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If you plan on leaving America - GO NOW

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Yeah, here in the states, like @johnsmith and others - the government is now starting to communicate in terms of - and I am directly quoting  - “camps and sectors” for communication zones with non vaccinated people.

I know outside of the states you may not get why this is so alarming - because our individual states are supposed to have rights and that’s the American tangle that WE have to get through.

But there are GOOD people on this board in America I want to see do ok while we have our cage fight...

So if you are thinking - either way of going - JUST GO. It’s too late for you to dig in. I mean in a “free state” screaming to Americans that want to wether this storm - get out if you haven’t dug in.

If you are here and are staying for the storms start thinking about how you can get to a free state if you aren’t in one. Because the scenarios that MM has been posting is right here. In these webpages.

They are telling us that they are going to herd us up.

And half the country is cheering them on.

And world - yes - we are the holdouts for whatever future world you have planned.

It’s nothing personal. It isn’t. Your version of how you all want to live is cool. It did out due “The American Dream”- lost when the last politician signed on with this... but is hold outs are holding out. THAT you can take to the bank.

As I said - I never EVER knew why I became a doctor. Ever. I knew it had to be done and that I had to practice in the USA. I hated it. I hated the complaints of all the bullshit you did to yourself. ‘Now fix me but make sure it doesn’t affect my sex life or I’ll sue’ became the battle cry we heard from our hill.

I think now I know why. I think we in my state are seriously going to get hit with a ton of refugees - and that is where I think I may be fitting. I don’t know why. But yes, my fellow countrymen and women, strangers-black, white, yellow.... whatever - if you just want to breathe - and hold out and say “fuck you” to the clowns who sold us all out - come here. To Florida. To Texas. Come on.

Cash your 401k and by a camper while you can. Before you get put in some “sector” somewhere.

Americans - all of you - please read that link.

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congjing yuUltan McG


Camps are literally months away. I think during the next seasonal flu (renamed Covid) is when they’ll do it. You either take the vax or go to the camp.

if you plan to get out, look at the Deagel forecast and make your decision based on it. India, China, Russia, Brazil might be good choices.

Every indication is we are deep into the Beast system foretold in the book of Revelation, and once we are far enough in, it will fully reveal itself when there is no chance of backing out.



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congjing yupissedlizard

However they plan on doing it - they are talking the language amongst themselves for - looking at the date - quite some time.

The powergrab will be tolerated by those blue states and the states that really have no choice.

Then we all get boxed in. One way or the other. It’s this - free floating feeling that the cleanup may be much much worse than the crash itself, but it’s going down one way or the other that is strange all around. Half the country obeying laws, the other half not.

At least here in Florida we are all armed to the teeth. What I am hearing from doctors in blue states is crazy.

It’s not the vaccine docs are being pushed to sell - it’s this - digital health passport - qr medical code shit.

It may be great in places that want it - but  some just don’t. And THAT is what every single doc I know - went to medical school with,  residency and am friends with- you are on the side of the digital health passport or you are not.

Again - in the USA - in the healthcare system the “should everyone have a digital passport or not” is going on.

This may sound odd to people in the East but this stuff is foreign to us in the USA.

And in the USA this is horseshit. Patient autonomy and privacy should be first and foremost in a free society - such as the USA. Who should NOT have digital passports.

So... get to a free state or get out....

Its coming. Fast.



I'm not going anywhere. Death comes for us all, one way or another. Pretty sure this is what I signed up for and where I'm supposed to be. Godspeed to you all.

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For those of us outside US, what is a "Free State"? Aren't all states in the US autonomous in local/state matters (hence, free?) but are subjected to (higher) Federal laws too?

Are Blue states = Democrats ruled and Red states = Republican ruled?


@justanotherasian America has a “Federalist” system. We are essentially 50 independent countries who agree to follow a set of rules (the constitution).

in our system of government, rights not expressly granted to the Federal government (the body that governs the aforementioned agreement between the states), are reserved to the states.

public health is not expressly granted to the federal government, therefore it is the right of each state to dictate its public health laws, rules, policies.

Free states, in the current crisis, essentially follow their own health directives, whereas prison states follow the Federal governments vis a vis the National Institutes of Health/CDC.

but yes, simply put it’s essentially a Republican/Democrat split. Republicans have what’s left of the “classical liberals.” Democrats are a leftist hive mind cult.


