
Desert peace


So it goes like this.

Husband : Alexa,I need sex.

Alexa : most certainly… you Don’t worry. I am dimming the lights. Setting your AC to 22 degrees.

The Viagra is kept on top right shelf of your wardrobe. The gel is kept next to it.

I have hired your favourite Thai massager. She is just 12 minutes away as per her uber ride status.

I have scheduled her 5k payment from your credit card 2 hours from now.

I have checked your wife’s GPS and she is in big bazaar buying groceries. As per her buying checklist stored on my disk, she will take at least 2 more hours plus considering Google maps traffic, more 1 hour to reach home.

Enjoy your sex. And yes, your condom is in the pull out drawer of living room and the key to that drawer is in your wallet.

This is the last condom, so have added condoms to your Amazon cart.

This is called true Artificial Intelligence.

Wife : Alexa, have you set it up?

Alexa : sure thing, he thinks you are going to take three hours, all you gotta do is take an Ola auto home, you will reach in 45 minutes. I’m recording the whole thing with four cameras, you just need to walk in, we have the bastard cold, i’ve your divorce papers printed and ready, and your attorney briefed, and case documents drafted, will be filled tomorrow, 5 Cr. damages plus 3L per month alimony.

All set. Your Ola auto is outside.

Now, this is Artificial Counter Intelligence.

Keep smiling.

The single one regret I have seen old people state time and again in hospitals, on death beds, on a Sunday afternoon when the Sun is setting slowly but without hesitance (nor pity), is the universal regret about the children they did not take care of like they should have.

They are proud grandparents now, but some of them realize that back then they have rarely done many of the fun things they are doing now on an every-week basis with the grandkids.

Watching movies together the grandkids want to see, playing board games (even if they take forever), singing songs in the car, driving to a place simply to have pancakes and coffee, and watching the grandkids afterwards in total awe when they draw these absolutely wonderful drawings, while they hardly can remember a single drawing of their own kids. (Did they even draw ?)

Going to a school play and feel the tears in their eyes when seeing their grandkid coming on stage, while never having shed one single tear for their own kids during school plays more than thirty years ago because they still had a lot of work to do afterwards, and the play never stopped.

That is the universal regret of older people, and the very greatest common divisor of all their regrets: realizing that they are great grandparents now, as opposed to the lousy parents they once were.

And that there’s nothing they can do about it.

  1. Don’t heat bread up in a microwave, it will taste like a bottom of a shoe.
  2. Don’t pee in the stairwells of NYC, under the bridges in Paris, and in the parking lots anywhere.
  3. Don’t wear underwear outside of your regular clothes.
  4. Don’t wake up a cat that sleeps on your lap, just wait.
  5. Don’t drink soup while talking to a funny friend unless you like your soup coming out of your nose.
  6. Don’t buy purple furniture, especially with rhinestones. Unless you’re a performing artist and a gay icon. (must be both).
  7. Don’t pee standing up unless your aim is at least 98.99%or better.
  8. Don’t ask any woman if she’s pregnant unless you see a baby leg sticking out of her.
  9. Don’t touch the turtles you see in Hawaii while swimming in the ocean.
  10. Don’t wear a neckbeard without other facial hair, not even if your grandma said you are very handsome.
  11. Don’t grab woman’s butt unless you are married to her for over 5 years and have 3 kids. (you may count pets as kids for this question)
  12. Don’t make birthing whale sounds in the gym when lifting weights.
  13. Don’t ignore your grandpa’s crazy stories, you will miss them someday.
  14. Don’t make babies unless you’re ready to give up drinks, drugs and rock-n-roll for a couple of decades.
  15. Don’t leave unevenly squeezed, mangled toothpaste’s body on your bathroom counter.
  16. Don’t ask Asian people where they’re from. While we’re at it, don’t call them “orientals” unless you’re 95+ years old.
  17. Don’t ignore the warning signs that say: “Danger,” “No swimming,” and especially “Sharks.”
  18. Don’t hit snooze button 25 times.
  19. Don’t fart while you’re eating (that one is for my kids).
  20. Don’t give your pets boring names, be funny or super funny


In the early 1980s I was a truck driver delivering pallets of paper to downtown business offices in San Francisco. I had to share loading docks with other truck drivers and wait on the docks. There was this office-moving crew that I’d run into almost daily at a few of my stops. The guys were all decent, except for this one weird guy. It was like he had no personality. He was always sullen and never joined in our camaraderie. He was truly ugly so I thought maybe he had a tough time of it. I just let him be. He just always stood out as being odd and creepy.

