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Alien Laws / Ethics

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We often read about scientific achievement when we read about extraterrestrial civilizations.  Seldom do we hear about “the humanities” - the law, morality, creation myth/religion, or philosophy.  Certainly being millions of years ahead of humanity, they ought to have made some discoveries in these areas.  

Even on the Earth, there are a wide variety of laws and beliefs that are followed.  

For example, a Gray who abducts an American is committing a federal offense, kidnapping across state lines.  This is a serious crime, which is investigated by the FBI.   Yet under Gray law, no offense occurred.  

A backpacker in the jungles of Thailand, might step on a praying mantis and kill it.  Under human laws, this is not even a crime.  Under mantid law, it may be a capital offense.  

Many African countries practice female genital circumcision.  In those countries, it is an accepted practice, perhaps even encouraged by local women.  Yet in other countries, this is considered barbaric.  

What laws do the various alien races follow?  How do they enforce their laws?  Where are their prisoners kept  and who are the people who carry out the sentences?  Every group, even every criminal group, has such laws, punishments, enforcers, and so on.  They too must have them.

We have some answers, but not all.  The Alien Interviews refer to Earth as a prison planet, where rogues, criminals and undesirables from The Old Empire are or were sent.

I have either never met an alien, or cannot remember the encounter.  Those who have, what have you heard?  And whose laws should we follow?  

Believe me, I am a very pragmatic person.  If we should obey Gray or Mantids because they have the biggest guns, I’ll do so.  In my country, there are many laws which are unjust but that are still followed, because people don’t want to be jailed, fined or killed.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

If they possess 'interstellar flying craft' then they also know of how LIFE is dependent upon the Aether/Heaven for EXISTENCE.

We (humans) have been extensively preached this relationship in many many cultures only to see it perverted by Service to Self individuals to the point most believe we came from some Primordial soup.

There is only ONE currency 'out there'. Knowledge and its traded, not bought or sold.

There is only one Rule out there. Do not inflict your will on another without CONSENT.

The aliens on earth actually abide by this and tell you everything they are planning to do to humans which is a form of Consent. Sheeple, however, do not understand this process.


We are in Army Geddon as the Death toll is already expected to be in the Billions. This is Biblical in epic proportions. The Righteous have lost their Faith and have no religious exemptions as no one believes in the Aether, Heaven or God anymore. They are DESTINED to DIE. One third the Bible tells us. Thats more than 2 Billion. It will take this amount for people to die to realize only a Belief in ones FAITH can save humanity from Satanic Ritual Abuse Cults that now rule the world. This Cult has infiltrated all religions and Political science 'regimes'. The Islamic Cult is using it to take over the world by infiltrating the WHO and the UN to Islamify (read KILL) the No Faith Christians.

It matters NAUGHT as the Earth Changes are just around the Corner.

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My understanding that whatever "laws", rules, regulations that any specific species follows are well understood by the participants in our immediate area. There are very few that flaunt those laws as the punishments. The consequences can be horrific.

There is an "immediate understanding" that you get when communicating with these beings. At least that is how it has always been for me.

pissedlizard and xzianchow have reacted to this post.

I too agree that Covid is a wonderful test, and I understand your frustration.

Many say they are independent thinkers, or are Christians, or think scientifically but now we get to find out.  The authorities and law-givers say that is necessary to take the shot.  That is what they said during the Tuskegee Experiments, MK Ultra, and many other times.

Cool map, Merlin.  I see Mu and Atlantis are coming back.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

I would like to jump in on this - first @merlynn Yours is a post I am going to reread a few times today. The map - I see it but I don’t. That connection is disconnected. This I will work on fixing.

In the past week I have dealt with a what I interpret as several races. As soon as they “click you in” so to speak, you know. They showed me what they were and I understood their laws and rules instinctively.

I am focusing on this post for now because I asked that question to my guide. This is how it was explained:

We humans put limits on what we can and cannot do. We believe these limits because we live on a planet where Newtonian physics rules. In places where the species have “evolved” (evolution is bullshit too) past the Newtonian physics stage in their development get those limits removed. What prevents everyone from going after eachother is knowledge. Knowledge is their limit.

I knew exactly how to act when I was turned over to my Mantid. He (they aren’t he or she - but he is not an it) he showed me all of its love and all of its hate. - What I do with it I do with it. Others showed no interest in “me” or consciousness - it was doing other things. They let me know that they were there but they could care less about the “me” that they were working on. I got the vibe that they were mechanics working on a car. They are nice when they are at the counter, but they would rather be fixing cars.

I hope this helps

xzianchow has reacted to this post.

You should write up your experiences in a post and ask Metallicman to publish it on your behalf, PL.

Forums are great to an extent, but you never know who or what you're interacting with on them. And the last thing you need right know is some random loon out there picking  up on your thread and focusing their psychic energy at you via electronic media. And that shit can make you sick.

