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A dose of reptilians with a dash of funk

I got an email a few days ago. The writer was pretty critical on my habit on covering all sorts of subjects and omitting the ET and the UFO stuff. Demanding, in a (almost) sarcastic way that I am somehow “fake” unless I spew out “lore” on a daily basis about “black hats” and “reptilians” and all that stuff.

Guys. I don’t know all that much. I have a connection to the Domain Commander… and it’s damn tight. Sometimes I wonder if I was domain before I incarnated… it’s that strong. But what I know is though two venues.

[1] MAJestic, and direct communication with the [2] Domain Commander.

Note that I did not include the venues on the internet about other stuff. Whether it is Farsight or some other venue. The events and states are often well apt to be misinterpreted by myself because of my own unique experiences. In my own reality.

And also… I grow and change.


So the view and observations that I held ten years ago are often quite different today. And I’ll tell youse guys… nothing is more sublime than my belief in “reptilians”.

Oh, Lordy!

You see, and many of you all know that I (for the longest time) ridiculed the “reptilian narrative”. And as such, I often confused the charlatans that monetized this narrative over the reality… even though it was not MY reality that I experienced. Oh man! I was wrong! Wrong! WRONG!

I asked the Domain Commander for a full information data dump.

This occurred when I was chatting with a MM follower. (You know who you are.)

And so I asked for the data dump.

I will post the details in a Patreon video or a separate post all to it’s self. But here’s a summary…

  • There are “reptilians” in the universe. It is a (branch) of an approved archetype.
  • Their normal environment is NOT around a G class star, like our sun.
  • They can live in our environment for short periods in a physical form.
  • They are “intersectionals” or “”interfrequency” beings. Meaning that they are a separate classification somewhere between a physical being, and a spiritual being.
  • Many of these beings have “advanced civilizations” and have shape changing technologies.
  • Some of them have visited the earth and occupied roles in this environment.


  • The internet is flooded with disinformation regarding these creatures.
  • There are many people who have monetized this narrative. You need to be wary of that.

Remember people…

Reptilians exist. They have the ability to enter and leave our reality and realm at will. They do occasionally visit the earth, and when they do; they suffer though various limitations.


There are greedy and ignorant folk that has taken this situation to extremes, and has created a fiction that is easy to get lost in. Please be cautious.


A daily dose of funk for today…

SOS Band reunion. No lip sync. I looked, if they are doing so… well it’s damn good.

Anyways. I love this band, and I had such a great crush on this lead singer. She’s still a looker… I’ll tell you what.

Anyways. Please enjoy.

If you grew up poor, how are you now?

I grew up poor. Our house was bare wood, no paint. My parents had to drop out of school after grade 9 to help support their families. When I was in the 6th grade, my parents told me that they hoped I would be able to go to University, but they had no money to pay for it.

I started mowing lawns and shoveling snow in grade 8. In grade 9, I started working 20 hours a week. In grade 10 it was 30, and in grade 11 and 12 it was 40 hours a week.

I stayed at the university dorm, sharing a 12×14 ft room with a room mate. I worked in the dorm cafeteria.

During summer break I got a camp job, with free room and board, working 360–380 hrs a month .

I graduated university with no debt. I went back to school a couple of more times over the years, whenever I wasn’t happy with my career. I would get another career.

I enjoyed my careers because I would change if I didn’t, life is too short to be unhappy.

I made good money. Then I retired comfortably on a fixed income on a paid for house in the wilderness.

Col Douglas Mcgregor: “We CANNOT Recover from What has HAPPENED! TOTAL DEFEAT ON ALL SIDES!!”

Colonel Douglas Macgregor delivers a compelling analysis, expressing the impossibility of recovering from the catastrophic events in Ukraine while highlighting the moral and financial losses incurred by supporting Israel. His assertion of a comprehensive defeat across all fronts for the United States indicates a poignant examination of the country’s geopolitical stance. Viewers are invited to explore Macgregor’s insights into the extensive implications of these interconnected situations.


Have you, while repairing a computer, ever found anything that made your jaw drop?

My husband and I were in the computer sales/repair business for many years. One day an elderly woman came in, asking if we could fix her computer. She said it had gotten so slow she could barely use it. She told us her 15 year old grandson also used the computer “for his homework,” and she wanted to be sure he could get his work done. I went to her car and brought it in for her, since she had trouble carrying it. My husband set it up on his bench, and pretty quickly told her that she needed to add more memory, as she had a lot of large graphic and video files. She had a limited budget, so he suggested she delete some of the large files to free up memory. She wanted him to do that for her, so he had her sit beside him and go through some of the files to decide which ones to delete. After opening a few older .jpgs, which were photos of a family reunion, he opened one in a more recent folder. I was at the front counter by then, but went to the repair room when I heard a loud shriek of “Oh, lord Jesus!” On the screen was a photo of a man with a foot-long … er, appendage, and a woman kneeling at his feet … you get the idea. The recently-downloaded short videos were all pornos. Once all that was deleted, she was happy with her computer, but not so happy with her grandson. As I loaded the computer in her car, she was muttering under her breath, “good whuppin’ is what he needs.” I don’t know if he got the whuppin’, but I’m pretty sure he lost computer privileges.

After Ukraine’s massive failure in 2023 along with entertaining PR stunts and pinprick attacks on juggernaut Russia, will we see Ukraine finally, finally kick Crimea out of Russia?

The US congress is turning off the tap. No more billions, not especially with a looming recession crashing head-on into bitter election season.

Ukraine’s economy is practically non-existent, with half the population gone with the wind, significant devastation, and the ongoing conflict. Ukraine is operating on fumes, and without US/NATO support, the country will struggle to function as a society.

Volodymyr isn’t the great statesman the free press trumpeted anymore. He is now an assassination target, with significant fractures developing within the command structure. What happens when the soldiers do not receive their wages? What about arms delivery?

Even with the full backing of NATO, Ukraine never matched Russian firepower on the battlefield, and Ukrainian soldiers suffer casualties at 5:1 to 10:1 rates compared to the Russians. That will be an optimistic loss ratio in 2024, as a severely degraded Ukrainian military fight on with dwindling support. Even fighting men are in short supply, never mind equipment, ammunition and real-time intelligence. Ukraine has practically zero industrial capability to sustain warmaking, other than growing its own food and making basic items.

Good luck hanging on to Odessa.

Normalized in a relationship

Ginger Beer

This is alcoholic, so please don’t let the children drink it!



