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The matrix going offline

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@laoban4site my original post made no plea for advice on how to trust my education to youtube channels as a personal friend, and again no requests for MSM style one-sided rhetoric from apparently someone who lives in CCP controlled social credit system and would be unable to say anything other than that which is a favorable narrrative, and could not remain online without all scrutiny pointing to a tireless defense of the great leader.

i mentioned the bullshit filter above, and with it I'm detecting a certain threshold in this thread.

I gots to go.  Good luck with all that peacock chest poundin and affirmations.

You have been banned.

If you are not making the world a better place to live in, putting a smile on people's faces, making them feel better about themselves, and giving them hope in a nasty terrible world, then you are not worth my time, and you do not belong here.  Go away.

keff, JustAnotherAsian and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
keffJustAnotherAsianFealguyFromAfricaMemory Loss


so what nuances should I look for?

Just go to China, go check out what is really happening to the Uighurs. Talk with them in the streets or in the privacy of their homes etc, then let us know what you think about their "slaughter" after that.

By that time we would all like to hear your opinion of the quality of information that reaches the ears of Americans.

congjing yu and JustAnotherAsian have reacted to this post.
congjing yuJustAnotherAsian
Quote from keff on September 15, 2021, 8:15 am


so what nuances should I look for?

Just go to China, go check out what is really happening to the Uighurs. Talk with them in the streets or in the privacy of their homes etc, then let us know what you think about their "slaughter" after that.

By that time we would all like to hear your opinion of the quality of information that reaches the ears of Americans.

Keff, this guy is not going to visit China ever. The chances of pigs flying are higher haha. Some people unfortunately just want to keep and lock in their prejudices.

Not only you cannot reach them but they aim to poison a community they dislike. This is as close to an actual negative entity you will find on the forum here. Initially I thought MM banning him was excessive but it's not. His aim is to disrupt, bring doubts and generally poison the atmosphere. He will do his best to set us back while we try to reason with him.

congjing yu and keff have reacted to this post.
congjing yukeff
Ciao! Gip me your ideas

Guys, @Memory Loss is absolutely correct. Before I banned him, I went through the following  check list...

  1. Did he upset me? YES
  2. Was the statements intentionally designed to insult or evoke an emotion? YES
  3. Was he providing any benefit to the conversation? NO
  4. Was he contributing to the community in a good way? NO
  5. After reading his post did I feel better or worse? WORSE
  6. Did he promise to further disrupt the forum? YES

And thus, it was obvious that he spewed a "shit post".

  1. Does he have a history of other shit posts? YES
  2. Is the ratio of shit posts/beneficial posts large. YES. ALL SHIT.
  3. Is it obvious that his role is to disrupt the forum? YES.
  4. Has he upset other members of the community. YES.
  5. Are his comments and thought coherent, well written sentences and statements or meandering mutterings? INSULTS ALL


  1. By banning him will the community suffer? NO

After banning him, he popped up under a different name and email. Same ISP though. And posted some topics on the forum which I promptly deleted. If it continues, I will close down the form, or completely ban his geographical region completely. I just don't give a fuck.

He wouldn't even be able to see the website, let alone vomit all over it.

I do not ban people trivially.

He should count himself lucky that I did not send him to the cornfield. Though, please kindly be advised, that option is still on the table.

keff and Berkant have reacted to this post.

Thanks for keeping the forum a friendly place MM.

@merlynn I've been trying to look up info about magnetic water. The articles are either waaay too in-depth or seems... very simple? The sites I can understand show you can basically create your own magnetic water using some strong magnets. Do you agree? I find the topic intriguing, esp if something so simple can have amazing health benefits.

congjing yu and Memory Loss have reacted to this post.
congjing yuMemory Loss

@merlynn has outstanding information to impart. Unfortunately he tends to overwhelm us with the avalanche of information. I once asked him to tone down and simplify one of his comments, and the resulting comments was outstanding! I am sure that he can help you out with this query.

Memory Loss and Goldleaf have reacted to this post.
Memory LossGoldleaf
Quote from Goldleaf on September 15, 2021, 9:09 pm

Thanks for keeping the forum a friendly place MM.

@merlynn I've been trying to look up info about magnetic water. The articles are either waaay too in-depth or seems... very simple? The sites I can understand show you can basically create your own magnetic water using some strong magnets. Do you agree? I find the topic intriguing, esp if something so simple can have amazing health benefits.

I have been away the last 4 days. I went to see my friend, Joe who is one the Genius's behind the Magnetics I talk about here. Joe is Divinely Inspired and Gifted. We went for some Miracle Healing. Kathy has Chrones and the 'limited' healing my equipment does is not enough for her Body Electronics after the Free Health Care in OZ butchered her almost beyond repair.

