die by the thousands trying to reach Europe. They are exporting grain from Ukraine now. Where are they taking it under the guise of ensuring the food security of the poorest countries? Where is it going? They are taking it to the self-same European countries. Only five percent has been delivered to the poorest countries. More cheating and naked deception again. In effect, the American elite is using the tragedy of these people to weaken its rivals, to destroy nation states. This goes for Europe and for the identities of France, Italy, Spain and other countries with centuries-long histories. Washington demands more and more sanctions against Russia and the majority of European politicians obediently go along with it. They clearly understand that by pressuring the EU to completely give up Russian energy and other resources, the United States is practically pushing Europe toward deindustrialisation in a bid to get its hands on the entire European market. These European elites understand everything – they do, but they prefer to serve the interests of others. This is no longer servility but direct betrayal of their own peoples. God bless, it is up to them. But the Anglo-Saxons believe sanctions are no longer enough and now they have turned to subversion. It seems incredible but it is a fact – by causing explosions on Nord Stream’s international gas pipelines passing along the bottom of the Baltic Sea, they have actually embarked on the destruction of Europe’s entire energy infrastructure. It is clear to everyone who stands to gain. Those who benefit are responsible, of course.
The whole speech includes much more and deserves your attention. (For those who can not reach the Kremlin site a text file with the speech is available here.) If you can not reach In essence Putin is setting up Russia as the new liberation force the same way the Soviet Union had been one for many formerly colonized smaller countries. The ‘third world’ may well turn to Russia when it needs help.
Europe though, is fucked.
Our politicians have not only allowed our societies to be undermined by the U.S. but they have actively helped it along. They continue to do so despite the obviously coming economic and social catastrophe the U.S. has caused with the destruction of Europe’s access to cheap energy.
Only a huge shift in public sentiment can change that. My only hope is that the upcoming dark decade in Europe will bring about those changes.
The US helped China, Japan, and S. Korea industrialize and become wealthy. Japan and South Korea show their gratitude to the USA by being strong allies. Why does China treat the US as an enemy?
No. The US companies certainly did not go to China with the intention of helping China. The US companies went to China because China could offer the cheapest acceptable alternative to what the US wanted to make, thereby increasing profit for the US companies involved. There is no charity involved. It is all business and profitability,
The US companies benefitted immensely from China’s “sweat shops”. And so did businesses from other countries such as Europe and Japan.
But in that process, China began to grow. Not because the US was helping China, but because China created a very good business environment that attracted not only companies from the US, but from other countries as well.
People from the US should stop claiming otherwise.
Americans Spent More on Taxes Last Year Than on Food, Health Care, Education, and Clothing Combined
Overall, taxes accounted for about 25 percent of average consumer spending…This outpaces average spending on food, clothing, education, and health care combined. The mean for total spending per unit on taxes was $16,729.73. This included $8,561.46 in federal income tax, $2,564.14 in state and local income taxes, $2,475.18 in property taxes, $5,565.45 in Social Security deductions, and $105.21 in other taxes, offset by an average stimulus payment of $2,541.71.
At the end of democracy, government directs the economy by creating rent-seeking opportunities. If everyone must file Form #666, there will be an industry in those who provide this service, and soon a few winners will emerge and raise the costs of doing business so that no one else can take their place (costs are passed on to the customers directly, after all). When free money goes out in the form of subsidies, industries will spring up around that and soak up the money in order to keep enough people employed so that the circular Ponzi scheme keeps going. To keep all of this working, government must tax the living hell out of the 53% who pay all the taxes. At some point, just as in the Soviet Union, this marginal cost eats up productivity itself.
What do you think of the fact that a large percentage of things in the world are made in China?
I have a friend who is an ISO certification auditor. He visits regional industrial facilities regularly. He loves to regale us with his war stories. One of our favorites is his experience in an Indian warehouse. His checks revealed significant discrepancy between the inventory and physical stock.
He interviewed the person in charge, as part of the process.
It says 20 here on inventory. That’s your signature correct?
Can you count again for verification?
… 15, 17, 18, 20, sir. Correct figure.
My friend was stunned into silence.
He repeated the test.
Correct figure sir each time.
There are reasons why MNCs hire Singaporean auditors to evaluate Indian warehouses.
China is a billion. India is also a billion. Why is China the factory of the world while India isn’t, despite being part of the Commonwealth and an English speaking democracy?
This gravitational pull did not happen overnight. It took decades for tens of thousands companies to be sucked into the Chinese orbit. Every one of them found their competitors enjoyed significant cost advantage by shifting to China. They had to play catch-up to early adopters.
That is not conspiracy. It’s economic reality. Shape up or ship out.
What’s the difference between China and India? My auditor friend has an incisive answer that cuts to the core.
China delivers.
Why did you stop going to a restaurant you liked?
Calling it a restaurant is a hyperbole. Although they have three tables (wine barrels covered with with a glass topping and barstools set around) it is more of a take-away place. The couple running it are nice people, the man, Franco, cooks and his wife, Virginia serves. The food is straightforward home cooking. Pasta with seasonable vegetables, grilled meat and fish.
This place is right in front of my office and when there is no time to go home and have lunch, it is a marvellous alternative. A plate of pasta cost no more than four euros, the same as meat or fish with fresh vegetables.