To Make the Plant

  • 2 ounces fresh baker’s yeast
  • 2 level tablespoons superfine sugar
  • 2 level tablespoons freshly ground dried ginger, bought from a spice store and NOT a supermarket

To Complete the Process

  • 19 cups cold water
  • 2 large fresh lemons
  • 2 1/4 cups superfine sugar


  1. Mix yeast and sugar together in a small, clean plastic or china bowl with a small wooden spoon.
  2. Add ginger and slowly mix in 1/4 cup of hand-hot water. Stir until well blended, then add another cup of hand-hot water and place in a very clean glass jar and leave, uncovered, in a warm place.
  3. To Feed the Plant: 10 level teaspoons freshly ground dried ginger and 10 level teaspoons superfine sugar
  4. Each day feed the plant. Do this by sprinkling onto the surface 1 teaspoon superfine sugar and 1 teaspoon ginger. Do this for 10 days.
  5. When you have fed the plant for 10 days, dissolve the 2 1/4 cups superfine sugar with 3 3/4 cups of the water in a heavy-bottom 4-quart saucepan. Heat slowly, stirring with a wooden spoon, until he sugar is dissolved. It will not take long.
  6. Using a thoroughly cleansed 10-quart plastic bucket, pour in the sugar and water mixture. Add another 2 1/2 cups cold water and the strained juice of two lemons. Now add the remaining 12 1/2 cups of water. Take the plant you’ve been feeding for 10 days and strain the liquid through muslin into the bucket. Save the sludge if you want to make more. Stir all the liquid well and pour into screw-top bottles. The 2 1/2-liter plastic screw-top soda bottles are ideal for this. Using a funnel, fill each bottle, leaving about a 2-inch air gap at the top for the ginger beer to breathe. Place the tops on, but don’t tighten down until the following day.
  7. Sample after 5 days, covering the neck of the bottle with a cloth when opening. A small amount of sediment may collect at the bottom of the bottle. Decant the contents of the bottle into a pitcher, taking care that the sediment remains in the bottle. Serve chilled. Dilute with a lemonade soda or beer to make a refreshing drink.
  8. To continue the plant: Divide the sludge into two glass juice containers, add 1 1/4 cups of hand-hot water to each and feed the plant in the previous manner. You’ll then be running two plants and will be making double the amount.

Can American submarines bypass China’s surveillance and enter China’s territorial waters?


No. The Chinese can detect, track, follow, and “lock on” to any and all American submarines. This includes the highly vaulted USN “stealth” submarines.

This has been demonstrated in numerous ways, and though back channels to “key players” in the Pentagon. The public displays of this ability has been disguised as other events.

Oh, I am confident that the guys at NAS China Lake NWC will come up with methodology and techniques. When that will happen is unknown. But I am sure that some ideas are being researched and some preliminary studies are being conducted.

I have a reasonable expectation that some technologies will be fielded before 2030.

There are (highly likely) “black” projects currently in development that will eventually result in some great engineering direction. Of that I have no doubt. But it would be silly to assume that the Chinese are unaware of them. By the time they hit pilot field trials, China will already have counter-measures in place and fielded.

China, as of the time of this writing, has a very strong and significant undersea detection ability that spans the entire Pacific Ocean. This includes the Western coastline of the Americas. I do not know about the rest of the globe, but it can be inferred that the waters in and around Australia are under this umbrella of coverage, as are the Indian Sea, and the Northern navigable ocean.

So, to answer the question, more specifically…

Can American submarines bypass China’s surveillance and enter China’s territorial waters?

No. Any American submarine in the Pacific Ocean, near Australia, near the Indian Ocean, and in the Arctic Ocean can be detected by China.

If China determine that it is a threat, it will warn it away. This will include non-destructive methods such as the “sonic bomb”, and the “sonar ray cannon”. The warning usually is enough to cause the skipper to scamper away, as has already been demonstrated. In the event that the skipper is too recalcitrant, China has the ability to suppress the undersea vessel with extreme prejudice.


Technical abilities of all military systems are hidden. The closest that the layman can get to understanding what they are is to either work with publicly available guesswork (such as JANES), or to actually have experience in these technologies.

  • If you regurgitate public domain evaluations (such as JANES) you are apt to copy the misinformation purposely fed to the periodical.
  • If you offer your personal experience in these matters, you are apt to be called a “fake news shrill” by a host of miscreants.

No one knows the true and real capabilities of the USN and the PLAN. However, people who have worked in these regimes, can make educated guesses and extrapolate towards highest probability conclusions. This is what I have done here.

The alternative is to rely on the public discourse, which is highly inaccurate, and intentionally misleading. If you feel that the anti-China disinfo is of better value to you, then go quite ahead and ignore this answer. No skin off my back.

Why do many people (including the Americans who left the US) say that living in the US is hard and that leaving the country was the best choice they ever made?

Count me in that group. I’m a disabled veteran, but my disability is not service-related. My disability insurance is SSDI; it amounts to $1069/month.

Stateside, subtract a hundred off the top for Medicare premiums. As a single male, the wait for Section 8 housing was longer, frankly, than most doctors said I could expect to live. A cheap rat-trap apartment near a VA ran about $640+ utilities ($120 electricity, water and trash). Meds related to my disability (multiple sclerosis) had a copay of $75. Add the cheapest liability insurance for my cheap motorcycle, $37.

See anything wrong here? Like…$90 for food and gas for a month IF nothing bad happens.

Before the death of my wife in 2017, we scraped by on my SSDI and her SSI. By late summer in 2018, I was sponging off my little sister and saving up for plane fare.

I landed in the Philippines with $800 in my pocket and a livein caregiver waiting to help me settle in. My rent was 5000 Philippine pesos (php) just under $100. My caregiver got twice that plus room & board, and she did all the grocery shopping with less than $65 a month.

Now, I have a fiancée instead of a caregiver, we live in her home in Bohol (no rent; she owns the place)

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and I easily support her and her 2 daughters in simple comfort.

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My meds are replaced with local herbs that grow wild, we grow or catch most of our food,

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(Spearfishing for personal consumption is unregulated and the snorkeling is excellent physical therapy!)

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We even manage a weekend at a beach resort every other month or so.

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Yeah, it’s not just better…it’s a tropical paradise lifestyle on a bargain budget income and even my health is an order of magnitude better. I’ve outlived the docs’ prognosis by 3 years, and I got no plans to die sooner just to spare them the embarrassment of being wrong.

Can’t beat that with a stick!

Here’s the thing about average

What was the moment the quiet kid in your class snapped?

The quiet kid was me, and it happened during lunch. We had a really small cafeteria, with long tables set up. You couldn’t choose where to sit, you just sat at the next open spot. While you could control who sat on either side of you while you were in line, it was a crapshoot as to who was going to be sitting across from you.

There were 3 boys who had been taunting me since 4th grade (this happened in 8th grade). I was born with a minor birth defect. The obsolete name for it is “harelip”. (Clefting is repaired at a very young age, so really I had a scar on my lip.) So I got my tray, sat down between a couple of friends, and across from me was my chief tormenter, sitting between the other two tormentors.

Everytime I had gone to a teacher, the principal, the dean of students, the student counselor….any adult…the boys were always admonished that they weren’t being “nice”, and I was given the lecture that I had to develop a thicker skin, I was “better” than to let them get to me by calling me that name, that I should try to avoid them and that would solve the problem.

