
Detergent spaghetti

I love this one. Our largest customer – a big box retailer for whom we supplied 60 stores in four states – was livid and my boss’s phone was blowing up. He called everyone into his office to witness my humiliation. This retailer was my account, I logged all their sales data, every season, store by store, and predicted and planned their upcoming needs for live plants and for Christmas greens. I knew what they sold and when and where and what they wanted but my boss was constantly interfering with my decisions. In front of the sales staff he had more than once told me to be quiet and do what I was told. I not only have a degree in marketing and one in horticulture but I set up, opened and ran one of the retailer’s most profitable greenhouses in the USA. At Tom’s insistence, the entire sales staff was called in to hear this conversation.

Tom: Can anyone tell me what happened with this account?

Me: We sent them cut greens and they wanted decorated wreaths.

Tom: Are you saying we sent them something other than what they wanted?

Me: That’s exactly what I’m saying.

Tom: And why would we do that?

Me: I have no idea.

Tom: Whose idea was it to send them cut greens?

Me: Yours.

Tom: Do you have that in writing?

Me: Yes. Right here. And I handed him his hand written instructions.

While that exchange did nothing to improve the relationship between me and the boss, he cornered me and I had no control over the confrontation. And it was already clear that he was not going to be happy unless I agreed to be the scapegoat. And I didn’t. It was inevitable. But I did enjoy that moment.

Edit: It occurs to me now that I didn’t answer the question: “What happened after…” No, of course the nasty boss did not see his fault in this exchange. He had embarrassed himself and was all the more determined to punish, sabotage and humiliate me, so it got worse. But he continued to underestimate me and overestimate his power so I collected data and in the end I sued the company and got a decent settlement. I would much rather have been able to stay and do my job, but that wasn’t an option that was offered.

American reacts to: American’s Can’t Answer Simple Questions

Earth is Worth the Struggle

Submitted into Contest #196 in response to: Write a story involving a portal into a parallel universe. view prompt

