I grew up in the 1960’s. This was the start of the acceleration of the “woman’s movement”. This later on went nuts and merged with other generational forces and combined has created a very hostile environment for men. I know, I had a “three stage rocket” thrown at me in Arkansas.
- Accuse the man of molestation, then tell the police that the man is violent.
- While the man is in jail, the bank accounts are frozen, and every stone is uncovered “looking” for evidence.
- Then a divorce, favorable to the woman is initiated, and the husband, in jail / prison is unable to fight back.
Three-stage Rocket.
One friend had this happen to them. Then another. Then another. And, another.
Common place.
Now, men are saying… GOOD BYE.
The West has shot itself in the foot.
And the blood is hemorrhaging. Triage is needed, but people are dragging their feet. The blood is everywhere. It is smeared all over.
The damage is TOO FAR GONE.
Die. Let the West die.
We see what is going on, but it’s still to early to see the pain, and the hurt when the the women finally realize that they are FUCKED. Starting now.
In twenty years… LORD…
It’s gonna be nasty in the West. Nasty.
Once you wipe out two generations of stable society, what you have left is “Mad Max”. Gonna be a nightmare.
I am a Dutch national and have lived in Ethiopia, Netherlands, France and Germany. In 1984 I went to the US on a student exchange visa. I landed in New York on June 4, 1984 and took a taxi to the Holiday inn in downtown Manhattan – I think it was on 52nd or 54th street. Can’t remember that. what I do remember is that the taxi fare was $90 (which I thought was a lot) and I had been told you tip at least 10% on taxi rides, so I have the guy $100, which was almost a full week’s of wages for me at the time. I walked into the hotel and the doorman asked me where I came from. I told him “the airport” and then, on a whim, I asked him how much a taxi ride should cost. He told me “$35–$40.” Welcome to America, where most everything is a scam of some sort.
I have now been here almost 40 years and it has gotten soooooo much worse. This country is truly devolving into a hellscape. Government is basically non-functional. Pharmaceutical companies are allowed to murder tens of thousands of people a year with their opioids without ANY ramification. Food companies can poison you with the shit they put in their food because we, as individuals, cannot prove a substance to be unhealthy or dangerous and these companies do not have to prove that a substance is safe before they can use it in whatever they’re cooking up.
I own my own business and America has been good to me, but my wife and my health insurance? Yeah, the first $55,000 we earned in a year went to cover health insurance and deductible. No mandatory vacation, no mandatory sick pay, you can get fired at the drop of a hat, for no reason whatsoever, which has happened to me four times until I said “fuck this, I am going to do my own thing.” No national holidays that employers MUST pay you for – ZERO! No paid time off for new parents with a newborn at home – ZERO! Homeless people all over the place, seemingly BILLIONS of churches that do fuck all nothing for ANYBODY, it is really surreal once I began seeing all of this.
School shootings? who the fuck thinks this is a good thing? Yet America’s conservative highest court of the land claims we should not and cannot rein in the insane amount of guns in this society. It is now wonder cops shoot people willy-nilly because they are terrified ALL the time. Normal people would immediately recognize that a society with more guns does not make a society safer, quite to the contrary, it makes it MUCH more dangerous. They actually have laws here, making it illegal for the government to spend money on research about gun violence. Imagine that. 50,000+ deaths from guns EVERY year and the government doesn’t think we should figure this out.
The Supreme Court of this country is co completely FUCKED UP that it actually decided that “corporations” were “people,” so they could contribute to political campaigns unlimited sums of money without disclosing they have donated to whatever organization. I don’t know about you, but I have never seen a corporation in prison. It is completely INSANE here.
At first I genuinely was blown away by America. Now I look at it in horror and with pity for the American people, half of whom are too stupid to recognize they are being fleeced. America’s version of capitalism is abhorrent and Europe is headed in the same direction. DON’T LET IT DESTROY YOUR SOCIAL SERVICES. The uber wealthy in Europe are beginning to see how America did it and they noticed that if you set the common man up against the immigrant, you can fuck them over really easily. That is EXACTLY what is happening in Europe today. You better be careful.
Sadly I am stuck here. My daughter and her soon-to-be husband want to stay and my wife and I don’t want to move far away from her, so here we are. Fortunately our life is very good because we have invested well and have our own business. Life for most is nearly impossibly difficult here. Hopefully, one day my daughter will say, “pops, lets get the fuck out of here.” I’d be gone in three nano-seconds. That is how bad I feel this country has gotten.
Are Europeans shocked when they first come to the United States?
I am a Dutch national and have lived in Ethiopia, Netherlands, France and Germany. In 1984 I went to the US on a student exchange visa. I landed in New York on June 4, 1984 and took a taxi to the Holiday inn in downtown Manhattan – I think it was on 52nd or 54th street. Can’t remember that. what I do remember is that the taxi fare was $90 (which I thought was a lot) and I had been told you tip at least 10% on taxi rides, so I have the guy $100, which was almost a full week’s of wages for me at the time. I walked into the hotel and the doorman asked me where I came from. I told him “the airport” and then, on a whim, I asked him how much a taxi ride should cost. He told me “$35–$40.” Welcome to America, where most everything is a scam of some sort.
I have now been here almost 40 years and it has gotten soooooo much worse. This country is truly devolving into a hellscape. Government is basically non-functional. Pharmaceutical companies are allowed to murder tens of thousands of people a year with their opioids without ANY ramification. Food companies can poison you with the shit they put in their food because we, as individuals, cannot prove a substance to be unhealthy or dangerous and these companies do not have to prove that a substance is safe before they can use it in whatever they’re cooking up.
I own my own business and America has been good to me, but my wife and my health insurance? Yeah, the first $55,000 we earned in a year went to cover health insurance and deductible. No mandatory vacation, no mandatory sick pay, you can get fired at the drop of a hat, for no reason whatsoever, which has happened to me four times until I said “fuck this, I am going to do my own thing.” No national holidays that employers MUST pay you for – ZERO! No paid time off for new parents with a newborn at home – ZERO! Homeless people all over the place, seemingly BILLIONS of churches that do fuck all nothing for ANYBODY, it is really surreal once I began seeing all of this.
School shootings? who the fuck thinks this is a good thing? Yet America’s conservative highest court of the land claims we should not and cannot rein in the insane amount of guns in this society. It is now wonder cops shoot people willy-nilly because they are terrified ALL the time. Normal people would immediately recognize that a society with more guns does not make a society safer, quite to the contrary, it makes it MUCH more dangerous. They actually have laws here, making it illegal for the government to spend money on research about gun violence. Imagine that. 50,000+ deaths from guns EVERY year and the government doesn’t think we should figure this out.
