2023 08 22 17 35

It is a critical moment

During every “generational turning” certain things happen. For instance, we had the “black knight” in Donald Trump, and the regression of the ruling class. Here, this song and what is happening is one such event contributor. ..

Uh oh. I am worried.

Look at this…

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Yes. I am obese, and it is so DISTURBING.


I absolutely must lose weight, and God Damn it! I am going to make it happen. Starting right now. All food portions are “jail standards”.

One spoon full of corn. Three pieces of lettuce, and a few slices of meat for a meal.

Stand by as I fill you all on my progress.

How far can a nation go saving and protecting its pride?

A group of guys (Italian) had a sumptuous meal in an Albanian restaurant.

After the meal the guys stepped out of the restaurant for a smoke. And in the blink of an eye, they disappeared in the dark of the night. They ran away without paying…..the tourists “dined and dashed.”

The restaurant manager came looking for them, but it was too late. Dismayed, the manager wrote an email to the Italian Embassy in Albania. He cited the details of the four men who ate at the restaurant and ran away without paying the bill. Adding that the four Italians even complimented the food.

Such a small incident of some 100 euros, it happens everywhere…big deal!

What Next?

The matter was escalated to the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

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Next, came the orders from the — PM of Italy. Meloni instructed the Italian ambassador to pay the bill for the tourists, stating, “Go and pay the bill for these idiots,

Italy’s embassy in Albania paid the bill on behalf of its citizens and wrote an apology note along with it. The amount totaled around €80 or Rs 7,245.

Francesco Lollobrigida, Italy’s agriculture minister:

“Paying the bill was a matter of pride.” “A few dishonest individuals cannot embarrass a nation of decent people.”

Black Americans React To Viral Off-The-Grid Farmer Oliver Anthony Protest Song | BREAKS INTERNET🔥

They want to divide us, but this country is uniting us. God bless Oliver Anthony

A must watch!

What is the most heartwarming television episode or a moment you’ve ever seen?

1988. BBC television show That’s Life arranged for a certain Nicholas Winton to attend a presentation about the Holocaust.

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The host brought the attention to a woman beside him, who revealed that he had saved her life when she was a child.

The host asked the audience if there’s any more people Winton had saved, and practically everyone around him stood up.

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Winton hadn’t known they were going to be there. Surprised, he stood up and took in the happy, grateful faces around him.

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It brought tears to his eyes.

1938. Winton, a 29-year-old British stockbroker, used his vacation time to travel to Czechoslovakia. There he learned of Jews who were trying to get their children out because war was brewing.

He returned to London and with the help of others, organised Kindertransports – trains to carry the children to safety in Britain.

He negotiated with Nazi officials to allow the children to depart with just a single document.

He persuaded British officials to accept the children, found foster families, and arranged for Jewish humanitarian organizations to pay fees and support the operation.

Parents of the children assembled at train stations in Prague and Vienna to say emotional goodbyes, knowing they would never see their children again.

Over 10 months, Winton and his associates oversaw eight Kindertransports that carried 669 children to safety.

When WWII broke out, his office was closed down. Sadly, one last train of 250 children was trapped and unable to depart. None of those children left behind were reported to have survived.

He didn’t tell his family about what he had done, until his wife found his scrapbook in 1988 with all the children’s names and photos.

Winton with one of the children he saved

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Winton with a grandchild of one of the people he had saved

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He was knighted by the Queen in 2003

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And passed away in 2015, at the age of 106.

Oliver Anthony Speaks Out and You’ll Love It

2023 08 22 17 24
2023 08 22 17 24

How do I not take life too seriously?

Have you ever thought about this?

In a hundred years, in 2123, there will be none of us, not even our relatives and friends.

Strangers will live in our homes that we built with a lot of effort and failure. They will have all the stuff we have or throw it in the dumpster. Even the car, for which we spent a fortune, will be lying somewhere in a dump, Our descendants will not remember us and only a few will know who we were. Who among us knows their great-grandfather?

After death, they will remember us for a few more years, then we will be just a portrait on someone’s bookshelf (if at all). A few years later our photos and actions will be forgotten. We will not live in the memories of anyone anymore. If you just stopped to think about it one day, you might understand how pointless it is to walk for more and more.

If we thought and understood that we are just a dot in the history of mankind, let alone the earth or the universe, we would certainly look at our lives and other people differently.

We always striving for more and more and no time for what really matters…. the moments and the relationships. If we thought about and spent more time HERE AND NOW, we would really enjoy life.

We would enjoy walks we never had time for. We would love a hug. We would enjoy kisses from our children. In the moments that really count, but we ran out of time. Those would certainly be the most beautiful and best moments to remember and imprinted deep within ourselves. This is how we would fill our lives with joy. And now we fill it with greed, intolerance and hate.

There is still time. Think about it.