Stephanie Goodare

I have perfect friends here. They all spend all their attention on me and will always agree with my opinion. Not like the people back on earth.One afternoon, when my friends had walked me home from a late Friday night dinner, I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a happy look on my face. It was so easy in this world to live and smile. I smiled and laughed nonstop with my friends and family in this world. I had never cried in this world. Back on earth, I had been crying every day. I used to get so tired from crying.I still couldn’t believe that  this smile on my face and my life here was not mine until a month ago. I had somehow slipped into this parallel world when I isolated myself in a pitch black room to avoid people on earth. When I first got here no one was opposing each other’s opinions, and it was so easy for me to live.When I went into my bed, I didn’t know why, but I could feel my heart being squeezed from stress. Back on earth, I had been struggling from depression for years. My life was hitting me hard and I could never see myself getting better while my friends were moving forward to their own lives. One had already entered university, two had been accepted to multiple universities, and the other had left me for an education in a different country.While I was thinking about my life on earth I started to doze off.Suddenly, I noticed that I was in a world in pitch white, and all I could see was the color white. Wait… No way… Four of my closest friends on earth were looking at me, they were all surrounding me but were distanced 90 degrees apart, and I had to turn around to see each of my friends one by one. When I looked at my friends I quickly realized that they are not my friends that just walked me home from Friday night dinner. I realized it was them, the ones from earth. Even though the faces of my friends were exactly the same as the utopian world in a different parallel, I just knew it, I just knew they were the ones I had been depending on for so many years  that I forgot to appreciate them for how much they supported me.I first saw Agatha in front of me. When I saw her facial expression, memories from the past had flashed back to my head. She was always kind and sweet as can be, but even if I had been hurt by someone, she never could take a side for me. She was so popular that she was a friend of everyone from school. And she never wanted to take a side for anyone. At that point I was very hurt from her decision. But we kept on helping each other with each other’s worries about school in general. After my depression had made me stay in a pitch black room for months, I found out that Agatha is now close with another person at school. I used to be her closest friend, and I had never thought that my place would not be reserved forever. I felt like I didn’t belong in this world and I was in a downwards spiral.After my head’s flashback had ended I saw Agatha. She had her eyebrows clenched and had red eyes, I could tell that she was doing it to hide her tears. She had always kept her tears from us. That is why I have never seen her cry. Once I had asked her, “Do you ever cry?” and she had told me she doesn’t cry in front of anyone, not even her mother. That is why it shocked me to see her in such a state.Noah was the only friend I had who was very calm and had so much empathy towards me that I told him everything about how I didn’t accept anything that goes around on earth. I was raised to be a very sensitive child. I was always crying when I saw the news. I even cried when I knew for the first time that people will die eventually. Until I was 9 years old I truly believed that my time with others will last eternally. But no one actually took me seriously when I told them this. No one, except for Noah. Noah had never made fun of me for who I was and tried his best in supporting me. I thought it was true love with Noah. I thought I could spend the rest of my life with him. But he never felt the same way he always helped me as a friend and will be beyond that nor below that. I found this out just before I locked myself out of the outside world on earth. He was still very worried but I never got around to contact him back.When I finished reminding myself about Noah, I saw his face tense. He has the habit of not expressing his emotion so I just thought he didn’t care. But now that I look carefully, I can realize that even if he doesn’t show his sadness, his eyes are pitch black like my room that I kept myself in for months on earth. His eyes had no light as if to say the world has no hope. It was odd that his eyes didn’t sparkle since the whole entire space that we were in was white, you’d think he’d at least reflect the white world in his eyes. Although Noah and I had been looking into each other’s eyes, he had to go. He looked back and walked away slowly and slowly and I kept looking at him until he had disappeared into the white world like Agatha. I squinted my eyes to see if he’s still there but he was gone.That was when I realized that what I had thought was love was actually an obsession towards him to keep him from walking away from me. I had never thought that I loved someone until Noah came along but now that I think of it, I had never thought of dating him and going out as a couple. I just couldn’t imagine it. I just couldn’t let him go and I needed a reason to keep him around.After I realized my obsession towards Noah I realized Reva was still there.Reva had once been my closest friend. She had cried for me when someone was being mean to me, she had stood up for me to give me a fair try in school. She was always supportive, but sometimes her supportiveness had me shredded with insecurity. She told me where  I should change and how I could change. She never commented on my positive traits. But she did comment on my traits that always made me depressed. Ultimately, Reva had to go to another country to get into an university that she wanted so hard from a very young age.


When I saw Reva standing in front of me, I could see that she was looking at me with sad eyes. But I couldn’t meet her eyes, she had turned around as if to hide her tears from me. And again she had disappeared into the pitch white world that seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.


Reva used to mean the world to me. She was the one I’d go to when I had something on mind. But she and I had drifted apart. Not on our own free will but because we had been apart from each other we couldn’t talk or laugh with each other like we used to.


Malle had been my friend since I was 7 years old. We’d been supporting each other for 10 years straight. We’ve known each other for more than half of our lives. She had known me before I had depression. And I knew she missed my radiant smile and was trying to get my smile back for me. But I couldn’t smile. Not even a little bit. Every time she came around and started her attempt in making me smile, all i could do was make my mouth go up words and show my teeth with my eyes becoming a thin line. Although it sounds like my face would look very odd, I somehow got around with this smile-ish look.


Even Though I had a fake smile on me for many years, I was able to smile, the radiant smile. Malle was left in shock but seemed happy to see me smile again. She had a large drop of tear gliding through her cheeks. Her eyes seemed like she was saying goodbye to me, as if to say we will never meet again. But her mouth seemed to loosen from relief that I was able to smile.


I knew she would disappear but I didn’t want her to. I tried calling out to her to stay. But my voice, my voice, had gone. She turned around once and mouthed “Bye.” Her Large drop of tear had quadrupled and her face was all wet. I wanted to wipe her tears but she had walked away and disappeared.


I didn’t want this. All my friends were not flawless but still cared for me from their heart. I was so worried about my depression that I couldn’t see the people around me. But now that I have realized how people cared, I didn’t have the dark fog that was growing in my heart for years. I thought life was just a disaster. I couldn’t understand why people tried so hard to live. But now I know. We try hard every single day because we want to live. Life on earth was a gift, an unappreciated gift for me. Though I had never appreciated the gift, now that I saw a glimpse of the true value of life on earth, I felt like I didn’t mind suffering from trying hard to live on earth.


