
Don’t be an eager fool

Just go read the Pentagon report to Congress on Chinese military technology. They have been releasing reports every year to update Congress on Chinese military capability for a long time. Just read the last 5.

The USN will see it’s ships being sunk without even seeing a Chinese fighter plane from over 1,000 miles away. US fighters will be shot down at around 100% loss. Rand Corporation report.

In 2006, Rand’s report said that the US would lose 90%+ of F-18s attacking China. Today, it’s 100% for US fighters F-35, F-18, etc. Whatever we send will get shot down. They’re not coming back.

Why do you think the US hasn’t attacked China yet? The loss would be too great. Any large losses by the US would mean that the US would not achieve its objective of subjugating China. Which means that China wins by default, regardless of the losses they take. And this was in 2006 or so. Never mind today.

I’ve written here before, but in 2022 I spent three months in the hospital. I was on a ventilator in a coma after surgery to save my life from cavitory Covid pneumonia, collapsed lung, sepsis, and a host of other things. None of it, other than the actual original admission to cardiac ICU and immediate transfer to the operating room, do I remember until waking up. When I did wake up? I could move nothing from the neck down.

I had to relearn everything. Literally like a newborn baby. I was transferred to a hospital for patients on ventilators and who had experienced traumatic brain injuries. Check and check. They performed intensive speech, occupational, and physical therapy on me for months. But that being said, I still had to be discharged home to outpatient therapy in a wheelchair.

That was a nightmare. My first day home, because the door where the new wheelchair ramp had just been built was too narrow, I was going to have to stand and “walk” through. Except I could not yet bare my own weight and this was abundantly clear at the hospital but yet here I was. A host of people had come to welcome me home and they were all standing by to help but they weren’t really trained in how to help someone in my condition. As you can guess, I crumpled to the floor, falling through the threshold, half inside and half outside the house.

I was embarrassed. I wanted to cry from the humiliation of it happening in such a public way. But I sucked it up and made jokes about how clumsy I was got everyone laughing. Friends and family tried various means of pulling me up but I was dead weight without the ability to really move, at this point, from the waist down.

There was no help for it. Finally someone called Emergency Services and explained what had happened. In five minutes we could hear the sirens and an ambulance crew arrived. They were great about the whole thing and immediately had me buckled into my wheelchair. They and I were cracking jokes back and forth like it was comedy hour and they taught everyone present the methods they could use to easily lift a “paralyzed” person who had fallen.

The next few weeks were frustrating to say the least. Everyone was so kind, but they wanted to infantilize me.

“I can shower myself. All I do is transfer board onto to the shower chair, wash myself in the shower, dry myself and dress on the shower chair, and use the transfer board to get back in the wheelchair. If you put towels and clothing and toiletries within my reach then I do not need help! I will call if I need help!”

“I can cut up the vegetables and meats on the cutting board. I can stir the pots. I can open and close the oven. Why would you think I can’t cook? If the pot is too heavy I will tell you. And I most certainly do not need you to cut up my food and feed me!!! That was weeks ago. I have to do things for myself or I won’t get better!”

“I can roll my own wheelchair. I do not need you to push it for me. I most certainly do not need you to push it back there to where the doctor is waiting. You can sit in the waiting room. I am an adult who has taken herself to the doctor for decades and there is nothing wrong with my ears now that I would need a chaperone.”

But those were instances where people were trying to be kind or helpful. They just didn’t understand that for me to get well again I had to do things for myself. What I found to be terribly rude though, were the people who felt entitled to just grab my chair and move me like I was a piece of furniture. If you know me, you know that wasn’t going to happen. I would grab the wheels and lurch them backwards, forcing the chair to an abrupt halt. Then in a frigid and low voice I would tell the person that just as they wouldn’t normally pick me up and move me across the room, they were also not to grab my chair and move me across a room without my consent. Grabbing my chair while I was bound to it was similar to grabbing me, and if you wouldn’t grab me and push me, then you didn’t have the right to grab and push my chair without at the minimum, asking me first. And nine times out of ten, if you asked me about relocating me, I would relocate myself rather than allow you to move me.

People in wheelchairs are people. And their dignity, agency and autonomy are important. Their ability to make decisions and navigate themselves as any other person should never be impeded. I knew that before, but I became keenly aware of it when I experienced it for myself. It is a very unpleasant and powerless feeling to be grabbed against your will and manhandled like a parlor chair. I don’t like to feel like I’m losing control of myself. No one likes that feeling really. Keep that in mind when you interact with friends or family who find themselves in a wheelchair.


