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Facial massages and happy times

Many years ago my boss called me in and told me to sign a document. I asked what is was about first and it turned out to be a Workers Compensation claim for an industrial accident that I had witnessed.

The boss wasn’t happy that I wanted to thoroughly read the document first. He was even more unhappy when I refused to sign it. It was a claim made by the injured worker and the boss said “Don’t you want your mate to get his money?” To which I replied that the claim was all lies.

The claimant worked at the same place but was not any type of mate as he was a liar and a thief.

The accident occurred a few minutes after I warned him about his unsafe actions and his lack of PPE. He was bare foot. While I was still there he was injured ( losing all toes on his left foot) because of his own stupidity.

The boss was gleeful when I told him of the facts and smiled like the Cheshire Cat when I happily gave a detailed statement and signed it.

The boss was happy as this claim would have meant that the insurance company increased its rates while dropping future payouts to 40% max. The stupid and careless worker would have severely and negatively affected any future claimant. It also meant that anything unpaid by the insurance company would come out of the bosses pocket. While very strict 3 monthly inspections would be carried out.

The boss was contemplating being unable to continue in business which would leave a lot of employees and contractors without a job.

Claimant was a Bastard. I was glad to have his claim rejected while helping my boss and workmates.

My older sister was an alcoholic. She drank to mask the pain of the sexual abuse she suffered as a small child at the hands of her grandfather. She would have flashbacks pretty frequently, and this would cause panic. She couldn’t sleep at night without being reminded of her rapist every time she closed her eyes. Being drunk took that away, so that’s the way she stayed. Drunk much of the time. Drinking way too much wine, every single day. She had a difficult life, and even managed to stop drinking for a bit. But by then there was so much liver damage, her liver still shut down.

At the end of April 2018 she was transferred to hospice. We didn’t want her to die alone, so we took turns staying with her in her room (which is encouraged by the hospice staff). On May 10 2018, we left to get something to eat, leaving just her mother there. Within 2 minutes of walking in the door, her mother called and said she had passed. So we drove back to the hospice with her ribbon dress and moccasins to dress her. Being Native American we have a few beliefs about death and how the body is prepared. We washed her from head to toe using only water and a clean cloth, then put on her dress and moccasins.

At this point I went out for a cigarette and came back to sight I will never forget. My sister died in hospice care, with her mother by her side, and now those memories will never bother her again. She was content, at peace, and— she was smiling. My other sister witnessed this too, so we went to grab a nurse— she agreed, that was a smile. We took that to mean she was happy wherever she was now and content that she was in traditional clothing. Still a little freaky though, the dead aren’t supposed to move.

【古筝|霍元甲 Fearless】】在法国街头弹《霍元甲》再配上满街的中国红灯笼!帅气!Chinese Musical Instruments—Guzheng Cover| 碰碰彭碰彭

Yup. I got dispatched to a possible suicide where I knew the wife was a wanted subject. I knew that she had 3 small kids. I got there and found the husband in the garage with a single gunshot to the head. They had been arguing about getting a divorce. She wanted it, he didn’t. The guy was an emotional terrorist. Every time she got fed up with it he talked her into another kid saying it would fix their problems. After #3 she finally called bullshit. Well he grabbed a .22 rifle went to the garage like he had done more times than she could count. The rifle was always empty. This time he had forgotten that he had chambered a round sometime in the recent past because some guy had threatened him. Well when he pulled the trigger it went boom. The round entered through the roof of his mouth then bounced around in his skull destroying his brains. They we leaking out of his mouth and ears. He was still breathing (very labored), just short gasps so I called for EMS. I also had dispatch notify the local funeral home (I knew there was no way he was going to make it until EMS showed up). By the time EMS got there he was dead. I called for the assigned Justice of Peace for that area asking for him to come to the scene. (They pronounce time of death for the death certificates).

I ran the wife’s information per department protocol which brought up the warrant. I had called her parents earlier advising them what had happened. She was mentally loosing it. No way she could care for the kids. The parents finally arrived (thank god). The Father got the kids out of the house. Her Mother stayed with the wife trying to calm her down.

There WAS NO WAY in hell that I was going to arrest her. That warrant stayed unserved for about a year. She remarried within months but none of us wanted to traumatize the kids by putting momma in jail too soon after their father’s death.

