Yesterday, I was leaving the office and went to the bus station. (I tend to take the Zhuhai bus instead of driving. It’s cheap and I don’t have to fight traffic.) And there was my bus.
So I waved at the bus driver with my QR and tried to get to the the bus, but there was this doddering older couple just blocking the way. So I tried to get around them. Sure as shit, they moved in front of me, so I went around the other direction, there they still moved in front of me..
Poor sensory awareness?
Just pissed off and looking for a patsy?
I don’t know
So I got off the sidewalk, as it was blocked every which way I turned. And got off the bus station, and went on the road still waving my QR to the driver.
Wouldn’t you know it, but that senile couple jumped off the sidewalk and still continued to block me.
They actually got in front of me on the road!!!!
No shit. They got off the sidewalk. and blocked my path to the bus as I was trying to get to it on the street.
What was their malfunction?
So I forcefully plowed around them and got on the bus. Not rudely. I did everything I could to avoid touching them. I arched my back and scraped the incoming other bus with my backpack.
But, boy oh boy, they started up a bunch of complaining and bitchin! Some times I wonder why they picked on me to hassle. I’m not some dumb kid, I know when I’m being “cock blocked” intentionally, and three times is NOT an accident.
When you are in China, you may come across these senile old fixed minded people that start treating you disrespectfully, mistakenly believing that they (due to their age) will get an automatic pass for their behaviors. As they normally do.
The old are revered in China.
But not everyone is deserving.
I think that that kind of behavior is common in Washington DC these days…
What is Rear Adm. Mike Studeman referring to when he mentions “China blindness” at a military conference earlier this year?
Rear Adm. Mike Studeman might be referring to the phenomenon where individuals or organizations fail to recognize or intelligently address the strategic threat posed by China’s role as a significant global power.
This term “China Blindness” has been used to describe a range of issues related to China. In particular, it refers to a serious lack of understanding of what China is, how it operates, and what it is capable of. It is a “catch all” phrase that describes a cloud of ignorance of what China actually is today.
The Admiral is admonishing his peers as a warning. To believe the false narratives encapsulated in the public narrative is to risk serious defeat on the battlefield. To engage China, one must be realistic, and fully address the harsh and uncomfortable reality that confronts the USN. If it fails to do so, it could result in catastrophe.
As far as I can understanding it, the use of this term suggests a need for greater awareness and friendly engagement with China. As opposed to the politically-driven narratives of forcing and pushing China to follow United States dictates.
The real power of the JAMAICAN PASSPORT.
Why isn’t China’s space program as advanced as NASA’s or Russia’s or even India’s programs?
A major indication that a space program has achieved parity with NASA and Roscosmos (Russia) is the ability to successfully land a rover on Mars.
This is widely considered to be a world class achievement.
Evidently getting to Mars is the easy part… it’s landing on the surface that’s difficult.
As a matter of fact, it is insanely difficult.
The descent vehicle is unable to receive further instruction from Earth once it enters the Martian atmosphere.
Everything essentially has to be automated during the descent to ensure the rover lands safely on the ground, at or near the predetermined location.

NASA engineers have described it as “7 minutes of terror.” And only three countries on Earth have achieved this milestone.
The Soviet Union was the first to succeed in placing a “lander” on Mars. In 1971 (albeit working for all of 20 seconds).

The United States was the first to successfully land and operate a rover on Mars. As well as a helicopter (that flys). Which is neat.

And now China has successfully landed and operated a rover on Mars as well. On the first try. Which is a huge technological leap…

