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Personal experiences with affirmation campaigns.

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While I haven't had much experience yet with any results from my affirmation campaign as I've only been doing it for a few weeks now, just found your website recently, I have had a fairly strange experience when praying for someone else when they had requested it of me.

Specifically, when I prayed for them apparently at that same time they "saw" what they described as being a "Grey" watching them from "inside/through" a fence they were looking at when she saw it.  They contacted me immediately after seeing it asking if it was me they saw, as they somehow felt "intent" from the being and assumed it was the intent of my prayer. This happened again the next time I prayed for them as well. They ceased requesting any prayer from me at that point so I haven't since.

This is further odd as they personally weren't ever interested in aliens, as they were from a very theological background.

Any clues?

I have no idea what is going on. Sorry.

Yeah, just another oddity in an odd world.

I'm practically vibrating with excitement for my affirmation campaign though, thank you so much for this website and the information you've assembled here! It's come to me just as it appears I'll be getting the chance to exit a chrysalis very similar to your own very soon!

Great to hear! Thank you for that!

I see what you mean by having unforseen side effects appear when something does manifest.

Sometimes when you are being taught something by an instructor, we are only able to understand it on an intellectual level. But we only really know it when we experience it ourselves.

This just happened to me. I was putting in my affirmation "I want to lose weight and be more attractive looking". Now a few weeks later, and I am losing weight to my delight. It will soon be time time to throw some of my oversized shirts away.

Now the thing I just realised, was that one of the reasons I was losing weight was because I am feeling bloated sometimes after I eat a large meal. I put it to a precautionary gastric scope performed on me some weeks back BEFORE i started using this affirmation (it was only performed because my family has history of cancer).  It was only today that I realised that the feeling of bloatedness was a side effect of my affirmation. But I am in no hurry to remove it yet, at least till I lose a little bit more weight. LOL

Anyways this incident also reinforced by notion that future events can affect the past. To me, affirmations don't just happen like "there was a puff of smoke and what I wanted appeared before me". I think it happens more like "oh, what I wanted was always there, I just didn't notice it before". It is also magic, but strangely more intimate.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Yes. It is common enough. I have some stories to tell (for men only) that might be entirely embarrassing , but that' the way this stuff works. You must be careful what you wish for.

Memory Loss and 7serpent have reacted to this post.
Memory Loss7serpent

I started my first cooling off period today. Toward the end the campaign became rote to the point that I was seeing how fast I could belt it out in the morning. Just figured I’d check in. We’ll see what happens from here. I’ll do my best to put it out of mind.

congjing yu, Berkant and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
congjing yuBerkantChromacat

Similar with me. After 3 month of doing the campaign your body is letting you know, its time to stop. I felt the same the last days of it. There was a wall starting to build up internally to read it. I took it as signal to stop. and it was like 3 days until the full 3 month so timing was also right.

Results we will see 🙂 Lets report back once we start seeing results and share experiences.

congjing yu, Satellite Conspiracy and Chromacat have reacted to this post.
congjing yuSatellite ConspiracyChromacat

So I’m midway through my first cooling off period, and something a little interesting is happening. An item in my campaign was that my family and I no longer live in California. I left it sort of vague, with the rules being that the place is safe and the people are friendly (and a few other things I can’t remember.)

The other night I had a dream that I was stuck where I currently live but I really wanted to be in Vermont. Mind you, Vermont is a place I rarely ever thought about at all. I mentioned the dream to my wife and she had been reading about Vermont right as I told her about my dream. Now for some reason I can’t get Vermont and the surrounding states out of my mind.

Since California decided to downgrade certain property crimes into misdemeanors, there has been an explosion in looting. Last night I found out that my hometown, which is a place that used to scare the hell out of that type of person, has had three stores looted in as many days. I told my wife that it was only a matter of time before it started happening where we live.

Needless to say, the wheels are turning. I’ve been talking about leaving this state for 20 years, but it looks like California might be providing me with the assistance I need.

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