TOO MANY TEARS watching ‘Leon the Professional’ for the first time

He wasn’t a foreign soldier. He was an eleven year old gang member.

While in the Gang Unit, as a detective sergeant, I was called out to a homicide scene. Two gang members had been shot outside of a gas station. The first was a sixteen year old female, who died before we arrived. The other was her thirteen year old younger brother, who was shot, but was conscious [and ultimately survived].

The younger brother knew the shooter and gave us the name. While the homicide detective stayed on-scene, a patrol deputy [who was also gang unit] and I went to the shooter’s mother’s house, where the shooter lived.

I knocked on the door and the mother answered. I asked to speak to her son, but didn’t tell her why. She told me that her son was probably at his father’s house and gave me the address.

The deputy and I went to the father’s house and knocked on the door. The father’s girlfriend answered the door. I asked if I could speak to [father’s name]’s son. She stated he was upstairs. I asked if anyone else was upstairs. She said there was not.

I started going up the staircase, which went straight ten-to-fifteen steps, then took a sharp right.

My gut tightened. The kid knew I was here, and what I was here for. Without a doubt, he’d ice me as soon as I turn that corner.

I slowly peeked around the corner, and, unfortunately, my gut was correct. The kid was there with a handgun pointing down the funnel.

I stayed around the corner, pulled my firearm, and told him to drop his. Instead, he fired a few rounds through the wall, attempting to hit me.

I took a side step into the funnel and fired three rounds. Two rounds hit his chest, and one missed him completely.

I didn’t kill him. He went to the hospital and made a recovery. He spent a few years in a juvenile correctional facility and was released.

As an adult, he racked up a few more felonies until he got into a fight with a drug dealer and shot him.

As an adult, he was charged and convicted of murder and is now serving a life sentence.

When I first started in the gang unit, I believed he was a rare exception to the children I’d deal with. Turns out, he was the standard.

You don’t need to cross borders to find it.

I saw this one myself a couple of years ago in Vegas, and it did not happen at a table but at a slot machine.

A hollow-cheeked old lady — she must have been in her eighties — was sitting at a slot machine with a large alcoholic drink and a cigarette in her mouth, and an empty look in her eyes as if she was uninterested in most everything which happened around her (or better: she hardly noticed her surroundings). Bette Davis eyes.

She had a bucket of coins, which she inserted into the machine at a devastating speed, and after every spin a new one was immediately inserted (unless she needed a quick sip first, or a new smoke).

A waiter told me that she was here every day and every night, only drinking whiskey and martinis and hardly eating at all — unless smoking cigarettes is a form of feeding — while inserting coins, coins, coins —

“They cost a $100 each. She spends at least 100K per day — and sometimes a lot more. Had a rich husband who died a couple of years ago, and she inherited a fortune of more than 50 million. Doesn’t give a f☹️ck about life.“

Apparently, she had decided to stop living, and to slowly torture her body while throwing away all that money of hers, until some fatal condition would finally make her disappear. Because one thing was clear —

This lady was not leaving Las Vegas.

Tears For Fears Greatest Hits Full Album 2021 | Best Songs Of Tears For Fears

After 26 years working in prison, I saw a few:

Had an inmate who raped the daughter of a big, close family. On his 1st day at the prison, he received a “thinking of you” card, the same as he had the whole time he had been in. He got one EVERY DAY, listing his parole date, parole address, his parole officer name, and ended with“ see you when you get home”

Had someone send the Xerox copy of the sex charges to as many inmates in the yard as possible via a lawyer’s office, so we could not stop them.

Had one who got a letter with lice eggs folded inside.

I was told of a case where an inmate received cigarettes with lead foil inside, giving him lead poisoning. (as the inmates say, it’s only a crime if you get caught.)

And last, in the early 1980s, while living in England, they had a person charged with (again) sex crimes, who was demanding bail. 1 of the fathers got up in court and said “ he does not think of the fact that not only do the warders (guards) keep him in, they keep us out. I have no problem with him out here WITH US!” when offered bail, the prisoner refused.

There is no doubt that China’s military strength is stronger than Vietnam’s, both in terms of economic size and population size, but there is no conflict between China and Vietnam, so it is meaningless to compare the two.