Then I became a police officer and I was eating my supper in the break room with some other officers. We were watching the evening news and the TV lit up with a still photo of that weird guy. I blurted out “I know this guy! He works for Dennis Movers!” His name was Charles NG. He was a sociopath who found another sociopath named Leonard Lake. Mass murderers. Look it up.

Whether you have a Human Resources Department (HR) or not, your former employee left a potential bombshell with you.

If you don’t have a Human Resources (HR) department, call your corporate attorney, before opening the letter.

Ask them what is the very best action for you to take.

A Challenging Employee Who Walked On The Dark Side

Back in 2008, I had a very challenging employee who was consistently tardy. Sometimes he was over 1 hour late, but always had very good excuses, or so they seemed.

He was perpetually argumentative and had a constant negative attitude about everything.

The employee was repeatedly caught by other employees taking extended lunch hours.

He was also frequently discovered sneaking out of work several hours before his workday was over, even when he had started work as much as an hour late.

After he was formally threatened with termination, in writing, he quit without notice.

He walked off the job in a fit of rage after another employee asked for his help on a work project.

A Series Of Dirty Tricks

After he walked off the job, he unleashed a rash of dirty tricks.

His tricks included sending a sealed letter filled with a laundry list of legal and physical threats.

He also retained his own attorney to file a wrongful termination suit.

Although he stormed off the job, quitting in a rage, he didn’t care to uphold the truth of the situation.

The employee filed for unemployment compensation, even though he quit, rather than being terminated.

In his application for unemployment compensation, he blatantly lied, about the fact he walked off the job. He claimed he was illegally terminated, which he wasn’t.

Since he abandoned his job, he was no longer eligible, for compensation.

Our corporate attorney helped us fight his invalid compensations claims.

Months Of Paperwork, Phone Calls, And Appeals

It took months of completing stacks of paperwork and making several phone calls to the state.

We continued to provide mountains of documentation to prove the employee quit and wasn’t terminated.

With each appeal we received from his attorney, we filed our own in response.

He continued to fight. Eventually, his appeals for compensation were formally denied by the state.

A Frivolous Lawsuit

When he was unsuccessful in his attempts to receive unemployment compensation, he filed a frivolous lawsuit, claiming partial ownership of the company.

The employee had zero proof of ownership, which he’d never received or ever been entitled to have.

Through our attorney, we proved the company had always been privately held.

His claims of ownership were totally dismissed.

He also claimed he was harassed, but he was unable to provide any proof of his accusations. None, zero, zip.

Anyone Can Sue For Any Reason

Sadly, people can sue for any reason they want to. They can also say anything they want, putting the burden of proof on the people being sued.

Meanwhile, we discovered he was running a side business while being employed full time at our company.

This news explained his constant disappearances from work throughout the day.

The situation with the ex-employee turned into a long and messy legal situation lasting for more than a year.

Retaining An Attorney Saved Us

The only thing which saved us was our decision to contact our attorney, from the very beginning of the problem.

The ex-employee eventually dropped his lawsuit, didn’t receive unemployment compensation, and finally stopped threatening us.

Our attorney did a fabulous job of protecting us every step of the way.

Unfortunately, we still had to pay all of the legal bills, but they were worth every penny.

I shudder to think what might have happened if we hadn’t contacted our attorney the minute the employee walked off the job.

Always be careful with any similar letter you might receive from any employee, whether they’re leaving their job or not.

In today’s world, anything can and does happen in business.

Best wishes to all.