How I see the US after living in Europe for 5 years
Could the U.S. realistically take over China with current military strength and technology? If so, what would they do first?
It’s an obvious answer. Even the most pro-war, anti-China hawks recognize this fact. Which is why RAND has “cooked up” various suppression strategies designed to cripple China.
The idea behind these strategies is to weaken China to a point where it collapses, and then the oligarchic vultures can flock in and loot China at will. Previous methods were tried in the past.
Perhaps the most successful was the “century of humiliation”…
- Use military force to enter China, and then force the government to become your proxy. Then, get the population hooked on drugs and loot, and rape the nation until it holds nothing left of value.
Since that dark period, there were other efforts…
- A military operation to seize China though Korea. This is known as the “Korean War”, and inside America it is known as a “strategic victory”. Though, in reality, it is an absolute failure, and the Chinese kicked the American invasion forces to a small toehold in Southern Korea where they sued for peace.
- After that fiasco, President Truman ordered the carpet bombing of China with Biological weapons. Failed, but most of the last 70 years involved various aspects of this effort against China.
- Soros, and Bloomberg tried on multiple occasionsto seize the Chinese banks and wrest financial control over China. And did they fail! Lordy! I’m surprised that they didn’t keel over and die from the shock that some nation was smart enough to see what they were doing.
- Economic sanctions, tariffs and trade restrictions have been the hallmarks and “calling card” for most conservative members of the United States. China pretty much brushes off the efforts with a big shrug and a “meh”.
- Color revolutions, NED sponsored, and many CIA direct interventions have occurred. From Hong Kong, to Xinjiang, to Tibet, to Inner Mongolia. All of which have failed.
The current plan is to encircle China. Then sanction it so that no one would trade, and if they tried, the United States would start sinking ships.
Crafty huh?
Not really, by the time when everything is at 70% readiness “good to go”, the most likely outcome is [1] a betrayal of the proxy nations in favor of their own survival, [2] emerging high technologies that will render Western might impotent, and [3] a generalized mega collapse domestically inside of the United States.
If it wasn’t for the massive propaganda machine, all of this would be quite obvious to the West.
Not that I want those things to happen, but the trend lines are clear, and they haven’t deviated from the 2008 prediction vectors one iota.
Using lawfare to knock Trump out of 2024 race
How long can a shipwrecked man drifting in a raft on the sea survive?
Quite a long time, if you have “balls of steel”.

In the picture you see Poom Lim, a sailor from China. He survived 133 days on this “thing”, alone, in the middle of the sea.
Why someone took a picture of him before he was rescued….well, people have always been like that.
He boarded a British merchant ship in 1942. Shortly after the ship left Cape Town, it was torpedoed by a German U-boat.
The ship sank.
Poon had gotten a life jacket in time and put it on.
And he swam to a raft containing drinking water supplies, a flashlight, cookies and a couple of flares.
He estimated that the supplies would last for about a month. Actually, quite a good starting point.
And in that first month, Poon saw a freighter, a U.S. Marine patrol and another German submarine. They did not respond to his calls for help.
Poon later said those were the worst moments.
But he wasn’t the type to give up. He understood from what had happened that he could not rely on others to save his life.
He decided to take matters into his own hands that he could somehow control.
And he resolved to stay alive until he found land.
In order not to break down all his muscles and stay fit, Poon jumped into the water twice a day, where there were plenty of sharks, and swam a few laps.
This way he lost weight but kept his muscles.
When he ran out of water, he collected rainwater with a small tarp.
The last remains of cookie he used as bait to catch fish. He had formed the fishing hook from parts of the flashlight.
He always picked up a few fish scraps to use again as bait.
Poon collected seaweed and algae, from which he formed a nest that he felt with fish remains.
Seagulls were attracted to it. Poon caught them with his bare hands.
And Poon drank seagull blood against his thirst.
One day a shark bit his bait. Poon pulled him onto the raft , but the shark attacked him in the process. Poon had a water jug to stun the shark.
Day 131.
The sea changed color, from dark to turquoise. Flocks of birds in the sky.
A ship. Pool waved his shirt and shouted. The ship turned.
The Portuguese-speaking sailors (they were Brazilian) on board gave him water and beans.
They took him to a hospital in Brazil, where Poon recovered for a few weeks.
He later received a medal from the English king and his survival techniques ended up in a pamphlet that was deposited on all the life rafts.
After the war, Poon emigrated to the United States and died in Brooklyn at the age of 72.
Is Life Better in the USA or Europe? (An Honest Review)
What questions do you have about the tensions between the US and China over China’s conduct in the South China Sea and Taiwan?
US is 8,300 miles away from home in Chinese water. China will do it again and again. I have no question.
Why Do Europeans Dislike Americans So Much?
Baked Fresh Ham, Southern Style
Yield: 8 to 10 servings

