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Some papers on microtubules and quantum physics

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Here are some relatively quick journal entries on the neuro aspect of  the MWI (possibly). It’s called the “Orchestrated Objective Redduction theory” or Orch-Or theory.

First, the paper that started it all. This is my ‘go-to’ when I am researching as it really serves as the foundation:

Some other articles

Other areas of study in biological quantum happenings are in the retina of the eye (I haven’t delved too deep into that as  I am a real big brain guy. I love the brain) and photosynthesis. SO many of MM articles either compliment or expand on these ideas. I am hoping to get what I can up here on this forum for everyone in hopes that we can all gain more insight. I only posted the links as I am aware of all the attacks on the MM site and do not want to introduce a potential hazard to the system.




Thank you for this. Keep them coming. I am getting a lot of positive feedback on private channels regarding forum participation.

So... here I am thinking I am actually contributing, you know, finding something quantum related to medicine and lo and behold- - I read your post about cat heaven.  And Orch-or microtubles is covered! I’m still pushing on and have a theory that if I can get in a lab, start testing. Microtubules are a diner or a double of something. In this case the protein tubulin. My baby theory, which I hope to nurture into a real theory is this. I think the bonds where the dimer is joined, that is where the wave/particle action is in our brain at least.

Now my guess is this. I am going to do my due diligence and move further with that. And probably the next day something will “prompt” me, like this morning, to read an MM article and find the same stuff explained about a thousand times better than I ever can - I am in NO way bitching. When I read stuff and then find it explained elsewhere, it just lets me know I’m on the right track at least!


You ARE on the right track. I tell you this two times (x2).

The cat heaven thing intrigues me. As I lost a dear psycho fluffy friend recently. Her "sister" has shown no remorse for her death. If Zumi was alive she'd miss Aya, but Aya doesn't miss Zumi.

I and my ex-wife kinda bonded with the cats we got in 2005. I think personalities matched. Zumi was mine but Aya was hers.

I miss Zumi. Aya is dying but hanging on to life with all she's got. Takes a lot each day. Definitely a service-to-self soul of a cat.

I have to admit being a little disgusted at her selfishness. Still love her though.

You know, you are always welcome to post a photo of beloved kitties on MM.

Thank you. Can you make a category for pets or just good things and IRL photos?


First of I am going to start by saying I am in no way an expert on quantum physics; I have a basic understanding of how light acts as both a wave and a particle depending on whether or not it is observed but beyond that, and anything to do with mathematical calculations it becomes lost on me (mainly because i didn't bother with calculus and the harder maths subjects at school, which I plan on studying so i can get my head around more quantum physics stuff when i have the time). I have a little bit of an understanding of how quantum computers work based on my own knowledge of digital computer systems being an electronics tech, but again, it is limited.

What I do know is based on about 20 or so years messing around with consciousness via lucid dreaming; I have many times remained conscious during the transition of of going into the dream state. It is at this point where consciousness seems to become inverted and projects back in towards the pineal gland. At this moment you can feel it disengage from the body where it falls into this sort of never ending void - what I call the void space - which is basically like the load out screen in the matrix where a rack of guns appears before Neo and Morpheus; with strong visualisations one can quite literally create their own dreams and watch them manifest as if they are an RPG world being loaded on a tv screen; I have used this void space to telepathically tune into an ET race that spoke a wierd clickity clack language, and I have - only once - used it to hijack another person's dreams - my wife's when we first met - where I was able to successful implant a dream scenario of my own devising and have her experience it as if it were her own dream. Rather than perception extending to a 3 dimensional boundary, like when you are awake, whilst in the void space it is 4th dimensional; you see in every direction at once and the "horizon" of your perception extends to sub conscious imagery and archetypal energies that exist within. Fatigue plays a major role in how deep one projects into this void space; if you are heavily fatigued, your velocity of consciousness propels through through the transition phase too quickly and you end up penetrating boundaries of the subconscious realm, resulting in a dream being created unconsciously (like how most people dream). If you learn to control this velocity of consciousness through the transition phase, however, you end up at a shallower part of the void and can control it if you are good at visualisation techniques.
Once you manifest a stable dreamscape you can "travel" to different "worlds" by either compressing consciousness into a ball in front of you (think of this as floating in space orbiting a planet, then "falling" into that planet's gravitational pull in which it loses its spherical shape and forms an environment around you ) or expanding it outwardly (this would be equivalent to something pulling you backwards out of the planet's gravity into orbit - you travel back in towards the pineal gland).
Over  the years I had a few experiences which suggests to me that pure consciousness exists a spherical like ball of {unseen} light particles that can be compressed to the size of an atom or expanded to the size of the universe; based on what I was "told" consciousness is supposed to pulse between these contracted and expanded states, but the human brain acts like a rectification circuit in that it keeps it locked in a perpetual state of contraction (this is what you see and comprehend as time anyway, what is actually happening is that you have been cut off from seeing the outward expansions as they happen; your consciousness contracts, your brain takes a 3d photo, like MM suggested, it expands again, then contracts, and takes another photo and your mind percieves only the photos in succession of each other). The way I understand it, entanglement is simply the same consciousness "meeting" itself when it compresses in one instance, and expands in another, or what could be considered the neutral point if one considers the expansion and contraction limits as the peak positive and negative points of a sinusoidal wave form.

My reincarnation experience, suggested this is exactly how consciousness is put in an embryo; it exists with its expanded perceptive boundary as the 4th dimensional universe, then is forcibly compressed to the size of a fetal brain in which it becomes "locked in" to the rectification mechanism. My supposition is that it can be expanded and compressed to whatever size the ones in control of it wish; if they want to put it in an ant, they compress it to the size of an ant; if they want to put it in a planet, they expand it to the size of a planet. From Airl's interview, it is my supposition that the sphere of our earth environment is actually a 3 dimensionally "frozen" expansive boundary of a consciousness , and gravity is the contractive effect of that consciousness hence it bounds us to its ground.  Essentially we are caught in the dream of the consciousness who has manifested earth in its dreamscape (Gnostic demiurge much?).

My research is suggestive that our void spaces are being hijacked by non physical ETs in much the same way I was able to hijack my wife's; I am starting to see a heavy correlation between sleep paralysis/ lucid dreaming and inter dimensional entity contact within many UFO and occult groups.

It is also my supposition that because consciousness can be expanded and contracted in this way, it can be made to fit in an atomic package. This would explain why the ETs are so annoyed with us for playing around with nukes; we would essentially be destroying conscious thought forms in their infant stages.
I have actually been attempting to model this all out with CAD the past week.
I have some more theories on bloodlines and generational DNA playing a role in the eventual fetus a consciousness will be placed in, but these are getting into some heavy personal things that are probably best left as personal theories for the time being.
Again this is all just my interpretation. I could be well off the mark and welcome any constructive criticism that proves/ disproves any of it

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congjing yufifth.eschaton
Daegon Magus

Great stuff. But it all takes time to digest, don't you know.

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