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How the Afghan False-Flag plays into the USA's "Great Harvest" of the world and the coming WWIII end-game

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This is as "Big Picture" and most broadly categorical stroke of the brush as it gets: the global world as a whole in aggregate totality is now fastly running out of useable energy, and we have peaked in late 2019 in terms of both the quantity and quality of high-density energy sources available for our collective use... there is very likely no coming back from this point of no return... a massive population die-off is all but inevitable.

As a result of this new reality, the US elites in power have realized the point of inflection has been crossed and that the new rate-limiting factor is now all about raw resources and energy reserves. In this new paradigm of ever-shrinking zero-sum or negative-sum pie/game, the strategy has shifted to one of cannibalization and harvesting of smaller proxy nations, and of vassals and "allies" alike and as America is still the current hegemon its only real play here is to get out of/from under the US dollar before the rest of the world has a chance to figure out what happened...

That nest egg (401k, pension, cash, etc) you saved up is not going to be there for you for the simple fact that the global useable energy is gone... the purchasing power of money was always almost entirely inflated by the availability of cheap and abundantly high-quality energy (and the “work/productivity multiplier effect” derived thereof) and the assumption that it would always be the case of remaining exercisable and actualizable into perpetuity.....

Money is just a mere abstract symbolic token representation of the ability of cheap and abundant higher EROEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested) energy to do 'work' on our behalf. No amount of funny-money fiscal policy can change the fact that the underlying physical system that powers absolutely everything we do has ran out of energy. It does the world absolutely zero net-benefit to expend more energy to extract, process and make useable an energy source than the energy we can get out of it, regardless of how much money someone is willing to pay for it. Likewise, Ethanol as a net-energy-sink (basically converting oil to fertilizers to grow corn and then reconverting corn back to fuel) also does nothing but serve to make our collective energy problem that much worse regardless of how much the government is willing to economically/price subsidize for it.

When the quality and quantity of energy available to us continues to decline and decrease, then proportionately so does the value or purchasing power of the money that we hold... for that money was a mere representation of the 'multiplier-effect' of energy/work and the resulting productivity that cheap energy had amplified and enabled. But with the energy depleted so too does our money become worthless.

The US extracts wealth from the rest of the world... but like all things on the top of the food pyramid chain it relies on the much larger lower bottom base to prop it up. Since the global energy resources have peaked, then mathematically it is all but certainty that global de-growth will be the reality going forward... No more global growth means the entire pyramid scheme and house of cards that America built its empire upon will come collapsing down...

The US dollar is about to implode supernova style... As the US is the current global hegemon, the only way it can get out from under its own petrodollar hegemony FIRST without attracting the wrong kind of attention and alerting/setting off global panic of selling dollars is to invent a global distraction (CIA releases COVID) and then follow it up with global chaos (Afghan, Taiwan, HK, SCS, etc) to give the pretext justification for printing like there is no tomorrow, in order to get out from the dollar leaving the rest of the world holding the bag.... and furthermore by destabilizing the world through engineered chaos the US is inducing artificial global demand destruction to price most of the world out so that it can print to infinity with unlimited "quantitative-easings" to buy up everything with essentially free money.

Having seen the writing on the wall (see REPO mess) America's strategy is to exit the dollar and leave the rest of the world, including China to be holding the proverbial bag of excrement, and its intentional COVID failure, and Afghan failures are all part of its pre-planned exit strategy to create global chaos and induce artificial-demand-destruction on global scale in order to best position itself for the coming times and shore up and consolidate its own positions at the direct expense of harvesting the rest of the world by means of infinite quantitative easing through weaponization of its petrodollar hegemony and global reserve currency status

Releasing the CIA Biovirus and setting off a global pandemic (whilsts simultaneously planting it in Wuhan to both frame and blame CHYNA your greatest geopolitical rival in the process) with continued "variants" iteration releases serves to effectuate the goal of severely dampening global economic activity, and disproportionately targeting the developing third world (since they will get hit the hardest economically and also recover the slowest due to US vaccine shitplomacy hoarding...) thereby indirectly allowing America to put the squeeze on the rest of the world, asymmetrically targeting non-vassals and pricing out the poorer regions of the world so that they are much less able to compete for the remaining dwindling global resources/energy reserves

THINK BIG PICTURE... In geopolitics there are no Coincidences... COVID was THE single largest broadest categorical stroke of the proverbial brush so to speak that the US/West could have painted against China and the East (and rest of developing world) under the guise, pretense and shadow of plausible denialability whilsts effectuating the desired goal of reshaping a new world order with the West back on top and America consolidated and secured as preeminence above all.....