But it was too late. I was in a parallel world now. I had no idea how to go back to earth. The white world had started to turn black. And all my friends had disappeared.




Then I suddenly heard my mother’s voice for the first time in ages. “Are you not going to go back to school?!” I still didn’t understand what was happening. My “mom” in the parallel world would never yell at me, all she did was smile. But this Mom, the mom on earth was the one who raised me up. Although she was yelling at me, I could feel her being worried for me.


I quickly grabbed my phone to check the date on earth. But before I could check the time on my phone, I saw messages that had just come. “My Malle 💕”, “Bestie Reva 👯‍♀️”, “🐧Noah🐧” and

“Agatha Solumate” had popped into my eyes. I checked Malle’s message first.


“I had a dream about you. You smiled for the first time in ages, and it wasn’t the one you always faked out for me. It was that smile you had when you were happy… I really want to hear from you. Contact me Okay?”


I couldn’t believe it so I had to check the other’s messages as well, and I realized all four of them had seen what I saw as well.


Because I was sidetracked by the odd messages from my friends I hadn’t realized, but I was back on earth. The utopian world had vanished for eternity.


I quickly took a shower, dressed up and grabbed my bag with a slice of toast. Although my legs were not used to walking, I had used all my muscles to step forward once a time. Left, right, left, right. I was nervous of going back to school but I had realized earth is worth the struggle.

From the silence of the western media we know the summit has been an electrifying success.

China’s Tech and Economy

Major developments this week

Notebook inspirations


Is there a reason why you have chosen to remain in the US over returning to China?

At this point, for me personally, none whatsoever. There’s no benefit for me to live in the US compared to living in China.

In fact, I’m seriously thinking about going back to China as an expat.

When my family immigrated to the US over 2 decades ago, there were definite benefits to living in the US. The air quality was better (compared to Beijing). The education system offered great flexibility. There was a lot less censorship. Generally, the quality of life was better. Of course, democracy and all that.

Then things just went downhill, starting with the 2008 financial crisis. I started to see the problems. The air quality is better, but Trump is rolling back environmental protection and government regulation, so air, water, and food quality… are all going to suffer. The education system does have great flexibility, but it’s also increasingly expensive. Sure, the government doesn’t actively censor speech, but that doesn’t stop misinformation and propaganda from being spread unchecked. The quality of life is about the same as that of Beijing, Shanghai, or Shenzhen. I would say that the quality of life, for me, is better, just for food alone. The food in China is cheaper, healthier, fresher, and with great variety. And democracy… LOL, Electoral College, winner-takes-all, gerrymandering, Citizen United… the US does not have democracy. It has plutocracy (the rule of money).

I started to see places where America had fallen behind compared to China. If anything, flat earth/young earth is not a thing in China.

Of course, every country has problems. And I’m happy to make America a better place for ALL. I want America to be the place I thought it was when I first came over A place where everyone has equal rights and equal opportunities, a place that welcomes all to its golden shore, a place where every culture and diversity is not only tolerated but celebrated.

Over the past twenty years, I have contributed in my own meager ways. I spoke up online, marched for Black Lives Matter, and donated to various organizations such as Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and the Harris campaign. But I get the feeling that there are a significant number of people who do not want me here. When I was in China, nobody ever told me, “Go back to where you come from.” Nobody ever says, “I’m going to call ICE and get you deported.”

I’m not saying China is better than the US. I’m just saying that for someone like myself, a bilingual/bicultural nonwhite woman living in the US no longer has a distinct advantage.

I think there are still great benefits to coming to the US to study or work. Traveling to another country is never a bad thing. But if you got stuck in a dead-end job because the company promised you to sponsor your green card and exploit your labor, and there are much better opportunities back home, I would recommend going home, especially if Trump gets elected next week. Don’t let those conservatives fool you. They don’t want brown immigrants, regardless of their legal status. Don’t think you’re safe because you came here legally, fair and square. It does not matter. I’m a naturalized citizen, and Trump is looking for ways to strip citizenship from naturalized citizens.

