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World Line question

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So in a nutshell - no matter how long this turns out, I am NOT a Majestic person or anything like that. No “special ops in Iraq or ‘Nam”. I was enlisted up to E-5 active, went over seas but I was an electronics guy. I fixed radars and shit. Got out, went into the reserves and then college and never left. I became a physician and no longer practice. My specialty was psychiatry, and there lies the clinical aspect. My odd aspect is the way I got here. Now again, as a physician I have had and looked at both CTs and MRIs of my head (for normal reasons) and have nothing there as far as implants or anything like that. But there in lies the problem. For obvious legal reasons I cannot say on a forum exactly what, but major MAJOR decisions of mine have been for no reasons other than a draw. I became a fucking psychiatrist to figure out the difference between mental illness and what was happening to me was. And these aren’t “voices” or “commands”. Those who understand - understand. But yeah, I chose the psychiatry path to figure out what it wasn’t other than the quantum physics path to know what I believe it is! But here I am. That’s me and I’m sticking to it. I have as a doctor, become homeless. I lived out of frigging dumpsters - in the heat - with an medical degree behind me to figure out what it wasn’t. Because that’s part of the reason I guess I am here. Yup. As, again, I hope I can let any one else know that they are not nuts - here -on this forum by maybe answering questions. I owe SO much to Robert and you all. I say you all because of the faq pages. The faq pages could not have got me going the way it has without YOU all and those newbies, like me who just want to get it.

My own research led me to the theory that  microtubules in our neurons as well as our optic nerve - and it’s pathways in the brain - may play a role in Loop Quantum Physics. Now all that stuff is published since 2014, and as been presented by MetallicMan.
So - my question is  - would altering the frequencies of those microtubules - alter world lines? Is that how the portals - in MetallicMan writings - work? By magnetic resonance and manipulating micro tubule entanglement?

Memory Loss has reacted to this post.
Memory Loss

I welcome your input, as does everyone else I am sure. You can post away anything you come across. Just add the link where you go it. This is a non-profit site out of China. No laws will be broken.

I added paragraphs to your text. It makes it much easier to read.

Hardship is how we experience change. My latest post on this issue shares your experiences.

Thank you for everything. It's good, juicy, stuff. It's the real deal. Thank you.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Hi MM and fellow readers. Should I continue saying something good to people while I continue with my campaign? I now have more friends than usual. But their just good people I believe.


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

@GuyFromAfrica The answer is YES. YES. YES.

You do not do this for the result that it will bring. You do this to change your reality faster. The more you do it, the faster your reality changes.

Each time you smile at a person and make them feel good, or when you say something good to that person, and they think good things... they are thinking good things about you.

Before you were just one lonely guy trying to change your reality. But you made three friends. Now three people all have good thoughts directed at your reality.

Later, you will have ten people thinking good thoughts about your reality, and you. Later, it will be 20, then 50, then 100.

And they have friends. And they will say and think good things about you too. And their friends will do so, and so on and so forth...

Now, imagine your reality being this bubble, and you are inside of it.

Every time someone thinks something good about you, the bubble floats higher in the sky. While everything you or someone else thinks something bad, it sinks lower.

Now it's hard for one person acting alone to move that bubble. The longer that it has been down, the harder it is to move. Ever push a car? It's hard to get it moving, but once you do it is so much easier. That's what you are doing now. You are getting people to help you.

To push the car...

To lift up your bubble.

Keep the faith brother. Keep the faith and never, ever, ever, EVER give up. I believe in you and I have invested some powerful non-physical help that's going to really get things moving. It will just take some time. But it's there. Things will change. Things will happen.

Never give up.

Never, ever, ever give up.

pissedlizard, JustAnotherAsian and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardJustAnotherAsianMemory LossGoldleafLydiaRose13


LISTEN to the man, my friend.

I too - believe in you. And you better NEVER give up. You are you today and people give a shit about you.

You gotta show people who you are when you bounce - get air under them wings and fuck the world!

You need some positive vibes, bro? I’ll send some your way.


congjing yu, JustAnotherAsian and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJustAnotherAsianguyFromAfricaMemory LossGoldleafLydiaRose13

From Leenks...

"TL;DR: I over-drafted and caused four marriages and five babies.

Longer version, I was just out of high school and new in town with no job. I was living off what savings I had left and my account went below zero without me knowing.

I was overdraft charged like 10 times and owed $300+. I went down to the bank spoke with a teller and she ended up being a lifesaver. She worked with me and got all the charges removed.

On top of getting the charges removed, we got to talking about my situation and she said that her son worked at a local restaurant and she would help me get a job.

She was a woman of her word and by the end of the week I was working full time. Fast forward, I meet a cool dude who worked there, we became friends, I introduced him to my sister, they fell in love, got married and had two kids. His best friend came into town for the wedding and I introduced him to my roommate at the time, they fell in love, got married and had two babies.

I also got my best friend a job at the restaurant where he met a girl working there, they feel in love, got married and had a kid. Right before I left I got my roommate a job at the restaurant, where he met a customer, fell in love, got married and had a kid.

As a bonus, my best friend, who I helped get the job repaid the favor and got me a job at a different restaurant, where I met a girl, fell in love and got married."

pissedlizard, JustAnotherAsian and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

@laoban4site In your latest article you mentioned that there was a shift in the baseline template. I know that you've already commented that you're writing a follow up article so if my question will be answered there, I can wait 🙂 My question is, could our affirmation campaigns help trigger/influence this event?

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardMemory Loss

@ PL i am in the same boat as you. Though I have never had an MRI, I sincerely doubt I have any implants in there. As for military duties, like i mentioned in my part 3 I never got past the recruitment office. I am starting to notice a trend in us electronics guys having some interesting shit to say when it comes to the topic of ETs. I completed my apprenticeship and got my qualification in Electrotechnology Computer Systems about a year before my first contact with the EG. Seems to be a prerequisite for contact lol

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
Daegon Magus

@Goldleaf You asked if your individual affirmation prayer campaigns could assist in triggering a change in the Master Template. The answer is yes.

pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.

@deagonmagus - You know, I always was into electronics. I got it from my Dad. When I got out of the Coast Guard I got TONS of offers to go back to Silicon Valley - that Prompting - which now I am SO glad I really did follow - had other plans. And that was in the days before the internet. People used to say “are you kidding? You are giving up a job at —- for living like THIS?” (“This” usually being a studio apartment with 3 part time jobs).

The electronics people on a in the USCG - we had the LIFE in the Coast Guard. I literally had  the keys to every lighthouse in New England at one time! Ship life was  no watches - no duty. And the people were ALWAYS down to earth. Always. No matter what shop I went to in any part of the country - we ALWAYS had fun. From the computer-dungeon and dragon guy to the weapons wonder kid - everyone drank the same beer. It’s a camaraderie I never felt in any other role I played. I think the bond was the language. We see schematics like a navigator sees a map of a bay. It takes a special breed.

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