In summary, once America (the current global hegemon) saw that dual-prong "points of inflections" were being crossed ( #1 China gaining up and soon surpassing USA, and #2 that of the global peak and subsequent decline of total energy production in 2019) the US strategy abruptly shifted to that of Scorched-earth containment of peer or near-peer competitors (China/Russia) whilsts simultaneously applying at the base-level one largest big-picture broad-categorical-stroke of the brush of "artificial global demand destruction" (via COVID aka CIA biovirus and variants and other forms of engineered chaos worldwide )

CIA is conning the world yet once again with its Fifth generation information warfare propaganda disinfo cyberops and pyscops etc… basically the only reason Afghan went to shit freefall style is the same reason WTC7 collapsed and in both cases it had nothing to do with men in caves… America is playing its version of 5D Chess against China and against the world and its hoax weakness is probably just sandbagging... for the purposes of misdirection and distraction.

COVID and now this Afghan collapse is all staged to help US consolidate its position both abroad and domestically for the coming WWIII or whatever label you want to put on this thing… some call it the Great Reset, others name it America's Final Great Harvesting of the world etc...

Because we have past the peak of global energy production in late 2019 (coincidentally that is when the REPO mess started and soon after the vaping incident and then COVID etc) money is about to become worthless…

The US elites knows this reality and sees the writing on the wall so the CIA biovirus was really just the false flag pretext needed for the justification of the many rounds of stimulus and giving America the opening/excuse to print nearly 50% of all dollars in its entire 200+ some odd years of US history in merely the last year or so etc… without unmasking (no pun intended) the root cause and without drawing the attention it otherwise would have (that the jig is up, so to speak) when it can conveniently pin it on China and blame it on the “shutdowns” etc… America is printing like there is no tomorrow precisely because it knows there isn’t… this is the smart move to get out from under and let the rest of the world’s vassals, suckers and iSheeples alike HODL the bag of excrement while the US gets out of its own position! Likewise, Bitcoin was always a CIA controlled-opposition project for exactly the same purposes!

From big picture perspective the rate limiting factor is now raw resources, energy, etc and not that of human labor or workers… (even more true in the age of AI and automation…) and the US elites know that to preserve itself it must cannibalize the rest of the world since as the global hegemon it is not immune to the fact that globally its now not only zero sum but the pie is actually ever shrinking from here on out…. COVID was merely the final act and opening salvos of[b] America’s “Great Harvesting” of the world… the idea is to induce an artificial global demand-destruction by way of biovirus and engineered chaos (Afghan, Beirut, HK, Tiawan, XinJiang, etc) in order to price out much of the rest of the world whilsts simultaneously printing to infinity via unlimited Quantitative Easing to buy up real assets, resources, etc before the rest of the world even realizes what the hell happened…


congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardMemory Lossxzianchow

Thank you for taking the time to write this. Personally, I saw money as a direct currency for work and only work (you get paid dollars by the hour - of whatever - it’s just a paper or coin form of MY (or your) work - and this is a treasure trove of information.

Whatever this is that is going on, in America at least, it’s pretty clear that Obama 2.0 saw America as a rubber boat that they could steer wherever they wanted. When It was America’s time to turn the “ big boy” torch to someone else by the REAL players - they put a huge hole in it and grabbed the life vests, because Obama 2.0 knows that Obama 2.0 will be rescued by their player buddies.

Trump put a patch on that boat and that’s why he was taken out of the picture. Like him or hate him, and wether he is part of it or not makes no difference. We saw what was done and exactly what he was replaced with.

I personally see this land as sacred. I could care less what the world thinks. This land is sacred to me.

That being said - the easiest way to get everyone in this land who believe it to be sacred as well REALLY pissed off is - do what it’s doing. ACT incompetent.

Which is where, I believe, we are now. Every day it’s more incompetence thrown in everyone’s face. If you live here and pay taxes, you would have the “right” to be upset and angry. We are tax paying Americans, right? We DESERVE better...

This entitlement - this is what I see really at the core of this anger that I have.

But that’s me.

False flag or not, where I live - it’s the last outpost to the boonies. In other words - the Wal Mart in my area is the last one for hours.

Those of you NOT in the USA, Wal Mart is a giant superstore that we Americans fell in love with.... and when they started taking food stamps under Obama 1.0, it became “the town square”

Anyway yesterday I saw what looked like a military convoy - each vehicle was towing one of those massive generators - until I got close and saw they were civilians - all heading to their “bug out” locations. When I went to Walmart - it was people not from this area picking up essentials (license plates from all over the country - on a Thursday - in the boonies).

My guess - they do not even need a false flag - they can just lock us all down.

Except a few places - or states. States that are opting out of this Corona shit.

My question is - what are they going to do with places like FL and TX, who aren’t playing? I guess we will see.

In the meantime - as the wise ones on this board say - turn off the news as best you can to stay alert, eat good and meditate. And above all take the time to be with what you love.


congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Like most things this is multi faced, but a big part of the Covid psyop was to intentionally prick the world debt bubble and blame the implosion on an outside factor, in this case, a novel virus.. when in reality it’s the nature of fractional reserve banking to implode. After all, the definition of fractional reserve banking is: make more loans than you can pay back.