At least China wants you back.

Economic Update: The Missing Economics of the 2024 US Presidential Election

The Magic Blue of the Sapphire Hotel

Submitted into Contest #196 in response to: Write a story involving a portal into a parallel universe. view prompt

Kristin Neubauer

Six-year-old Sannie Johnson knew she wasn’t special. Her mother told her. Her sisters told her. Her uncle told her. The hundreds of people who streamed by the tattered “Homeless” signs she and her mother held everyday told her.That’s why Sannie didn’t think she’d done anything special the day she noticed a dollar bill fall from the purse of a woman wearing a fur coat with a high collar outside the Sapphire Hotel. The woman swept through the hotel entrance, failing to notice the little girl who scurried from the shadows of the alley, and plucked the bill from the murk of a sewer puddle. Her eyes widened as she studied the “1-0-0.”Sannie darted through the entrance, so intent on returning the money that she didn’t hear the doorman behind her shouting, “Hey you! Come back here!”But the instant she stepped into the lobby, she stopped. The murmur of jazz from a grand piano floated around her. Sprays of flowers imported from the Amazon rainforest adorned the tables. Rings glinted off women’s fingers as they clinked glasses with men who sported silk ties and cufflinks. A grand staircase opened into the lobby. It was something else, though, that halted the child and left her staring, mouth agape.Outside, it had been a cold winter day with a sky so blue and sun so bright that Sannie had to squint. But inside, all color had faded to a world of grey. Everything and everyone were bathed in flat, colorless hues that reminded Sannie of a black-and-white TV show she’d once watched through a store window.Everything, that is, except for a chandelier dripping with thousands of sapphires, speckling the room with cobalt shimmer. Sannie stared up at it until her neck was sore. When she lowered her head, she caught other flashes of glimmering blue – a single rose, water flowing down a fountain, an antique frame surrounding a mirror.Sannie couldn’t take her eyes off her reflection. In her world, mirrors were rare and she hadn’t seen herself – not like this – for years. She tried to pat down her braids like she’d seen her sister once do and scrubbed at a smudge on her forehead. Her hands disappeared inside the sleeves of her oversized coat – a man’s corduroy jacket a shelter volunteer had once given her.She opened her mouth and stretched it with her fingers, giggling at the funny face reflected back. She waved her arms in the air and twirled around, staring at the mirror the whole time.“Taxi!” she shouted to her reflection in a deep voice, imitating a man she’d seen leave the hotel earlier.As she peered more closely, Sannie noticed other people in the mirror. She turned around and realized a crowd had gathered around her, whispering and staring.“My dear, are you well?” a heavyset woman asked, squinting over her glasses.“Someone dropped this money,” Sannie said, waving the $100 bill.Her voice faltered. The coat sleeve fell back as she raised her hand, and her right arm sparkled with the same blue glimmering in the chandelier, the rose, the frame and the water. She pulled back the other sleeve and saw that her left arm, too, shimmered. Sannie looked at the pale faces around her and heard snatches: “Her face”…”those eyes”….”even her hair.”


She peeked at the mirror again but saw nothing unusual in her reflection. Just the same little girl with flyway hair and a coat three sizes too big for her. An image as flat and grey as everyone else around her.


She held her hand in front of her face, looking directly at it and not at her reflection – sure enough, glittering like a Caribbean sea.

At the same moment, an elderly man leaning on a cane, broke through the crowd and tottered to Sannie. He was smiling so warmly, that she couldn’t help but smile back.


“My dear, dear child,” the man said. “I am the owner of this hotel. This truly is a most extraordinary day.”


“Why am I blue?” Sannie asked.


“My dear, this building holds a deep magic that people come from all over the world to see. It selects only the most beautiful and precious things to imbue with its divine blue. Never –“ He turned to the crowd. “Never has this hotel found a human being worthy. Until today.”


The crowd murmured. He turned back to Sannie, face solemn.


“Child, what’s your name?”


“Sannie Johnson.”


“An extraordinary name for an extraordinary child. This is truly an extraordinary day,” he repeated. He tilted his head upward, looking toward the chandelier, and spoke to no one Sannie could see.


