ksnip 20240310 201538

EMP over Jordan


As a Newcomer in Canada, I met a Nigerian friend who kindly purchased about $10 worth of items (winter gloves, socks) for me.

When I said “Thank you”, she told me to give her a refund when I can.

I was shocked!

As Nigerians, we’re used to receiving gifts or just random things from friends & family, free of charge.

Growing up in Nigeria, you don’t expect a refund for about $5, $10 or even $20 items.

It’s not same here in Canada/US.

Or maybe this was only applicable to my sheltered life & not to the rest of Nigerians – you guys tell me.

So, I gave my friend back her $10.

However, I was not going to let the American or Canadian system change me.

While living with that friend, I’d buy fruits & other items and share with her.

It’s just who I was raised to be; I share things!

She’d ask to pay me back & I’d politely decline.

I wasn’t gonna come to Canada & just switch from who I used to be.

Mind you, I would never go broke from these little acts of communal living or kindness.

Guess what?

With time, that my friend caught on.

She started sharing her own things: giving back to me & waiving refunds from me.

I also observed she didn’t extend this generosity to others.

But even with my own generosity, I would give but never expect anything back.

So, I wouldn’t expect anyone to outright lend me their money.

If it’s not yours, don’t expect it to be (easily) given to you.

But what I’ve learned about the American/Canadian credit culture is that many people don’t have free cash to spare.

Many of them don’t have any extra money sitting in their chequing/savings account.

Once salaries are paid, nearly all of it goes to debt payments (rent, school loans, credit cards, various utilities, phone bill, car, insurance etc.).

I’ve been blessed to not have any debts & to live quite a frugal & financially-wise lifestyle.

A friend once borrowed money from me because her husband’s birthday came before her paycheck (salary) was paid.

I know people who can’t go out to eat with their colleagues unless it’s a pay day (the day salaries are paid).

Hence, where would someone like that find $200 to lend to you for 4 days?

Even if they have it, they might have better things to do with it than lend it to you.

No one owes you their money.

Even if you ask, & it’s not given – kindly understand, respect their decision & move on!

"We want to focus on Eurasian security, which is much more natural.

Eurasia is one continent and no players from across the ocean will be involved in this arrangement.

Eurasian security will rely on a unification of all existing projects – the EAEU, the CSTO, the SCO, and the CIS. China’s Belt and Road Initiative will provide a material foundation for future security arrangements.

We will keep the door open for the western part of the continent, for everyone.

Of course, this is our common home where everyone should behave properly and avoid bringing the Americans’ aspirations into any of these future constructs.

They will certainly try to poke their noses into these processes though, just as they are now getting involved in the Asia-Pacific region, the Indian Ocean and other regions.

But China is a powerful player.

When China proposes its initiatives, it never pressures anyone.

Beijing can propose an economic project, for example, building a railway in Central Asia, or in Africa, or somewhere else, but all decisions will be made on the basis of a balance of interests.

This is the case in our relations with China, and we saw a record increase in trade to $240 billion last year.

It will definitely continue to grow."

Excerpt from remarks by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in an interview with the radio stations Sputnik, Govorit Moskva, and Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moscow, April 19, 2024.

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I used to own nightclubs and one night I was visiting the biggest one. It had a 2,500 capacity with over 3,500 people through the doors each night.

The manager greeted me and was very excited to suggest that I went to the VIP bar to meet the new server.

When I walked in, I saw one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen in my life. Slim, blonde, tanned and had to have been at least six foot tall.

I introduced myself but didn’t get much response back except a smile. I then asked her for a bottle of water. This is where the problem became apparent.

She looked at me with a confused face. “A water please” I repeated but still the same response. “Aqua?” I asked, no joy, “Agua?”, no response. I didn’t know the Polish for water.

I ended up pointing to the taps and she started to fill a glass. At this point, I went behind the bar and got myself a bottle.

I went straight to the manager and, with a tear in my eye, I told him that she had to go. I simply couldn’t afford for her to stay.

