The United States is continuing to poke China. Sheech. Here’ let’s just forget about the idiocy in Washington DC.
Let’s discuss cats, and some food.
If you wanted to adopt a cat, would you adopt a really mean one to spare his life?
There are no bad cats. Just cats who had bad experiences with humans.
My adult daughter brought Phoebe home. Phoebe had been living feral and hanging around an elementary school at the outskirts of town. People would dump unwanted animals here as it was off the highway. My daughter worked at an after school program at this school.
Phoebe was underweight, and turned out to be very aggressive. We learned she had been spayed when we took her in for the procedure and the vet found the scar. She couldn’t tolerate anyone touching her back, and would swipe any human who touched her there. She would also bite if she got the chance. We surmised she suffered physical abuse at her last home, possibly from overly handsy children.

It took about three years, but eventually she learned no one would hurt her here. She became quite the cuddle cat.

The Grand Budapest Hotel: Comedy, Tragedy & Style
If you were able to live for a thousand years, how would you hide it to not being suspicious?
I love this question. It leaves a lot of room for speculation.
Truthfully, it would be easier to conceal my age if I was 1000 years old today than 1000 years in the future. The system today is obsessed with knowing who everyone is and what they’re up to, and the omnipresence of cameras would make it difficult for me to go unnoticed for so many years.
It will much depend on whether technological advancement continues, stagnates, or regresses. The easier it is to tell who is who, the harder concealment will be.
So…what would one have to do to hide their unusually long life span?
- You’ll have to excel at mediocrity or at least the appearance of it. No winning Noble Peace Prizes, or even going down as the dumbest in Bavaria.
- Plastic surgery. I would say about once every 30 years, but not in a gradual MJ way. It would have to be a quicker transition like you’re changing genders.
- Before plastic surgery, fake your death while “young”. Under your fake identity, you can’t live up to old age. They will burn you at the stake for looking gorgeous at 80.
Hiding from individuals is one thing, but the system will eventually become sus. Ultimately, you would have to ally yourself with a powerful government as some sort of agent or secret spy. It won’t violate the first bullet point, unless you actually become famous for it, which would be…bad.
This will, of course, be a painful existence, full of loss and tragedy. How many loved ones will you have to leave behind in death, while you become ever more impatient with your own mortality? I simply can’t imagine :’).
But just never get caught:

What I just described is the HARD WAY.
The EASY WAY is this:
Don’t hide at all.
Study human behaviour and psychology.
Convince people that you’re a god or some mighty alien.
Start a movement and take over the world…for 1000 years.
People seem gullible enough.
Which is healthier: school lunches or McDonald’s?
Take a look…
School Lunch China 1: Eggs and tomato, mapo dofu, cauliflower and chilies, plenty of rice

School Lunch China 2: Baby bok choy, pork and mushrooms, yuxiang pork, steamed bread, soup

McDonald’s China offerings: processed, deep fried food and sugary cold beverage

Which is healthier: school lunches or McDonald’s?
I would rather let my teenage son eat a school lunch, I might even join him. In China school lunch is much healthier without a doubt, the food is fresh cooked.
One of my husband’s friends complained to him that I had female hygiene products in plain view in the bathroom. Is that a big breach of etiquette in the UK?
When we moved in to our new house in 2020, my then 17-year-old son got his own bathroom. It wasn’t an en-suite, but it was right next to his bedroom and rather isolated from the rest of the house, so while others may use it, that was “his” bathroom.
One of the first things he did after moving in was get a nice-looking basket which he filled with a selection of high quality feminine hygiene products and placed on the back of the toilet.
He had read that a courteous host does that to make the women in their lives feel comfortable and welcome and to save them embarrassment if the need arises.
I think your husband’s friend needs to grow up at least as much as my teenager.
Edit —-
Before you think he’s too awesome, realize if I didn’t clean his bathroom, no self-respecting woman would ever use it.
He’s great, but he’s still a teenage boy.
How do loyal Chinese citizens deal with anti-government sentiments overseas?
Loyal? You make out that we unquestioningly follow the Chinese government.
For loads of us the government doesn’t cross our minds. It doesn’t unless I come on Quora and a mega mind westerner accuses me of being a CCP shill.
So how do we deal with it?
We ignore it, why?
Mao himself stated that if you’re being criticised by the imperialists then you’re doing something right.
For those who go overseas? We play hot stove.
As children ALL children we likely had a hot stove moment. A hot stove moment is where as a child you’re in danger and your parent yanks you away from the danger OR allows you to burn yourself.
If you burn yourself? It’s a very harsh lesson and likely you’ll learn from it.
This person for example

He was living a comfortable middle life in Hong Kong.
He is now homeless in the UK and 6 months ago when this video was published was wondering where his next meal was coming from.
He’s essentially touched the hot stove.
He’s learned a very harsh lesson, and the fun thing is? We had NO hand to play in him learning it. It was HIS choice to put his face on the hot stove.
My Uncle is 64 & he wants a cat.
Cats live long, and my uncle has health conditions & we don’t think its fair to the cat to get it as a kitten and for him to pass leaving it ownerless. So what age cat would be good for him to get to prevent that^^?
As I am 73, I am going to share my experience in response to your question.
Three 1/2 years ago my dog, Homie, crossed over the 🌈 Bridge. I missed him terribly, but decided not to get another dog as I have ambulatory issues and had fallen several times while walking him.
I have always had dogs and cats and love them equally, so I went to the local Animal Shelter and told the receptionist I wanted to meet the oldest cat they had, or the one hardest to adopt out.. They took me to meet a slender long-legged tuxedo cat who had been surrendered several months before.. her card said she was 15, declawed, spayed, her name was Spooky, and they didn’t want her anymore. I changed her name to Schatzi (German for Treasure or Darling) because she is a Diva!
About 3 weeks later, I was on the porch talking to my son when this little tabby tom cat climbed up in my lap and I heard, plain as day, I been ‘bandoned’ will you be my Mommy and I’m Hungry.. I found out later that this little skinny guy, covered in fleas, was about 3–4 months old and had been left in our little trailer park when the woman who owned him moved. I named him Mickey.
He is almost 4 and she is close to 19. I love them both very much and they sleep with me.. They give me a reason to get up every day and enrich this old lady’s life! 💜🐾🐾🐈🐆

Hellbound Train
Her mistake was inviting me to lunch.
Little did I know I was quitting my new job right after dessert.
Three weeks earlier, the job appeared out of nowhere. I breezed through the interviews. My new would-be boss was awesome. The team was friendly and fun.
Great job with good people.
Offer sent. I accepted. Got my employee number. Signed up for benefits. Even got a hand-written greeting card, welcoming me to the team.
They were pumped. I was, too.
