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Christmas 2024

Merry Christmas!

Today, I want to go lite and easy.

The other day I was in the car and pulling into a automatic parking garage. (All the parking lots in China are automated AI robots.)

Parking lot gate
Parking lot gate

While I was parked in front of the front gate (a white and red bar that blocked the entrance) and while the auto-scan was scanning my front license plate, I hear a BANG! And the car shakes.

A 17 year old kid plowed into the side of my car. He flew over the car  and put a dent in my side panel. A little like this…

Sort of like this
Sort of like this

Later we went to the Traffic Police and dealt with the whole affair. They were all very nice and polite. It was all nice peaceful and friendly.

The boy’s mother was concerned, of course. He was very much embarrassed, and in pain. But it was a very calm and peaceful event.

Which was stunning. As you all know, I am an American and the police tend to be very “official”, not “friendly”.

Traffic Police
Traffic Police

Over all; this is what was recorded…

  • The gate camera recorded the collision.
  • My car dash cam recorded the collision.
  • The traffic light nearby recorded the collision.
  • The collision was also recorded by the nearby restaurant, the nearby external bank cameras and the pet doctor external cameras across the road.

And all the feeds were viewed in the Traffic police office. We just flipped though the various feeds and found the accident from a bunch of different angles.

We filled out some papers, and then…

  • The 17 year old kid admitted it was his fault.
  • The cameras all said that it was his fault.
  • The Traffic police all said that it was his fault.


I was found to have caused the accident. It was My Fault.

Yeah. Me.


Well, in China in accidents between cars and electric scooters, the Car is always at fault. No exceptions.

No exceptions. That’s the rule.


So my insurance is dealing with this matter. *sigh*

I pay 60% of the cumulative damages, and his mother pays 40%. The insurance rules that in these kinds of collisions, it’s shared equally 50% / 50%. But, he’s a minor. So his mother only pays 40%.

And that is my story for today.

Have a great Christmas…


PH wants to drag USA in the SCS disputes. Like Israel’s Netenyahu trying to trigger a WW3 in Mideast & then drag USA to the mud.

But USA is not stupid.

If there is no guarantee to win the battle, USA will not be so stupid to be involved. USA will not sacrifice Americans’ life in any war. Look at Ukraine war.

“America First” is the US slogan.

If there are stupid people, it is PH because PH does not take hints & signs …

1, There is no US aircraft fleet in SCS (ready to protect PH).

2, USA is ambiguous about the US-PH MDTreaty. More than once, USA was ambiguous.

In the Aug episode, Indo-Pacific Commander said it loud & clear that US can escort PH resupply to CG9701 at Xianbin reef. Then with a lower & faster tone, he said “after a dialogue between the boss of US & PH”.

What has US boss decided? We did not see US escorting PH resupply. Instead we saw PH CG9701 left Xianbin on 2024/9/14. Some of its crewmen were on stretchers. Some hooked up to medical salt water. Some were supported by others.

3, In the June incident where a PH SOLDIER got his finger crushed, we did not see US military rushing to help the PH soldiers who tried to forcefully resupply the junk ship at Ren’ai reef, while US warships were behind in the neighborhood during a US-PH military drill.

4, PH never understands that USA will not risk having direct conflict with China. USA is just using PH as a pawn. But PH does not or pretends not to understand. Maybe money has blinded their eyes.

A 96-year-old woman’s note to her bank! Priceless!

The following is an actual letter that was sent to a bank by a 96-year-old woman. The bank manager thought it amusing enough to have it published in the New York Times.


To whom it may concern,

I am writing to thank you for bouncing my check with which I endeavored to pay my plumber last month. By my calculations, three nanoseconds must have elapsed between his depositing the check and the arrival in my account of the funds needed to honor it. I refer, of course, to the automatic monthly transfer of funds from my modest savings account, an arrangement which, I admit, has been in place for only thirty-one years.

You are to be commended for seizing that brief window of opportunity, and also for debiting my account $30 by way of penalty for the inconvenience caused to your bank.

My thankfulness springs from the manner in which this incident has caused me to rethink my errant financial ways. I noticed that whereas I personally attend to your telephone calls and letters, when I try to contact you, I am confronted by the impersonal, overcharging, pre-recorded, faceless entity which your bank has recently become.

From now on, I, like you, choose only to deal with a flesh-and-blood person.

My mortgage and loan repayments will therefore and hereafter no longer be automatic, but will arrive at your bank, by check, addressed personally and confidentially to an employee at your bank whom you must nominate.

Be aware that it is an offense under the Postal Act for any other person to open such an envelope.

Please find attached an Application Contact Status form which I require your chosen employee to complete.

I am sorry it runs to eight pages, but in order that I know as much about him or her as your bank knows about me, there is no alternative.

Please note that all copies of his or her medical history must be countersigned by a Notary Public, and the mandatory details of his/her financial situation (income, debts, assets and liabilities) must be accompanied by documented proof. In due course,

I will issue your employee with a PIN number which he/she must quote in dealings with me. I regret that it cannot be shorter than 28 digits but, again, I have modeled it on the number of button presses required of me to access my account balance on your phone bank service. As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Please allow me to level the playing field even further. When you call me, you will now have a menu of options on my new voice mail system to choose from.

Please press the buttons as follows:

Press 1: To make an appointment to see me.

Press 2: To query a missing payment.

Press 3: To transfer the call to my living room in case I am there.

Press 4: To transfer the call to my bedroom in case I am sleeping.

Press 5: To transfer the call to my toilet in case I am attending to nature.

Press 6: To transfer the call to my mobile phone if I am not at home.

Press 7: To leave a message on my computer, a password to access my computer is required. Password will be communicated to you at a later date to the Authorized Contact.

Press 8: To return to the main menu and to listen to options 1 through 7.

To make a general complaint or inquiry. The contact will then be put on hold, pending the attention of my automated answering service. While this may, on occasion, involve a lengthy wait, uplifting music will play for the duration of the call.

Regrettably, but again following your example, I must also levy an establishment fee of $50 to cover the setting up of this new arrangement. Please credit my account after each occasion.

Your Humble Client…

(Remember: This was written by a 96-year-old woman!)

Shared Denny R.

I had a best friend of mine. I personally met his dad and everything. He was one of my best long-term friend. I met him in about 2011 at a small playground, we were just little small toddlers at the time. He was about 2 years younger than me and we knew each other very well. We also lived very close to each other. He was like my twin sibling.

He didn’t live in the best situation. His parents were rich but were allegedly abusive. He came from the UK, and he said his parents were both Norwegian. He spoke with a very Scots accent. Occasionally he came to our house feeling depressed about his family situation. He was a true real friend. His parents divorced as his dad grew too temperamental and started to get worse. He always had a depressed mood on him everyday. But he never let his mood catch up to me. I did the same for him as well. We were best buddies forever. We would give bro hugs everyday when we met each other. We would kick it and we would invite each other to every event held. Until then…

When I was 13 I received a call from him… it seemed like a simple call but it completely changed my life.

We had a small discussion about many everyday stuff until I heard over the microphone that it sounded like someone broke into their house. He was screaming for his life. I was extremely scared and concerned, and I also heard his mother screaming in the background as well. Then, the call ended after a long bout of inactivity. My parents were driving as well and saw a car crash nearby far away. We decided to try and help.

It turns out that that same car crash happened to be the car that the friend was sitting in. He was unconsciously injured and the EMD said he’d only have a week or so to live. He was gravely scared, suffering 4 broken ribs, both collapsed lungs, a punctured heart, as well as multiple broken bones. It looked like he was shot. His mom, however immediately died on impact. I cried so hard and was extremely broken down by what happened. It was one of the worst times of my life – seeing a great buddy being greveously injured.

Unfortanately he succumbed to his injuries and later passed away the same week. After hearing about it, one of the worst times of my life. I could not stand it. I didn’t know how to react. Again, I was crying intensely, falling to my knees. It was one of my hardest days to get over with. He was only 11.

A driver was then arrested for intense speeding and racing and was going way too fast, and eventually got convicted and sentenced to over 30 years in prison for manslaughter.

Whatever it takes, do NOT BE STUPID AND SPEED! I DONT CARE HOW YOU ACT, BUT IF THERE WAS A FAMILY OF 4 KIDS, LIKE IN OUR CASE… I can’t stress this enough for my life.

I ended up crying when trying to type this paragraph.

So, this was the most traumatizing thing of my life… please add any comments you want to know below…


Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Set your story on a spaceship exploring the far reaches of space when something goes wrong. view prompt

Carolyn Neal

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

The event horizon is the most terrifying and mesmerizing location in the universe. The one belonging to Navier-11, located just a few months’ trip from the nearest outpost, was to be avoided at all costs under normal circumstances. The supermassive blackhole had a consumption rate comparable to the next three largest combined. There were always murmurs of it being linked to the beginning, a forever echo of the unzipping of the universe, slowly making its way towards zipping all matter back up. There was even a religion tied to it, the Singularity. It’s really no wonder it took so long to recruit enough people to participate in the mission that brought them right on the precipice of Navier-11’s destructive force.Captain Ava Ramirez had to admit that the crew of the Argo was a bit peculiar. It wasn’t surprising for a group of scientists and engineers willing to throw charged particles into the most powerful body in the universe and then try to catch any positrons thrown back with a giant net of energy. At least, that was the best she could make of the procedure, it really wasn’t her area of expertise. She could appreciate the complex beauty of the experiment, however. She watched with everyone else in wonderment the first time they fired materials and saw them travel and disappear into the swirling abyss, distorting and stretching into seemingly nothing surprisingly fast. It took only minutes for a probe to get a positive identification of collected positrons that netted a jovial response from the entire ship.Ava floated beside Dr. Marcus Langley, the mission’s lead astrophysicist, as he called out the first readings. And then he stuck his hand out to shake hers.“I didn’t do any of this,” She said but took it anyway.“You got us here. Let me buy you a beer when we get back.” His smile transformed his usually gruff face into someone much younger. The exceptional symptom of an energetic hope that filled the craft now.The implications of their mission did not escape Ava, despite how lost she felt listening to the science team rattle off theories. If they could reliably collect energy off of Navier-11, they would have untapped an endless source of power. Something people still killed for in every reach of space humanity had populated. Something Ava herself had gone to war for in the name of survival.It was a relief to think those days would be behind them now. That peace was waiting just ahead of them.“You killed me.”Ava was startled awake by Lieutenant Chen, her navigation officer, who hovered over her sleeping compartment with wide eyes and a blood-drained face. “Lt. Chen, what are–”“You killed me and then ejected my body.” The small woman said, looking as if she would vomit.“You’re right here,” Ava unfastened herself and hoisted out of the compartment.“No!” Chen pushed away, propelling herself into the far wall before grabbing to hold herself there, petrified.“What is going on? Did you take something?”That was when Ava noticed the scissors in her hand.“What is going on here?” Marcus entered the dark area, flipping the lights on to the collective groans of several other crewmembers.

“She killed me!” Chen thrust the scissors in Ava’s direction, “She did it, she killed me! I saw it!”

“Hallucinations?” Marcus shot Ava a concerned look.

Before Ava could call for the physician, something swept from the corner of her vision, a shimmering transparent apparition of a man. Not just any man, however, but Marcus. It moved between them like a shadow, traveling straight through Marcus without disturbance.

“See?” Chen let loose of the scissors as they all watched the figure pass, heading towards the labs.

“What the hell was that?” One of the engineers demanded as everyone began to congregate in the area. The apparition stopped, shook, and then dissipated into nothing.