- 6 pound fresh ham
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 hot dried red pepper
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 2 tablespoons salt
- 1 tablespoon powdered mustard
- 1 tablespoon horseradish
- 1 garlic clove
- Whole cloves
- 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
- Put ham in kettle and cover with boiling water. Add next 4 ingredients. Bring to boil. Cover and simmer for 2 hours.
- Cool in the broth and refrigerate overnight.
- Remove rind from ham.
- Mix mustard and horseradish and rub on fat. Insert garlic in the fat. Put on rack and bake in preheated slow oven (300 degrees F) for 2 hours.
- Score fat with a knife, stud with cloves and sprinkle with the sugar.
- Bake for 1 hour longer, basting occasionally with drippings in the pan.
Graphic Art Between Renaissance And Modernity

The French artist Benedicte Piccolillo, graphic designer and street artist, is the talent hidden behind Voglio Bene. Based in Mauguio, South of France, she creates from “coups de Coeur” that she may have had on old paintings from masters. Initially a photographer, the artist is self-taught in digital graphic creation.
“I can fall in love with a piece from the Middle Ages as well as a Mannerist painting. My favorite period remains the Renaissance, especially Italian, but also Spanish. It is full of religious paintings, each one more beautiful than the next, which maintains and delights my spiritual sidem” she explains.
Depuis quelques années, Bénédicte s’intéresse de plus en plus à l’histoire de l’art et veut donner une dimension plus culturelle à son travail. “French castles and museums are beginning to be seduced and to approach me in order to launch collaborations”, she added.
More: Benedicte Piccolillo, Instagram h/t: fubiz

TARGATE (1994) | Activating The Portal | MGM
Why was Li Peng known as ‘Butcher of Beijing’?
Because he was tough on the people who were paid to participate in the US sponsored colour revolution trying to topple the government. The colour revolution happened in Muxidi which is 5 Km from the Tiananmen Square.
The Wikileaks has disclosed the parity-wise verified cable that there was no bloodshed in Tiananmen Square.
How are Uyghurs treated in China?
Just came back from visiting Xinjiang:
- Their culture and religion is respected. All street names, airports etc. include the Arab characters as well. Mosques are open.
- Economy and daily life is fine. The population is half Uyghurs and half Han and they live ok together, normally.
- Security is very tight. Police, road blocks and monitoring of individuals movements anytime and anywhere. But couldn’t see any abuse or disrespectful attitude by the security forces.
- I believe that there is zero tolerance to any radicals and potential jihadists. Unlike the west who only RESPONDS to terrorism (rather than PREVENT it in advance), China takes preemptive measures. Gets more scolded by the world but keeps its citizens out of harm’s way.
What is the most haunting “last moments alive” picture you’ve ever seen?
This haunting photo of Nicholas Mevoli, an American free diver, has been seared into my mind.
It was on November 17, year 2013, when he did his final free dive while attempting to set a new (American) deep dive record.
He had attempted to dive to 236 ft/72 m on a single breath. He began to turn back at 223 ft/68m, but somehow changed his mind and dived further downward.
He surfaced, gave the OK sign, tried to speak, then promptly passed out.
This picture was taken just moments before he passed out.

The look in his eyes…he looks scared stiff, frozen in fear, as if he knows what is going to happen.
Unfortunately, he never regained consciousness after that and passed away soon after.
His death was caused by breathing complications due to pulmonary edema (meaning fluid accumulation in the tissue and air spaces of the lungs).
At least some semblance of peace may be gained by his family from the fact that he passed away doing what he loved.

Can you name one of the most meaningful stand out “light bulb moments” of your life that stuck with you?
The younger of my two sons had been quite a problem as a teenager. We fought and I was worried about his character. Jeremy flunked out of college.
In his 20s, he worked in desktop computer support. The other support tech was senior to Jeremy, but Jeremy neither liked nor respected him. Nonetheless, the senior tech invariably got his way. Of course. Then one day the manager found out that the senior tech was gay. He dismissed him.
My son discovered this about 10:00. By 10:15 he had quit, informing the manager that he could not work for a company which treated its workers unfairly. He had no job, but his integrity was intact.
At that moment, I learned that I had raised a man possessed of both morality and strength of character.
As it happens, three weeks later Jeremy had a new job at nearly twice the salary of the tech job he had quit. Things worked out rather well, all in all.
BORDER EVACUATED, Nukes Being Moved Miles From NATO Summit, Huge Fires, 72 HR WW3 Exercise
Hampton Plantation Shrimp Pilau
Hampton Plantation was once the largest rice producer in the United States.