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congjing yupissedlizardJustAnotherAsian

@johnsmith Exactly. It’s hard for us to know what laws are what no less expecting everyone else to know.

Worse case scenario, brother - and I’m not kidding - get to Florida. Right now it’s like a gold rush. On the main highway on the west coast of FL it’s all trucks moving in. You see tons of them in the hotels and rest stops. It’s creating a job crisis, but at least they are coming.

Now - is it a trap to box us all in? Good question,  but people really are serious down here about being the last hold out kind of thing. But it it’s a trap to nuke us all- I just hope it’s quick.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

As always with these guys, you gotta read between the lines. And caveat emptor too, of course. But the below article is getting close to the bone, I've gathered. According to Duff, what you propose is exactly what is happening, PL: folks who declined the experimental inoculation are being herded together into certain geographical areas of the US in order to accelerate mutations of COVID that will, according to Duff, do serious damage to the US moving forward. And kill many more. And that was the plan all along. The bioattack on China failed, now are we looking at a plan B? Or is this organized chaos part of the overall strategy regardless, and a prelude to war while folks who could have prevented it are left to deal with a real pandemic this time.

Official unwillingness to act supports this idea, and Metallicmans original hypothesis that the US is indeed now run by lunatics is looking more and more certain.

Lunatics; or as some others I've had dealings with in the past would say, sons and daughters of Satan intent on destroying creation for a ticket to the underworld where they will live forever. (I shit you not, btw. Many powerful people believe this stuff and have dedicated their lives and enormous material resources to that very end.)

BTW, would you think me crazy if I told you DeSantis is a deep cover operative with allegiances to an enemy of the US? Born of foreign parents masquerading as US citizens and bred for the role he occupies now?

I know. It's a stretch. But look into it. You might understand his puzzling actions in a whole new light.

Stay safe out there!

And can anyone confirm whether the story about "China struggling to deal with numerous DELTA outbreaks" is true? It smells like bullshit and metallicmans said nothing about it. But the Prince of Lies holds sway over everything now-- it's hard to get a grip on what's going on without stepping back into the slime. And for me at least, I'd much rather hang out with my critters and focus on the intentions.

Oh and btw, for anyone who takes Deagle seriously-- and I'm leaning strongly towards-- here's part 2 of something I posted last week. I know Jeremiah. He's a good man. Fundy born again Christian type so he has a bee in his panties about marxists, reds and communists, but a sound thinker regardless. He knows his shit. Retired senior civil servant-- the guys who really run things on behalf of the rotating cretins who come and go. Politicians, so called. At least in this part of the world, anyway.

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And can anyone confirm whether the story about "China struggling to deal with numerous DELTA outbreaks" is true? It smells like bullshit and metallicmans said nothing about it.


"Struggling"? Well here's what's going on.

About a month ago an international flight from Russia arrived in China. One board was an infected Russian. The Chinese authorities caught this person during his quarantine. When they measured his vitals in his hotel room (twice daily) they noticed a change. Checked his swabs and confirmed it was a delta COVID variant.


The Airport management made a grievous mistake. And cost him and all of his staff their jobs, as well as potential prison. The cleaning ladies (old uneducated grannies) on the planes serviced and disinfected both international and domestic flights simultaneously. Which they should have never done.

So while the infected Russian was effectively isolated and kept out of the harm's way, the cleaning ladies (actually one of them), used the cleaning cloth used to wipe down the infected Russian plane on about twenty domestic planes.

Everyone on those planes were suddenly exposed to the Delta Coronavirus variant.

So, what China did was identify all the people who were in contact with those planes. All of them. From Passengers, to service people, to pilots and stewardesses, performed contract tracing and put them all in isolation. Further, these people who might have been infected, potentially infected others.

One of whom went to my city; Zhuhai.

His region was locked down two weeks ago when one infected person was discovered, and all of us had swabs. Then last week we all received an emergency notice, and we were all swabbed again at 8pm. I have videos of this event. Very orderly and under control. It was right outside my house.

And that's what is really going on.

I don't suppose it would ever be reported accurately in the Western "news".

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