MEDIA, most of us have been brainwashed into being anti China through biased anti China news,same as the USA, actually it’s because of the USA, most of our international news mirrors the US for some reason, I could never understand that, and have been TOTALY against it, the other answer saying that we are anti China because we feel they “ stole “ our jobs, is TOTAL RUBBISH in my view, I have NEVER. In all my years have heard anyone say that, only yanks, not Aussies, most of our companies were sold off to overseas interests and THEY. Were the one that shut our industries down and took them overseas, another reason is USA fear mongering convincing us of the “ yellow peril “ which of course is absurd, that’s why we were conned into buying these ridiculous submarines that we have absolutely no use for, that is really crazy, the money could have been much better spent on building nuclear power plants, so we can have cleaner cheaper electricity,

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There is no hope that the 35 trillion US debt will return to blood, and the United States wants to start with creditors. According to the data published on the website of the US Treasury Department, the debt scale of the US federal government has exceeded $35 trillion. In 2023, the ratio of American debt to gross domestic product (GDP) reached 121%.

The ratio of national debt to GDP can reflect a country’s ability to repay its debts. According to the calculation results of the peter peterson Foundation, if 35 trillion US dollars of national debt is distributed to the American people, the debt per person will be nearly 104,000 US dollars.

The budget deficit of the United States exceeded 6% of gross domestic product (GDP) for two consecutive years, including 6.4% in fiscal year 2024 and 6.2% in fiscal year 2023. In the period of non-world war or economic recession, such a figure is an “unusually high burden” for the United States.

Where does such a huge deficit come from?

On the one hand, Biden has implemented a number of economic stimulus plans since he took office, and these plans all require capital investment.

On the other hand, the US government is not only heavily in debt, but also militaristic. Up to now, the annual military expenditure of the United States is close to $1 trillion. In the past two years, in order to curb the serious inflation in the United States, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates for more than a dozen rounds, resulting in a high base interest rate of 5.5% in the United States. With the base interest rate so high, it is conceivable that the interest rate of national debt is so high.

As a result, the US government only repays debt interest more than $1 trillion a year. It is no wonder that the annual deficit of the U.S. government continues to grow.

Perhaps the American people never expected that the decline in their quality of life in recent years was actually caused by their own country. The Federal Reserve has worked hard to raise interest rates, and the American people have lived frugally. But in the end, Biden’s government borrowed heavily and almost ran out of funds, which will make the next government face an embarrassing situation.

Of course, in fact, it is not only the United States that is borrowing money at present. In order to cope with the epidemic, most countries in the world have been borrowing continuously in recent years to support their own economic development and various expenditures, which has led to the snowballing global debt scale and rising risks. In this game of “credit”, every country is a participant and may also become a loser. However, when the debt problem breaks out, perhaps everyone will have to pay for it, and even an era will end.

It’s a summit meeting, which means top leadership is present. That’s ~30 heads of state in kazan, at the invitation of Russian president putin. And they are all either members of brics, or have formally applied for membership.

That includes Nato member turkiye’s erdogan.

Remember, there are >22,000 first world sanctions active against Russia, the most sanctioned nation on earth.


I kid you not.

But what’s underreported is the scale of the conference beyond the summit. More than 34,000 officials representing over 100 nations have gathered at kazan to pool resources and chip away at the new world order emerging from their collective handiwork.

This is no feel good session to proclaim the universal declaration of human rights at the UN.

This is a supranational progress meeting, with actionable frameworks and real projects to create alternatives to the g7-dominated financial system centered around the dollar, euro, yen and pound.

The push comes from the flagrant abuse of privilege by the g7.

Why should the rest pay for the excesses of the west in perpetuity?

There is collective urgency, and pent-up frustration to break free from the hegemonic prison of the dollar.

The deluge is here, and a great flood of biblical proportions will yet again herald the changing of guard in the western tradition.

As a rejoinder, I suspect the threat of secondary sanctions on Russia and the pressure on India was aimed squarely at disrupting this meeting, not least because of the unprecedented participation.

This is why I am convinced there is a fundamental shift in sentiment, and a pivot away from the west is well and truly underway.