The Supreme Court of this country is co completely FUCKED UP that it actually decided that “corporations” were “people,” so they could contribute to political campaigns unlimited sums of money without disclosing they have donated to whatever organization. I don’t know about you, but I have never seen a corporation in prison. It is completely INSANE here.
At first I genuinely was blown away by America. Now I look at it in horror and with pity for the American people, half of whom are too stupid to recognize they are being fleeced. America’s version of capitalism is abhorrent and Europe is headed in the same direction. DON’T LET IT DESTROY YOUR SOCIAL SERVICES. The uber wealthy in Europe are beginning to see how America did it and they noticed that if you set the common man up against the immigrant, you can fuck them over really easily. That is EXACTLY what is happening in Europe today. You better be careful.
Sadly I am stuck here. My daughter and her soon-to-be husband want to stay and my wife and I don’t want to move far away from her, so here we are. Fortunately our life is very good because we have invested well and have our own business. Life for most is nearly impossibly difficult here. Hopefully, one day my daughter will say, “pops, lets get the fuck out of here.” I’d be gone in three nano-seconds. That is how bad I feel this country has gotten.
What is the biggest scam you’ve ever seen?
One morning a couple of months ago, one of my employees called me in tears. She said that she had an emergency and she and her husband must urgently leave the job and drive to LA. I asked them what happened. They explained that a month ago they received a call from someone saying they won a prize – a set of furniture and to provide the address and personal information where the prize can be sent, which they did. (They are young recent immigrants from Cuba and never dealt with this kind of thing before.)
Subsequently, she received another call and was told that the prize was shipped but now she owed a $1,000 in shipping and handling fees. She responded that she doesn’t need the prize and hung up. They then received an official looking letter from a law firm in LA saying that they are being sued to recover the prize money. And now – harassing phone calls saying they will be kicked out of the country for fraud and all of their hard-earned money will be seized by the IRS.
That morning the attorney from LA called and said that they must urgently come up with the money or appear for a deposition. They were hyperventilating and crying. Even after I explained to them that it’s a scam, they wouldn’t calm down for the longest time. I showed them that a generic office building is located at that address, not a law firm. That a lawyer with that name is not licensed in California or anywhere. And I called back the number they provided which was disconnected.
I don’t know if this is the biggest scam, but to prey on new immigrants who don’t know anything and are very vulnerable, is the lowest of the low. Same kind of people were calling my elderly mother with similar offers and messages. Makes my blood boil.
America – the Shabby
My Ukrainian relatives were. When they arrived in Albuquerque via San Diego, having escaped the war, they were shocked by how shabby everything is. This is a thing, I think, to which most Americans are oblivious, since so few of us ever leave the country. My family were expecting a wealthy, modern society— what certain elements of our culture portray as a “shining city on a hill”. They used to think I was just “talking Ukraine up” for their benefit on my many visits, and I’m not suggesting that Ukraine is without deficits, but I suspect if Americans had seen what that country looked like prior to the invasions, they would want to know what the hell happened to us.
My family are grateful to be here, grateful to have gotten their little daughter away from the Russians, and worry constantly about the relations they left behind, some in occupied territory, but they still marvel at bad roads, the general absence of public transportation, antiquated technology, stodgy banking, low quality food, poor healthcare, and a shockingly indolent education industry.
Their best friends— and some of mine— ended up in Toronto. Comparing notes, my family often wonder if they would not have been better off in Canada…
Can you give some examples of revenge being served cold and sweet?
When I was in highschool, I had a girlfriend tell me that I was immature. I pointed out that I worked 5 days a week, as well as getting good grades. That I was never late for work, and always did my homework. That I was never in trouble with the police.
She asked what that had to do with maturity? I tried to explain, but she wasn’t believing anything I was saying.
Fast forward 25 years, and I run into her family at a wedding, we are sitting at the same table during the reception. She is lecturing her 17 year old son about sneaking alcohol, they get into an argument, and she says, why can’t you grow up? He bragged about being the most mature kid in his class. She said, you can’t hold a part time job, you are just barely passing your classes, and the police brought you home because you were drinking, and you were given a warning about being suspended from school.
He asked what that had to do with maturity? I spit out my drink, and started laughing. The mom looked at me, and asked what was so funny. Obviously not remembering our conversation from 25 years ago, but I had never forgotten it. I finally felt validated after 25 years.
Culture Shock America
Haha yes….
When I visited Los Angeles in the 80s. When I get to the customs guy, he asks his questions. Now I didn’t know this but they sometimes have random questions
This one says, in a deadpan voice “ Do you have any plans to overthrow the United States government?”
Of course, I snort with laughter, which really pisses the guy off
His next question is asked in a louder, rude tone, “Are you here for business or pleasure?”
Somewhat bewildered and increasingly pissed off, I quip back, “Ask your sister”. That earned me a thorough baggage check and a twenty minute delay. So much for petty officialdom
I picked up a Hertz rental car from the counter at the airport
I noticed it didn’t have much fuel in, so as I am coming out of the airport, there’s a gas station
As I pull in, this Latino guy comes over and with a thick Mexican accent says “What you want, Senór”
I ask him to fill it up and he says “Twenty Dollars. You pay me first. The people they fill up and drive away and they do not pay!”
So I give him twenty dollars. He says “I put this in the till, Senór”, and off he goes into a little building
Ten minutes later I am still sat there, so I get out and I too go into the little building. It’s empty apart from a bored looking white guy behind a counter
“Hey”, I say, “Where’s the Mexican forecourt attendant?”
So, a few days later, I’m driving around when this small pick up truck passes me. Mounted on the back is a big board and on that board is written “FOLLOW ME”
And Americans are all like “Hey, look at that, Honey, let’s follow it and see where it’s going”
The truck drives around for a while until it gets a tail of about twenty cars. Then it goes to a big shopping mall and parks up
And the Americans are “Hey, Honey, while we’re here, let’s do some shopping!!”
I doubt such a trawling tactic would work in my country, but you never know
So, in the evening back at my hotel, I’m watching TV
First up is a quiz show, the contestants are sitting in seats with a metal plate. They answer questions on various topics to build prize money. Pretty regular fare, right? But here’s the kicker, if they get three questions wrong in a row, they host presses a button and “BZZZ”, the contestant gets an electric shock that literally makes them leap out of their seat!