Or worse, you'll have David Willycock and Corey Goode contacting you for an interview, 😂. (And you KNOW those two sacks of shit are all over this website--  Ciao, bellas~)

btw, please say hello to the angels for me in the meantime. And tell them I look forward to seeing them again some day.


pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@ultanmcg THAT is the perfect idea. My concern was someone picking it all up I am email, but I am learning and am taking your advice.

As far as anyone contacting me for anything - not a chance. MM and a few of you got me this far. The common denominator is MM. They can go thru him because all this belongs to us.

And herein lies the problem. I am seeing us, but I still have that unclear vision as to anyone else. It’s like I am feeling around in a darkened house of mirrors that is spinning. I know what I have to let out - but, like a child, the boundary is the block.

Thanks again for the advice!

Quote from MerLynn on August 22, 2021, 6:46 am

It matters NAUGHT as the Earth Changes are just around the Corner.

The map you presented... it seems to indicate that the poles will remain the same.

Do you know if the Lat/Long grid was intentional?

Quote from DSKlausler on August 26, 2021, 8:40 pm
Quote from MerLynn on August 22, 2021, 6:46 am

It matters NAUGHT as the Earth Changes are just around the Corner.

The map you presented... it seems to indicate that the poles will remain the same.

Do you know if the Lat/Long grid was intentional?

I first saw the Earth Changes map in the middle 1990's.  Its a Gordon Michael Scallion version, but there is the Edgar Cayce Version and the "I AM" version from Arizona.

Cayce predicted this would happen in 1999. Cayce also said there are 3 Volcanoes to watch that heralds the 'beginnings" of the Earth Changes (EC) but these havent happened yet. Some say in 2025 it begins. Some say the EC ends WW3 (In 2023) Others say 2045. And "Horus" said it may be in another "70 years" or 2070.  The Hour of the Lord is unknown. I do tend to believe Horus may be more believed as he is under the Employ of the 13 Beings in the Crystal Palace. (see Danion Brinkley 'Saved by the Light' for who this Council is). But Horus had a way of giving you only as much "truth" as he saw that you could handle. These 'guys' can SEE your life as a Movie and just where you are up to in it and 'new' info could change this destiny and he didnt want that on his Karma. But after 7 years of interaction with Horus, I believe he over estimated the time frame so it lulls one into a false sense of security as he did with other subjects.

The North Pole will be some what above Sri Lanka or in the Bay of Bengal. Safe places to live are those where the Wind Chill Factor is less and the position is relatively in the Tropics afterwards. Emerald in Central Queensland will be a New City Centre as it changes little in relation to wind and distance to the Equator afterwards.There is always an equal and opposite on the other side of the world.

You can do this with a Globe. The "Crust" slips over the Mantel like the skin of an Orange would 'slip' over the Juicy centre. The Entire "Crust" is "Liquefied" like the ground does in an earth quake, because it is the whole earth shaking. This causes Massive tidal waves up to several miles high if you are in the wrong places when this happens. Its as REGULAR as CLOCK WORK these "Earth Changes".  The "Poles" dont shift. The Crust shifts relative to the Magnetic Field of the Earth creating a new north pole for the Crust.

Each time I write about Horus and his influence on Earth I get 'blocked'. This is the best I can do at this time. Horus also said after the EC there is no more Negroid race left.

All you gotta do is stay alive through this Bio War. Participation at this stage is still Voluntary. You dont have to drink the Koolaide and get the jabba jabba joo juice. You still have the choice of Liberty or Death. The ISLAMIC War Propaganda, that its a PANDEMIC, is a LIE. Obumholio made it LEGAL to use Lies and War Propaganda in the USA. Obummer is an Islamic Terrorist. Take the Jaba Jabba juice and you will be replaced with a Muslim. Climate Refugees are a commin and they are ALL BROWN.

Its a COMMUNIST revolution with an Islamic Twist. Commies take no prisoners and dont care how many "Wet Ware" (thats you) they kill to achieve their objective. It looks like they are winning at this time.

here's another famous prophesy from George Washington.

Pic is Magnetic Water Generating Devices for Healings


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Oh don't be so hard on communism. It gets a real nasty rap from the 'States, but that's just propaganda for the ignorant.

I live in Communist China.

40 years in the 'States, and 20+ years here in China.

I am doing far, far, FAR better than I ever could in the USA. It's not what you think. So stop drinking the Kool Aide from Mr. Uncle Sam. The USA is totally fucked up right now, and that is because it is an oligarchy-run military empire.

Remove the Federal government.Destroy it. Erase it. Get rid of it. Revert America to 1775.

Revert all states to autonomous nations with a republic government, not one based on "democracy".

And then maybe we can start talking about the benefits of one form of governance compared to another.  Right now there is nothing good about America. It's all corrupted beyond belief.

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