Every day they send a whatsapp message with the choice of the day. A simple call with the order and twenty minutes later they’d bring the piping hot pasta to the office. What is there not to love about the place?
For about three years I ate there two to three times a week. They even knew my taste and would set stuff aside. As the pasta with fish ragù in the picture.
So why on earth giving up this delight? Well, let’s be clear, it wasn’t my choice. Much to my surprise I was removed from the whatsapp list. Turned out their son was a student of mine. And he fabulously failed his exam. Till that moment I didn’t even know they had a son. And I wasn’t pleased with the promise he’d spit in my food.
Pentagon’s Bot Army Banned From Facebook & Twitter!
What do you think of China telling state banks to prepare for a massive dollar dump and yuan buying spree?
Its entirely intentional
They know that US will do the same robbery they did with Russia and may end up stealing Chinas Massive Reserves
So China is prepared for a Short Time Yuan Crash and dump as many dollars as possible and maybe dump as much as $ 500 Billion – $ 750 Billion and keep the Yuan to around 8.17 – 8.33
Its the best time for China. They can blame the Ukrainian Crisis and slowly keep liquidating their Dollars and buying more Oil and Gas and Coal and Commodities. The US Banks will keep buying the Dollars to prevent the Dollar values from Carshing and the Fed keeps rising rates to ensure that the Dollar doesnt fully get dumped.
So China will Dump the Dollar and Print Yuan as the equivalent – which will lead to the recession slowly being lifted and the Yuan falling to around 8.50 by Next Year.
Its a Short Term Problem but China knows that by 2027 – if they continue onthis trajectory – US could hold them in a massive Vice.
Today China controls 90% of the Supply Chain and so they can earn back $ 1 Trillion in reserves if they follow the Russian mode of Gas for Rubles
China could be in some trouble.
Its a Brilliant Long Term Move
Its whats called a Cancer Surgery
Remove the Tumor fast to prevent it spreading
THE TERMINATOR Tech Noir Scene(1984) Retro Sci Fi Horror
Cheddar Cheese and Broccoli Soup
Homemade soup! It’s so quick and easy, it can be on your dinner table in 30 minutes.

- 2 cans (10 3/4 oz each) condensed Cheddar cheese soup
- 2 cups water
- 6 cups frozen broccoli florets
- 2 cups milk
- 1/2 teaspoon ground mustard
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/8 teaspoon pepper
- 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese (8 oz)

The Sopranos: The Saturn Situation
Who Profits from Pipeline Terror?
The War of Economic Corridors has entered incandescent, uncharted territory: Pipeline Terror.
A sophisticated military operation – that required exhaustive planning, possibly involving several actors – blew up four separate sections of the Nord Stream (NS) and Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gas pipelines this week in the shallow waters of the Danish straits, in the Baltic Sea, near the island of Bornholm.

Swedish seismologists estimated that the power of the explosions may have reached the equivalent of up to 700 kg of TNT. Both NS and NS2, near the strong currents around Borholm, are placed at the bottom of the sea at a depth of 60 meters.
The pipes are built with steel reinforced concrete, able to withstand impact from aircraft carrier anchors, and are basically indestructible without serious explosive charges. The operation – causing two leaks near Sweden and two near Denmark – would have to be carried out by modified underwater drones.
Every crime implies motive. The Russian government wanted – at least up to the sabotage – to sell oil and natural gas to the EU. The notion that Russian intel would destroy Gazprom pipelines is beyond ludicrous. All they had to do was to turn off the valves. NS2 was not even operational, based on a political decision from Berlin. The gas flow in NS was hampered by western sanctions. Moreover, such an act would imply Moscow losing key strategic leverage over the EU.
Diplomatic sources confirm that Berlin and Moscow were involved in a secret negotiation to solve both the NS and NS2 issues. So they had to be stopped – no holds barred. Geopolitically, the entity that had the motive to halt a deal holds anathema a possible alliance in the horizon between Germany, Russia, and China.
The possibility of an “impartial” investigation of such a monumental act of sabotage – coordinated by NATO, no less – is negligible. Fragments of the explosives/underwater drones used for the operation will certainly be found, but the evidence may be tampered with. Atlanticist fingers are already blaming Russia. That leaves us with plausible working hypotheses.
This hypothesis is eminently sound and looks to be based on information from Russian intelligence sources. Of course, Moscow already has a pretty good idea of what happened (satellites and electronic monitoring working 24/7), but they won’t make it public.
The hypothesis focuses on the Polish Navy and Special Forces as the physical perpetrators (quite plausible; the report offers very good internal details), American planning and technical support (extra plausible), and aid by the Danish and Swedish militaries (inevitable, considering this was very close to their territorial waters, even if it took place in international waters).
The hypothesis perfectly ties in with a conversation with a top German intelligence source, who told The Cradle that the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND or German intelligence) was “furious” because “they were not in the loop.”
Of course not. If the hypothesis is correct, this was a glaringly anti-German operation, carrying the potential of metastasizing into an intra-NATO war.
The much-quoted NATO Article 5 – ‘an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us’ – obviously does not say anything about a NATO-on-NATO attack. After the pipeline punctures, NATO issued a meek statement “believing” what happened was sabotage and will “respond” to any deliberate attack on its critical infrastructure. NS and NS2, incidentally, are not part of NATO’s infrastructure.
The whole operation had to be approved by Americans, and deployed under their Divide and Rule trademark. “Americans” in this case means the Neo-conservatives and Neo-liberals running the government machinery in Washington, behind the senile teleprompter reader.
This is a declaration of war against Germany and against businesses and citizens of the EU – not against the Kafkaesque Eurocrat machine in Brussels. Don’t be mistaken: NATO runs Brussels, not European Commission (EC) head and rabid Russophobe Ursula von der Leyen, who’s just a lowly handmaiden for finance capitalism.
It’s no wonder the Germans are absolutely mum; no one from the German government, so far, has said anything substantial.
The Polish corridor
By now, assorted chattering classes are aware of former Polish Defense Minister and current MEP Radek Sirkorski’s tweet: “Thank you, USA.” But why would puny Poland be on the forefront? There’s atavic Russophobia, a number of very convoluted internal political reasons, but most of all, a concerted plan to attack Germany built on pent up resentment – including new demands for WWII reparations.

