2023 02 18 11 42

Fireworks soon. Very soon.

In 2023 and into 2024 there will be some MAJOR events that will define the conclusion of “world war 3” and a movement towards a new post American-led world order.

Events are building up.

Heads up.

I am also going to phase out MM. Phase out You-tube, and strengthen my Patreon. There’s numerous reasons for this, but most revolve around time / money.

I have neither.

Patreon right now is mostly MAJ related subjects regarding souls and affirmation campaigns, but even at that, I had a 20% drop off of membership this month. My readership isn’t happy.

I will strengthen it though an emphasis on China, and the massive geopolitical turnings that are just about to phase in. For me personally, will enable me to focus on more meaningful efforts where those who wish to hear what I have to say contribute.

And those that don’t, won’t.

So Heads up.

Tarragon Chicken (Poulet a L’estragon)

This is a favorite dish in the Burgundy region of France.



  • 1 (2 1/2 to 3 pound) broiler-fryer chicken, cut up
  • 1 cup chicken broth or bouillon
  • 3 medium carrots, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh tarragon or 1 teaspoon dried tarragon leaves
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 4 ounces mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 stalks celery, sliced
  • 1 medium onion, sliced
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 1/2 cup Half-and-Half
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Hot cooked noodles


  1. Heat chicken, chicken broth, carrots, tarragon, salt, pepper and bay leaf to boiling in 12-inch skillet or Dutch oven; reduce heat. Cover and simmer 30 minutes.
  2. Add mushrooms, celery and onion. Heat to boiling; reduce heat. Cover and simmer until thickest pieces of chicken are done, about 15 minutes.
  3. Remove chicken and vegetables to warm platter with slotted spoon; keep warm.
  4. Drain liquid from skillet; strain and reserve 1 cup. Pour reserved liquid and the wine into skillet.
  5. Mix Half-and-Half, flour and egg yolk until smooth; stir into wine mixture. Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened.
  6. Serve with chicken, vegetables and noodles.

Russian Diplomats Issue Dire Warnings that War with US Is Close


The Kremlin’s top diplomat has warned that Western involvement in Ukraine is nearing “the point of no return,” accusing the United States and the NATO bloc of attempting to transform the country into a “Russophobic military stronghold.” Meanwhile, Moscow’s UN envoy declared that all of Russia’s “red lines” have already been crossed.

Addressing lawmakers at Russia’s State Duma on Wednesday, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov outlined the causes of the current conflict in Ukraine and the deterioration of US-Russia relations, saying Washington has a “maniacal desire to revive the neo-colonial unipolar world order.”

“An integral part of this policy is the long-term containment of Russia, including through the expansion of NATO towards our borders, as well as the transformation of fraternal Ukraine into a Russophobic military stronghold,” he said. “In recent years, this line of Washington and its European satellites has reached the point of no return.”

After the fall of the Soviet Union, Washington and several other Western states gave assurances to Moscow that the NATO alliance would not expand beyond Germany. However, in the years since, Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump have each allowed new members to join the alliance, all of them inching closer to Russia’s borders.

Starting in 2008, NATO has repeatedly declared its intention to someday allow Ukraine to become a member, again reiterating that pledge at a recent alliance summit. The move would cross the “brightest of all red lines” for Moscow, as was previously noted by then-State Department official and current CIA Director William Burns, who penned a 2008 memo warning of the geopolitical perils of extending membership to Kiev.

Still, President Joe Biden has refused to change course, insisting it is up to Ukraine whether it would like to join the US-led military bloc while effectively making Kiev a de facto member in the meantime.

In an interview with Newsweek on Tuesday, Russia’s UN envoy Dmitry Polyanskiy argued that the West has not respected Moscow’s core security concerns, and has become directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine.

“All the red lines have already been crossed by Western countries. There is already semi-direct involvement of NATO in the conflict because it’s not only weaponry but it’s intelligence,” he said. “It’s the situation when the targets of certain artillery systems, in particular HIMARS, these targets can be hit only with the coordination with Washington.”

Last week, the Washington Post reported that Ukraine relies on American intelligence for selecting targets. Since the start of the year, the White House has authorized the shipment of main battle tanks and long-range rockets to Kiev. Additionally, NATO appears to be preparing to send Western-made warplanes to Ukraine.

”It means that NATO is not only providing weapons but also are choosing the targets for Ukrainian strikes,” Polyanskiy continued.