Then I got invited to lunch…
“Hey Matt. I know you don’t start until Monday, but we’re having an employee appreciation lunch. Wanna go?”
“Hell, yeah.”
I drove up to headquarters. Checked in. Picked up my badge. Toured the office again. Met a bunch of executives. Chatted with my awesome new boss. Downed the chicken and mashed potatoes. Split a fudge brownie with a new coworker.
Then I left…
“See you Monday!”
As I walked out of those double-doors, it hit me…
I was never going to see these wonderful people again.
You might be thinking, “Well…what happened?”
And that’s the thing. Nothing. Nothing happened.
But during the office tour, during introductions to the executive team, during visionary chats with my new boss, during lunch, something didn’t feel right. I couldn’t figure it out.
My brain said yes but my gut said no.
So I called my new boss and committed the ultimate hiring sin…
I told her I was resigning.
Confused. Hurt. She was devastated. She took it personally. Like she’d done something wrong. This door was forever closed.
A smoldering wreckage of a bridge burned to the ground.
Three months later, she called me.
“You dodged a bullet. Big shake-up and new management. Most of the executive team was replaced. They also let the whole department go. People are miserable. I’m leaving, too. You made a great decision.”
I felt bad for her. But I will say a wave of relief washed over me.
Although we’ve lost touch, I often wonder how she’s doing.
Today, it’s still a weird feeling to think I quit a job as an official employee before reading my first email.
Biden Says He’d Go To War Over Taiwan!
스텔라 (Stellar) – 떨려요 (Vibrato) MV
Sexy K-pop… OMG.
The hurt runs deep
My Mother hurt me deeply and each time I saw her, the pain resurfaced.
Empty promises. Empty love. Empty heart.
If you know my previous stories, you will understand our bio parents decided alcohol was more important than we three children. Lots of parties and lots of alcohol. I didn’t know what that smell was but I knew it changed people. I remember asking my mother if I could move my little table and chairs to her room and play. She always agreed but the next morning asked me why I moved it without permission. I would tell her she let me move it but of course, told me she would never do that and I was spanked. I hated alcohol.
They would leave us for hours alone at night. We were told not to call our grandmother and we could eat some candy they left for us. It was frightening being 5 years old and in charge.
It was evident we were in their way.
When I was 5 yrs old our parents decided to divorce one another. We all were in court for their divorce and the Judge was about to put we three children in foster care. I was 5 and my brothers were 4 and 1 yr old. My dear grandmother stood up and said she would take the three of us. The Judge asked her some questions and have us to her.
I must say, being the oldest at 5 yrs and the only the girl was very hard. I was torn for the love for a mother I felt I was supposed to feel and the pure love I felt for our grandmother. Our mother was willing to sign her rights away to us instantly putting us into foster care, whereas, our loving grandmother took three frightened grandchildren, under the age of 5, in order to save us from foster care, while being 73 years of age. She never once backed down or said we were too much. She wholeheartedly took us into the safety and peace of her home. It was later we realized her former friends that were her age stopped visiting. We were too loud, or so they thought. Little did they understand we three did all we could do to not be a problem for our grandmother. We never disobeyed knowingly because of our love for her.
Our mother wasn’t there for me and even less for my brothers. She only wanted girls and refused to have anything to do with my brothers.
My grandmother was there for everything important to us! Throughout school she never missed one event. All the extracurricular activities for all three of us she came and clapped the loudest. She was in her late 80’s but never missed a football game for my brother nor a band concert for my other brother, nor a piano recital for me.
She had bought me a piano and paid for lessons when I was 5. The best gift I’ve ever received which is still in my home today. I played with tears streaming down my face not knowing she noticed, or happily with smiles.
As an adult, she was at my wedding and the births of both my daughters. She called my mother each time and told her about it but she was drunk and never understood. Little did my grandma realize, I really didn’t care how she felt because it was she who I loved and respected.
More importantly, it was she who took us to church and taught us how much God loved us. I have her old Bible and cherish reading it daily.
My grandmother moved us from Texas to Arkansas seeking out land in the country. If you look at the other stories I shared, we loved being country kids and blossomed.
I forgave my mother after my grandmothers funeral. We three were sitting in the front pews with our spouses and could hear our mother laughing in the back. It was the saddest day of my life.
It’s been 30 years since my grandmother went to heaven. I didn’t have bio parents who cared but God had other plans with our dear grandmother. She lived to be 97 and we were so thankful. We had engraved on her stone, “Forever in our heart,” which is where she will be forever. ♥️

This picture was our grandmother after we moved from the country into town in Arkansas. Peppy, our dog, loved her too. She taught her a trick and loved showing others. She was about 90 years old then.
I miss you, grandma. I hope you know how much I loved and appreciated all you did for us. We will be together again in Heaven. I’m so anxious to meet with you again as well as my grandfather who died at 50 from a heart attack. I also can’t wait to meet my uncle, your only son, who was killed in WW2. Until then…day by day. 💙
Blind Faith Can’t Find My Way Home 1969
Indian Style Basmati Rice
Police Story
“This is me at 21 years old. This is the day I graduated from the Detroit police academy at 4:00pm, went home and took a couple hour nap, woke up at 9:30 that night and reported to my first tour of duty at the 12th Precinct for midnight shift.

Look at that smile on my face. I couldn’t have been more excited, more proud. Armed with my dad’s badge that he wore for 25 years on my chest, one of my mom’s sergeant stripe patches in my pocket, my lucky $2.00 bill tucked into my bulletproof vest, a gun I was barely old enough to purchase bullets for on my hip and enough naive courage for a small army, I headed out the door…my mom snapped this photo on my way.
The next 17 years would bring plenty of shed blood, black eyes, torn ligaments, stab wounds, stitches, funerals, a head injury, permanent and irreparable nerve damage, 5 ruptured discs, some charming PTSD and depression issues and a whole lot of heartache. They brought missed Christmases with my family, my absence from friends’ birthday get-togethers, pricey concert tickets that were forfeited at the last minute because of a late call and many sleepless nights.
I’ve laid in wet grass on the freeway for three hours watching a team of burglars andorchestrating their apprehension, I’ve dodged gunfire while running down a dark alley in the middle of the night chasing a shooting suspect, I’ve argued with women who were too scared to leave their abusive husbands until they realized they had to or they would end up dead. I’ve peeled a dead, burned baby from the front of my uniform shirt, I’ve felt the pride of putting handcuffs on a serial rapist and I’ve cried on the chest of and kissed the cheek of my dead friend, coworker and academy classmate even though it was covered in his own dried blood and didn’t even look like him from all the bullet holes. I know what a bullet sounds like when it’s whizzing past your ear, a few inches away, I know what the sound of a Mother’s shrilling scream is like when she finds out her son has been killed in the middle of the street and I know what it’s like to have to tell a wife and mother of 3 that her husband was killed in a car accident while on his way home from work.