“What in the universe…” Ava forced herself to breathe again and looked to Marcus for a voice of reason. His face was deathly pale, his eyes locked still to the location his ghost had disappeared from.

Over the next few days, the phenomenon intensified. Crewmembers reported seeing apparitions of every member of the ship, some able to identify them as echoes of past events, others unfamiliar. None quite as concerning as Chen’s assertion that Captain Ramirez’s ghost had murdered her own, however. Marcus tried to assure her that it was probably a fluke, information added to Lt. Chen’s mind from the shock of seeing her own doppelganger.

“What do they want?” She asked Marcus one night as they discussed the ship’s location for the next probe. Another specter had manifested beside them, a whispered image of Lt. Chen, seemingly scanning the charting hub just as they were, working calmly.

“I don’t think they want anything, actually,” Marcus said, waving his arm through the phantom. His weathered hand swept through to no effect and the vision continued its work silently. “They don’t appear to notice us at all. I tried talking to myself-”

“More than usual?”

“Ha, don’t act like you aren’t holding full conversations with yourself late nights on the bridge. No, my ghost, I tried communicating, getting its attention. Nothing. It just did everything I would do on a normal day.”

“So, they’re just us? Like an alternate reality or projections of our minds?”



“Of the past and future, pieces of us throughout our existence here.” His eyes went to the viewport, locked on the glowing edge of the accretion disc. The Lt. Chen figure pressed a hand to her chest and looked up a moment before blinking back to nothing.

“How?” Was all Ava could think to ask.

“Our probes, maybe.” He shrugged and shook his head, looking back down to the screen in front of them. “We’ve shouted into the void. It doesn’t answer. Perhaps it only echoes.”

The work continued despite everything, but the stress of events was starting to wear them all down. Meals were dominated by talk of the apparitions, theories on their appearance, and, eventually, superstition. It was unusual, coming from this group of all people, but Ava supposed it was where even the greatest of minds could go when it couldn’t reason out the reality around it.

“It’s a warning, we’re not supposed to be here,” One young scientist told a small group as they huddled around their instruments.

Ava was visiting with Marcus in the lab to determine his timeline for the project. They were luckily on the same page of “the sooner, the better” at this point.

“They have been talking like that since yesterday,” Marcus said in a low voice, “I even heard one mention something about god.”

“This is concerning. What if they start worshiping it like those Singularity weirdos?” Ava said.

Marcus shook his head, but the crease between his brows got deeper. “It won’t come to that. These aren’t scrappers and tunnel workers we’re talking about.”

“My family were scrappers, Marc. Most of my crew is from the colonies.”

“You know what I mean…”

Everyone went quiet again as several specters blinked into existence at each of the instruments, imposing themselves over and through all the solid bodies currently manning them. The doppelgangers worked in a panic, their hands flying over keys and buttons desperately, their eyes terrified and mouths open, yelling soundlessly.

“Shit, what are they on about?” Ava asked.

“Something’s malfunctioning…”

The visions dissolved as quickly as they arrived, leaving the shocked faces of their solid versions in their place, one with his hands clasped together and head bowed.

Ava shivered at the cold dread prickling up her spine.

Marcus placed a hand on her shoulder. “One more collection. Then we leave.”


The next day, Ava was on the bridge, leading the movements of the Argo as they collected all the probes and batteries to prepare for their departure. Each one took a considerable amount of time to dock and secure, with special consideration to the volatile nature of the capsules containing the energy collected. Ava took the opportunity to admire Navier-11 one last time.

There was a lot about this mission that Captain Ramirez did not understand. But Navier-11, she understood. She agonized over its effects on her ship for an entire year of prepping before this inevitable week of proximity to the blackhole.

To approach it was to approach a cosmic abyss—a realm where the laws of physics strained and distorted, and light itself bent to the will of unimaginable gravity. It was darkness—a voracious void swallowing light and warmth, only an eerie absence left in its wake.

The event horizon, that invisible boundary beyond which nothing can escape, was a sinister veil, shimmering with an ominous energy. Beyond it, the accretion disk, a swirling maelstrom of matter and energy spiraling inexorably toward its center. It glows with a hellish radiance, piercing even through the shielding filters, illuminated by the frictional forces tearing it apart.

And then the singularity—a point of infinite density and zero volume, where the laws of physics broke down. A cosmic crucible that saw matter and energy consumed without mercy, where the very fabric of space-time was warped and twisted beyond recognition.

Navier-11 was all of this on such a massive and incomprehensible scale. She was an inevitability, a reminder of their insignificance along the universal path toward entropy. A glimpse into an abyss that was all at once nothing and the heart of existence itself.

In a way, she knew she would miss this view, but staring at it from the Captain’s chair now, Ava could feel only unsettled.

“Uh, Captain, we have a problem,” Marcus’s voice buzzed over the intercom.

“What is it?”

A siren blared and the red warning lights flashed, indicating a fire.

Ava cursed and pulled up the layout on her console. “Status?”

“Something in the cargo bay,” Her security officer replied.

An apparition shimmered into existence, just beyond the instruments, staring out the viewport. It was Ava, her hands clasped behind her, her hair floating around her, loose from her usual bun, clothes tattered and burnt. Blood bubbled into the air from an arm wound.

“Glory to the Singularity!”

Before she could find who had shouted, another apparition swept through her quickly, like a shadow flowing through her vision. She whipped around to watch it as it ran a few more feet with a raised fist before slamming it down and disappearing. She stood just as another ran through again, repeating the action, but saw that it was Lt. Chen and she held something in her fist. Another came a beat later, and then another, falling into an accelerated succession.

She stepped away from her chair. Similar projections were crowded around the room, overlapping each other in a chaotic scene of palpable panic from hundreds of semi-transparent figures crowding the bridge. Lt. Chens came at her still, crowded over each other, rushing through her until they were nearly one until finally the real Lt. Chen was rushing at her, just on the tail of the last mirage. Raised in her fist was a pair of shears, her eyes shone with desperate fear.

Ava kicked off of her chair making distance as she floated backwards. Chen was atop her in a moment, however, and swung the makeshift blade directly for her chest. Ava grabbed a nearby console and pulled. The shears pierced into her upper arm as her body swung around. Chen slowed but kept floating until she made contact with the wall.

“Captain!” The security officer called, floating quickly towards her, but was promptly intercepted by a young engineer, who wrapped his limbs around him as they spun towards the large viewport. He held a sharp piece of metal to his neck.

“What mutiny is this?” Ava demanded, yelling over the insistent sirens.

“The Singularity,” Chen said, now facing her again, poised to push off in her direction. “We must join it. All must return to it. We must return everything.”

A paralyzing cold swept through Ava’s veins as the viewport went dark and she realized they were turning. Straight towards the heart of Navier-11. “You didn’t–”

Chen flew towards her again.

So much for peace.  A switch flipped in her brain. The fight was fresh in her mind once more, the younger version of herself awakened for another war of survival.

Gritting her teeth, Ava pulled the sheers from her arm, blood trailing behind it. She turned it in her hand just as Chen grabbed her around the neck, her actions echoed by innumerable visions. Ava swung the blade around and drove it into her navigation officer’s carotid. She kicked the woman away, the shears tight in her grasp. Chen’s scream echoed and then curdled as blood floated through the air.

“Captain, the containers are unstable,” Marcus yelled through the intercom. “We have to release them!”

She pushed off the console back to her chair and watched as the entire cargo bay began flashing red on the screen. “Marcus, are you alright?”

“They are going crazy, I can’t even tell–”

He cut off. “Marc?”

“Ava,” He said after a beat, his voice now shaking. “I’m sorry, I… I owe you a beer.”

“What are you talking about, old man?”

He only laughed. The screen in front of her beeped, indicating an imminent emergency ejection of the cargo bay.

“Captain, we’re approaching the event horizon! T-minus three minutes, 13 seconds.”

Was that enough time to right? She couldn’t calculate it now. She pushed off towards the navigation console, slamming into it, but promptly overrode Chen’s locks and entered the new commands. The ship turned, its force and trajectory still taking them danger close to the edge of the horizon.

“No!” The Singularity engineer was coming for her, the security officer floating lifelessly behind him. His echoes dove straight to the console, slashing the makeshift blade violently. Ava pushed herself to the floor before using it to launch herself straight for him. She twisted the blade out of his hand as his body collided with the roof and then drove the scissors through his neck until she hit something solid.

“We’re still going to skim the horizon unless we can push off more!”

“The cargo release should do it!”

“How long?” Ava demanded, already pushing off in the direction of the cargo bay.

“Forty-six seconds!”

She flew out of the bridge, crashing into everything in her path before pushing on with all her might through several compartments, traveling through echo after echo.

When she made it to the cargo bay, it was indeed aflame, the hellish glow of the destruction mirroring that of the accretion disc. Several crewmembers were floating in front of it, hands raised in apparent worship.

“Captain,” Marcus called out to her near the cargo controls. He was bent over the console as if protecting it, though part of it had already sparked and caught fire as well. A large chunk of metal stuck from his back.

“Marc, we have to go,” She said as made it to him, testing the metal lodged into his flesh.

“I don’t think I can.”

“Bullshit.” She tore him away from the instruments to see the metal had pierced all the way through his chest. She cursed again but wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held him tight to her.

“Are we joining the Singularity?” The three members were now turned to her, looking almost identical to their shadows save for the framing of the flames behind them.

“Yes, just a few moments more.” She promised and shoved to the exit. The crewmembers cheered behind her.

“Soon we’ll be one again.”

A sickening gravity pulled them into the wall as she and Marcus reached the barrier point of the cargo bay. The engines of the ship rumbled audibly louder, fighting the pull of Navier-11.

As the seal to the bay zipped closed, the Singularity crew inside was crying with joy. A moment later, the compartment broke away and through the window of the hatch, they watched as it fell towards the event horizon and then exploded in a great billowing cloud of energy and light.

Silently, they made their way back through the ship as the pull disappeared. The echoes were sparse now, thinning to single occurrences per crew member left alive by the time they made it to the med bay.

Ava used the intercom from there to give a general announcement as Marcus was seen by the physician. “For any remaining who wish to join the Singularity, you are free to do so. Everything taken has been returned. You may leave through the airlock.”

Marcus was put under for a procedure and Ava sought to oversee the release of two additional living crew members out of the airlock. They thanked her, of all things, and shook her hand before following their echoes into the small space that preceded their demise. Ava personally placed Lt.Chen’s body beside the dead engineer inside.

She pressed the button from the bridge to jettison them away, bound for Singularity.

It was a melancholy relief, watching all that trouble fall away as she stood before the viewport. Navier-11 loomed beyond, ever powerful, ever inevitable.

“I don’t know whether or not you are God,” She spoke to her, “I do not know that I will live to see you unite or destroy all. I do know that before that time comes, we have to get on with it anyway, the best we can. Which means I’ll be back, after that old man buys my drink, and with better tools to take what my people need. As many times as is necessary to keep a fragile peace. As many times as it takes.”

“The void might echo for us, but humanity echoes too.”

Will China only agree to transfer obsolete manufacturing technologies to India?