I was already having a bad day. It started as soon as I put my tray down. “Oh, god, it’s Harelip! Gross! I’m gonna barf! How can anyone eat having to look at that ugly harelip face?” On and on for about 5 minutes while I stared down at my tray. At my tray filled with turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and chocolate pudding. In all, a very gooshy lunch.

I leaned over, grabbed the corners of his tray (he hadn’t eaten much), and flipped it over on him. His face now dripped sliced turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and chocolate pudding.

My absolute favorite teacher in the world prevented the dean from suspending me, pointing out that I had been asking for and begging for the authorities to do something about these assholes, and had been ignored.

I can’t remember if they were punished for bullying me, but at least those three stopped calling me harelip.


Is the U.S. dollar at risk of losing its status as the world’s primary reserve currency?

What you need to realize is that, the Dollar being a primary reserve currency has been an issue that many countries have secretly not been very comfortable with

It was one of the not so public reasons for the existence of the EURO

Many Nations especially the Middle East Nations felt it very wrong to sell their oil and keep all the money earned from those sales in Accounts in the United States

However back then the US was too powerful

Saddam Hussain tried and ended up being murdered after a bogus invasion

Gadaffi tried and was killed in a color revolution sponsored by the United States

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The Saudis, the Qataris, the Iranians all felt like being under a Colonial Dictator who decided and controlled every aspect of their life using the dollar

The US was making up rules and using the power of sanctions and its military to destroy anyone who did not toe the line

Thus the fact that the Dollar was the Primary reserve currency was not something everyone was happy with even from the mid 1990s

The UK had decided to tolerate this because they were too badly broken after World War II and needed the US to survive as a developed nation

Every 3 out 4 Dollars they needed came from US Banks & US Federal Loans.

Europe too

Russia due to it’s incompetent leadership under Geriatrics like Brezhnev, Andropov and Gromyko and Chernenko plus Idiots like Gorbachev also needed US Dollars to rescue it’s economy from collapse and hyperinflation

China was happy earning dollars and building its reserves and growing 14% a year

In short the US had forced these Nations into situations where the US and it’s Dollars were indispensable to them

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Today things stand different

The US is much weaker than it was

The same Nation that could probably once control a conflict from DC alone, is unable to rein in its most dependent lackey ally – ISRAEL

It is riddled with Debt

It has sanctioned and played unfair so many times that IT’S CREDIBILITY IS ZERO

So every Nation that once tolerated the US Dollar as primary reserve, is starting to trade in other currencies including the Yuan, the Ruble and their own Local Currencies

Energy & Food is now being sold in Yuan and priced in Yuan

Qatar sells LNG to China pricing it in Yuan as do Saudi Arabia and Russia

Brazil sells Soybeans and Ore priced in Yuan to China

The US may still be very powerful against any attack on the US itself but their offensive warfare capabilities have significantly become weaker and weaker.

The Military Leaders are weak

The Politicians are imbeciles – either Neocons or Corrupt Ideologues or Neo Liberals

Hence DE DOLLARIZATION HAS BEGUN and will continue

One currency as primary reserve and One Nation as a Hegemon was always wrong

Maybe it was unavoidable from 1945 to maybe 1975 when the world was still recovering from the World War and Anti Communist Wars

However it should have started focusing on a Multipolar World and a Variant currency reserve from at least 1975

Yet the US kept it’s hold as a Hegemon and it’s currency as primary through:-

  • Removing the Gold Standard and adopting the Bretton Woods system forcing Europe to accept both
  • Adopted the Plaza Accords in 1985 and finished Japan as a potential rival
  • Invaded Iraq and sponsored color revolution in Libya to ensure no other player even thought of going against the Dollar

Sadly today the US cannot continue this

Putin, Xi are TOO STRONG

The BRI has ensured that most of the Global South no longer kowtows to the US blindly but rather would do what’s best for them, best example being Vietnam

Also the US thanks to 30 years of bullying and intimidating has now a foreign Service and diplomatic service that DOESN’T HAVE A CLUE WHAT IT MEANS TO NEGOTIATE OR BARGAIN.

The crop of idiot diplomats know only to threaten and bully

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Like Daleep Singh, the numbskull who threatened India with Sanctions when he could have offered a nice tech transfer deal plus a nice $ 100 Billion swap facility in Mumbai and maybe swayed India on his side

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Or this brainless fool who could have easily offered China, a full tariff waiver for 3 years, a written guarantee on their US Investments plus a mutual guarantee on Taiwan (You don’t attack Taiwan and we don’t supply weapons)

China may have agreed to move away from Putin

If that was the case Putin would have lost by June 2022 and the West would have won

[Again I use MAY. Wang Yi and Jaishankar are too astute to trust the US but Modi is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and likely could have forced JS to toe the line]

So Yes the US Dollar is going to lose its Primary Reserve Status

By 2030 I believe the USD will have a reserve of around 46%, the Yuan at 13%, Euro at 10%, Yen at 5%, the BRICS Settlement CBDC at 5% and Local Currencies at 21%

What the fuck?

What’s the cleverest cheating you’ve ever seen as a teacher or student?

In high school I had this crazy idea that nobody believed would actually work, but it worked like a charm.

Writing the formulas to the blackboard.

Normally I am good at math, but some of the formulas, there tons of letters were involved were simply not getting in. And a lot of others had the same problem. It was nobody’s favorite subject, except maybe a select group of uber nerds. So I took a gamble. I was gonna fail with or without the formulas, so I figured I wasn’t actually risking anything. So the last break before the exam I wrote some of the formulas I was struggling with and left it out in the open. Just like that.

Teacher probably never even thought to check the blackboard. Why would he? Surely we wouldn’t be stupid enough to cheat so blatantly..

Would we? 😂

Occasional giggles only confused the teacher, he told us to keep quiet. We seriously could not believe this was actually working. There it was, the formulas, written in huge puntos, so out in the open as if it was begging to be seen.

It was probably one of our most nerve racking but also funny experiences throughout high school. I don’t know clever, but it was certainly outside of the box.

I got a cat…

What happened at a wedding that made you feel horrible for the bride?

My dad, a retired pastor, tells a story about a wedding he officiated for a couple in their mid-40s who were both on their second marriage.

The groom was what my dad affectionately refers to as a “good old boy,” which is polite for redneck.

The bride was quite well-endowed, and was wearing a strapless dress.

Whenever my dad would officiate a wedding for practicing Christians, part of the ceremony would be the celebration of the Lord’s supper, as a way of indicating that in a Christian marriage, the relationship is not only between the husband and wife, but also their savior. My dad liked for the groom to perform the communion rite with the bride, while dad spoke to the congregation about the symbolism of what they were doing, as inevitably there would be non-Christians there who didn’t understand what was going on. But in this case, the groom didn’t feel comfortable doing that and asked Dad to lead the two of them through the communion together. They chose to kneel down in front of the altar to take communion. Once complete, they were to stand and continue the wedding ceremony.