Smells, pictures, sounds and sights are burned and engrained into our minds…things we can never forget, no matter how hard we try; things that haunt our sleep at night and our thoughts during the day; things that we volunteered to deal with so that you don’t have to. Things I don’t want my sister, little cousins or YOU to even have to KNOW about.
I never once went to work thinking, “I’m gonna beat someone tonight.”; “Hmmm…I think I’m gonna kill someone tonight.” I DID, however, go to work every night, knowing that I was going to do the best I could to keep good people safe, even if that meant that I died doing so.
We ALL need to start being more understanding and compassionate toward one another. Violence doesn’t cure violence and hate doesn’t cure hate. I’ve seen and experienced both sides of the spectrum since I left the PD and I get it. I truly do. But this all has to stop.
Are cops perfect? No. Are there bad cops? Yes. But please…understand that the vast majority of police are good, loving, well intentioned family people. They have husbands and wives and children and parents and pets and cousins and mortgages and electric bills and lawns that need cutting, just like you. They have hearts and consciences. They aren’t robots, they’re not machines and they just want to help keep the wolves away from the sheep. I KNOW there’s people who don’t deserve to wear the badge but they’re SO VERY few and far between. It breaks my heart to see all this hatred and anger flying around. All it’s doing is encouraging more of the same.
If you’ve read this far, thank you for listening. I’m not gonna sit here and tell you that if you hate or don’t support one side or the other, to unfriend me and never speak to me again…I hope those are the people who come straight TO me. Because I’ll be more than happy to hug you and pray or meditate with you. I’ll be more than happy to listen to your concerns and let you vent and empathize with your feelings. But then I’ll encourage you to help me find a solution to end all this nonsense because if we’re not part of the solution, we’re part of the problem. Love to all of you. ALL OF YOU. We’re all SO much better than this.”
Lancet Medical Journal released a major Covid-19 Commission report on 15-Sep-22 suggested the COVID-19 may have leaked from U.S labs (peer reviewed by scientists). Will the US be as transparent as China for WHO to Investigate the US biological labs?
Hey, all China haters here I invite you cordially to squirm and apologize for demonisation of the Chinese people and China with immediate effect. Let’s see if you can now say in front of all our Quora community that you lied and promote hate in the most despicable and dishonourable manner.
I will give you a like if you have the guts and honour to do so.
I am waiting and counting the minutes and hours for you to do the right thing.
Show me you calling on the US to be transparent or to be honest of their attrocitiesthat backfired on its own people.
Come on, we are all waiting.
The Meticulously Charming World of The Grand Budapest Hotel
If the US got into a war with China, do you think that NATO countries would also send troops to fight against China?
Oh, and where should NATO send their troops to to fight China?
If the West brings the war to the Chinese mainland, China will bring the war to the West’ homeland.
Listen up! If people start thinking any war with China can occur in their own home, in their cities, these warmongers may think twice before they start any more wars or even think of starting any more wars.
What do you think about China launching military drills very close to Taiwan this week?
A guy, who is known to be the toughest guy in the neighborhood, goes rummaging through a room in someone’s house despite warnings not to do it by the owner.
The owner comes out with an M-16 and started firing into the air.
Taken aback, the guy retreats back onto the street. With the whole neighborhood watching, he said to the owner: I will be back driving by your street next Monday. When I do, I will bring along my Glock.
Now, how do you think everyone would think about this guy who once was known as a toughest guy in the hood?
Why do Asian Americans have the highest household income in America?
Its funny I don’t know how many times I have asked the question,
“Why are Asians so damn good at everything?!?”
I actually learned today that Asian-Americans have the highest rates of marriage of any “race” (God I hate that word).
Only 16% remain unmarried.
Being married is a huge financial advantage.
Besides the obvious benefit of dual incomes, being married often gives couples a chance to pursue more education and training where doing so as a single person may be financially more difficult.
In addition to that culturally many Asian cultures strongly believe in putting all their resources and expectations into their children.
The better the children do in life the more honor they receive.
Honestly this is totally anecdotal but in my experience Asian families seem to have a strong understanding that an education is an investment.
As an investment there is an expected return, a HIGH return.
When I was in college all my Asian peers were the in the STEM fields. Usually Engineers, medical school students, pharmacists, or computer programmers.
All fields that produce high incomes.
Where as my non-Asian friends seemed to be into this romanticized idea that they should “do what feels right” or “do whatever you’re passionate about”.
That belief isn’t inherently wrong.
However investing 100K+ to get a degree that can’t produce you an income is financial suicide.
Honestly I believe that is the biggest factor.
There is a focus on being able to support oneself financially first and foremost.
Before passions or what should be hobbies are pursued.
You have to understand when you are a first or second generation immigrant your family often immigrated because they couldn’t see a way to make a living in their own countries.
They left everything they ever knew behind just to attempt to make a living in a new country.
Imagine for a moment the kind of mindset someone has who was willing to abandon everything they have ever known or has ever brought them comfort just to have a chance at making a decent living.
That creates extreme focus on one thing.
Making money.
When you consider all those things its no surprise that they do so well financially.
When you look at the statistics of immigrants as a whole You will notice most immigrants out perform many multi-generation Americans in many job markets.
And this isn’t a case of “people stealing jobs” from anyone.
This is two different kinds of people coming from different circumstances resulting in different motivations.
Are people exaggerating about the American health care system or is it that bad if you don’t have insurance?
Hi, my husband didn’t have health insurance when he was 24 he had a seizure and went in an ambulance to the ER. He was there maybe three hours and sent home.
TO THIS DAY (6 years later) He is still paying this little trip to the ER off! A collections agency came after him and ruined his credit unless he would pay $700/month towards a $12k debt to the hospital!!!! Wtf did they do in 3 hours that equals $12,000.00 dollars. FUCK YOU USA HEALTHCARE YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PEOPLE WHO DONT HAVE INSURANCE
He got his payments down to $350 using like a money management company who negotiated and got the monthly payment down and even that is very expensive it’s more than his truck payment. He regrets ever going to the hospital that day. It ruined his credit score like A LOt since he was 24 he is now 30 and just getting his life together. The $12k really held him back.
There’s this stray cat that keeps coming onto my porch. Usually I don’t mind cats but this one is riddled with fleas. What can I do to keep it away?
I suppose there are many things you could do to get rid of it, but there are other options. I’m not going to tell you what is right for you, but I am going to tell you my story, if you care to read. Take from it what you will.
I used to hate+fear cats (childhood trauma from cat attack) and I’m also very, very allergic.