- 6 to 8 slices bacon
- 2 cups shrimp (raw, cleaned – save shrimp peelings)
- 1 cup rice, uncooked
- 3 tablespoons butter
- 1/2 cup celery, diced
- 2 tablespoons green bell pepper, diced
- 1 to 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
- 2 to 3 tablespoons flour
- 1 dash salt, to taste
- 1 dash pepper, to taste
- Fry bacon until crisp. Set bacon aside. Reserve bacon grease to add to water when cooking rice.
- In a large frying pan on medium high heat, melt butter.
- Add celery and green pepper and saute until soft and tender.
- Add shrimp which have been sprinkled with Worcestershire sauce and dredged in flour.
- Sauté shrimp until pink, about 3 to 4 minutes.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Add cooked rice and mix until rice is all “buttery” and “shrimpy.”
- Stir in crumbled bacon.
- Serve hot.
Situation in Europe right now! (June 2023)
US ComSec Gina Raimondo said the US “won’t tolerate” China’s decision to ban chips by Micron Technology in some critical sectors, saying Washington sees it as “plain and simple, economic coercion” and won’t tolerate it.” How will the US retaliate?
How brain dead are the US leadership?
For years the US has been sanctioning China and now the US “won’t tolerate” a taste of their own medicine.
China doesn’t need the US, but the US needs China. Perhaps the US must be careful now and realise that their attempts at being “tough” on China to please their own voters look very stupid indeed in the international arena; the REAL WORLD.
American vs. European Suburbs (and why US suburbs suck)
This is surprisingly good.
What is up with the PRC’s refusal to implement crisis hotlines with the US, Japan, and the Philippines as well as its aggressive aerial maneuvers?
There is only one country here – the United States. As for Japan and the Philippines, they are American poodles, they do whatever their owners tell them to do, and they have no autonomy.
Is it possible that every time a US aircraft carrier crosses the Taiwan Strait or a US reconnaissance plane snoops over the South China Sea, it calls the China side in advance?
Once China side doesn’t answer the phone, Removal of guardrail, can’t the US playing “match-fixing” without fear?
Now, do US aircraft carriers dare to come to the Taiwan Strait?
Why have you lost your courage?
Isn’t the United States boasting all day about its control over the world?
Isn’t the United States boasting about its invincibility all day?
What are America’s “superheroes” afraid of?
Since there is no guardrail, the United States needs to find its own way!
Or, child, go back to your own home early, it is safest to move around outside your own home and risk areas are not the place for child to come.
Without high-level communication, many things would be different. You know!
Our soldiers cannot always exercise restraint if the enemy keeps snooping at our doorstep, and invaders from countries outside the region are not always lucky enough to return intact.
Our bomber pilots are very “not professional”, so if they get nervous and their hands shake and they accidentally “mistakenly bombed” a US aircraft carriers, we can only express our regret. 🤣
US bombers have “mistakenly bombed” the PRC Embassy in the FRY, and so can Chinese bombers. Wouldn’t you say that’s the case?
- Calls to the Saudi Arabia side hotline from the US side, which the Saudi Arabia side do not answer.
- Calls to the UAE side hotline from the US side, the UAE side does not answer.
- Calls to the China side hotline from the US side, and China side doesn’t answer.
What does that mean?
It’s time for the United States to think about it and get a phone that works – Huawei P50s. Lol!
Working in USA vs The Netherlands: 12 Biggest Differences
My unpopular opinion
The year was in the early 1990’s. And I was working as a contractor at a electronics company that made high end military systems. Well, one day, I went to my boss and asked him for a raise. He said, “let me think about it”.
The next day he called me into his office. He accused me of being a fraud and a fake. He said that no one could find any background on me. And he spent perhaps the next two hours berating me up and down.
I left the office shaken.
Long story short, I made a few calls and got the entire mess all straightened out. But, you know, the damage was already done.
I came in wanting a raise, and left just happy that I had a job.
So the question is about US-China “tensions’.
Well, from my side, there’s no tensions in industry. No American companies are leaving China. If anything, more want to do more and more business with China. China is doing quite well. In fact, there is absolutely no correlation between the “news” about China and what is actually going on.
In fact, the smallest items are blown way out of proportion.
- A wayward weather balloon becomes a network of spying technology…
- A US spy aircraft gets close to the Chinese coast, and suddenly it’s a war provocation.
- Two European warships hugging the Chinese coastline try to ram a Chinese destroyer, and it’s called a “serious incident”.
So my opinion is going to be very unpopular.
My opinion is that all these incidents, and “political song and dance” is for American domestic consumption. They are in NO WAY an attempt to force China to change policy or alter it’s Geo-political trajectory. Their only purposes is related to an out-of-control domestic situation.
My opinion is that the United States is impotent. It cannot do anything else to manipulate or suppress China. China has the United States in Check-mate. And any move that the United States does will hurt the USA far more than it would harm China.
Who is the most intelligent criminal in history? Why?
His name is Liu Zhaohua, who won the second prize in the chemistry competition when he was in school, taught himself to make 31 tons of drugs(methamphetamine), with a purity of 99%, and became China’s largest drug lord(He had only 9 years of schooling)! Until now many drug dealers are secretly inquiring, what method Liu Zhaohua used to make methamphetamine, what crystallization method he used.
Synthesized with various common chemical reagents, not based on ephedrine production. He changed the substrate and catalyst of the reaction and adopted the continuous generation + continuous crystallization method in 1999.
In terms of daily production, he can easily crystallize 1,000,000 grams of methamphetamine a day, which is one ton, and if it can be sold, five tons a day is not a problem. In terms of conversion rate he claims to have a conversion rate of 90%. Such a high capacity, such a high conversion rate, drug quality is still very good, and the production process is very environmentally friendly and pollution-free, even more environmentally friendly than some pharmaceutical plants, so much so that many top chemical and chemical experts and scholars can not believe.
Until today, there is not a single drug maker in the world, including some professor-level ones who can reach the overall quality (purity, crystallization, and appearance) of the meth produced by Liu Zhaohua. They may have no problem with the theoretical aspects, but the process technology they master cannot do it.