“What do we do? She is but a child.”


A cloud of blue shimmer dropped from the chandelier and floated to the front desk.


The old man turned to Sannie.


“Come, there is something we must look at together.”


Sannie followed him to the front desk. He huffed as he reached below and struggled to lift a sapphire book, fiery blue against the lobby’s grey tones. Sannie stood on tiptoe to help steady the book which looked very nearly about to crash to the floor. With a final grunt, the elderly man heaved it onto the desk. Sannie climbed onto a stool he indicated with his cane and bent over pages that smelled of ocean breezes.


The hotelier muttered to himself as he turned pages. Finally, he stopped, and turned to Sannie.


“Now, read that for yourself child.”


Sannie looked at the mass of lines and felt a rush of heat in her face.


“I can’t read,” she whispered.


“No matter,” the man said. “All in good time, all in good time, child. Listen carefully.” And he read:


“Article 72, Section III: The Sapphire Hotel possesses the right to judge all visitors who enter the lobby. The Sapphire Hotel has the sole authority to deem them extraordinary or ordinary. Those who qualify as extraordinary will be invited to enter the Sapphire training program which, upon completion, will secure them a lifetime position as a Sapphire agent among the Sapphire realms (see Article 6, Section V). Those deemed ordinary will be permitted to patronize the hotel as an ordinary guest.”


The elderly man sighed and turned his face upwards, addressing the empty air.


“But she’s so young. She has a family.”


A puff of blue sparkles erupted from the book and the hotelier nodded.


“Very well.”


He removed his glasses and turned to Sannie.


“Do you understand?”


Sannie was poking her forearm with her finger, transfixed by the blue hues that swirled and glittered on her skin.


The man cleared his throat.


“Sannie Johnson!”


She looked up.


“The Sapphire Hotel has deemed you extraordinary. As such, the hotel is asking you to join the team, and lead missions throughout the Sapphire universe.”


“Ex…tror….din -what?” Sannie stumbled as she tried to sound out the word she did not understand.


“Extraordinary. That means you are a special child – the most special to ever walk through these doors. Mission leaders have been discovered at other hotels, but never this one, and never – NEVER,” he looked pointedly to the chandelier, speaking loudly, “– so young.”


Sannie kept poking her arm as the hotelier continued.


“Now, these missions that you will lead are missions for Good. You will become like fire and like light. You will lead teams in this world and others to bring Light to Darkness, Good to Evil, and Hope to Despair.”


Sannie looked up at him.


“Will I fly?”


The man smiled.


“Why yes, you will. However, Sannie Johnson, you have to understand that once you come with us, you cannot return to this.”

He waved his arm around the room.


“This room?”


“No. No, child. This world. This life. Your friends, your family. That is the sacrifice required of the Sapphire Hotel – a commitment to your missions, to move ever forward, no turning back. Forever.”


“Forever,” Sannie repeated. “Forever” was a word she understood.


“Forever” was the word her sister used when their father left. “Forever” was the word her mother sobbed the last time they were kicked out of a shelter. “Forever” was what the social worker said when Sannie threw the “Learn to Read” book at her. “Forever” meant always and never.


She jumped off the stool.


“Be right right back!” she shouted as she ran through the lobby and out the hotel’s entrance, blue sparkles streaking behind her.


She paused for a moment, blinking against the glare. After the greys of the hotel’s interior, the colors of the city street hurt her eyes. She looked at her hands, and her shoulders sank as she saw the ordinary, everyday skin she had lived in for six years.


Sannie sprinted to the doorway of the abandoned theater next door, where her mother lay huddled under a grey blank.


“Mama!” She shook her shoulder. “Mama!”


Her mother forced open one bloodshot eye. “Eh?”


“Mama! I’m going on a trip!” Yet, even as she said it, Sannie felt a strange sensation in her stomach, as though it had turned upside down and then dropped through the ground. She felt tears in her eyes and threw her arms around her mother. Right then, she changed her mind. The magic blue and the elderly man felt strange and unfamiliar – far away. Too far away, like a dream.


Her mother squirmed and pushed her. “Go away, girl,” she mumbled, turning to face the building and pulling the blanket up tighter around her shoulders.