Submitted into Contest #196 in response to: Write a story involving a portal into a parallel universe. view prompt

Chris Campbell

The jungle fauna crept quietly and resolutely around Private Henry Willoughby’s feet. In this theatre of war, it was the only living thing to flourish, to grow, to last. Nothing else stood a chance under its stifling canopy. If Henry didn’t move, he’d be consumed by slow creeping vines, fire ants, foot rot, and all kinds of potential alien ailments. Should he choose to move, he risked exposing himself to the hellfire performance of a jungle war entertaining its combative audience.For Henry, the choice was simple. Killing biting insects in his foxhole, was preferred to being an above-ground target for an enemy Sapper. So, he slapped away at his neck – his helmet visibly bobbing above the ridge of the pit where he and his platoon leader, Mad Merrill Murdoch watched for movement of any kind. One blink of an eye, or one moment of the sandman sprinkling comatose dreams onto his fading consciousness, could mean the difference between life and death for weary marines like Henry. Survival of the fittest and most alert, is the law of the jungle, and a rite of passage for participants in America’s most unpopular war – fought a long way from the corn fields of Henry’s Indiana amid a hot, sticky, insect-plagued bush in South-East Asia.“What’ya say?” Henry whispered to Murdoch.“Nuthin,” Murdoch snapped back. “Maintain silence, Private Willoughby. They’re out there. I can smell ‘em.”Henry’s eyes instantly sprung alertly open, filling him with fear, nausea, and the anticipation of an imminent firefight. An icy shiver ran down his spine, quickly taking him out of any remaining comfort zone the mud hole temporarily provided. Sensing a tepid familiarity with what was about to happen, a sudden obscure memory flash told him he had been here before at this precise spot, and in this exact situation. The feeling was alarming him to the point of panic, and his physical reaction to the vision unnerved his fearless foxhole companion to the point of annoyance.“Murdoch,” whispered Henry. “I got a bad feeling.”“Shut your ass up,” Murdoch angrily whispered back.“Somethin’ bad’s about to happen,” Henry repeated. “I got a strong feelin’ in my gut.”“Goddam you,” Murdoch growled – right before a satchel charge exploded next to him at helmet level, killing him instantly and splattering Henry with blood and brains.The roar of voices emanating from below Henry’s position, signalled a charge of infantry headed his way. The fight was on – this time against a heavily-armed and supplied NVA – North Vietnamese Army Regulars. Cannon Fodder, expendable, fearless, and large in numbers, they had no hit-and-run tactics like the Vietcong. These were real soldiers with a real plan to overrun Henry’s position. There was little he or anyone could do to stop the frenzy of the onslaught, as Henry’s platoon were outnumbered fifteen to one. A parachuting flare suddenly lit up the small open meadow not more than fifty meters from his position, illuminating a mass of khaki-clad, screaming warriors charging and weaving headlong through tracer bullets so numerous – their comrades ran straight over the wounded and dead in a never-ending wave of hatred.Henry managed to fire off several rounds and a grenade from his M16, but it didn’t deter the half-dozen enemy soldiers zeroing in on his position. The last thing Henry saw, was the fear in his enemy’s eyes. That was as much a surprise to him as the bayonet that pierced his flak jacket and the “Die Yankee Dog” insult shrieked in English by one of the soldiers. Life was fading fast for Henry. Another nineteen-year-old boy KIA in a far-off place most folks back home had never even heard of before this TV war invaded their living rooms.  If he was lucky – he thought – he might get to go home in a body bag…“Such a fascinating story, Henry,” the bearded, spectacled Professor Andrews interrupted. “And still so fresh in your mind after all this time.”“Yeah,” replied Henry. “But I don’t remember how I survived that night. It’s like I had lived that moment so many times over before it happened, that I don’t rightly know what is real and what is not.”The two men were sitting in the first row of a university lecture theatre, recounting Henry’s confused recollection of a traumatic experience from a conflict ceased long ago. After reading the professor’s article about life, death, and multiverses in a science journal, Henry had sought him out for a personal consultation.“What if I told you that in theory, you did – and at the same time, did not survive that night,” Andrews said – perplexing Henry even further.“I’m not following you, Professor,” Henry replied.“What I’m trying to say is, you died in one life, but continued to live in another life. A parallel life co-existing on a parallel plane – with a different timeline and outcome.”“How is that possible?” Henry asked.Professor Andrews rose from his seat and approached the large whiteboard attached to the lecture hall wall behind his podium bench desk. Grabbing a black marker, he first drew five straight lines spaced a finger-length apart and parallel to each other. Numbering the lines, he turned to Henry.“Imagine line one is our universe or our existence,” he began. “Back in the year 1895, the American philosopher, William James, referred to the confusing moral meaning of natural phenomena; however, he did not comprehend that beyond his current existential existence, there were other William James’s philosophising the same theories, but in parallel realities.”To emphasise his explanation, Andrews pointed – in succession – at the numbered lines on the board.“But what does that have to do with anything, you may ask?” Andrews continued. “In simple terms, nothing, because there is no connection, no point of interacting. After all, these are just linear journeys going about their linear paths.”