He has a high IQ and an extremely strong psychological quality. He escaped from Guangzhou on his bicycle under the circumstances that the police had barricaded him all over the city, and carved “Liu Zhaohua, came here to visit” on the cave where he had been hiding, which made the police furious. At that time, Liu Zhaohua was staying in room 818 of the President Hotel in Guangzhou. The police were quickly dispatched and rushed to the President Hotel in Guangzhou, and at this time Liu Zhaohua had just returned to the hotel from outside. At the critical moment, Liu Zhaohua did not immediately twist and turn to flee the scene, but made an amazing move. He and the investigator took the same elevator, see the investigator pressed the 8th floor, Liu Zhaohua immediately pressed the 7th floor. And on the day of November 4, the Guangzhou police deployed a large number of police officers to impose martial law on the entry and exit gates and major traffic routes in the city. In particular, the suspicious vehicles leaving Guangzhou were checked, and the check was very tight. Buses, cabs, private cars along with cars hauling goods were checked one by one. Liu Zhaohua, who walked out of the President Hotel, knew very well that there would be checkpoints to arrest him at all major traffic roads in Guangzhou. The police will definitely check the vehicles entering and leaving the intersection of Guangzhou, so Liu Zhaohua chose a way to escape that no one expected – a bicycle. For Liu Zhaohua this is naturally the best disguise, Liu Zhaohua just rode a bicycle to escape from Guangzhou under the heavy police siege. And this is already the second time Liu Daohua slipped away from under the nose of the police.