He went on to allege that citizens from NATO countries are already fighting – as well as getting captured and killed – in Ukraine. ”We know this from the people that we capture and from the bodies that we see on the battlefield.”

The ambassador said Western weapons would only escalate the conflict, even warning that foreign intervention could eventually trigger a nuclear war.

“It’s absolutely clear that any deliveries of weapons to the zone of conflict, of course, is like pouring oil into the fire,” he said, adding “If you are dealing with a nuclear power and if you are citing the goal of inflicting defeat to this nuclear power, you should have all the options in mind of our possible response.”

In their remarks, both diplomats also pointed to potential American involvement in the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines. Last week, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a bombshell report claiming that Washington planned to bomb the pipelines. The White House has denied that it had any part sabotaging the line, though Senator Mike Lee later acknowledged that it was possible.

On Wednesday, Polyanskiy said that Moscow requested a UN meeting next week to address Hersh’s reporting.

Lavrov rejected denials from the Biden administration, saying the West is “lying, hiding the truth about the terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream-2 gas pipelines, just as they lied about the Minsk agreements.”

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel claimed the Minsk agreement, which ostensibly was meant to end the civil war in Ukraine, was really intended to give Kiev time to build up its military. In a December 1 interview with Der Spiegel, Merkel said that she believes that during the Minsk talks, she was able to buy the time Ukraine needed to better fend off a Russian attack.

Tinker the Robot: The 1966 Real-Life Housekeeping Robot

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In 1966, inventor David Weston from Yorkshire brought to life his creation: a remote-controlled robot named Tinker. This metal friend was capable of performing various tasks such as washing cars, taking babies for walks, going on shopping trips, and even weeding gardens. However, there was a catch – all of these tasks could only be done within 200 meters of David’s garage, where he controlled the robot through a control panel.

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Tinker was equipped with 120 electronic motors, a zoom-TV camera, a memory, and 29 channels for receiving signals. This allowed Weston to keep an eye on the robot as it went about its tasks, thanks to a television camera installed in the roof.

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Unfortunately, due to lack of space at David’s home, Tinker was eventually passed on to a family friend, Brian, in 1974. Brian owned a shop called Leeds Radio during the 1960s and 1970s, where he sold army surplus radio equipment. Unfortunately, it is likely that Tinker met the same fate as most of the gear that went through Brian’s shop – being stripped down and sold off as spare parts.

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David Weston, who passed away at the age of 71 in 1995, had many “inventions” throughout his lifetime, many of which were just scribbled ideas on cigar packets. Sadly, Tinker was just one of many that were never fully realized.

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3 First Hand Account Of Different Life Experiences


What’s it like to get out of prison after 28 years

I went to prison in 1982 and was released Feb 2009. To say the world I stepped into was a shock, it was a total shock. I felt everyone could tell I was a convict. I could feel the stares, going into stores you see people watching you. In prison you develop a sense where you are always aware of what’s going on around you. Your gaurd is always up.

I noticed people would cut the line in front of me and not think nothing of it, people would talk shit and if I checked them somehow I became the bad guy.

Society has made it so hard to get a job, with all them background checks, can’t rent, fill out a app for a job, list your last 3 employers and why you left. So you get creative on your answers, I put down I worked for the state. Get pulled over, cops whole demeanor changes when he runs your name. Some people don’t like you just because you doing better then them, and it’s my fault your stupid.

You scare people for no reason, trust issues all around. There’s no way I can make others feel the way they feel it’s them. Everything can be cool then they find out you were in prison that long. Some ask questions, some shun you, some don’t change its no factor to them, but once word gets out your judged by people you don’t even know haven’t even meet them. You hear it through friends, some will even say something when they hear another talking shit about you.

All in all out here is way way better then in prison, I’ve been out now for 7 and a half years, I’ve seen stuff that would get you killed on the inside. Out here people snitch, call cops, and not think twice of what there doing. I still hate pigs and always will. For I see them as bad as convicts on shit they do. When a pig sees another pig violate another person’s rights, harass him, beat him and don’t do something to stop the offending pig to me he’s just as dirty. When the pigs got shot up and everyone spoke how bad that was, what came to my mind was shoe just went to the other foot. But society don’t get to worked up when a pig kills one of us.

Prison made me into the person I am. Product of my environment. I can function well and do out here,but that underlinine factor of prison will never go away no matter what I do. No credit history,own a house but can’t barrow a dollar, no medical history, no job history, learn to use smart phone and computer. So much is differant, it’s a system set up for my failure that what society has created . But I won’t fail and I won’t become one of them.