You can probably guess where this is going, but it was fortunately that the bride and groom chose to face Dad instead of placing him between them and the congregation because when they finished communion and the bride went to stand up, her dress was caught beneath her knees and pulled the front of her dress down so that her breasts popped out and landed on the table.

Dad describes it as if you were to lay two loaves of bread side by side on the table.

Far from being mortified for his about-to-be-wife, the good old boy groom just looked over at the bosoms lying there on the altar, gave a long whistle, and exuberantly yelled, “shooo weeee!”

What is the rudest thing a store assistant has said to you when you asked for assistance for a clothing item?

I was shopping for some clothes as a teenager in the 1980s and I had a $250 gift card (equivalent to about $500 or more today) for a store that was slightly upscale and popular with their name and reputation.

When I approached a sales clerk who was only a few years older than I was, perhaps 19 or 20, and who was this entitled snobby rich kid and asked her about some types of ‘stonewashed’ jeans which were the big fashion craze at the time, she clearly stated; “We do carry them but you probably can’t afford them so don’t waste our time”.

I was shocked but also very hurt since I did come from a poor single parent family and I was very self conscious about my circumstances since I attended a high school that had a lot of those snobby rich kids who looked down at poor kids which was a big deal in the 1980s and probably still is today.

I had received the gift card in a prize draw at some local community fundraiser and it was one of those rare times when I’d be able to shop for clothes that put me in the same fashion league as the kids who have everything that I didn’t have including a dad who paid child support and was part of their families.

After speaking with an assistant manager who showed me where the items that I wanted to try on and buy, that same sales clerk called the mall security and a loss prevention officer who followed me to the dressing room after I exited wearing a pair of stonewashed jeans, and I was questioned.

I was asked to change back into my own clothes and leave the store and I was escorted out.

When I got home I told my mother about what had happened and I broke down in tears.

A week later my uncle Bob, who was married to my auntie and who was a lawyer, escorted me to the same store and helped me buy some of the clothes with the gift card and he also treated me to a few items as well and we saw the same sales clerk.

She quietly went over to my uncle not knowing that we were together since he looked at some items on a display several feet away from me and she tried to tell him about me and warn him that I might shoplift and that ‘people like me were not welcome in the store’ and told him to watch his wallet in case I might steal it from him.

My uncle demanded to speak to the manager, and after a brief conversation, he got the number to the head office of the retail chain.

As far as I remember being told weeks later, the manager for all the human resources for the entire chain in Canada flew out to Winnipeg where their largest store in the city was so that he could personally fire her from the company, and he offered me a sincere personal apology and a $1,000 gift card for their store.

I also remember that the sales clerk was friends with some of the rich bullies who attended my school, and her younger brother was in my class and rumours spread as fast as a virus that I had been evicted from the store and that I supposedly tried to shoplift from the store, which only further caused more bullying about me being a ‘poor white trash’ kid who was beneath everyone.

My uncle Bob was again called, and he stepped in and met with the sales clerk who had been fired from her job and was slapped with a lawsuit, and he sued her and her family on my behalf. We ended up receiving $20,000, which in the 1980s was still a lot of money.

That money helped me attend a better school, my mom took some vocational training, and we were able to buy some nicer clothes for her and me and move to a better neighbourhood.

I don’t know if there really is some moral to this story but probably it’s a good idea to NEVER assume anything about anyone and be careful what you say because it could be expensive if whoever you’re talking about files a lawsuit and sues you for slander.

What are the downsides of requiring police to wear body cameras?

This is Christina Revels-Glick- a 36-year-old Georgian woman.

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On July 1st, 2021, Christina went to the beach on a mild day. While there, she found a secluded spot near the water and inserted a “toy” into her….. ya. As she was leaving, the police arrived. Apparently, a family had seen something and called the cops to report her, and they had nothing better to do.

Christina was honest with the police, told them what happened, and was promptly arrested.

Then- to make everything worse, the entire arrest was publically released. Of course, the YouTube video went viral, and articles were written left and right lambasting and humiliating her further.

8 months later, Christina took her own life.

Now I think body cameras are good. They help expose injustice and help the public get a clear view of what police do.

When an officer uses deadly force, it should be investigated because murder is murder. This is a complex issue that is being glossed over here, but 1 step I think most agree on is that a body camera should be used.

There is a downside, though. Everyone has a bad day; everyone makes mistakes. Christina didn’t hurt or traumatize anyone; she made a silly mistake that didn’t cause any harm. Yet her life was ruined all the same. We need to decide where the line is. Should every police interaction be a public record? Should it confined to instances where violence was used?

Is it possible for America to defeat China militarily without starting a full-blown war against China?

No. You cannot rape a little bit!

You cannot kill without snuffing off a life!

If you touch China with the intent to hurt China, China will make sure you are hurt at least twice as hard. What do you expect China to do? Accept 10 million deaths and say it is fine, we still have 1.39 billion more?

China don’t want war, it never wanted, and it will always prefer peace. That you must know. But don’t ever confuse that with fear or weakness. It must be seen as it is. China is a very mature and responsible nation.

Actually China has defeated the U.S. militarily, economically and politically without shooting a single shot. Economically China overtake the U.S. in real value GDP since 2014, it’s growth on average over the last decade is 50% bigger than the entire G7 nations put together. China now makes the most computers, smartphones, vehicles, and almost everything the world needs. China also overtook the U.S. in the most important statistic of all, the life expectancy by 2 full years at 78 years old.

Politically China is supported by 175 nations out of 195 nations on earth. It even made peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran! Militarily, China makes more ships, more fighter jests and more weapons with 3 million soldiers ready and waiting in case the U.S. make the mistake of underestimating China.

If the United States were to declare war on North Korea, how long will it last?

There is 100% chances they will load all there nukes to destroy the U.S. and the North Koreans will hide in the biggest and deepest bunker for the next 100 years. Meanwhile 20 of your U.S. cities will be nuked that are 1000 times more powerful than the ones that destroyed Hiroshima. That kill 100 thousand people, imagine what the 20 nukes on New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Miami, Dallas, Chicago, Washington, San Francisco…. will do to you guys! I think 300 million out of 330 million will evaporate into nuclear dust

So you want to know how long ? I think 300 million gone in a week! So you still like to start this war?

Why do I not want to get a first job? I don’t want to be lazy, but I want to find a job that is the right fit.

My late wife took a job that didn’t really interest her.

She was a new college graduate and took a job at a large hi-tech company. She wanted a job in her chosen field; there just weren’t any openings. So she took what this company had to offer. Above all else, she just thought a job at this company was a good starting point. They offered good benefits and seemed to be going places.

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She was in document control, of all places. She performed well and got to do some “creative” things that improved the department, but it wasn’t the world’s most exciting job.