(Liu Zhaohua’s second wife)
He has three wives in the same time and four children, and his golden words are popular in the love scene: “The first wife is my favorite, the second wife is my most loving, and the third wife is my most loving.
In 2000. Liu Zhaohua settled in Quanzhou County, Guilin, Guangxi under the name of Li Senqing.He lived here, got married and had children, and was well known in the area. The neighbors of this “Mr. Li” said that he was kind to people, but rather petty, a rich man with the air of a small citizen. This time, Liu Zhaohua disguised very successfully. In fact, during the escape Liu Zhaohua also became a important guest of the local government. He leased more than 24,000 acres of land in the Phoenix Forestry in Lingui County, Guilin, claiming to complete a project with a total investment of 300 million yuan in three years. So, why is he going to do by renting so much forest land? Liu Zhaohua claimed that he did not have a sense of accomplishment in doing methamphetamine, while planting red bean fir gave him a sense of accomplishment because the area he planted was the largest in the world.
Liu Zhaohua is both cunning and arrogant, he does not follow common sense and believes that the most dangerous place is instead the safest. This is an important reason why he successfully escaped from the chase several times. During the years in Guilin, Guangxi, Liu Zhaohua made a big show of running his own business. The most important thing is that he did not shy away from getting himself into the newspaper and even became a local celebrity. on February 6, 2013, the Guilin Evening News reported a full-page story about a resident who bravely fought the thieves, and the resident who bravely caught three thieves was Liu Zhaohua, who changed his name.
After being caught, he said to the police in prison: “You can ask what you want to know, make a list, but don’t play with my intelligence, you can’t play with me.”
In court he sophomorically argued, “I don’t sell my drugs to domestic people, only to foreigners; foreigners used to open China’s doors with opium, and I should open their doors with meth too.”
In the eyes of the police, he is a misguided chemical genius who has cleverly escaped mass arrests by the police many times; in the circle of drug production and trafficking, he is a legend that cannot be replicated; in the eyes of his mother, he is a good student; in the eyes of his three wives, he is a master of “time management”; in the eyes of his children, he is a cold-blooded father who only cares about birth but not nurturing.

Some people once described Liu Zhaohua as a real-life version of China’s “Walter White(Breaking Bad)”.The profession does not agree with this statement, because even Walter White, who has the aura of a protagonist, is several notches below Liu Zhaohua, both in terms of drug production technology (including methamphetamine quality) and production scale.

In terms of influence, the fictional Walter White is even more incomparable. Liu Zhaohua is very famous in the global drug trafficking and drug production circles, and the Mexican drug lord “Shorty” Guzman, who was just released from prison in 2002, immediately sent his pals to inquire about the whereabouts of Liu Zhaohua, who was on the run, and wanted to pay a lot of money to seek cooperation.
In terms of life experience, Liu Zhaohua is also more legendary than Walter White in the movie and TV series.He has been a soldier and a bailiff. He has made meritorious achievements and received commendations. During his time in office, he was the backbone that every leader wanted to focus on training. If not engaged in drug trafficking, he has a bright future.
Of course, in terms of social harm, Liu Zhaohua is also worse, as he made 31 tons of methamphetamine. With his own power to influence the behavior of several industries in China, for example, the use of hydrochloric acid in some corporate factories, research institutions, schools, etc. need to be reported first.
American turned Dutch: Giving up US Citizenship
What should we remember as an Indian?

A story that has almost been erased from the Indian history books.
50 years ago in 1971, the US threatened India to stop the 1971 war. Concerned India sent an SOS to the Soviet Union. When Pakistan’s defeat in the 1971 war seemed easy, Kissinger prompted Nixon to send the US 7th Fleet Task Force, led by the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, to the Bay of Bengal.
USS Enterprise, 75,000 tons, was the world’s largest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the 1970s with over 70 fighters. A moving monster on the surface of the sea. The Indian Navy’s fleet was led by Vikrant, a 20,000-tonne aircraft carrier, carrying 20 light combat aircraft. Officially, the USS Enterprise was sent to the Bay of Bengal to protect American citizens in Bangladesh, while unofficially it was to intimidate the Indian Army and prevent the liberation of East Pakistan.
Further, Soviet intelligence reported to India that a powerful British naval fleet led by the aircraft carrier HMS Eagle along with the commando carrier HMS Albion, along with several destroyers and other ships were approaching the Arabian Sea from the west in Indian waters.
The British and Americans planned a coordinated naval attack to intimidate India: British ships in the Arabian Sea would target India’s west coast, while the Americans would attack in Chittagong. The Indian Navy was caught between British and American ships. That was December 1971, and the world’s two major democracies were now threatening the world’s largest democracy.
An SOS from Delhi was sent to Moscow. The Red Navy soon dispatched 16 Soviet naval units and six nuclear submarines from Vladivostok to block the USS Enterprise.
Admiral N Krishnan, the chief of the Eastern Command of the Indian Navy, wrote in his book ‘No Way But Surrender’ that he feared the Americans would reach Chittagong. He mentioned how he thought of attacking the Enterprise in a do-or-die trick to slow it down.
On 2 December 1971, a task force of the US 7th Fleet led by the water giant USS Enterprise arrived in the Bay of Bengal. The British fleet was coming into the Arabian Sea.
The world held its breath.
But, unknown to the Americans, they were overtaken by submerged Soviet submarines.
As the USS Enterprise headed for East Pakistan, Soviet submarines came to the fore without warning. Soviet submarines now stood between India and American naval forces.
The 7th US Fleet Commander told Admiral Gordon: “Sir, we are too late. The Soviets are here!” no choice but to retreat. Both the American and British fleets retreated.
Today, most Indians have forgotten this huge naval chess battle between the two superpowers in the Bay of Bengal. It is important to know and remember.
If the US and China went to war, how long would it take the Chinese military to wipe out the US’ navy and air force?
Why ask questions that you know the answer to?
What are you, a sadist? Asking the same old questions day in, and day out. Hoping, praying, waiting, for some other tidbit of information that would make the reality easier to digest?
On paper, in theory, all of the 11 aircraft carriers that the United States fields (10 Nimitz and 1 Ford), could be destroyed by Chinese conventionally-armed DF-26 “carrier Killer” missiles. Given the flight times for the latest upgrades for the hyper-velocity versions of the DF-26 anticipated stopwatch from launch to destruction is within five minutes within the 4000 Km range.