I flick the channel. It’s a nature documentary about the Wild Turkey. Seems like when George Washington was President, the national bird of America wasn’t going to be the Eagle, but the Turkey. Something to do with Thanksgiving, although how that would have looked on The Oval Office carpet clutching arrows and laurel leaves bothers me more than I can say
However, the narrator is going on Wild Turkey this, Wild Turkey that. Then he says, “Now we’ll talk to someone who encounters the Wild Turkey every day. One of the backwoods hunters of America”
So it cuts to this old dude with a check shirt, peaked cap and a face like Elmer Fudd, sitting behind a log. He has a pump action shotgun
The narrator says “Sir, can you tell us your thoughts on the Wild Turkey” and holds out the microphone
In the deepest, slow, hillbilly accent, the guy says, “Well, the American Wild Turkey is a truly noble bird. It is full of grace and beauty”
Then he says, “There’s a gobbler now”, and in a loud voice calls “GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE!!!”
This Turkey head pops out from behind a bush, and, “BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!!”. The guys cuts loose with his gun and clouds of feathers fly up
And this is a nature documentary!
So, yes, America was an absolute culture shock to me. I did enjoy it though
Why Men Are Going Their Own Way (MGTOW Explained)
Take the time to watch.
There were only two things that shocked me when I came to the US.
- the complete lack of maintenace for the infrastructure. I thought Americans loved to drive? So why not spend some money on maintenance. I’ve seen more potholes in 6 days in the Usa, than in my entire life in the Netherlands
- the way police officers and other other uniformed people behaved. It already started on the airport at border security, all of the guys in uniform acted like they were the most important person in the world and we were just measly worms. Come on, I know you have a job to do, but why can’t you just try to be pollite? If Dutch police officers would behave like that, they would be considered unfit for the job.
Is it a dress code rule in county jail or federal prison to wear socks to bed?
You know, I can understand how one might get the impression that specific behaviors are mandated in jail or prison due to prisoners adhering so meticulously to certain practices.
But inmates have many self-imposed rules, and the sock thing is definitely one of these.
Nobody in their right mind wants to put bare foot to floor in lockup.
The only reasons I EVER removed my socks in county was —
- …to put on a cleaner pair;
- …to don shower shoes;
- …to clip my toenails.
And that’s it.
Despite the CO’s wheeling in a janitorial cart once a day, and every con in the pod swabbing the day room floor, our individual cells (particularly the stainless steel toilet/sink combo), and the shower stall and additional open air communal head at the end of the second tier catwalk — despite all this — the surfaces in jail were never truly clean.
Jails and prisons are veritable petri dishes for tinea pedis, protozoa, cold/flu viruses and your everyday run-of-the-mill despair.
And in an environment where a relatively mundane illness can blossom into something life-threatening due to substandard healthcare, you do what you can to minimize contact.
And if that means wearing socks and marginalizing bunkies who refuse to get with the program, then so be it.
We called the few prisoners stupid enough to go barefoot in the pod “Jethros.”
And it wasn’t a term of endearment.
Nobody wanted a Jethro for a cellmate.
They usually ended up camping out on yoga mats under the corrugated steel stairway rather than getting a cellie.
So the sock thing, like the courtesy flush, was a rule of our very own.
And you broke it at your own peril.
America has gone INSANE!
I was working near Houston, Texas, from UK, when I took my wife to visit the town. We parked for a little while to study the city map when somone, we know not who, or why, let fly with an automatic rifle of some sort, so yes, that did shock us.
I was in Loisiana with a group of workmates when we were held up by a gang of young children, made strong by one of thier gang holding a small hand gun. One of my group was shot in the stomach, causing relatively minor injuries, but with a certain amount of trauma, so again, yes you can say we were shocked.
I was on holiday in Maine, near Bangor airport, when a stranger, from his demeanor I guess he was probably not of sound mind,walked past brandishing a large automtic pistol in his hand. By now I was more difficult to impress but my wife was certainly very impressed and quite shocked.
My son was mugged by a gang of five youths in Central Park, I think around 1990. It made your national news as my son is also a competent and very aggressive combatant. He layed into the gang, disaarmed them of their knives and holding two of them until the police got there. The rest of the gang got away with ten dollars. We were at home in England when we received a phone call from the New York police. They praised my lad but also asked us to tell my lad, that that is the way of things in this little backwater town of New York and it would be better if he had just handed over his cash to the thieves and let them escape.
You seem to have little idea just how insane you are all becoming.
Tell me, are Americans shocked when they first come the UK?
When you Accidentally Compromise every CPU on Earth
The Pizza Index.
A quick visit to the United States
The naive unworldly ignorance of most Americans and the poverty and squalor of weatherboard shotgun shacks and trailer parks living is shocking but it’s the absence of the freedoms from guns and gun crime that killed over 40,000 Americans last year and the absence of civilised universal health care that leaves 40,000,000 Americans with no health care that is really shocking.
Little things like never being able to pay the ticket price for goods and services, primitive banking and payment methods, being coerced into tipping underpaid serving and bar staff and not being able even to cross the road wherever it observed safe to do so is oppressive when used to the almost utopian freedoms Brits and most other Europeans enjoy.
How do Americans tolerate the fear that they or their children can be shot and killed at any moment and the terror of bankruptcy hangs over them if/when they or a family member becomes chronically ill? That is truly shocking!
If you’ve worked the same job in different countries, what was the country you’ve preferred doing that job in?
I have been a university lecturer in the following countries, and experienced it in the following ways:
- Germany: A very pleasant experience. The students are mature and polite, and it felt like I was conversing with adults on an even, intellectual level. It’s nice to teach at university level in Germany. The colleagues also tend to be quite dignified and interesting. Hierarchies are steep. As a lecturer in Germany, you feel respected. Income is not very high though, after deductions. And one thing you will sometimes sense is a certain sense of depression. Students in Germany aren’t always happy people, and you will sometimes bump into some really dark and brooding characters.
- England: A bit more demanding, also on your pedagogic abilities. British students appear much younger and less mature than German students. You will have plenty of discipline and disturbance issues, and motivation can be low. Still, there is respect for the lecturer, and I have always enjoyed my British colleagues. The research aspect is demanding. Much more so than in Germany, and one feels at times that the only way to earn one’s keep is by bringing in plenty of research funding. I often felt like a mixture of a high school teacher and a fund raiser while working in England. Pay is fairly good. I earned much better than in Germany, and generally felt that my work gave me more status.
