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The matrix going offline

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I have been having some vivid waking visions recently.

lying still in bed after discharging my nervous system, (a relaxation technique, a little like restless leg syndrome which happens as a jolt just once, particularly after having coffee that day) I entertain myself by watching the stars behind my eyelids.  for a couple of days now in this stage of quiet the scene changes to a different time and place (so far just my current island in Indonesia) or a vivid image flashes, and then I'm back, perfectly awake.

this happened to me a few times in 1994 leading to a condition where i was unable to ascertain whether i was alive or dead. I saw a world without form with millions of spheres who were clearly souls. most were in fear, there was an immeasurably large and "fearful" such entity not quite present among them, but it was somewhere, and i was shown an unbelievably large such entity, perhaps like comparing the earth to one of us, but it was elsewhere just outside of the millions.    I was under the impression i had been dosed with LSD but with what's being reported lately , I think what happened does truly resemble something quite a bit more sinister and one of the consequences of losing control was that my life in and around spooks in the beltway was absolutely ended abruptly.

back to 2021, 9/11 everywhere in all the timezones at the time of this mention, we're told the "light" mentioned by Airl the Alien Doll has been turned off, and that the remaining matrix from the parasites is still emanating from under our feet but is going to be phased out pretty soon, gradually at first.

I think the comemoration of 9/11 is enough without any other cosmic significance to put a wobble in this matrix, but this is something I really want to hold on to!

how do we work up our own little sphere or wobble without the portal numerology as a sign post? soas to break out a little more often?


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Just what isnt going off line...??

its all about Magnetohydrodynamics or as I would call it... The Physics of Magnetic Water and Earth Changes gives more on 911


congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafBeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead

The Physics of Magnetic Water gives rise to the role of Magnetism in all of Creation.

Magnetic Water is the Basis for ALL Elixirs of Olde.

You can drink it, bathe in it, water your plants or just treat your favorite fruits in it.

What I learned is... You can invent the Cure for Cancer, or for that matter for ALL diseases and no one cares. Somehow they prefer to be more Slice and Diced butchered, chemically poisoned and radiated and all for Free. Except they pay dearly with their future health. Forget going offline... sheeple never were on line.

Particle Science has no explanation for this... (and you could be the tomato)

then of course there's this

What is on show here is.... You never need to go to a Doctor again except for broken bones and pregnancies.  The ULTIMATE healing device for when everything "Goes Offline". Alien Healing Tech.

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congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardGoldleafBeleiveNothingFrom TheCaptiveHostWithAGunToHisHead

Just what isnt going off line...??

my bullshit filter.  This is not to say I have a closed mind, but I'm fond of trustless methods and ideology.

can you provide a summary to go with the receipt here? the book's not exactly straight and to the point.  I think the amazon reviews claimed pole-shift.  Let's just say I lump that in with the Central California Weather Service Barometer/Thermometer that was relocated from an empty field onto the top of the Aircon cooling stack on the building that was built on the location right around the time they started diverting water to Los Angeles and declaring a natural drought crisis while the topsoil dried up and blew into the ocean.  Meteorologists/Archaeologists/Geologists are compromised and we're in a losing war with the Vatican on the human observation of reality prior to 1850.

as long as the circumference of the Antarctic measures 60000 miles All bets are off till i see some odometer readings and fuel receipts for myself. that would rule out the iron core, the moon landings, and a whole lot of other inconvenient truths.


pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Quote from MerLynn on September 13, 2021, 6:46 am

The Physics of Magnetic Water gives rise to the role of Magnetism in all of Creation.

Magnetic Water is the Basis for ALL Elixirs of Olde.

You can drink it, bathe in it, water your plants or just treat your favorite fruits in it.

What I learned is... You can invent the Cure for Cancer, or for that matter for ALL diseases and no one cares. Somehow they prefer to be more Slice and Diced butchered, chemically poisoned and radiated and all for Free. Except they pay dearly with their future health. Forget going offline... sheeple never were on line.

Particle Science has no explanation for this... (and you could be the tomato)

then of course there's this

What is on show here is.... You never need to go to a Doctor again except for broken bones and pregnancies.  The ULTIMATE healing device for when everything "Goes Offline". Alien Healing Tech.

it might've been Kerry Mullis himself who won a Nobel prize and then wrote a paper on water reproducing audio piped in over the internet through a speaker to produce I believe something to do with HIV proteins.  And got excommunicated from the pope's science. comes to mind as a pragmatic filter to get holy water without all the praying and chi and suchlike.


pissedlizard has reacted to this post.
Quote from MerLynn on September 12, 2021, 12:44 pm gives more on 911


and in it.... 'You must learn how to fine-tune your recommended videos as you would a radio station. The result is that Google recommendtions become something akin to asking a librarian who is a personal friend for a book recommendation. Watch these educational YouTube videos instead of regular television.'

Merrlynch you should quit while you are ahead.  just thank the nice CCP telegram channel you belong to and wish them luck slaughtering the uyghers and NO MATTER WHAT, keep cashing those CCP checks as long as they keep sending them!


... just thank the nice CCP telegram channel you belong to and wish them luck slaughtering the uyghers and NO MATTER WHAT, keep cashing those CCP checks as long as they keep sending them!


The best thing you can do, is to apply your advice about Youtube recommendations to  yourself. Maybe then you would have a more nuanced view about the uyghurs.


I've been to XinJiang. I personally know Uighur's.  I conduct a substantial amount of business in the region, and I tell you what is going on straight and direct. In fact, I was featured on television talking about this. You can watch the video HERE.

Quote from keff on September 14, 2021, 2:48 pm

... just thank the nice CCP telegram channel you belong to and wish them luck slaughtering the uyghers and NO MATTER WHAT, keep cashing those CCP checks as long as they keep sending them!


The best thing you can do, is to apply your advice about Youtube recommendations to  yourself. Maybe then you would have a more nuanced view about the uyghurs.


@keff I posted Merlyn's link, and what it says.

so what nuances should I look for?

Quote from congjing yu on September 14, 2021, 6:22 pm

You can watch the video HERE.

appears to have some technical diff there @laoban4site

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