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Don’t live a life of regret

Will the West's Christian Colonial Cretins attack China?

I doubt it. John Pilger's 2016 doco The Coming War On China, and a short-lived abc.net.au weekly current affairs program called China Tonight from March, 2022, have persuaded me that:

1. China hasn't forgotten the Opium Wars nor the perps. And has made Opium Wars part of the school curriculum...

2. One suspects that China will have a much shorter Nuclear War fuse than Russia if subjected to an(other) Unprovoked Attack by the CCCs.

Posted by: Hoarsewhisperer | Feb 1 2023 17:06 utc | 4

Lately, I have been dancing with my little girl.

It’s a great work out, but I have to tell youse guys, it’s EXHAUSTING. Try this little number. See if you can keep up the pace for a full three minutes! Ugh!

On the plus side, she’s learning Japanese along with her English and Chinese…

Yes. Do not live a life of regret…

The Story Of David Glasheen, A Real Life Robinson Crusoe

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David Glasheen is a 70-year-old former businessman from Sydney’s North Shore who traded in his suit for a loincloth after losing most of his money in the stock market crash of 1987. He first visited Restoration Island in 1993, he acquired an interest in the island with his remaining money in 1994, and moved there permanently in 1997 with his girlfriend. But with no hot water, a bath or the mod cons she found it tough and left to return to the city. Since then he has upgraded accommodation on the island, and has lived there happily with his dog Quasi.

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David Glasheen, who has lived alone on the island off Cape York Peninsula since 1993, made international headlines four years ago, when he went online looking for a “Girl Friday” to live with him.

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David Glasheen says sometimes he gets lonely with his dog his only companion but he is occasionally visited by passing yachtsmen, kayakers and organic farmers.

A meme

A meme shared: Gas prices are rising again because China stopped its Covid crackdown.

Of course, that’s 100% absurd. China has noted it and this op/ed is a result, “Blaming China’s economic recovery for global inflation? More nonsense from US media”:

For years, the Western perception of the Chinese economy has alternated between two extremes: either the Chinese economy is at the cusp of collapsing - the "China collapse" theory - or the Chinese economy is rising so rapidly that it poses a threat to the world - the "China threat" theory. 

There is virtually no middle ground between the two totally contradicting narratives, though both serve the same goal - smearing China's socialist market economic system. 

Western media outlets switch between the two narratives at different times to best serve that goal.

Such a twisted, malign practice cannot be clearer than what we have seen over the past several weeks, as China moved to downgrade its COVID response, went through a COVID infection peak and embarked on a rapid economic recovery in such a short time span. 

The transitions happened so swiftly that the shift in Western media outlets' narrative of the Chinese economy could barely catch up. 

Before the Chinese Spring Festival holidays, many foreign media outlets made grim predictions about China's epidemic situation and economic recovery. 

Bloomberg on January 20 predicted a "COVID catastrophe" during the Chinese New Year, while CNN on January 18 claimed that a "COVID-19 tsunami" was brewing in the countryside amid the holiday travel rush.

And of course, China’s Spring Festival is a smashing success.

Some of the info provided would make great material for comedians; Carlin would make much of the narrative swap. What’s happening is NEVER the fault of the West; it’s always somebody else’s fault. I’m reminded of the Family Circus cartoon and the “Not Me” ghost. Bill Keane was very insightful with that.

From the glory days of pie in America. Enjoy!

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Don’t live a life of regret…

Like this person.

When I was 7 or 8 years old, I snapped at my dad for getting me the wrong video game and I can still see the disappointment in his face. Haunts me to this day.

Scott at his brilliant best! A voice of reason and reality amid a dangerous climate of delusional esculatory rhetoric in the West.

Relics of the past…

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Don’t live a life of regret…

Like this guy.

I called my buddy one night because I knew he was having a tough time, I told him I'm coming over, he kept saying no I'm good I'm good...he was less than a mile away. I said okay and then his mom called me in the morning saying he was dead and what did he say to me in the phone call.