The Poles, moreover, are terrified that with Russia’s partial mobilization, and the new phase of the Special Military Operation (SMO) – soon to be transformed into a Counter-Terrorism Operation (CTO) – the Ukrainian battlefield will move westward. Ukrainian electric light and heating will most certainly be smashed. Millions of new refugees in western Ukraine will attempt to cross to Poland.
At the same time there’s a sense of “victory” represented by the partial opening of the Baltic Pipe in northwest Poland – almost simultaneously with the sabotage.
Talk about timing. Baltic Pipe will carry gas from Norway to Poland via Denmark. The maximum capacity is only 10 billion cubic meters, which happens to be ten times less than the volume supplied by NS and NS2. So Baltic Pipe may be enough for Poland, but carries no value for other EU customers.
Meanwhile, the fog of war gets thicker by the minute. It has already been documented that US helicopters were overflying the sabotage nodes only a few days ago; that a UK “research” vessel was loitering in Danish waters since mid-September; that NATO tweeted about the testing of “new unmanned systems at sea” on the same day of the sabotage. Not to mention that Der Spiegel published a startling report headlined “CIA warned German government against attacks on Baltic Sea pipelines,” possibly a clever play for plausible deniability.
The Russian Foreign Ministry was sharp as a razor: “The incident took place in an area controlled by American intelligence.” The White House was forced to “clarify” that President Joe Biden – in a February video that has gone viral – did not promise to destroy NS2; he promised to “not allow” it to work. The US State Department declared that the idea the US was involved is “preposterous.”
It was up to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov to offer a good dose of reality: the damage to the pipelines posed a “big problem” for Russia, essentially losing its gas supply routes to Europe. Both NS2 lines had been pumped full of gas and – crucially – were prepared to deliver it to Europe; this is Peskov cryptically admitting negotiations with Germany were ongoing.
Peskov added, “this gas is very expensive and now it is all going up in the air.” He stressed again that neither Russia nor Europe had anything to gain from the sabotage, especially Germany. This Friday, there will be a special UN Security Council session on the sabotage, called by Russia.
The attack of the Straussians
Now for the Big Picture. Pipeline Terror is part of a Straussian offensive, taking the splitting up of Russia and Germany to the ultimate level (as they see it). Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America: A Critical Appraisal, by Paul E. Gottfried (Cambridge University Press, 2011) is required reading to understand this phenomenon.
Leo Strauss, the German-Jewish philosopher who taught at the University of Chicago, is at the root of what later, in a very twisted way, became the Wolfowitz Doctrine, written in 1992 as the Defense Planning Guidance, which defined “America’s mission in the post-Cold War era.”
The Wolfowitz Doctrine goes straight to the point: any potential competitor to US hegemony, especially “advanced industrial nations” such as Germany and Japan, must be smashed. Europe should never exercise sovereignty: “We must be careful to prevent the emergence of a purely European security system that would undermine NATO, and particularly its integrated military command structure.”
Fast-forward to the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act, adopted only five months ago. It establishes that Kiev has a free lunch when it comes to all arms control mechanisms. All these expensive weapons are leased by the US to the EU to be sent to Ukraine. The problem is that whatever happens in the battlefield, in the end, it is the EU that will have to pay the bills.
US Secretary of State Blinken and his underling, Victoria “F**k the EU” Nuland, are Straussians, now totally unleashed, having taken advantage of the black void in the White House. As it stands, there are at least three different “silos” of power in a fractured Washington. For all Straussians, a tight bipartisan op, uniting several high-profile usual suspects, destroying Germany is paramount.
One serious working hypothesis places them behind the orders to conduct Pipeline Terror. The Pentagon forcefully denied any involvement in the sabotage. There are secret back channels between Russia’s Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev and US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.
And dissident Beltway sources swear that the CIA is also not part of this game; Langley’s agenda would be to force the Straussians to back off on Russia reincorporating Novorossiya and allow Poland and Hungary to gobble up whatever they want in Western Ukraine before the entire US government falls into a black void.
Come see me in the Citadel
On the Grand Chessboard, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan two weeks ago dictated the framework of the multipolar world ahead. Couple it with the independence referendums in DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye, which Russian President Vladimir Putin will formally incorporate into Russia, possibly as early as Friday.
With the window of opportunity closing fast for a Kiev breakthrough before the first stirrings of a cold winter, and Russia’s partial mobilization soon to enter the revamped SMO and add to generalized western panic, Pipeline Terror at least would carry the “merit” of solidifying a Straussian tactical victory: Germany and Russia fatally separated.
Yet blowback will be inevitable – in unexpected ways – even as Europe becomes increasingly Ukrainized and even Polandized: an intrinsically neo-fascist, unabashed puppet of the US as predator, not partner. Vey few across the EU are not brainwashed enough to understand how Europe is being set up for the ultimate fall.
The war, by those Straussians ensconced in the Deep State – neocons and neoliberals alike – won’t relent. It is a war against Russia, China, Germany and assorted Eurasian powers. Germany has just been felled. China is currently observing, carefully. And Russia – nuclear and hypersonic – won’t be bullied.
Poetry grandmaster C.P. Cavafy, in Waiting for the Barbarians, wrote “And now what will become of us, without any barbarians? Those people were some kind of a solution.” The barbarians are not at the gates, not anymore. They are inside their golden Citadel.
Why does China have 20 times less nuclear weapons compared to the US?
First of all, we don’t know how many nuclear weapons China has. China does not advertise this number. The West can only make an educated guess, and they are likely wrong.
Second, until the last two or three decades, China has been too impoverished to really build up its military.
Third, China has focussed on economic development and devoted most of its financial resources on this goal, unlike USA which devotes a staggering amount of financial resources on warfare.
Fourth, China doesn’t need thousands of nuclear weapons. Having up to one thousand is more than sufficient to present a nuclear deterrence to Russia or USA or any other nuclear power.
Fifth, China was never involved in the Cold War, which is when nuclear build-up went crazy.
Man Behind US Navy’s Largest Corruption Case Hires a U-Haul, Cuts his police Ankle Tag, and Flees
The owner of Glenn Defense Marine Asia, a Singapore-based maritime ship servicing company with ports across the Asia-Pacific, Francis bribed his way into lucrative contracts with the U.S. Navy in the 2000s. At the heart of his sprawling corruption network was the USS Blue Ridge, a command ship that sails around Asia and serves as the floating headquarters for the U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet. He would shower officers from the Blue Ridge with gifts—often involving luxury hotel cocktail parties, Michelin-star dining experiences, sex workers, and thousand-dollar bottles of booze and cigars—in exchange for classified ship schedules and other information. At one party in 2008, held at the Mandarin Oriental and the Makati Shangri-La hotels in Manila, the Philippines, prosecutors said Navy officers drank an entire inventory of Dom Pérignon Champagne and were entertained by “a rotating carousel of prostitutes.” Officers also redirected military vessels to Francis’ ports so that they could be serviced by his company, where he would overcharge the Navy for fuel and other services. Prosecutors said that, over the years, he defrauded the U.S. military of more than $35 million, although some believe the figure is much higher.
Now imagine an entire government run this way. Lobbyists offer lavish perks to those in power and capture them at their worst, so there is mutual obligation between lobbyist and bureaucrat, then demand that the government contracts or laws favor the companies that the lobbyists represent. In the end, nothing gets achieved because much like on the surface government redistributes wealth and creates industries by lawmaking, underneath the veneer of DC the government exists to move money around the economy based on who pays the right bribes. All the people whining about capitalism are actually talking about this, but they are Useful Idiots because their solution invariably involves more government power over wealth redistribution and therefore, more corruption.
How did your cat react when you first took it home?
A little backstory before I dive in. I was living alone and lonely as ever. I was also on break from graduate school. Lord knows I DID NOT want a boyfriend but rather a pet to look after. My friend suggested I get a cat. Now I was never a cat person I grew up with dogs but I had no time on my hands to raise a puppy. So I did my research and found some cute kitties up fo adoption. In August of 2018 I took ownership of the cutest cat on the block