Sannie sat back on her heels, stared at the mound in front of her, and stuck her thumb in her mouth, a habit no one had ever told her to break.


She heard a noise behind her and turned to see the hotelier leaning on his cane, a circle of blue sparkles swirling and shimmering behind him, around the hotel’s front door.


“You will stay, then, Sannie Johnson?” he asked.


She removed her thumb and looked up at him. The funny feeling had left her stomach. She looked directly into his eyes, glittering with the sapphire blue.


“No. I want to go.”


He extended his hand and she grabbed it. Together, they stepped through the circle of dancing shimmers. In an instant, they were gone, leaving behind a wisp of blue that sparkled in the sun.

I didn’t date for seven years.

Three years ago I jumped into the dating pool.

I am in my fifties and I thought that men my age would have it somewhat together.

Especially at the age they we were at!

Here is my dating advice for women who haven’t dated in a very long time.

Do not give out any personal information until the person has earned the respect to hear it.

Which will take a long time.

If you tell a man what you have been through in previous relationships?

It makes it very easy for him to manipulate you in future encounters. .

Don’t fall for the first man that you meet.

Explore your options.

Do not date men that discuss sex and cuddling at the beginning.

Do not date men that ask for inappropriate pictures.

Do not date men that put down their ex wife or ex girlfriends.

Do not date men that send you pictures of their penis.

That is an indication of them being easy and dirty.

Do not date men that do not know how to communicate.

You also have to be careful that you don’t get catfished.

Men may send you pictures of their family.

Their property.

They will tell you how much money they make.

They will brag about themselves and all of their accomplishments.

They will make themselves out to be the perfect man.

A man that has it together doesn’t have to brag about anything.

Do not date men that only talk about themselves.

These are all major red flags!

Do not date men that try to rush you into something that you’re not ready for.

You will be very vulnerable because you haven’t dated in so long.

Do not date men that tell you that they love you in a very short time.

Love takes a long time to develop and it doesn’t happen overnight.

Do not date men that don’t make eye contact while you’re having a conversation.

Do not date men that haven’t healed from previous relationships.

You will know this because they will constantly talk about their ex!

Make sure you ask men how long that they’ve been single for.

Do not allow a man to pick you up at your home address.

Always meet in a public place and make sure a friend knows where you are.

You have to be extremely cautious when dating!

If you meet for drinks always watch your drink.

Some men have been known to spike drinks and take advantage of women while they’re unconscious.

The last piece of advice I would give you is to just trust your instincts.

If it feels wrong it is wrong.

If there’s red flags pay attention to them.

Take your time.

After all?

You waited this long .

Any man that is worth it will respect you and respect your boundaries.

I hope you find the one.

Good luck.❤️💫

Brownie Muffins


Yield: 22 to 24 muffins


  • 1 3/4 cups granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 4 (1 ounce) squares semisweet chocolate
  • 4 slightly beaten eggs


  1. Melt chocolate and butter over medium low heat. Cool.
  2. Stir in eggs, sugar, flour and vanilla extract. Stir in nuts.
  3. Spoon batter into greased or paper-lined muffin tins.
  4. Bake at 325 degrees F for about 30 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.

I was standing in line to pay for my food and drinks in a coffeehouse near the campus of the local university. This was many years ago.

The owner of the place — a then 50-year-old Irish woman — was trying to explain to the man before me how to convert the former local currency to euros (although the switch to the euro happened quite a while earlier, some people still calculated prices using the old currency because they hardly had any feeling about values using the new one).

In this particular coffee house, they still printed bills in both the old currency and in euro.

Since she was actually the one who was really confused, I tried to step in and help her/them out. She had a thorough look at me — young man, scrubby stubble beard, long hair (ALERT), tattoo in neck (ALERT

), very wide sloppy clothes — and then started to explain to me very slowly as if I was severely mentally impaired, that maybe this was just A TAD TOO DIFFICULT for “someone like me.”

She also added with a big grin on her face, that I could consider asking some help from the professors of the Mathematics department two blocks further down the road ?

The thing is: I was one of the professors.

