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Logged in today and got this:

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Yup. You can't reply to it. Your message is deleted automatically. Gosh there must be paydirt in there that the Old Empire or their associates (I think) want to bury. There's definitely a bot there posting away nonstop. So @pissedlizard take note and stay far far away.

Ciao! Gip me your ideas

@memory-loss MM deleted the entire China thread which is probably why comments are auto deleted on it

Daegon Magus

I feel your pain MM....I hope you won't have too much trouble getting things back in order.

Yeah. I had to do it. It would take me weeks to go topic by topic to delete the bullshit. The entire time there wouldn't be any articles up up on MM. Everyone would suffer. By the way, the ISP of the bot was from Australia.

perolator, daegonmagus and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

@congjing yu that is interesting. I hope for your sake I haven't picked up any cyber syphilis and brought it your way. I did notice it was posting a lot of shit about universities over here

Alice has reacted to this post.
Daegon Magus

Well yesterday I was gagged from speaking about the Ukraine or anything political at my place of employment. I am not to communicate any of my beliefs with either employees or customers. If I do not conform then I will be dismissed. This was based upon the following comment 'if you understand the history of the Ukraine you will understand the fact that National Socialism is rife in that country and Russia has a right to protect 'slavic peoples" from acts of terrorism perpetrated by neo Nazis. If you support the Ukraine you are also supporting National Socialism.' It appears historical facts are not relevant any more and open discussion stifled. The poor misguided souls are solely basing their opinions upon what they see on the media and historical fact is irrelevant.

Feal and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
FealMemory Loss

The poor misguided souls are solely basing their opinions upon what they see on the media and historical fact is irrelevant.

I've noticed a shift in the last couple of days in the mindset of the sheeple. I'm used to the willful ignorance or passive stupidity seemingly inherent in the population of this shitty little country but this has reached another level!

Everyone is swallowing the, frankly, ridiculous propaganda about the Ukraine without question. No hint of common sense or glimmer of independent thought to be seen anywhere. However the mRNA "vaccine" works, it seems to be functioning splendidly. Somehow, with everyone in a submissive trance, it hit me that what the commander has said about the vaccines is really happening, now. First they become stupidly submissive to the half-arsed propaganda, then they eventually become dead.

Life has now become a rather strange mix of old sci-fi movies. 2022: The movie is getting weirder to live through every day. I'm just hoping we'll skip the atomic climax and move straight on to the New STO (Asian-lead) World Order romantic sequel where we all live happily ever after in a prospering and evolving sentience nursery!

Ultan McG and Tas have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGTas

FYI. Domain Commander indicates that pathways for the movement of large numbers of IS-BEs from skin-suits to their Heaven pocket-universes are in place, and that a lot of resources are being tied up in this regard. I suggest that MM folk avoid death, as it will be difficult for Domain Pickup during this time.

Yeah. I know. Small bads. Not Big Bads. But still we have this apparent difference. How can you have huge groups of people dying while at the same time avoiding "Big Bads"?

Ultan McG and Tas have reacted to this post.
Ultan McGTas

Well, I guess "large numbers" indicates civilian deaths and, other than the vaccine die-off, starvation and violent death are the only possible causes I can think of.

Maybe the activation of the crowd control aspect of the vaccines causes the deaths to commence?

No ground based nukes here, other than those stored at US air bases. Still legitimate targets, of course. Our own submarine based nukes are usually only a quarter loaded and their reliability is questionable so their use would be extremely suicidal.

I have felt recently that this is all about to end and so this incarnation might not go as planned. It's a pity as it was just getting interesting. The Domain Commander said that my future will be "calm, peaceful and normal" and you have no idea how much that has helped me! I feel as if I set up this life before birth with more than a little arrogance in my ability to endure it. While I was absolutely sure I would prevail and live a relatively ideal future in China, it is hard not to be affected by what's going on.

I'm not a religious person but I do have faith in both myself and the Domain. All I can do is keep working towards my dream and hope that I'm being a useful IS-BE at night.


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