In July 1986, Le Duan, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, passed away.

In December of the same year, Nguyen Van Linh was elected General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam at the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

After becoming General Secretary, Nguyen Van Linh was eager to correct a whole set of wrong practices of his predecessor and put forward the slogan that Vietnam should “become friends with all countries”. He believed that the two most urgent things for Vietnam at that time were to withdraw troops from Cambodia and improve relations with China.

In September 1990, Nguyen Van Linh (fourth from left in the front row) and Prime Minister Do Muoi (third from right in the front row) visited China and held talks with Jiang Zemin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, and Li Peng, Premier of the State Council, on the normalization of relations between the two parties and the two countries.

During this meeting, China and Vietnam agreed to downplay the Sino-Vietnamese War.

In order to develop good neighborly relations, the Chinese side also took into account the feelings of the Vietnamese side.

Therefore, for a long period of time, there was no content about the Sino-Vietnamese War in Chinese textbooks, and there was no Sino-Vietnamese War theme in Chinese film and television works.

With the death of Nguyen Trong Phuc, the new General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Su Lin took over, and China was chosen as the first stop of his foreign visit. The theme of China-Vietnam relations remains friendship, harmony and common progress. Comprehensively strengthen the strategic cooperative partnership and promote the construction of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future.

The ruling parties and governments of China and Vietnam have expressed their desire to coexist harmoniously. Of course, some netizens will be influenced by extreme nationalism and Western public opinion and damage China-Vietnam relations, but it will not become mainstream.


The Dutch government made a big move that’s got everyone in the semiconductor industry buzzing. This isn’t just some small policy change, it’s going to ripple through the global tech scene.

What’s the deal with China’s chip industry?

So, China’s been working hard to beef up its chip-making game, but this new rule is throwing a wrench in the works. The Dutch are now requiring special permission to ship out Deep Ultraviolet (DUV) lithography machines – these are the big guns when it comes to making chips. It’s not just about the cutting-edge stuff anymore; even the tech for making less fancy chips is getting harder for China to get its hands on. This could seriously slow down China’s plans to become a chip-making powerhouse and rely less on foreign tech.

According to the International Semiconductor Industry Association (SEMI), global sales of chip manufacturing equipment are expected to reach $109 billion in 2024, with China projected to account for over 30%, making it the largest market.

As Chen Nanxiang, chairman of the China Semiconductor Industry Association, recently stated, “In the past, China took many detours in the process of developing integrated circuits. What China needs now is an industry that requires innovative industries, innovative services, and innovative business models to transform into the most economical commercial value.” He believes that after a long period of trial and error, China is now on the right track and predicts that “within 3 to 5 years, China’s chip industry will achieve ‘explosive growth,’ paving the way for overcoming U.S. technological restrictions on China.”

Global chip supply: buckle up for a bumpy ride

Here’s the thing: making chips isn’t just a one-country show. It’s like a giant, global jigsaw puzzle where every piece matters. With the Netherlands joining the U.S. in keeping some puzzle pieces away from China, we might see some major shakeups in how chips are made and distributed worldwide. In the short term, this could mean fewer chips for all those gadgets we can’t live without – from our beloved smartphones to the cars we drive.

What about the companies making these machines?

Companies like ASML (the Dutch superstar in making these chip machines) are in a tricky spot. They’re saying it’s business as usual for now, but let’s be real – losing access to the massive Chinese market is going to hurt. These companies might need to looking for new customers or coming up with new ways to stay on top of their game.

The Big Picture: Tech, Politics, and Power Plays

At its core, this is about more than just chips – it’s about who’s going to lead the tech race in the years to come. The U.S. and its allies are flexing their muscles, trying to stay ahead in the tech game. Meanwhile, China’s not too happy about being left out and is probably going to double down on making its own tech ecosystem. We might be looking at a future where there are two separate tech worlds – one led by the West and another by China.