Adding two more angled lines resembling the letter A – that cut through the five lines, but without joining at the apex, Andrews explained further.

“However, when two or more transversal lines – such as these intersecting the parallel lines, then they – in theory – open up a portal from one universe to another. At that concise moment in time, all universes are collectively as one. However, because the transversal lines are angled, no timeline between each universe is equal, so Henry Willoughby in universe one is going about life in a different time in universe two, three, four, five, and so on. It is at that exact moment in the transversal that the very basic nuclei of our conscious thoughts are connected – allowing us to transverse, but not in the same moment in time.

“Are you telling me that at the very point of intersection, we can think ourselves into another life?” Henry asked.

“Not exactly, Henry.” Andrews continued. “We don’t travel per se in a physical sense. We exist in a collective consciousness but in different times of our lives. So, when we die, we don’t die, you see? Leaving one universe, we continue in another.”

“Wait a minute, Prof,” Henry interrupted – his brain on overload. “So, you’re sayin’ that in the universe I died in, I knew something was going to happen, because it happened in another timeline?”

“Correct,” Andrews corroborated. “Our collective conscious thoughts are connected via a transversal phone line – like when those little hairs on the back of your neck stand up, telling you something unknown was happening or about to happen. Some people call it Sixth Sense – where one experiences a vision of the future. Others call it, Déjà vu – the feeling that you’ve been somewhere before or that familiar feel you get when meeting someone you eventually fall in love with. Some, call it time travel.”

“So, my memory of dying is from another timeline in another universe that already happened?”


“And that’s how I survived that night in this universe?”

“You got a Transversal phone call.”

“From myself?”

“Yes, in lay terms. Something happened to change your path on that night and in doing so, changed your course of history.”

“Yeah, but I can’t think of what it was. I can remember trekking through that patch of jungle on a recon mission to set up an ambush on the NVA’s supply line along the Ho Chi Minh trail. It was supposed to be a classified mission. I mean, hell! We were in Cambodia, for Christ’s sake – without permission from their government. I don’t know how, but they knew we were there and surprised the heck out of us before we could react.”

“If I may,” Andrews cut in. “I read the Psych evaluation you sent me. The VA Hospital diagnosed no irregularities in your mental state.”

“The shrinks back at the Veteran’s Hospital say it’s most likely a form of PTSD – where memory loss is symptomatic and also Asymptomatic. Like a manifestation of the mind. My mind.”

“But what do you think it is, Henry?” Andrews asked.

“Well, I can’t discount the realisation of being alive and at the same time, the vision of me dying, is not PTSD, but something more fantastical.”

“All of the answers are still not within our grasp as sentient beings,” Andrews concluded. “However, the unexplained fuels the imagination and scientists like me are tasked to shed light on theories fantastical or otherwise.”

Henry rose from his seating position and extended a hand to Andrews. He needed time to process the information provided by the esteemed professor of science. Coming to terms with the theory of parallel universe ideology and multiple versions of himself, would take time – or whatever measurement of passage that it took to understand his past.

“I have a suggestion,” Andrews inserted into their handshake. “There have been great results in memory recall after going through hypnotherapy sessions. We have one of the finest consultants in the country within our faculty. Would you be open to exploring your past through hypnosis? I would sit in as an observer, and we could follow up the session with an in-depth study of your memories and their relationship to transversal universes.”

“Sure, Prof. If it helps.”

“It would indeed,” Andrews agreed. “Furthermore, it would be a great help to science.”

