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Personal experiences with affirmation campaigns.

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Listen to your "gut instincts". I can positively tell you that when I did not listen to my intuitions, some big problems followed. So obviously there is a synchronicity that you MUST listen to. And I don't mean, oh... ponder it. I mean take action on it. Do some research, and put wheels in motion.

Your affirmations will "take you down the right hallway", and it will "show you which doors to go through", but it is up to you to "put your hand on the knob and turn it and open the door".

Now, you can be passive about this. If you take the passive route, sure, in 15 years you might be living in Vermont. But if you take action, you will see speedier manifestation of your changes that you desire. It's up to you.

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Satellite Conspiracy





You should all be listening to the feedback. When it is time to stop, it is time to stop. Believe me, you will know. And when it is time to start a new campaign, you WILL know. So my guidelines are just that, good solid guidelines, but let yourselves make the necessary decisions on when to start and finish.

When you start thinking of a strange place, person, situation or anything... listen to it. Your affirmations are manifesting. You need to be aware. Then you need to take physical steps. Maybe it's just a Google search. Maybe it's a trip to the library. Maybe it's a scanning of home real-estate values. Maybe it's a job search on LinkedIN. Maybe it's a scan for stories of others who moved there. Don't EVER be passive about your campaigns. They will take you to the door, but it's up to you to open the door. The passive route takes SO SO SO much longer.

Campaigns will give you insight into yourself and your body. Listen to it. You will be much healthier because you have.

7serpent has reacted to this post.

I've finished my first campaign, about the 19th of November. I immediately stopped, even stopped saying my brief prayer before bed. Just completely let it all go.

For about a week, I had a feeling. It came off the cuff, really. I added, after the section about all members of The Lost Battalion being recovered, the following - "All significant members of the Domain trapped in this Old Empire prison complex have been located." After that post where another significant member was found as a soux chef, why limit it to just The Lost Battalion? I wish I'd extended it to include the entire prison complex system, rather than just here.

Two things sort of kicked in - first, "I need to take a break from MM for a bit. Getting lost down the rabbit hole again, losing focus on actually living my life". There is a lot here, even if you exclude the forum, and I find it sometimes useful to take a step back and just stop worrying about stuff. The urge to move back was as compelling as the urge usually is to come back.

Second, I've noticed my visual imagination has massively improved. It was always a struggle at the best of times, damn impossible at the worst. On a particularly tepid training course the other day, I was visually imagining a lot of things. Started by focusing on the way the ceiling had shadows cast across it, then before I knew it I was climbing into space outside the galaxy reflected in the eye of a duck sat on my table, where a giant, space blasted black cube was floating. Inside it was sort of retro-future spherical control room. Interestingly, when I tried to "climb into" another layer, I couldn't progress from the inside of this place. I was drawn to one screen, but it didn't appear to be turned on. Was super odd. All of this was visual - never happened with such depth or such a level of control before. I've not been meditating much, so I can only attribute this to a sudden, inexplicable activation - logically my campaign.

3 weeks obviously isn't a particularly long period, and I've not really been looking for any odd changes, but the second change is absolutely new!

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

Ok I gota good one.

I run my regular 3n3 campaign. Then every so so often I will do a quick one, 2-3 days and let go- easy MWI shifts.

My cat died, killed..... who knows but there she was layed sprawled out, middle of thr drive way on a rainy early morning. RIP AnnaBelle I miss her. We we always have a cat, we were catless....

Mini Affirmation will do the trick. Big Tabby Cat- boy. I love boy cats but they do beef too much. Oh well- thats what I wanted and call him- Mr. Bojangles. Love that name.

I am slacking. Just visualize, close my eyes, cross my fingers, "gimme gimme" and done...... Or so I thought. Kittens are easy enough to come by- but what I manifested wasnt even a kitten.

I have a friend that is a nusiance wildlife trapper. I have seen my fair share of dead beavers and coyotes. But yesterday I got a text with these two 2 wk old fuzzy headed beaver babys. How could I refuse? Idk how anyone  can say no to that question after seeing these little nuggets.

2 year rehabilitation time.... Nooooo Why me? Wait what did you say a baby beaver was called?

A kit!!!!

Any body want 2 baby beavers? Ill drive em to you myself

congjing yu, Feal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuFealMemory LossGoldleafOhio Guy
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Sad for your loss. Curious for your manifestation. Keep up the 3n3. I'm now running a 3n4 because my FF (fate forecast) is positive in the wait period.

Alice has reacted to this post.

Sorry to read @alice I was already wondering what you've been up to.

I experience many little manifestations like wondering what you are up to and then reading about baby beavers or thinking about what Finns have in their saunas and getting an invitation to join some friends in the sauna after dinner. Everytime about 12h from thinking to manifesting. But the bigger the things the longer it takes,right?

Goldleaf and Alice have reacted to this post.

@alice Awww, sad about your kitty 🙁 About the kits, have you looked into any local wildlife rehab places? Either so they can take over the care or at least provide some direction to help you out?

@mirri I think you're right in general. I notice similar when I'm in the "zone" and little manifestations start happening. Or just some very inexplicable synchronicities. This past weekend for example. I'm getting over a sinus infection and so opted to stay home while my husband went to dinner with friends. I spent the time watching the movie "Edge of Tomorrow" with the cats on the couch. He gets home and we share what we did. I mentioned watching the movie by title. He says they had a conversation about some "Tom Cruise movie that's like a science fiction Groundhogs Day and he dies a lot, it's funny" yet none of them could remember what the movie was titled. I'm like, you did hear what movie I watched tonight right?? It took him a moment to connect the two and when he did it was priceless 🙂

Even my coming down with the sinus infection was suspiciously timed with me altering a line of my affirmations in regards to my health. This caused me to stumble across a supplement to take that answered another affirmation...

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Its been a while since I have read the Affirmation posts that covers this.However, I believe The amount of time for a campaign to manifest has to do with how many world lines you would have to travel to obtain it, as well as, the “terrain” of the MWI. Dont quote me on it.

If we want to manifest a pizza or a pair of shoes, they will obviously not take as long as, lets say, a new yacht with a Ferrari to drive back and forth to your mansion. 😂 But you get the idea.

This was a very amateur manifestation. Just a thought with desire and no directed speech. However, it was a lesson in how important it is to master “thought control”.

Hope that helps.


PS- today I went shopping and needed an orange shirt for my daughter to dress as Lorax. We were in a hurry, so I was rushing down the isles repeating over and over “orange shirt, orange shirt”. On the way home,  we passed 5 orange cars in the 5 minute drive going back roads......


congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

Yup. Alice is right.

The speed for each visit to a world-line is fixed to your individual brain, and that is roughly (on average) 4Hz. Or four world-lines per second.

If it is an easy enough goal, you can see it manifest quicker. If it is difficult, it will take longer.

These are my kits!

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JustAnotherAsian, Memory Loss and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
JustAnotherAsianMemory LossGoldleafMirriWaterTigerOhio Guy7serpent
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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