- New Zealand: Like in England, but with the exception that there was an unusual level of interpersonal friction. Students will openly challenge you and make life as hard as possible, and colleagues can dedicate themselves to strong and long lived animosities that will be carried out in eerily orchestrated mobbing scenarios. I have to say I have no interest whatsoever in working in New Zealand again. It nearly broke me. Pay is average. You will earn more as a courier driver or sales person. What is nice though is that you get a good amount of time off to enjoy New Zealand’s fantastic scenery.
- France: Here, you really need to make sure you understand the institution’s philosophy first, and then sing from the same song sheet as everyone else. I found my work at French university highly inspiring, but also unbelievably demanding. The levels of discipline and integrity required are higher than elsewhere. I often say it, and will say it again: Living and working successfully in France requires a certain military spirit. Reporting orders, understanding hierarchies, and not getting into the mills of politics, are your daily life. Bottom line for me was, I learned more about my field teaching for a French university than I did studying in Germany, the US, and Canada. But watch out for the students. France is where they once beheaded their royals – that streak runs deep. Student complaints can occur with a vengeance. Pay was good. Better than in England.
- China: Here, you have two choices. Either you go through your material in any way you please, or you make a pedagogic effort. In both cases, the students will be exquisitely polite and respectful, and assure you of their warmest feelings. Come examination time, the true picture emerges, and you will see just how successful your teaching methods were. Having said that, expectations in grades are very high, and the stigma of failing is enormous, so you will eventually relegate yourself to mark on the unrealistically high side, just to evade human drama. For me, teaching in China meant having to reinvent myself totally, because I wanted to make sure the high marks I pretty much had to give actually reflected reality. I have taught myself to teach properly only in China. Pay, by national standards, is on the higher side, but then, I was an expat.
- India: If you are one of those idealists who dream about a career in teaching because you want to make a difference, and imagine your students will love you for your efforts, India is the place to be. My Indian students were my favourites. Nobody else is this eager to learn, displays more genuine interest and even enthusiasm, and connects more strongly on a personal basis than Indian students. Teaching in India really was absolutely brilliant, and I would do it again. Even though the management is often disgustingly top down, and will do whatever they like, such as ordering staff in for meetings on weekends, or the likes. It doesn’t matter. In India, you really experience genuine hunger for knowledge, and pleasure in making it accessible. I was on a lucrative expat contract.
- Sweden: Very much like Germany. Swedish students are a mature, polite, and jolly bunch who see you as a human being and will do their best to keep things pleasant for everybody. The actual organisation though is much tighter than in Germany, while providing a fireworks of fun stuff on the side for staff and students alike. In Sweden, year schedules are ready and perfect for the entire academic year by August, and everything is timed and apportioned to the minute, with a great sense of timing and availability of resources. Colleagues are warm and lovely, and you will feel very comfortable with your workplace, which will be hugely more attractive and homely than in any of the other places. I can’t imagine a better place to be a university lecturer than Sweden if you simply want to enjoy life and do well. Pay is about the same as in France, which makes me a member of the somewhat more comfortable pay bracket in Sweden.
Coffee Liqueur Wings

Coffee Liqueur Wings can be prepared a day ahead and can be reheated in the oven.
- 1 ounce butter
- 1/2 cup onion, finely chopped
- 3/4 teaspoon chili powder
- 2 drops hot sauce
- 1 cup barbecue sauce
- 2 tablespoons honey
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1/2 cup coffee liqueur
- 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 20 chicken wings
- In a 2 quart saucepan melt butter; sauté garlic and onion over medium heat for 3 minutes.
- Add cumin and chili powder and cook, stirring constantly for 2 minutes.
- Blend in coffee liqueur and cook to reduce liquid by one-half.
- Stir in hot sauce, Worcestershire, barbecue sauce and salt. Simmer 5 minutes.
- Remove from heat and add honey. Set aside and allow to cool.
- Prepare chicken wings by removing and discarding the tips. Divide the wings in half at the remaining joint.
- Marinate the wings in the cooked sauce for 1 hour at room temperature, or overnight in the refrigerator.
- To cook, place the marinated wings on a broiler pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper and broil 5 minutes, turn and brush with the remaining sauce and bake at 350 degrees F for 15 minutes.
- Serve hot.
China and the USA
Recently, President Xi met with a delegation of 20 United States CEOs in a closed-door meeting concerning investment opportunities in China. This event comes as the US military is actively stationing troops just kilometers away from the coast of Mainland China.
Am I the only one noticing a contradiction here?

What these two simultaneous events indicate is that there is a growing disconnect between the military-industrial complex coupled with the ruling class on the one hand, and the wealthy elite on the other. The fact is that China has overwhelming support among US capitalists, who want nothing more than to be able to trade freely with China.
More specifically, this means that the sectors of the capitalist class who are not involved in arms-dealing are not interested in the escalation of tensions, nor war, with China. However, their interests are not being reflected in government. US foreign policy has become via the pull of the military-industrial complex, which drags the country’s resources into wars and conflicts around the world. It is a growing tumor of greed that is depriving society of the blood and oxygen it needs to sustain itself.
Only when the US ruling class accepts the fact that China is not going anywhere can it move forward as a country. Otherwise, the contradictions between reality and its unrealistic objectives will tear it apart.
It doesn’t take a communist to realize that all attempts at dismantling China will fail, and that by insisting on doing the impossible, more people are losing out than just the working class. If America wants even to preserve its prized capitalist system, to say nothing of socialism, it will have to accept these realities. The preservation of capitalism in America rests on win-win cooperation with China.
The above contradictions are a direct outcome of China’s four-dimensional chess strategy of using a relatively weak currency to create a trade surplus — causing Western capitalist nations to both rejoice at the untold amounts of profit they receive from an endless pool of cheap but reliable labor, and seethe at the fact that the investment they put into such labor is also going towards building a developed socialist country that will not bend toward their will.
All of this begs the question, why do the pro-China US capitalists not use their wealth and influence to form a party and run for office, defending their capital interests via preserving positive trade relations with China?
At this point in time, even the most exploitative form of capitalism would be a more rational social structure than what we have in the US, which is now a rogue state threatening global stability and quite literally all life on the planet. If there were even a bourgeoisie overthrow of the current regime, I would put my full support behind it, because at least it would eliminate some of the risks of direct military confrontation with unbeatable opponents and destruction of life on a scale rarely seen before.
Ironically, this might be the best chance we have at seeing a non-imperialist United States in this lifetime. And those of us who don’t want to see war with China should be the first to not only accept, but also encourage this reality in coming to fruition.
Boss Babe Horrors
How do sergeants/chiefs handle a soldier/marine/sailor/airman who has been accepted for officer candidate school but has not, as yet, left their unit?