After exchanging farewells, Henry left Andrews studying his whiteboard sketch. Stretching his legs outside, he headed for the local bus stop. It was a fine summer’s day in Evansville, Indiana. However, the humidity level was overtly high with the expectation of a summer storm. As Henry walked along a path exposed to the glare of the sun, he decided to cross the university’s driveway to seek shade under a big linden tree in full bloom centred on the campus lawn.

Reaching the base of the tree, a sudden cold rush of air enveloped his body, like a ghost had just passed right through him. Looking around, he realised how quiet the campus was, then remembered that it was Sunday, and most students would be off doing other things than attending classes.

“Hi,” a female voice from behind surprised him. “It’s a great tree, isn’t it.”

“What!? Yes, it’s nice and cool under here.”

The young woman smiled and pulled one of the heart-shaped leaves from a branch, before handing it to Henry.

“Here, it’s ever so sweet smelling,” she explained. “They say, the linden tree is associated with Freya, the Germanic Goddess of truth and love.”

“Is that so?” Henry tried to be interested. “What does that mean?”

“It means that you cannot lie under a linden tree,” she added. “Only truth can be told. So, ask me a question.”

Just then, a thick dark cloud that had snuck up on them, opened its floodgates and began to drench the ground.

“Quick!” The young woman said. “Hug the trunk. It’s always drier in there.”

As an approaching clap of thunder rolled around the sky, shaking the leaves, Henry felt another icy chill run through him, like that night so long ago in a jungle clearing.

“If there’s going to be lightning, this ain’t the best of places to be sheltering under.”

“Don’t worry, Henry. We’ll be safe.”

It took a moment to dawn on him the realisation that this young woman had called him by his first name. Leaning against the tree trunk, Henry tried to remember telling it to her.

“How… how do you know my name?”

She shrugged her shoulders and replied, “I dunno. I guess you look like a Henry, so I just said it.”

“I thought no-one could lie under this tree,” Henry jokingly chastised.

“I’m not lying,” she replied. “It was a feeling like I knew you from somewhere and I needed to meet you. I was just out for a Sunday stroll, saw this tree in the distance and felt like I had to come over and see it more closely. Then, I saw you.”

Following more rolls of thunder, the storm and torrential downpour subsided as quickly as it materialised.

“That was a fast-moving cloud,” Henry mentioned. “It’s certainly helped get rid of some of the humidity. I sure don’t like humidity. Hey, are you okay?”

Henry’s concern was due to the girl behaving in an agitated way.

“We have to move,” she warned in a worrying tone of voice. “Now!”

Gripping Henry’s hand, the young woman forcefully pulled him away from the tree, across the campus driveway, and onto the path he had walked on just minutes ago. A loud cracking sound filled the air, followed by another sound of wood snapping. The tree – planted over sixty years prior had suddenly fractured under the weight of the heavy rain nestling amongst its branches and leaves, and simply collapsed – exactly where Henry and the young woman had hurriedly vacated from.

“How did you know?” Henry breathlessly asked.

“I dunno,” she replied. “I just had a feeling. Like I’d seen it happen before. It’s something I’ve experienced since a child. You see, I was born on the same day my granddaddy was killed in Vietnam. Inside his utility belt, they found a folded leaf very similarly shaped to your linden tree leaf. I guess he wanted to keep it as a souvenir or put it in a valentine card to my grandma. As I was growing up, I kept it in a valentine card I had made in a school project – for my granddaddy, and every year at Valentines, I’d open it and suddenly get feelings of things about to happen. And more often than not, they did happen. But I never told anyone for fear of being called crazy, you know?”

“Yes,” Henry replied. “I understand.”

“Eventually,” she went on. “The leaf disintegrated, and I never had another premonition – until today. When I saw that tree as I was passing by, it gave me goosebumps. Like I was meant to be here and like I was meant to urgently talk to you. It was like someone was guiding my every move and action. Isn’t that just a crazy thing to say?”

“No,” said Henry. “After what I’ve learned today, I don’t think anything’s too crazy.”

“Hey, if I’m not being rude, you’re about my granddaddy’s age – if he lived to be your age – aren’t you?”

“It’s possible.”

Producing a greeting card from her backpack, the young woman presented it to Henry.

“I know we just met, and I also know Valentines was months ago, but would you accept this card on behalf of my granddaddy? I just have a feeling I’m supposed to give it to you.”

Taken aback by her request, Henry hesitated, then he felt a warm familiar urge to accept it.