I had two items on the agenda for the visit. To get the schematics for a Gold Generator and to negotiate for a "Cone Cell" to 'inert' Graphene Oxide in the Body of vaxxed victims. The first item required I wire up 5 Gold Rods in a Telsa Coil Loop. A Tesla Coil or a 'car coil' is wired in such a fashion that "neutral' electricity comes out the top of the Coil. A subject that would take much to explain as even I didnt get it for 15 minutes of physical demonstrations on the bench before it 'clicked'. A Tesla Coil is an "infinity Loop" Wired in a figure 8 pattern. It uses one wire to create a Primary and Secondary Field. Gold is a "heavenly metal" and thus 'of god' and Requires a number 8 or the infinity loop in its electrical activation. I have the Gold rods (they cost me 7k) and the 38VDC power supply. Gold is of 'heaven' and the number for heaven is 3 and to make more (infinity) requires an 8 so it needs 38VDC for the power source. All I needed was the Wiring Diagram which was so UNIQUE it took me 15 minutes to grasp the concept and I thought I was 'smart' hahahaha.

The Cone Cell (pictured below) has 9 milk separator cones also wired in a unique pattern and powered with just a Car Battery. I videoed the procedure when Kathy was Charged by placing the hands in the water, but Joe explicitly asked it not be put on the internet. (yet) We went there to learn how to do this to others that will die from the Vaxx Graphene if they have an open mind and seek gods help. Godly can be akin to Goodly or Grace. These Magnetic Fields that Heal are North Pole Negative Fields and Man only knows of South Pole Positive Fields that RUST or decay energy. North Pole Energy is affected by the MINDS of all those who are present in the Field of the experiment. So a Mind at Peace or Grace is a MUST to play with this 'energy'. South Pole Fields are mostly independent of the Operators present. A stick of dynamite or a South Pole energy release happens whether you like it or not. A North Pole energy Field involves the Aether and Neutral Centre Technology to create. Neutral Centre is the Heavenly Aether Field where all LIGHT comes from. Tesla said "Everything is the Light". To explain this requires much preliminary Magnetic Field dynamics understandings. I can do this, and am in the process of writing a tutorial with practical experiments, but to find out more about this subject there is very little on the Internet.

An example of North Pole Energy release is the IMPLOSION video here... There is no 'educated' person on the planet that can duplicate that Implosion force and the 'burning or Explosion force within Water as evidenced in that video. Even I had a hard time "gracing my mind" to achieve this.

Yes you can 'magnetize' water with magnets. But there is a proper procedure and I might have to take up MM's offer to start a new thread just on this Heavenly Tech (alien tech) of Magnetics. Presently I have farm work to catch up on for a few days.

A point that must be made is.... ALL that you have been taught or learned abut Matter, Chemistry and Energy is near totally wrong. So you must forget everything you have learned and if you dont, you will just not 'get it'. For example water is NOT Di-hydrogen Monoxide. Water is Liquid Light or Liquid Electricity or if you can imagine... Liquid Magnetism. AND until you actually understand this principle, can you make water Implode even if you use the same apparatus Joe uses to make it implode right after he demonstrates it to you and then you do it. ( I failed the first time too its like learning by one's mistakes) You MUST walk in Faith that you Believe you can do it. (Mind controlled) This is the Duality of the Universe. This is the Practical application of North and South Pole experiments.

Just sticking magnets on a water pipe involves much more than one can imagine. So if you truly want to understand Magnetics, you need to learn what GRACE is all about. Another way to say it... to follow the 10 commandments implicitly, one lives in Grace. You CANNOT live in Grace if you cover up your women and control peoples lives with mans Laws not Gods Laws. Its time to re-learn the Firmament and how to separate the Waters from the Waters.

Freedom Liberty And Grace is my FLAG and thats where the word came from.

Much more later.  (and thanks for banning shit posters, he got under my Grace too.)



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congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardMemory LossGoldleaf

@merlynn I think I understood about half your post 🙂 That said, this definitely deserves it's own thread so we can focus on it. I'm going to need training wheels lol I'm very interested.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardMemory LossBerkant
Quote from Goldleaf on September 17, 2021, 11:40 pm

@merlynn I think I understood about half your post 🙂 That said, this definitely deserves it's own thread so we can focus on it. I'm going to need training wheels lol I'm very interested.

I second this thought lol. @MerLynn you have in a few lines packed in so much that you need a whole thread or three just to educate us. So please humor us. 

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafBerkant
Ciao! Gip me your ideas
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