Typically China these days sells High Technology Parts to India which India assembles with Chinese Know how

For Instance – China sells Wafers, Solar Cells , Diodes and Sensor Panels & Special Glass

China sells its Half cell technology or Multi Busbar Technology to India

With all this India assembles Solar Panels and sells to the US in large quantities

India assembles under Chinese Know How and there are 3,000 Experts from China who have Indian Visa upto 2027 and 2029

For every $ 100 that India earns, China earns $ 92–94 and India earns $ 6–8 for assembly

So China is like a Western Nation in the 2000s and India is slowly taking on the Role of China of 2015–2016 instead of China of 2003–2005

It’s very good

Given our bureaucracy and cesspit democracy, those 10 years cut short would be beneficial in the long run

Unfortunately that’s because GAUTAM ADANI is powerful enough to demand Chinese Know How and Collaboration for Solar Industry

Powerful enough that the Mainstream media will not mock at the Government

India is able to do this without any subsidy needed because China sells for a reasonable price and everyone makes profits

Small Indian Factories earn ₹2.5–3.5 Crore a year profits and employ 45,000 people

That’s what should be done with all other industries

Yet that’s not happening

Take Drones

We can easily buy Chinese Technology which is the world’s best for commercial drones and affordable

We can assemble in India and export in large quantities

There will be buyers in Europe and US

Yet instead we buy from France and Israel at twice the cost and assemble unprofitable drones that are badly assembled and cost thrice as much and nobody will pay so much money

So instead China sells technology to Turkiye and Malaysia and Singapore who in turn invest their money in Eastern Europe and they assemble drones that are selling like HOT CAKES in USA without Tariffs

For every $ 100 Profit that is earned, China makes $ 44

Eastern Europe makes $ 21

If it was India – China would have made $ 65–67 and India would have made $ 8–9 but that’s massive money on a decent ⚖️

Take EV Batteries

Chinese own technology on the Cells, Coating, Performance Sensors and Layer Sheet

They sell these to Tata who assemble them into Battery Packs using Chinese Know How

Unfortunately Tata uses them in their own Cars instead of selling the Packs

If other Indian companies like Exide Or Amaron partnered with China, they could make Assembly Panels and export back to China or Europe or US and make good money

Stalin Government had such a a proposal but Indian Ministry of Commerce shot it down

Take Telecom Equipment

China makes the world’s best 5G Equipment and likely the 5.5 or even 6G equipment

I mean commercial equipment because US makes the worst best Military equipment even today

Nokia or Ericsson equipment is not the same standard, in fact a generation below

So India buys Telecom Technology from China and electronics from China and assembles Telecom equipment in India under Jio or Tata Brands

This helps with incredible 5G speeds we get

Earlier we imported the equipment from China

Again thats because it’s MUKESH AMBANI who is powerful enough for Commerce Ministry to turn a blind eye

BSNL have been unable to get approval for almost 2 years now to be able to buy Tata assembled equipment from Chinese Technology

They still buy Old Indian made equipment that’s three generations old

It’s like buying a Premier Padmini when you can buy a Camry at a lower price

So China is selling its Best Technology to India in some areas and it’s Second Best in some areas (Gotion Or Eve are not prime battery cell makers)

China is making the cream but India is also making GOOD MONEY

India can use this good money and scale itself so that by 15–20 years India can look for new areas for tech development

We may have missed the bus but we can catch one and make it even now

Unfortunately that’s NOT WHAT THE US WANTS

The US wants India to make low cost parts, spares while it wants US factories to make high value items

It wants India to become China of 2003–2005

Take Semiconductors

US wants all the Intial fabrication to be done in the US

They want the processing to be done in the US

They will then send the product to India for END STAGE COMPRESSION, PACKAGING AND TESTING

We spend all our precious electricity and even more precious water and we make 7 Cents on the Dollar

While the US makes 93 cents and reshores back to US

(Again even this is possible only with huge subsidies since US workforce is paid 6.25 times to 8 times more money)

China meanwhile offered better

China offered Technology to make 600 nm to 350 nm Chips IN INDIA FULLY

They offered to sell us Machines plus get 15,000 Engineers to help get things off the ground

That would take us to where China was in 2014–2015 rather than 2006–2007

We said No because of Political reasons

Ultimately Foxconn backed out because they found that even Packaging and Testing and Compression was too expensive in India

Yet it’s expensive because the Technology they charge is expensive

So ultimately it boils down to leadership

Modi missed a lot of opportunities with China due to stupid fifty paise nationalism or jingoism

Adani and Ambani were smart people and powerful enough to demand and get Chinese collaboration

Other players didn’t get that chance

They were denied that chance

Drone makers lost 2–3 years of potential leapfrogging

Imaging is one area where we lost out

Agricultural Technology of China is world class

High speed rail is another

Will India at least now wake up or remain stupid?

Only time can tell

The Manhattan Cocktail


The Manhattan Cocktail is one of the most iconic 1960s cocktails around. Made with rye whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters, it’s a potent cocktail best enjoyed by those who like cocktails with complex flavors and minimal sweetness. Taste-wise, you’ll notice it’s pretty similar to an Old Fashioned, but with a much lower sweetness level. Lucky for you, we have the best Manhattan cocktail recipe you will ever make. Serve these while mellowing out with your friends on a chilly evening.

The Manhattan has managed to remain one of the most popular cocktails in the world for well over a century. A combination of whiskey, sweet vermouth, bitters, and a maraschino cherry garnish, this drink embodies the classic, spirit-forward, and aromatic school of cocktails.

Thought to have been first created around the 1880s, the Manhattan’s exact origins are a bit of a mystery. Many credible records place its creation at New York City’s Manhattan Club. One telling is that the drink originated with a guest of the club, Dr. Iain Marshall; others more dubiously claim that it was first mixed for Lady Randolph Churchill, the mother of Winston Churchill, who records show was not even in the United States at the time. Another story ties the Manhattan’s creation to a bartender named Black, who kept an establishment on Broadway south of Houston Street, though it’s hard to find corroboration on this theory as well.

Despite the inconsistency of the Manhattan’s origin stories, the cocktail recipe itself has remained largely unchanged through most of its history. Though some early outliers exist—notably one written in 1915 by Henry Watterson in History of the Manhattan Club: A Narrative of the Activities of Half a Century in which the cocktail is made with equal parts—a 2-to-1 ratio of whiskey to vermouth has long been standard.

The Manhattan is one of the most iconic and enduring examples of the spirit-forward 2:1 cocktail. Unlike the Martini, which has seen its accepted proportions in constant flux since its inception, the Manhattan’s accepted specifications have largely resisted tweaks and popular whims.

Essentially, in a Manhattan, you’re taking the structure of the Old Fashioned from a spirit/sugar/bitter standpoint, but adding a bit more complexity with the sweet vermouth’s flavor and aromatic profile.

Simply put, there’s a reason the Manhattan has changed little since its creation, and why so many cocktails are modeled on its 2:1 spirit-to-vermouth ratio. It’s been proven time and time again to be an ideal structural balance of each component.


  • 2 ounces rye whiskey
  • 1 ounce sweet vermouth
  • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
  • Garnish: brandied cherry (or lemon twist, if preferred)


  1. Add the rye whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters into a mixing glass with ice and stir until well-chilled.

  2. Strain into a chilled Nick & Nora or coupe glass.

  3. Garnish with a brandied cherry (or a lemon twist, if preferred).

Common Manhattan Variations

Since the Manhattan is such a bedrock template upon which so many cocktails are based, it can be hard to break down every single derivative. However, here are a few of the notable Manhattan variations that have seen popularity over the years.

Bobby Burns: A Scotch whisky Manhattan that replaces the original’s bitters with Benedictine.

Martinez: Possibly a predecessor to the Manhattan (the timeline is murky), the Martinez is something of a cross between a Manhattan and a Martini. It uses a gin base and is sweetened additionally with maraschino liqueur, though an early 1884 recipe from O.H. Byron in The Modern Bartenders’ Guide explicitly says, “Same as Manhattan, only you substitute gin for whisky.”

Perfect Manhattan: A Manhattan that uses equal parts sweet and dry vermouth, rather than just sweet vermouth.

Monte Carlo: Like a Manhattan, but uses a half-measure of Benedictine rather than sweet vermouth.

Revolver: A more modern twist that substitutes coffee liqueur in place of sweet vermouth.

Rob Roy: A Scotch whisky-based Manhattan.

Waldorf: A Manhattan with an absinthe-rinsed glass.

Vieux Carré: This Manhattan-adjacent New Orleans classic splits the base spirit between rye whiskey and cognac, and is accented with Benedictine in addition to the standard bitters.

Should a Manhattan Use Rye Whiskey or Bourbon?

Often a divisive point among cocktail nerds, the use of rye or bourbon should really be a point of personal preference in a Manhattan. Rye is often touted as the traditional choice and said by some to have been the preferred whiskey of New Yorkers around the time of the cocktail’s creation. However, bourbon offers its own allure, and the cocktail has historically been made with both.

Rye whiskey will contribute the spirit’s spicier and more peppery notes to the cocktail, while bourbon will typically be a touch sweeter. As the sweet vermouth already adds richness and a rounder flavor profile to the cocktail, drier rye whiskey is often preferred to act as a counterweight. However, the right bourbon can function in the same way, and there’s enough overlap between the two whiskey styles (as well as variation between individual bottlings) for it to simply come down to taste.

In short: Use the type of whiskey you like best.

Why the Manhattan Works

The Manhattan’s template is rather simple and shared by countless cocktails, from the Old Fashioned to the Negroni—a base spirit combined with a sweet element and a bittering agent. Sugar acts to soften the spirit, reduce the heat of the alcohol, and create mouthfeel while bringing out the whiskey’s subtler aspects. A couple dashes of bitter reintroduce depth and accentuate the base spirit’s notes of oak aging.

The Old Fashioned is a great comparison point and the most stripped-down example of this template. In it, whiskey is paired with sugar, in the form of a muddled cube or teaspoon of sugar, with a few dashes of Angostura bitters. The Manhattan is almost identical, but simply replaces that teaspoon of plain sugar with an ounce of sweet vermouth.

To further break down the math, sweet vermouth tends to average 150 grams of sugar per 750ml bottle, which breaks down to about 4.5 grams per fluid ounce, or… one teaspoon of sugar.


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I was a parent of a future criminal. My son has been to prison 12 times (that we know of). But we as parents as well as his teachers, saw signs that Aaron exhibited criminal tendencies from an early age.

His chief sign was that Aaron respected no boundaries. He didn’t respect boundaries before he even attended school.

His anti-social attitude continued into school. Even in second grade, Aaron was assigned to a special behavior class for up to 8 primary age students (always boys) across the school district: 2 teachers must be present in the room at all times. They weren’t actually in a classroom – but a special detached building (a portable) was constructed across a field from the school because they didn’t want these boys in contact with other students. A padded cell was available in their classroom because one of these boys may need to be confined for their protection and others’ safety.

No teachers could influence our son. After age 13 Aaron stopped attending school. Aaron had no time for school because he wanted to be roaming downtown. We never could convince our young son that there were dangerous people in our town. Even if he returned home robbed and beaten, he only concluded that he “needed better weapons.”

Aaron has never respected other people or their property. He believes that he is entitled to claim anything he can get his hands on as his in any circumstance. His sisters never could have anything nice because their brother would destroy it or sell it for drugs.

Nor could his sisters have friends visit the house. Sorry, that’s impossible when your brother is a registered sex offender. Aaron’s first sex charges were when he was 13. As a condition of his juvenile sentence, Aaron didn’t live with us because his offenses were against a sister.

Young Aaron had proven to be unteachable. His mother and I would pray that he would have an experience that might change his life. He had many occasions that life could have taught him, but he always became more entrenched in his destructive beliefs. Prison never deterred Aaron from a criminal lifestyle. (In fact, when you’re permanently homeless, prison ain’t so bad.) When Aaron was 28 he had a child with a 16-year-old. His newborn daughter was apprehended by social services before they left the hospital. He railed against “the system,” but never enough to reform.