During the ride home all I could hear was faint cries coming from the carrier. When I got home and let him out he cried and cried and so did I. I was officially a cat mommy. He warmed up to me quick

And I have been in love since. Oscar is my right hand
If China is such a wonderful nation why did they construct a Great Wall to keep out migrants?
It NEVER fails to astonish me how many truly stupid people there are in this world.
Two thousand years ago, there were no “migrants” going to China. This wasn’t an issue at all.
The Great Wall was about national defense against invaders.
How quiet quitters gain from doing just enough work
Hinckley explained that a major driver behind the growing interest of the topics on social media was the COVID-19 pandemic, which pushed many workers out of the office and into their homes. There they had free time to pursue their passions and placed a greater emphasis on mental well-being. “We realized there’s so much more to life than just going to work,” Hinckley said.
You probably saw us ranting about this here: when workers stay home, they realize that Whatever and Office Space were right: 90% of what of we do in offices is unnecessary and pro-forma, and most people really “work” only about fifteen minutes a week. If that is the case, why not skip all the meetings, emails, trainings, and team-building activities, since you will get everything done just the same except without all the junk generated simply to give other people something to do?
As a person from mainland China, have you ever been ‘invited to tea’ by the authorities? What was the experience like?
Yes, I’ve been “invited to tea”by the police twice, both in my hometown Xinjiang BTW.
So last year I went back to Xinjiang to do some filming, make some videos and upload them to YouTube. Well, because of that I had caused myself some small trouble.
This video in particular made me be “invited to tea” for the first time:
Though there are some sensitive remarks in this video, they are not mine but some Uyghur nationalists’. I just read them out in order to let my audiences know what do some Uyghur nationalists think of Han Chinese.
The police officer eventually figured it out and realized that it was a misunderstanding. We ended up smoking cigarettes and chatting with each other until midnight in his office. He shared a lot of his personal experiences being a police officer in Xinjiang and he also suggested me to be careful with my comments online because some people would intentionally twist my words or cut me out of context in order to make me fit into their own narrative. The man was absolutely correct. Lastly, he saw me to the door of the police station and went back to work.
The second time I encountered such case was when I was traveling in a very small town which can be found in North Xinjiang. I was trying to shoot videos while holding my camera when one guy came up to me and wanted to know who was I and what I was doing. I told him that I was a vlogger and I was just filming. He seemed to be nice but he kept following us along the way. We then went to a restaurant, minutes later a few police officers came and asked us to go with them.
It turned out that we had been reported by the man who was following us. The police officer asked me a few questions and checked my camera to see what I had filmed. Again, it was just another misunderstanding and we left the police station in 10 mins.
The guy who reported us may had watched some anti-spy videos online and he thought we were doing some illegal things. The police officer also told us that people in that small town were very sensitive and alert towards people with camera or other digital devices. Honestly, I have to say that it’s just a very small town with nothing special at all. No one including the BBC and CNN would be able to “create some interesting stuff” there. I was filming there simply because it’s a Mongolian autonomy town and I wanted to capture some Mongolian signs on the street.
Anyway, as you can see, after being slandered and attacked by some anti-China media, then being sanctioned by the USA government. The Xinjiang authority and sometimes even the ordinary people of Xinjiang would overreact to “suspicious activities” which doesn’t ALWAYS mean we have something to hide. In many cases, like the first police officer said, we are just afraid of some journalists’ or experts’ creative work which could mislead people’s opinions on what’s really going on in Xinjiang.
Anyhow, in comparison with some “citizen journalists” or some “human rights activists”, this is my boring and unspectacular experience being “invited to tea” in China. It may disappoint you if you wanna hear some exciting and bizarre stories.
Jimmy Altieri Gets Whacked – The Sopranos HD
How do mainland Chinese people feel about their COVID-19 test kits being useless?
😀 😀 You do realise that ALL the covid test kits ALL around the world are made by China right?