About five years ago I was entering my car at night, in the rain, with my wife when I saw a messy, furry lump of hair reminiscent of the movie “the ring” streak around the corner of the car. I went out to look and there was this gnarly black feline looking back at me. I was like… eugh… and went back into the car. But the darned thing followed me and crawled up my lap, up along my arm up towards my shoulders all while I’m all but screaming “WHAT THE FUCK IS IT DOING??!?” to my wife, who I knew had a lot of experience with cats. The cat, that was obviously in a bad state, proceeded to lie down around my neck like a nasty, wet scarf and passed out with a huge sigh. Weirdest thing ever.
Despite my aversions against cats, especially one that had just punctured my leg, arm and neck in about a hundred spots with its nasty, infected claws – we decided to walk down to the vet, cat around my neck, to get advice on what to do with it (and also to have it safely removed from the vicinity of my carotid artery :D)
The lady who worked there was involved in a local animal support group and offered to do her best to find the owners and said the cat could live there for now – in a small cage, in a dark corner until the owner could be found or if not – be sent off to the shelter.
I suppose that was where love won out over hate, fear and allergies, so I asked if it wouldn’t be better for the cat if we took it home to try and care for it for the time being.
The cat was dirty, had ticks, fleas, skin infections, ear infections, worms and was in obvious psychological distress.
Long story short, the owners were found – but because they’d had kids and the kids were beating up the cat they decided to kick the cat out instead of teaching their kids manners. The cat was homeless and given the previous owners mentality, probably hadn’t gotten much love or attention.
So we decided to give him a fighting chance and spent a minor fortune (no insurance = expensive) getting him the help he needed, removing ticks, cleaning out fleas, daily skin care, minor ear surgery, vaccinations, anti-worm medication, intensive care diets, castration and whatever “love” I was able to muster. My allergies were terrible, but I pushed through. This was not a fun experience for any of us, but the cat never, ever tried to hurt us despite being put through weeks of painful and likely terrifying medicinal procedures as well as my constant, ear shattering sneezing.
In time (many months), my body started getting used to having “cat” in the air all of the time and my allergies started to slowly fade, in straight opposition to what doctors have always told me should happen. Not just my cat allergies, mind you. My dog and generic fur allergy, pollen allergies (hay fever) and contact allergies all improved significantly over the next two years!
Today, five years later, I could not imagine living without Sheldon. He is the perfect pet – with beautiful, soft and glistening black fur. He’s one of those cats who never do annoying “cat things” like topple things over, attack from behind a corner or walk all over the keyboard when you try to work, and when I lie down in the couch in the evenings he comes over with a slight meow, as if to ask if it’s okay to hang out, and when I move over he jumps up and snuggles up right next to me for hours on end. When I go for a walk he will follow me around wherever I go. He keeps the house and garden free of mice and rats. Warns us when something is awry. Hangs out with the pet rabbits my wife keeps in the yard or when we are outdoors he will run around the neighborhood playing and jumping up and down trees and fences. When we are away he spends most of the day comfortably resting in bed, only to come running to us like a dog when we get back. Every time we open a door for him, or give him food, he will first take the time to turn around and give us a gentle stroke against the leg, before proceeding about his business.
I can now go outdoors in the summer without being destroyed by allergies, the family has gained a wonderful friend and Sheldon gives us more than enough love to go around. These are the gifts we were given for deciding to love, when we could’ve just walked away – and certainly had our reasons to do just that.

Why are the Western countries working so hard to stop China to develop even if China never started conflicts spontaneously?
First of all, understand who these “Western countries” are: USA, UK, Australia, and Canada. The white Anglophone nations. They are trying to protect their global hegemony.
Second, this is not about militarism. This is about economic competition. China’s spectacular economic growth promises to completely eclipse the West. It threatens the supremacy of the US Dollar.
Third, you are correct. China is the most peaceful world power that has ever existed. China only became the world power it is today in the last four decades.
Since 1979, China has not fought a single war, whereas USA and NATO have variously fought in Afghanistan, Bosnia, El Salvador, Grenada, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Yugoslavia, etc.
Fourth, China is no threat to anybody. China respects all nations.
In fact, China is helping countries all around the world…
- to build their infrastructure (through Belt and Road)
- to build economic and security alliances like BRICS, RCEP and SCO in order to unify the world
- to build their economies through trade and investment
China builds while USA bombs.
When have you experienced true joy?
“Dad, I need your help. Come here!” My 11-year-old girl dragged me towards the computer.
“Dad, please purchase everything I have in the Amazon shopping cart. Here, take this cash from my savings!”
The shopping cart showed ten items for a total of about 130 dollars.
“Wait!” I replied. “That’s too much money! Why do you need all these things?”
“Please, Dad! These items will get here before Christmas. I have a surprise for everyone … no peeking!” she insisted, and I never hesitated.
I purchased everything.
A couple of days later she got everything.
I saw her then wrapping all her gifts.
“Can I help you?”
“No, Dad. I told you these are special surprises. Absolutely no peeking!”
Her excitement was visible. She was proud. She was alive. She was glowing with happiness.
The day came. She couldn’t contain herself. She was all over her gifts, planning, protecting, arranging. Everything had to be perfect.
As soon as dinner was over, she jumped up from her chair and took her gifts. She went around, giving each one of us her piece of love. These were small value items, but it was the meaning of her giving heart that we were really feeling.
As she gave to each person, she paused. She watched the expression on our faces. Our smiles were her greatest reward.
Her last gift was for my back then 2-year-old boy: A rocking pony ride-on toy.
It’s hard to describe the explosion of delight that my little boy had on his face when he got this gift!
For several minutes, everyone was totally absorbed, our attention taken up watching him go all around the house making it a rodeo arena. Even though the pony is designed to be a static rocking horse — his excitement was so significant that the horse slid a few inches forward or backward with every thrust he exerted into the little toy.

My little girl watched, rewarded with a huge smile on her face.
Somehow, witnessing these acts of giving love from my 11-year-old helped me understand the power of giving. Giving from the heart. Giving from the inside out.
Later that day, my girl received some gifts, but she didn’t need them. She was focused on others, not on herself. It was evident that she was the one feeling true JOY. She was full.
What bothers you?
The fact that we’ve begun to look down on traditional women.
Recently, I read an article where two women spoke about their decisions to stay at home rather than enter the workforce, as well as their decision to take their husband’s last name. They explained why it was the right thing for them.
Yet these two women got utterly dismembered, bashed, mocked, and even threatened for speaking about their choice— all in the name of ‘women’s empowerment’.

Is it empowering to bash women for their personal choices?
Is it empowering to pressure women into doing things they don’t want to do?
Is it empowering to force women into a single, allocated path?