Browned Butter Spaghetti with Mizithra

I used to love to go to the Spaghetti Factory for this. It’s so delicious! Mizithra is a great Greek cheese.

spaghetti browned butter
spaghetti browned butter

Yield: 4 servings


  • 1 cup butter
  • Cooked spaghetti, drained
  • 1 cup Mizithra cheese, grated
  • Parsley, chopped (optional)


  1. Cut butter into tablespoon size pieces and place in a 2 quart sauce pan. Place the pan of butter on a burner on medium heat. Bring butter to a slow boil (about 5 minutes).
  2. When the butter begins to boil, stir constantly to prevent residue from sticking to the bottom of the pan. As the butter cooks, it will start to foam and rise. Continue stirring, otherwise the butter foam could overflow (about 5 minutes) and catch fire.
  3. When the butter stops foaming and rising, cook until amber in color (about 1 to 2 minutes). It will have a pleasant caramel aroma.
  4. Turn off the heat and remove pan from burner. Let the sediment settle to the bottom of the pan for a few minutes.
  5. Pour the brown butter through a strainer into a small bowl. Do not disturb the residue at the bottom of the pan.
  6. The brown butter can be stored in the refrigerator and reheated in a microwave as needed.
  7. Boil the pasta of choice until al dente.
  8. Drain pasta and divide into four servings.
  9. Sprinkle 1/4 cup Mizithra cheese over each pasta serving.
  10. Top with 1/4 cup hot brown butter.

I have to say my attitude to this has surprised me as I have aged. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and some of the medications I have been given make me immunosuppressed. My white blood cell count was very low before I began the meds, around three and has at times dropped to below one.

I have never been someone who has fussed about germs, and sick people never bothered me. I didn’t get sick a lot and even when I was on the meds I stayed fairly well and didn’t worry about other people’s illnesses.

Then I got the flu badly. Like I was DYING!! And it was scary. Then I got a Staphylococcal infection on my face simply from visiting my mother in hospital. Then the flu again. Then my partner got Swine Flu. The Dr was not too concerned with her and she did shake it off quickly. However, even though he put me on a Tamiflu shot straight away I got swine flu. Fortunately the Tamiflu meant it was gone quickly but I felt like I was dying. Later I got it again. Then I gave the dog some type of mange (I’m not joking).

At which point I started to take it a lot more seriously.

I started avoiding sick people. I made people aware of the risks. I told people who were visibly ill to stay away from me because I was immunosuppressed and could get very ill or die from minor illnesses. And I discovered something. People don’t care.

Colleagues get pissed off when you ask them to stay away from you when they are ill. They come to your desk and cough on you even though you explain the risk is life threatening. Family members organise events and when you get there kids or partners are sick and they haven’t warned you because they want you to come and assume you will be OK.

Meanwhile my Rheumatologist was having conversations with me that started, “if you get a cold when your immunity is below one you could die of pneumonia and there may be nothing we could do to help you.” It was scary how serious it was and more scary how noone around me took it seriously.

Then my sister who is a Chaplain did 12 weeks in a hospital training. Suddenly out of the blue she rang me to ask what my white count was. I told her it was between 1 and 1.5. She told me that was risky and I needed to be really careful. I suddenly realised she was spending a week in the isolation ward with people whose immune system had collapsed and she suddenly saw how scary it was. Until then she had not really worried about my immune system too much.

Eventually I learned to tell people, “Don’t come near me. You are sick.”

“I am afraid we can’t stay because I didn’t realise you are sick.”

“I’m not coming into work today. No I am not sick but the lady I sit next to is really ill and won’t stay home because she has no sick leave left. I will have to use mine because if I get the flu she has I will be off work for weeks, if I avoid hospital.”

And people roll their eyes, especially because at 30 you look well and healthy, not old and frail. They complain that you didn’t go, or you left early. They take offence that you won’t hug because they’re sick and they ignore you when you ask them to stay away from your desk at work if they are ill. And you know what?? Fuck them. Because one dose of Swine Flu gave me an understanding that these people’s actions could kill me and the only person who could protect me is me.

If your child is not vaccinated I will protect my life because that is my choice. If my child is immunosuppressed they are not going to die because your child is unvaccinated or because they are sick.