– John Wussler

Chinese attack on Taiwan not ‘imminent’ and predicting it unhelpful to Pentagon readiness: US general

  • Cross-strait conflict is not ‘inevitable’ and American goal is to avoid military flare-up, says Air Force’s chief of staff
  • Concern about Beijing’s plans for self-ruled island has intensified amid Chinese military’s modernisation

Gather Round Children, This Is What Life Was Like Before The Internet

When I was a little kid, and I asked my parents a non-obvious question about the human body or biology, their answer would be “Ask your uncle Paulo next time we see him. He’s a doctor”. Other questions about various topics would get “Let’s call up grandma and ask her; She’s a teacher”, or “Let’s see if the encyclopedia has anything about this”, or “Ask your teacher if, during recess, you can go ask the librarian at school”.

What movies are playing? Let’s check the newspaper.

How do we get there? Either they sent us directions, or we can open up a map and figure that out, then carry the map with us in case the roads have surprises such as closed exits or in case we make a wrong turn. (Intermediary stage between then and today: Let’s open up that newfangled Mapquest and print out custom directions!)

Say I have an interest in learning photography, or model rocketry, or whatever. I tell my parents and my friends at school (and maybe the person at the store that sells supplies for that hobby). Hopefully someone says “I know someone who does that, and they have a club that meets every-so-often. Talk with them!”, otherwise I’m basically SOL. Nowadays, hobbyists have huge networks that allow them to learn quickly from others, share knowledge, and build things like Linux and Wikipedia.

When I was ~14, I started becoming seriously interested in the aerospace industry. Not just the “airplanes and rockets are cool” that so many kids feel, but the “Why is this company developing an airplane of this size and range? What technologies are implemented into it? How did they come up with these technologies? Why are they being implemented now, rather than in the past or in the future?”. So I started reading aviation magazines (I probably bought a couple to a few per month), and watching the Discovery Channel. Before long, and through all of high school and college, I had a huge pile of aviation magazines and books in my room, and a huge pile of VHS tape recordings of aviation documentaries and shows on the Discovery / History / NatGeo / Learning channels . When I made models, those were my resources for looking up markings, paint schemes, weapons loads, and other details. In the modern world of aviation blogs and Google Image Search and YouTube, the “database” that I used to maintain would be laughable. (And yes, I am now an engineer/researcher at a large airplane manufacturer).

Whatever happened to that guy I hung out with for a while when I was 14? Or that cousin-twice-removed that I met at that family gathering that one time, he seemed super cool and had some neat interests. Or that teacher I really liked? Back when I was young, if you didn’t interact with someone for a while, if they moved away, and don’t have friends/relatives in common, that person would effectively disappear. It would require phone-calls and letters to try to reconnect with them. Even once you did reconnect (if you really wanted to), it was unlikely that you would develop a meaningful long-distance relationship, more than a letter or quick phone call once every couple months. Seeing photos of each other’s projects and trips? Forget about it. Sure, in theory everyone is just six degrees apart, but in practice, harnessing those degrees and having regular interactions with someone who does not live nearby was pretty impractical. Now, I easily stay in touch (and in more meaningful touch) with more people in more places… and, I have corresponded with researchers and hobbyists all over the world when I wanted to ask something they knew about. (Sure, most knowledge can be found online, but not the knowledge in the brains of research scientists and other innovators. That knowledge may or may not be in books in a few years, but I wanted it now, so I just emailed them, and they emailed me back).

Which reminds me: Obviously, letters and even postcards are a huge pain in the butt (which is why they are so meaningful today when we do send them). And as someone who hates talking on the phone, and who dislikes being interrupted in general, I am SO GLAD for email and other delayed-response communication technologies that allow you to craft a response when you are good and ready (barring emergencies and whatnot).

Heck, it used to be possible to build an entire industry based on the fact that information costs some money to replicate and distribute. The music industry, the newspaper and magazine industry, movies and TV shows, books, universities … are all being completely up-ended by the fact that anyone can share any information with anyone else in the world at any time.

It was not that many generations ago that a significant fraction of the Earth’s surface could only be communicated with by physically carrying papers there through long treks by horse or on foot. I still can’t imagine how those large empires operated thousands of years ago, or the early multinational corporations of hundreds of years ago, or the Catholic Church. They ran using only PAPER! That’s like building and flying a moon rocket when the only fuels in existence are wax and whale blubber.

