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@daegonmagus I am opening this up as a general music area because I am VERY seriously interested in all of your music - I have had some people share some seriously moving music.

There is a band called Tool that nobody can really categorize - for those of you who aren’t aware. It’s fans are RABID for some reason and we can pick each other out in crowds - at least here in the states.

I got into a little trouble in my psychiatry years and stumbled upon an old, cranky, narcissistic to the bone neurologist that sort of saw the way things were going and for some reason-intervened. He has passed away since but I mention him because he truly changed my life and our friendship became more meaningful than I ever could imagine. Everyone saw him as a total asshole. GREAT doc - brilliant - just a dick. He was from Ukraine and made sure they got a few CT scanners and MRI’s. He paid for them out of his own pocket. And passed away alone. Lots of family - so close - but alone.

He is connected to my Tool story because one day, out of the clear blue - I was blasting Tool in my car and he needed a ride - but he said he wanted to get me in a functional MRI and see if my brain lit up differently than his when we both listened to the same tool songs. We selected 7 at random and one each for a total of 9 (my Holy number - arbitrary, but - we were messing around.

Sure as shit certain areas of my brain - and take a wild freaking guess which area (pineal gland) lit up like a neon bulb.

He ended up taking that little “hey, let’s mess around with a hospitals toy because America” and turned it into a straight up research project regarding how different visual art lights up different areas in different peoples brains.

I’ll keep his name to myself, because he is a one of many passes souls I love, that, like me, like a bit of privacy. Or as much as we can control. But as much as he was hated - and I hated him as a resident - he became a great, loyal friend to the end.

RIP, brother! I hope you are where you need to be. Frigging hand delivered MRI machines to Ukraine - a legend.

The song he saw me reacting to is called “Vicarious”. What’s funny in the machine - I was lighting up like a Christmas tree - and THAT mother f—er - HE fell asleep!

But Tool has that effect on my brain, I am CERTAIN some of us are wired the same way.

How? And where the hell am I going with this - on THIS forum?

As you all know I am WAY late to the party, so if I am repeating stuff that is old news to you - awesome. PLEASE correct me where I am misunderstanding things because it is the hardest topic I have studied - EVER. But anyway I am studying “vertical” time (per my Mantid buddies and yes I can say this part) so I am studying vertical time and I go down the whole “memory implant” rabbit hole and hit the whole Central Race DNA (HUMAN) template of creation.

So I am there - I take a freaking left turn into holy shit town - to THIS - the hard one - and the topic is pretty much how our DNA responds to vibrations - that quantum physicists are bringing all the way down as far as CERN will let them!

I am telling you - I have a witness - I think he filmed it at the time - suffice to say I was at a concert - SUBSTANCE FREE - people were smoking - it was in Colorado - but I am telling you I felt my DNA changing - and I told my buddy OVER AND OVER it was happening - yet I have no recollection of it. It REALLY freaked the dude out - like bad! But something must have happened.

And this was a couple of years ago before I ever even found MM or quantum physics.

My gut is that Tool also messes with my DNA some how - but in a positive way - only a Tool fan will understand.

But has this happened to any of you and what music btw?

The concert was a Wardruna show BTW. It was  the only one in the states that year. And again - I know for a fact I was 100% sober and substance free.

I am very interested to hear if anyone else feels that strongly about their music and if you could, please share a link. I am genuinely interested - even to you lurkers out there (we see you) - please - come contribute!

congjing yu, perolator and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorAliceOrionseth

@ PL yeah man i feel exactly the same way about Tool with their music. I saw them live back in 2009 (i think) at a big day out festival over here. I was so pumped after the show, that I ended up going into lucidity and recreating my own private Tool concert on top of a random skyscraper, and just sat there floating above the whole crowd watching them. It was fucking epic man. The funny thing is, you can say this sort of shit to a Tool fan and they won't look at you like you are a complete weirdo; even if they don't realise Maynard is a lucid dreamer, somewhere in the back of their minds they'll "get it".

I am stoked you like our music mate. It is definitely inspired by them and other mammoths of the industry such as Metallica, RATM, Primus etc. It is good to know that even though it is incomplete {due to the universe throwing curve ball after curve ball}, someone is still getting something out of it, and that is the entire reason we write it.

You know its funny; I had a similar thought with Jimi Hendrix and his brain wave patterns. I was listening to Voodoo Child (i think) and thought "man, you can actually hear the acid this guy was taking". I remember having this flash in my mind's eye; I could almost see the the MRI output of his brainwaves as I listened to his solo.

