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Molds and Fungus

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In addition, there's been alot of research now on the "human microbiome."

This is the collection of bacteria and fungi that live on, near and in human beings.  It turns out that man cannot live without them.  A perfectly sterile human being, is a dead one.

Interestingly, in "Star Wars", Force-sensitive individuals had a special number of "mini chloridians" which was a sort of bacteria that lived inside of a person.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

This is hands down the best BOOK (the site apparently spawned from the book) about mycology I have read. And I have read A LOT of them these past few weeks.


I genuinely hope the Chinese people can access this site - I mean I hope it’s not censored by us or them. It’s that good and I am learning that fungi are very VERY important in Chinese medicine and culture. I genuinely hope to be able to cultivate what is lacking THERE. And I am not saying that to be “un-American” or “anti-Australian”, I really REALLY just want to see shit balance.

Us humans really are fucking stupid and we, humans aren’t just missing the forest for the the trees - we are LITERALLY missing the whole forest. For non-English speakers that just means - as humans we are staring straight ahead. It has more meaning in English.

I just think they can benefit from fungi that may only be able to be grown in our forests.

And to all alphabet agencies - I mean this in a peaceful way. All sides. I mean this in a genuine peaceful way.

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