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Quote from Goldleaf on August 10, 2021, 4:13 am

We might need some dedicated food and drink threads 😀

@mmfanman Is it possible to successfully grow heirlooms indoors in pots?


A - First define "indoors".

A1 - A house/apartment. This is a bad idea unless you cannot avoid it. If you choose to do this, you will need a huge pot (since the best Heirlooms are indeterminate varieties versus determinate). In plain English this means they want to become long vines, and therefore need a huge amount of support and become massive. A determinate bushing variety would be better here. Another issue is airflow. Plants want air to pass by them constantly. They love it. Most people cannot create good airflow in their house/apartment. Also, because you have a food crop in your house you may see some pests you don't want indoors.

A1.1 - A deck garden is an indoor/outdoor compromise. Highly recommend deck gardening, just make sure any auto-watering or timer actually works so that when you go on a 2 week vacation you haven't ushered in a 14 day waterfall cascading from your apartment deck onto your neighbours below. Not that I would know what thats like......

A2 - A greenhouse or high tunnel. This is a wonderful choice. Same rules apply, make sure airflow is maintained and that you maintain the correct temperatures, humidity etc. Still air equals the dreaded Powdery Mildew and other issues (fungi). Dealing with Powdery Mildew is a complete study, of which I do have professional experience. Co-Plant your Heirlooms with minty/spicy stuff like Basil. There are so many co-plants its huge. Google will show you which are good.

NOTE - Co-Planting different plants changes their flavour! This is so underrated and unknown by the general public but the differences are really dramatic. The reason is because of Allelopaths (and other factors). These are secreted substances by plant root structures that interact to create chemical reactions which help or hinder each other. Plants "gang up" together by secreting things in the soil that benefit each other, while other plants "go to war" with each other ever so slowly by the same process. This is part of what "co-planting" actually is from a scientific perspective. Example - If you plant Tomatoes and Potatoes in the same place, they effect each others flavour enormously, and for me, not in a good way. The tomato will actually taste starchy and the potato will taste a bit fruity.

OUTSIDE NOTE - If you have the climate, growing outside is also lovely. Highly recommended. Lots of sun exposure, and pray for not TOO much rain, but a fair dumping.



congjing yu and anglvsoma have reacted to this post.
congjing yuanglvsoma

I would like to dust off an oldie, but goodie here and see what you all think about it. It's what American families eat. I wonder if others share my sentiments, or if you are completely different, and if so, how?

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

Great - get me all tangled up in a freaking food article! Thanks!!!

I do want to say though - I watched your video a few times on going to the light. I really have to say, MM, where I really, TRULY feel you is where you say “yeah... I’m done... I don’t WANT to do this again” THAT. That is where that chord is stuck.

This rant is going to sort of jump all over - but it does have a point. And that point is getting to there -at the moment of death - what do we do when we get there and what do we believe - really separates Eastern thought versus Western thought.

I feel, as a human being, as honest as I can be - just like Morgan Freeman in the “Shawshank Redemption”. At the end. After his buddy escaped and he was like “just sign your little papers and send me back to my fucking cell”. Like that. Like since as long as I can remember. Even as a kid - I just never fit. I just knew I had to do x y and z and that was that. Let me go back to my cell. Write whatever the hell you want.

I find MM and I read what to you all have to post. Intently. And I listen to advice.  But this tree has many branches. And being stuck neither climbing or falling is... just that. So I will start here.

In Tampa - there are a few bridges to get to the outer bay Clearwater area. Only one is tall enough for jumpers (and the REAL jumpers know the maze you have to get through to actually do it) BUT one thing that ALL the jumpers that like - let go and lived - and there have been quite a few - they all say then same thing... all of them across the board say at the very moment they feel themselves fall - they want to live.

I always wondered if only humans felt that. That choice to leave and go do your shit all over again. But there is this strange overcoming of depression enough to want to live after that brush they had.

I don’t know why I am jumping in at that point - as gruesome as it may seem. But jump I did.

I think right now - at this time on planet earth there is a HUGE great awakening coming for the entire planet - and a great HUMBLING for America.