Space Chunking

Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Set your story on a spaceship exploring the far reaches of space when something goes wrong. view prompt

Bob Banel

Captain Billy Chunk had the Conn of the SpaceTug Delilah. He had the throttles jammed to the firewall and was in a losing hot pursuit of the SpaceTug Medusa. The Medusa had a fouled Dok-A-Lok coupling on a Jumbo Class SpaceSkow and was now married to it for better or worse. The Medusa was being dragged along on a Nantucket sleigh ride trajectory and headed for something definitely worse than a burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere. The Medusa had FUBAR’ed it drives and was neither use nor ornament. The crew headed by Captain Julie “Sweet” Stacks was not enjoying the journey and definitely dreading the destination..Incineration seemed now seemed the lesser of two evils as this particular angle of approach as predicted by the B-Box suggested a encore performance of the Tunguska Blast over the vicinity of Paris followed by a no one left standing ovation. If that wasn’t bad enough, Captain Julie was Captain Billy’s main squeeze.Captain Billy thought to himself, ” When it rains it pours….However….It never rains in the wheelhouse!”. With this pondering concluded on a slightly positive note the time to hesitate was through. “Light My Fire” spoke Captain Billy sotto voce to no one in particular. He flipped open the safety cover and thumbed down on the OVERPLUNGE button.Aboard the SpaceTug Delilah it was an anti-climatic moment except for Chief the Engineer. The B-Board display tracking the Medusa showed the time to CPA go from red to green. Delilah was now closing the gap.Chief the Engineer’s, as contrary as ever, faced turned red rather than green. In a livid rage he sputtered, “She can’t take it, you’re goona’ blow the drives you daft man!’. Captain Billy, as cool as a Puget Sound summer’s day, replied, ” Well Chief, She’s gonna get it…” Chief the Engineer’s mouth gasped opened closed liked a landed trout but no words came. Captain Billy wasn’t listening anyways. He had other fish to fry.First things first, Captain Billy had a plan. He considered giving the crew a SitRep. However expediancy over ruled honesty. He sounded the GQ Alarm. At the sound of the bell the off watch of Mister Mate Mark and Deckhand Micky plus ship’s mascot SpacePup Belka mustered on bridge.Captain Billy spoke three words, “Abandon Ship Drill..”. The drowsy crew fresh from their warm bunks silently nodded. With the precision of a somnambulist all the crew donned their SurvSuits. SpacePup Belka was zipped in his special doggie suit. They staggered sleepily out the passageway and boarded the LifePod. Captain Billy remained on the Bridge as was routine procedure. Pavlov’s Dog could not have reacted any better.


It was Captain Billy Chunk’s philosophy of command and control to never give orders because people, especially the sailor’ly type,DO NOT like being told what to do. His style was to lay out what he wanted accomplished then listen to the kvetching of his crew. The point was to make who ever needed the most direction to feel that the requested task was his own idea. Captain Billy had more tells than a Las Vegas card shark. He would silently raise an eyebrow or purse his lips or unleash his most dreaded stink eye to get his crew to do his bidding.


Captain Billy looked at the B-Board and showed the LifePod manned and ready save for the Captain position. From ComBox came Mister Mate Mark’s drowsy voice. The status of the LifePod was fully manned and ready. The door sealed, internal environment AOK, as was the routine practice of a normal LifePod drill. Captain Billy toggled the LifePod Launch button 3 times. The LifePod shot away from the ship with his crew. They were was safe for the moment.


This was a job that could best done alone thought Captain Billy Chunk. John Wayne had nothing on Captain Billy. His decks were now clear and ready for action. Then there was a singular bark. Then another bark. SpacePup Belka was still aboard.


The SITREP so far: Captain Billy, Mister Mate Mark, Chief the Engineer, Deckhand Micky and are the crew of the SpaceTug Delilah. All were shanghaied by “The Company ” from the Good Tugboat Samson from the cool gray waters of Puget Sound and pressed into service aboard the SpaceTug Delilah. This crew was chosen for their particular stoic mindset to deal with the crewing issues that were plaguing the SpaceTug fleet owned by “The Man” Noel Muskie.


The SpaceTug fleet was part of the off world industry of space commerce known as SpaceComm. Orbiting Space Stations had been established by competing companies at the Lagrange points. Mining of the Asteroid Belt was the primary concern. Ore was delivered by autonomous SpaceSkows. SpaceTugs would latch onto to them and wrangle them into Earth or Lunar orbit. It was a parallel universe of Earth’s maritime industry in many ways.