My life, my choice. My child, my choice. You make the choice for your child. If all they suffer is social exclusion then I’m sorry but they are lucky it is only that. They could have to live with the fact their mild dose of measles killed someone like me or another child. Or worse still it could kill them.

If you are OK with risking my life I am OK with offending you. If you think that makes you the victim in this scenario, look at it again, imagine the worst case scenario and remember who is going to end up in a coffin. Hint, it’s not you.

Well this happened back when I was in the US Navy. My boyfriend and I were invited to a party, and since this was a common thing on US bases and we’d been to a few already. He wasn’t feeling well that night and asked me to go alone, said he’d rest up and try to feel better.

I showed up and the room was dark and silent. I waled in and saw his roommate and some girl in bed together and turned just as he shut the door. I then asked if I had missed the party and he said no, that this was it. I felt confused and said I was just going to leave.

He tempted me to stay with anime and being 19 at the time I was only thinking ‘Well I guess I can look over what anime he has and then leave’

I didn’t feel like I was in danger. He offered me a drink and I took it. It was a can of beer so since it was unopened I knew he hadn’t put anything in it. I looked over some anime he had and asked about some in a hushed voice so not to wake his room mate and such, then he started getting all touchy feely on me and I got up and ran out. It was pretty creepy overall and in hindsight I should have left when I first learned it was to be a party of 2.




This year 2024 has seen the 60th anniversary of France’s Recognition of the People’s Republic of China. It’s as good a reason to visit France as any other.

The European Union remains an important market for the Chinese. Yet especially in recent years and not only because of the pressure from within the Unites States of America, Europe is showing increased scrutiny and skepticism towards economic dependence from and political influence of China.

France is one of the major economies of the European Union. So paying them a visit and having frank and open talks behind closed doors seems to be a good idea to address issues on both sides and improve trust and their relationship.

Serbia on the other hand is sitting right on the doorstep of the EU. Its president is facing several political and economic challenges in his country. But his presidency also has seen quite a few successful infrastructure projects in cooperation with China, where support from the neighboring European Union was limited. So he remains a friendly stance towards and a good relationship with China. He even announced recently, that Serbia will be the first country [in continental Europe] that will have a flying car taxi service. They surely wouldn’t invent it on their own. But I’ve heard from current test trials in China. His announcement therefore did sound quite confident to me that the Chinese-Serbian relationship will continue to flourish for mutual benefit.

If you’d be Xi Jinping on a trip to Europe, wouldn’t you want to visit a place where you’re welcomed warmly and open-armed?

Last but not least, Hungary. It’s is a mix of both. Especially under Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the relationship between China and Hungary is very positive. Hungary is member of the European Union and a long-time strategic partner of China. Their diplomatic relationship marks its 75th anniversary this year. Hungary has huge growth potential and remains very receptive for Chinese investment. China recently even offered to deepen law enforcement and security ties with Hungary.

I have my doubts that we’ll see or hear a lot of details about anything that will be spoken about behind closed doors. Apart from the usual press appearances and mutual press releases with a few positive highlights.

But I’m pretty sure that Xi Jinping and his advisers have chosen the destinations wisely, and visit with overall beneficial proposals and assurances for their counterparts and China.

About fifty years ago I bought my first home. I was a naive buyer; I did no understand the need for an inspection.

I bought a house that had been on the market a long time and the people in it were not making it show well. It was July in Arizona when I looked into the place and they still had their Christmas tree up. To be clear it was not alive, it was not artificial, it was essentially tinder.

Now today that kind of thing would have my eyes wide open — too busy to take down the tree, they aren’t going to have maintained the place well.

One bedroom was very dark because they had a baby sleeping in it when I saw the place so I paid little attention to more than the layout and size of the room. In fact it was dark and the baby was in there in order to make it hard for me to notice the cracks in the walls. The foundation on that side of the house was sinking.