I have no problem at all employing non-native English speakers, but they need enough English to be able to take drink orders from customers. The club hadn’t even opened at this point so there wasn’t any music playing.

The following weekend, I was relating this story to a good friend of mine who also owned bars. He was laughing and was very sympathetic to my pain. As we walked into his bar, there, behind the bar, was the very same Polish stunner!

My step son had been with me off and on since was 13. When he was 18, he was living with his mom again. My youngest had just turned 2 and his daycare situation fell apart, so I asked my step-son to watch him for a few days while I found a new daycare.

They had always had a very close relationship and while my step-son was staying over, we talked and decided that he would move in and be my live in “manny”. He wasn’t working at the time and his mom’s house was overwhelming with kids, pets etc. He got free room and board, plus I paid him $10 a day for spending money and he only was “on duty” while I was working. Any time I was home he was not responsible for anything and if I wanted extra hours off that I would either hire him at $10 an hour or I had another part time lady who would watch him when she was available.

The only thing I asked of him was to pick up after him and the little one, not sleep all day, keep him engaged and don’t let people over during the day because he was supposed to be taking care of the little guy, not socializing. Everything was great for a year or so. Then, he stated sneaking girls over during the day. My little guy would tell me that a girl had been over and my step son would deny it. He stopped picking things up and I’d come home to a mess, my son still in pj’s etc. Then, he started talking about his was the man of the house and he could do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted and I had no right to tell him otherwise.

We had several talks about his responsibilities and how he was not in charge etc. It seemed like Things straightened up for a while, but it started backsliding again. So, I decided that this was not going to work out anymore. I found a new daycare and told him that he was no longer needed as the manny. He could rent the room he was staying in for $450 a month plus utilities or he could move out, his choice. I explained that when you are hired by someone to do a job, that you are not free to make your own rules on how that job is handled and you don’t get to decide that you can do what you want, especially when kids are involved.

He was angry and hurt and we didn’t speak for a few months. I felt incredibly guilty, because his own mother has abandoned him multiple times. He spent a lot of time in foster care as a kid and it felt like I was doing the same thing buy telling him to leave. He ended up leaving and going to stay with his girlfriend, who he eventually married. However, we have always had a great relationship so after he got it out of his system, we resumed talking, hanging out and visiting. He eventually told me he understood why I did what what I did and how that event made him grow up and stop acting like a kid.

He’s now 29 years old. He’s a terrific father to his two kids and he’s raising his older brother’s son too. He has a fantastic job, owns his home and has a great life. He and I talk several times a week by phone since he lives out of state now. He’s getting re-married in July 2021, and has asked me to be there since he considers me the mother that has stuck by him through thick and thin and have been the best influence on him. Him and my son still have a super close relationship and every summer we go to visit for a week or so. My youngest son turned 13 this year and is planning to go stay with his brother for 2 weeks this summer, without me being there (this is a first for us)!

Sometimes, you gotta kick those baby birds out of the nest, so they learn how to fly on their own!

Tony ‘the Brainless’ Blinken has announced that he plans to warn China against exporting weapons to Russia or face sanctions

Of course he knows and everyone knows that China doesn’t export weapons to Russia

The very fact that he announced his agenda publicly and claimed to go to China to WARN THE CHINESE and still be allowed to visit China by the Chinese indicate that this is mere Public Bluster meant to play to the Gallery

Why visit the Chinese to warn them? A Mere summoning of the Ambassador in DC can do the job equally well.

Anyone who is even a high schooler who has studied even one chapter of International Affairs and Political Science will know that China will not stop trading with the Russians

So why is Blinken going to China

  • To placate the Chinese on the $ 8 Billion Taiwanese Arms Package. You can bet Blinken will make a “US believes in One China” and “US doesn’t support Taiwanese Independence” hidden somewhere in those ‘Warnings’.
  • To persuade the Chinese to get a message to Putin to somehow keep things fluid until the November 2024 elections. To get the Chinese to use their Yuan system and their Exports to Russia as a leverage and get Putin to back off and keep things on a stalemate level so that Biden doesn’t risk a major backlash