The SpaceTug Delilah was a one off construction. It was built as back in the day when SpaceTug Racing was the sport of the Young Tuts who were building the space industry. Bragging rights were everything. To have the fastest and strongest SpaceTugs winning at the races was the best advertising to rally the investors back on Earth. SpaceTug Delilah was the product of this fervor. Rumors of hidden features and even alien tech abounded. However the SpaceComm matured and it was time to stow the childish toys. The oddball SpaceTug Delilah was laid-up and went “Cold Iron” in the Reserve Fleet. This was until Captain Billy Chunk and his crew’s arrival. It was a perfect fit.












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Flight from Canada to the UK, guy sat down next to me and I gagged.

So what? I hear you cry. Well I’m a plumber’s son. I’ve worked farming and domestic spillages and ruptured pipes, I have literally worked knee deep in human poop to get a job done and the smell of this guy made me gag.

So I went and asked the harried looking attendant if I could switch seats and she just spat out “full flight” “no seats” and shooed me away.

So I went back to my seat but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t sit next to this guy who smelled like a homeless guy who had shat himself to death in the Florida sun three days ago.

So I went to try the attendants again and, again, I got the brush off.

Back I went to my seat and I had a little think. And I started pushing my call bell. A LOT.

Grumpy attendant came to see me to shut me up.

Grumpy attendant leaned in close to tell me off.

Grumpy attendant took a big deep breath in so she could give me a proper scolding.

Grumpy attendant nearly puked in my lap.

Shortly there after my happy arse was a looooong way away from where I had been and now-apologetic attendant fed me business class food and wine to say sorry.

In all of my long decades on this silly little flying marble we call home that man was, by far, the worst thing I’ve ever smelled.

How do you automatically presume Chinese Companies are inferior because they can’t beat Apple

Why not infer that Apple has certain aspects that make their products superior?

Motorola, Nokia, Sony Ericcson, Siemens once had a combined 72.7% Global market share in 2006

By 2012, they had less than 15% Global market share

That’s a whopping 80% crash in their market

Are these Incompetent companies?

Are the Finns or Swedes or Germans incompetent?

Apple , Google & Samsung pioneered the present smartphone ecosystem with processor chips, memory chips and an operating system

They have First Market Advantage

Plus they control the entire ecosystem

Plus they have ferocious branding

Realme, Redmi, Oppo, Vivo – they depend on TSMC chips, they depend on Android, they depend on SK Hynix and they depend on Sony

How can they compete against Apple?

Their only advantage is LOW COST with 90% Apple quality

That helps sell these phones in Mid Income Or Low Mid Income Or Low Income Nations and to the Low Income Chinese who are still 38% of the Chinese Economy

Why do you think US hasn’t given a second glance at these companies?

Now HUAWEI is different

Huawei has its own ecosystem but due to the sheer unfairness of the US,they are denied access to the same TSMC that others can use to fabricate their own designed chips

So Huawei can’t make Kirin Chips with TSMC anymore

They have to rely on SMIC

Then SMIC can’t use latest EUVs anymore

So again the chips have to be made at lower yields and higher cost

Plus Memory Chips too

However Harmony OS is outstanding and Huaweis 5G infrastructure is the world’s best & the Beidou mapping beats GPS now within China

Plus they have fantastic designs

Plus they have their own Indigenous Display and no longer dependent on the Japanese

Plus they have their own camera designs and sensors relying only on ZEISS & Chinese BOE

So they can compete and even oust Apple Iphone from the Mainland Markets & Middle East Markets – the only two markets where

A. People have deep pockets

B. Huawei is given unrestricted freedom and access

Its like Chinese EV Batteries

China has the Technological Edge and First market advantage

Nobody on earth can compete with them

Cost, Efficiency are both a major plus

No US or European company has come within miles of the Chinese CATL battery grids or design

Panasonic can’t hold a candle to CATL or BYD and barely holds its own against EVE or Gotion or Octillion which are distantly second level on the Mainland

Same with LG

Doesn’t make Toyota or Mercedes inferior right?