I think a lot of us are tuning in. And a lot of people are having honest to God religious experiences. Many are turning to this religion to figure out what’s happening - And that’s fine.

But some of us are seeing that maybe that the whole thing we have been sold as the bearer of “freedom” (the whole monotheistic go to the light religion thing) is all bullshit. And not just bullshit but some fucking serious bug zappper.

Maybe the Templars found THIS out. And that’s why they were so anti-church when they came back from wherever they went.

And here people like me are - eating this shit up like  “Yup I’ll do whatever I gotta do to be a good follower of whatever religion” —- just to be told to go to the light. No matter what. Over and over.

I know instinctively - it’s a trap. That it IS another “life” sentence. Like I look at relationships THIS way - and always have and thought I was NUTS until the Alien Interview and what you said - MM.

If I am at that point - and may wife is there - we both go together in other words - and she is scared to go in the light alone? Yeah. I’ll do another life for her not to be scared going over - why not - it doesn’t seem like much. Another few years on a life sentence. Whatever.

My cat - I’d do it a billion times for her! Seriously.

But that’s how I have always seen relationships. Would I live another life  - a random life  - for that person. Because that is what going in the light is, right? A crap shoot.

You can be Hunter Biden’s stripper crack baby - who will never know suffering a day in its life, or some fucking Bangladeshi kid begging for scraps.

Just go to the light either way - God will decide who you will be -

No fucking thank you. The Hunter Biden crack baby who is already worth millions - betcha he has some debilitating disease that prevents him from enjoying that wealth. And you don’t have to be a genius to do the math on the poor Bangladeshi kid.

I thank you, MM for parsing that Alien Interview the way you did.  It’s funny how different you see people when you know they are willingly going into it. I write this thinking of close friends who are really coming to their religion. And I asked them - if you are given a choice you don’t think that the light - could actually be a radioactive fire that zaps the shit out of you OR maybe God - who answer “nope...God is the light, therefore I must go”.

Like for me - there is a LONG instinctive - “light - could - mean - bad - fire” pause for me to even make a CONSCIOUS  decision. Sitting here. Now.

But there are many  - no - the light is God. And that’s that. It’s sad. Crazy and sad.

I feel like an old one who just wants his parole. As horrible as that sounds because right now I am free to go outside and piss in the wind. But this life. It’s like going thru the freaking motions.

That light is a trap. I am so glad I am not the only one who feels that. It’s just instinctive. And it’s not “Satanic”. I only want good for everyone. I just think that it is - a freaking trap.

I come back to my analogy of the people who try to commit suicide off the Skyway. When they know they don’t want to make that decision.

And they have that long plunge to wonder.



congjing yu, Dani and mmfanman have reacted to this post.
congjing yuDanimmfanman

Thanks for that Yeah. I am done. For certain.  On a side note this came in my email...

I had a 2 hour conversation with my neighbor, good friend, die hard (he probably will) Republican Larry. He raises cattle. I raise mushrooms. We help each other, share views, usually when the weather is bad, inside my pole barn. We talked about chemicals-- roundup(glyphosate), dicamba, paraquat, aerial sprayed fungicides, their impact on my mushrooms. We talked about bees. His son's 20 hives are at risk. We went back and forth on chemicals (i'm against, he's mostly in favor) and their connection to cancer in our neighborhood (we both agree the chemicals cause a lot of our cancer.) He hates Custer, admires Geronimo, Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull. Me too. He no longer talks about Biden, Hillary, Obama because he knows that I will get out my cell phone and show him pictures of Hillary and Bill at Trump and Melania's wedding, Biden giving W. Bush a medal, etc. Then I start talking about how Trump was the number 1 guest on Howard Stern's liberal porn show a couple of decades ago... Oh. His chimney leaks bad and he needs for my cousin-- a bricklayer-- to come by and help him decide how to fix it. My cousin happens to be a skin head. His 80 year old mom loves him dearly but she will slap him hard if he criticizes her pastor who is black Nigerian and a good man.

bottom line, we talk, visit, share some ideas, usually confess we don't have some stuff figured out, and we help each other out. We both know our nation is screwed but we are committed to our friendship and will continue to pick up the phone when the other needs help.

pissedlizard has reacted to this post.