They are very effective. And are designed to completely destroy Aircraft carriers.
From time to time, China takes them out as a warning to overly aggressive American neocons that are getting “too big for their britches”.

These units are not the ONLY weapons systems that are designed to destroy carrier flotillas, islands, and large bases like in Guam or Hawaii. There are many others. It’s just that the DF-26 is particularly good at it. Given the enormous numbers of launchers, and the insane levels of stockpiled munitions, one can only assume that all targets from land bases to submarines will be the prey for this missile.
The DF-26 appears to be designed specifically for high precision conventional strikes. The most likely target for the DF-26 missile would be Guam going by the range of the missile. Given the nature of the targets in Guam, which are mostly air bases (Guam has two large air bases where, as revealed by satellite imagery, B-52 squadrons are deployed), the DF-26 might be carrying specially designed cluster based bomb-lets to cause maximum damage to bombers spread out on the tarmac. In addition, there could be a specially designed deep penetration warhead for Hardened and Deeply Buried Targets (HDBTs).
Now, for the longest time, the USN and the ONI have been very quiet about the massive exponential increase in Chinese weapon lethality, survival-ability, and technology. The reports have been duly logged. The studies have been gamed out. The results and conclusions have been presented, filed and forgotten.
But it has only been during the last year that the USN admirals have become increasingly frenzied when dealing with hawkish Administration and Senate members. These people are not taking “no” for an answer, and want to find some edge; some justification, to “pull off” a “successful” war against China.
So, sometime, within the last nine months or so, the ONI through a number of key admirals, laid out the reality to the neocon “war hawks”.
And they are horrified.
The Chinese “just ran rings around us,” said former Joint Chiefs Vice Chair Gen. John Hyten in one after-action report. “They knew exactly what we were going to do before we did it.” Dozens of versions of the above war-game scenario have been enacted over the last few years, most recently in April by the House Select Committee on competition with China. And while the ultimate outcome in these exercises is not always clear — the U.S. does better in some than others — the cost is. In every exercise the U.S. uses up all its long-range air-to-surface missiles in a few days, with a substantial portion of its planes destroyed on the ground. In every exercise the U.S. is not engaged in an abstract push-button war from 30,000 feet up like the ones Americans have come to expect since the end of the Cold War, but a horrifically bloody one. And that’s assuming the U.S.-China war doesn’t go nuclear. “The thing we see across all the wargames is that there are major losses on all sides. And the impact of that on our society is quite devastating,” said Becca Wasser, who played the role of the Chinese leadership in the Select Committee’s wargame and is head of the gaming lab at the Center for a New American Security. “The most common thread in these exercises is that the United States needs to take steps now in the Indo-Pacific to ensure the conflict doesn’t happen in the future. We are hugely behind the curve. Ukraine is our wakeup call. This is our watershed moment.”
Please give me a break. Stop asking for answers that you do not want to hear.
If the United States drops one bullet inside of China, and Taiwan is China, the entire USN gets sunk. And the American losses in the first two hours will be absolutely horrific.
China issued a statement and the United States is left in mixed feelings.