I was in infantry AIT with an OCS guarantee at Ft DIX. I enlisted after receiving my draft notice only to get that OCS slot. I was ranked high up in my AIT class since I was trying hard to learn and physically prepare for OCS. Somebody in the command line made the decision to fill an open Drill Sergeant slot with me. They pinned E4 DI corporal stripes on me, gave me a smoky bear hat and gave me a heavy weapons platoon to train in Infantry AIT. Since I had run through regular infantry AIT doing heavy weapons gave me the opportunity to learn 81mm and 4.2 skills. I did get to go to OCS after one cycle as a drill corporal; I graduated near the top of my class so the time to learn the junior noncom skills definitely helped. After receiving my brass bars I was assigned =as a map reading instructor at Ft Benning. Four mounts later I was sent to Jungle training school in Panama. All this training set me up very well to command a recon unit in Vietnam in the 199 Light Infantry Brigade. I ended up serving 39 months instead of 24 which I would have if I had kept my head down as a draftee. I can’t say I would have chosen the Army as a recent college graduate in 1967 since the being drafted interrupted my professional career. I certainly learned leadership, personal confidence and other personal skills and I do feel that I earned my freedom as a citizen of the US of A. I earned two Bronze stars with V device, an ARCOM with V device and valor awards from the Vietnam units I served with. I certainly used my jungle training skills and my mortar, artillery and air support direction skills in jungle combat. i came out of Vietnam with a permanent hearing disability, minor shrapnel wounds and agent orange disability that the VA can treat but not cure.
After leaving the Army I was able to resume my professional career albeit with a different company from the one I was drafted out of. With an OCS guarantee in AIT, A simple decision made by some unknown commander to hold me back in AIT and make me a junior NCO drill corporal had a dramatic effect on my military career and later on my personal and professional life.
As a draftee right out of college I was angry at the draft but over the years I have come to the conclusion that some sort of two year compulsive service to our country should be required of all citizens.
The Wall #37 – When Women Regret Feminism | The Wall
What amuses you as a foreigner in India?
I’ve worked and lived in India for two years, and for me, India is one of the most amusing countries in the world, together with Japan, Great Britain, and Australia. There’s always something going on that makes me chuckle in these places.
In India, my list of amusements is this:
- the way they speak; I don’t know why, but it immediately lifts my spirits to hear an Indian speak English. There is something very funny about it for me. Perhaps it’s because of the way they seemtospeakwithoutanybreakbetweenwords, roll the Rs, and choose quaint old-fashioned expressions while sounding somehow… cute. There is a trademark intonation that I have actually picked up myself while living there, and I fall back on it in some situations, which makes my wife laugh, because she used to work for a big, Indian company once, and it reminds her of the way the management spoke.
- the way they decorate vehicles. I’m a car designer, from Germany, and they teach us to design vehicles to look serious, determined, premium… and then come the Indians and paint flower garlands and happy colours and religious symbols onto them. It’s like trying to design a fighter jet, and someone paints kittens and sun flowers on it. They just somehow aren’t with the program in that regard, which the hippie inside me secretly approves of.
- their start-up spirit and professionalism with even the most modest of entrepreneurial endeavours. I’ve talked to guys selling street food in Bangalore from little carts, and from the terminology they were using, you might have thought they owned a supermarket chain with car washes.
- music videos in Hindi where you get some gent singing in a landscape, and before you know it, there comes a whole army of brightly dressed ladies and whirls through the background in flowing dresses, performing perfectly synchronized movements. It’s just not something we see in the west, where music videos are mostly about some somber individual glowering at something unseen in mysterious surroundings.
- the way they initiate conversations. It was an absolute classic for me to be sitting in the university canteen with a plate of chana masala and some roti, and here comes a student and sits next to me and asks brightly, “are you a foreigner, sir?” To which I was sometimes tempted to answer “no, silly, haven’t you seen how many blond, blue eyed Indians with Canadian/ German accents there are?” It was of course clear to them that I wasn’t a local, but they still managed to be diplomatic even with such a blunt question.
I came to India from my expat posting in China on a French contract, and it was a huge sigh of relief for me to come to India, even though I really enjoyed China. I felt somehow immediately at home in India, partly because everyone spoke English, and partly because of something else that I can’t quite place.
A Naadi reader told me in Bangalore once that I had been an Indian in a previous life, and I could absolutely see that. A friend of mine in Bangalore says she believes I’m a “closet Indian”.
I certainly had a great time in India in this life. I
He’s special
Chicken Wings in Coke

- 4 pounds chicken wings
- 1 (10 ounce) can Coca-Cola
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon onion powder
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- Place the chicken in a shallow casserole.
- Sprinkle with the garlic and onion powder.
- Combine the Coke with the sugar and soy sauce and pour over the chicken.
- Slow bake the chicken at 325 degrees F for 3 to 4 hours until liquid has evaporated and becomes sticky.
Is it true that Ukraine is losing the war? How when they possess 90% of Ukraine?
- Russia’s overall objectives were, are, and will remain securing the Donbass and Crimea.
- When they initially invaded in the north, east, and south, the intent was to force Ukraine forces to draw back from the Donbass. This part of the initial invasion was a huge success, despite what the USuk’s CIA and MI6 propaganda told you (and misinformed you).
- To invade, take and hold even half of Ukraine, Russia would have needed far more forces than the initial 70,000 that they used. They used armor and mechanized infantry to take aggressive positions in hopes that it would force Ukraine to sue for a quick peace and settlement.
- Initially, even that part of the bold Russian actions seemed to be a huge success. Then Ukraine asked for negotiations, and the results were to demand Russia to move back its forces to show a willingness to negotiate and not just use the negotiations as a ruse. Russia complied somewhat, but this only led to Ukraine doing exactly what they accused Russia of doing—aggressively counter-attacking and sabotaging the peace negotiations.
- At that point, relatively small expeditionary Russian forces were dangerously overextended, so they doubled down on their original plans. Pull back, consolidate, and secure the Donbass and Crimea.
- In order to take cities like Kharkov and Kherson, Russian forces will have to destroy much of these cities—unless Ukraine forces flee from those cities. The Ukraine strategy has been to put much of its military right in the cities in order to protect the forces because, for the most part, Russian forces have refrained from bombing them. After all, if the cities are part of the objective, you really don’t want to kill their largely Russian populations or destroy the buildings. It’s Russia that will have to pay for the reconstruction of E. Ukraine.