This test kit is made for the Netherlands.
Guess where it’s made? China.
After self-hosting my email for twenty-three years I have thrown in the towel. The oligopoly has won.
Email is now an oligopoly, a service gatekept by a few big companies which does not follow the principles of net neutrality. I have been self-hosting my email since I got my first broadband connection at home in 1999. I absolutely loved having a personal web+email server at home, paid extra for a static IP and a real router so people could connect from the outside. I felt like a first-class citizen of the Internet and I learned so much. Over time I realized that residential IP blocks were banned on most servers. I moved my email server to a VPS. No luck. I quickly understood that self-hosting email was a lost cause. Nevertheless, I have been fighting back out of pure spite, obstinacy, and activism. In other words, because it was the right thing to do. But my emails are just not delivered anymore.
DMARC/DKIM, https, and AMP serve zero purpose for your average website. If you do not use them, you fall in Google’s ranks, and Google controls up to 90% of the search market, so everyone does what Google says. Naturally, Google is abusing this power, as are other large corporations in implicit collusion, simply because that way they can keep their power and do not have to admit the competition that will un-do them because they are bloated corporate welfare dinosaurs.
Kill Bill Vol 1 Full Fight, Black Mamba vs The Crazy 88
I’m just curious how many Chinese people are willing to fight for the CCP against the whole world? Who is willing to sacrifice their lives, kids, family, and lands for CCP to invade Taiwan?
I’m curious, why do you think the Chinese will face the situation of fighting against the whole world because of Taiwan? And I can tell you clearly, don’t underestimate the Chinese people’s solidarity and patriotism, most of them will go ahead without hesitation if need be.

First of all, we need to be clear about the fact that the vast majority of countries in the world adhere to the one-China principle, which means that they all recognize that Taiwan is a part of China.
Almost the whole world will not recognize “Taiwan is a country”.
In 1971, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution, clarifying that the People’s Republic of China has the only legal seat in the United Nations organization, and expelled the illegal seat of the Taiwan authorities.
Since then, many first world countries at the time have terminated diplomatic relations with Taiwan one after another.
The U.S. completed its troop withdrawal and ended diplomatic recognition of Taiwan in 1979. At present, 181 countries, including the United States, have established diplomatic relations with China on the basis of the one-China principle.
Of course, it is undeniable that a small number of countries still insist on establishing diplomatic relations with Taiwan. But most of these countries are poor and desperate.
The establishment of diplomatic relations with Taiwan is just because of the money that the Taiwan authorities gave them, and it is difficult to cause any real harm to China.
That is to say, except that Western countries like the United States will frequently provoke the one-China principle in order to satisfy their political ambitions and try to “rule China with Taiwan”, most countries will not violate their diplomatic commitments.
I don’t think so.
Would someone be stupid enough to be hostile to the entire Chinese mainland for a Chinese island?
And if the U.S. really wants to recognize “independent Taiwan,” without a war, or in a non-peaceful way, that’s almost impossible. Therefore, on the Taiwan issue, there will not be a situation in which the “whole world” will confront the CCP.

Second, I don’t think anyone should “expect” war to happen, it’s against morals and ethics.
China reserves the right to achieve cross-strait reunification by force, but will not initiate a cross-strait war unless it is absolutely necessary, and no one wants to see a war happen.
Moreover, Taiwan is China’s internal affairs issue. China will not easily provoke a “civil war”. If it does, the people on both sides of the strait will be hurt in the end.
But since you have put forward such an assumption, I would like to tell you that according to a survey conducted by the world authoritative survey organization WVS on “Once the war starts, how many people in each country can voluntarily serve the country”, the data shows that there are 76 people in China. % of people expressed their willingness to go to war for their country, which is the highest among all the major countries surveyed such as Germany, Russia, and the United States.

