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If you notice something changed in the past..

If you notice something changed in the past, does that mean I've shifted from the pre-birth template?

Back in the 1990's I used to read a lot a historical books about WW2. My favourite airplane was the De Havilland Mosquito. I had several books on it.

Earlier this year (just after I found your website) I looked it up on youtube and was shocked that it had changed! It was still a wooden frame but suddenly it was a single tail design.

I tried to find something similar to it's original design (dual tail) and all I came up with was this jpeg (attached.)

If I had my old books still would they have changed too?

Thanks for any info.

My background is not with any organisation or any formal expertise so please humour me.

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  • dual-tail.jpeg

An interesting thought. Here's a great picture. From HERE. The picture you provided is a P-38. Here is a comparison between the two.

In my world-lines I don't really recall a twin tail, but that means nothing. I can see how it might have been a design variation that wasn't popular in our WL (world-line) cluster.

Consciousness past histories can vary from person to person.

Thanks for the reply. The P-38 is exactly what the Mosquito looked like in my old world-line.

I am very grateful to discover your writings and explanations on this website, as it has helped me piece together some kind of idea of what's going on around me.

My brother and I wondered what was happening when both of us had ideas or thoughts of a possible future that then, in time, manifested. Now I understand they were basically affirmations that were simply too vague. We both got what we initially thought we wanted but ended up very unhappy. At the time it seemed like an incredible set of coincidences but now I understand there's no such thing.

Things are going crazy here in the U.K. (as evidenced by the insane Black Sea Defender farce,) and I intend to get out ASAP.

Like you, I remember a completely different country and community of my youth. It's all gone. Unlike my brother and sisters I don't have children relying on me, just two old cats (now one, the girl in the picture died four weeks ago nearly 18 years old,) so it seems I have no reason to stay.

I was thinking of various Asian counties but I fear Japan and South Korea might simply be expendable cannon fodder for the Empire. You've certainly convinced me that China is the only real option.

Seeing things like the Treeman channel on youtube together with fellow Englishmen's channels such as Living In China and Barret has clearly proved to me humanity's new home is China.

I have to believe that between Russia and China there is a way to take the grenade from the senile old western monkey in the room. Perhaps offer him a pretty rainbow dress in exchange?


Thank you for that. I like to believe , and I really do believe, that both China and Russia have the "upper hand" in all this Geo-political nonsense. If humanity can survive the next five years, it' will be a nice downhill stroll. Seems however the USA (and it's minions) are Hell-bent on getting themselves shot.

It's like those police cam videos that show a disgruntled crazy person with a knife of a gun shouting at the police "shoot me! Shoot me!". That's America today.

Arm-chair "experts" like to go through the various weapons systems, and nice maps that they find on the internet. But you know, what you see on the internet is only propaganda. Real capabilities and abilities are hidden.

Forget about the details. Look at the capabilities.

Which nations have dedicated, trained, highest IQ leadership? Which nations have a strong and robust manufacturing base, strong and stable infrastructure, and a unified and cohesive society?

The USA is rotten. Sure it could launch a war, but it will be unable to sustain it. And the entire nation would collapse from within. It's particularly fragile right now. Any one who spends time parsing on the technological strengths that America has is missing the point.

America wants to fight. Well, it will be fighting both Russia and China simultaneously, and all it's "allies" will scurry and run once the "coast is clear".

A quick update. While going about digging up long stored away stuff due to moving home, today I found the book on the Mosquito bomber that I thought I gave away years ago.

For a few minutes I flicked through looking at the photos and artwork in utter amazement. Every picture or photo was as I remember it but the Mosquito has changed to the current time-line version.

It felt like I was perusing a masterclass in photoshopping. It brought back memories from the nineties of reading the book but, of course, my memories did not match what I saw.

I don't feel like I've moved off my pre-birth template. Is it possible for a template to include a slide (including, of course, being introduced to the concept at the right time?)

Maybe it's just the Mantrid who's purview I'm under likes keeping me on the straight and narrow. I do sense some mild, kind, amusement at me attempting to control my life with affirmation campaigns.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

"I don't feel like I've moved off my pre-birth template. Is it possible for a template to include a slide (including, of course, being introduced to the concept at the right time?)"

Yes. It is entirely possible. In fact, I would say that it is very, very probable.

"Maybe it's just the Mantrid who's purview I'm under likes keeping me on the straight and narrow. I do sense some mild, kind, amusement at me attempting to control my life with affirmation campaigns."

LOL. Once you start tuning in with the Affirmation campaigns, you will start to get feed back and many times it will be a sort of feelings of distracted amusement.

Feal and Chromacat have reacted to this post.

My guess is Mantids love us very much. One day after having a disappointing  day I decided to take a different route home and on the way someone gave me a fruit. It felt very nice. Just one occasion. Many many more I usually see.

I hope the type-1 are wrong. I really do

To join or not to join the domain is the question.

Have a great weekend every one. Have a nice relaxing day with your friends, family and girlfriends.

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