Corrupt Politician Responds to Viral Song

2023 08 22 17 29
2023 08 22 17 29

What are some shocking facts about celebrities?

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After Robins Williams’s death from suicide after years of battling depression was reported, it drove a 200% spike in the number of calls to the Suicide Prevention Hotline. The day after his death, 13,000 calls were made to the hotline, numbers never before seen. Due to the increase only 53% of those calls were able to be answered, which also drove up the number of suicides to an above-average rate.

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2023 08 22 20 44

In 2010, Ozzy Osborn had his genome sequenced to try and understand how it was possible to be still living after decades of abusing his body. He had abused his body beyond any measurable scale it was always a wonder to him how he managed it. Researchers found that he had mutations related to addiction, and metabolism, from his Neanderthal ancestors.

The researchers also discovered he had several hundred thousand genetic variants that have never been seen before. These mutations were also one of the reasons he never woke up hungover or sick after heavy weeks of drinking and taking drugs. If Ozzy wasn’t such a freak of nature he probably would have died years ago.

“It’s Not Natural” – Why Are 20% of Kids Suddenly LGBTQ?

2023 08 22 17 31
2023 08 22 17 31

What’s the most questionable cost-cutting move you’ve seen an employer make?

I worked for a tech company a few years ago that had the most questionable cost-cutting strategy I have ever seen. Their policy, was simply to remove all purchasing restrictions, and give employees whatever they wanted. Essentially any work related purchase we wanted under $10,000 was self-approved: no asking our supervisor or manager — no approval process at all!

If we wanted a new desk, or an executive chair; we called facilities and it appeared. If we wanted a fast computer with three monitors, we called IT, and it appeared. Software, supplies, whatever – we got it. We got exactly what we wanted, the model/brand we specifically requested.

This seemed like the most insane policy I ever heard of, and looking around the office one could find a few examples of people that appeared to take advantage of it.

The company also had an interesting coffee room policy: gourmet coffee, tea, and cappuccino free. Soda machine had all sodas and energy drinks for 5 cents, and there was a cup full of nickels at the side of the machine – so essentially everything was free.

So what was the effect of this? Well first of all the company had the happiest employees I have ever seen! Morale and loyalty was through the roof. People loved working there. People worked harder, and enjoyed coming to work.

One day during a company outing I cornered the CEO and asked him about the policies, he said this…

When we implemented the purchase policy, we instantly saved $500,000 a year in labor costs, since we no longer had to pay all the people to manage and maintain purchasing approvals. We saved even more in indirect man-hours, as individual department heads didn’t use any time on them either. Half a million a year buys a lot of extra equipment.

We tracked expenditures, and for the first three years we lost a little, but not much. The next five years, we actually spent less than we saved in reduced labor. Over all it saves the company money, and gives employees whatever they think they need to be most productive. Win/Win

Then I asked him about the cafeteria, and he smiled and said “the more caffeine people drink, the more productive they are. It pays for itself a hundred times over”

This was the most brilliant, and out of the box thinking I have ever seen in Management.

Years later the company had some hard times, like many tech companies, and they only needed to ask employees to help – not change the policy. People loved the company, and when belt-tightening was needed, they self-sacrificed.

I don’t work there anymore, but it’s still a brilliant business model.

HOLY MOLY!!! Country artist BREAKS THE INTERNET with powerful song!

2023 08 22 17 34
2023 08 22 17 34

Why did Microsoft go to compete with Java, instead of joining hands and improving an already established Java? Is this the horror of capitalism and ego?

It’s complicated, but I’ll try to make it brief:

  • Sun came out with Java, a language that was “compile once, run anywhere!”
  • Microsoft thought that sounded good, so they jumped on board and even came out with an IDE just for Java.
  • Microsoft made the Windows Java Virtual Machine (JVM), but it didn’t support remote method invocation (RMI) or Java Native Interface (JNI). They also made changes so Java programs would run faster on Windows and added platform-specific commands for Windows.
  • Sun cried “foul!” and said Microsoft was ruining the whole concept of Java—”compile once, run anywhere!”
  • Sun sued Microsoft.
  • Microsoft got mad, took its toys and went home (they stopped supporting Java out of the box).
  • Microsoft still liked the idea of “compile once, run anywhere!” so they got Anders Hejlsberg to create a new language to compete with it.
  • Hejlsberg gave birth to C#.
  • Curiously, though Microsoft like the idea of “compile once, run anywhere!”, they only wanted C# to work on Microsoft operating systems. So C# was a Windows-only technology.
  • Predictably, though C# was superior to Java in some ways, Java became the cross-platform King (Java still ran on Windows, but users to install the JRE themselves).
  • Satya Nadella, now head of Microsoft, isn’t a dummy and knew C# had to be available on all operating systems to be successful. He started a movement to create compatible Common Language Runtimes (the thing that makes C# programs work) for all major operating systems. You know, like Java did.
  • The CLR is available for nearly all operating systems now, though Windows generally gets new improvements first.
  • Java is still the cross-platform King. It’s unlikely that C# will ever catch up.