I spoke to Aaron shortly before his death. He was in recovery after another drug episode had laid him in hospital. He wouldn’t remain in treatment because they weren’t allowing him to smoke in the hospital or even leave to puff and return during Covid. Stubborn, he was found dead the next week.

What a tragedy. Aaron dead age 37.

Revising The Drake Equation

Submitted into Contest #243 in response to: Write a story about a character who wakes up in space. view prompt

J. I. MumfoRD

We often say life is abundant, but intelligence is scarce. Through a century of search, humanity has found the Drake Equation overly optimistic, its predictions littering the cosmos like discarded dreams. Humans were utterly alone.The archeologist bound across the surface of Kepler-186f’s barren third moon, her boots leaving transient impressions on the ancient regolith, a palimpsest soon to be overwritten. Gravitational anomalies had pinged the moon’s survey drones weeks ago, yet the high-res images revealed nothing but more lunar desolation. It was enough to warrant a visit, little else was of interest.Her colleague was waiting. His brilliant blue engineering uniform contrasted against the gray regolith. Shining above them, the green flecked planet had long been marked for further evaluation, a candidate for terraforming. Though the planet could support higher species, they had only found single-cell organisms. For all its fertile surface and vast oceans, life was slow to start.What could have happened to a civilization to only leave traces on the moon? It strained logic, but, the archeologist reasoned, it was worth a stroll. Ahead were unnatural deformations along a cliff face. They unpacked their equipment with reverent care. Cameras and sensors—the eyes and fingers through which they would intimately explore the unexpected.With little else of interest, the two descended into a chasm. Boulders were strewn like primitive burial mounds, marking an extensive field covered in loose rubble, like spires around a massive, squat, flat-roofed cathedral.“Hey…” Cam waited for Elena to face him. “Sorry about my episode on the ship.”Cam’s wispy beard scratched against his microphone. The sound made Elena shudder. “Just get to work.” For long minutes they worked in silence, letting the scanner sweep back and forth.Elena shook off the memory of Cam’s advances. She’d worked hard to solidify the intimidating aura that both captivated and unsettled those around her. Men like Cam were ill-equipped to handle such intensity. Beneath the bravado of her accomplishments, Elena mourned the incremental loss of every meaningful human connection. What lies await if I succeed, but am left with no one to share joy? A façade, that intimidating aura was her armor against the world. Deep down, Elena yearned for a sign. One that would lead her to someone to share her accomplishments with. Until then, work would have to come first.Maybe she had let Cam see her control slip, and that gave him the wrong idea? Seriously, who asks for “frottage”?It was going to be a long, awkward return home.Ahead, grooves in a wall of stone caught the archeologist’s eye, enigmatic hieroglyphs beckoning from the inscrutable past. Simple carvings snaked along the walls, their lines softened by eons of radiation and micro-impacts, like wrinkles etching the face of the universe itself. The few clear pictograms showed creatures prostrating themselves around the structure. Images repeated, each with a new set of beings, all facing the same enormous cathedral.The archaeologist was ecstatic. Such a find was impossibly rare. Even one of these drawings would be enough to make her the darling of academic journals for years to come. She stepped closer to the strange carvings. “Cam, scan and document every detail.”While Elena bounded ahead enthusiastically, Cam lingered behind, movements hesitant, each step into the unknown chipping away at his nerve.“These pictograms are incredibly detailed,” she said. “Look at the intricacy of these ceremonial robes.”Cam leaned in. “Huh.”As the scans finished, they pored over the data. “There, do you see?” The archaeologist pointed. “These creatures appear in different groupings, almost like hierarchies. And here, different species in the same ordered groups.”

Cam’s beard made the same scratching noise.

A selection of carvings had been protected from exposure and harsh temperatures by a small overhang. Despite their excitement, the pair were methodical, recording every scratched rock, each bit of colored stone. From their tests, they established the stone structure had lain unaltered for millennia. From the drawings, they confirmed the enormity of the cathedral. Several images were a top view, with tiny dots moving along the built walls.

The archaeologist traced a finger along a particularly well-preserved image. “And here, can you make out the tiny forms moving around the corner? Perhaps a pilgrimage?” Her breathing quickened at the implications.

Cam shared her awe-struck glance.

Elena tossed a fresh pair of drones into the air. “We are walking the same path as extraterrestrials had.” Elena could hardly contain herself. She urged the technician to follow this unknown pilgrimage further, to follow the dots to their end.

He agreed instantly, Cam would follow her anywhere. “Dr. Bora…Elena.” Cam fumbled, struggling to make eye contact. “I’ve admired you for so long, but could never escape feeling inadequate—”

“What are we doing here?” the archaeologist waved at the images. “An entire alien civilization, commemorated here. After all these years. This find exceeds my wildest dreams. All this and you are talking about your feelings?” She rubbed her finger along the dots. “Save it. You have a job to do.”

Soon they came to a large metal sheet set deep into the cliff face. Midway along the pock-marked metal was a tunnel. Dutifully, the pair stepped to the opening. They did their tests. They were scientists, after all. No hint of electricity, or indeed any form of radiation. It was simply sheets of pure iron, polished to a brilliant reflective surface.

Already, it was a find that would put their names in every journal of every living world. The metal structure magnified the importance of this find. This would create a worlds-wide sensation. Both knew they were duty-bound to report to their superiors. Regardless, they moved inside.

It is undeniable that the two had the highest expertise regarding this artefact. They reasoned they would only be called to its study. Each knew their lives would change this day. Fear of this change nipped at their thoughts. Neither turned to leave.

Their boots added to the dust in this nearly pristine tunnel. In the low gravity, they had to shuffle forward or risk hitting their heads on the low ceiling.

There were no side tunnels. They marvelled at this; the structure was surely large enough to contain a vast complex. They stopped every few meters to scan the surfaces. Their equipment only showed the thick iron on every side of them.

A constant halo of light glowed from their suits in dual sharp-cornered arcs. Glints of colour flashed as the walls reflected the small indicators on their sleeves. Conversation eluded them as they wondered at the tunnel. Their brains told them there should be some noise. Buildings always had noise, subtle echoes, the creaking of metal. However, outside their suits, the atmosphere was so utterly rarified, the sound of their boots .

The archaeologist focused on the familiar shuffling of hair in her helmet. Breathing, and various other tiny human noises, punctuated the pair’s soundless steps. Chirps of their suit sensors were jarring, putting nerves on edge.

The wispy crystalline structure of the iron spread in all directions, branching like an enormous two dimensional tree. The beginning of the tunnel had small marks of oxidation, a slight ochre tinge to the otherwise pure silver surface. Every few paces, the metal was smoother, cleaner, the dust on the ground thinner.

They moved side by side, taking more gentle, shuffling steps. They dimmed their lights as they got close to the glimmering end of the tunnel.

Standing before them was a surface—slightly more pock-marked, but of the same polished iron as the walls.

Unable to resist the temptation to be the first to touch the structure, both reached out.

The metal slid into the wall with the faintest push. They pressed again; it retreated enticingly. Again, they pushed to arm length and then stepped wholly into the newly exposed metal tunnel. After two long paces, the smooth surface stopped.

They shoved, they knocked, they even kicked, but remarkably, nothing else happened. Defeated and confused, they turned away from the moved wall. “Funny, I can feel my heartbeat in my feet,” Elena said.

The technician stopped. “Huh, same.”

Though the tunnel seemed utterly still, the strange rhythmic pulses throbbed through the soles of their boots. The ancient floor possessed its own inexorable cadence, a raw thumping that insinuated itself into their very marrow like the primal drumbeat of creation itself. It shuddered in their calves and made their knees ache. They checked their equipment again. No signals, not even cosmic radiation, moved the indicators. Their equipment could not detect the vibration.

Once clear of the tunnel, they picked up their pace. As they lopped towards their ship, they could see dust unsettled by the tremors. They moved quicker, making larger leaps across the surface. The ground shifted below them.

The regolith pulled from the surface in languid strips, a cosmic flower closing its petals against their intrusion. They dropped their equipment. They could only think of escape.

When the archaeologist fell, Cam’s survival instinct kicked in, dousing any semblance of loyalty. Bounding over her crumpled form as indifferently as a boulder in his path. As he fled the horrors awakened by their curiosity, Cam’s cowardice revealed an uglier truth to Elena—his infatuation was only as deep as his conversational skills.

When the technician reached the ship, it fell away. With his arm still outstretched, the ground beneath rolled under him to expose the mighty engines below. He, too, fell into the abyss. Telemetry disappeared. The ship barely registered as a flash when it exploded.

The archeologist rolled over; she was alone, facing the planet.

The lunar quake fell silent, a great deal of material left suspended overhead. Slowly, that floating regolith contorted towards the planet, twisting into an immense focusing dish as alien mechanisms reconfigured with a slight tremor. Mighty engines lifted and moved into position. Several moments passed.

The archeologist rolled to her side and pressed with all her strength. She dropped into a crouch and stood with care; it wouldn’t do to fall again. She chose a direction and quickly bound away from the center of the gently spinning mass.

Enormous fissures drawn from under the surface of the moon blocked her path again and again. The complex metal structure shuddered. Much of the machine uprooted and moved again.

Maybe it was studying the planet? Elena reasoned the first part of its assessment was done—at least she could hope it was done. A moment passed. The archeologist slowed her retreat, looking up, admiring the massive feat of engineering.

The helix shrank, layers of regolith fell away.

Could it be that the bacteria-filled planet wasn’t worth deeper study?

This was her best guess. The device was working on the logic of some unknown, and likely extinct, civilization. Elena was gleeful to see such an impossibly rare display of ancient technology. She checked the helmet camera and took a wide shot of the device.

Sorry Cam, I’ll get all the credit for this discovery, you—It took a moment for her to think of an insultYou bearded arse-hat can—

An unseen boulder interrupted her thought. It struck with a sickening crack of bone and armor. Pain exploded across the archeologist’s senses as she tumbled backwards. Her eyes turned again towards the planet overhead. Filling her view was a giant helical flower of loose rocks.

A high frequency rumble shook the ground, making a dancing cloud of moon dust swirl above her.

The tips of the structure glowed red.

Then yellow.

Then white.

Then blue.

She was gasping for air; she had been struck by something large along her right side. Each gasping breath hurt as if a spear had pierced her from sternum to spine.

Through the haze of pain, the archaeologist watched helplessly as the planet warped above. Dense green-brown clouds swirled into disarray under the piercing azure rays.

A sickening realization sank into her core. This was no mere scanning device. Its power tore deep, shredding the atmosphere molecule by molecule…and worse, she likely wouldn’t survive long enough to publish her find.

Where teeming seas once cradled life, violent plumes now spewed the remains of evaporated oceans into the vacuum. Continents distorted as tectonic fury ripped across thermal fissures.

The archaeologist clutched her helmet, feeling her heart thunder in panic. This was destruction on a scale far beyond nature’s wrath. Entire mountain ranges crumbled under the brutal beam, reduced to floating rubble within moments.

Through watering eyes, she glimpsed the last remnants of that world’s native biosphere, boiled down to basic elements. Scattering the last vestiges of life to deep space as the atmosphere peeled away.

A deep well of grief swallowed her. Millenia of unique evolution, erased in mere hours by an awakened behemoth mankind was ignorant to disturb. All because of her damned curiosity to document this find.

Was this to be humanity’s fate? Should they trigger such machines in their climb to the stars? The archaeologist curled in on herself, mouth agape in a silent scream, as nuclear fires consumed the last traces of the planet, and the glow of its ruin tinged her suit orange.