@pissedlizard re: the plans for the free states, I really don’t know. I think the plan is to starve us out. As long as the money printing machine is in DC, they can tax us via inflation until we have nothing left.

if there is a way out of this - and I don’t think there is - it lies in setting up our own parallels society.. like minded people, like minded community, working to produce goods to trade amongst one another, engaging in barter, alternate currencies, etc.

but I think it’s far too late and there are too many people who quite liked their lives within the system, and they’ll do anything to go back, even though it should have been obvious from day 16 of “15 days to slow the spread” that we were never going back.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and bochen2021 have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardbochen2021

@johnsmith - Listen to me buddy - it’s not that bad. Nothing is over until your lights go out, ok? NOTHING. No matter what this planet and all of us are about to go through happens - you MUST MUST MUST find little things in life to make you happy. This is more important now for EVERYONE. If you think you got that corner covered, good. Go find another one for 10 minutes. That’s all.10 minutes.

Meditate. Even if it’s before bed. Everyone is tuning into the SAME frequency that needs to! Let your guides show you. I promise your mind will feel at ease a little more.

Right now - go do this. Doodle. Play with your cat. Buy a jelly donut and eat it like it’s nobody’s business. Your brain is being prevented from producing the good stuff it needs. Your brain needs a break!

Then, and only then can you assess what you got. If you can leave the states, go! If you can’t, then yeah, try to at least know where you are going to land when things go south.

Here is the kick in the nuts. You, me. We have no idea when or how. We don’t. I don’t anyway. Those around you - can pick up on that vibe. You can’t have that chaos. Not now.

You are living in one or the craziest times of the ages. People are going to be writing about the decline and surrender of America for years and years and years.

If that’s what you want. If YOU want to surrender.

But you are not surrendering. You wouldn’t have made it this far in life if you were a surrenderer.

Today, right now, what are your obligations? Are your mouths fed and ready for the night? If yes, good. Enjoy a drink or a smoke. If not, go back and tend their needs. What do you HAVE to do tomorrow? Work? School? Are you prepared?

The point is, bud, this shit ain’t over. The game has not ended. The movie is still playing. Let IT play. Don’t let IT play you.

Worst case scenario - shit gets that bad here - and it won’t - make it to FL and tell me where you are. Seriously. I’ll send someone to get you and whoever. As long as you come on peace.

Don’t let IT play you, ok? It’s all good.

Travel light.

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

Actually guys, PL has a point. You need to reset. RESET.

Push that big red RESET button.

Do something that you like to do. What ever it is. Just do it, and let the world howl. You need to train your mind for some positive and good stuff. Right now it is wayyy out of kilter and fucked up badly. RESET.

Push that big RESET button.

The USA is collapsing and they want a war of distraction. Sort of how Rome was trying to fight the barbarians to the north of Italy when the empire was rotten to the core.

It's not going to happen in any way, shape or form like they think it will.

Go get yourself a super deluxe cheese burger with all the works, and an extra large fries, and a big frosty mug of beer, and then munch out. This is YOUR TIME. Start being a little selfish during your reset. You need to go out in the woods, and do things that you haven't done in ages. Like ride a bicycle.

You need to push that big RESET button.

pissedlizard and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.

@MM - Exactly! That’s the best way to describe it.

How our brain works and how we think it works may be two different things, but we do have some, primitive, but some knowledge about the brain and how some things work.

Right now, in the America, Australia/NZ and South Africa. - we are INTENTIONALLY being jammed up - upstairs. We are. That’s all the gloom and doom. Defeat us.

I want to give you all IN THE WEST an opinion - for what it’s worth - as a human being who cares about the people who come here. Do you understand the discombobulation we all feel? It’s a lack of dopamine.

How do you get dopamine? The fastest, easiest way is doing something nice for yourself for a few minutes a day! 10 minutes. Eat dark chocolate. For 10 minutes straight, while listening to your favorite song. Do that for a WEEK and tell me you don’t feel better.

And do know what’s even better? And I say this as a former shrink - do you want to know how to increase dopamine up to 4 times? Do something nice for someone else. There are studies that prove it. MM cites them all over his site. Being a Rufus is the thing to strive for.

But if you have to stop and rest, stop and rest. Employ some self care and then move when you feel refreshed, with a clear head! As I said - 10 minutes. Go outside and sit. Breathe.

Yes, there are faster, easier ways to jump start your dopamine - but the best way - is a good diet and self reward. The best FOOD to eat for dopamine replacement - there are many. Eggs, walnuts, all kinds of good foods.