Nowadays, creating and running an organization costs nothing. This makes it much easier to organize criticisms and movements against large companies, large religious organizations, authoritarian governments, etc. This actually makes the world a better place .

If you are not completely blown away by modern information and communication technologies, if you don’t understand that people just a generation ago lived substantially differently when it came to how they thought about information… then, I would guess you’re probably not in your 30s yet. Which is fine. I would recommend you try talk to people just a few years older and ask them about life before the internet. It will be like asking people from the 1600s about life before medicine, the telephone, engines, flying machines, electricity, or philosophical naturalism. Except you don’t need a time machine, or a 100-year-old person. You just need to ask the people you know who were born around 1980 .


Russia-Ukraine Coming to a Head – Major “Historic” Speech by Putin on February 21


All Russian TV outlets have been told to drop everything and broadcast a speech by President Vladimir Putin, live, on 21st February. The speech is to the Russian Federation Assembly. Sources tell me this could be “it.”

TV stations have been told to expect the speech to last about an hour.  I am also told all radio stations in Russia are to carry the speech live.  This seems unprecedented.

Between this and Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Kuleba boasting that “something is going to take place on February 23 and 24 that Russia will not like, it will affect the whole world” it is appearing more and more likely that the crap is going to get real for all of us; maybe the formal outbreak of WW3.

Today, Russia called for an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council over US destruction of Nord Stream pipe line.

The Russians will get nothing out of the US-controlled UN other than obstruction.

This afternoon in Russia, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, a guy named Tolstoy, announced new denunciations of international treaties by Russia: “There is no possibility and no desire to work with the Europeans on any issues.” 

Yesterday, this web site reported Covert Intel that Norwegian Intelligence Services reported, for the first time since the Cold War, Russia has started deploying tactical nuclear weapons to their Northern Fleet warships.

Today, it came out that The U.S military ordered depleted uranium (DU) munitions designed for the Abrams tanks that Biden is sending to Ukraine. DU caused cancer and birth defects in Iraq, Afghanistan, and former Yugoslavia. Russia considers these to be a “dirty bomb” and, as reported by this web site weeks ago, Russia will respond to being hit with a “dirty nuclear bomb” exactly the way anyone would expect them to — with nukes.

Right now Nukes and their delivery systems — Ships/Subs/Mobile Launcher Trucks are on the move everywhere.

Global tension is off the scale.

Putin’s speech on 21st February might be simultaneous with the Nukes being launched.   In my gut, I pesonally believe (and this is only my personal view) I’d expect Putin to give the West an Ultimatum and a date. After that a State of War will exist with the West…

I bet all those Russian ships that sailed out of port have attack orders. Once the go signal is sent, they will unleash their nuclear missiles…

We are so close.

He may announce that Russia will in the future interdict war supplies being sent to Ukraine. This could involve the seizure of ships.

He may announce that Russia now regards certain countries as being co belligerents with Ukraine, and that Russia may strike at weapons and training facilities in Europe. This is extreme though.

My money is that this is about Nordstream and the US. He may try to peel apart the US and some European countries. Then join forces with China saying there will be no peace treaty until Russia wins Ukraine and China wins Taiwan.

Russia doesn’t want to face Nato. It’s a losing situation. But if he can divide NATO over Nordstream and if he can ally with China he might go for it.

Nukes are reserved for when you’ve lost. But even then you don’t use them. You insist that even in defeat you retain the reins of your country, your country retains it’s sovereignty or you’re going to launch your nukes. This is damned believable and anybody will settle for that.

Make preparations.  Food, water, medicines, generator with fuel, communications gear, a plan for the family that everyone knows by heart where to meet, how to get there, what to do if some don’t make it.

If you can, try to avoid being around high risk targets.

2023 02 18 11 59
2023 02 18 11 59

Tales From The Meth


1. Had been up 4 days, didnt quite realize how wired i was and kept chasing a rush like an idiot. Took my last dose around 2:30pm, around 4pm started having chest pains. By 6pm, my heart was racing, and my left arm went numb. I was at a family gathering, Ha. I obviously hadnt been smoking any cigarettes by that time, and i had taken an aspirin, because i knew what was going on. I didnt allow myself to exert any physical energy, stayed that way until about 8pm and then made it home. I took a shower, to see if my circulation got any better, but it was only worse.