Elena woke, still gasping, with eyes to a glorious field of stars. She was floating high above the moon. Alarms blared. She was losing air—a tiny puncture had set her spinning. With every rotation, the moon filled more of her vision. Much of the star field was moving with her, glinting pebbles in space like bubbles in the dark.

It was beautiful.

The regolith fell with her. She put her arms out to brace against the impact.


As the shadow of doom enveloped her, Elena’s crushed body refused its next breath. In those final moments, facing oblivion, the archaeologist’s curiosity was replaced by sorrow. Her pursuit of discovery had awoken a force that rendered all human endeavors insignificant. She mouthed her last words, “behold curiosity, the destroyer of worlds.”

Hours passed as the machine pulsed.

The planet boiled dry.

The shadow of this newly ruined planet crept across the archaeologist’s crushed form, freezing solid her dust covered body.

Above, only the lingering glow of molten rock remained where once an entire world had lived and breathed.

Now spent, the mighty engine settled. The rumbling heart stilled. The moon hung in space, a broken tomb for the foolish creatures who dared disturb what should never have been awakened.

Another four billion years passed before curiosity, again, bloomed.

Less than 3 days after the Netherlands expanded its control over China, China announced that its self-developed advanced lithography machine has been released

Under pressure from the United States, the Netherlands finally compromised and expanded the scope of control over China’s lithography machines. But what is exciting is that just a few days after the Netherlands announcement of expansion of the ban, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced a blockbuster news that our self-developed advanced lithography machine has finally come out.

Just a few days ago, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a document called “Guidelines for the Promotion and Application of the First Major Technical Equipment (2024 Edition)”. According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, major technical equipment is a national weapon and is related to comprehensive national strength and national security. China’s first major technical equipment refers to equipment products that have achieved major technological breakthroughs in China, have intellectual property rights, and have not yet achieved significant market performance, including complete equipment, core systems and key components.

In this guidance catalog, two lithography machines are included, one is a krypton fluoride lithography machine and the other is an argon fluoride lithography machine. According to the introduction, the light source of the argon fluoride lithography machine is 193 nanometers, the resolution is ≤65nm, and the overlay is ≤8nm. The advent of this lithography machine means that domestic deep ultraviolet lithography machines that can produce chips of 8 nanometers and below have become a reality. Once the technology matures further, the production of most of China’s chips in the future will no longer be subject to ASML in the Netherlands.

Just three days before the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued this document, the Dutch government announced that it would expand export control measures on advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment. ASML then issued a statement saying that it was necessary to apply to the Dutch government for an export license for the twinscan nxt:1970i and 1980i immersion DUV lithography systems, but it did not need to apply to the US government. Although the Dutch government did not directly name China, this move was undoubtedly aimed at China.

According to ASML, only applying to the Dutch government and not the United States does not mean that the process will be more relaxed. The first thing to understand is that the reason why the Dutch government expanded export controls is due to pressure from the United States. It seems that the United States has delegated the review power to the Dutch government, but it does not mean that the Netherlands does not need to communicate with the United States. If the United States disagrees, the Dutch government will not dare to approve it. In other words, the Netherlands only got the approval power, but it does not mean that it has the final decision-making power, so this regulation must have a great impact.

Of course, the regulation not only affects China, but also ASML. Data shows that in the first seven months of this year, domestic companies imported nearly $26 billion worth of chip manufacturing machinery, but ASML does not seem to benefit from it. Another data shows that in the first quarter of this year, ASML’s sales fell 22% year-on-year and 27% month-on-month, and its net profit fell 40% month-on-month. ASML has also made it clear that it expects its sales in China this year to be affected by 10% to 15%.

ASML’s estimate was made before the Dutch government’s regulatory policy was introduced. Now that the Netherlands has expanded export controls, the impact on ASML is estimated to be greater. What makes ASML even more uneasy is that now that China’s deep ultraviolet lithography machine has come out, the dependence on ASML equipment will further decline in the future, and ASML’s market in China will inevitably shrink further. In fact, ASML has predicted this result a long time ago. They have said before that if they cannot get supply from overseas markets, China will “do it themselves”. It has to be said that ASML is indeed foresighted.

In fact, China’s semiconductor industry has developed very rapidly in recent years. Whether it is chip manufacturing or chip manufacturing equipment, there have been constant good news, and this time it can be regarded as an absolute blockade. The advent of the argon fluoride lithography machine also means that the US suppression policy has basically failed. I also hope that the Americans can understand that the Chinese cannot be defeated, and the more they are suppressed, the more resilient they are, and the greater the achievements they will make.

Of course, we must also be prepared. After the advent of the argon fluoride lithography machine, there will definitely be a more crazy blockade by the Americans. But as I said, we will not be afraid, and we don’t have to be afraid.

This news is brought to you by Tencent

墨写东瀛话春秋: 09-16 15:19

White Woman Triggered By Men In Thailand Dating Beautiful Women

Absolutely, I’ll be glad to answer your question, but I guarantee you won’t like the answer. As a previous law enforcement officer and current teacher, I think I’m more than qualified.

First the law-abiding citizen gun owners aren’t your problem. Second, we have enough gun laws; enforcing them should be a priority. Law-abiding citizens don’t carry guns into a gun-free zone, but a criminal will. The first thing you need to do is take away the gun-free zones. What a dumb ass idea in the first place. Why don’t you put up a sign that says unarmed innocent victims inside? A mass shooter won’t go where they run the risk of immediately being stopped. When was the last time a mass shooting occurred at a gun show or an NRA convention? Hint: there aren’t any because the majority of the population is armed, and the shooter might get one shot off before getting a hail of lead flowing in his direction.

The next thing you need to do, if the shooter lives, is keep it off the news. This heinous breed of loser is looking to make a statement. Take away his platform and notoriety. Throw his sorry ass in jail with no bail and a swift and closed trial with a jury of his peers. The death penalty is immediately on the table, and he should be charged with capital murder. If the person is found guilty, they receive one appeal that will be heard within two weeks of the trial. Upon refusal of the appeal, the execution will be carried out publically on the earliest day possible. Show it one T.V., put it online, and let everyone see what happens to a mass shooter, no matter if they killed one, ten, or zero.

Start trying and giving harsh penalties to criminals who use a gun in the commission of a crime. Ten years for the first offense, twenty for the second, and life without parole upon the third gun crime. It is time to make the criminals, gangs, and dealers fear the criminal justice system. This forces the criminal to look at risk/ reward. Is the risk worth the reward? Is spending ten years in prison worth robbing the convenience store? If not, then the robbery will not occur. It really is that simple.

Trump Assassin Connections To CIA!

Failed Trump assassin Ryan Routh’s background is… curious, to put it mildly. The 58-year-old is from North Carolina but also lived in Hawaii where he opened a business very briefly that doesn’t seem to have done much business.

He also traveled to Ukraine with the hopes of setting up a foreign legion-type army to fight Russia.

Ian Carroll digs into Routh’s online history to suggest that the would-be assassin quite likely has CIA ties.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Carroll’s evidence and offer their thoughts about whether Routh is CIA.

Laying in a hospital ER in a curtained booth, beside the nursing station, 1 a.m., in agonizing pain, I AM a RN but not at that hospital. I hear a Nurse say to another “ can we finally discharge bed 4?”. I called out, “how can you discharge me when i’ve not been seen by an RN for assessment yet, NOR a MD, but the ambulance brought me here 5 hrs ago? “ that’s not the rules! Suddenly there was a flurry of activity.

I understood there was a change of shift, but no one had done anything for my kidney stone that was subsequently found and I was peeing frank blood. Suddenly Nursing assessment was done, scans, Dr saw me, urologist consulted, lab work. PAIN MEDS. So if I hadn’t spoken up they’d have discharged me, instead i was admitted, then 4 days later transferred to another city that had lithotripsy.

I registered a complaint with their patient advocate. I know where it all started. When the ambulance brought me in, barfing from pain, the triage Nurse told them to “ drop me in a chair in the ER” no pain meds for her. The paramedics told her, no all her muscles are in spasm with the pain. So I was put on a hall stretcher. The advocate asked if I read my chart, Nope, I read the RNs face, and the paramedics told me they were concerned. So I’m sure new staff coming on saw a chart saying “pain, drug seeker”. Yet no one but an aide had seen to me. From then on if I needed to go to ER by ambulance regardless of dispatch, I’d refuse to go to St Joseph’s.

Can you provide a description of Bangkok for someone who has never visited?

I can provide 10 descriptions about Bangkok where I live, guy!

Bangkok is where all signs are in English but hardly anyone can make a conversation with you for more than 3 sentences, “it’s your lucky day if you meet a fluent speaker.”

Bangkok is the only place where the taxi drivers say to the locals ‘ Don’t go’ ไม่ไป… Please go! is always my vocab.

Bangkok is the place where the same bespoke tailor tout says to you ‘the deal’ he has installed for you in the morning (make one suit get 3 free shirts and an umbrella ready in 24 hours) and when you walk past him and in the evening when you return. “if you go for lunch in the same day and back you strike ‘hat trick’”

Bangkok is where the Police are extra hard-working only after midnight at the roadblock but the whole day hiding in air-conditioned rooms.

Bangkok is where you turn every street corner you see a dustbin ( trashcan), ATM 7-Eleven… and street dogs or ladyboys at night.

Bangkok could be one of a few places in the world (other than Lagos and Manila) where you see public buses stop for commuters on the fast lane, and an 80-year-old commuter knows how to jump, hop, and zig-zag from oncoming speeding cars to reach the sidewalk —It’s amazing that no one ever gets rundown.

Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand when motorists beat red light as often as you see motorcyclists speeding on the sidewalks where no pedestrian blink an eyes.

Bangkok has 500,000 Street vendors but has no public hand wash basins, or any toilets?—You’ve gotta be kidding me!!

Bangkok has 10 million cars including motorcycles but any public parking lots?— You must be dreaming guys!—Go to the malls and the temples and park your vehicles.

Bangkok is where the pedestrian crossing is a joke. Should the car be unable to stop for whatever reason, with a flashlight or a sound of honking pedestrians are advised to be quick to hop for safety.

Bangkok has many rules of laws and tough punishments for both traffic law, and serious and tough stance for healthcare for unhygienic food, comparable to Mosaic law but none bothers, even the police don’t give a damn.

I can go on all day, baby!

Lots of nudes, but that is because I added Bacchus in the descriptive paragraph. But the content was solid. It took me a while to purge out the slag before the good “meaty” stuff came out.

AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(13)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(13)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(11)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(11)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 3(11)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(10)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(10)

After a while the AI started to dress up the nudes…

AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 3(10)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 3(10)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 2(10)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 2(10)

Resulting in some nice and interesting artwork…

AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(9)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(9)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 3(9)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 3(9)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(11)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(11)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(10)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(8)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(8)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 3(8)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 2(8)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(9)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(9)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(7)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(7)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 3(7)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(8)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(6)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(6)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 3(6)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 3(6)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 2(6)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(7)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(7)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(5)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(5)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(6)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(4)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(3)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0(1)
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 0
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 3
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AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 2
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(1)
AlbedoBase XL Create a anatomicallyaccurate photo realistic Ba 1(1)

In this context, per capita GDP is much less important than per capita net worth, which in the case of China is quite high at $75,000. The Chinese people live very well.

Ironically, even though America’s per capita net worth is much, much higher than China’s, the American people do not live well. Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck; they have great difficulty making ends meet and they have practically no savings.

Many, many Americans have to work multiple jobs just to keep their head above water. Many of them are in hock up to their eyeballs.

The problem, of course, is that most of America’s wealth is concentrated in the top 10%, or even the top 1%. Yes, it’s that bad!