Remember - thoughts are ELECTRIC, emotions are MAGNETIC (Yes, psych world - that IS true). Think good things in your spare time. It’s hard because of those magnetic emotions holding you back, worrying you. As soon as you worry - boom switch to “I gotta do something nice TODAY”in your brain. Be situationally aware - but when you start to worry or get emotional (magnetic)- switch to thought (electric).

Does that make sense? If not, let me know and I’ll try to re-word it.

But this mass depression thing - it’s draining dopamine.

Replace dopamine with a smile. It’s that simple.

Give it a shot. 10 minutes a day for one week for YOU. What do you have to lose? 70 minutes of time in a timeless multiverse? Or, shit, 70 minutes of NEWTONIAN time is nothing when you think about it.

congjing yu and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
congjing yuGoldleaf

You have to remember we live in a quantum universe. Thoughts literally create reality. We're being bombarded by insane news media to direct our thoughts in a deliberate fashion to create the world someone else wants because 8 billion people thinking the same thought is amazingly powerful. Yes, it's a war on reality.

The best news is we've all discovered this site and know how to counter it: control your thoughts, control your reality. Simple concept. Hard execution given how badly we've all been programed since birth. There's great advice above and throughout MM's blog to help break the cycle.

I've personally seen more people starting to wake up to this gross manipulation without the benefit of visiting this site. Maybe they don't understand how everything is quantum and it's all connected and that's ok - they know something's wrong and are working to wrap their minds around it. There is hope.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Synchronicity just happened. This video a friend sent explains much better at what I was fumbling at 🙂 Hope you're in a country that can view YouTube.

pissedlizard and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
pissedlizardMemory Loss


Some points of note:

1) Transportation sector has led the energy use/consumption and now is higher than energy used for industrial, residential, commercial, etc... this includes airplanes, ships, cars, etc...

2) In terms of the energy mix, the hydrocarbons (petroleum, natural gas, coal, etc) make up the vast majority of all world energy source/fuel type. Hydro, nuclear, and other renewable sources are each only at approximately one percent in the world's soon to be most populated nation on earth! As much as there has been talk about going green, globally we are still very much an oil/petro based society and haven't really left the oil age.

3) The United States roughly consumes similar level of energy compared to China but has only a quarter of the population, meaning on average each American is disproportionately consumption nearly 4X times his or her share of world resources.

4) COVID Lockdown measures and reduced economic activity had a severe impact on energy consumption in 2020. It decreased significantly in the United States (nearly 8%) which is one of the sharpest drops on record... In 2020 the US consumed 92.9 Quads of energy vs compared to the 100.2 Quads consumed in 2019.

The COVID biovirus and the resultant lockdowns, economic reduction, and the continuous never-ending variants along with never-ending additional booster/vax shots and restrictions surrounding vaccine passports / suppressing chill-effects of greenpass etc means this is a prolonged global re-engineering of society and the way we use and consume energy/resources...

Look at everything that has already been pushed on all of us within the last year or so under the guise and pretext of COVID, initiatives from "work from home" and "remote working" to the sharp increase in online shopping to the decline or total disruption of cruises, effectively no more international tourism travel, the big impact on business related travel and the adoption of virtual meetings/ etc... These are all designed to tackle the big pieces, the low hanging fruit in terms of cutting back on the main energy consumption offenders first and scaling back on all forms of discretionary spending and pleasure/leisure activities...

Energy is KING. It is now no longer a money issue but that of an energy /resource issue and this is why you are starting to see in states the adoption of a cashless society where everyone will be using digital dollar. A programmable dollar means the government can reshape consumption behavior and redirect purchasing and consumption habits towards restricting it to only what is "essential service" or what is consider "essential product" etc... for example for those of you gaming PC guys out there, you can no longer purchase certain powerful computers in certain parts of the United States even if you have the money:

Not to mention "supply chain" issues have caused disruption in many categories of good and services, for example nearly a year after Nvidia launched their RTX3000 series graphics cards you still cannot buy them online and they are not available in stores/inventory. The only option is to pay after-market scrappers for thousands of dollars above MSRP

The New World Order guys were right, by 2030 you will own nothing, be able to go nowhere, have no privacy, and be happy.

15 days was just the beginning to the next 15 years of engineered-decline and controlled-shutdown of society...

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@bochen - this is a great post. And America consuming 4x more energy than China - not surprising. I would have thought the number would be higher.

I truly believe this is one of the reasons all governments want nothing to do with its citizens knowing about UFOs and its technology. The whole energy sector would collapse in weeks.

As far as supply chain disruptions you are really starting to see it out in the country. All the stores have huge bare holes where stock was supposed to be. Someone said it was due to all of the online shopping-but everyone knows it’s nonsense. One store just eliminated a whole two aisles. They consolidated the 8 other aisles and put a big display up. It looks ridiculous and out of place.

Just try to stay ahead. You seem to have a much more positive attitude than I do, and I appreciate it!

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