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We do not share a reality with others

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This is a new forum topic originated by @prof77. In which he stated...

MM - You wrote, "We all do NOT share a common reality." (, and "[Reality is] unique and custom for a given consciousness." (

This is a profound insight, with many, many implications.

Could you pls create a specific forum thread for us to discuss and try to unpack it?

Thx - prof77

Btw, MM has addressed this insight in many posts, including:

To this end, I think that it would be a great idea to break this thread apart and make it it's own topic. Comments and thoughts are welcome here.

LydiaRose13 has reacted to this post.

Do we manifest the earth?

If there is an actual catastrophic event to the earth - such as a crustal displacement - does this affect all those present on this earth, or just me on my earth?

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


congjing yu, Memory Loss and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory LossGoldleafnobulart

@prof77 I think that your observations are very interesting and indeed, they could be evidence of an entire structured belief system "cracking up". Truthfully, I never looked at it that way before, but as you described it, it seems to make a great deal of sense.

This paradigm concerning Earth’s “reality” strongly suggests all humans, everywhere on Earth, inhabit a singular shared objective reality, all within a singular shared history is ingrained in EVERYTHING. It is reinforced in all the religions. It is part and parcel of all science, biology, and all biological theory. It is the baseline for all of the other sciences.

When Everett's MWI came out, after the scoffing, everyone tried to twist their existing paradigm to fit the MWI. But you cannot. The two are mutually exclusive.

But you can look at it in a "bastardized" model. That is to say, that what we observe is due to the combined train of thoughts of all the other consciousnesses.

Or in other words, the sky is blue, the people are outside and wearing Summer clothing, and the music is playing because this is the combined thought "trains" of everyone-else.

Now, you are in your own reality. Everyone else is in their own reality as well. However, the "window dressing"; the "environment around us" seems to be shared. It appears that we all share it with each other.


I argue that while everyone is in their own reality, all of their thoughts combine together to create the (apparently) shared environment. And we, as consciousness pick a place in this shared environment and move about it. We move frame by frame. Each split second frame being a "world-line".

Now, going back to your observation that society seems to be fracturing into echo chamber groups, could not those groups create their own (minor) shared environments? And if so, if you are attracted to that group, your consciousness will find itself inside that environment.

I refer to these kind of behaviors as "clustering" of life-lines or world-lines.

Meaning, a "life line" is what consciousness experiences; time, vector of time, a past and a future.

So then, even though we seem to be interacting with others, we are instead interacting with the "shadow people" that reside within the clustering world-lines that most appeals to the thoughts of our consciousness. If we think of doom and gloom, maybe our consciousness will be attracted to a surrounding environment full of doom and gloom.

If you look at things this way, a whole world of simplicity follows.

As well as a solid understanding on how thoughts can alter one's reality. Because it does.

Memory Loss, Goldleaf and prof77 have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleafprof77

And whatever you do, don't fall for fake images like these, intended to corral your reality into a very particular kind of cage. Clearly what the mainstream narratives are talking about has got NOTHING to do with what's coming over the next few months.

Mr Man, as a former fly boy in training, you might under closer inspection find this particular aircraft somewhat, aahhh, unique? Rubber is the hi tech aviation composite of the future dontcha know, 😂.

congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss

This is much better. Zoom in on first the world really works ladies and gentlemen. Even the airplanes are fake and the cling-ons are CGI. And some live actors waving at the camera. And the director. (Of the kabuki theater)

congjing yu, Memory Loss and nobulart have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Lossnobulart

Great! NOT!

Shared Earth. Hmmm. Those with common "thoughts" manifest a common world. Should I then change my thoughts so radically as to conjure my own unique earth?

I have had zero success (as far as I can tell), getting off this shared and controlled prison... perhaps it is because I actually seek that earth where its cosmic entanglements cause a regular slate-cleaning - and THIS IS IT.


Many have noted that groups of people are starting to clump together in popular online “echo chambers,” where their ideas are reinforced, and their ideas are insulated from exposure to challenges

This phenomenon of people starting to clump together, do you observe it primarily in the US? Have you observed it anywhere else? In particular have you noticed it in a non-Western setting?

I live in Singapore. I too have noticed people waking up and questioning their previous beliefs. But where I am, I do not observe a large amount of the "clumping together". Perhaps it is happening because of the US's unique cultural circumstances?


congjing yu and nobulart have reacted to this post.
congjing yunobulart
Quote from Ultan McG on August 20, 2021, 5:51 pm

This is much better. Zoom in on first the world really works ladies and gentlemen. Even the airplanes are fake and the cling-ons are CGI. And some live actors waving at the camera. And the director. (Of the kabuki theater)

First pic attached is allegedly that same aircraft on the runway in Doha the following morning. Second is a montage off Twitter. I have also just been told that mass public executions have started in Kabul, along with this video. Warning - Very graphic. NSFW.

Aircraft No. 1109. A mockery of 9/11. 1+1+9+6+2+4+4+6=33

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