The Chinese have a strong will to unite and a patriotic belief.
The Chinese hate war because they have been deeply hurt by it, but this does not mean that when China’s bottom line is touched, the Chinese will choose to escape.
What’s more, China’s military power is strong enough that even if war does happen, China is capable of defending its own country with minimal losses.
Of course, rather than hypothetically, let’s just pray that war never happens, in which no one really wins.
Finally, I hope that you will not be too short-sighted before asking questions in the future, let alone treat your world as “the whole world”. Let’s wish mankind love and peace together!
A fun watch!
Why are the Congress members in the US so lesser tech savvy than CPC members in Chinese government?
On average, Chinese people knows more about the world than Americans knows about the world not because of intelligence but because of your media narratives that made American’s in general naive and ignorant. I am sorry for them.
To be a Chinese civil servant and political representative in China is indeed a very meritocratic process, the sat through test, examinations and they need to do well for the people every step of the way. In China you are both selected on capability and elected on having served well.
In America you just need to be popular.
With the deteriorating US and China relations, how will the US economy be affected?
Westerners ignore a key fact, namely, that China does not depend on the US for its income. It has very significant sources of income all over the globe and basically, cannot be stopped by anything the US may do.
While the US relies in large part on China, for cheap goods and for key roles in the supply chain, China can go on forever without the failed state of America,
The US is losing not because of deteriorating relations with China. It is losing because of chronic mismanagement of its resources and because it chooses politics over real world solutions.
It will be that way in Trump wins in November and it will be that way if Biden wins. Biden has promised to be “tougher” on China than Trump. That makes two failed leaders. Nothing can save America now.
Why, in July 2022, did China refuse to share information with NASA on the reentry of its Long March 5B rocket into the Earth’s atmosphere?
This is totally wrong.
China did indeed share information with NASA.
And, this is what happened.
- First the information would be in Chinese language. Sorry, China doesn’t communicate in English.
- Second before they can translate this information, they had to make contact with FBI according to the Wolf Amendment.
What is the Wolf Amendment?
The Wolf Amendment is a law passed by the United States Congress in 2011 that prohibits the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) from using government funds to engage in direct, bilateral cooperation with the Chinese government and China-affiliated organizations from its activities without explicit authorization from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Congress
Well according to this law, since NASA gets funded by our government, it really means employee of NASA or even using their email system (funded again) to communicate, is really not allowed to talk to China for anything, without permission from the FBI and US Congress.
After NASA received permission from FBI (which was 5 days later), hence why NASA commented on this 1 day before the debris fell.
At that time the FBI reminded NASA, USA funds you, so you better make a statement about something “Evil” or at least write an article that ends with “At what Cost” and also use the word “Sham” if possible but don’t be too racist because you got many Asian Americans in the NASA program.
After the debris fell down safely over the Indian ocean again….
Finally NASA translated the document and this is the Main heading of the document.

The rest of the document is unfortunately unable to be shared because it’s “classified” information.
Maybe in October 2022, the process will be more smooth. I am sure that is why Nancy is visiting Asia on this trip, so she can explain how dangerous China is for not providing an “English document”.
One-Pot Creamy Shells and Sausage
Just like your favorite boxed shells and cheese, this recipe turns out a dinner that’s creamy, irresistible and made in a single pot.
But unlike the boxed version, this upgrade will fill up the whole family—thanks to the addition of hearty Italian sausage and Muir Glen™ tomato basil pasta sauce.
Cooking the whole meal in a single pot isn’t just convenient, it also allows you to build flavor as you go. Here’s what we mean: It all starts with browning the sausage until it’s cooked through.
Removing the sausage but not the rendered fat it leaves behind adds deep savory flavor to the onions, garlic and red pepper flakes that get sautéed next.
After your aromatics, you’ll add the tomato sauce, which is handy since it’ll help deglaze the pan and integrate more flavor into your sauce. With the addition of the broth, you’ll have enough liquid to cook your pasta.
Once the pasta is cooked through, all that’s left is adding the cream and cooked sausage.
Serve this up with shredded Parmesan and basil, and you’ve got a delectable dinner that might just become a part of your regular rotation.

- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 lb bulk mild Italian sausage
- 1/2 cup diced red onion
- 4 cloves garlic, chopped
- 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 carton (32 oz) Progresso™ chicken broth
- 1 jar (24.5 oz) Muir Glen™ organic tomato basil pasta sauce
- 1 lb uncooked medium pasta shells
- 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese (2 oz)
- 2 tablespoons shredded fresh basil leaves

Police station assault | The Terminator [Original sound & color]
Why is China not yet a big profit center for US banks?
You’ve probably heard of Jack Ma, the head of Alibaba Group, kind of the Chinese Amazon.
About a year ago, Ma tried to get Alibaba into banking. It was their idea to loan people money to buy stuff from Alibaba, kind of like the typical rotating credit account any young adult could get from any U.S. department store.
Well, the Chinese government put the kibosh on that idea almost immediately. Ma went missing for a few weeks. The idea was taken completely off the table.
This fellow here is Friedrich Hayek