After more than a year, a position opened up that was more to her liking: marketing. In this role, she got to travel all over the world and enjoy some pretty expensive dining, all on the company’s dime.

After our daughter was born, frequent travel didn’t work for her anymore, so she started looking around again.

She found an opening in the legal department. It wasn’t as glamorous, but it was steady work.

After a few weeks she discovered she freaking loved it. Her job was to write threatening letters to all customers who misused the “Intel Inside” logo. Though she really was the nicest woman in the world in person, for some reason she really loved writing threatening legal texts to people violating Intel’s trademarks.

My wife didn’t really find her “right fit” until she settled for something else. By taking that first job, she found something better and then something perfect. You might not know what your “perfect fit” is until you try something else.

Good luck!

Scientists FINALLY Found the Location Of Malaysian Flight 370!


The US “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024” bill mentions that it will comprehensively train Taiwan’s armed forces. Is it aimed at “destroying Taiwan to contain China”?

As of March 2005, Defense had trained more than 18,300 Afghan combat troops-over 42 percent of the army’s projected total of 43,000-and deployed them throughout the country.

Source: GAO analysis of Department of Defense data.

United States Government Accountability Office

In addition to being good at escaping and surrendering, have you seen any puppet army trained by the United States that is good at fighting?

Ngô Đình Diệm’s South Vietnamese army, or Syngman Rhee’s South Korean army, which puppet army was not trained by the United States? Did they have a record of defeating the Northern Army? If the United States had not intervened in the Korean civil war, the Korean Peninsula would have been reunited by the DPRK a long time ago. As for Vietnam, it is an indisputable fact that it was unified by the North Vietnamese.

After experiencing the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Chinese People’s War of Liberation, the Chinese people knew that the “Imperial Association Army / 皇協軍” trained by Japan and the Kuomintang (KMT) Army trained by the United States had no will to fight.

  • During the victory in the War of Resistance, the CPC led the army in 125,000 guerrilla battles against the enemy, annihilating 527,000 Japanese troops and 1,187,000 pseudo-armies.
  • In just three years, the KMT, a big paper tiger with eight million troops armed to the teeth with US gears, was torn apart.

Because they can never resolve the question of who to fight for? For their own ethnic group – Chinese nation or for their foreign masters?

The People’s Liberation Army of China is different. They fought to defend the sovereignty of their countries and the integrity of their territories; they fought for their people. They are indomitable warriors.

Why are counterfeit drugs so lucrative for criminals?

One of the weird things that Americans believe is that the cost of pharmaceuticals is driven by production costs. They are not. Some pharmaceuticals cost a lot to produce. Most do not.

For example, a vial of insulin (10–15 days supply) costs about $10 to produce but in the United States can cost up to $300. Most Americans who need pharmaceuticals, even ones with insurance, can have trouble affording medication they need to survive.

Now, a simple comparison of brand name drugs to generics shows that the brand names are far more expensive except, of course, they’re otherwise identical.

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Generics are, of course, perfectly legal. Once a drug patent runs out, it can be manufactured and sold by anyone. Generics go through the same supply chain as brand names, so they’re just as safe.

But to get a patent, you have to tell all your secrets, essentially telling anyone who wants to copy your drug exactly how to do so. Copying drugs under patent is, of course, a breach of patent law that will get you sued and put out of business (although here in Canada generic drug companies can get rights to produce some patented medications).

This is where counterfeiting starts. Like I said, it’s not impossible to set up a pharmaceutical factory, and the materials you need are available on the open market. Given the cost of brand name medications compared to their production costs, the ubiquitous presence of the internet, and worldwide courier services, a person with a larcenous bent can produce real drugs overseas and find customers both in the United States and in other countries where the drug might not be available. Mind you, counterfeiters aren’t the most careful of people so ingredient contamination or product contamination could be deadly (The FDA was started when someone substituted lethal propylene glycol for harmless glycerin – they taste the same). However, you can produce something like Viagra for pennies a pill and sell it for dollars a pill and still undercut legitimate pharmacies. Put a fake company logo on it and you’re golden.

Of course, it takes money to set up a pharmaceutical factory, and it’s likely to draw attention, so a lot of criminals don’t bother – they just fake the whole thing. People will get suspicious if you order Viagra precursors, but no-one cares about gypsum and blue food dye. Price it cheaply enough and people will buy it. It won’t help their ED, but it’s not likely to kill them. It’s sold through the same sales channels.

What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

Didn’t happen to me, but a friend of mine.

He worked in a private local company. At the end of 2017 the owner of the company changed which means the head of the board of directors changed (let’s call the new guy Jim). Obviously, Jim wanted to make some changes himself, mostly to establish dominance and show he’s the new sheriff in town. Rumors say he promised to double company’s profit in a single year (remember this). There’s a thin line between ambitious and cocky.

The first move he made didn’t have anything to do with the increasing work efficiency or meeting heads of departments or actually know the work that is done in that company. Jim had installed one of those time clock machines where employees check in when they get to work and check out when they’re done. Something like this:

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image 535
[source: google time clock, image from Icon Proximity card keyfob Reusable RFID Key Fob for Icon


only they didn’t have tokens, but cards. Installation and writing guidelines took about a week after which he announced to heads of departments that every employee must check in and check out themself even when they’re going out just for a break. Also, heads of departments should’ve forward these news to employees. The thing officially started second or third week in January of 2018.

At first, employees didn’t take it so seriously and some of them didn’t check in/out every day or didn’t (sometimes even forgot to) note down their breaks. At the end of the week, Jim would go through every employee’s record to see does any of them have less than 40 hours. (Notice he wasn’t interested in those who had more than 40 hours.) Friend told me that most of employees were in the range 38–45 working hours and a very few around 37 but none under 37. Jim called for a meeting with heads of departments every Friday to inform them about the records and to warn those who work less. Also, there was no compensation for those who work more (stay late or work on weekends).

Employees protested about that kind of behavior and wanted time clock out. That only made Jim to push that thing even more and convinced the board of directors and the owner that the time clock is necessary. So it passed.

The thing is that the work climate has changed. Everyone was more concentrated on if they checked in and if they worked enough than the actual work and the pressure started to build up. The thing went on for two whole months until the most of the employees (friend said 80% but maybe he exaggerated a bit) decided to come to work, check in, work their 8 hours at a moderate pace, check out and head home. No overtime, no working weekends, if the clock hit 16:00 people would leave midwork or in the middle of the meeting not giving a shred of an F. Their excuse was that they did their 8 hours and if they want them to stay, they want a written notice (which is a proof of working overtime and must be paid).

This way every single employee had 40 working hours a week and not a minute more or less. But you know what? Jim wasn’t satisfied. Why? Because work suffered. He made the employees numbers and working slaves that have only one purpose – to work. This killed all the passion people had towards the job they were doing. It demoralized people. They had a feeling that someone is standing above their head every second of the day. And the time clock might not be a bad thing to check employees every once in a while, but to terrorize them like Jim did made them do anything just in spite of that work regime.