It was my last few months at school before I dropped out, and I dropped out BECAUSE of this “teacher.”

It was a male teacher. Early in the semester, he told all of the boys to leave the classroom for a few minutes and the girls were to remain.

The SOB told the girls that he wanted us to tell him when we were on our “monthly cycles,” and his reasoning was so he’d know why we might have to leave the room.

I flat out refused to tell him anything and the harassment began. I complained to the principal about it, but none of the other girls would back me up. (I wasn’t one of the “popular” girls, so forget helping me!) His remarks got more and more personal and sexual, so I did something to get revenge on him and walked out of school. I didn’t go back. I lied about my age and got a job, and studied on my own.

Six months later, the SOB was arrested for raping another girl. I found out about ten years later when I ran into the girl at the mall that SHE had been the “popular girl” who told the others not to back me up. Naturally, like good little minions, they did what she said. So I said quite a few things to her that I DO NOT REGRET, but I will say that karma is a real bitch. I did tell her exactly what I thought about her and also said that had I stayed, I would have been the one that was raped, but that would have been “okay” with her and her trashy friends. That was literally the only time I had no sympathy or empathy for a rape victim. I also told her to never speak to me again and if she ever saw me anywhere again, to turn around and go the other way. ALL of that could have been stopped had any of those nasty girls just told the truth and backed me up, but they went so far as to lie about me and cover up for him.

Yes, after his arrest, I went to the school and confronted the principal. I didn’t know who the victim was, but I asked him, “Do you believe me now?” I told him he was an asshole and I hoped he got sued. I walked out again and felt like I had won.

The hard lesson I learned was that I couldn’t count on anyone to do the right thing and I was on my own. So I studied on my own, got my GED, and started college classes. I got my degrees (3.8 GPA) and began my law enforcement career by first working in a federal prison and then went into police work. I feel blessed to have a handful of good friends who are my ride or die.


Submitted into Contest #24 in response to: Write a story set in the dark recesses of space where the two main characters are often at odds with each other in humorous and comedic ways. view prompt

Dale Lehman

The explosion blasted a million obols worth of cometary material into the oblivion of space, a disaster even without their ship being parked at ground zero, but what really rattled Jacey Komarov was the destruction of her entire set of Space Kitchen Deluxe™ radiant cookware, which had been safely stowed on board. She’d bought the set on Callisto twenty-three years before and cared for it like a child ever since. To her, it was more precious than platinum. You couldn’t find gear like that here in the Oort Territories. Standing beside her in his hideous olive green pressure suit, staring up at a black sky liberally sprayed with stars and glittering chunks of comet ice spinning into the void, Arne Slocum seemed hardly to notice. His reaction to the cataclysm was typically juvenile: “Whoa! That was awesome!” Okay, he actually was nearly juvenile: a short, skinny seventeen-year-old with wide, brown eyes and wiry hair that Komarov figured would be ideal for scrubbing out pots and pans. Not her good Space Kitchen Deluxe™ pots and pans, since they were self-cleaning, or had been before their untimely deaths, but she could definitely see grabbing him by the boots, holding him upside down over a filthy pan, and having at it with his skull. Since she no longer had a pan, filthy or otherwise, she slugged his shoulder instead. “Idiot! Look what you did!” He bounced a few feet in the feeble gravity before replying, “I’m looking.” Then he stopped looking and fiddled with the portable extractor cradled in his arms. Its sleek, silver body, massive orange trigger, and flared red muzzle suggested it was a device for killing Tyrannosaurs rather than mining comets. He flipped open a panel on its back and poked a skinny, gloved finger at the circuitry within. “I didn’t think I’d coax that much power from her.” “Stop tinkering! We’re here to collect samples, not vaporize the place from under our own feet. All my stuff is gone!” Slocum scratched what would have been his nose if there hadn’t been a helmet in the way. “You’re not hurt, are you?” He gave her a not entirely medical examination. “Put those eyes back where they belong,” Komarov growled. She turned away from the havoc he’d wreaked. Before her, a jumbled surface of loosely-packed ice and black rock stretched to the horizon, where it melded seamlessly with the onyx sky. Nothing special, really. Every chunck of frozen primordial soup looked the same. This was the Oort Territories, a realm so distant the sun was just a bright star, a place where day was night and night was more night. People came here to strike it rich mining the hydrogen and organics that made corporate executives filthy rich, but somehow only the filthy rich ever got richer, while people like Komarov, scratching out a living employed to a third-rate mining outfit, shambled through shackled to people like Slocum. “Where’s the ship?” Slocum asked. Quick study you are, she groused. “You blew it up along with everything else, including my most prized possessions.” She spread her arms in frustration. “The comet? Fine. The ship? If you absolutely must. But my entire kitchen? Blow yourself up instead!” Slocum’s eyes did a fair impression of a faulty LED flickering between life and death. “I blew up the ship?” “I’m going away now,” Komarov said. “Enjoy the rest of your short life.” She started walking . . . stomping, really . . . okay, bouncing across the frozen wasteland, her weighted boots the only thing keeping her from launching into space. She felt rather than heard the crunch of frozen organics under her feet, smelled nothing but the synthetic cleanliness of recirculated air, saw only glitters in the dark. She didn’t know where she was going, but it didn’t matter. There was nowhere to go but away from Arne Slocum. She’d probably end up back where she started, either from aimless wandering or circumnavigation of the tiny globe, but she didn’t care so long as he wasn’t there when she arrived. Unfortunately, they were still in communications range. “There’s nothing out there.” he said. “Exactly.” “But we don’t have a ship.” “No kidding.” “How do we get home?” If she could put the horizon between them, she wouldn’t have to listen. “Jacey?” The comet wasn’t that big. It shouldn’t take long. “You’re the senior. You’re supposed to deal with situations like this.” “Be very glad you’re not standing behind me,” Komarov grumbled. “Why?” “Because I’d strangle you!” “Oh. Er. Actually . . .” Engulfed by rage, she spun about. The motion would have thrown her headlong across the icefield had not Slocum been a meter back. They collided and fell in slow motion, a tangle of arms and legs and portable extractor. Its bluish beam flashed by Komarov’s head into space where it would either harmlessly dissipate or by freak accident destroy something vital to somebody’s survival. Slocum grunted. “You’re…” His faceplate was pressed against hers and his breathing labored, as though she was squashing him flat, although she couldn’t be, not in this gravity. “…all red.” “You think?” She pushed herself up and dusted off her suit. Motes of ice and organics sparkled into the vacuum. Breathing deliberately and summoning every gram of professionalism left in her roiling brain, she let him pick himself up rather than flinging him across the cosmos. “Maybe you should engage the safety.” “I disabled it.” Mayhem flooded her eyes. “Why?” “Convenience.” She had a vision of approaching him, arms outstretched, grasping fingers encircling his neck, squeezing long and slow and hard until his head popped off. He didn’t share her vision or maybe even notice it. “How do we get home?” “We?” He bounced back up a step, so maybe he had noticed, after all. “I assume you’ve studied the procedures.” “Didn’t have time. I was working on, on, on, this.” He raised the extractor as though offering it to her. Tempting though it was, she didn’t take it. “Before people are dropped on a new target, an emergency package is soft-landed. If the crew becomes stranded, they can activate a distress call. They’ll also find basic tools and provisions.” “Oh. That’s good.” Slocum looked so pleased, he might have designed the package himself. “Where is it?” Komarov pointed. “On the edge of the blast zone.” Slocum fiddled with the extractor some more, as thought that might make all disintegrated things undisintegrate. It didn’t. He looked contrite enough, though, so Komarov set course for whatever remained of the emergency package and motioned him to follow. Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at a massive crater whose edges and walls had a glassy look. The blast had melted the ice, which refroze as it flowed downhill. She amused herself with the thought of Slocum sliding down the slope, unable to arrest his fall, swooping through the bottom and up the other side until gravity slowed him and pulled him back down, up, down, up, down, over and over, amplitude gradually decreasing, until he came to rest at the bottom and couldn’t climb out again. Sweet justice. “Is that it?” Slocum asked. Not three meters beyond the edge of the crater, a massive black box squatted on the ice, a glowing green button planted in its side. They approached and studied it. Miraculously, it didn’t look damaged. “That’s it,” Komarov decided. She pushed the button, and the box blossomed like a flower, petals opening to reveal more controls, panels, doors, and a big red button marked, “For emergency use only.” That seemed redundant. The whole thing was for emergency use. Slocum held his breath while the box revealed its secrets, then let out a sigh. “You can say that again,” Komarov told him. “You’re damn lucky you didn’t take this out, too.” More contrition was called for. He fiddled with the extractor one more time. She pushed the red button. A control lit up, informing them the distress beacon was active. “You know,” Slocum said, shifting the device in his arms. “I honestly didn’t think I’d coax that much power from . . . “ Something his finger touched when click. The brilliant bluish beam flashed, vaporized the emergency package, and raced over the horizon into space. Komarov screamed. Fortunately for her, enough distress call had transmitted that two hours later a rescue team arrived. Fortunately for Slocum, low-gravity running is trickier than it looks, and they got there before Komarov caught him.

That actually happened to me, except it was almost 2:45 AM!

Even today, I still have no faintest idea why they came to my house, detained me, handcuffed me and sent me to the Station themselves!

I mean, my story did not change. I had to work longer hours that day, due to Annual upcoming board review, was clocking out of my Office (video cameras are a proof of my alibi), stopped by at a Burger Joint (which their cameras and my receipt was my alibi), and headed to the gas station and filled my gas tank up (which their cameras and receipt was my alibi) and headed home. Took a shower and went to bed, last thing I looked it was 10:47 PM. It was my neighbor who had a spare key to my residency turned it over to the Cops because he could hear them banging on my door! He and his wife knew I couldn’t hear anything without my hearing aids!

Next thing I knew, there were 3 cops in my room trying to wake me up (I was out cold, I had worked for nearly 18 hours – I came very early, also another alibi as well as alibis of proof where I was the entire day until I clocked out) and when I woke up, I screamed! They startled me!

Hey, at least they were nice enough to allow me to get dressed quickly and put my hearing aids on!

They were asking me questions of “What was I doing down at the residency of xxxx’s house or on the street?” The problem was this: I wasn’t outside and I wasn’t in the street either, I was in bed, sound asleep, it was a very long day!

I made it exceptionally clear, I was not there, if they wanted to question me, I had every right to dial up my Corporate Lawyer. Well, they didn’t want me talking to a lawyer. They kept asking me the same question – in variants, as when did I leave the house that night (I didn’t) to why was I on the streets? (I wasn’t).

They were going no where fast, then another Officer, under questioning, recognized me and he was a bit perplexed why I was even there? And he made that comment, in fact, I responded immediately after he asked them “WHY IS SHE IN HERE?” which I said “When you find out, please tell me.”

The Police were still investigating down at the end of the street (which was approximately about 3–4 blocks away, it’s one long street). The “witnesses” stories began to fall apart. The description that 2 of the “fake” witnesses that gave them the description of me, stating I was there to start it all (apparently it turned out to be a fight between two neighbors, both men, and both wound up in hospital with facial injuries and both were arrested).

The main thing here, was the witness claimed I was walking my dog (I did not own a dog at that time, and there’s no dogs in my residency), and began being “radical slurs”. (??? There were no racism involved to begin with. ???) Which caused the men to fight. Eventually the truth surfaced, it was basically a beer party where everyone got drunk and someone made a comment, and it turned into a fight.