- It took Russia two years to build up the defense of the Donbass and Crimea regions to the point where they can then use them as bases for going on the offensive to take the rest of the Donbass. That point has been reached, and now Ukraine is losing badly. Basically, Russia is using a much smaller force to neutralize Ukraine’s much larger army in E Ukraine.
When a client can’t get it up :/
If you are trapped in the desert with only a car that is broken down, how could you survive?
Set one of your tires on fire. They produce an inky black smoke that will be visible for miles. Also, they burn for a really long time too.

When a tire field catches fire it produces a smokestack that is visible for huge distances. And these tire fires are actually really difficult to put out too because they reignite themselves from within due to their composition.
I’d space out when you burn each tire though. The rescue search might not start until after you’ve been missing for a while.
Also — don’t leave your car — that is usually how people die. Too often, a rescue team gets to a car only to find it is empty.
Being lost in the desert is no bueno (not good). It reminds me of that one Far Side comic:

The USA is on a sled going down hill
Ohh yes, when we go for first time and ever after.
Of course, so called “USA” is not a uniform place. Its made up of thousands of counties, each with its own peculiarities and distinct characteristics.
What is shared by all is the hypocritical duality of prudishness and deep religiousness with improper sexual behavior and love and care for the needed.
You frown about pictures showing woman’s nipples or prohibit showing universal masterpieces of art because they show penises, but accept and make president of a guy who boasts on TV that he can and does grab ladies genitals just because he is rich and powerful.
You boast of your country been the “safest” in the world, yet you have to own and wear and use arms to defend your selves. And enjoy the highest rate of killings by firearms of all what you call the first world counties.
You say you believe in the teachings of Jesus, basically to care for thy neighbor when he is in need and to share bread and water with the hungry and thirsty, but you refuse the idea of universal health care to cover thy neighbor in need.
You say you believe in paying workers fair and decent salaries, but waiters need the tips because they are not covered by a basic salary nor any kind of health care or social net.
You believe that the almighty US dollar can buy everything and that quantity prevails over quality but you think you can teach other how to behave.
And yes, we are shocked by the very high rate of really obese people in a country that boasts the best meat, vegetables, bread and coffee in the world. Are they? All I know is that most of USA produce is banned in the EU for not meeting our health and sanitary standards.
I’m sure you are also shocked when you come to Europe.
The USA is fucked up
Many years ago I was staying at a budget hotel in Boston and I asked the clerk if there was a corner store nearby and she said that there was a shuttle service that would get me to a local mall in about fifteen minutes. When I got to my room I realised that I could see a mall I could walk to in a couple of minutes from my window. So I grabbed my backpack and started walking, got about half way there and a cop car appeared from no where, screeched to a halt and two incredibly aggressive cops hopped out demanding to know what I thought I was doing. They were 100% convinced that I was up to no good because they just didn’t believe that anyone would walk for five minutes instead of sitting on a bus for fifteen.
Edit for the grumpy folk: I wasn’t staying down town, couldn’t afford that. I was in an area that was mostly industrial with the sort of budget hotels workers stay in. No idea what you guys think of as “budget” but 25 years ago my whole stay cost less than one night down town, even with travel costs
What’s the hardest thing about being a guy?
I am answering this on behalf of my husband.
Incident –
My husband was working with a restaurant. He was in the kitchen section of the restaurant.
There was a woman in her mid thirties who worked there. She was like my husband’s Elder sister.
My husband then switched the job as the pay was low.
After he switched, the owner started calling him as he had no one to work. My husband had given him 2 months notice.
Then one day he accused my husband as a pervert. And he told him that the woman who works there complained about my husband touching his private parts while at work.
My husband couldn’t speak and came to me, hugged and started crying hysterically.
He never cries.
I asked him and he told me everything.
I understood what happened. My husband had a bacterial infection on that area when he was younger.
He gets itching when there is high temperature. When he used to work there, due to stove he got that itching and his hand went there.
It’s a medical condition. He was helpless.
I straight away called that lady to clarify.
She told me that she didn’t complain, but the owner modified the truth to abuse my husband put allegation.
That night she called my husband and apologised.
The hardest part of being a guy is even if he doesn’t mean anything vulgar in actions, he can’t clarify with a female.
PS – please share the answer because I don’t think anyone should suffer from this type of judgemental attitude.
Fathers are fucked
To those of you who have been incarcerated, who was the strangest inmate you ever encountered, and what eventually became of him or her?
There was this guy who we will call Bob. ( Not his real Name). He always looked at people with a cold stare. He rarely talked and never smiled . One day i went to chow because the meal wasn’t that bad. He sat down opposite of me . Others that were going to sit with me sat at the next table . Bob stared at me as he ate. Never took his eyes off me , never looked at his plate or looked around . Just stared at me . This is the way he did everyone but it was my first encounter that close to him My workout partner said “Hey Harve . come over with us. “ I wanted to but I also felt if I moved he would think he intimidated me. And to be honest I was nervous. So I just stared back.
A couple years later I saw him in the dog program and he was outside with a dog. He was smiling and laughing as he talked to the dog. I walked up and asked if I could pet the dog and he said with a big smile “Sure” I told him that it was the first time I ever saw him smile and asked what made him so happy. He basically told me the dog made him happy and that being in the dog program gave him purpose. I already knew the dog program was a good program but this definitely confirmed it
Creepy and cringe
Have you ever walked out of a movie theater early over a feature movie that you simply could not continue to sit through? If so, what was the movie?
THIS abomination:
It was a gruelingly hot summer day. Mercury was spurting from the top of thermometers, the heat was rising in great waves from the streets, eggs were frying on the sidewalks, and car radiators were spewing great clouds of hissing steam into the air.
Going to an air conditioned movie theater seemed a good idea, to me, a lad of 15, wandering aimlessly on the streets of my miasmic little town, trapped -like a rat- in the maze of my fetid adolescence. ANYTHING would be better than this ungodly, brutal, unceasing heat.
So I paid my 50 cents and entered the dark and cool cavern of the theatre. I didn’t care what the movie was; anything -anything at all- would be better than the cloying, penetrating heat.
Twenty minutes later, I was on the street, again. Anything -anything, I say- would be better than that insipid, brain dead, gratuitous appeal to my adolescent fantasies: Beach Blanket Bingo. God, help me.
And there, across the street, was a dog, panting heavily and licking itself in that special way that only dogs can do. A stranger approached the theatre entrance, and paused to ask me if the movie was any good.
“No,” I said, “Don’t waste your money. That dog over there is better entertainment.”
I pointed at the mutt. “Sure wish I could do that…”
“That dog’d bite you,” the man replied, and disappeared into the movie.