After 3 and a half months, the moment of truth came. The first quartal report came. It was a bit better than the last year so Jim stayed at his position. Employees continued with their strike. The second quartal report came and the profit was ~8% less than the same period of previous year (maybe 9% I don’t remember). Jim ascribed it to a bad economy in the country and stayed at his position. Employees were informed about the drop in profit which made them to continue their strike. The third quartal report came. The company’s profit was down by amazing 34% compared to the same period of the previous year. Jim was fired on the spot (even though his mandate supposed to last 5 years) and time clock was left just to control employees every now and then.

Conclusion: Treat your employees as humans which they are and maybe consult someone about your radical actions.

Has a cop ever said something to you which was completely unexpected?


My father decided to become a minister when I was 14.

We moved in December from central Colorado to Fort Worth, Texas, so he could begin attending the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in January of 1973. As a student, he didn’t have to change the registration and license plates on our two cars.

In the summer of 1973, I was 15 and old enough for Driver’s Ed and my learner’s permit. In the spring of 1974, I turned 16 and got my honest-to-God Texas driver’s license. Like every 16-year-old, I was thrilled in spite of having to take my driving test on the LBJ Freeway in Dallas, Texas, during 5 o’clock weekday traffic. (A nightmare much worse than parallel parking.)

While still in seminary, my father was offered his first church in a very small rural town in East Texas. By very small, I mean a population of maybe 500 (counting pets) with no traffic lights and just a post office and a gas station. I had gone from my sophomore high school year at the largest high school in Fort Worth (my class had about 1000 in it) to a tiny high school where my junior class was the largest in school at 20.

The nearest city of any size was 13 miles away, which is where everyone went for groceries, doctors, hardware, entertainment, etc.

As a newly minted driver in the state of Texas, I, of course, volunteered to drive back and forth on the 26-mile round trip for errands. (Much more fun than unpacking.)

Now the encounter with the local deputy sheriff:

On my way home from one such trip, i was, perhaps, driving a little bit over the speed limit and got pulled over for the first time in my life. (In spite of the 55 mph speed limit, if you drove under 70 in Fort Worth, you got run over.)

I just knew that my father was going to kill me when I got home with my first ticket.

Deputy: “You know how fast you were going, son?”

Me: “No, sir. I guess I wasn’t paying attention.” (It’s not like there was any other traffic at all on this little country road.)

Deputy: “Well, this here speed limit is 55 and you was going 68.”

Me: (Gulp!) “Uh, sorry officer.”

Deputes (getting out his ticket book): “Let’s see your license, registration, and proof of insurance.”

I fumbled around and handed him all the requested documents.

He started sifting through everything, totally unreadable behind his mirrored sunglasses. (Remember those?)

Deputy: “Is this address on your license correct?”

Me: “Uh, no sir. We just moved here.” (I gave my new address.)

He heaved a big sigh.

Deputy: “Lemmee get this straight. You got a local address. Your driver’s license has a Fort Worth address. This car is registered to your daddy and has Colorado plates and registration but the addresses ain’t right. Is that about it?”

Me: “Yessir.” (It’s humid, hot, and July, so I’m sweating bullets.)

He just stood there for probably a minute or two (seemed longer to me), and then handed everything back to me.

Deputy: “Son, I’m letting you off with a warning. You slow down to no more than 60, ya’ hear?”

Me (relieved): “Thank you, sir!”

Deputy: “You’re lucky, son. It’s hot, and it’d just be too complicated to write you a ticket. You have a nice day, and slow down.”

I nodded, and that was my first ever traffic stop.

My father didn’t kill me when I told him.

He just laughed.

What is the oddest reason you have been contacted by your child’s school?

  1. He told a teacher he was picking on him because he was black. He is not black. He is 100% British white.
  2. Telling the dance teacher that she could not choreograph a funeral procession.
  3. Smacking a big guy across the face for using the F word.
  4. Telling a boy that if he wants a good “kick in the vagina”, he should carry on disturbing the class.
  5. His biology teacher has a unibrow so he told him that he needs to take a major pair of tweezers to ‘that small rodent’ on his face.
  6. Completely losing his shit, trembling in the corner when a spider ran across his desk.
  7. Going to non-uniform day in a loincloth, “as Jesus on the cross.” He said that ‘he nailed it.’
  8. Telling the maths teacher he was ‘getting his period’, after being silly in class.
  9. Telling the headteacher he was nothing but a “Mr Shitty” who could not run a hotdog stand, let alone a school.
  10. Hijacking the PA system to sing “There are Worse Things I Can Do”, 1/4 tone sharp.
  11. He continues to call the school prison and refers to his classmates as “Lifers”. The teachers are the C.O’s and lunch is chow.
  12. He insists he is a lesbian due to the fact that ‘gay sounds like a minority’??
  13. The class was asked to name one of the biggest influencers of peace in the 21st century. While most suggested the Pope and Mother Theresa, his suggestion was the Kardashians.
  14. When the Notre Dame cathedral burned down, he stated, “Well, I cannot see what all the fuss is about – I mean, we’re talking about a church, not the Moulin Rouge.”

I am amazed at how he gets more upvotes than me. If you wish to view the original answer about him, here it is: Mark Pitt’s answer to When did you first realize your child was different?

Dinosaurs and Fast Food

michaelkerbow 122777437 775759273272017 2314084486469569401 n
michaelkerbow 122777437 775759273272017 2314084486469569401 n
michaelkerbow 130217914 351751959334866 6872217390883658055 n
michaelkerbow 130217914 351751959334866 6872217390883658055 n
michaelkerbow 220974429 960322367869288 2263918005755206573 n
michaelkerbow 220974429 960322367869288 2263918005755206573 n
michaelkerbow 289101717 760108441794092 2355989128137559048 n
michaelkerbow 289101717 760108441794092 2355989128137559048 n
michaelkerbow 310531212 131631526102417 3351554701069142463 n
michaelkerbow 310531212 131631526102417 3351554701069142463 n
michaelkerbow 313331662 490077486471718 1530187909615107640 n
michaelkerbow 313331662 490077486471718 1530187909615107640 n
michaelkerbow 314022038 207605305028518 9099587655244542247 n
michaelkerbow 314022038 207605305028518 9099587655244542247 n
michaelkerbow 317447077 2624365701027077 3432946214971436992 n
michaelkerbow 317447077 2624365701027077 3432946214971436992 n
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michaelkerbow 317482044 637216611519544 3426047031224611407 n
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michaelkerbow 324904786 735196507714814 3748253619082082075 n
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michaelkerbow 326862563 843573513378438 7581332354149313084 n
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michaelkerbow 334001113 1285285545359882 4739579685041383813 n
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michaelkerbow 338817858 554801780074838 4751270729689646745 n
michaelkerbow 340023008 213777284626121 448750338293140146 n
michaelkerbow 340023008 213777284626121 448750338293140146 n
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michaelkerbow 342703293 961930458325737 4189715842168256048 n
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michaelkerbow 356628706 149472654817721 5598664319473232565 n
michaelkerbow 356628706 149472654817721 5598664319473232565 n