At 9:30pm my wife took me to the ER where I told them I was Overdosing on meth, and i needed to be monitered, i showed them the massive amount of crystals i was sweating from my palms. They werent surprised, i guess its frequent in my area. They were so nice to me surprisingly. I got to my room, and then had an xray, and blood work. My Heart Rate and Ekg actually were decent, but my BP was through the roof. By 11 or 12, i dont even know, i was in so much pain, i really thought that was it. My entire body was numb, and severely tingling, like when your foot falls asleep to the point where it hurts, but 100x worse and in my whole body, i mean stomach, face everywhere. I thought i was having a heart attack by this point my heart was racing and my vision was getting blurry my body was turning grey and i felt like a dumptruck was on my chest. I was insanely weak, could barely call for the nurse. I hit the button, and managed to say “get somebody in here please”. What seemed like forever, the nurse finally came in, i saw her approach me and then i passed out.

Woke up 40 minutes later, heart stable, but still in pain, and really really high on meth nonetheless. I was stable flr a while, and they sent me home. I didnt have a heart attack. I have an appoint with my family doctor this week. I also quit smoking cigarettes. Im still in pain, still sweating fuckin rocks basically. My circulation is back, which was the worst part of the whole thing. Im going to be taking it very easy the next little while. Gave my stash to a homie. Got me some really really good bud. Gotta take aspirin for a while. Yall be safe out there. Dont chase that fuckin rush yall. Do your shit and get on with it. Much love.

2. Okay so I’m not your run-of-the-mill tweaker I’m just a regular guy who like smoking meth from time to time but my meth dealer he’s kind of fucking weird so I was coming over to his house you know to get the hookup and I don’t know what was wrong with him this day but he was really really into my face like when I say that I’m not meaning he was in my face I mean he wanted to fuck my face and I’m just regular straight guy who likes smoking meth in public but that’s a different story anyway so I sit down I like the bowl up I get fucking blown and he looks at me dead in my eyes and just starts masturbating I’m high as fuck tweaking out of my mind and he just fucking nuts right in my face my high brain does not know what to do in this situation so I get up and I just run out the fucking door and he’s yelling screaming saying he’s sorry I understand meth makes you really horny you see I get that way too but never have I just randomly jerked off in someone’s face but I have jerked off of my cat’s face and that’s why you always have your phone charged when you’re high as fuck on meth that’s the moral of the story

2. I’m a 30ish year old woman, and I was no stranger to drugs, having done pressed E pills, MDMA, oxy, lsd, mushrooms and coke through the years. So when one of my friends brought over a small bag of Meth one day I was like “why the fuck not” and I did a few little lines. You guys know already how it makes you feel so I don’t have to describe it.. but I’ll tell you one thing… they say “not even once” for a damn good reason.

Week one – I just snorted small bumps here n there when i wanted to feel energetic and productive

Week two – snorted small lines

Week three – my nose hurt like a bastard and developed sores inside so I said fuckit and started to smoke it…

Month one – smoking was wayyyyyyy “better” so I started doing more.. I’d guess about two grams a week or so.

Month two – got fired from my job for missing too many shifts cos I enjoyed sitting at home and getting high more than anything. I graduated to about a half gram a day on the pipe.

Month three – full gram a day… sometimes more if people were over

Month 4 – received eviction notice.. ignored it until the last minute, went to court and got 60 days notice to gtfo. Didn’t really care much because Meth. Figured that I would find a way to pay rent or something.. IDK what my thought process was.

Month 5 – Meth Meth Meth… don’t remember much of anything else but I was starting to get really paranoid and I thought people were trying to break into my house all the time

Month 6 – water, heat and electricity shut off.. oh well, I had a woodstove and snow = water so fuck it. Meth paranoia, Meth psychosis, meth Meth, meth.. prob 2g/day

Sheriff gives me the boot, and three days to remove all my belongings.. I have no family (not because Meth, but because they died when I was 17) and my “friends” are just as methed out as I was, so I had nowhere to bring my stuff, and no money or way to put it in storage so I lose everything that wouldn’t fit in a suitcase.

Wander around freezing half to death for a couple weeks.. decide for the first time in my life to apply for welfare, but I was denied because I didn’t have proper identification.

No money and all my friends ditched me because I wasn’t useful anymore. No money = no Meth so I was really dopesick. Decided I was a total loser and I needed to clean my act up.

Hitchhiked about 500 miles away, allied for welfare again even though I still had no ID.. was accepted!