“I’m a little embarrassed,” she shyly added. “So, I’m gonna head off. Please promise me you’ll open it after I’m gone, okay?”

“Sure,” said Henry. “Thank you.”

“Watch out for falling trees,” she yelled back, as she hurriedly walked away.

Henry watched her hop onto a bus waiting at its stop, then waved until it was out of sight. Amused at the thought of receiving a valentine’s card from a stranger in July, he opened it to read what it had to say. His expression quickly changed as a flood of emotion overtook him, causing a stream of salty tears to cascade down his cheek. The printed message was simple enough. “Be my valentine,” it read. However, the handwritten note from the young woman, caused an instant flashback to that night in the jungle. He suddenly recalled the icy chill of that night running through him, a shortness of breath, and an instant urge to flee.

“I got a bad feeling,” he said to platoon leader, Mad Merrill Murdoch.

Instead of chiding him, a concerned looking Murdoch lifted his head and acknowledged Henry’s cry.

Pulling his radio onto his lap, he whispered into the headset, “Charlie Four, Charlie Four, this is Madman. It’s Six. He says it’s a bad one.”

Unnerving precarious moments passed before the radio sprung to the crackle of life on the airwaves.

“Madman, this is Charlie Four,” the radio crackled. “Intel says you’re in for a mighty shitstorm out there. The element of surprise is blown. I repeat, ambush is blown. Best to live to fight again, Madman. Rendezvous at Delta Alpha Foxtrot Tango. Come on back. I repeat, mission overridden… Charlie Four out.”

“Six,” Henry repeated to himself, as he finished reading the Valentines card. “That’s what they called me – on account of them thinking I had Sixth Sense. That’s how we all survived!”

Staring at the card for a final time, Henry wiped his eyes dry.

“But this beats all,” he muttered to himself, as he read the card out loud.

To Granddaddy Henry,

I never met you, but I’ve always felt you were never far away.

If I could travel into the past, I’d tell you not to fight but to run,

But as time travel isn’t possible, perhaps this card will find you in another universe.


Your granddaughter,

Jenny H. Willoughby…”

Well, these topics are subtle gray zones, difficult to draw clearcut lines, because there is often not enough contrast from examples raised.

Perhaps it is more illustrative to draw from common experience.

Chinese vocabulary is filled will a litany of terms associated with promiscuity. In fact, the philanderer subplot is a widespread cultural hook written into Chinese literature, plays and dramas.

At any given time, there are probably tens of works circulating that involve terms like concubine, mistress, “committed the sin all men commit”, cad, affair, hostess, prostitution and so on.

This is nothing shocking or unique among Chinese diaspora. The difference being mainlanders are far less graphic in the presentation. They openly acknowledge bad behaviors exist, and to some extent tolerated because it is human nature. However, promoting or glorifying such a lifestyle is a strict no-no, especially if the work generates public appeal or worse, furor.

The Chinese are a tolerant people but the people are known to resist the government when pushed beyond the edge. Moral norms are redlines.

The issue with lgbtq is its lack of mainstream acceptance. After all, the number of philanderers is orders of magnitude larger than the number of lgbtq. Most families disapprove, and I’ve heard families falling out or members excommunicated, but the average man on the street won’t criminalize such behavior either.

In the past, it was “do it behind closed doors”. Today, it is “live and let live”.

But promoting it, flaunting the lifestyle, normalizing it as mainstream is still offensive, and taboo.

And that is OK. All societies make value-based choices.

China says no to guns. America yes.

China says yes to monogamy. Saudi Arabia no.

China says no to public nudity. France yes.

China says no to drugs. The Netherlands yes.

You can’t please everyone.

Hardee’s Mushroom and Swiss Burger


Yield: 4 servings


  • 1 can Campbell’s Golden Mushroom soup
  • 1 can Green Giant sliced mushrooms
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 4 slices processed Swiss cheese (no holes)
  • 4 (1/4 pound) hamburger patties
  • 1/2 teaspoon Accent seasoning
  • 1/2 teaspoon Lawry’s Seasoned Salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper


  1. Mix the first three ingredients together, put on low heat and let simmer.
  2. Mix the Accent, Lawry’s and pepper together and put into a shaker. Season the patties with this and fry or grill until done, but don’t press down on the patties!
  3. Put patty onto a bun, then the Swiss, then the sauce and you’re done.

