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MWI and MM

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Hugh Everett III was an American physicist who first proposed the many-worlds interpretation (MWI) of quantum physics in his 1957 PhD dissertation at Princeton University. MWI gained credibility with the discovery of quantum decoherence in the 1970s and has received increased attention in recent decades.

The Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics holds that there are many worlds which exist in parallel at the same space and time as our own. The existence of the other worlds makes it possible to remove randomness and action at a distance from quantum theory and thus from all physics. The MWI provides a solution to the measurement problem of quantum mechanics.


MM's insight is that "We do not share a common/objective reality with others." This is profound and has many implications.

MM adds (

  1. "We each exist in our own fully independent universe, (or more properly stated we all live in our own multiverse probability of occurrence trajectories.)"
  2. "We each make illusory copies of whatever large scale mutual universe we believe we are in and do in our usual quarter second wave-particle personal universe lock-in tick rate."
  3. "However, yet also paradoxically voluntarily and with love entirely embedded within a collective soul group alignment with and for whom I might sacrifice everything."
  4. "In the surface appearance of the other is a co-seeded by self created habitation for different groups of soul who are mutually co-anchoring commonality."

Wooooo Hooooo!

Satellite Conspiracy has reacted to this post.
Satellite Conspiracy

We do not share a common reality

The most popular paradigm concerning Earth’s “reality” strongly suggests all humans, everywhere on Earth, inhabit a singular shared objective reality, all within a singular shared history.

In contrast to this MM has suggested that:

  • "We all do NOT share a common reality,"

  • "[Reality is] unique and custom for a given consciousness."

In other words, MM suggests there are multiple Earth realities, existing simultaneously, each individually defined/interpreted, each on its own timeline, with its own history and etiology.

Are we transitioning away from the tyranny of THE ONE singular reality?

Perhaps, as MM suggests,doorways of human perception are opening tothe possibility of multiple Earth realities. If so, it is a profound insight with many implications.

Let us explore this.

In a world of multiple, individualized realities it will be up to every individual to decide which reality they prefer to inhabit.

Right now, all over the world, I see people waking up and reconsidering their positions—on almost everything. However, I also see that individuals breaking out of the tyranny of “THE ONE singular reality” are being targeted, harassed, censored, and/or cancelled. Why? Those who gain by enforcing and exploiting widespread belief in “THE ONE singular reality” may be sensing a potential threat to their power and control.

Do you ever find yourself trying to share about something that seems obvious to you, only to be met with anger and an over-the-top reaction? This has been hard for me to understand. I have asked myself over and over, how can they not see, why do they not see?

Perhaps the reason for this is because what is obvious to me is simply not going on in their world. Perhaps it does not exist in their reality. Maybe they inhabit a completely different reality.

Are there are multiple realities? There are layers and layers to this question. Birthing a “multiple realities” paradigm may be what we, as a collective, are going through.

Many have noted that groups of people are starting to clump together in popular online “echo chambers,” where their ideas are reinforced, and their ideas are insulated from exposure to challenges.

Every day I see more online echo chambers forming. These echo chambers also appear to be antagonistically moving away from each other—making gaps between them ever more evident.

Is our world is falling apart?

Maybe it’s just a transformation process.

Maybe non-shared multiple-reality is on the way.

I welcome your posts, comments, and insights.



congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


You said...

However, I also see that individuals breaking out of the tyranny of “THE ONE singular reality” are being targeted, harassed, censored, and/or cancelled. Why? Those who gain by enforcing and exploiting widespread belief in “THE ONE singular reality” may be sensing a potential threat to their power and control.

This is in itself a very important point.

Of course it goes along with the "prison planet" and the "emerging sentience nursery" concepts.

But it implies something else.

As you have said.

"Are there are multiple realities? There are layers and layers to this question. Birthing a “multiple realities” paradigm may be what we, as a collective, are going through."

Perhaps this is a very deep question. As each reality is (according to other sources) a self-contained universe. And as Airl has said, universes are things that are easily created.

So, perhaps I will posit that maybe this "prison Plant breakout", or this "sentience nursery launch" is a creation of a wholly separate reality that egresses from the one that everyone is apparently in right now.  It's a very deep concept and needs some further discussion.

Memory Loss and prof77 have reacted to this post.
Memory Lossprof77

IF our spirit (i.e., "wave function" higher self) is simultaneously encoded throughout an infinity of MWI realities, capable of creating an infinity of new universes, and capable of flickering ("sliding") awareness anywhere in any fields of MWIs:

  • WHY have we, as a collective, clumped together here,
  • Even though it has entailed an absurdly extreme narrowing of our consciousness,
  • Even though, it has required accepting an absurdly draconian memory wipe,

Is it just to experience together an infinitesimally tiny slice of one MWI, and inhabit it as if it's THE ONE AND ONLY singular reality?

Ludicrously insane.

But here we find ourselves.

Are we being squeezed down tighter and tighter until we have no choice but to crack the shell of our egg and be born, crying and screaming, into MWI consciousness?

Perhaps both "prison planet breakout" and "sentience nursery launch" are equally accurate metaphors?

Or, perhaps they're just names of amusement park rides, currently available only here on Earth?

Of course, amusement parks are totally absurd, but we go anyway, and they're a lot more fun when we go together with a group of friends.

[BTW, struggling with how MM concepts of "anchoring" and "template" might tie in with all this?]



congjing yu and Satellite Conspiracy have reacted to this post.
congjing yuSatellite Conspiracy

You said ...