I turned to take the long walk home, in the searing heat.
The United States is INSANE
I was working near Houston, Texas, from UK, when I took my wife to visit the town. We parked for a little while to study the city map when somone, we know not who, or why, let fly with an automatic rifle of some sort, so yes, that did shock us.
I was in Loisiana with a group of workmates when we were held up by a gang of young children, made strong by one of thier gang holding a small hand gun. One of my group was shot in the stomach, causing relatively minor injuries, but with a certain amount of trauma, so again, yes you can say we were shocked.
I was on holiday in Maine, near Bangor airport, when a stranger, from his demeanor I guess he was probably not of sound mind,walked past brandishing a large automtic pistol in his hand. By now I was more difficult to impress but my wife was certainly very impressed and quite shocked.
My son was mugged by a gang of five youths in Central Park, I think around 1990. It made your national news as my son is also a competent and very aggressive combatant. He layed into the gang, disaarmed them of their knives and holding two of them until the police got there. The rest of the gang got away with ten dollars. We were at home in England when we received a phone call from the New York police. They praised my lad but also asked us to tell my lad, that that is the way of things in this little backwater town of New York and it would be better if he had just handed over his cash to the thieves and let them escape.
You seem to have little idea just how insane you are all becoming.
Tell me, are Americans shocked when they first come the UK?
Delusional ONLYFANS WOMAN THINK Men Want Wife Her Up
No wonder no guys want them…
Welcome to America!
Shocked doesn’t quite cover it. Appalled is closer.
The ‘welcome’ at the airport quite takes my breath away. It seems to be assumed that everyone is a terrorist and should be treated like one. The wait was also very long, it isn’t like that in Europe. We should start treating Americans in the same way so they understand how unacceptable it is.
All taxi rides I’ve had remind me of Grand Theft Auto. It seems to be necessary either to be accelerating or braking hard and changing lanes harshly.
The tipping culture is mad, why can’t you just pay the staff a salary and show real prices? Make tips mean something so that they really do reward someone for exceptional service.
prices in shops are strange. The price on the shelf isn’t what you pay because it doesn’t include taxes. That needs to be sorted out!
People seem to be judged by how rich they are, richer people receive better service. Probably due to the tipping culture. Everyone should be treated the same regardless of money, culture and sex.
I have been a few times but won’t return willingly.
i could go on, but I’ve said enough.
Creole Chicken Wings with Peach Mustard Sauce

Yield: 4 entree or 8 appetizer servings
- 3 pounds chicken wings
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 teaspoons dry mustard
- 2 teaspoons paprika
- 1 teaspoon dried thyme
- 1 teaspoon granulated sugar
- 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
Peach Mustard Sauce
- 1/2 cup peach jam
- 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
- 2 teaspoons pimento, diced
- 1 teaspoon cider vinegar
- Cut tips off wings; reserve for stock.
- In small bowl, stir together garlic, mustard, paprika, thyme, sugar, cayenne, salt and black pepper; blend in lemon juice to make paste.
- Using pastry brush, brush paste over wings.
- Arrange wings, meaty side down, on lightly greased foil-lined baking sheets. Let stand for 30 minutes at room temperature.
- Bake at 475 degrees F for 15 minutes; turn wings over and bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until brown, crisp and no longer pink inside.
Peach Mustard Sauce
- In saucepan, melt jam over low heat; stir in mustard, pimiento and vinegar. Serve separately for dipping.
Welcome to the USA more…
I’ve been on holiday in the states a few times. «shocked» is perhaps not the word I’d use, but a few things was a very new experience for me:
- Airport customs immigration: standing hours in line just to show my passport and answering a random questions like «what’s the purpose of your visit» or «where are you staying». I’ve traveled all over the world and never had to wait so long at customs as I’ve done in the US.
- Prices in stores not including taxes. This was quite strange for me. I’d pick out a 2 dollar item and take it to be register, only for them to ask me for 2.5 dollars. This seems absolutely absurd to anyone who’s grown up in Europe. In stores here, the price on the shelf is the price you pay. You have to pay the taxes anyway, so there’s no reason whatsoever to exclude them from the price on the shelf
- TV commercial breaks: When watching american shows I’ve always wondered why they so often show the logo and fade to black. Untill I visited the states, that is. They have a commercial break every 7 minutes. It’s absolutely outrageous. In the states it takes 1 hour of TV to show a 30 minute show. For someone who’s used to 22-min shows taking 30 mins and 45 min shows taking 1 hour, this is truly jarring.
- Tipping: In restaurants in the US there’s a general expectation to tip generously. This is also quite a foreign to a Norwegian. We only tip if it the service, food and restaurant were all truly above and beyond exceptional, or if you’re a rich guy feeling generous. If for some strange reason we’re paying cash we might tip a little bit to ease the rounding-up, but virtually every single transaction in norway happens by credit- or debitcard, so this isn’t common. Restaurants pay their employees a living wage, and tipping is meant as something extra for something extra great, not just paying someone for doing their job.
USA stories
Well, my first trip (of many) to the US was to LA. Our travel company had us booked into a hotel near to LAX. After checking in, we were escorted across the parking lot to our room by a security guard carrying a rifle. That was a shock!
Other shocking things for me:
1. Lack of exercise and outrageous unhealthy food portions. No wonder the US is the most obese country in the developed world with an obesity rate in excess of 42%.
2. People in Southern California that don’t speak English.
3. The levels of poverty in many of the cities.
4. Your banking system is about 30 years behind the rest of the developed world. (Thankfully, your phone system has caught up more recently).
5. Poor maintenance of infrastructure – ie Roads and Bridges.
6. The News is mostly focussed on local matters – leaving many US citizens with a lack of understanding of global issues.
7. A total misbelief by many US citizens that the rest of the world is somehow behind and in awe of the US.
Edit: It seems that some people here cannot accept reality. In particular, it seems that my experience of being escorted across the parking lot of a hotel near LAX (back in the early 1980’s) can’t possibly have happened! Well, I am very sorry to advise that it really did! If you would like to fund a lie deter test, I will happily oblige on the basis of whoever is wrong, pays the other party $1M.
My original source of the obesity rate was via a yahoo page stating it was 70%, but others have pointed out that according to the WHO, it’s 42%, so I’ve updated it. The main point, still stands.
Women Hitting The Wall #37 – When Women Regret Feminism | The Wall
This is stunning, and so sad.
America simply is in the gutter
Not a European, but an Australian.
I have visited the USA three times, 1998, 2018 and 2022.