U.S. Marine from Pennsylvania and a US Army Ranger, Killed Fighting for Ukraine

USMC Nawrocki large
USMC Nawrocki large

Corey John Nawrocki was born on December 3, 1982 in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA.

He joined the Marine Corps in 2001 and served as a gunnery sergeant in the Guard Company at Marine Barracks, Washington, D.C.

In 2021, Corey left the United States Marine Corps.

Later he decided to join the Ukrainian Armed Forces, military unit A3449.

It was a fatal mistake for Nawrocki to go to war with Russia.

Russian FSB Special Forces killed Nawrocki at the border of Bryansk, Russia.

He was trying to enter Russia along with other NATO Mercenaries from the US, CANADA, POLAND, and elsewhere, heavily armed with guns, grenades, anti-tank weapons, and SEMTEX plastic explosives, to perpetrate acts of war and sabotage against Russia,

Nawrocki and his fellow Mercenaries, are pictured – Dead –  below:

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Nawrocki dead
Nawrocki dead

Weapon is for dominance. To suppress others.

Instead of asking why USA is obsessed with arms race, perhaps we should ask why USA is obsessed with dominance.

US Congress Research Services reveals that from 1798 to 2022, USA has 469 military actions overseas. In 240+ years since US independence, there were only 16 years when USA was not in a war.

After WW2, from 1946-2001, in 55 years, there were 248 wars around the globe. 201 of them ie 82% were instigated by USA. Since 2001, USA has riots/wars in 80 countries. Lots of people died or lost their ancestral land to become a refugee. Lots of human rights have been violated.

Other than war, USA would bribe locals to instigate unrest eg protests, riots & coups against any government who dont bow down to USA. For instance, 56 coups incl assassination in Latin America alone since WW2.

More, USA weaponises USD & its banking system SWIFT to impoverish/bankrupt other countries.

There is only 1 motive for USA: money & power/dominance. It is modern-day colonisation. Old-day occupied other’s land. Modern-day puts a US puppet in other’s territory. There is no democracy in US dictionary.

1, money

Both US military industry (MIC) & Federal Reserve (FED) are private corporations run by capitalist sharks & not by (responsible) government who would focus on the welfare of the country eg economic development.

MIC makes tons of money thru wars & arms sales. They lobby US government to create wars in other countries. US politicians also make $$$ by buying MIC stocks or working as a MIC salesman to other country.

Another capitalist shark is FED who manipulates the US interest to suck in capitals from other country.

Wall Street shark will go into countries bankrupted by FED or ruined by MIC to make money & to to control other’s economy & thus govt.

See, if there is peace in the world, MIC, FED or Wall Street will create war somewhere so as to make money. Be it military war or monetary-financial war.

US senator L Graham accidentally told the truth: must win the Ukraine war because it is rich in minerals.

2, power/US dominance ie modern-day conlonisation

Control other’s government & make them a US puppet.

Then control other’s resources eg Ukraine’s minerals, Syria’s oil & rich agricultural land.

US wisdom

In 1961, the then pres D Eisenhower warned against the establishment of private MIC which will distort US politics & threaten democracy.

Many US pres eg J Kennedy, R Nixon & more fought with the FED but failed.


USA wont not let world peace to happen. USA must create unrest/war thru its puppets eg Ukraine & Philippines.

War is in the DNA of USA.

Are capitalist sharks nice to Americans?

Every year, US taxpayers pay the interest of the US debts that is created as aids to war-torn country.

Capitalist sharks make tons of money from wars, but pay little tax to benefit USA. For instance, sharks wont maintain infrastructure, resulting in train derailment almost daily. Making USA look like a under-developed 3rd world. The list is long.

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Those mercenary trash (or were they cadre?) look like they were bayoneted to death, apart from the guy on the right who obviously had his head blown off, or was stabbed in the face. The guy next to him got it in the balls.
Ouch. Nasty viewing, but unfortunately necessary as a warning: that’s what tends to happen to people sneaking into Russia armed to the teeth. The Russians are merciless and enjoy close quarter combat, or else they snook up on these guys as they slept, or gassed them first as a “precaution”. Iraq or Afghanistan, it isn’t.
Those plonkers were obviously desperate for money.
Rule #1: Don’t get caught.

Last edited 1 month ago by Jambo99
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