Is it just to experience together an infinitesimally tiny slice of one MWI, and inhabit it as if it's THE ONE AND ONLY singular reality?

Ludicrously insane.

And I have to agree with you. It makes no sense. At all.

So what is going on here? And why.

From what I see, if you boil away everything and get to the precipitate at the bottom of the pan, you see that there MUST be some kind of multiple reality structure that exists. There must be.

Thus all calculus should start on this point of agreement. Don't you think?

So maybe we can start with a binary observation. There is either [1] A singular reality that is shared, or [2] multiple realities. I argue that point #2 is obvious, but were I to get involved in a discussion with others who have studied classical sciences and religion they might disagree with me.

What are you thoughts?

Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

I find all this fascinating and I'm fairly late to the party. I am not remotely qualified to talk about this subject as someone who has 0 background in the sciences. For what it's worth, the more I read about quantum physics, I'm fully onboard with the MWI and multiple realities. It makes a lot more sense than the one singular reality that's been sold to us since birth. Newtonian physics is a great starting place but it only takes us so far. Quantum actually starts explaining things.

Right now, all over the world, I see people waking up and reconsidering their positions—on almost everything. However, I also see that individuals breaking out of the tyranny of “THE ONE singular reality” are being targeted, harassed, censored, and/or cancelled. Why? Those who gain by enforcing and exploiting widespread belief in “THE ONE singular reality” may be sensing a potential threat to their power and control.

Yes, this. When you realize that thoughts create reality, all of the pieces start to flow together. An awakening is happening and some are handling it better than others.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Yes. So many ill-fitting pieces of the puzzle come together when you consider that there isn't one big massive shared reality, but rather multiple realities.

The issue is how to they fit together in the big picture?

I have presented [1] that they are all frozen "snapshots" in time. I call them world-lines. But you can call them whatever you want, don't you know.

While most others [2] think of world-lines being identical to a shared reality, only different.

In both of the two view points listed above we have an issue. What about all those other people? If there is an infinite number of other world-lines, then there must be an infinite number of you, and your pets, and your spouse, and everyone else. All being slightly different. How can this be?

I argue that they are there, but are really not "active". They are simply "potentials". I call them "shadow people". They only have a very small consciousness component, while your consciousness is wholly focused in the immediate now on what ever world-line that you exist upon.

If not "shadow people", then what else could there be?

prof77 has reacted to this post.

Awakening to MWI consciousness?

Bill Wood thinks so.

Bill Wood is a whistleblower regarding Project Looking Glass, a Military Operation in the 1970’s where a machine was constructed that could allow one to view any probable future that might happen. Highlights of his interviews can be viewed here:

In the above-cited video Bill Wood shared the following about Earth’s likely near-term future:

25:50 but if I had to give it a name

25:55 I would say it's the awakening process

25:57 it's an evolution of consciousness that

26:00 cannot will not and no matter what

26:06 decisions or possibilities are injected

26:09 into the equation eventually it all

26:11 resolves down to us all learning the

26:16 truth and becoming aware of this massive

26:20 dam of lies that has been built that

26:24 keep us from knowing massive volume of

26:27 information that we should otherwise

26:29 possess

. . .

29:50 an end of this reality and the beginning

29:53 of something that we can't even possibly

29:55 understand based on the level of our

29:58 beliefs currently but when all that

30:02 information comes flooding out there's

30:05 going to be no denying what's true and

30:09 what's a lie, what's illusion.


Goldleaf has reacted to this post.

If not "shadow people", then what else could there be?

Good question.

As Churchill might have said: I cannot explain to you the shadow people. They are a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.

G.I. Gurdjieff suggested this:

A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.

Or, to state Gurdjieff's hypothesis in MM terms, maybe the shadow people are just briefly clumping with us, but from such a distantly intersecting timeline that they're like empty soul-less organic containers in our timeline?

A popular alternative explanation of shadow people might be that they are NPCs or "non-participating characters". A post titled “Are you an NPC?” published on 4chan first defined NPCs:

If you get in a discussion with them [an NPC] it's always the same buzzwords and hackneyed arguments. It's like in a video game when you accidentally talk to an unimportant game character twice and they give you the exact lines word for word once more.

BTW, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that exactly 144,000 faithful Christians will ascend to heaven as immortal spirit beings--and all others are (like us) are just NPCs. 

[Still struggling with how MM concepts of "template" and "anchoring" might relate to all this.]

congjing yu and paraic have reacted to this post.
congjing yuparaic


I happen to ascribe to the idea that most of the "shadow people" are dead inside, but activated at various levels through quantum clumping of consciousness. Which is in itself a great subject. Rather advanced, but great subject.

Template and anchoring are also big, big subjects.

Why have a template? Why not let everything just fit together just randomly?

Without order, or a path, or "rules" or "laws" what is the purpose of injection of a consciousness in the body in the first place? If the goal is to learn experiences, or do anything... it MUST be associated with the generation of thoughts. As that is the ONLY thing that consciousness is able to create.

A template provides an orderly structure for the specific generation of experiences, as well as the thoughts associated with those experiences.

And a Life-Line is the orderly path upon the template from which a batch of experiences, and associated thoughts have been generated.

With that in mind, an anchoring event, helps to stabilize the template and prevent large numbers of other thoughts from changing it into something different. As templates are not fixed, they are always subject the the thoughts of others and the surrounding environment.

pissedlizard, prof77 and nobulart have reacted to this post.
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