Admittedly, I’d despise every minute of being a housewife. I would, however consider taking my husband’s last name—and whose business is it? Those who bully women over their personal decisions, whatever they may be, have lost their grasp on what feminism is about.
Feminism is about choice.
So if staying at home is that choice, that’s empowering enough for me.
Being a housewife is just as valid as pursuing your career, and women should be supported wherever their interests lie, whether it be raising a family or a full-fledged career in law. Women should never be shamed for what they want to do in life.
Look, some women feel that marriage is constricting and prefer to pursue their own careers, and that’s fine. But shaming other women for wanting marriage and contenting themselves as housewives isn’t.
Their traditional choices don’t make them less ambitious, intelligent, or less of a feminist. It doesn’t mean they don’t want to smash the system or see more women in top jobs. It means they’ve made an independent choice as a strong, grown woman.
Rekindling Its Iraq WMD Fiasco The New York Times Is Back At Printing ‘Officials Said’
At first I wondered why the New York Times homepage editor would put a piece about Putin and his alleged involvement in war strategy under ‘U.S. Politics’.

But after reading
As Russian Losses Mount in Ukraine, Putin Gets More Involved in War Strategy
I understand the qualification.
Some quotes:
President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has [...], American officials said, ... American officials briefed on highly sensitive intelligence said ... ... his involvement has created tensions, American officials said. The officials said ... ..., Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in an interview on Friday. ... is to both sides, American officials said. Some American officials said they saw trouble ahead ... A senior U.S. official said this week ... ...could eventually be threatened, American officials said. Senior Russian officers repeatedly questioned [...], American officials said, ... The Russian officers believed [...], American officials said. ... focused on massive artillery barrages, American officials said. ... hit by Ukrainian fire, Ukrainian officials said. ... said Seth G. Jones, senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. ... said Michael Kofman, director of Russia studies at CNA, a defense research institute in Arlington, Va. ..., U.S. officials say Mr. Putin believes ... ... American officials have said that Mr. Putin has not been given accurate information ... Mr. Putin, an American official said, has opposed ... ..., American officials said Russian officers themselves are divided ...
Adding up we have:
- anonymous American/U.S. official/s [said/have said/say]: 15 times,
- named American semi-officials (Jones, Kofman): 2 times,
- a named American official (Milley): 1 time,
- anonymous Ukrainian officials: 1 time.
There are no other sources in the piece.
Would you believe that it took 4 (FOUR) NYT ‘reporters’, Julian E. Barnes, Helene Cooper, Eric Schmitt and Michael Schwirtz, to stenograph that nonsense?
A lot of anonymous American officials said that the U.S. was winning its wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan etc. Anonymous American officials said that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The NYT printed all those false claims without providing evidence for their veracity.
There was some agonizing after the Iraq WMD claims turned out to be false. The NYT and other media promised to do better and to restrict the use of anonymous sources:
Under our guidelines, anonymous sources should be used only for information that we think is newsworthy and credible, and that we are not able to report any other way. ... We understand readers’ wariness, but many important stories in sensitive areas like politics, national security and business could never be reported if we banned anonymous sourcing. Sources often fear for their jobs or business relationships — sometimes even for their safety.
Those anonymous American officials quoted in the above NYT piece are distributing ‘newsworthy’ and ‘credible’ information? Even some they very obviously have no way to obtain (‘Mr. Putin believes …’)? They must be fearing for their jobs and safety when they reveal the secrets of Putin’s believes to those assiduous NYT ‘reporters’?
Or its all just another bunch of lies. Not only what the American officials say but also what the NYT claims to be. The above piece is not the result of journalism by independent media but the outcome of intense collaboration between a quasi state organ and the Biden administration. It is an information operation waged against its own people and propaganda for a real war waged against Russia.
Why do they expect anyone to pay for this dreck?
The Twilight Zone Season 1, Episode 31 It’s Still a Good Life
This Thanksgiving, Supplies Of Turkey, Eggs And Butter Will Be Extremely Tight In The United States
If you love to cook, this upcoming Thanksgiving may be a real challenge for you. Thanks to a resurgence of the bird flu, supplies of turkey are getting tighter and tighter. Sadly, the same thing is true for eggs. And as you will see below, reduced milk production is sending the price of butter into the stratosphere. Thanks to soaring prices, a traditional Thanksgiving dinner will be out of reach for millions of American families this year, and that is extremely unfortunate. Of course all of this is happening in the context of a horrific global food crisis that is getting worse with each passing day. Yes, things are bad now, but they will be significantly worse this time next year.
The bird flu pandemic that has killed tens of millions of our chickens and turkeys was supposed to go away during the hot summer months, but that didn’t happen. And now that the weather is starting to get colder again, there has been a resurgence of the bird flu and this is “devastating egg and turkey operations in the heartland of the country”…
Turkeys are selling for record high prices ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday as a resurgence of bird flu wipes out supplies across the US. Avian influenza is devastating egg and turkey operations in the heartland of the country. If just one bird gets it, the entire flock is culled in order to stop the spread. Millions of hens and turkeys have been killed in recent weeks. As a result, prices for turkey hens are nearly 30% higher than a year ago and 80% above pre-pandemic costs. Just as concerning are inventories of whole turkeys, which are the lowest going into the US winter holiday season since 2006. That means there will be little relief from inflation for Thanksgiving dinner.
In the months ahead, we could see tens of millions more chickens and turkeys get wiped out.
Egg prices have already tripled in 2022 and the price of turkey meat is up 60 percent. Unfortunately, this is likely just the beginning…
Turkey hens are $1.82 a pound this week, according to Urner Barry, compared to $1.42 last year and $1.01 before the pandemic. Meanwhile, wholesale egg prices are at $3.62 a dozen as of Wednesday, the highest ever, up from a previous record of $3.45 a dozen set earlier this year, said John Brunnquell, chief executive officer of Egg Innovations, one of the biggest US producers of free-range eggs. Consumers have seen prices for eggs at grocery stores triple this year, while turkey meat rose a record-setting 60%, according to a Cobank report.
Meanwhile, supplies of butter are steadily getting tighter as well…
Lower milk production on U.S. dairy farms and labor shortages for processing plants have weighed on butter output for months, leaving the amount of butter in U.S. cold storage facilities at the end of July the lowest since 2017, according to the Agriculture Department. Tight supplies have sent butter prices soaring at U.S. supermarkets, surpassing most other foods in the past year. U.S. grocery prices in August rose 13.5% during the past 12 months, the largest annual increase since 1979, according to the Labor Department. Butter outstripped those gains, rising 24.6% over the same period.