I wish I went over

Philly Cheese and Ground Beef Casserole

Bring the fabulous flavor of Philly cheese steak sandwiches to a comforting casserole!

2023 01 25 07 44
2023 01 25 07 44


  • 1 1/2 pounds lean (at least 80%) ground beef
  • 1 (8 ounce) package sliced mushrooms
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 8 (1 ounce) slicesprovolone cheese
  • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 2 large onions, halved and thinly sliced into wedges
  • 2 medium red bell peppers, cut into strips*
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 (16.3 ounce) can Pillsbury® Grands!® Homestyle original biscuits

* To easily cut peppers, cut a thin slice off bottom of pepper. Set pepper on cutting board, cut side down. Cut strips of pepper from stem down to board, cutting just the flesh and leaving seeds and core attached to stem.


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray 13 x 9-inch (3-quart) baking dish with cooking spray.
  2. In 12-inch skillet, cook beef, mushrooms, salt and pepper over medium-high heat 7 to 9 minutes, stirring frequently, until beef is thoroughly cooked; drain.
  3. Place in baking dish.
  4. Arrange cheese over beef mixture, overlapping slices if needed.
  5. In same skillet, melt butter over medium-high heat. Add onions and bell peppers. Cook over medium-high heat 3 to 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until peppers are crisp-tender.
  6. Stir in garlic; cook 1 to 2 minutes longer. Spoon over cheese in baking dish.
  7. Separate dough into 8 biscuits. On lightly floured surface, pat biscuits into 5-inch circles. Arrange biscuits over vegetable mixture.
  8. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until biscuits are golden brown on top.

High Altitude (3500-6500 ft)

Don’t live a life of regret…

Like this chick.

I deeply regret picking on this very socially challenged girl when I was younger. I wasn't particularly vicious or anything but I should have used my popularity to stand up for her, or at least treat her right. 

Through Darkness Into Light: The Concept Art Of Ivan Khomenko

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Ivan Khomenko is a freelance concept artist and digital illustrator based in Kostroma, Russia. He currently works as a concept artist at One Pixel Brush. We have an amazing collection of science fiction and fantasy themed works by the artist below from both commercial and personal projects. Ivan Khomenko’s illustrations and paintings have an incredible cinematic quality.

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Don’t life a life of regret

Like this person…

I was seven years of age, I had an argument with my mother the night before she died. Before I went to bed she asked me for a hug I told her NO and stormed off to bed. The next morning I woke up to find everyone in the house was gone, it was very surreal and confusing. My father came back in that morning crying and told me my mother had died of a brain hemorrhage.. 

Never go to bed on an argument.

Oddly and curious

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Don’t live a life of regret

Like this man.

Not getting a second opinion sooner on my back injury. Injured my back at work in 2014, was taken to a WorkCover doctor where I now know I was misdiagnosed and then gaslighted by the workplace OH&S officer. Had I known that I could seek a second opinion from another doctor while on WorkCover, it would have been found that I had a permanent disc protrusion that was impacting a major nerve.

I waited 7 years to seek a different opinion, all because I believed the WorkCover doctor and a physio couldn't be wrong as they were professionals and that I had 'just a simple back strain'. Meanwhile I'm walking around in chronic pain with a disc protrusion that could've ruptured at any given moment. 

I'm now permanently disabled thanks to my own stupidity. And I can't take legal action against the company now as there is only a 3 year grace period to do so.

Illustrator Perfectly Captures The Beauty Of Single Life

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Mexico-based artist Idalia Candelas draws women who are content to be alone. Using pencil, ink, and watercolor, “Postmodern Loneliness” is a series that celebrates being single. Candelas says she was inspired by her time living alone in Mexico City.

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“The theme of the loneliness has been recurring in my drawings,” Candelas told Mic. “I like to show women who exist in solitude but do not suffer. They are not depressed or crying. Rather [they] are safe, exalting in the sense of enjoying the company of just herself.”