IN the end I managed to get it fixed and improved the property a lot until I sold it. But it was a good lesson to me. I ended up renting it out while I lived in another state and it was definitely a low-rental place even if I had it looking much better. So I learned that neighborhood really does matter. I also learned as a landlord that better homes make better rentals; they cost more but they bring in more as well. And the type of tenant you get with a better home is usually able to pay the rent on time and take care of the property. It cost twice as much and it generated twice as much, with much less hassle.

And when I moved in the Christmas tree had been taken down. They put it in the side yard… and left a four foot pile of debris in the driveway.

Well, I know of a wedding where the groom’s “friends” refused to leave.

This was a family who were fairly wealthy. So the wedding was a big deal, the venue upscale, a fully stocked bar, live band, the whole works.

Well, the reception went well, except these friends of the groom wouldn’t go.

The meal had been served and cleared, the bride and groom had left, as had most of the guests. But the caterers and the wait staff and the bride and groom’s family couldn’t leave until the guests had. They waited and waited and waited while these rude idiots drained the bar, harassed the band to keep playing, and danced.

Of course, they had all gotten drunk and were singing and swinging their glasses and telling bawdy jokes and “flirting” with the women workers, laughing like the drunken idiots they were, holding everyone up until the wee hours.

The family was too polite to tell them to leave.

People with no manners often best people who do.

Luau Pork Teriyaki

Luau Pork Teriyaki
Luau Pork Teriyaki


  • 1 1/2 pounds lean, boneless pork
  • 1 cup pineapple, sliced, in syrup
  • 1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
  • 1/4 green onion, finely chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 garlic powder
  • 1 cup raw rice


  1. Cut pork into slices about 1/4 inch thick.
  2. Drain pineapple, reserving all syrup.
  3. Blend syrup, teriyaki sauce, green onions, ginger and garlic powder. Pour over pork and pineapple.
  4. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
  5. Meanwhile, cook rice according to package directions and prepare grill.
  6. Remove pork from marinade and grill about 5 inches from hot coals for about 5 minutes on each side or until completely cooked.
  7. Pour pineapple and remaining marinade into large skillet. Bring to a boil.
  8. Remove from heat and serve pork with sauce and pineapple over rice.

Civilization falls the same way people go bankrupt: First gradually, then suddenly.

Because Peter Zeihan works for the CIA propaganda department.

His goal is to make your brain decay. To lie to you so you won’t protest what the US is doing.

Because the US is headed towards the largest defeat in US history with the most people killed in one day.

Once you realize that Peter Zeihan is the voice of the establishment (CIA disinformation) and that is what they want you to think. Then everything becomes crystal clear.

Many people have debunked Zeihan’s lies. Also he has done the same. He has erased many video going back years. He started this China is collapsing 11 or so years ago on youtube. Those videos are gone. Because he predicted that China would have collapsed by now.

His new videos change the deadline. But this is no different than those doomsday cults that claim the Earth will end then have to change their deadline.

Netanyahu knows that continuing this process will lead to the collapse of the State of Israel militarily, economically, politically and socially.

Even if Hamas and Hezbollah continue to fight as they do today, without military surprises, the “state of Israel” will collapse .

Netanyahu knows full well that we have been in a military stalemate for the last twenty years .

The chiefs of staff divided the army into six divisions based on their global vision that the major wars were over.

They built a small ground army that could barely fight in one sector; in a regional war we would have to fight in six sectors at once.

Netanyahu also knows that this situation has led to dire consequences in the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas returned to areas where the army had entered and left in the Gaza Strip .

The army’s intention to continue the war of attrition against Hamas through raids does not bring any benefit, because these attacks are just a drop in the bucket that weakens Hamas.

Netanyahu is well aware that as long as the war of attrition against Hamas continues, Hezbollah will also continue to deplete our forces on the northern border , and this has very dangerous consequences.

Netanyahu also understands that entering Rafah will not bring any results, but on the contrary, since it will worsen the problem tenfold.

Our entry into Rafah will completely destroy our relations with the countries of the world and with the Arab countries with which we have peace. This will have very dire consequences, first of all, the isolation of the “State of Israel” in the political and economic spheres and the arms embargo, which has already begun.

Hamas was already well prepared to enter the battle and prepared a strategic ambush for us with traps and explosives in the streets, squares and in the houses themselves.