In 1998 it seemed fairly bright and shiny, but you didn’t need to get far off the main roads for it to become dirty and ominous. This was LA. The food serving sizes were ridiculously large, and of average quality; we booked a reasonably fancy restaurant once, and I think we paid for food quality, but not much else. The tipping culture is positively feudal. And we couldn’t understand why our credit cards disappeared somewhere at restaurants before coming back with the old carbon form. The people were uniformly cheerful and friendly, that was their default, apart from anyone in a uniform, whose default was stern and unforgiving.
Fast forward 20 years. In Australia, when you pay at a restaurant, if you’re not paying cash they bring the electronic payment machine out to your table and you can tap or insert your card and, if you’ve set up your card to require a PIN, you enter it. In LA again in 2018, payment customs haven’t changed, though it’s clear that there’s an electronic machine back there because they don’t bring out the old carbon slip when they return your card, it’s been printed by a machine. But honestly, if someone took your card out of your sight in Australia, you would strongly suspect they were secretly swiping it for some form of fraud. In other respects, the place was dirtier and in higher disrepair; the decrepitude was on main street. The people were as friendly, but not as automatically forthcoming. And the people in uniforms were nastier as their default.
We had a pretty nice time, then, and again in 2022, but the USA is a place where you really need to be on guard, and heaven forbid you have an encounter with law enforcement, because they take the “enforcement” part into the physical realm far faster than police in Australia or Europe would. The USA, at first hand, is not the land of milk and honey that its citizens would have you believe it is. I’m sure it’s possible to live a happy and peaceful life there, clearly millions do. But the concessions to personal freedom and safety required to do so, and the adoption of so many delusions (of superiority in every field of endeavour) necessary to live that life, are not worth it.
And THAT is the most shocking thing to us about visiting the USA: that those smiling, friendly people are happy living in an increasingly backward, crumbling country because they have been told, since birth, that everywhere else is worse (but it’s phrased as “this place is the best”). And that simply isn’t true.
What did you notice during an interview that made you not want the job?
Filled out an application to work at an airport gift shop. Went to the airport for an interview and got to the point for a drug screen, no problem. Got through that part and received the call that I was hired. I was to show up on Monday morning in khaki pants, a white polo shirt, and comfy shoes. I arrived on time and had to fill out all of the paperwork for taxes, etc. Then I got the uniform ‘receipt” that I was to sign that I had been given two uniform shirts and that I would provide the proper khaki slacks or skirt. AND if I quit or was let go within 90 days, my final paycheck would be deducted $125 for the uniform shirts. What?? No way I was signing that paper work. First of all, I had NOT be given anything and wasn’t going to find out later they didn’t have my size or I should wear my own shirt until more came in – whatever. Nothing had been said prior to this about the uniform policy. I placed my clip board on the chair and went to the restroom to figure this out and calm down a bit. Finally, went back to the office and told them I was sick (pretty much was at how they treat their employees) and had to go home. On my way, received a call from another place I had applied and had an interview the next day with a company who was upfront and did not try to screw new employees.
What surprised you about the USA?
Shocked doesn’t quite cover it. Appalled is closer. The ‘welcome’ at the airport quite takes my breath away. It seems to be assumed that everyone is a terrorist and should be treated like one. The wait was also very long, it isn’t like that in Europe. We should start treating Americans in the same way so they understand how unacceptable it is.
All taxi rides I’ve had remind me of Grand Theft Auto. It seems to be necessary either to be accelerating or braking hard and changing lanes harshly.
The tipping culture is mad, why can’t you just pay the staff a salary and show real prices? Make tips mean something so that they really do reward someone for exceptional service.
prices in shops are strange. The price on the shelf isn’t what you pay because it doesn’t include taxes. That needs to be sorted out!
People seem to be judged by how rich they are, richer people receive better service. Probably due to the tipping culture. Everyone should be treated the same regardless of money, culture and sex.
I have been a few times but won’t return willingly.
i could go on, but I’ve said enough.
Thanks for all of the upvotes ! You have probably noticed that I have turned off comments because not everyone was playing nicely.
UK citizen discusses the United States
I’ll confess that I’ve only visited the USA a single time, back in 1993. We went to New York for our honeymoon.
Generally, I found New York to be quite grimy and also very fast paced. The only thing that truly surprised me was the television service.
In the UK, believe it or not (for any fellow Brits) we show seven minutes of commercials per hour on our commercial channels. (The BBC does not show commercials other than trailers for upcoming shows on its own network.)
We didn’t plan to watch much television, but on the night we arrived after our flight, we were quite tired and wanted to sit down quietly and relax for a bit.
I believe the show we saw was Family Feud (which we know as Family Fortunes in the UK). I may be exaggerating, but this is how it seemed:
Theme music, introduction of host.
Commercial break. Introduction of each family. Commercial break. First question. Winner chooses whether to play or pass. Commercial break. Rest of winner’s family answer the question. Commercial break. Opposing family try to complete the board. Commercial break. Second question. Winner chooses whether to play or pass. Commercial break. Winner’s family answer the question. Commercial break. Opposing family attempt to complete the board. Commercial break. Third, fourth, and fifth question as above. Winning family announced. Commercial break. Head-to-head player one answers the final questions. Commercial break. Head-to-head player two answers the same questions. Commercial break. Player two’s answers checked, revealing whether the family have passed the number of points to win the big prize of a car, sponsored by NYC Motors. Keys to the car given to family. Commercial break. Host thanks you for watching, credits roll. Commercial break.
If I tell you that the original version of Family Fortunes in the UK which ran from 1980 to 2002 was a half hour show – with a single commercial break, you’ll understand why the USA version seemed overly heavy with commercials. You stretched a half hour show to what seemed like two hours. (In fairness, in 2006 when Family Fortunes was revived in the UK, we managed to string it out to a full hour per show.)
For reference, when 24 starring Keifer Sutherland was broadcast in the UK on our non-commercial channel BBC2, it ran for 40–41 minutes per episode. That kinda ruined the “each episode covers an hour” premise of the show.
These days, I never watch commercial TV live.
I record everything and then fast forward through the breaks. Television advertising used to be rather an art form in the UK – prizes were awarded for the year’s best campaign. These days, with so many channels available, advertisers spend little money on creating their ads and they’re not worth watching. Life is too short for commercial breaks.
Men are no longer seeking relationships of any kind & people are in DENIAL!
Major changed to the Western society is in process. Japan was the “canary in the coal mine”, and Holy Fuck! Listen and watch this video.

So many average guys are MGTOW, and don’t even know what the term means.