I have heard some incredible pieces of music whilst lucid, alas I was never good with being able to listen to something and recreate it. I don't doubt this is how many others have come up with exceptional pieces. I think Tool even mrentioned this at one point as being how they came up with some of their songs.

As for Vicarious, this is my 6 year old boy's favourite song. He get's us to crank it on everytime we go in the car lol.

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolatorAlice
Daegon Magus

Seems it's time to get out of my shell (->lurker) xD

The music touching me most at the moment is the piece "Romeo and Juliet" by Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris. I don't know why, but I always burst out in tears (the emotional ones). Well it's to my husbands amusement and our childrens confusion.

Then there is Norah Jones' "Sunrise", that's been my company for about 15 years now. I had it when I was on school exchange and I would hear it putting our son to sleep. And now I use it against homesickness.

And "Journey on" by Elms District because it helps me to take one step after the other and do what is necessary.

I gave your pieces a try and oh boy it's different!

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolatorAliceTas

Well, since this is a general music topic, I thought I would share 2 of my favourite "death metal" songs, which actually sound VERY happy to me (I can't say for anyone else, of course). I would put the YouTube links here, but for some reason it won't copy and paste. I guess it's because this forum is hosted on a Chinese server.

One of them is "The East is Red" by Soviet Death Metal. The other is "Lenin is Young Again", also by Soviet Death Metal. The YouTube channel is described as "authentic Soviet Death Metal from Scotland", so my take is that he's a British/Scottish chap (they still use the word "chap", right?) who is probably a professional session musician. I highly recommend looking up his YouTube channel just to watch/listen to the songs yourself, but of course I can't guarantee you'll like his music. I can only speak for myself. He's not shy about his political leanings (it's the same as mine), but at least take the time to consider his skill if you like heavy metal.

You only see him on his videos, but the music I hear has a complete rhythm and drum section. My guess is he's the lead guitar guy. He also has a great Xmas heavy metal song "Soviet Christmas Metal: Carol of the Bells".

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolatorOrionseth

@mirri - I listened to all 3 and you actually sold me on that style of soft music. Especially the Nora Jones one. It’s raining here in my part of Florida - and for some reason, it fit. My pups really reacted to it to! Thanks for bringing my mind to it!

@daegonmagus Your son has great taste!

I was really into the NYHC thing back in the metal days. I don’t know if you are familiar with that sub-culture of metal - but - yeah, I can still find pictures of me in mosh pits on old LPs. White Zombie actually sprung from that scene and is the closest mainstream NYHC band. NYHC stands for New York Hard Core. I got the tattoos- the whole nine. My whole US Coast Guard life I had an alter ego - Coast Guardsman during the day - NY punk rocker at night. Back in the days where you could get away with it.

Metallica, Rage against - all those - damn does it bring back memories.

Have you ever heard of Type O Negative? I ask because they just popped on a playlist of mine. They do a version of Neil Young’s “Cinnamon girl” that is pretty sick. That’s what popped up. It was cool because I wasn’t expecting it - and for some reason it just brought back the days of literally breaking bones at concerts!

congjing yu and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolator

Don’t get me started on music! I’ll chime in on this one. I love music for what it does to a person. Like to ‘the meat in your bones’ kind of stirring. 30 years can go by and a few musical notes will have the long forgotten lyrics to the song come flooding back. (How can we remember all the words to Smash Mouths ‘Chumbawamba’ but can’t remember to take the trash out?

Music is foundation of my universe. Music brings Alzheimer’s suffers back to reality. It connect humanity in such a way that it’s impossible to deny it’s force in our universe.

I have my music categorized. Soul music (the songs that move you and speak to your soul) heart music (that plays the ballads of your heart) theme music (the songs that can sum up how your day is going) trap music (the days you feel like misbehaving and have no couth left to muster….. Those can be the best days).

A few of my favorites: #1 for always and forever is Dave Mathews. He’s incredible, and a guitarist envy on the electric. He had me at hello, so to say. Mumford and Sons has had its long stretch in my life. I feel like Marcus knows something I don’t know…. And I need to know it. Ben Howard, Sleeping at Last, andCivil Wars.

i went to a few Tool concerts in my day. Some of the best concerts I’ve been to. I love Maynard, but I love him in Perfect Circle better. 😂 I can understand the lyrics in PC, any how. I loved Deftones in high school and was the band of choice when I occasionally partook in Ecstasy. Incubus and Norah Jones was one that was always on my 6 CD radio system from Walmart. Never is a Promise by Fiona Apple. She is one of the best lyricist of her time, with the most poetic ballads.