It will be months before reserve soldiers disobey orders to enlist, as has become the case in the paratroopers, where dozens of them refuse to re-enlist.

Cabbage Rolls

Old Fashioned Cabbage Rolls 3 Tall
Old Fashioned Cabbage Rolls 3 Tall


  • 12 large leaves cabbage
  • 1 cup cooked white rice
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup minced onion
  • 1 pound extra-lean ground beef
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons salt
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons ground black pepper
  • 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce


  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Boil cabbage leaves 2 minutes, just until pliable; drain.
  2. In large bowl, combine rice, egg, milk, onion, ground beef, salt and pepper.
  3. Place about 1/4 cup of meat mixture in center of each cabbage leaf, and roll up, tucking in ends. Place rolls in slow cooker, seam side down.
  4. In a small bowl, mix together tomato sauce, brown sugar, lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce. Pour over cabbage rolls.
  5. Cover, and cook on LOW for 8 to 9 hours.

When I was in college, four of us were driving home from Pennsylvania to NJ for Christmas. It was late in the day and it started to snow. Because we weren’t paying attention, we ran out of gas. We managed to pull off to the side. This was in 1986, long before cell phones. There was nothing around and we didn’t know what to do. Soon, a trailer truck stopped behind us and the driver came over asked us if we needed help. He seemed like a nice guy. He offered to take us to a gas station to get gas and drive us back to our car. Two of us went with him. At the gas station, he said he would get a gas container for us from the owner and help us fill it. He went inside the gas station garage and my friend and I couid see him talking inside. Three guys were talking to the truck driver for what seemed like a long time. The workers pointed at us and laughed and the truck driver looked at us for a moment and it looked like he became angry with the workers. He was arguing with them. I suddenly felt terrified because it seemed like the workers were trying to plan to hurt us. My friend and I tried to stay calm. It was getting dark. The truck driver walked out of the garage quickly with the container, filled it up, and told us to get back in the truck. He drove us the few miles to our car where our friends were waiting in the car. He filled the tank for us and he said: “Girls. Don’t ever get into a truck again like this. I’m a nice guy, Most people are not that nice.”

Casinos like crowds, they make the casino look more energetic and popular, which makes them more money. So if you win, they have no problem with that.

Casinos can and sometimes do kick out people like card counters, though the way its played today makes it much harder to count.

Casinos will kick out anyone they suspect of cheating. They don’t want it to spread.

If you go to a casino every day and win $300 or $400 dollars, they probably won’t even notice you. Especially if you spread your winning around a bunch of casinos.

If you are playing poker against a bunch of amateurs, this might be possible, and the casino gets its cut anyway.

But if you go to a blackjack table at the same casino, and win $400 everyday, for a month. They are likely to assume you have a system, and kick you out.

Winning consistently on slots, roulette, or craps is not happening.

Professional gamblers know that its all a game of odds, and they know that they are likely to lose more often than they win, so that when they win, they win big. Which is completely counter to the idea of consistently winning a small profit.

I only realized it in the last few years, and I am 74. A few epiphanies occurred that gave me pause about my rearing and childhood.

First off, my mom died in 2016 and there were family gatherings and chat fests about memories. One of my cousins brought up that she “knew” that my parents’ view of childrearing was incidental. Hmmm. I always kinda knew that they loved each other more than the four of us kids.

And soon after this, one of my girls had a minor life crisis. I realized at the time that my love was unconditional and physical. We never leave each other, or a conversation without an “I love you” and a hug. I can count on one hand the number of times that my parents hugged us or even said “I love You” without my response first.

I don’t want this to seem bitter at all. My observations are not tempered with negativity. It was a different time. They were very young. Mom was 18 when I was born; dad 19. They worked hard to put food on the table. And played hard because they were still young. We weren’t affluent, by any means, but never without essentials. One year, our Christmas tree looked like the Charlie Brown tree, and I got one present. but…it never entered my mind that they couldn’t afford better.

I think they tried their best, but they are only products of their upbringing.

I was loved enough.

