As I have already mentioned, the threat of Global War has passed the DANGER ZONE. That was in 2020 through 2022. What we are experiencing now is a “lesser” state of war. Oh, sure, nuclear weapon threats are being bantered about, and provocations are seemingly everywhere at a global level, but the unseen global counter-threats are not being made public and they will quench any aggressive moves against the great Asian powers.
This period should last from 2022 into 2025. Which is this particular collection of writings.
Peak danger swings are still active, but how they will manifest is anyone’s guess. This period of “reconstruction with a high threat level” should exist from 2025 into 2028.
And I will start another collection for this period.
So we are going to discuss that reconstruction and what needs to occur.
- A lifestyle of loneliness
- Lemmon 714
- The secrets of womanhood remains an elusive knowledge
- Little beatnik MM goes a bongoing
- YouTube AI cult generations regarding Super Panavision 70
- A train wreck named Mary
- ALERT! The shit is accelerating and we are at MEDIUM BAD
- Puzzle Pieces are falling into place
- What Western news has turned into and it ain’t pretty
- MM introduces some of his art
- American cluster fuck on full display
- Chainsaw Life
- The Tale of Terminator Deer Flies
- Are Reptilians running the having a Weekend at Bernie’s?
- The mundane might be truly valuable
- The German Sägerücken
- She was popular on her template
- It’s no time to die
- MM used to be a Mad Scientist in his public role
- My Big Ass Arc Gun
- MM based on the Carmine Sabitini archetype template-seed
- Kenny G in China
- The big surprise at Christmas
- Scrabble up ye cement dog
- Keep moving forward
- Oh and cats help too
- Coal Miner’s Daughter
- Hit like iron
- Out of jail and into the fale
- Some thoughts on cat chat
- A Leica M3 with dual-range Summicron 50/2
- The genus with hyper-modem concept
- You might be surprised at the changes that can hit you unexpectedly.
- Birch beer memories
- Sometime you got to take the bite to get the paycheck
- I was musing about this the other day. Don’t you know
- Ode to the Sunday dinner
- Eat less, but eat much better quality food
- When you have the time to leave something behind, make it useful and memorable
- Foraging in Summer as a young child
- The giant and the peas
- Ode to Denny and the whimmy wham wham woozle
- Massage, drinking whiskey, a very hard touch, and soft relax afterwards
- Some notes on the up-coming election, the Biden step-down
- Zip and its gone
- The tale of the red wagon
- Accidental posting due to a highway bump
- All because I was the oldest son
- The shit that I will never forget!
- Auto-lacing shoes in China
- Record Albums in egg cartons
- Dancin’ Fool
- The Bracky Bros
- The doggie was a pooping machine!
- Young Boy Movie Theater
- Rat Fink
- On the trail of the shale
- Can’t get a grip in all the muck
- Dog bites on Green Army Men
- Diggin for fun and other’s profit
- Interrogations worthy of consideration
- My grandfather should of gone to Fiddler’s Greene
- The Beardsley Park guard lions
- Endsville
- Dammit Deano you are now a Handsome Man!
- The rich kids of Syracuse
- American corporate cost savings
- Raw Doggin’
- Remember you are not what you do
- Gargle as if your life depends on it
- Bone-headed decision made by a stupid ass kid
- I oh, so, miss are my USN issued flight boots
- Jumped and shamed all because of the secretive nature of female beauty
- Elephant feet or red spots on the calves
- The tale of the cathouse
- Chet goes after Mrs. MM
- Coffee Chinese style
- Her name was Mrs. Shakley
- The story of Tommy and Derp
- CJ enters the cornfield
- Jammin’ with the Wailers
- The earwax problem that I could not let be
- Mrs Schlen of the Syracuse Department of Welfare
- Ribbit. Ribbit. Ribbit.
- A row-boat to China to make it happen, still wearing a prison jumper
- A removal of nature to create a parking lot
- The turkey that did not happen
- You make a poultice
- The hobo on the bus tale
- Pounce dust all over the planimeter
- One greedy person can make life Hell for the rest of us
- We all live in a Yellow Submarine
- The once pretty became the now blight
- Boyhood trauma
- My story about batteries and early morning wake up calls
- Facial massages and happy times
- MM a movie star from a young age
- Scratch Nightmares
- White wine and Pomelo
- On the hunt for moths
- Heckled as a President
- Pachinko and a dying mothers wishes
- Christmas 2024
- A true and real tomato nightmare
- LinkedIN outlaws
- We landed fine, but you know…
- Spanish moss children of the swamp
- Anything is possible if you put your mind to it
- Little MM
- Success is a matter of adaptation
- You meet all kinds of people in these mobile home complexes
- Leftovers for our great distant past
- Be good. Don’t use others to profit from. And don’t enter a contract knowing that you intend to break it later on.
- City Chicken meets Lox and Bagels
- Pick the star chart that fits you
- One bad event can create situations that force you to do things that will lead to far better events
- Just Hangin’
- Harsh lessons learned while in a harsh place
- Don’t ever be convinced to do something that you are uncomfortable about
- Hound dog meets barbed quills
- Keep your focus and do not give up
- Hickey’s and horses
- At least she wasn’t alone
- This post is dedicated to those “average” “Joes” that are a foundational support for society
- Don’t be the guy that needs a roto-tiller to define your boundaries
- Deductions from our lives
- The blue pill feminism really fucked up boys of my generation
- Our relationships shape our adventures
- No serious talk. Just sharing the same experience
- Elevator gladiatorial battles in China
- It’s all about chasing those whales
- White kitten surprise
- Our daily picnic
- Detergent spaghetti
- Don’t be an eager fool
- Life can be full of opportunities
- Get your mow pattern right or face the consequences!