The trends that are driving up the price of butter aren’t going away any time soon, and so we are being warned to brace ourselves for “elevated” prices for the foreseeable future…
The forces at work in butter highlight the challenge of curtailing inflation. Economic pressures fueling high prices for livestock feed, labor shortages and other factors could persist, keeping prices for the kitchen staple elevated longer term.
To me, slathering a piece of warm bread with a huge chunk of butter is one of the best things about Thanksgiving.
And most of us will continue to buy butter no matter how high it goes.
But the truth is that rapidly rising food prices are forcing vast numbers of Americans to adjust their shopping habits. Here is one example…
For Carol Ehrman, cooking is a joyful experience. “I love to cook, it’s my favorite thing to do,” she said. She especially likes to cook Indian and Thai food, but stocking the spices and ingredients she needs for those dishes is no longer feasible. “When every ingredient has gone up, that adds up on the total bill,” she said. “What used to cost us $250 to $300 … is now $400.” Ehrman, 60, and her husband, 65, rely on his social security income, and the increase was stretching their budget. “We just couldn’t do that.”
The global food crisis is starting to hit home for many ordinary Americans, and we need to understand that this crisis is still only in the very early chapters.
David Beasley is the head of the UN World Food Program, and he is actually using the word “hell” to describe what is potentially coming in 2023…
“It’s a perfect storm on top of a perfect storm,” Beasley said. “And with the fertilizer crisis we’re facing right now, with droughts, we’re facing a food pricing problem in 2022. This created havoc around the world.” “If we don’t get on top of this quickly — and I don’t mean next year, I mean this year — you will have a food availability problem in 2023,” he said. “And that’s gonna be hell.”
The World Food Program keeps sounding the alarm, but very few of us in the western world seem to be taking those warnings very seriously.
People are literally dropping dead from starvation in some areas of the globe right now, and a new report that the WFP just released says that there are 19 “hotspots” where we could see a “huge loss of life” between October and January…
World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are out with a new report outlining countries that “are either already starving or on the brink of disaster.” WFP and FAO found 19 hunger hotspots worldwide, with most countries in Africa, the Middle East, and even some in Central America. They call for urgent humanitarian action between October 2022 and January 2023 to avoid “huge loss of life.” Afghanistan, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, Yemen, and Haiti are labeled “hotspots of highest concern,” facing catastrophic hunger levels.
The sort of famines that we were warned about are already starting to happen right in front of our eyes, but most people simply will not care as long as they are not going hungry themselves.
What those people do not realize is that this global food crisis is going to continue to spread.
As supplies of food get tighter and tighter, prices will continue to soar and shortages will become more common.
We truly are in unprecedented territory, and the pain that is ahead will greatly shock all of the lemmings that just kept assuming that everything would work out just fine somehow.
I’d Love to Change the World – Alvin Lee & Ten Years After
What is an insane coincidence that you’ve experienced?
I know that NO ONE is going to believe this story. But it did happen, I promise!!
I was born and lived for the first twenty years of my life in Montreal. My parents had friends, the Rabinovitches, who were childless. They were lovely people, and although they had been through the Holocaust and lost their entire family, never complained about life. They were super nice to me. I moved abroad to Israel and one day my mother called me that Mr. Pesach Rabinovitch had passed away. She said that his wife Leah was travelling with the coffin to Israel as he had requested to be buried in Israel and had asked if I could wait for her at the airport as she had no one she really knew in Israel. Knowing that no other family would be waiting for them, of course I readily agreed and went to the Ben Gurion airport to wait.
Their flight was due from Montreal at 2 p.m. I came to the special place where the deceased are brought (obviously, they don’t bring out coffins together with all the passengers in the regular arrivals hall!!) Another man was waiting there, too. I asked him if he was also waiting for the coffin of Pesach Rabinovitch. He said yes. I was a bit surprised, as from Leah’s words, I had understood that no one else would be coming. I spoke sadly about what a harsh life Pesach went through, being a Holocaust survivor, and this new acquaintance agreed, and told me how Pesach had never been a complainer even after all the hardships he suffered. I spoke about Pesach’s generosity, what a charitable man he had been, and this strange man agreed and added stories to what I already knew about Pesach. Then I asked him, “How did you know him so well? Did you also live in Montreal?” And the guy looks at me as though I am a dope, and says, “What are you talking about? He was my brother!”
I cannot explain to you all the thoughts that ran crashing through my mind. “Pesach? A brother? I’ve known him all my life, and my parents have known him, he always said he had no family, how can it be that he had a brother whom I had never heard of?” Delicately I asked the man if Pesach had discovered perhaps just lately that he had a brother. The guy looked at me like I was REALLY dopey and said, “No, he came very often to visit me”.
Now I was TOTALLY stumped. I checked what time it was in Montreal. 7 hrs difference, too early to call my mother and tell her this incredulous, incredible news. Pesach has a brother!! I just could not believe it!
Then I said casually, “Flight is coming in at 2 from Montreal.” The guy says, “Nope, coming in at 2:30. And it’s not from Montreal, it’s from Detroit.” “Detroit???” I asked puzzledly, not understanding why Pesach would want to take a tour in a coffin from Montreal to Detroit and then to Israel instead of coming direct. Just didn’t make sense. Now listen to the next snippets of conversation.
“Why would he come from Detroit?”
“Because that’s where he lived.”
“No he didn’t, Pesach Rabinovitch lived in Montreal all his life.”
“No he didn’t, Pesach Rabinovitch lived in Detroit all his life.”
I was stumped. I just didn’t get it. And then, a strange, eery thought came to my head. I asked, “His wife is Leah, right?” And the guy looked at me strangely, and said, “No, his wife’s name is Doris.” AND THEN IT HIT ME!!
Two Jewish men, both Holocaust survivors, both by the name of PESACH RABINOVITCH, both charitable men, had passed away on the same day, and had asked to be buried in Israel, and were being brought to Israel on the same day, with half an hour between them. I got this eerie feeling of “The Angel of Death had been told to take the soul of Pesach Rabinovitch, and had picked up all the Pesach Rabinovitches on the way that he could find….”
As I said, I doubt if anyone is going to believe me or my story. I will add that the deceased from Detroit came out a few minutes before ‘my” Pesach, and his coffin was attended by many, many grieving family members. Afterwards, Leah came out, red-eyed from crying, and all alone, looking so fragile and lonely. All she had in the world was Pesach, and now he was gone. I ran to hug her.
One important p.s. – I was worried they might mix up the coffins, i.e. put the Pesach Rabinovitch from Detroit into the grave bought for the other Pesach (“my” Pesach) and I went to the two hearses and looked through the window. There was a small slip of paper attached to each coffin, with the deceased’s name plus his father’s name. I knew that Pesach’s father was Mordechai. Sure enough in the hearse reserved for Pesach from Montreal the paper read “Pesach ben Mordechai” which translated to English means “Pesach the son of Mordechai”. Luckily, the other Pesach’s father had a different name!! And so I was reassured that they would not mix up the coffins.