He’s the anti-Keynes. He thinks that if a capitalist enterprise fails, it should be allowed to fail and to take down anyone stupid enough to have given it money. Otherwise, you just get an endless succession of booms and busts with the government bailing everyone out in a bust cycle.
Mix together Hayek and the Chinese Communist Party and you get why American banks can’t get into China – China doesn’t have an easy credit culture. They think that widespread consumer lending is a bad idea. They think that it could lead to catastrophic failure of an economic system.
They are, of course, entirely right.
Unfortunately, much of American banking isn’t driven by “providing money for manufacturing enterprises” anymore and instead is driven by “moving money around to make more money”.
China’s not the place for that. They love industrial investment, and infrastructure investment, but they detest financial speculation and an economy dependent entirely on consumer spending. You can make money on industrial and infrastructure investment, but not a lot. The real money is in financial speculation and consumer loans. That’s all American bankers are interested in nowadays.. There’s none of that to be had in China, and the Chinese government wouldn’t allow it.
Say what you want about the Commies, but they get through global economic downturns better than anyone else.
Bruce Lee – Fist of fury [HD]
Digital nomads want to replace the nation state
To Razavi, membership of a nation state “offers incredibly poor value … The aspects that are really stuck in the past include citizenship, passports and tax. Our vision is to upload the nation state to the cloud.”
As said here before, whatever nation manages to abolish the entitlement taxes and offer government as a service will quickly become self-sufficient and dominate all other economies. The first world has hobbled itself with taxes in order to keep the third world, both foreign and domestic in the ghettos, from exploding into chaos, but the high cost of this is the entitlements taxes which drain vitality so that a Soviet-style collapse is imminent.
Vile 13–year–old sadist
Vile 13–year–old sadist lifts up petite 13–year–old female classmate and drops her headfirst onto concrete. Laughs and says she deserved it.

School doesn’t detain sadist or call for an ambulance (it only contacts a relative of the victim). When the relative arrives 2 hours later, they’re told the girl had an “accident” and was suffering from “sunstroke.”
Relative calls for an ambulance. Girl is not in hospital until 3 hours after injury. Girl is paralyzed from her left side down and struggles to speak. She will spend the rest of her life like this.

Vile male sadist is arrested, but is then released on bail. Probably playing video games now. Due to its age, it cannot be named as it is protected by UK law. Naming it is an imprisonable offence. When this creature is convicted, it will probably be given a Youth Rehabilitation Order, roughly analogous to probation in the US. If it receives a “tougher” Detention and Training Order, it will not even go to a youth prison, but to a Secure Children’s Home, for a period between 4 months and 2 years.
In an earlier post, I called the social and religious mores of my country primitive, malignant and in need of destruction because I heard that many Egyptians had mixed feelings about a man who stabbed a female colleague to death after she turned down his marriage proposals — the fact that the girl did not wear the hijab, had rather immodest photos on her social media, and wanted to become a model, made many people feel as though the man should not be sentenced to death because his victim seemed to be a “bad woman” who played with him romantically and made him insane.
But any legal system that protects and gives a slap on the wrist to a boy who cripples a 13–year–old girl for life out of sadistic pleasure must be considerably more barbaric than we are in this case.
Why does it become the model “international” standard for a country to anonymize criminal offenders and give them bail and an absolute joke of a sentence after conviction, all because they’re under 18?
If it were up to me, only the following would be appropriate:
- The boy would be named, his face broadcast, and his family known.
- A sentence of not less than 15 years’ imprisonment for the boy, with the first 3 to be served in a youth facility and the rest in an adult prison. The boy would qualify for monitored release after completing 8 years of the total sentence, providing he had concretely shown extreme, consistent remorse and displayed a near–perfect record of behaviour through his sentence. Failure to demonstrate remorse and observe a very high behavioural standard would result in the incremental extension of this 8–year threshold.
It’s not a tragedy if this arrangement sets the boy on a trajectory to spend a very long time in prison. Some people are violent and dangerous from a very young age and are simply not meant to be free.
- Arrest of the boys’ parents so that their parental responsibility for his crime can be investigated, with a sentence of 1–2 years’ imprisonment if found guilty.
- Financial compensation from the boy’s family for this girl who will now face a lifetime of disability, medical expenses, and severely decreased career potential and quality of life. This compensation must be in the hundreds of thousands of pounds and can be obtained through the seizure of family assets and garnishing of the parents’ income, followed by garnishing any public funds allotted to the boy (including for his legally required public education, NHS, etc.), followed by garnishing his wages when he enters the workforce.
- Arrest of the school officials who did not detain the boy, did not seek immediate medical attention for the girl, and misrepresented the incident and her injuries to her relative. A sentence of 6 months + whatever additional time reflects how the girl’s medical outcome might have been better if she had been taken to hospital right away. Henceforth these individuals would be barred for life from being employed in schools. The school would be placed under strict and direct government observation or possibly even nationalized.
Is this authoritarian? I actually see it as too light. Blindly mimicking legal principles established by culturally dominant rich countries like Britain needs to end. It doesn’t lead to progress. Progress is to make laws that we have considered rationally and scientifically, are supported by the educated population, produce desired outcomes, and are free from the influence of religion and primitive culture. Under those conditions we are morally and logically justified in practicing the death penalty, corporal punishment like caning, and even criminally trying and incarcerating a 13–year–old boy, and no outsider has any business pressuring us to change.
Mobsters Meeting At Satriale’s – The Sopranos HD
‘Full-time work doesn’t pay’
More than one-third of U.S. families that work full time year-round do not earn enough to cover a basic family budget, according to a recent report from researchers at Brandeis University’s diversitydatakids.org program at the Institute for Child, Youth and Family Policy. The situation is even more dire for Black and Hispanic families, according to the report. More than half cannot afford basic needs, compared to 25% of white families and 23% of Asian and Pacific Islander families. Inequities remain even when controlling for education and occupation.
In theory, the Democrats are pro-diversity, but in actuality they want to keep minorities as a captive voting base who are perpetually impoverished and therefore always vote for more taxes and free stuff (one does not occur without the other). When looked at from the highest level of abstraction, the inflation caused by the Biden taxes has done one thing effectively: it has destroyed the value of real estate holdings and salaries. The Left wants you impoverished and miserable so that you cling to them and they can hand out favors to those who demonstrate appropriate obedience.
How do you feel when you see foreigners eating your country’s food incorrectly?
Aw man this question was made for me. I’m Australian and the one food from here everyone hates is Vegemite. For the most part, it’s because people eat it wrong. People either lather it on like this.