- Enjoy the ride
- Butterfly dreamin’ on a fine blue-sky day
- Not once. Not twice, but perhaps a couple of times per week
- One was in the right place at the right time, and thrived. I was still searching for my pot of gold.
- Only some industries are portable
- Kicking stones and fantastic voyages
- Rest in peace, you big lug!
- Don’t be a steam-shovel.
- Be aware of latent crazy
- Father’s inheritance and our family vacation
- The tale of the onion and the mustard meal
- The AI was interfacing with me
- It was a complete crazy train
- MM ongoing discussion on the nature of reality with an AI Bot
- Heffers as the American reality
- You experience life, and how you behave changes
- Not everyone is a telemarketer
- Memories of my friend
- Try making new moments, and spend the time enjoying the experience
- No one knows where he was buried
- Guys Kentucky is a very lush place
- The tale of the racoon of Sarah Furnace
- A Sailing Aesthetic
- Jonesing for a meat loaf
- Marching to the beat of a different drummer and raising the flag of life
- Crunchy loaf musings of Springtime Van Life
- Hiding out in Mary Jane’s
- Taco Bell Friendships
- Blue sky’s do not happen every day
- Ramming the gate and the aftermath
- Sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do
- Say Yes to the Pricks in the back of the room
- The cat leg
- Watch out for crutches
- Quackers and the great Chinese Trench Coat story
- MM’s greatest secret
- On the smells of California
- Chicks, purses, steaks and night fun
- Karma hits Park Sacramento
- Wearing painter pants while walking down a memory highway
- Tool Porn Post
- The dusty discovery behind the fridge
- MM; the dancin’ fool
- We had no idea how great we had it, back then
- Bullets and karmic associations
- A Florida Cockatiel
- Learn about how the Domain Physical Bodies work
- A tale of Christmas bonuses and expectation in a corporate reality
- My morning jog and what it is like in China at 5 am
- The Beatles arrive in New York City
- The covered stairway
- Reid Fleming the world’s toughest milkman
- In praise of Luckin
- OMG the MM Personal Computer went into the pearly gates of the has-been
- About the big boobie MM splash screens
- Smunching on Cheese Nips and studying the Night Away
- Sir Whiskerton and the Case of the Disappearing Milk
- Awakened by canoe
- Nothing beats the quiet residential shady neighborhood, no matter how many fast-food joints surround it
- The old coot shoots Fluffy
- Playing with the tiny tiny cowboys and Indians
- Allergies to pine forests and tropical islands
- The asshole neighbor who loved his grass.
- Deaths and change
- Its cold in them those Winter Steel Mills
- When the sexy under-carriage sounds go a bumping under our television set
- Ronnie and Flo
- Sometimes a man gotta do what a man’s gotta do
- Trippin’ down memory lane in the year 2525…
- Fancy and Free as a golden beach bum
- Car life vs. Bicycle life
- Catching fireflies with my kitties
- Nymphomaniac in the mental hospital
- The trash pile outside my living room; a concerning tale
- My rules for losing weight
- Burning up the fire truck
- Cooking hamburgers and slicing turkey well
- Dating Crissy : a friend of my favorite co-worker in South Carolina
- Denny and his nightly benders and its influence on the social construct
- Cockroaches on the half-shell
- Laugh-in and being “very interesting”
- The rabbit stores are sprouting up everywhere
- The end of a generation as recognized by Hollywood; the Shootist, and On Golden Pond
- My daughter’s kiddie smart watch-communicator fashion raging though China
- MM’s struggles with driving in China
- The stuff (belongings) ah, it comes and it goes. Don’t get too attached.
- Thoughts on closing down MetallicMan
- Walking my Siberian Husky in town as a young boy
- From beef and rice with chutney to lasagna with toasted garlic bread
- Large hanging landscape oils in grandparents homes
- The fight over the ancient Peso coin found in a river-side bottle dump
- When the USA capitalism meets large industrial corruption and the government is in on it
- Oh the joys of Space 1999
- Handing over all my inheritance to the ADC while incarcerated
- The art of skipping stones
- Whittling away the time
- Curb-side solutions for a massive parking fiasco
- The Federated Group: Fred R. Rated
- And that is what happens when you try to keep your past secret
- Discovering Moon Pies
- Jiefang Shoes Men And Women
- Comfort foods that define our happiness
- Oh those tiny things that find their way into “Junk Drawers” and work desks
- The Mystery of the Single Sock
- Payphone potential memories (includes a bonus on Australian payphones)
- The Smell of Rain on Hot Pavement
- The Ritual of Packing a Lunch
- The First Time I Rode a Bike Without it’s Training Wheels
- When installing a car sunroof goes seriously wrong
- Spread all that honey on that toast
- The overly washed pant-pocket tissues that clutter my desk today
- Arctic motorcycle conditions in late January in Syracuse New York
- Think tactile
- In life these patterns show themselves
- Chinese medicine works really good
- Mark as a Tuco
- Well, all I can say is that styles come and go
- And thus ended that phase of my childhood
- Events, and adventures define our living experience