Thanks to anyone and everyone who had enough patience to read my whole post. If anyone is interested, one of my children has a middle name, Pesach, obviously named with love and nostalgia after said Pesach.
And one more tiny coincidence, as I was about to hit the “submit” button, my son Pesach called me from Toronto where he lives today with his wife and daughter!! OMG!!!
Abuelas Refried Beans | Tex-Mex Queen
Seeking hegemony with nuclear force
The US has spared no effort to promote its nuclear-weapons modernization programs, which directly reflects its Cold War mentality and hegemonic logic. Its radical approach like this is bound to bring harm to the other countries and itself alike.
On the one hand, the US has invested heavily in nuclear modernization programs, which is in turn sure to be a heavy burden on the already troubled US economy. According to US media, the capital investment required of the nuclear forces budget over the next 30 years will reach US$1.5 to US$2 trillion.
Given the serious inflation in the US and the sharp downward revision of the economic growth forecast in 2023, such huge capital investment will definitely affect the development of the US economy. Otherwise, these funds could have been used to alleviate domestic social conflicts and improve the quality of life of the people.
On the other hand, the US upgrading of nuclear weapons will also affect the world’s strategic situation and destroy the strategic balance. In particular, the US has attached great importance to low-yield nuclear weapons in the process of advancing its nuclear-weapons modernization programs. The nuclear explosive package (NEP) of the US-developed B61-12 can be adjusted in the range of 300 tons to 50,000 tons as required and can be carried and dropped by tactical aircraft such as F-15E fighter-bombers and F-35 stealth fighters. Analysts believed that the measure taken by the US will lower the threshold for the application of nuclear weapons and be prone to leading to nuclear misjudgments, thereby placing global security at major risks related to nuclear weapons.
AOA – Like a Cat -Dance ver.-
Do I need to throw away Chinese products?
Yes throw everything out today.
Please do not forget EVERYTHING.
So find a nice cave to live as chances is your house will have used a Chinese component to build.
Throw away your car as many components are Chinese made
Throw away all your house wares as they are Chinese made. Throw every electronic items as they have mostly all Chinese component. Throw yourself and your families away as chances is you have Mongol DNA!
Biden Commits US to War for Taiwan
If China invades Taiwan to unify it with the mainland, the United States will go to war to defend Taiwan and send U.S. troops to fight the invaders.
That is the commitment made last week by President Joe Biden.
Asked by CBS’s Scott Pelley on “60 Minutes” if the U.S. would fight in defense of Taiwan if China invaded, Biden replied, “Yes, if, in fact, there was an unprecedented attack.”
Pelley followed up: “So, unlike Ukraine, to be clear, sir, U.S. forces — U.S. men and women — would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion.”
“Yes,” Biden responded.
As Aaron Blake of The Washington Post reports, this is “a U.S. president firmly committing to go to war.” Moreover, it is only the “latest of increasingly hawkish comments” made by Biden on the China-Taiwan issue.
For the fourth time in his presidency, Biden has said the U.S. will fight for Taiwan, though that could mean all-out war with China, which claims Taiwan as its sovereign territory and which has a growing stockpile of strategic missiles and nuclear weapons to validate its claim.
In August 2021, as Blake relates, Biden declared, “We made a sacred commitment to Article 5 that if in fact anyone were to invade or take action against our NATO allies, we would respond. … Same with Japan, same with South Korea, same with — Taiwan.”
But Taiwan has no mutual security treaty with the United States, nor any Article 5 war guarantee that obligates us to defend the island. The U.S.-Taiwan security pact of the 1950s was abrogated in 1979, when Jimmy Carter recognized Beijing as the legitimate government of China.
In October 2021, Biden was again asked: “China just tested a hypersonic missile. What will you do to keep up with them militarily, and can you vow to protect Taiwan?”
Biden’s response: “Yes and yes.”
In a follow-up, Biden was asked again, “So are you saying that the United States would come to Taiwan’s defense if China attacked?”
Biden: “Yes, yes, we have a commitment to do that.”
Yet we have no such commitment, no such obligation, though Biden appeared to be establishing one as head of government, head of state and commander in chief.
In May, Biden was asked, “Are you willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan if it comes to that?”
Biden: “Yes.”
Q: “You are?”
Biden: “That’s the commitment we made.”
Thus, Biden has, four times in his 20-month presidency, declared the U.S. is obligated to come to the defense of Taiwan, if China attacks, blockades or invades; and that, as president, he will honor what he believes to be a national commitment and U.S. war guarantee.
Each of the times Biden has declared that we are obligated to fight for Taiwan and he will honor that obligation, White House staff have walked back his words. There is no change in U.S. policy, unnamed officials assure the press.
U.S. policy is still presumably “strategic ambiguity” as to what we will do should China attack.
Nor is Taiwan the only site in the seas off the China coast where Biden seems to have issued a unilateral U.S. war guarantee.
Biden has said that if the Philippines seeks to retrieve its islets in the South China Sea now occupied by China, America will fight on Manila’s side. He has indicated that the U.S. mutual security treaty with Japan covers the Senkaku Islands Japan occupies but China claims.
One wonders: If China invades and seizes Taiwanese-claimed and -occupied islands within sight of the Chinese coast, and Taiwan resists, what would Biden do?
In the Nixon-Kennedy campaign of 1960, JFK called it “unwise” to take a risk of being dragged into war, which could lead to a world war, over islands like Quemoy and Matsu that were not strategically defensible.
If Beijing invaded and occupied islands a few miles right off its coast, and Taiwan resisted, would Biden send the Seventh Fleet to war with China?
The basic question raised by these Biden commitments to go to war with a China with a huge army and fleet, and in its own home region, is — why?
No U.S. president after Richard Nixon has challenged China’s claim that there is but “one China” and Taiwan “is a part of China.”
How many battle deaths, how many war dead, are we willing to sacrifice to prevent Beijing taking political control of an island of 23 million Taiwanese 6,000 miles away from the United States?
We did not fight to prevent China from imposing its control on 7 million people of Hong Kong. Why then does the independence of 23 million Taiwanese justify a U.S. war with the world’s most populous nation?
And if we fought a war with China over Taiwan, what would be our long-term strategic goal?
Independence for Taiwan?
But did we not cede that in the 1970s with Nixon’s trip to China, his Shanghai Communique and Carter’s severing of relations with the Republic of China?
Big Changes
Moonrise Kingdom: The Power of Rituals
Joe Walsh – Turn to Stone (2nd May 1975)
BULLETIN 3:08 PM EDT, Sunday, 18 September, 2022 — My former colleagues in the Intelligence Community during my years with FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force have sent me images of Chinese Army Units entering Ukraine from Russia.