Anyway, that Officer went to see it that I was released. Great! Lovely! Now how the heck do I get home, considering they towed me, 19 miles to the Station! Their policies prohibits them ‘returning’ detained people back to their location. Trust me, it was now after 11 AM, and I was already pissed off! I had to phone my Company and inform my secretary to relay to the Company Lawyer where I was! The Police disconnected the line, but they pretty much knew where I was, since I crammed a lot in 30 seconds!

I knew there would be my Company’s City Truck in the area, so I used the Police Phone to have the Dispatcher stop in front of the Police Station to pick me up and I will have to go to a couple of routes, and he could drop me off at the Plaza which would mean I would have to walk almost 2 miles in the blazing sun (it was very hot outside, about 94*F with high chance of thunderstorms). Well, at least the driver drove me down (closer to the bridge, no trucks allowed over the bridge) as close as possible, at the last street before the bridge.

Again, as stated, I still have no idea why they took me to the station! They could have detained neighbors that were nearby, but nooooooooooooo → they had to go all the way up to the near front end of the street and detain me?

Well, China is indeed a very special country.

I have visited more than 20 countries, including Southeast Asia, Europe, North America and South America.

In most cases, GDP denominated in US dollars can indeed reflect the local living standards, although there are some errors due to differences in purchasing power.

But I think at least two countries are special: China, and India.

Of these two countries, China is more typical.

GDP denominated in US dollars does not really reflect the living standards in this country, and even PPP is not reliable.

I once wrote an answer comparing the living standards of an ordinary taxi driver in China, Japan and South Korea, which I think fully reflects this phenomenon.

But I have not analyzed the reasons for this phenomenon. After thinking for a while, I think there may be the following reasons

1. Local supply

When a country’s local supply of goods and services is richer, people can directly use their own currency to obtain a cheaper life, which means that even if the dollar-denominated figures are not high, the actual goods and services obtained are abundant.

Coincidentally, China is such a country. They supply almost 95% of the world’s industrial products and 90% of agricultural products, and they need to rely on imports for very few products and services. This is unique in the world. Overall, China needs to rely on the international market for only three types of things: oil, minerals and semiconductors. In extreme cases, only semiconductors.

Therefore, China’s wealth denominated in US dollars will only be truly equal to the value of the US dollar when purchasing these three things.

India is similar, but not as typical as China. India’s agricultural industry is sufficient, but the supply of industrial products is obviously flawed.

2. Artificially low currency value

The purchasing power of the domestic currency is high in the country, but not high in the global market. The value of the currency is not completely free-floating, but controlled by certain means.

China has been deliberately suppressing the value of the CNY to about 14% of the US dollar, which is beneficial to the competitiveness of China’s manufacturing industry.

But in turn, this suppresses the GDP in the data, making China’s wealth look less. People’s incomes look lower.

This is not conducive to Chinese people buying global goods, but in fact, except for things like Apple phones and Tesla cars, they don’t need these things much.

3. Abundant infrastructure

Infrastructure is the key to balancing the rich and poor classes in a country.

For example, a country lacks electricity, which will seriously affect the quality of life of the middle and lower classes, but has no effect on the rich class (they can install generators).

For example, a country lacks good public transportation, which will affect the living standards of ordinary people, but not the rich (they have drivers and helicopters). Clean parks, streets, cheap hospitals, a large number of high-speed trains and airports and train stations with huge capacity.

People with low incomes can also enjoy basic services, which offsets the difference in living standards between the poor and the rich.

For example:
in Beijing, a poor person can spend $0.5 to take the subway to travel across the city in just 40 minutes.
In a certain country, a poor person can only choose a taxi to do the same thing, which costs him $10 and takes 60 minutes.

This means that in this matter, the quality of life of the poor in China is 20 times that of the latter. Of course, this example is very extreme, but it reflects the impact of public facilities on the quality of life of ordinary people.

These three factors are the key reasons for the deviation between GDP figures and actual living standards. The special thing about China is that these three conditions are met at the same time. This makes China’s GDP figures deviate greatly from the living standards of ordinary people, and it may be the country with the largest deviation in the world.

From the average GDP, the living standards of Chinese people should be similar to those of countries such as Turkey, Mexico, and Malaysia.

But if you actually visit China, you will find that the lives of ordinary people in China’s major economic regions are actually very similar to those in South Korea, Japan, Spain, and New Zealand.
Of course, there are some underdeveloped areas in the west of China, but these areas have a smaller population.


In addition, the living standards of Chinese people are far beyond the imagination of many Chinese who have never been there, and a big reason comes from “deliberate propaganda”

Both the Chinese people and the Chinese government have an obvious tendency to “promote themselves as poor.”

This tendency is not a deliberate political motivation, but a traditional habit in China.

I have come into contact with many rich people in China, but 90% of them claim to be poor, and everyone tries not to show their wealth as much as possible.

The Chinese government is the same. Even in some news and documentaries that promote “national construction achievements”, they always remember to mention: “Our achievements are insignificant, poverty and backwardness have not changed, and everyone must work harder.”

Even when the World Bank and the United Nations announced that China has entered the ranks of middle- and high-income countries, the Chinese government still repeatedly claims that it is a “developing country” in international diplomatic occasions and claims that it is a brother of all poor countries.

In 2020, the Chinese Premier claimed that 600 million people in China have a monthly income of no more than $1,000. But he did not tell the media that this data includes all “non-working population”, that is, Chinese students, children, elderly people and non-working housewives, whose number is between 500-600 million.

This has become the most classic lie of the Chinese government to hide its wealth in the 21st century.

I think the dual reasons of economics and politics constitute the huge deviation between the Chinese people’s living standards and GDP data.

Of course, I am not an economist or sociologist. I have visited China no more than ten times. My understanding of China is still very limited, and the conclusions I can draw may not be accurate. They only represent my observations and thoughts.

Frothy Apricot Drink


Yield: 4 cups


  • 1 (15 1/4 ounce) can apricot halves, undrained
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup orange juice concentrate
  • 1 pint lemon sherbet


  1. Place apricot halves with juice, milk and orange juice concentrate in a blender. Cover and process until smooth.
  2. Add sherbet; cover and process just until combined.
  3. Pour into glasses; serve immediately.


Submitted into Contest #232 in response to: Write a story set in a world with a dying sun, or where light is a scarce resource. view prompt

Malia Kao

The digging call reverberated throughout the network of tunnels. Kitsi filled his lamp with the pieces of illuminance he had placed next to his resting pad and a dull red light emanated from it. It felt warm and comforting as he briefly held it against him. He carefully crawled out of the hole leading from his living quarters. Further into the tunnel, he saw the dim glow of the other lamps as they emerged from their holes. He skittered over to meet them as they began funneling to the assignment room. They flowed like a river of red down the tunnel to a large cavern where they all congregated.The sound of small chirps filled the vast space as more and more of them gathered, awaiting their dig assignments. The hum of the room and the eagerness of the others made Kitsi feel more alert and active. He joined in a conversation with a couple of others discussing the likelihood of discovering an illuminance mine beneath their dig sites. Kitsi didn’t think it was possible. Finally, a vibration that almost seemed to originate from the very center of Kitsi’s mind denoted where he would be digging. All of them received their assignments this way, and instantly the lights of the lamps dispersed down different tunnels, and the cavern was left dark and hollow again. Kitsi raced down to his dig site, and he soon arrived at a long and narrow passage. He slipped into it and allowed gravity to pull him into its depths. He landed at the bottom with the slightest sound and continued down another passage that gradually opened to the mine. A couple of the others had already started digging and Kitsi promptly joined them.Something about the feel of rock falling away under his appendages was soothing to him. His lamp tapped gently at his side as he dug deeper and deeper into the rock. From the day he gained consciousness, digging was all he could remember. That was all any of them could remember. His predecessors had created a labyrinth of tunnels spanning an unfathomable amount of surface area. He and his cohort had discovered new mining sites, adding to the expanse of tunnels, but their main objective was to search for the precious metal that was used for manufacturing illuminance. Suddenly, his claw struck something that didn’t crumble away like the rest of the rock. He tapped it gently and it rang with a sweet metallic tone. The sound and feel of it imbued Kitsi with a fervor that he only experienced when uncovering metal. He vibrated with excitement alerting the others around him and they began digging in his area. They unearthed a huge piece of metal, probably the biggest one Kitsi had ever beheld. He knew they would receive extra illuminance for this.Kitsi hoisted the hunk of metal onto his back and one of the others helped him secure it. They collectively hurried down one of the shafts and maneuvered their way through the maze of tunnels leading to the Machine, which was located at the heart of the colony. Eventually, they came out of a chute that landed them on a precipice overlooking an expansive room. This room was different from all the others in the colony. The walls had been carved and there were designs engraved into the floor and walls. Kitsi didn’t understand carving into rock if it wasn’t to find metal or make tunnels.The Machine stood imposingly at the center of the room, and its sleek form clashed with its rugged surroundings. Kitsi and the others followed a path hewn into the rock that wound its way down the wall to the floor of the room. They approached the Machine with reverence and expectation. Kitsi fed it the hunk of metal and he felt a low rumble. The others placed some smaller pieces of metal into it and the rumbling continued. They stepped back into a line and started swaying rhythmically with the pulsing hum of the Machine. A steady glow began to radiate from it, and they began to thrum with anticipation. With a twang, several pieces of illuminance were issued from one of the compartments. They dashed forward to retrieve their share and then withdrew. The others chirped appreciatively at Kitsi and then departed to their quarters.Kitsi remained in the presence of the Machine, now silent and dim. He wondered how it made the exquisite illuminance from metal, and why it needed that specific metal. The Machine was a relic from a bygone era, perhaps made by the light-dwellers themselves. How it ended up down here was unbeknownst to Kitsi, but it was pivotal to the lives of everyone who resided in the tunnels. Their very existence revolved around the Machine and the illuminance it provided. Some had wondered what would happen if the Machine stopped producing illuminance. Kitsi didn’t like thinking about such unpleasant things, but he couldn’t deny that the thought had crossed his mind once or twice. There were a few who considered exploring the area above their tunnels, the high regions, for stray pieces of illuminance but were quickly dismissed by the rest. Kitsi had heard stories of others before him who were more adventurous and curious about the high regions and had turned their excavations upwards. However, they froze mid-dig- even their tough hides and illuminance lamps weren’t enough to withstand the unimaginable cold of the high regions.In an age beyond Kitsi’s concept of time, the light-dwellers purportedly lived in the high regions, where it was filled with endless light and warmth. A massive ball of light, the Great Illuminance, had loomed on the border between the ground and the ceiling, casting its radiance onto all that lived there. Some of the others imagined it as billions of illuminances put into one but with a different timbre. Relating it to what they knew, they described it as having a higher frequency than the illuminance, although they had never experienced it for themselves. The stories portrayed the light-dwellers as a sophisticated race with Machines that could do more than just turn metal into illuminance. However, what became of them and their Machines was lost to time. Most believed their ancestors were the light-dwellers who delved into the lower regions when they lost the Great Illuminance and couldn’t remain above. Then there were a few who believed them to be nothing more than a myth. Kitsi didn’t believe they were a myth though.After a long while, Kitsi departed for his quarters, his pieces of illuminance clutched tightly at his side. He climbed into his hole and took the pieces of illuminance out of his lamp. He settled onto his resting pad and held each of the pieces in one of his appendages. Their combined warmth delighted him, and he trilled softly. Slowly, he brought them together, trying to create one large illuminance. Looking at them all at once was almost painful. He imagined a ball of light, made of billions of pieces of illuminance. He separated one of the pieces from the others and brought it to his mouth. He swallowed it whole and felt it absorb into him, the warmth spreading slowly throughout his entire body. Just as he had every time he consumed a piece of illuminance, he thought he could glimpse an image of an immense, seemingly infinite red ceiling high above him and at its very edge an impossibly bright sphere of light that touched a landscape of luminescent shapes. Then as the internal warmth faded, it was gone.

