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PC Gaming...

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"Time" is an interesting concept in Gaming. Ever since our family purchased the our very first computer, a Pentium One Packard Bell 75Mhz machine from Best Buy, I had been interested in playing time travel games. Back in the time when I was a young boy instead of an old man in his mid 30s, our first PC came with a set of CD-ROMs that contained several DEMO disk titles, one included the Journeyman Project. The Journeyman Project was a neat game but it and its entire trilogy as it turns out had no real "time travel" or "time" mechanic in any of the games themselves, it was all just a loosely themed around the notion of "time travel" with no actual time manipulation elements whatsoever...

It wasn't until much later when I came across the game Max Payne 2 and got introduced to the concept of "bullet time" that I was able to actually experience a time mechanic in a game... Bullet-Time was based on the Matrix movie thing, and later with Max Payne 3 it was extended and refined and with the PC version of Max Payne 3 I could mod the game files to change the bullettime parameters to give myself infinite bulletmode mode access, to slow time down to 1/100x and then speed myself up at the same time, essentially I was like Superman in superspeed mode, dashing around the entire map/mission at faster than speeding bullet speeds (hypersonic speeds really) and taking out all the bad guys in a mission in the fraction of a split second (compared to normal time) before anyone even knew what was going on....

Later came the time game called TimeShift... it was definitely a brand new mechanic at the time that had never been implemented in games before, basically instead of just slowing down time, it actually lets you "reverse time" whilsts still in real-time, where you are traveling back in time at the same rate/speed that the rest of the world is traveling forward in time, so that allowed to have cool effects such as you can come across an environment where this tall structure exploded and then collapsed to the ground near where you are standing but if you immediately jump onto this fallen structure and then trigger the "reverse time" (which is almost like hitting the rewind tape button on the VCR and seeing the movie go backwards) mode/mechanic that will allow you to ride the structure back on top as the explosion and fallout goes in reverse...

Think of it a little like the movie TENET:

As for an ACTUAL "Time Travel" mechanic in a PC game where you can really travel back in time like in the movies of Terminator, Back to the Future, etc etc.... well I didn't really encounter such a game nor gaming mechanic until recently....

It is a PC game called "No Time" (which kinda reminds me of the movie, "In Time", although no relation ... which itself is not to be confused with the movie Somewhere In Time)

So in this game, you can travel forward in time, backwards in time, and you can meet different versions of yourself (you cannot get too close nor overlap or else a catastrophic event happens lol) and its about as close to a "time travel" game/mechanic you can get without actually having access to a Time Machine for reals... my only grip is that graphics from an aesthetics standpoint is subpar and superlow polygon resolution etc.

So in this game, you can travel forward in time, backwards in time, and you can meet different versions of yourself (you cannot get too close nor overlap or else a catastrophic event happens lol) and its about as close to a "time travel" game/mechanic you can get without actually having access to a Time Machine for reals... my only gripe is that graphics from an aesthetics standpoint is subpar and superlow polygon resolution etc.

You posted it, so I'm commenting on it... I always loved Somewhere in Time.

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