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Do not live a life of regret

Like this person…

My mom died nearly one year ago. She battled ALS for two years. It was very sudden and a horrific experience. The last thing she said to me before she lost the ability to speak was “stay”. She was dying and afraid and just wanted her daughter to stay by her side, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t sit and watch her die. It was excruciating for me. I did visit her every day until her death, but she was no longer there really. She died a week later. I will never forgive myself.

Oddly funny

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My last note today about China:

Within this decade, China, Russia and India as well as other nations will cease being technologically dependent on the West, “Top meeting urges expedited establishment of new pattern of development”:

China will ramp up efforts to stand on its own feet in science and technology and solve the issue of foreign stranglehold in the sphere, as part of a push for the country to become a global forerunner in key technological areas, according to key takeaways from the top leadership on Tuesday.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has stressed the efforts to accelerate the establishment of a new pattern of development and enhance the security and initiative of development when attending the second group study session of the Political Bureau of the 20th CPC Central Committee on Tuesday afternoon.

As the country eyes expediting the establishment of a new pattern of development, technological self-sufficiency and competitive yet secure supply chains will become all the more important, industry observers said, citing the US-led technology decoupling from China....

On top of that, the country will take accelerated steps toward science and technology self-sufficiency and self-strength and address foreign "stranglehold" issues, Xi said.

The actions by the Outlaw US Empire and its vassals that began decades ago to thwart development within the Global South has finally blown-back onto their economies as becoming sovereign in all areas is now the goal of all Global South nations and is a Movement that will not be beaten back again as it was in the 1950-60s when it was first attempted.

Recall that nobody holds a patent on Nature’s Secrets; they can be discovered by anyone and used.

The Global South holds a big advantage over the West in STEM grads and better economic models to follow to promote that advantage.

What remains to be seen in the future is the Global South’s behavior towards the West: Can the urge to put the West down and trample on it as the West did to the Global South be resisted?

Can Xi’s vision of a Win-Win world of a shared human destiny triumph? Only Time will tell.

Do not live a life of regret

As in this…

Being too kind to people that do me wrong all the time.

Some more Godzilla Haikus

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Don’t live a life in regret

Like this fellow…

I deeply regret letting my creative writing and piano playing skills go to s**t. Ever since I entered the corporate world 19 years ago, it has consumed me and I no longer feel passionate about those things. I stopped practicing everything. When I try to make myself do them, it feels like just that, like I am forcing myself and it is no longer fun. I feel like I’ve become a shell of my former self in so many ways.

Preacher Man Casserole

The preacher isn’t the only one who will enjoy this great casserole.

2023 01 25 07 45
2023 01 25 07 45


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • Garlic (to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
  • 8 ounces tomato sauce
  • 8 ounces egg noodles
  • 8 ounces sour cream
  • 8 ounces cream cheese
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Cook and drain ground beef.
  3. Mix beef with garlic, salt, sugar and tomato sauce.
  4. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, cook and drain egg noodles.
  6. Mix sour cream and cream cheese together in a small bowl.
  7. Layer, in order twice – noodles, sour cream mixture, meat.
  8. Sprinkle Cheddar cheese on top.
  9. Bake for 20 minutes.

Yield: 4 servings

Stoltenberg has spoken in Japan

Stoltenberg has spoken in Japan and Global Times has produced an editorial in response, “Why Stoltenberg’s speech was so blatant in Tokyo”. Here are the opening paragraphs:

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg delivered a speech at Keio University in Japan on Wednesday. 

If we are to describe this speech, it would be labeled with "poor level, bad influence, and insidious intentions." 

It was not worth mentioning, but the negative trends of NATO and Japan exposed from its content deserve the high vigilance of the entire Asia-Pacific region. It can be said that the speech is full of "ominous omens."

Before visiting Japan, Stoltenberg went to South Korea. 

Although he also played up the "China threat" in South Korea and tied China, Russia and North Korea together with malicious intent, his words were far less straightforward and blatant than in Tokyo. 