Or they eat it on a spoon or knife.
Both of these are wrong. The way you eat it is simple. You get your toast, butter it, then put a kinda thin layer of vegemite on it like such.

Easy Chart to follow right here:

Is it possible for America, Japan, South Korea, and Europe to forcefully get rid of China’s current regime?
No, it is impossible for 3 reasons:
- China’s government is very strong, very stable, and well-supported by the people (according to the Edelman Trust Barometer, Latana’s Democracy Perception Index, and a study from Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School).
- China has the world’s third largest and most powerful military, and China is a major nuclear power.
- China is too smart to let the West undermine its government. The West tried in Hong Kong and failed. The West tried in Xinjiang and failed. The West tried in Tibet and failed. The West has played all its cards and can do nothing more.
China will rise to become the world’s dominant power within 20–30 years. You better get used to it.
Eagle-eyed Delaware hunter chances upon ‘holy grail’ of tree lovers — full-grown American chestnut
The adult American chestnut, long thought to be extinct in Delaware, was discovered by a deer hunter with a sharp eye and an encyclopedic knowledge of local flora. The one White is hugging is the only one known to exist in the state; he calls it a “precious resource.” White thinks about what this swath of woods in the rural Centreville area looked like in the early 1900s. “This forest would have been 30% or more chestnut trees, American chestnut,’’ he says. “Of course, the blight came in at about that time when they started to bring the Chinese chestnuts over.”
Diversity might mean suicide.
When you introduce two species within the same niche, they struggle and the less adapted version wins. Over time, this replaces the efficient adaptation with generalists who ravage other parts of the ecosystem, creating an Easter Island style crisis.
Adaptation increases efficiency and in the process creates the ecosystem in which all outputs from one species become inputs to one or more others.
An Australian Telstra add from a few years back, I think it sums up the ignorance of the west with regards to China in a nutshell.
Remember cover of the 33rd edition of The economist in 2019?
Putins pipelines! Coincidence?
Leave that up to you.
Keep up the amazing bed time reading. Better minus the Farang ding dong content.
what a coincidence; i was reading this last night and paused then went to get some vegemite, delicately spreading just a little bit so as not to accidentally kill myself from over bitterness. When i resumed reading this morning, lo and behold the next part i was up to was about foreigners eating the black goo incorrectly. Yes I can attest to this guy knowing what he is talking about. Vegemite is not something you can lather on like jam – you do this and you are going to have a bad time with it and think it tastes like absolute shit. I actually hated the stuff my whole life, until a few years ago when the company who makes it (i think it is now kraft, or was kraft) got this brilliant marketing idea and brought out a brand new vegemite product. The catch was, they had a competition to name the new mysterious substance (they deliberately with held information about wtf it actually was from consumers to sucker them in). Now, given this was a period where iphones and ipods were just getting big, it was kind of inevitable that the new product would evntually become to be known as vegemite Isnack 2.0. Stupid name i know, but eventually they changed it to something that hinted at just what this mysterious concoction could be: vegemite cheeseybite, that’s right a blend of the dregs left over from beer brewing mixed in with cream cheese. So yeah, getting sucked in by the whole advertising thing, I have to say my curiosity was piqued, and I ended up buying a jar just to see what the big fucking deal was. Guys, especially foreigners, if you ever come here to OZ and are planning on trying vegemite please, PLEASE, for your own sake, try Cheeseybite first – the jar it comes in is quite a lot smaller than the one you get original vegemite in and the paste is a lot lighter in colour, same consistancy as nutella. This stuff is legitimately good, and you can lather a whole jar of it on without it changing the dynamics of your food – if anythign it actually gets better the more you cram on to your bread – make it a piece of ciabata and you won’t go wrong -, unlike with original vegemite which amplifies in bitterness the more you put on. Something about the cream cheese in cheesey bite cuts through that bitterness and perfectly compliments it
Vegemite. Ghastly stuff. Give me a meat pie any day, with a nice icy cold beer. Last time I was in OZ-land I could buy a meatpie for one golden coin. Ah. Those were the days!
Vegemite is the reason Australian kids grow up strong and healthy LOL. It’s an acquired taste for certain and we here are trained from early childhood to consume it on a promise from mum that if we did not eat our breakfast a ladies size 6 shoe would be imbedded into your bottom. You have to spread it thin, that’s the secret. Anyway Promite wins the mite battle hands down, it’s not as bitter or as salty. $4.50-$5.00 for a meat pie these days man.
$5 for a meat pie? WTF?
It sure as Hell be one fucking large pie, don’t you know.
the thing with $5 pies is that we have some really decent bakeries around here that make it worthwhile. We have one down the road we hit up every time we take our daughter to horse riding lessons and i’ll end up getting a ned kelly which is beef mince topped with an egg covered in bacon and cheese. About 40km down the road is the town of Toodyay which has a much better bakery with a much better selection. That $5 will get you a smoked beef brisket, cheddar and jalapeno, and OMFG its delightful. I suppose I am lucky that we have so many bakeries around here that really have their eyes on that “best meat pie” award (though the ones who always seem to win i have found are not that great).
I am happy to spend 5 bucks for a good pie no worries, Now that Ned pie sounds bloody good mate hey. Might bake some pies next week-end based on that man. Cheers
Last call on Vegemite, DM how many Vegemite “glasses” did your mum have in her cupboard LOL. Ours was full of them.