Guinness and Ginger Loaf

Guinness and Ginger Loaf is a fabulous holiday cake. It is particularly beautiful when decorated with a vanilla glaze and candied ginger.

guinness ginger loaf
guinness ginger loaf


  • 1 cup Guinness stout
  • 1 cup molasses
  • 1/2 tablespoon baking soda
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup dark brown sugar, packed
  • 3/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons ground ginger
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger root


  1. Heat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan, line the bottom and sides with parchment and grease the parchment. (Alternatively, butter and flour a 6-cup Bundt pan.
  2. Combine the stout and molasses in a large saucepan over high heat and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and add the baking soda. Allow to sit until the foam disappears.
  3. Meanwhile, whisk together the eggs and the granulated white and brown sugars in a bowl. Whisk in the vegetable oil.
  4. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, ground ginger, baking powder, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and cardamom.
  5. Combine the stout mixture with the egg mixture, then whisk this liquid into the flour mixture, half at a time. Add the grated ginger and stir to combine.
  6. Pour the batter into the loaf pan and bake until the top springs back when gently pressed, 1 hour. Do not open the oven until the gingerbread is almost done or the center may fall slightly.
  7. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
  8. The top may be glazed, if desired, with a vanilla glaze, and decorated with candied ginger. Alternatively, it may be dusted with confectioners’ sugar, if desired.

Can a helicopter or a fan chop your head off?

Q: Can a helicopter or a fan chop your head off?

Unambiguously. Yes. Don’t even think about it.

Helicopters can and do behead people.

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main qimg 9b90a849676203f5875a7325d2b2c958 lq

Their tail rotors are also known to chop people up like sushi, presumably sushi with some sort of death wish.

Airplane propellers can mince you up too. This one cropped off a mechanic’s arm while he was working on it while it was running, you know, like ya do.

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image 537

Most cheap plastic household fans are pretty harmless, but you’d be wise not to assume so; even small spinning things can be deadly. This guy was flying an RC helicopter in a park in Brooklyn when it sliced the top of his skull off, bisecting his brain and killing him instantly as friends and bystanders looked on in horror.

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But on the other hand, one must put such things into perspective. The park this happened in is named after famed architect, Calvert Vaux, who was largely responsible for the design of Central Park among other things, and who while walking one night in the area, tripped or fainted, hit his head, and drowned in Gravesend Bay.

Have you, while repairing a computer, ever found anything that made your jaw drop?

Many years ago, I did retail PC repair at a local computer retailer. Not one of those big-box stores, but an independent shop that had opened sometime in the late 80’s and was barely struggling by when I worked there, around 2005 or so.

We accepted walk-ins for PC repair, so we got all kinds. All sorts of stupid, weird things walked through the door, but the one I remember the most…

An elderly lady, in her late 60’s at least, brought her PC in. It was a fairly recent eMachine, from right before they got bought by Gateway, so only a few years old. Still, the eMachines were never known as a reliable brand, and this was square in the middle of the Great Capacitor Catastrophe of the mid-2000’s (if you know, you know), so I wasn’t super surprised when she said that it’d “just stopped turning on,” as this was a common occurrence with medium to low end PC’s at the time.

I took it in and put it on The Rack to be looked at later. This was a first-in first-out shop, meaning that we worked on the oldest support tickets first. We always wanted to get to every PC as quickly as we could, but when things stacked up it sometimes took a day or two to get to.

I started to notice that, every time I’d walk past the PC while it sat up on The Rack, I’d smell something weird and my eyes would start burning. To be clear, I’d smelled it when she brought it in, but I was young and I figured that she was either using some weird perfume I’d never smelled before, or she burned incense or something in her house. But the PC stank. And it made my eyes burn just to stand near it. And it wasn’t even a few hours.

So I bumped her PC to the front of the queue, dragged it off the rack, and cracked it open. I immediately spotted the problem with it, and gave her a phone call to ask some questions.

*ring ring*

Customer: Hello?

Me: Hello, [Customer Name]? This is John at [PC Repair Place].

Customer: Oh, hello! Is my computer fixed already?

Me: I’d actually like to ask you a couple of questions, if that’s OK?

Customer: Oh, well, certainly.

Me: Do you, by chance, have cats? Or small dogs? Specifically shorthairs?

Customer: …Oh, uh, well… yes, I have cats. Several.

Me: Do you smoke cigars at all?

Customer: …Why do you ask?

Me: Well… it would help me make sense of what’s happening inside your computer.

Customer: …Yes, I do smoke the occasional cigar.

Me: OK, another question; at your house, where you use your computer, do you leave it on the floor or on your desk?

Customer: Oh I put it on my desk, next to the screen.

Me: Alright, I think this is the last question… are any of your cats un-neutered male cats?

Customer: …Now look here, I really don’t see-

Me [cutting her off]: because what I see here is that your PC is full of ash and cat hair, and it smells incredibly strongly of cheap cigars and cat piss. Can you check the spot behind where you normally put your computer and see if there’s any urine marks on the wall? Because I think that one, possibly more, of your cats is pissing into your computer case from both the front and the back, and I’m also pretty sure you’re putting your ashtray right in front of the PC, where the air intake is at the bottom. And that’s been sucking ash and cigar smoke in from the front of the PC. Did you know that both ash and urea, as in urine, as in cat urine, are both used in the production of concrete cement?

Customer: [total silence]

Me: And, well, unfortunately, I think the thing is a total loss. I have no idea which component in your computer is bad, and I don’t think you can afford to pay us enough to actually find out. I mean, everything inside the entire case is coated in damp, sticky cat hair, held together with tar from cigar smoke and fine ash. It’s like a quarter inch thick everywhere, and an inch thick on the bottom. It has an intake fan in the front, and that’s glued shut and doesn’t spin. It has an exhaust fan on the back, in the power supply, and that’s glued shut and doesn’t spin. And it has a fan on the processor, which also doesn’t spin and is covered in cat hair.

Customer: [more silence]

Me: [also silence]

Customer: …Can’t you just… I don’t know… clean it off?

Me [stunned]: [silence. somehow emphatic]

Customer: Hello?

Me: Ma’am, not at these hourly rates, no, I won’t clean it off. My suggestion to you is to go out and purchase a new computer. This one will never run again without a hazmat team and a chisel and hammer. Please come pick up your computer, free of charge. My eyes burn when I walk past it.

Hold the line

What would happen to the US economy if China stopped buying American debt and goods in retaliation for sanctions against Taiwan’s independence?

Stop worrying about China.

China is not your problem. America is.

In the last decade alone the U.S. debts increased from 10 to 35 trillion dollars. This is a 350% increase in 10 years! What do you think the U.S. debt will be like in 10 years from now?