The images — and some video which is still being analyzed — show a small convoy . . . very small; of general military transport-type trucks, and some smaller vehicles akin to HUMVEES, traveling via public roads from Russia into Ukraine.
These are the images I am able to release so far:
This simple, small, act, changes the ENTIRE dynamic of the Russia-Ukraine situation. Ukraine, the USA, the UK, and all of NATO, have just found out that China is now an active participant, and came in on the side of Russia.
The stakes in this situation just went so high, they went completely off the charts.
It is no understatement to say this is an earth-shattering development.
More when I get it . . . . VIDEO IS COMING WITHIN MINUTES . . . Check back . . . . .
With this single, small, almost insignificant action, China has just announced to the whole world that it is now militarily standing with Russia, inside Ukraine.
Super-powers #2 and #3, are now openly, physically, confronting Super Power #1.
It seems to me that we in the USA and our European vassal state “partners” ought to get the message, and get it quick: I personally perceive the message to be “Either this Ukraine nonsense stops now, or open warfare between all three nuclear-armed super-powers is now on the table.”
Congressman & Bankers Laugh About How Corrupt They Are ON CAMERA!
When I reported this, it occurred to me that it was only 72 hours ago that I reported to all of you:
Serious New Development: China Publicly Supports Russia Actions in Ukraine
As part of that report I detailed to you (among other things) the following:
Li Zhanshu is the head of China’s legislature: the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. He’s Number 3 in the rigid hierarchy of the CPC. A VERY big fish.
So where was Mr. Li last week?
Well, at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia. He met and talked with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Li also had a key meeting with Russian State Duma (The Russia Legislature) Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin – and other Duma leaders.
This is what he told the Duma. Pay VERY close attention:
How explicit is that?
Well, China’s President Xi Jinping and Russia’s President Putin will have a special meeting on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Samarkand summit tomorrow.
They will discuss Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine IN DETAIL. Especially the next steps.
Then, afterwards, we may be able to ascertain what Li meant when he said, “We are providing our assistance.”
Here we are, just 72 hours later, and we are now beginning to see exactly what Mr. Li meant when he said “We are providing our assistance” to Russia.
Consider also, that China gave no hint at all about what they were about to do. No “warnings” no ultimatums to the US or to Europe. They simply showed up in Ukraine, entering through Russia.
THAT . . . said absolutely everything that needed to be said.
This is no longer the US/EU/NATO versus Russia. This is the collective West versus (now) two nuclear-armed superpowers.
What Russia lacks in naval resources, has just been made up by China. What China lacks in Hypersonic missile technology, is more than covered by Russia.
As for manpower . . . well . . . I don’t want to put too fine a point on it but,
we . . .
don’t . . .
stand . . .
a . . .
At all.
What are we going to Draft into the military, those blue-haired/Green-haired/purple-haired freaks with ear lobes stretched by rings? How about the ones with piercings through strange parts of their bodies?
Maybe the feminized soy-boys who lisp?
How about those “trans-sexuals” who can’t even figure out their own sex by looking down the front of their own underwear? Maybe they’ll twerk against the Russian and Chinese troops . . . . might cause them to laugh til they die?
How about those pronoun dingbats; maybe we can draft them to fight?
OK. OK, maybe I’m being a little too hard on the left.
Maybe we can gather up all those folks camping out on the big city streets because they’re now homeless. THEY know how to “rough it” and maybe they can enlist and fight. Except that the reason they’re on the streets homeless is because of the drugs they take to avoid reality. Heroin. Methamphetamine. Fentanyl. Oxycodone. All to avoid the reality shaped and created by . . . Liberals.
See what I mean? We’re so fucked it isn’t funny. All thanks to Liberals and Democrats.
We should tell Ukraine, “We’ve done all that we can do, there can be no further Aid from the US, the EU or NATO. Negotiate as best you can with Russia. Best of luck.”
Because if we do or say anything else, we are literally at Armageddon.
Full stop.
All it took to get us here was the stolen 2020 Presidential Election. Much thanks to the Democrat Party and to traitorous Republicans who were so fixated on Trump, they forgot what the rest of the world might do once we were weakened.
All they cared about was ousting Trump. They never – not even for one second – thought about what message it would send to the world that a U.S. president could be ousted by voter fraud, the U.S. Congress would rubber stamp that fraud with a wink and a nod, the U.S. federal Courts would reject all the law suits over the fraud, and the American people . . . armed to the teeth . . . would fail to step up and slaughter the people who did this.
Oh well, water under the bridge at this point.
Look what our stolen election and American’s failure to act has now gotten us. LOOK at what the Democrats and traitorous, selfish, self-centered Republicans – the frauds in Congress and in the courts, did.
As you read this, our nation is now literally staring down the barrel of two nuclear super-powers moving their military into direct military confrontation with the Ukraine thing, and telling us, our dominance is over.
It sure looks to me like either [1] we quit what we’re doing, or [2] it’s nuclear war.
Way to go Democrats.
You stole an election for a dementia-addled weakling, and surrounded him with book-worm, pencil-necked nitwits, who had no real world experience, and no idea what they were getting us into through their woke weakness. You empowered the very people who ordered our military men to wear red high heels to learn what it feels like to be a woman, and who forced experimental gene therapy on them, as a phony vaccine, which has sickened, weakened or killed a slew of them.
You tucked tail and ran out of Afghanistan, leaving behind $85 BILLION of our tax money, and a whole slew of high tech weapons for our enemies to sell to the highest bidder, so they could reverse engineer them, learn to jam them, or to duplicate them.
You pit one half the country against the other half by calling “MAGA Americans” a “force” that represents “an extreme threat to the country,” while you bring “Drag Queen Story Hour” to little kids, allow criminals out without bail, defund police, halt our oil and gas drilling, and our pipelines, then embargo Russia so that OUR oil and natural gas (which we now have to import) triples or more in price, wreck the economy, and then get us into a war over the smelly armpit of Europe: Ukraine.
Worst of all, our sissy-mary-infested government and the mental weaklings of the left, are taking us all into the abyss and these Democrat/Liberal/Progressives – all of whom are mental weaklings – can’t figure a way out.
So they are in “Denial” because they’re incapable of admitting they were wrong, and they laugh-off Russia (and now China) claiming those two countries are merely “posturing” because that’s what liberals do. They can only think as THEY THEMSELVES actually are. And one thing is certain: Democrats/Liberals/Progressives entire lives are only “posturing.” They’ve never done anything real. Everything they do is virtue signaling because they lead empty lives of zero accomplishments.
If this wasn’t so tragic, it would be laughable.