I have seen many marriages where the couple has reunited after a separation when they realized that there was something to it after all

Still that’s only around 10% of the cases

In 90%, after separation, it’s always divorce

I. Temporary Infidelity

Ideally the main cause for Separation in any marriage is INFIDELITY

Commonly known as ONE TIME CHEATING

In majority of cases it’s the guy

In minority of cases it’s the woman

Probability of Reunion is actually pretty decent compared to the west

Main reason is FAMILY which somehow convince the couple to reunite and the couple ultimately may just get pressurized into coming back together.

II. Mutual Differences

The Couple don’t click

The Guy or Woman feel throttled or suffocated in the relationship and FEEL UNHAPPY

In majority of the cases it’s the Woman

In minority of the cases it’s the Guy

Probability of Reunion is pretty LOW and inevitably leads to divorce UNLESS THE WOMAN BECOMES PREGNANT and FAMILY plays a role

Couple stays friendly after the dissolution of the marriage in most cases OR CIVIL

III. Boredom

The Guy or Woman or Both have got bored of the marriage and the same lifestyle

It happens a lot these days

In almost all cases – IT IS BOTH OF THEM

The Woman gets bored

The Guy gets bored

Same Flat, Same monotonous life

Starts with small clashes and ends with big fights

Probability of Reunion is pretty LOW as Separation inevitably makes the Guy feel FREE AGAIN and he is loth to give up freedom but the Woman actually in many cases wants the marriage back and is willing to work on it

Couple have bad blood after the dissolution too

IV. External Factors

Separation caused due to Domineering Mother In Law or Rigid Career of the Guy or Woman or Sick and Bedridden Father in law is another factor

Probability of Reunion AFTER the factor is over like death of the in law or change in career is HIGH

Usually needs compromise

V. Long Term Infidelity

Known as AFFAIR

One of the couple falls in love with someone else

Probability of Reunion is NEAR ZERO

Bitter Dissolution to a marriage

So the chances of a Reunion is pretty low but not impossible

Like Fahad and Nazriya in Bangalore Days

Their separation was due to EXTERNAL FACTORS

The memories of Nithya Menen

When the elephant was addressed, things changed and the marriage worked immediately

In Kramer vs Kramer the separation was due to BOREDOM and it ended in a divorce

There was no chance of a reunion

During my final year in the army, I served under my battalions deputy commander as first sergeant to his command squad of twelve soldiers.

My commander was strict, precise, intelligent with zero tolerance for bullshit and the toughest motherfckr I know.

After taking a shower, I was walking back to my room, just to see all my team standing with broomsticks and shock on their faces right outside our doorway.

“Why are you all standing outside?”

“There’s a big fucking flying bug thing monster in our room”

“Great! who’s going to kill it?”


I was told that some have tried, failed, and ran out of the room screaming in terror. It was a tough situation.

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“Ami! you’re the youngest, grab the broom and kill that bug so we can all go to bed!”

With a second of hesitation, Ami walked into the room, and started his search for the intruder.

“Why the hell are you all standing outside of your rooms?”

Five minutes later, our commander came by to grab his radio which we repaired for him.

Struck with surprise, we all stood still and silent unprepared for his arrival.


“Hooooolllllyyyyy Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttt!!!!” screamed Ami while he kicked open the room door and jumped outside with a broom stick in his hand.

“What the Fuck is that??? That thing tried to kil…”

At this point Ami realized that we all remained silent to his tales of horror, since our commander was standing right outside our doorway.

He was not very pleased to hear that one of his paratroopers could not kill a flying bug, and also screamed like a girl, so he did the obvious thing.

He sent Ami back into the room, without the broomstick.

Good times.

Today’s Music for your evening enjoyment

Relaxing Michael Bublé Music.

Some of my favorite selections.

The Old Fashioned cocktail

Just like the Manhattan, the Old Fashioned cocktail oozes 60s vibes. The name alone might conjure images of leather armchairs, smoky gentlemen’s clubs, and scenes from Mad Men. Make these classic liquor drinks with bourbon and sweet vermouth, add a dash of bitters and garnish them with a fragrant orange twist and sweet maraschino cherry. This is a brilliant drink that just about everyone will dig.  


The Old Fashioned is arguably the most well-known whiskey cocktail in the world. Essentially just a slug of bourbon that’s been lightly sweetened with sugar and modified with a couple dashes of bitters, it’s dead simple to make, but within this basic template is a world of opinions and flavor.

The Old Fashioned as we know it comes from an early mixed drink simply called the Whiskey Cocktail, thought to be popularized in the late 1700s when it was fashionable to add a few dashes of bitters to a glass of whiskey. The cocktail’s creation goes hand in hand with the proliferation of both whiskey and commercial bitters, an aromatic ingredient with medicinal origins that involved steeping herbs, barks, botanicals, and other plant extracts in spirits to create a curative that could be mixed with water or other ingredients, often to aid in digestion.

Over time, several variations on the Whiskey Cocktail developed (not unlike modern bartending’s endless riffs on classic drinks), from the Improved Whiskey Cocktail’s addition of absinthe to the Fancy Whiskey Cocktail’s orange curacao. As the variations grew, those seeking the stripped-down original version took to asking for an “Old-Fashioned Whiskey Cocktail.” This order eventually evolved into a drink with ice in a rocks glass and simply became known as an Old Fashioned.

While modern recipes often reflect the most unadorned version of this drink, bartenders as far back as Prohibition were experimenting with the serve, regularly muddling fruit such as cherries, oranges, and even pineapple into the mix. Some of these preparations persisted throughout the 20th century, and today some variations like the Wisconsin Old Fashioned still call for the addition of fruit. However, as a return to classic recipes gained popularity around the turn of the millennium, the Old Fashioned started to take on its, well, old-fashioned specs once again.

Why the Old Fashioned Cocktail Works

The three-part template of the Old Fashioned is one that’s found in countless spirit-forward and aromatic cocktails today: spirit, sugar, and bitters. The key lies in finding the right balance between this trinity of elements, as there aren’t any other ingredients to help mask flavors or create wiggle room.

Sugar softens the whiskey, tamping down the liquor’s heat while creating a more viscous mouthfeel and allowing its subtler elements to shine through. Bitters temper the sugar’s sweetness and help add depth of flavor that keeps the drink from becoming cloying.

What creates a perfect Old Fashioned is the harmony of these three elements—each should accentuate the others’ aspects without dominating or overpowering them. That is to say, a properly made Old Fashioned shouldn’t taste sweet, nor should it taste bitter, nor should it taste overwhelmingly of straight whiskey. When you sip the drink and can’t pick out any one of these qualities over the others, you’ve got a proper Old Fashioned.

The Best Type of Whiskey for an Old Fashioned

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Your personal preference in whiskey is more important than what’s written in old cocktail recipe books. The Old Fashioned template is simple and broad enough that it will work with almost any style of whiskey.

With that said, bourbon is often the go-to whiskey choice for an Old Fashioned. The relatively heavy body of the mostly corn-based spirit creates structure within the cocktail, and its natural sweetness helps counterbalance the more astringent elements of bitters. As bourbon is aged in charred new oak barrels, it tends to take on notes of vanilla and caramel, which are brought out by the addition of sugar.  They also help to reduce the perceived heat of the alcohol, in turn allowing the spirit’s nuances to come through more cleanly.

Despite bourbon’s popularity, your whiskey of choice should really be tailored to the profile of the drink you desire. If you’re looking for an Old Fashioned that is spicier or with a drier finish, a rye whiskey may be the ideal choice. Fans of scotch will find that a blend or even a single malt can fit the cocktail template well. And as shown through recipes like the Oaxaca Old Fashioned, sometimes the best whiskey for an Old Fashioned isn’t even a whiskey at all.


  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 3 dashes Angostura bitters
  • 1 teaspoon water
  • 2 ounces bourbon (or rye whiskey, if preferred)
  • Garnish: orange twist


  1. Add the sugar and bitters into a mixing glass, then add the water, and stir until the sugar is nearly dissolved.

  2. Fill the mixing glass with ice, add the bourbon, and stir until well-chilled.

  3. Strain into a rocks glass over one large ice cube.

  4. Express the oil of an orange twist over the glass, then drop into the glass to garnish.

Popular Old Fashioned Variations

Naming every derivative of the Old Fashioned could fill an encyclopedia. It could be argued that any cocktail based on a mix of spirit, sweet, and bitter flavors—from the Negroni to the Manhattan—owes its existence to the Old Fashioned. However, if you’re looking at those that hew closely to the original recipe, here are some common Old Fashioned variations to try.

Benton’s Old Fashioned: Created by experimental cocktail pioneer Don Lee at iconic New York City cocktail lounge Please Don’t Tell (better known as PDT), the Benton’s Old Fashioned kick started the fat-washed spirit trend. In this case, country ham is infused into bourbon, then combined with maple syrup and bitters.

Brown Butter Old Fashioned: This New Orleans twist on the Old Fashioned uses brown sugar and a bourbon washed with brown butter to emphasize the drink’s nutty aspects and evoke the flavors of the South.

Brandy Old Fashioned (a.k.a. Wisconsin Old Fashioned): The unofficial state drink of Wisconsin, the Brandy Old Fashioned is a byproduct of Prohibition, during which muddle fruit was used to cover the off flavors of subpar spirits. The popularity of the style has endured, and remains an iconic take on the original drink.

C&B Old Fashioned: Named for its use of Campari and Benedictine, this gin-based variation may seem to have more in common with the Negroni than a traditional Old Fashioned, but still adheres to the latter’s template in how it balances bitter, sweet, and spirited elements.

Irish Old Fashioned: From The Dead Rabbit cofounder Jack McGarry, this Irish whiskey-based Old Fashioned incorporates Benedictine as a replacement for the traditional granulated sugar.

Oaxaca Old Fashioned: The drink that helped kick off mezcal’s popularity in the U.S., the Oaxaca Old Fashioned was first created by New York bar legend Phil Ward at Death & Co, and later became a staple on the menu of his pioneering agave spirits-focused bar Mayahuel.

Rum Old Fashioned: With a base of dark rum and sweet elements of allspice dram and demerara syrup, the Rum Old Fashioned’s profile mirrors that of its whiskey-based predecessor while providing additional depth of flavor.


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Number 1 rule of driving in East Asia:
Get a dashcam, front and rear.
Number 2 rule: see above.
Number 3 rule: see above.
Also in South Korea, if a foreigner is involved in an auto collision– any kind whatsoever regardless of dashcam evidence– it’s ALWAYS the foreigners fault. 110%. No exceptions. (Let’s just say they’re still developing along certain lines when it comes to culpability and foreigners who don’t fit into the complex social hierarchy. At all. Read: it must be the foreigners fault. Read: Pay me what my illiterate mother in law says is fair, completely randomly.)
The Koreans also struggle with the concept of red and green traffic signals; additionally, speed limits are rarely respected. As are “rules” preventing motor scooters and bikes from riding on the sidewalk.
Bad combination?
Hellllllll~ yeah.
SKorea has one of the OECD’s highest rates of road traffic deaths– pedestrian/cyclist (especially) and “driver”.
That’s why I don’t drive in South Korea.
Ever. I’d either punch somebody very hard, or suffer repeated anxiety attacks.

Last edited 2 months ago by Jambo99
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