Anyhoo, thank you for this one.


Oh yeah @pissedlizard we are going to Wardruna in Atlanta next year. Funny story, my better half bought tickets for October 11th, I think. He texted me the date with Tuesday attached…. Umm It’s Monday 👀 Oh shits it’s for 2022…. Well we have a year to prepare. Ha! My 8 year old daughter loves Wardruna, so it’s played often in our song rotation.


congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolatorparaic
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@alice - Maynard better in a Perfect Circle? This is really like the whole “Ford/Chevy” debate. I think Tool is the Nine, you know? The number - so to speak, but I like PC as well! But Parabol/Parabola is Nirvana to me.

I did the same for the Wardruna show next year (if we make it) - I was going to go to one of the shows this fall that cancelled. Did you get to Red Rocks though? It was fucking INSANE! Tool one day in downtown Denver and Wardruna the next at Red Rocks! That show - at Red Rocks - if you were there - tell me it wasn’t the most spiritual show. Even the band wrote about the vibe that night. It was magic. It is SO heartwarming to hear you are introducing such important music to a new generation! I give you all the blessings I can for that. Passing Runlore along in any form is special!

congjing yu and perolator have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolator


No no no, it’s more of a ‘Chevy auto /Chevy 5 speed’ argument. Arn’t we just loving different aspects of the same musician/song writer? I am a low key, melodic rocker. String instruments, soul piercing words, and the intense vibrato variations is what enraptures me. The point of the Chevy/Ford argument, only reveals  a persons bull headedness and intellect. So that useless debate can have its  benefits.

I really, really, really wish I could tell you I was in RR for that exact show. I felt your intense energy just reading your inquiry. Unfortunately, I’ve only been to concerts in the SE. My first Red Rocks concert has to be…. DMB (if catastrophe permits, of course). It’s been a teenage dream of mine and I pinky promised my nephew his first ever concert to see DMB there. If you’ve never been, even if you don’t care for them, it’s an incredibly intense and life changing show. I’ve converted many a DMB scoffers through my deeply expressed vehemence, and a discounted ticket.

As for my offspring, they only know good music. I get the occasional ‘High school musical’ requests, and it’s met with my Disney playlist ie;‘Friend like Me’ ,‘Mother knows best’ or ‘Chim-chim cher-ee’ 😉 Disney knows “stuff”, too. Music today is a reflection of decades of mind numbing distractions and a musician thinking they can make music with a pretty face and a mediocre voice. Good music is birthed from a persons willingness to go a little crazy for the sake of inspiration…  Anyhoo, I do my best to detour their inevitable prepubescent requests. (As I shake my head at memories of belting boy band songs and thinking I was cooler than Sandy in her black leather at the school carnival…)

*** I’ll get off my soap box now. Thank you for the topic. It’s frustrating to feel like no understands that music is imperative to surviving this human reality. I would say music more ‘mends DNA’ instead of alters…  I think the music, the deep connections to a specific band, was always apart of “who we are”. It’s when we finally hear it again, we aren’t alone and broken, rather we feel complete and connected to the music, and to all the souls it resonates in. Just a thought, with no proof for validity.****

Song Time: Discovered these sisters a few months ago, and was blown away. You can tell they have fun making music and not in it for fame. This song is ‘Mad as a Hatter’ by Larkin Poe. Enjoy.~~ Music starts at 1:07~~

congjing yu, pissedlizard and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardperolatorOrionseth
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.

@Alice - Thank you SO much for the link to the song. How beautiful! And very, very fitting for this crowd - if you have been lurking! Thank you again for turning me and everyone else here to this great band - that I never heard of until now.

I am going to post about this more when I can get it all together - but I have some more - even crazier theories about mental health and quantum physics than I had just a few months ago, but trying to get it out is impossible for some reason.

I can explain it in my brain, I just can’t put it into words - if that makes sense. Slowly, slowly - I am learning - but I don’t think it will really surprise anyone here!


congjing yu, perolator and Alice have reacted to this post.
congjing yuperolatorAlice

@pissedlizard You are very welcome. I’ve got more. HA! YouTube does really good at leaving a trail of undiscovered amazing music.

I completely understand what you are trying to say. I ordered a shirt a few months ago. Its Cheshire Cat’s “I’m not crazy, my reality is just different than yours” He gets it.

perolator has reacted to this post.
The Axe forgets but the Tree remembers.
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