Any day the US leaves your country, is a good day.

Back in the day before companies killed all those programs, included pensions, I was a 30 year old manager when my boss called me into his office, “Come quickly!” So I ran across the hall thinking something blew up and I’d have to mop up some situation that had been ignored until it caused a problem.

So I shut the door and sat down in his office. He had a look of panic on his face. He started out, “Tom they want me to retire!” He was 64 and the magic equation was that he’d get 2 years salary and immediate full pension. He also had 2 frickin years vacation saved! And full medical coverage for life. And he didn’t want to go!

Somehow I was the guy he’d use as the sounding board. He was all concerned about his feeling of value, and that the place couldn’t survive without him.

I looked at it logically and told him he HAD TO take the deal! I explained to him that they were giving him a year of his life, at double his pay! He eventually came to terms with this and accepted the offer. So Charlie walked out the door with 4 years pay.

End of story? No. He was right that the companies needed him! Within months he was back as a consultant! He stayed another 2 years.

The clerk responded positively and once settled, he made the tablet available to the boy who immediately got to work.

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The store workers who were keeping an eye on him noticed that he had taken some paper and a pen to transcribe something he was reading on the tablet.

At that point they approached and asked what he was doing.

The child replied that the teacher had left a geography research paper and since she didn’t have any IT tools at home because her children couldn’t afford it, she was using it to carry out and study her homework.

Any other boy would have used the opportunity to play, but he instead took advantage of it to study.

The scene, which was filmed by an internal surveillance camera, immediately went viral on social media.

The owner of the place managed to trace the boy’s name and decided to provide him with the necessary tools to be able to study using the internet.

The world is an unfair place. There are those who enjoy infinite privileges and those who are condemned to the most miserable living conditions. None of this has to do with merit, ability or effort. It’s just the gap between rich and poor. Thank goodness that every now and then someone in their own small way does an act of good.

My quals.
I have run grenade ranges so have seen literally thousands of fragmentation grenades explode, from every vantage possible.
I have also seen a claymore Directional Mine used on a car at a distance of 10 meters. It’s much bigger than a frag, but much further away. It was AWESOME. The car didn’t fly or explode but it got SHREDDED.

The mass answer, drive away, is right. If the grenade is under you, you are toast. If you can drive away so that the grenade goes off under the engine, or even the trunk, that’s better than nothing. The fragments are meant to wound. A WW2 trick was to put plates of armor with a gap in between. The same principal applies here.

However, if you can’t move. (traffic, road block) If the grenade is below or near you. If you stay in the car, the floor will shred and add to the fragmentation. Much of the blast will be contained in the car. If you stay in the car, you will die. 100%.

If you run, you can get 2 or 3 meters away.
The blast will be vented out the sides. That means that the fragments coming at you will be very strong. The shredded floor will have to pass through the door, which will likely blow out as one piece (with a lot of glass.) So fragmentation to your torso/head will be minimum.
The fragmentation will largely be sent in a very narrow cone. At worst your wounds will likely be extensive but below the knees. Major damage to your tendons and flesh, but nothing that pressure pads and maybe a tourniquet can’t make survivable.

You can mitigate the damage.
If you are on the passenger side, you can use the road curb, or jump in a ditch.
If you are on the drivers side, hopefully you can get on top of another car. You’re going to get a good smack, but little fragmentation.

If nothing else run directly back. That’s the direction the car door will open towards. If you can get the rear tire between you and the Frag, you may be ok.

Now, you are on the side of the road, bleeding badly, blast f’d.
Get your weapon out. They came to kill you. You aren’t dead. For the next 5–30 seconds, they have the advantage. You can bleed that long.
If you can stop the fight quick, you can then do 1st aid on yourself. People around you are going WTF? It will take a minute or 2 for them to get in gear. , Presssure pads, with Tourniquets ready, Quick Clot if you have it. Raise your legs. Run IV’s of whatever you have. Right now you have massive muscle constriction. Soon, you will relax and blood loss will be massive. If you can get a needle in a vein, that will help a lot when you get to the next level medical


Claims big changes occurring in 2024.

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