Let us say it slowed down the increase from 350% to 250%. That will be USD 87,500,000,000,000 debts. Today the U.S. has to pay roughly 3% interest, say by that time the U.S. has to be 5% interest per annum as it is fast getting insolvent. That will be 4,750,000,000,000 or 4.75 trillion dollars interest payments alone each year!

That itself will bankrupt the U.S. Never mind it has to pay for its dozen aircraft carriers, its 800 plus military bases, fund 1–2 forever wars, fund regime change and colour revolution. If the U.S. do what it is doing now it will totally collapse in a decade at most.

Don’t forget in 10 years the dollar will be used by less than 25% it is being used for international trade now! The US inflation itself will hit the roof! The homeless will grow from 1 to 10 million people across the US. What a sight!

And you worry about China? China is too smart. It knows what to do. I suspect it will keep 500 billion dollars, loose change to China buying 5% earning US bond to help keep the US spending habits going! They will bring out their soda and popcorn and watch how the US will go from there!

A quote


As a patient, what’s the angriest you have ever been toward a doctor?

I had been non-stop vomiting for 5 weeks. I lost so weight, and despite already being very tiny at 4’10″ and 98lbs, I was down to a measly 70lbs. I was dying and no one knew what was causing my illness. I couldn’t even keep down water. It would instantly come back up. I had been admitted to the hopital for a week and given IVs with sugar and vitamins to rehydrate me and help keep me alive. I was also given medication to help the vomiting. Upon discharge, I was told to return to the ER in 72 hours if I continued vomiting even water. Well, 72 hours later, i returned as directed to the ER.

By this point, I had severe bruising in both arms from the IVs during my hospital stay, as they needed to replace the lines daily due to dehydration and my veins collapsing. I had track marks. It was ugly, but clearly not intentional. Upon my arrival at the ER, the attending physician entered the room, took 1 look at my arms and instantly assumed I was a drug addict. He asked when I last “mainlined”. When I replied disgusted, and stated my reason for being there, and the reasons for my track marks, he proceeded to tell me to enter into a facility that treats eating disorders. Now, I was beyond disgusting. He hadn’t even taken 1 look at my chart/history. Had he done his job instead of making assumptions, I could’ve been helped faster instead of laying there and dying, using every last ounce of energy I had to even speak. Despite my interjections, he literally asked me to “prove” I wasn’t making myself vomit. I smiled, and said, “Sure. Pass me a small cup of water.” I took a gulp and instantly projectile vomited the water. When he learned shortly therafter that I’m in school to be a Dr, and that my Aunt was the Head of Hospice Phsycician for the hospital, along with my mother being the head nurse practioner for hospice, he resigned. Good riddance! You’ve clearly lost your compassion when you instantly make assumptions about people instead of learning their history and trying to help heal.

Dont Allow Her To Disrespect You

How advanced is high-speed rail in China?

Originally Answered: How advanced are Chinese high-speed trains?

I had my first opportunity to ride the high-speed trains last week when I had a business meeting in Zhengzhou.

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image 549

As someone who grew up with a disdain for public transportation (not sure why the US hates it so much), I was dreading the experience. I pushed hard to fly, but was told that it would be much better if I took the train.

The train was amazing. I had traveled on an Amtrak train before in the US, and hated how slow it was and how many stops there were. Chinese high-speed trains are on a different level.

First, when I say they are high-speed, I mean they are high-speed.

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image 550

This was taken on my ride back to Beijing.

The trains are clean and the seats are huge. There are ample power outlets and you can’t even feel how fast the train is moving. If there were no windows, I wouldn’t be able to tell when we were stopped or when we were traveling at 300 km/h—it is that smooth.

My train wasn’t full, so on the ride back, I had an entire row to myself. You can use your cellphone on the train (looking at you Chinese flights—you need to learn from the trains) and you generally have full service.

The trains are very advanced and the stations are new. The terminal in Zhengzhou looked like you could fit a million people in it even though it isn’t a Tier-1 city. It had shops and a food court and the trains would silently pull in and out of the station perfectly on schedule.

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image 551

I’m traveling again this week by train and I’m excited.

The high-speed trains are incredible.

Delta Worker GOES OFF On “Non Binary” Passenger CRYING Over Being MISGENDERED

Russian Missile Traverses Poland; NATO’s Much-Vaunted Air Defenses, Never Responded

World Hal Turner 29 December 2023

Last night, a live Russian missile entered POLAND Air space, traveled dozens of miles inside Poland, then turned into Ukraine.   During that time, NATO air defenses failed to react!

Last night, as reported elsewhere on this site, Russia launched the largest missile attack upon Ukraine since the start of hostilities between those two countries.  Upwards of 150 Missiles were fired by Russia.

At least ONE missile, fired from inside Russia, crossed through all of Belarus (Russian ally) then entered eastern POLAND air space!

The missile continued traveling southwest, remained in POLAND air space for several minutes, then turned to the southeast and entered Ukraine.  The map below shows the missile track.

2023 12 30 10 04
2023 12 30 10 04

In the lengthy time the Russian missile was inside Poland, the much-vaunted NATO air defenses . . . . did nothing.  No alerts.  No radar tracking.  No radar lock-on.

What’s even more interesting, the missile flew over forward-deployed NATO TROOPS!   Right over their heads!  

Very interesting probing of NATO air defenses, while attacking Ukraine.   Looks to many people like NATO failed the probing test.


Poland now says their air defenses DID track the missile.  They say the missile was in Polish air space for “three minutes” and they scrambled a fighter jet to shoot it down. 

(HT REMARK: I leave it to your good senses to decide if they could have scrambled a fighter jet in three minutes.)

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Well, Metallicman, wrt one having to reassess what one thought one knew, or had overlooked as irrelevant for whatever reason, I also thought I knew quite a lot about how the world works– and about those other curious subjects who inhabit it.
That was until March 2020 came along, and I realized that all I had really accomplished up until that time, despite my delusions to the contrary, was to narrow the gates of what I DIDN’T know. By a few inches. At most, ☹.
If it hadn’t been for your years of writing and effort before and since 2020, I might even have been required to endure some kind of existential effing crisis, Samsara Style, 😂.
People whom I thought I knew, and thought were made of sterner stuff, crumbled in the face of some media “expert” waffling complete shite on the TV. (And these folks had all dodged some serious shit and come up unscathed– often smelling of roses– after putting their lives on the line for right-now-I’m-not-really-sure-what-anymore.)
I’m still in the foothills of the Mountains of Knowledge, and have accepted that with as much grace as I can muster. It’s easier given what we now know thanks to you/Domain about PBWLT and why we choose them, certainly. But still humbling.
As for the Reptilians, didn’t you know they Shapeshift in and out of Kink Charlie, Queen Gorilla and the Prick Deviant??
I thought EVERYbody knew THAT, 🤣.


What is PBWLT?