During the 44th and 45th ASEAN Summit held in Vientiane, Lao PDR recently, Marcos accused China of ongoing illegal “harassment and intimidation” in the South China Sea, while urged ASEAN countries to break from “self-restraint” and “take unified and urgent measures” to ease tensions.

Despite the Philippines’ repeated provocations in the South China Sea recently, it has not received any response or support from other ASEAN countries. The mainstream policy within ASEAN remains advancing the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and the consultations on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.

Senior Officials of ASEAN Member States and China met for the 22nd ASEAN-China SOM-DOC on 13 September 2024 in Xi’an, China. All parties unanimously called for enhanced dialogue, restraint, proper handling of differences, and greater mutual trust.

At the 27th China-ASEAN (10+1) Leaders’ Meeting on October 10, Malaysia’s Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who will assume the rotating ASEAN chairmanship, reiterated the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea and called for the early conclusion of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.

Anwar also expressed his hope that China would support ASEAN’s energy transition and expand cooperation with ASEAN in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics.

However, for Philippine President Marcos, who is entrenched in a confrontational stance, there seems to be little interest in cooperation. At the China-ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting, Marcos stated that given the current political tensions, ASEAN and China could not pretend that economic conditions were still favorable.

Yet the facts suggest otherwise.

Despite the global economic downturn and escalating geopolitical conflicts, China and ASEAN have remained each other’s largest trading partners since 2020. China has been the Philippines’ largest trading partner for eight consecutive years and is one of its top sources of investment. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, in the first half of 2024, the total amount of goods imported by the Philippines from China was 15.59 billion US dollars, accounting for 25.4% of the total imports. China is the largest import market for the Philippines.

At the 27th China-ASEAN (10+1) Leaders’ Meeting, China and the ten ASEAN countries announced the substantial conclusion of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) 3.0 Upgrade Negotiations and plans to sign the upgraded protocol by 2025.

According to China’s Ministry of Commerce, the 3.0 version brings significant enhancements in nine key areas, including mutually beneficial cooperation in emerging sectors such as the digital economy, green economy, and supply chain connectivity.

Marcos’ attempts to hype up South China Sea security issues and undermine the strong economic and trade ties between China and ASEAN reflect his continued erosion of political trust between China and the Philippines.

If Marcos does not change his confrontational mindset, it will inevitably cause damage to bilateral economic and trade cooperation, and future China-Philippines relations will struggle to see any meaningful improvement, which will also harm regional development

The vast majority of countries in the region are developing nations, and development is their top priority. However, without a stable regional environment, development cannot be achieved. The upgrade of the ACFTA will further expand the benefits of cooperation between China and ASEAN, providing more tangible gains for both peoples.

This will help to enhance mutual trust between China and ASEAN, which is crucial for the peaceful resolution of the South China Sea issue.

No matter how Marcos tries to exploit regional cooperation platforms to stir up trouble, the vast majority of ASEAN countries remain clear-headed, choosing to cooperate with China through development and equal consultation to counter those attempting to disrupt regional peace.

Peace and stability in the South China Sea is the greatest common denominator and consensus among the people of this region.

For those that are too lazy to get on the app themselves, eh?

An Australian here…. China is our largest trade partner and in many ways a good friend. Why would we want to stop cooperating with the future?

China trades fairly and with China’s interests at heart, but also a high regard for the welfare and respect for the much smaller economies it is trading with. China does not try to bully us and China understands the iron they buy off us belongs to every Australian until it is paid for, which they do.

I’m sure somewhere an Australian and a Chinese businessman are making jokes right now about what ignorant Neanderthals the Chinese would be if ever they entertained ideas about ‘annexing’ Australia as part of China (more accurately-declaring war on a sovereign State, another country).

China has historic issues to deal with re Taiwan and Tibet but I would still rather we trade with them. After all, that gives us a seat at the table to be able to raise concerns about such issues.

As a trading partner China is good. With the creation of their massive middle class, their social and infrastructure support and cultural respect for many small countries that will see China favourably in the future (possibly including such things as rare earth minerals etc should it turn out they have them) China may very well be setting up to be an honourable world citizen and a powerhouse for one or two centuries to come.

What other sizable trading partner offers that sort of stability, decency and honour?

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