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Majestic Messages Of Disclosure

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I wonder if any others have come across the Twitter account: @TS_SCI_MAJIC12 (long gone in the purge prior to the election)

Here is an archive link to a PDF - the author of this account told his followers to archive because he suspected deletion:

I don't expect anyone to actually read through the hundreds of pages, which often repeat tweets... But I followed the account for some time and was interested in the huge following. The author(s) claimed to channel information from MAJ extraterrestrials in a similar fashion to MM. They called themselves "Typists."

Things that line up with MM:

  • They claim that Stargate SG1 was soft disclosure
  • We are IS-BEs. Quantum MWI applies.

Apologies if I'm just linking Q-related garbage, but I think it is interesting to follow possible disinfo campaigns.

Some fun stuff within:

Dreams teach.
What is lucid dreaming?
What is your soul?
You are an Immortal Spiritual Biological Entity (IS-BE).
Sleeping 3hrs shifts between 6hrs of productivity repeated gives
you an advantage to using lucid dreaming for accessing your ISBE.

pissedlizard, lindseigh and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

Interesting stuff. I will check it out.

Speaking of disclosure and what's really happening, I wonder if Duff has been reading Metallicman?

Check out the last few paragraphs especially; but only after youve read the first ones!

Intel Drop: COVID, a Bio-Warfare Weapon against the Elderly…Of course it is!

Many, MANY thanks for this! Did you get through the whole thing? Those small tidbits of info is fascinating to say the least!


I like Duff, and he has visited the MM site. He came here to flush out his COVID stories. He's not very big on aliens and the rest of that nest, but he's big on Geo-Politics, and understands about American SAP's. I know he visits from time to time.

Seriously MANY MANY THANKS for this!

I don’t know why, but seriously - I don’t think you know my gratitude! Fascinating!

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu


Thank you fifth_eschaton!

30 years-my white whale. The question that started my seriously crazy trip through “the sciences”. I’m NOT crazy. Fuck them!

Thanks again. I owe you a beer or several.


So I know I’m hogging this board and am really trying not to, but - I am only on page 44 of this report. I am not going to comment on it, and I HATE making shit about me, but I think this is the place to tell you something you - on this board - may understand.

My first residency was in obstetrics/gynecology. It’s a surgical residency without going through a 5 year general surgery residency. Plus the money after residency is great. All residencies in the USA begin on July 1 for reference.
Part of OB/gyn residency is “termination of pregnancy clinic” or “TOP”, which is abortion. Now, I knew this going in but in my OB/gyn rotation in med school, we had to shadow a doc who did them, but I was too preoccupied with studying for the boards that I never went.
So my first day at TOP clinic they show you one time and that’s it - you do the rest.
I cannot, and would not describe the horror - not that I saw, but felt. This was like the first week in July - and I literally gave up.
Anyone reading this - I know understands when you work THAT hard to get a coveted position - all to have that image of a good life turned upside down. It sucked!  Like my program ended up letting me finish in another department, but they stuck me in that clinic 2 days a week for 2 months (or 6 weeks) out of spite. No matter how they come across OB/gyn’s are the most evil human beings you can meet. They celebrate doing terminations. It is simply a perversion of humanity no less medical science. I am proud to look at myself in the mirror and say I never participated in one termination. Oh, I was forced to be in a room for way too many, but never participated.

Honestly, this is the first time I really got that out there. Some shit is just not dinner conversation, you know? I never thought there would be an appropriate place to say (write) that but anyone who has an open mind to that report, I’m sure gets it. My peers thought I was nuts for quitting that residency. I never did. I always thought I was crazy for seeing these unborn children as patients. I was TOLD I was crazy for believing that by other ob/gyn’s.

Thanks for letting me have a platform to get that off my chest.

congjing yu, fifth.eschaton and Ultan McG have reacted to this post.
congjing yufifth.eschatonUltan McG

It's fine. You can vent. Just keep your composure. Tell your story. Be a Rufus so that others may learn.

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