Crazy: Fighting 3 wars at the same time.

The Biden White house released it’s policy paper on global dominance.  It’s a committee written document with the standard boilerplate of  “American greatness”, and the liberally sprinkled “democracy”, and soft words of “competitors” instead of their actual meanings as “enemies”.

Being in China, this statement popped out…

We have an abiding interest in maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, which is critical to regional and global security and prosperity and a matter of international concern and attention. 

We oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo from either side, and do not support Taiwan independence. 

We remain committed to our one China policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the Three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances. 

And we will uphold our commitments under the Taiwan Relations Act to support Taiwan’s self-defense and to maintain our capacity to resist any resort to force or coercion against Taiwan.

Meanwhile, the United States is funding a big-lie propaganda machine to convince the world that China is going to “invade Taiwan” and the USA will defend it. While China says “no we won’t”.

Ah. Expect a false flag event in the future.

So, you can expect Biden to sign the Taiwan Act of 2022 which will render the above paragraph mute, and alike everything out of this cluster-fuck of a government disaster, will result in many discomforts and outright horrors for the American people.

The full text of the PDF is HERE.

What this document states is a continuation of the policy of “poking and prodding China into conflict”…

We will act in common purpose to address a range of issues – 

from untrusted digital infrastructure 
and forced labor in supply chains 
and illegal, unreported,and unregulated fishing. 

We will hold Beijing accountable for abuses – 

and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, 
human rights violations in Tibet, 
and the dismantling of Hong Kong’s autonomy and freedoms 

– even as it seeks to pressure countries and communities into silence. 

We will continue prioritizing investments in a combat credible military that deters aggression against our allies and partners in the region, and can help those allies and partners defend themselves.

Poking the big long ugly USA nose in Chin’s domestic issues.

And all dressed up in a very nice “corporate speak” who’s audience are either mind-numbed “woke” entities or just folk like us who are tired of the massive flood of diarrhea that spews forth out of Washington DC these days.


This policy paper is the roadmap for American geopolitical involvement.

It continues, in corporate-speak, to describe a world where the United States will puppet it’s allies to continue to bully the rest of the world into compliance with what ever the fuck the USA wants.

Expect no further changes to American policy at this time.

The neocons are running the United States and things are only going to get worse.

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