Its Indian companies that are actually inferior

They don’t own any edge and that’s not the problem

The Problem is they aren’t even trying

They are just blowing money on the richest 1%

My Date Brought Her Friend Along Expecting Me To Pay, Has Fit When I Roasted Them In The Restaurant

Yep. The equivalent of a low level supervisor. I had gone to work even though I was sick as a dog, full blown fever and all. I *THOUGHT* it was just a really nasty cold, worst case bronchitis. Oh no, not that simple. The dreaded flu, this was a few years back when the flu vaccine, which I had gotten, was not as effective as it normally is.

Well I’m a Front Desk Concierge. So let’s break down the numbers.

We have three Property Management Staff in the office. We have another four houskeepers for the the site. Maintenance department is another 7 or 8 people.

We’ve got between the two towers, as there are two linked buildings that make up the site. Three Front Desk Staff Per Shift.

Delivery Guys, the *REGULAR ONES* We’ve to 10 Plus between Amazon, UPS, USPS, FedEx (Three different FedEx Services).

We have in the tower I worked 320 Units.

So yeah, I saw the doctor at the Express Clinic at the pharmacy across the street. Popped positive for the flu. Got two copies of the doctor’s note. Dropped one with property management. Texted my *direct* manager, not the asshole supervisor as I don’t have his number and the *MANAGER* is the one who we’re told to inform of if calling out sick, late, etc. Later that evening I *E-MAILED* the Manager, CC’ed it to HR and included the scanned in copy of the doctor’s note. Included my request to use my PTO hours that are built up currently, to cover my sick leave.

Asshole throws a *BITCH FIT* the next day when I didn’t show up. Management, my company, not Property Management, separate companies, DID NOT honor my request to use the PTO hours and apparently no one bothered to find a replacement coverage for me or informed the asshole supervisor.

I heard *ALL* about it from folks when I did finally come back. And I just shrugged, pointed out *I* had done as required and didn’t give a flying f what his problem was.

BTW, said supervisor was fired, eventually, and black listed with the company. He had a very, very long list of complaints against him. Enough so that *EVERY* staff member was called into the office to review his behaviors. That’s close to 15 people.

When the various residents asked, as I was very popular, I said simply I’d had the flu and I refused to risk spreading it far and wide. And not a one of them, even the grouchier folks, disagreed and many complimented me on my common sense.

Until I was 7, my parents had an only child.

My brother came around when I was 8. I loved the little guy. Always asked my mom to feed him, take care of him, help, change his diapers etc.

Then he grew up to be 4. At this point, he was so spoiled that he used to hit people with his toys when he figured you were not complying to his wishes.

One October day, it was a week before his birthday, he was left alone with me while my mum went out to buy party stuff. He wanted me to make him food because he did not want what they had left him. I went in the kitchen, turned on the oven and put water boiling so I could make mac and cheese. Whilst I was looking the other way, he went upstairs to put on my mother’s heels and tried going down the stairs. He lost his balance and fell. Now the way the house was built, when someone came down the stairs, they arrived directly in the kitchen area. I literally had to jump in front of the oven to stop him from burning himself. The hot water burned me instead.

After I asked him if he was alright, he turned around, slapped me and told me it was my fault and that he was going to tell mum. I’m not happy about it but I was in pain so I hit him on the bum.

In comes my mother, and upon seeing the mess, she rushes in, takes her precious baby from me and tells me it was all my fault that I got burned because I hated her baby boy. Instead of making sure I was alright, she punched me, took her son away and took care of him, telling me to turn of the oven and go take a cold shower. Fortunately, the water was not yet boiling -just really hot – so I escaped the disaster.

But it gets worse. My dad was living abroad at the time. She called him that night and told him everything. When he came home for the birthday, he proceeded to punish me.

There was at the time this barbarous technique where they would make someone kneel on the bar of a chair for a certain amount of time. My dad made me kneel on one from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. I couldn’t get up so they had to drag me off it. I crawled to my dad’s feet, apologized​ to them all (mum, dad and little brother) and promised that I would never endanger my brother again. It was only then that he told me what I would never forget “You are a useless girl. Your only value is to get married one day and make your husband happy”

It was not the first time I’d experience his rage. But he had never told me that I was useless. I started spiralling into depression and went from top of my class to bottom. What was the use? I told myself. I also started to self-hurt.

I managed to go live with my grandma after she discovered what a wreck I was becoming and remember than less than 2 years later, my dad died. I laughed at his funeral instead of crying.