First time hearing Oliver Anthony- “Rich Men North Of Richmond” *REACTION*

2023 08 22 17 53
2023 08 22 17 53

Why does China choose to lower interest rates when the US dollar raises interest rates?

All these hikes from the FED is to absorb USD from the market, in order to control the inflation and support US treasury.

10 year US treasury is now 4.7% interest rate, which is already higher than at least half of the ways to invest, and it’s much more safe.

By having less money freely in the market, the commodity prices will decline, and causing the products in terminal market to become lower.

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Because of the theory of impossible trinity, no country can achive free capital flows, independent monetary policy, and fixed exchange rate at the same time.

2 out of 3 is the best.

To most of the US allies, they have to at least choose free capital flows.

It means that when the FED decided to raise the interest rate, they have to raise it too. Otherwise, capitals within their territory would flee out to the US, because there is a higher return in the US.

Usually, capital exists in the form of properties, such as real estate. When the investors withdrawing their capital from a country, it means a mass selling of properties, which will cause:

  1. property price to go down, which causes the market panic.
  2. foreign reserves got drained.

FDI should always be exchanged into local currency first. When investors want to leave, they would have to exchange their local currency back into USD.

The government must have enough USD in reserve, or else the exchange rate of local currency would crush.

It’s also how the 97 Financial Crisis began and how the US usual harvest the world.

Hong Kong got away from sniping, because Beijing spread the words that it will back HK up with its USD reserve if necessary. Eventually Beijing didn’t do that, but the market got appeased when hearing Beijing said so.

Back to the trinity, China chooses to give up on free capital flows.

It may cause troubles for certain possible investors, because they may be worried to not getting their investment back, but it also limits the abilities of international bankers to harvest China.

Along the years, large corporations know that they can move in or out their money responsibly, which means with proper reasons. So they are not worried about their properties got confiscated by Chinese government.

Some investors choose HK as intermedia to invest in China, because it’s common law in HK and everything they care about remains the same as before 1997.

So Beijing has full control within China’s territory, and is not worried about capital fleeing out.

The top priority of Biden Administration is to get the inflation under control.

It doesn’t matter of peoples’ living standard got improved, but the inflation number directly effects voters stance next year. However, high interest rate suppresses market activities, since it drains money from the market, and companies wouldn’t be able to finance.

Meanwhile in China, the top priority is to stimulate the market.

Lower interest would encourage more people to invest, since there is cheap money in the market, which is good for entrepreneurs or cooperations to expand their production.

Still, this can be interpreted very differently, based on different political stance and/or financial/economical knowledge.

China may be showing the world about its confidence, or it could well be that China is bluffing.

Still, people lie, but capital doesn’t.

We will see which this is by monitoring the investors’ moves.

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The simplest way to lose a little weight is to plan EVERYTHING you will eat the next day and stick to it.

For longer term and larger weight loss it’s actually easiest to keep your body in ketosis. You’ll have to keep your metabolism up by having a “cheat day” once a week or so of consuming a normal calorie intake.

It’ll take a tough week or two to get your body used to being in ketosis. The switch from running on carbohydrates to ketones (water soluble fats made by your liver) takes a while but is very, very worth it. Most of our organs prefer ketones as an energy source.

I learnt this all the hard way, as usual, by making mistakes. The same height as you, I went from 134 kg to 57 kg in a bit over two years. Most of the weight was lost in the first year. I’m not sure what I weigh now as I switched to building up a couple of weeks ago and I am definitely growing. Especially my legs, as two years of daily diet-walking turned me into a bare-bones walking machine!

Don’t be too concerned with your weight, it’ll come off easy enough, it just takes time. As a meat lover, ketosis is not too hard a diet. I did it with meat and cheese and am still staying in ketosis while building. You’ll need to keep an eye on your supplements, but I’m sure you already know this.

In the switch from carbs to ketones, your body loses a lot of water, which was used to help store the carbs. That provides a nice incentive early on, the sudden loss of a couple of kilos.

Sorry for the unsolicited advice, I hope it helps.


Suggestion: still eat a decent amount(although an amount that is gradually diminishing) for dinner, but stop eating after 8 p.m.

Uncle Albert

We do not do breakfast or lunch except coffee and cigarettes til noon (a quote from a character on Yellowstone, the US series on Paramount)
we only eat one meal a day, usually around 5:00 PM and nothing after 8:00 PM
when I met and married the present Dear Wife (DW), I weighed 330 lbs.
today, after 24 years of wedded bliss, I weigh 220 lbs.
have no idea what my BMI is nownor do I care
hang in there, MM
later, dudes and dudettes