Yellen was the soft job

She was supposed to persuade the Chinese by saying “You get Putin to go slow on Ukraine or even freeze the conflict upto 2024 November and we won’t target you on Overcapacity and Steel and Shipping”

The Chinese simply said “Sorry but NO CAN DO”

Now Blinken will try the same thing

“You get Putin to go slow or even freeze the conflict upto 2024 November and we will go soft on our Anti Chinese Rhetoric. The President will even ignore any Anti China bills”

Plus a new

“You do this and we will ensure that $ 8 Billion is delayed from reaching Taiwan for months if not years”

Its evident that Chinese exports are keeping the Sanctions from crippling Russia today although not to the extent that they could have crippled Russia back in 2022 March or April

They keep Russia’s Industries going with Finished Goods and Consumer Goods flooding into the country to keep the people spending money

Plus the Chinese make key machine tools and components needed for Russia for their War Industry too

So technically Xi can leverage Putin

He won’t do so

Simply put Russia is a source of Commodities and Energy for China that bypasses all the USD routes

The West simply cannot find out how much Oil China imported from Russia or Gas or Commodities because they were paid in Yuan and Ruble between Shanghai and Moscow

So China will respond with the usual

“International law should prevail. We call for peace by all sides. We are law abiding and our trade with Russia is entirely commercial. We refuse any allegation that we are funding the war machine in Russia. We request the US to uphold international law”

Blinken will return with a few more threats

Biden will be furious at the Chinese as usual so he will sanction a few banks, maybe place another 50 companies from China on a blacklist, impose tariffs on Chinese Steel and get Bong Bong or Lai to make a few provocative statements

The Chinese as usual will make the normal statements of “We protest against this. We deny these accusations”

Nobody trusts the West anymore. That’s the problem.

Putin trusted them in 2015 (Minsk 2) and 2022 (Istanbul) and was betrayed both times

The Chinese have never trusted the WESTERN BARBARIANS for millennia

Even stalwarts like Kissinger or Baker who were good diplomats and convincing liars couldn’t fox the Chinese

You think this Idiot Blinken can manage to do so?


At one time, I worked in a factory that made polystyrene products. I’d only been there about a year, and was on the night crew. Once a month, the company would have a safety meeting that fell at a time after the day crew shift, and at the beginning of night crew’s.

Both sides were bitching about working conditions.

Day crew bitched that we weren’t getting everything done, which was making more work for them.

Night crew was bitching that day crew was doing the bare minimum, and we were getting tired of working fifteen hours shifts six days a week, while they worked eight hours five days a week. We also pointed out that even though we had a third of the people day crew did, we got out two thirds of the work. We wanted things more equitable.

The plant manager had enough. “Okay, night crew. You knew what you signed on for. Those orders have to be completed. If you don’t like how things are done here, walk. There’s the door.”

One could have heard a pin drop.

We all looked at each other. “Okay, boss. You win.”

We all got up and headed for the door. Fifteen people (the entire night crew) headed out to the parking lot.

It was at this moment the plant manager and day crew had a “come to Jesus” moment. No night crew meant that day crew would have to work overtime to get the orders done. By his own mouth, he had condemned them to go back to work instead of being done for the day. The prospect of having to work six days a week of double shifts did not appeal to day crew. They began to panic.

He called out to us, and asked us to come back. “What do you guys want?”

We haggled this deal.

  • Hire more employees to keep up with the work load.
  • If days didn’t get finished in eight hours, they stayed until they did. In return, we’d come in four hours later, and we would stay until our stuff was done.
  • Workload distributed fairly based on employees available.
  • No shifts longer than twelve hours.
  • If we weren’t done with night’s stuff by Friday, days was to finish up on Saturday. If they couldn’t finish, nights would come in on Saturday to do so.

Somehow, magically, the day crew worked harder, and night crew actually got to see their families once in a while.

Theme is “Asian women with wine, loaves of bread, tomatoes and cats”

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Mother never gave advice. Dad gave me advice twice in my entire life. He said this to me when I was about 18. “It’s better to be lonely than unhappy.” He was referring to future relationships with boyfriends, but it can be taken a step further in terms of relationships with anyone. It’s better to be lonely than unhappy.