@mmfanman Looks like I'll be sticking to the farmer's market for my heirloom tomato needs for a while then. Thanks for the information.

Also loved the blog post by MM yesterday.

congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard

Same here and I don’t like tomatoes!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

MM, friend - Pls allow me to comment on this:


The internet is a strange place. One day the website is there, and then it is not. And the number of articles or size of the site makes no difference. You all are encouraged to start collecting all PDF files of this site, or even the entire vacuuming up of the site.

I think that it would be a good idea to keep it alive in the event that MM disappears and the site suddenly goes cold.

I totally agree.

Are you aware of the poor "cancel culture" track record of your blogging software provider, WordPress? If one of their left-leaning, politically correct staff should decide that your blog does not meet their (constantly changing) "community standards" then WordPress, without warning and without appeal, will remove your entire blog.

It happened to me. One day my 10 years of posts were just gone. It has also happened to a number of other bloggers, some with hundreds of thousands of readers. In my case I repeatedly emailed WordPress trying to appeal their decision and never got a reply from a person. I went to their annual live conference and tried to get any WordPress manager to discuss why my blog was summarily shut down and/or how to get it re-instated. No one would help, no one would even talk to me.

WordPress can and will do this to your blog as well.

MM, what you are doing is too important to be left to the personal whims of WordPress' immature, purple haired, 20 year old, enforcers of community standards (i.e., political correctness).

You know your blog has many posts that could be construed as politically incorrect and, hence, out-of-step with their constantly changing community standards.

Yes, when your blog is shut down (and eventually it will be), you can move to another blogging support platform, but in the transition there may be problems such as: (1) Some posts will be lost, (2) Formatting of most posts will be screwed up, (3) Some features (such as user registrations, comments on posts, discussion forums, video support capabilities, etc) will be screwed up, and (4) If your blog address has to be changed you'll lose 3/4 of your readers because they can't find your new web address.

Please discuss all this with your IT support team and verify that what I'm saying is true. Then start moving your blog.

BTW, I see your web hosting service also hosts a huge website, which often posts controversial material:  I'd suggest talking to their IT folks about how they've survived cancel culture attacks over the last 20 years.

I welcome and invite other's input on this advice.

Cheers - prof77

PS. BTW, in addition to avoiding use of WordPress, you'll also want to look into how to avoid use of Cloudflare. They've become quite active in manipulating their DNS "service" to effectively cancel access to blogs they "feel" don't meet their community standards.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

Thank you for that. I will take backup preparations.

BTW. I had posted around 20,000 articles that I wrote on the website from 1998 to around 2019. Then when I posted one of my Hong Kong articles (after all, I live next to HK) they banned me and erased all of my contributions. Fuck them. You cannot rely on the whims of another when you contribute to the internet.

What I wish I had known when I first visited blog

At first I was disappointed. Why? I mistakenly expected a well-defined, systematically organized, body of well-established, well-documented writing. I’ve since learned this blog is a non-mainstream, non-comprehensive, work in process.

It hosts posts by the blog’s author, MM, a now retired 40+ year participant in MAJestic, a special access “black projects” program of the US Navy. He reports and annotates his rather unusual experiences. Topics include: interactions with alien species, technology transfer, the “many worlds interpretation” of reality, geo-politics/exo-politics, navigating timelines, expanding consciousness, and “things that you’ll not find anywhere else.” Equally important are comments posted by the blog’s readers, an evolving community who appears to be crowdsourcing an understanding of the reported experiences of the blog’s author.

It’s a wild ride. First-time visitors to the blog may find themselves in a sort of non-sequential, random walk through thousands of links and posts. Visiting this blog feels like visiting a huge world's fair, set in a large park, complete with art museums, a large zoo, and many, many wondrous exhibits.

It's too much to take in all at once.

Just wander around and maybe pause to ponder whatever posts catch your attention.


congjing yu and pissedlizard have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizard
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