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Daegon Magus's Autobiography

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Money is easy to get. It's what you do with it that is difficult. Read my Intention Campaign article about the three billion dollars in hard cash that I manifested. Pallets and pallets of it in a Chinese warehouse. So much money. Can't spend any of it.

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@congjing yu erghh i'd prefer to just go for the physical things I need. Not a fan of a drug there is no rehab for and no one to tell you when your addiction has gone out of control


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congjing yupissedlizard
Daegon Magus
Quote from congjing yu on September 19, 2021, 9:17 pm

Money is easy to get. It's what you do with it that is difficult. Read my Intention Campaign article about the three billion dollars in hard cash that I manifested. Pallets and pallets of it in a Chinese warehouse. So much money. Can't spend any of it.

I remember this one. Very interesting read. Learned a lot from the article.

I have all this in my prayer campaign. My assumption is that I learned from your article and when it happens, its going to be good for me and my family. But lets see  🙂
will report back in a few month. This round I am doing this religiously including 30-60 min meditation sessions.
My life is amazing already, just need to freedom of time now. Still in a corporate job (aka golden cage). So need to replace that with another type of income.

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congjing yupissedlizardGoldleaf
Quote from xzianchow on September 19, 2021, 9:14 pm

With the information provided at this site, a man should be able to "intend" any sum of money he wishes.

Money is the smallest power we've been given.  DM's abilities are greater than those of any billionaire on the planet.

In his book, he mentions gestalt, and some guy who used it to win the lottery 3 times.  That man gave the money away, because he said he didn't need it.

There is a woman in the USA, Texas, I believe, who won a major lottery a few times.  So I suspect that this information is being used for these purposes by a some people.

Maybe I am totally wrong. and I am very open minded here. I have a very similar discussion going on with my wife, who is more of the camp, we only need enough money to live. Rest is not important.

While my view is: You need money in this world to be secure and (truly) free. At least 5-10m$. I don't know about you guys but our destiny is determined by govts and corporations. Clear as day currently I guess 🙂

Foe example: When some health issue comes up, you might need hundreds of thousands of $ . Or maybe you need to fly somewhere fast but the airline doesnt let you, or there is no flight etc.

Or you have an amazing skill or idea (free energy anyone?) which would help humanity but you need kiss rich people's ass or worse, sell your soul to make it.

etc etc. Without the right amount its a very steep hill.

I am more in the camp of the "Iron Man" character. He is super smart AND has the money AND has the connections. Imagine having that and being a rufus 🙂

If spirituality (aka spiritual leaders) would have made a better world, it would have happened. The numbers are rel. small. But they are growing. I think this Covid disaster was the best thing that happened to this planet. I have never seen so many people wake up.

Had to get out of me I guess. There are way more important topics to discuss so feel free to ignore 🙂
Can't wait for MMs article with responses from the dominion.

All the best, Mr B

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congjing yu

Not a donation! I'm willing to pay for books that are valuable to me. If I can buy Tom's books, I can certainly support better authors 😀  Like @laoban4site says, the hard part of money is knowing what to do with it.

The obvious answer is to do good, but "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@ fifth escalon. Thanks mate I appreciate it.

@ xzianchow i am planning on going in depth to this. keep your eyes peeled. got some other stuff to go through first. like MM things are pushing me in certain directions

@Berkant lol....and then i'll write in small letter at the bottom "it worked for me" hahahahahaha

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congjing yupissedlizardBerkant
Daegon Magus

@ Berkant just joking. My knowledge is available for free to anyone who legitimately promises to use it for Rufism

congjing yu, pissedlizard and Berkant have reacted to this post.
congjing yupissedlizardBerkant
Daegon Magus

i noticed a couple of people ordered a physical copy through amazon. My author copies came today and I realised amazon stuffed up and used an old manuscript and book cover that were full of editing errors. if you get a copy with these errors in it let me know and i'll sort you out. Amazon doesn;t give me any way to let buyers know

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu
Daegon Magus

Book seemed fine to me at a glance but he typeface was tiny and the margins huge. In the end I gave it to my brother and instead read it on a tablet. My eyesight is too bad for many physical books these days.

congjing yu has reacted to this post.
congjing yu

@Feal thanks for the feeback. I apologise as I originally wanted to use a larger font, but coming in at 180k words that would have made it have way too many pages which would have equated in a higher printing cost - even as it is I think the price is too high, most of which goes to amazon. I decided to use a smaller font to cut back on the costs without removing too much of the content. Also KDP have strict margin boundaries you have to stay within or it won't publish. I can make a special version for you with larger letters if you want.

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congjing yu
Daegon Magus
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