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Some papers on microtubules and quantum physics

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yeah i apologise its all something that only really properly popped up this past week. re reading the alien interview unlocked some more memories of things as well. i'll try and be a little tamer from now on lol

Daegon Magus

I for one, am loving it! Not sure I understand all yet, but I am enjoying it very much.

daegonmagus has reacted to this post.
daegonmagus, thank you SO much for this. I took a quick read when I got in and really double read it again and am just floored. As someone who is really very new to this, the guidance is invaluable and appreciated!
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@dori2190 @daegonmagus


I am not familiar with the dream state etc, and I am hoping you might have some insight into an experience I had some years ago.

At that time I was in the States visiting some friends in Boise, Idaho. On a particular night, i admit it, I had a little pot. During sleep I spontaneously went to a place. This place was pitch black, there was no vision, no sound, it was a place of pure thought. In this place I found that I could have the answer to anything I wanted. The funny thing is that the answer did not come all at once, but it came through a series of thought steps. Now I tested it out and got answers and was satisfied. But I also knew that I would not be able to take the answers back with me. Then the thought occurred to me "what if I am stuck in here forever? that would be terrifying", at that moment I felt afraid and zzzzzzoooooommm I was back into my body.

After this incident I knew for a fact that our consciousness survives physical death and have never been afraid of dying since. It also sparked my interest in things beyond the veil and since then I did try to astral travel (even attending a short course at Monroe Institute taught by William Buhlman with limited success. Since then I have been a lazy boy not tried very much.

My question is do you know where I went to on that first incident with the pitch black thought-only place?

it sounds like you either astral projected or were in the void space. I am leaning more towards astral projection though as your description of coming back into your body after thinking what if you get stuck there is very reminiscent of it. I have been to a similar black space whilst astral projecting myself. It was like a big black sphere that i was buzzing around in. I ended up crashing into something else that was buzzing around in there, which made think it was a wise idea to exit the session

keff has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

LOL, bumping into other learner astral projectors and frightening both yourselves.

Yes, what you said about zooming back into the body does make sense. Especially since I have had a couple of times done projections with limited results. In these instances the atmosphere was rather dim and it was all monochrome shades of grey.

According to Buhlman, that is because we don't carry enough of our consciousness into the astral body. He advises us to demand or even shout "Clarity Now!!!" to pull in more consciousness into the astral body. Apparently you get to see amazing colours and visions if that is successful. I suppose my own demands were too timid to pull more consciousness in during my attempts, so all I got was dim grey views. But the flying and floating around was fun though.


Btw, what is the "void space"?


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@keff, ok so this is my own interpretation, and I am sure MM can possibly even give a better understanding of what exactly is taking place, but with both astral projection and lucid dreaming you are obviously detaching your consciousness from your body and letting it wander around different "planes". Admittedly my astral projection resume is quite a lot thinner than my lucid dreaming portfolio; I have only been able to successfully achieve a conscious projection a handful of times, maybe a dozen or so at most. When you fall asleep you go through the sleep paralysis transition, which seems to be a point where your consciousness is getting ready to seperate from the body; it is here that many people in the UFO and occult communities report seeing demons/ typical greys/reptilians etc standing at the foot of the bed. Majority of the time when I am in this state I always have this horrible feeling that "something" or someone is going to come in my room and "get me". You hear these weird noises that I can only describe as cthonic, though sometimes you also hear incredibly "perfect" music playing - this music would sell a million copies if you could transcribe it (which some well known bands claimed is exactly what they did) which I find interesting given what Airl said about pleasing music used to attract consciousnesses. I do not know exactly what this is phase is, but I suspect it is some sort of unnatural scenario that is implemented to try to dissuade one from detaching from their body, because if you can learn to call BS and just relax through it this is when you "feel" your consciousness pull back in towards the pineal gland. completely detach from the body and enter the void space.
Astral projection can sometimes be achieved from this SP state, but it is incredibly difficult as the unseen "forces" pinning your body feel as though gravity has been amplified by about a million; I have found these projections are laced too much with sub conscious distortions to make them useful. The Monroe Institute technique I used for my first projection back when I was 15 took place right before this sleep paralysis stage; one goes to bed and has to consistently enter a super relaxed state, while doing an intense visualisation; one feels a similar sort of body paralysis sensation right before they hear a "pop" as their etheric body detaches from the physical; if there is any level of excitement at this juncture, it usually ruins the projection - one has to practice controlling every single thought and focus entirely on the "fizzing" sound in their head (sounds like when you open a soda bottle and stick your ear to the rim) otherwise it will stuff it up.
The "void space" is my own terminology to describe the "place" one consciously enters after the sleep paralysis stage; it feels like you are falling into a never ending hole. I used to come here a lot and just free fall for hours as a form of meditation. Its an incredibly exhilarating experience and I believe accounts for most of the "falling dreams" many people claim they have experienced. Apart from using it to create my own dreams, I have used it to some incredibly fascinating things, including tuning into to an alien race that talked in a sort of clickity clack language who telepathically started talking to me in English amongst other things. Astral projection can also be achieved from this point , but again it seems laced with too much distortion to be useful (from my experiences anyway.)
There is a good book on Astral Projection by a man named Silvan Muldoon (its called Astral Projection)  in which he describes in great detail his own observations on his experiences doing it (this book was written along time before Bob Monroe started investigating it; if my memory serves me correctly it was from the 1920s)
As far as books on lucid dreaming, apparently a lot of my lucid dreaming techniques (most notably the portals ie direction of consciousness projection) were described by a man named Carlos Castaneda in his books dealing with his apprenticeship with the Yaqui Shaman, Don Juan, though I have never read any of them. Castaneda wrote them for his thesis on Anthropology.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus

Great stuff.

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