Facing the Japanese audience, Stoltenberg spent a lot of time attacking China. 

He said in a sensational tone, "What is happening in Europe today could happen in East Asia tomorrow." 

He also said unctuously, "China is not our adversary," but what he said later was basically to smear and slander China. 

He accused China of "substantially building up its military forces, including nuclear weapons, without any transparency" and said that China (the Chinese mainland) is attempting to assert control over the South China Sea, and threatening Taiwan.

Stoltenberg's words and actions in Japan and South Korea are very different, which reflects many deep-seated problems, indicating that the two countries play different roles in NATO's strategic design. 

In Seoul, he mainly spoke to the South Korean side, which was the target of his persuasion and incitement, while in Tokyo, he spoke to the entire Asia-Pacific region, and the Japanese authorities stood by as accomplices and co-conspirators.

A joint statement was issued after talks between Stoltenberg and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on January 31, in which the common stance against China and Russia was very prominent, and the intention to interfere in the situation across the Taiwan Straits was very strong. 

These will undoubtedly create risks of camp confrontation and division in the Asia-Pacific region. 

The role NATO is playing is exactly the same as it has played on the European soil. 

In other words, it is actually NATO itself that is promoting the idea that "what is happening in Europe today could happen in East Asia tomorrow."

A wolf whose base camp and activities have been in the far west for a long time has found a foothold in East Asia with great ambitions. 

Japan is the one who lured the wolf into the house, and also seeks a high-sounding reason. 

As the secretary general of NATO, Stoltenberg is not qualified to dictate East Asian affairs, not to mention even giving outrageous statements. 

To some extent, Japan created such an opportunity for him and NATO. Stoltenberg did not hesitate to speak sweetly about Japan, saying that among NATO's partners, none is closer or more capable than Japan. 

He also praised Japan's substantial increase in defense budget and revision of its security strategy, behaviors that have been widely questioned in the Asia-Pacific region. 

NATO and Japan formed a vicious mutual reinforcement.

Like Germany, Japan is captured and lacks sovereignty.

Only its people can alter the situation, which is the same formula for Europe.

IMO, NATO will likely last through the 2030s, although it will likely shrink to just the Outlaw US Empire, Canada and UK, and perhaps Denmark and Netherlands.

Once Russia establishes its new security arrangements, it will become clear there’s no longer any need for NATO within Europe. But as with its evil twin the EU, it will take time for its complete demise.

This Woman Restored An Old Van To Make All Her Traveling Dreams Come True

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Marina Piro wanted to travel the world with her rescue dog Odie, but she couldn’t find the right van to travel with. After a little bit of searching she decided that the best thing to do would be to build one herself.

More info: Instagram, Pamthevan

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“The main reason why I chose to be travelling by van was that I wanted to have Odie with me. A van seemed the most viable option. Too many bus, train, plane companies do not accept dogs, not to mention the difficulties you might have to find a suitable accommodation. Despite being the most practical solution, van life with a dog can be difficult at times and you must consider various aspects of it before throwing yourself into it,” she said.

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I have many regrets in my life, the foremost of them all being that I could not live it for much of my adult years because of the amount of manipulation and micromanagement I had to deal with on a daily basis. So much of it that it’d take an encyclopedia to explain it all.

But I don’t have to live with that regret for much longer: these affirmation campaigns are slowly, but assuredly, eliminating the guilt, shame, and regret I have lived with throughout all these years over incidents and traumas that were far beyond my control and conception at the time.

Follow that up with affirmations to gain full autonomy of mind and uncensored and unrestricted access to all types of information (and the ability to parse that information from the censored and whitewashed swill that’s far more abundant,) and I will be able to live not a life, but my life, strictly under my control.

Hey, that van looks super swag. Would you have made a similar set up in yours had you gone to an MWI that brought you back to your California Vagabond days?

Uncle Albert

Je ne regrette rien