Got a small room, still no Meth. Deleted names, numbers, and anyfuckinthing related to Meth..

Jonesjonesjones…… got a job. Thought about Meth every day. Workworkwork… thought about Meth every day Got a half decent apartment Thought about Meth every day. Still working, drink on the weekends, smoke pot alot, still think about Meth every day but I am committed to never ever putting that goddamned drug in my body ever the fuck again. I was at a small party the other day and was offered some.. I politely said no while I watched other people smoke. I’m done. I’m literally crying as I type this but I did it! Though I still think of it, and I know I always will.


French Pepper Steaks

2023 02 17 16 12
2023 02 17 16 12


  • 4 beef tenderloins, 1 1/2 inches thick
  • 3 tablespoons cognac or brandy
  • 1/4 teaspoon tarragon
  • 6 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 pint heavy cream


  1. Grind lots of pepper into a dish, sprinkle in tarragon.
  2. Press tenderloins in dish and grind more pepper on top. Press in with flat of knife.
  3. In a hot skillet, add 2 tablespoons butter and brown meat on both sides.
  4. Turn and cook about 3 minutes more for rare (or cook more to your preference).
  5. Remove to a platter and turn heat to low.
  6. Add remaining butter, melt and add brandy slowly, letting brand cook out and scraping brown bits.
  7. Add cream, mix in well and season to taste.
  8. Pour sauce over tenderloins.

US will ‘lose fast’ in war with China, Air Force’s simulation shows


March 11, 2021

In 2018, the U.S. Air Force played out a war scenario with China, in which China begins its attack by deploying a biological weapon throughout the Indo-Pacific region. the outcome for the U.S. was not a good one, a new report revealed this week.

This was an exercise that was planned before COVID hit Wuhan in 2019. And then implemented and run. -MM

“The definitive answer if the U.S. military doesn’t change course is that we’re going to lose fast,” Air Force Lt. Gen. S. Clinton Hinote, the deputy chief of staff for strategy, integration and requirements, told Yahoo News.

Many details of the war game remain classified and had not been made public until recently.

In the scenario, set a decade into the future (2028), China uses a biological weapon attack that spreads between bases and warships in the Indo-Pacific and then, under the guise of a major military training exercise, a Chinese invasion force is able to launch a speedy air and amphibious assault to take over Taiwan while targeting crippled U.S. warships and bases in the region with a hail of missile strikes.

The simulation was conducted amid the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic months after aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt was temporarily sidelined with an outbreak of the virus.

Not true. That was on June 19, 2020. Six months after the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan.


Hinote described a trend between past conflict and this most recent scenario.

“More than a decade ago, our war games indicated that the Chinese were doing a good job of investing in military capabilities that would make our preferred model of expeditionary warfare, where we push forces forward and operate out of relatively safe bases and sanctuaries, increasingly difficult,” Hinote said. “At that point the trend in our war games was not just that we were losing, but we were losing faster.”

“After the 2018 war game I distinctly remember one of our gurus of war gaming standing in front of the Air Force secretary and chief of staff, and telling them that we should never play this war game scenario [of a Chinese attack on Taiwan] again, because we know what is going to happen,” Hinote continued. “The definitive answer if the U.S. military doesn’t change course is that we’re going to lose fast. In that case, an American president would likely be presented with almost a fait accompli.”

A fait accompli is a French term to describe a foregone conclusion, and is often used in U.S. military strategy contexts to describe a scenario in which an adversary of the U.S. is able to defeat a U.S. strategy before it can even be launched. In the example of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, U.S. military planners sometimes see China’s anti-access area denial strategy (A2/AD) as a fait accompli that allows China to make major territorial gains in the Indo-Pacific while blocking the U.S. from launching a counter-attack. A fait accompli presents a dilemma for the U.S. in whether to escalate conflict further or cede captured territories or objectives to China.

Russia’s 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian territory of Crimea, has been described as a fait accompli, as the annexation was accomplished before the Ukraine our other nations could intervene, and the prospect of retaking Crimea from Russia might then suggest open war with Russia.

Hinote’s comments about the Chinese war game come on the same week U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) commander Amdl. Philip Davidson said China might try and annex Taiwan within this decade and possibly within the next six years.

The use of war games has reportedly helped the U.S. better understand how the Chinese strategy in the Indo-Pacific would play out, but some defense analysts are still uncertain the U.S. is heading in a direction to counter China’s strategies.