Years later, my brother and my mum apologized but even if I managed to forgive, I never forgot this October day.


I just want to add that I came from a Christian-Catholic, ethnic minority background with a father that was 20 years older than my mum. Not sure if it was the sole reason for his behaviour,but it was part of it. Both parents had a college degree and my dad was in academia. The smart professor that taught his intelligent daughter was a failure.

I live overseas now. Went away for college and rarely come back. My grandma is now deacesed so no reason to travel as often. And my mum hates England’s​ weather. I settled down with a wonderful man and managed to be happy.

I did. And it was fucking glorious.

I was bullied literally every single school day from the first day of infant school, all the way through juniors and into secondary school. Gangs of kids would come and find me, kick and slap me, spit on me etc. It was hell. It made me dread going to school every day. We were extremely poor, so when they inevitably broke something, I was told off at home too, so as far as I was concerned, I was getting it from both sides. Only once did my primary school do anything about it, but it happened every single day.

When I was 8 I started karate lessons, instantly thinking I was Daniel Larusso, and was going to crane-kick those bullies into submission.

I never did. I was far too frightened that I would get it wrong, and the beatings would get worse. And fighting in real life is nothing like in the movies. On screen, the hero might be surrounded by 10 guys, but only one is fighting him at a time. In real life, everyone is getting punches in at the same time and Jackie Chan is getting the snot beat out of him.

I digress. At secondary school came bigger kids. There were no more gangs to hide from, but once the bullies honed in on a weaker kid, you were done for. It also didn’t help being unusual in any way. I was the tallest in the school from my first day, had bendy joints and was an expert user of the new computer lab we had.

I was weak, I was unusual, it took the bullies all of 3 days to find me.

The bullying at secondary school is the worst. It might only be one-on-one now, but there was always a baying crowd, and as for the severity it went from “your mum’s fat” *slap slap* at primary school to action movie levels of punching, headlocks, wrestling moves from the TV (which might be fake in the ring, but hurt like hell).

I endured it every day.

One day in year 11, a bully cornered me in the lunch queue. He was gearing up for a fight. He started pushing me around, smacking me in the head and laughing at me. I knew exactly what was about to happen.

Then he spat on my shoes.

For some reason, that made me see red. I snapped. All of a sudden, eight or nine years of bullying came to a head. I could feel the crowd beginning to slowly gather. I could see everything Gary was doing in slow motion. His fist was clenching. His arm was pulling back. He was getting into a fighting stance.

But then, still in slow motion, my legs were moving. I was in main karate stance. I wasn’t doing this. I wasn’t in control. Gary took his swing and missed. I had ducked him. I remember seeing the fist just centimetres above my face, swinging wildly through the air. The snarl on his face. The spit drooling from his mouth as he swore at me.

I then felt my stance changing. My weight went from the back leg to the front and I was suddenly aware that my back leg was moving through the air. I had never been taught how to do a spinning back leg kick as the karate Sensei refused to teach us, but I was doing one. I remember thinking “why am you doing this? You don’t know how to do this. This is going to end badly for you.”

Then I felt the heel of my foot connect with his face, and power on through. I smashed his nose with my foot, blood was everywhere. Gary went down, hard.

The baying crowd went silent. Everything went back to normal speed. Teachers came rushing in. And Gary started screaming.

I will never forget that moment for as long as I live.

Buttery Chicken Casserole


Yield: 6 to 8 servings


  • 1 (3 pound) broiler-fryer chicken
  • 1 quart water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 can cream of chicken soup, undiluted
  • 1 can cream of celery soup, undiluted
  • 8 ounces sour cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 (16 ounce) package oval-shaped buttery crackers, crushed (2 stacks)
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted


  1. Combine first 4 ingredients in a large Dutch oven; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 1 hour or until tender.
  2. Remove chicken, and cool slightly.
  3. Skin and bone chicken; cut chicken into bite-size pieces.
  4. Combine chicken, cream of chicken soup and next 3 ingredients, stirring well.
  5. Place half of crushed crackers in a lightly greased 11 x 7 x 1 1/2 inch baking dish; spoon chicken mixture over crackers.
  6. Yop with remaining crackers, and drizzle with butter.
  7. Bake at 325 degrees F for 35 minutes or until lightly browned.

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