The second piece of advice Dad gave me was when my first child was born. Let me preface this advice by saying Dad was the kindest, most gentle, loving person in the world. He did not raise his voice or spank us. Having said that, this is why we obeyed him.

We valued him as a father and a human being so much we did not want to disappoint him. Dad modeled the kind of behavior he expected of us. All we had to do was follow his example. By and large, we did.

You can see the love on Dad’s face as he looks at his scowly daughter. Just so I don’t keep you in suspense, I am that scowly daughter. That’s our old car in the background.

If for some reason, we got a little “rowdy”, Dad put down his newspaper and looked at us over the rim of his glasses. That’s all he had to do.

However, there was an inner core of strength to Dad and somehow he established an invisible line that we never crossed. We didn’t cross it out of fear but out of immense respect and devotion.

I needed to set the stage for Dad’s second piece of advice. When my first child was born. He looked at me and said, “Teach him who’s boss early.”

I brought up my two children very much the same way I was raised. My children and I adore each other. In fact, I just texted them and asked if they remembered something I did when they were very small. I’d say, “Open your hand and close your eyes and you’ll get a BIG surprise.” They both remembered the many times I did that.

The advice Dad gave me dealt with my relationships with people and my relationship with my children. Both pieces of advice proved to be invaluable.

Update on “Pepe’s Nuke”

Since Moon of Alabama remains offline, this becomes the place to further broaden the reach of Pepe Escobar’s following announcement he posted to his Telegram:


1. It’s now fully established that The Information was confirmed independently by the intel of a Big Power.

2. The Information was NOT relayed by Russia.

3. It then reached a third nation – and from that to me.

4. The players involved are not backing down an inch from The Information.

5. I was privately provided with two examples of the accuracy of recent intel by the Big Power on two separate big developments in West Asia .

6. The source that contacted me notes that “sometimes, after news has entered the media space, there is no choice but not to provide clarification.”

Additionally, a senior Russian diplomat who does not know The Information, said to me the following:

1. “That is entirely possible.”

2. It shouldn’t have been revealed to the public.

3. “If this is true, then all sides will be determined to cover it up.”

One unanswered question for me is: Why did the Big Power source relay The Information to an intel agency from another nation? I tend to believe this was to erase its tracks in the chain. Particularly because my initial source has now revealed that the Big Power gained their intelligence firsthand – and that it was not transmitted to them by the Russians, Iranians or other direct parties to the hot war in West Asia.

To sum it all up, via the source who originally received The Information: “If anyone should be accused of fabrication it is the ’source’; but in this case the ’source’ remains confident of the accuracy.

I rest my case. I published raw intel the way I received it.

It’s up to a wider audience to judge whether – and how – The Information connects with new developments occurring at breakneck speed, and part of a New Paradigm.

I earlier today noted when replying to a comment that Pepe joined Larry Johnson and Dima in a chat on the topic, which can be found here. Pepe’s note above was posted after that chat.

I don’t have much to add, although I will again note this RT item reporting Iranian President Raisi’s words when he arrived in Pakistan, “Iran threatens to wipe out Israel,” that was published yesterday:

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has threatened Israel with annihilation if it attempts to attack Iran again….

“If the Zionist regime once again makes a mistake and attacks the sacred land of Iran, the situation will be different, and it is not clear whether anything will remain of this regime,” the state news agency IRNA quoted Raisi as saying. [Emphasis original and mine]

Now eliminating the Zionist regime isn’t the same as annihilating Occupied Palestine, which RT inserted as hyperbole as what was promised was decapitation of the “regime” to some degree, perhaps total.

As I recall, the initial promise of retaliation in response to an attack on Iranian soil was made by the Iranian military and was done prior to what’s been deemed the Zionist response that was dubbed rather tepid and inept by fanatical Zionists.

The political response by Raisi comes after Escobar’s publication of his source’s revelation and may or may not be connected. Pepe seems content with having done his job as a messenger.