“Whenever we war-gamed a Taiwan scenario over the years, our Blue Team [those playing the role of the U.S.] routinely got its ass handed to it, because in that scenario time is a precious commodity and it plays to China’s strength in terms of proximity and capabilities,”

David Ochmanek, a senior RAND Corporation analyst and former deputy assistant secretary of defense for force development told Yahoo News.

“That kind of lopsided defeat is a visceral experience for U.S. officers on the Blue Team, and as such the war games have been a great consciousness-raising device. But the U.S. military is still not keeping pace with Chinese advances. For that reason, I don’t think we’re much better off than a decade ago when we started taking this challenge more seriously.”

Ochmanek said China has become increasingly confident in its military and that it is showing its confidence with increased aggression and provocative actions in the Indo-Pacific, such as conducting frequent air operations around Taiwan and closely following U.S. Navy ships operating in the region.

Hinote also said, “We’re beginning to understand what kind of U.S. military force it’s going to take to achieve the National Defense Strategy’s goals, but that’s not the force we’re planning and building today.”

Pentagon sends its China point man to Taiwan – media

18 Feb, 2023 02:37

Both US and Taiwanese military officials declined to comment on the reported trip.

The Pentagon’s top China official has arrived in Taiwan to meet with counterparts on the island, according to multiple media outlets. The reported visit is the first high-level defense delegation sent by Washington in several years, and comes at a time of soaring tensions with Beijing.

Michael Chase, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for China, traveled to Taiwan on Friday following meetings in Mongolia, the Financial Times reported, citing four unnamed officials. The Pentagon refused to confirm the visit, only saying that America’s “support for, and defense relationship with, Taiwan remains aligned against the current threat posed by the People’s Republic of China.”

“Our commitment to Taiwan is rock-solid and contributes to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and within the region,” Pentagon spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Martin Meiners told the outlet.

The trip was corroborated by two sources reached by Reuters later on Friday, who discussed the visit on condition of anonymity and offered no further details about the junket.

Read the rest HERE



White House National Security Council Says Lines of Communication between U.S. and Chinese Military Officials have been Closed.

At present, China will not even answer our hotline calls.  Techs confirm the line is working.  It is ringing.  China simply will not answer.

This is very concerning. A top Pentagon official meets with Taiwan officials, and immediately China closes all dialog with the Pentagon. Interesting, and concerning. -MM


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Cheers MM for all you have done here man, shame about the MM site. My opinion is that the Geo Political topics fitted well on this site as do the the Maj topics on Patreon. I thought the balance was just right mate. Again only my opinion cobber. Cheers MM.


A present for you mate, I am pretty certain you dig good old guitar classics man. A redo of an old Hawkswind track from the mid 70’s. I hope you enjoy.


I posted it here because you will have to clear it, hence see it. Sorry for being a devious old bugger 🙂 Will the site still be available for reference? Mate I hope you dig that good old number. Love to you and your mob mate.


I know how you feel MM. I have been figuring on doing the same and focusing more on doing animation videos of my experiences rather than lengthy articles. I will get on your pardon eventually, once all this chaos dies down.


As it becomes ever more obvious that the House of Cards in the West will fully collapse, I am contemplating two routes I could go with my life.

  1. Get a passport, move to China (with or without my girlfriend who is highly sinophobic/russophobic thanks to Vault 7 propaganda,) and then eventually build a massive Dimensional Portal so I can travel to different MWI’s to have fun and see what amazing world lines I could have had, here, were I not so severely fucked up.
  2. Stay here, let myself get nuked/cannibalized (because even now, I am unfit for longterm survival, especially in NYC), and then experience Homecoming.

Hey MM, it’s been a good run for this website, glad it’s not going away! I have enjoyed the rather crazy balance of art, music, recipes, and last but not least, the political updates. Many thanks for all you do 😊


Glad you stay MM!

Ohio Guy

Raising a little one takes a lot of time and commitment, eh? I’m eternally thankful for what you’ve done for us all through your sharing of knowledge and personal experiences. You’ve gone above and beyond what was “asked” of you. I’m very happy for you and look forward to whatever content you decide to put out on your Patreon page.
With all my gratitude, OG


Get outta here, really? Definitely looking forward to that video.

Lots going on in all our lives, we understand you gotta take care of family and biz. We all do!

The changes will be interesting to watch as they unfold – should we survive them.


Looking very much forward to your farsight review and to your and the DCs comments, MM!