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MWI and MM

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This is a bit off topic from the above conversation, but I just started watching the new Loki series and it seems like it is very much about the MWI. It is basically about people diverging away from a "sacred timeline" in which another authority - the Time Variance Authority/ TVA - have to go track down all the variants off the timeline to stop resulting Nexus points (unauthorised timelines) destroying reality. If anyone ends up watching it, take a look at the armour the TVA wear and tell me it is isn't modelled off the Stormtroopers gear.
Its actually crazy watching this; a lot of it resonates strongly with my lucid dreams about timeline resets - there is this one scene in the second episode where they track a variant to this medieval village which undergoes a timeline reset - this is very, very similar to one of my astral assignments where I'd get sent to a similar village and some weird timeline disruption stuff was going on that i'd be investigating. Both my wife and another person I know have been to this village, so I know it is more than just a brain fart on my end.
From watching Loki it seems they are trying to make out that travelling the MWI is bad; thou must follow the plan for your life that the TVA (which they reference as being lizards) have approved or else.
I'm wondering if the Nazi's knew about the MWI and went back and fucked with the timelines using the Die Glocke

congjing yu, Old Wine and Satellite Conspiracy have reacted to this post.
congjing yuOld WineSatellite Conspiracy
Daegon Magus

From the sound of it, you have not finished the season yet like I have. I thought the series was pretty good, though I wasn't crazy about the mealy-mouthed message that was being sent by the season finale. I won't give any spoilers, but you know how the season starts with Loki getting angry and upset about not having the freedom and will to really determine his life? Well the end goes against that. Someone goes off script and disaster really does occur. So the "grand manipulator" is presented as being wise and doing the hard things others do not have the stomach or wisdom to do. The subtle (underhanded) message it sends is that sometimes, we have to accept what was bequeathed to us (no matter how seemingly unfair) because something worse that we can't possible understand may result. I agree that freedom is a responsibility, and that frankly we as a species are generally too dense to understand many things (we truly do have a long way to go in our search for wisdom). However, I disagree that one must always accept, because that's a useful rationalisation for malevolent people to keep people they are fucking with in the dark (and keeping them unable to fight back). Anyway, I don't want to say too much. Enjoy the series and I look forward to hearing what you think of it.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@dori2190 Since you bring up pop culture, I started reading IQ84 by Horuki Murakami a few days ago. In one of the first scenes, the character climbs down a staircase from a highway, then through a hole in a fence and notices that the cop she sees walking by has a 9mm auto and not the revolver she’s used to seeing the cops carrying. When she asks various people when the police started carrying pistols, they all tell her it was two years ago after a stand-off with a gang of criminals. She doesn’t remember the stand-off   ever happening.

This is a fairly popular novel, but it was weird running into the concept at roughly the same time that I started thinking about it in my own life. I’ve decided to see it as synchronicity because why not?

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congjing yu
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