Most open-minded analysts believe the Zionists could have tried such an attack and wouldn’t have warned anyone, including its benefactor the Outlaw US Empire.

Given what we’ve witnessed regarding the Zionists willingness to kill any and all who oppose their Genocidal Project, I believe their response was the bomb as all—Zionists, their press and Pro-Zionist Western media— were anticipating something at that level of destruction, but nothing similar happened. And nothing of any consequence occurred on Passover either.

Today’s been a relatively quiet day for the region, but that can change at any moment.

More and more Americans are deciding that the American dream is now to leave! Shocker, it’s getting too expensive to even survive here for most people let alone by a nice home being able to afford to raise children in it and also retire comfortably one day. As George Carlin said they call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

Been in Thailand for 7 months. Lost 35 pounds. Just from not eating processed foods. Had a condo for $600 right across the street from the beach. 

Food in a western restaurant about $5. Pork fried rice from a street stall is about $2. Went to Malaysia and got an extensive physical for $350. 

I’m happier in SE Asia. 

I’ve met many expats , most are Europeans. A few Americans. 

The people that say the USA is still the best haven’t been anywhere or haven’t been anywhere recently. 

Is Thailand perfect? No. 

Does Thailand have incredible value both monetarily and spiritually? For me the answer is yes. 

Let’s say I can get 99% of my needs met for 25-30% of the cost in the US. Add in the health benefits , and just being happier and FOR ME it’s over 100% of what my life was like in the US. 

Personally I miss the people in my life back in the US. I miss the food in Chicago. 

I’d do just about anything for some pizza right about now. 

But I don’t miss living in the US. 

Don’t miss the stress. 

Don’t miss the crime of Chicago. 

Definitely don’t miss the politics and the culture wars. 

You can live very well here for $1000-1500 a month in SE Asia. The only hiccup is immigration issues. 

Frankly they don’t want Americans in this neck of the woods. 

Russians , Chinese and others can stay in these countries for longer with less hurdles than you as a US Citizen can . 

But you can stay in Thailand for 6 months. 

Malaysia for 3 months. Vietnam for 3 months. Lather , rinse , repeat. Oh. You don’t see the homeless you see in LA here. 

You can walk around without a pistol to defend yourself like I’d advise you to do in Chicago. 

Those are the two places I’ve lived in the US. 

There is no value in the US. 

The schools suck. 

The healthcare system is insane. Cost of medicine is insane. Social issues are insane. 

I’m a blue collar guy. Union dude. 

Made a lot of money during my lifetime. 

But there is no value in the US anymore. 

You go to Kuala Lumpur and look out your hotel window and you can count 20-30 cranes building skyscrapers. How many cranes do you see in Chicago or NYC ? 

Asia is the future. 

The women are beautiful. 

I wish I could’ve done this 10 years ago. 

You are much better off making 40k a year as a digital nomad in Cambodia than you are making 100k a year in NYC or LA , or SF or Chicago. 

It’s all about value. There is no value in the US anymore. 

Stick a fork in it. It’s dead. 

Brings me no joy to say any of this. I have a son. I have family that lives in the US. 

The difference in how things are now and how they were just 5 years ago in LA , Los Angeles , Vegas , Phoenix and Chicago is incredible. 

And it’s not going in the right direction. 

If you need to make 100k a year just to tread water it doesn’t make any sense to live there. 

If your house is worth $1 million dollars but nobody can buy it because they need to make $200k a year to buy it and only 1% of the country makes that kind of money what good does that do you? 

They are trying to sell Jeeps for over $100k! 

A piece of shit Jeep! 

I love the US. I hate what it is becoming. 

But what can you do. For me. 

The best decision was to pack up my stuff and move. For you it may be to stay and fight. 

But I’d advise everyone to at least look into moving abroad. Could be Europe. Could be Latin America. Could be Asia. 

There may be someplace that is a better for for you. Or maybe not. Personally I’d rather thrive than struggle. 

And if it doesn’t work out I can always go back and get my $25 Big Mac Combo at McDonalds

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